Checkbook 6 Product Brochure

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checkbook#6 product guide

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checkbook#6 product guide

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INTRODUCING the supine harness


safety by design

Checkmate’s latest innovation is the world’s first multi-purpose fall arrest harness that automatically eliminates suspension trauma by keeping the wearer in a supine position after falling from height.

Eliminating the Risk of Suspension Trauma

Sculpted thermoformed shoulder pack

 The unique action of the Supine Safety Harness puts the wearer into the ‘supine’ position with the upper legs parallel to the ground and the upper body reclined.

Deployable shoulder strap

 The leg straps automatically become slack, thus eliminating pressure on vital arteries.

Lightweight forged alloy pivot ring


 The Supine Safety Harness will deploy automatically during the fall into the ‘supine’ position whether the wearer is conscious or unconscious, ensuring the best possible situation for preventing further injury.  A fall arrest harness in its normal state but with shoulder straps manually deployed, the Supine Safety Harness can be used as a:  Work Positioning Harness  Rescue Harness  Confined Space Harness  Bosun’s Chair

Ergonomic contoured independent swivelling leg seat pads

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Peace of Mind  W ith the Supine Safety Harness, you can be sure that the wearer will be safer at work.

INE  S hould a fall occur, the wearer will be put in the best possible recovery position.

Easy to Don

 The Supine Safety Harness has a unique design, which makes it easier and faster to put on and requires less training than separate harnesses for different purposes.







checkbook#6 product guide

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chapter one

Vantage is the latest evolution of Checkmate’s fall arrest harness. Packed full of new and innovative features such as an advanced webbing design that follows the natural contours of the user’s body giving a much more comfortable fit with minimal adjustment. The Vantage also boasts a revolutionary Trapezoidal buckle that allows the front body webbing to alter its orientation ensuring a safe and snug fit at all times. Label pouch protects label from wear and weather

Thermo formed body pad covered with a breathable Airtex inner layer and Cordura outer cover

Water repellent and UV resistent Polyester Webbing



Drop forged alloy cranked ‘D’s with black satin powder coated hardware

Trapezoidal buckles on standard harnesses

Contrast stitching  Lowers the compression forces around the users back, hips and legs.

Rubber TP End Stops

 Uses built up layers of thermo formed breathable foams and a clever combination of fabrics. The pinching of webbing against the skin is reduced. Rapid Buckle options









 Our unique Trapezoidal buckles allow the front webbing straps to follow the contours of the body smoothly. This removes the need for any adjustment across the front chest.  When sitting or leaning the extra padding protects the users hips from fittings which tend to become uncomfortable after long work periods.

es s s PBH1, PBH2, PBH3, er ies PBH4, PBH5, PBH5X, PBH6, PBH6Y iv PBH7, PBH8, PBH10, PBH11 & FBH5

chapter one PBH1 - one-point harness

Our entry level fall arrest safety harness with one rear dorsal attachment point. Lightweight, easy to adjust and don. Four points of adjustment ensuring a better fit. Principle features:

         

Rear ‘D’ attachment point Easy to don Lightweight Trapezoidal buckles Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless or composite fitting options Two colour body to leg webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Shock absorbing rear dorsal



PBH2 - two-point harness

Two-point fall arrest safety harness, with rear ‘D’ and front chest attachment points. Front ‘D’ is centrally located ensuring loads are spread evenly. Four points of adjustment ensuring a better fit. Our most popular harness, simple, versatile and ensures there is a separate connection for rescue. Principle features:

         

Front and rear ‘D’ attachment point Easy to don Lightweight Trapezoidal buckles Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless or composite fitting options Two colour body to leg webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Shock absorbing rear dorsal


EN361 & AS/NZS 1891

Principle features:

          

Rear ‘D’ attachment point Waist belt with 2 work positioning ‘D’s Easy to don Lightweight Trapezoidal buckles Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless or composite fitting options Two colour body to leg webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Shock absorbing rear dorsal


PBH3 - three-point harness

Three-point fall arrest safety harness, with rear ‘D’, waist belt with two side attachment points. Ideally suited for work positioning tasks. Four points of adjustment ensuring a better fit.

EN361 & EN358


chapter one

sel e the ctin har righ g nes t s

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PBH4 - four-point harness

Four-point fall arrest safety harness with front and rear ‘D’s, waist belt with two side attachment points. Suitable for work positioning, telecommunication, pole and tower work. Principle features:

           

Front and rear ‘D’ attachment point Waist belt with two work positioning ‘D’s Padded leg loops Easy to don Lightweight Trapezoidal buckles Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless or composite fitting options Two colour body to leg webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Shock absorbing rear dorsal


EN361, EN358 & AS/NZS 1891

PBH5 - five-point harness

Riggers five-point fall arrest safety harness, with rear, front and sternum ‘D’s, waist belt with two side attachment points. Our top of the range harness, suitable for working in suspension, comfortable and versatile. Ideal for rigging, abseil and specialist work. Principle features:

           

Rear ‘D’ attachment point Front sternum attachment Lower ventral attachment for abseil Two side work positioning ‘D’s, belt loops Easy to don via click lock buckle and ultra lightweight Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless or composite fitting options Two colour body to leg polyester webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Padded leg loops and shoulder yoke 150kg rated


EN361, EN358, EN813 & AS/NZS 1891 As PBH5 above but with the addition of two extra delta links to allow attachment of a Croll. Suitable for working in suspension, comfortable and versatile. Ideal for rigging, abseil and specialist work. Principle features:

            

Rear ‘D’ attachment point Attachment points for Croll (Croll supplied extra if required) Front sternum attachment Lower ventral attachment for abseil Two side work positioning ‘D’s, belt loops Easy to don via click lock buckle and ultra lightweight Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless or composite fitting options Two colour body to leg polyester webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Padded leg loops and shoulder yoke 150kg rated


EN361, EN358, EN813 & AS/NZS 1891

PBH5X - attachments for croll


chapter one


chapter one PBH6/PBH6Y- two-point rescue

Rescue fall arrest safety harness, as our popular PBH2 model but with the addition of an integrated rescue yoke on our PBH6Y model and a rescue strop as standard. Used for rescue and in confined spaces. Principle features:

          

Front and rear ‘D’ attachment point Rescue strop as standard Lightweight and easy to don Trapezoidal buckles Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless or composite fitting options Two colour body to leg webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Shock absorbing rear dorsal Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Integrated rescue yolk with shoulder pad on PBH6Y


EN361 & AS/NZS 1891

PBH7 - two-point hi-vis gilet

Two point fall arrest safety harness incorporated into a hi-vis waistcoat with two large side pockets. Used when high visibility is critical, the internal harness does not obscure or limit the view of the jacket. Principle features:

          

Front and rear ‘D’ attachment point Integrated Hi-Vis gilet Easy to don Lightweight Trapezoidal buckles Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless or composite fitting options Two colour body to leg webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Shock absorbing rear dorsal


EN361 & AS/NZS 1891

PBH8 - two-point life jacket

Life jacket fall arrest safety harness, two connection points with all fittings in stainless steel, integrated 150N or 275N Solas approved life jacket. May be inflated manually or automatic inflation on contact with water. Less bulky than wearing a separate life jacket and suitable for offshore use and all work above water. Principle features:

         

Front and rear ‘D’ attachment point Integrated 150N or 275N life jacket Easy to don and lightweight Trapezoidal buckles Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless or composite fitting options Two colour body to leg webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Shock absorbing rear dorsal



EN361, EN394, En966 SOLAS & AS/NZS 1891

chapter one PBH10 - two-point rapid don

Rapid don fall arrest harness with front and rear ‘D’ attachment points, shoulder yoke and padded leg loops, click lock buckles. Popular harness due to ease and speed of fitment and suitable for most applications. Principle features:

           

Front and rear ‘D’ attachment point Rapid don click lock buckles Trapezoidal buckles Ergonomic slimline body pad keeps harness form Padded leg loops to reduce post fall trauma Rapid donning 5 seconds, Lightweight Carbon steel and alloy fittings black powder coated Stainless fittings option Two colour body to leg webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Shock absorbing rear dorsal via velcro tabs


EN361 & AS/NZS 1891

PBH11 - four-point rapid don Principle features:

     

Rear ‘D’ attachment point Waist belt with 2 x work positioning ‘D’s Trapezoidal buckles Padded sit type leg loops to reduce post fall trauma Carbon steel black powder coated or stainless Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing  Shock absorbing rear dorsal Standards:

Principle features:

            

Front and rear ‘D’ attachment point Waist belt with 2 x work positioning ‘D’s Rapid don click lock buckles Trapezoidal buckles Ergonomic slimline body pad keeps harness form Padded leg loops to reduce post fall trauma Rapid donning 5 seconds, Lightweight Carbon steel and alloy fittings black powder coated Stainless fittings option Two colour body to leg webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Shock absorbing rear dorsal connection


EN361, EN358 & AS/NZS 1891

fBH5 - three-point harness

Female three point fall arrest safety harness with rear ‘D’, waist belt and two side work positioning points. Designed specifically for ladies, the harness offers good support for the hips and the unique design negates the need for a chest support.

As PBH10 but with the addition of a waist belt with two side attachment points. All the benefits of the rapid don but also suitable for work positioning.

EN361, EN358 & AS/NZS 1891


chapter two

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WB2 - work positioning belt

When designing the Pro Body Harness range our development team tested all elements separately to create a modular range of harnesses and work positioning belts. Our waist belts are taken directly from our latest range of harnesses utilising unique thermo form technology. Other models are available. Principle features:

         

2 x work positioning side ‘D’s Rapid don click lock alloy buckle Thermo formed waist pad Carbon steel fittings black powder coated Stainless steel or alloy fitting options Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Large size available Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing


EN358 & AS/NZS 1891

LR & LRA - restraint lanyard Working at height is difficult enough as it is and usually requires you to assume a comfortable rest position for the duration of your work task. The PS2 provides you with an adjustable anchorage ideal when pole, mast or ladder climbing. Choice of connectors. Principle features:

       

Lightweight and simple to use Max length 2m Alloy cam buckle adjuster Choice of connectors 500mm double part wear sleeve Range of end fitting options Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing

Manufactured from 25mm polyester webbing our restraint lanyards can be either fixed or adjustable. Ideal when working in MEWPS or no fall is possible. Various lengths and unlimited connectors to suit all applications. Principle features:

 LR max length 2m  LRA max length 4m  Clear heat seal labels to protect from wear or damage  Range of connectors to suit  Lightweight  Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection  Water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing Standards:

EN358 & EN354

Ps2 - pole strap


chapter two


EN354, EN358 & AS/NZS 1891


chapter two


safety by design

Checkmate offer three choices of lanyards to cover all manner of applications and user preference. Each one has its own unique benefits so it is important that care is taken when choosing the correct device.

PAL Pro Absorber Lanyard plus elasticated option  Uses kinetic webbing to progressively absorb energy. Peak forces are typically 3.5kN. Min length 1.3m Max 2m.

SAL Shock Absorber Lanyard plus elasticated option  Traditional tear webbing design. Easy to inspect after a fall with peak loads reaching 4kN. Min length 0.5m Max 2m.

RAL Rope Absorber Lanyard  Utilises the same tear webbing pack as SAL but has the advantage of using 11mm kernmantle rope that can be choked back on itself via an alloy ring. Peak loads of 4kN. Min length 0.5m Max 2m.

Ch eck Fa There is a choice of connectors for all three devices but a body connection is supplied with a Delta Link as standard.











Principle features:

      

2m single leg, can be reduced to 1.3m Delta link to body Choice of connectors A, B, C & D Shock load indicator via outer cover and indicator flag Label sheave protects from damage and wear UV resistent polyester webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection




EN355 & EN354


Off-Set Twin Leg Lanyard with the same features as PAL2 but has the addition of a strengthening webbing to stop stitch peel in the event users fall with anchors widely spaced apart. It also stops connectors from sliding. Extra care should be taken when working and users are advised not to leave both devices connected at the same time.


Principle features:



Principle features:

       

Twin legs 2m can be reduced down to 1.3m each Delta link to body Choice of connectors A, B, C & D Shock load indicator via outer cover and indicator flag Extra strengthening webbing under Y connection Label sheave protects from damage and wear UV resistent polyester webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection


EN355 & EN354

       

1 x 2m leg and 1 x 1.3m leg Delta link to body Choice of connectors A, B, C & D Shock load indicator via outer cover and indicator flag Extra strengthening webbing under Y connection Label sheave protects from damage and wear UV resistent polyester webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection


EN355 & EN354




PAL4 - A,B,C & D lanyards

Equal Twin Leg Lanyard with the same features as PAL2 but has the addition of a strengthening webbing to stop stitch peel in the event users fall with anchors widely spaced apart. It also stops connectors from sliding. Extra care should be taken when working and users are advised not to leave both devices connected at the same time. This reduces the possibility of spike loads.

PAL2 - A,B,C & D lanyards

Our lightest and most compact lanyard which absorbs through a unique displacement core with the outer cover acting as a secondary back up and protection, so no shock absorbing pouch is required. Due to the energy management, the lanyard does not suffer from high peak loads at deployment, instead it increases progressively. This reduces impact forces on the body and typical falls only reach 3.5kN on peak arrest. Available 1.3m to 2m.

PAL3 - A,B,C & D lanyards


chapter two



chapter two SAL2 - A,B,C & D lanyards





Designed using traditional tear webbing to absorb energy. The tear pack is constructed with a continuous back up webbing so if the tear pack failed it will hit the back up webbing. Available in a range of lengths from 0.5m to 2m and a choice of connectors. Typical peak loads during a fall factor 2 only reach 4kN on peak arrest. Principle features:

 2m single leg, can be reduced to 0.5 with shock pack only  Delta link to body  Choice of connectors A, B, C & D  Tear webbing energy absorber, easy to inspect after a fall  Label encapsulated by clear heat shrink to protect  UV resistent polyester webbing  Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Standards:

EN355 & EN354


Principle features:

       

1 x 2m leg and 1 x 1.3m leg Delta link to body Choice of connectors A, B, C & D Tear webbing energy absorber, easy to inspect after a fall Label encapsulated by clear heat shrink to protect Label sheave protects from damage and wear UV resistent polyester webbing with continuous back up webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection





EN355 & EN354

SAL4 - A,B,C & D lanyards


Equal ‘Y’ Type variant designed using traditional tear webbing to absorb energy. The tear pack is constructed with a continuous back up webbing so if the tear pack failed it will hit the back up webbing. Available in a range of lengths from 0.5m to 2m each leg and a choice of connectors. Principle features:



       



SAL3 - A,B,C & D lanyards

Off-Set ‘Y’ Type variant designed using traditional tear webbing to absorb energy. The tear pack is constructed with a continuous back up webbing so if the tear pack failed it will hit the back up webbing. Available in a range of lengths from 0.5m to 2m each leg and a choice of connectors.

Twin legs 2m can be reduced down to 1.3m each Delta link to body Choice of connectors A, B, C & D Tear webbing energy absorber, easy to inspect after a fall Label encapsulated by clear heat shrink to protect Label sheave protects from damage and wear UV resistent polyester webbing with continuous back up webbing Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection


EN355 & EN354

Elasticated SAL2E designed using traditional tear webbing to absorb energy. The tear pack is constructed with a continuous back up webbing so if the tear pack failed it will hit the back up webbing. Available in a range of lengths from 0.5m to 2m and a choice of connectors. Typical peak loads during a fall factor 2 only reach 4kN on peak arrest.


Principle features:


 2m single leg, can be reduced to 0.5 with shock pack only  Delta link to body  Choice of connectors A, B, C & D  Tear webbing energy absorber, easy to inspect after a fall  Label encapsulated by clear heat shrink to protect  UV resistent polyester webbing  Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection




EN355 & EN354

SAL3E - A,B,C & D lanyards

Elasticated Off-Set ‘Y’ Type variant designed using traditional tear webbing to absorb energy. The tear pack is constructed with a continuous back up webbing so if the tear pack failed it will hit the back up webbing. Available in a range of lengths from 0.5m to 2m each leg and a choice of connectors. Principle features:




 1 x 2m leg and 1 x 1.3m leg  Delta link to body and alloy pivot ring to protect sewn eye  Choice of connectors A, B, C & D  Tear webbing energy absorber, easy to inspect after a fall  Label encapsulated by clear heat shrink to protect  Label sheave protects from damage and wear  UV resistent polyester webbing with continuous back up webbing  Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Standards:

EN355 & EN354


Principle features:

 Twin legs 2m can be reduced down to 1.3m each  Delta link to body and alloy pivot ring to protect sewn eye  Choice of connectors A, B, C & D  Tear webbing energy absorber, easy to inspect after a fall  Label encapsulated by clear heat shrink to protect  Label sheave protects from damage and wear  UV resistent polyester webbing with continuous back up webbing  Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection Standards:

EN355 & EN354




SAL4E - A,B,C & D lanyards

Elasticated Equal ‘Y’ Type variant designed using traditional tear webbing to absorb energy. The tear pack is constructed with a continuous back up webbing so if the tear pack failed it will hit the back up webbing. Available in a range of lengths from 0.5m to 2m each leg and a choice of connectors.


SAL2E - A,B,C & D lanyards

chapter two chapter one


chapter two

sel e the ctin lan righ g yar t d

The sho choice c But k abso of lany a r assu they al bers an rds, len l If in me one do thin d featu gths, c on r dou g p bt a roduc s for a es are e nector t sk a r s n Whe pro suits al eason. dless. , fess N l n cho iona your w ever you unde osing th l for o e r own adv rk task funct stand the correct ice. s. conn ional limit e a requ irem tions of cting dev The each e ic b nts a type e it is im 2m o asic sing r e w and w l port ithin a of ka f movem e lanyard y h o a u t r e r your nt work direc abiners nt from offers th task. or co e use the a tly to n r n c large n a r obj ectors a horage p MAXIM l ects o Twin such lowing yo int and UM of o r Y a from as sc u Type affold to conn choice o l a n n e y need ards attac ect tube s. maki to disco hment p allow the n o n need g it idea nect, thu int to an user to lf tr s o to m ove f or climbi maintain ther with ansfer in n rom o one g structu g a 100% ut the anch orag res or w tie-off, e to h anot en you her.

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Principle features:

 2m single leg, can be reduced to 1m with shock pack only  Delta link to body  Choice of connectors A, B, C & D  Tear webbing energy absorber, easy to inspect after a fall  Label encapsulated by clear heat shrink to protect  11mm kernmantle rope  Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection




EN355 & EN354




Principle features:

 1 x 2m leg and 1 x 1.3m leg  Delta link to body and alloy pivot ring to protect sewn eye  Choice of connectors A, B, C & D  Tear webbing energy absorber, easy to inspect after a fall  Label encapsulated by clear heat shrink to protect  Label sheave protects from damage and wear  11mm kernmantle rope

Principle features:

 Twin legs 2m can be reduced down to 1m each  Delta link to body and alloy pivot ring to protect sewn eye  Choice of connectors A, B, C & D  Tear webbing energy absorber, easy to inspect after a fall  Label encapsulated by clear heat shrink to protect  Label sheave protects from damage and wear  11mm kernmantle rope  Contrast colour stitch for easy inspection

EN355 & EN354




RAL4 - A,B,C & D lanyards

Equal ‘Y’ Type variant, 11mm kernmantle rope with tear webbing pack to absorb energy. Options of choker ring to enable loop back. The tear pack is constructed with a continuous back up webbing so if the tear pack failed it will hit the back up webbing. Available in a range of lengths from 1m to 2m each leg and a choice of connectors.

EN355 & EN354

Off-Set ‘Y’ Type variant, 11mm kernmantle rope with tear webbing pack to absorb energy. Options of choker ring to enable loop back. The tear pack is constructed with a continuous back up webbing so if the tear pack failed it will hit the back up webbing. Available in a range of lengths from 1m to 2m each leg and a choice of connectors.




RAL2 - A,B,C & D lanyards

11mm kernmantle rope with tear webbing pack to absorb energy. Options of choker ring to enable loop back. The tear pack is constructed with a continuous back up webbing so if the tear pack failed it will hit the back up webbing. Available in a range of lengths from 1m to 2m and a choice of connectors. Typical peak loads during a fall factor 2 only reach 4kN on peak arrest.

RAL3 - A,B,C & D lanyards


chapter two chapter one



chapter three

calibre X


safety by design

 Patent

No. 2453021B, 2451835B, 2449134 & 2453204 pending No. 0814563.3 & 0814564.1  Community Design No. 0007771258-0001  Xcalibre is a Registered Trade Mark of Checkmate Ltd  Patent

Queen’s Award Winner for Innovation 2011 the Xcalibre range is cutting edge technology at its very best. The family is growing and now covers a range from 2m palm sized units up to 18m including a three way recovery. Each device has patented technology and unique features ensuring our devices really are setting new standards and raising the bar. The entire range is ultra lightweight and delivers class leading peak arrest forces at 3kN with our new FABX4 palm sized device. In a market crowded with copycat technology and antiquated designs, Xcalibre packs a mighty blow to even its biggest rivals. Load Bearing Steel Chassis

 Load bearing steel chassis  SBM Sealed brake module  Ceramic entry guide with brushes  Independent brake pawls  Ultra lightweight

Xcalib  Low arrest forces 3kN (FABX4)

 Carry handle and shoulder strap

2 x Independent Brake Pawls & SBM Sealed Brake Module

 Moulded rubber pull grip on rope

 Alloy swivel load indicator hook as standard

 Simple to service with modular parts

Carry Handle Attachments

 Three lifeline options, webbing, wire rope and Dyneema








bl oc FABX, FABXd, FABX4, ks - s FABX4d, FAB3w, FAB3WD, FABX1, rl s FABX2, FABX2R, FAB5, FAB1, FAB2, FAB33, FAB15R & FAB33R

chapter three FABX Atom-X - vectran 2m

Palm sized Xcalibre Fall Arrest Block with 2m of Vectran webbing Principle features:

 Materials: composite mouldings UV stabilised, carbon steel black zinc plated, anodised aluminium, stainless steel and Vectran webbing  Dimensions: 88mm x 73mm x 64mm excluding karabiners  Weight 0.7kg  Capacity: 2m  Swivel eye at top anchor  Connectors: complete with alloy swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line, and 11mm alloy twist lock on device other connectors available on request.  Arrest force: circa 4.0kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.3m  Brake lock on distance: 100mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

FABXD atom-X - vectran 2m Principle features:

 Materials: composite mouldings UV stabilised, carbon steel black zinc plated, anodised aluminium, stainless steel and Vectran webbing  Dimensions: TBC excluding karabiners  Weight: TBC  Capacity: 2m  Swivel eye at top anchor  Internal micro-brakes inset into drum  No external shock pouch required  Back stop pawls  Arrest force: circa 4.0kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.3m  Brake lock on distance: 100mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg

Principle features:

 Materials: composite mouldings UV stabilised, carbon steel black zinc plated, anodised aluminium, stainless steel and Vectran webbing  Dimensions: (Xcalibre single) 88mm x 73mm x 64mm excluding karabiners  Weight 1.8kg including bag  Capacity: 2m  Attached directly to harness rear ‘D’  Connectors: complete with alloy swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line, other connectors available on request.  Arrest force: circa 4.0kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.3m  Brake lock on distance: 100mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

FABX4 - vectran web 2m

Palm sized Xcalibre Fall Arrest Block with 2m of Vectran webbing

Twin Palm sized Xcalibre Fall Arrest Block with 2m of Vectran webbing in each device


EN360 & ANSI


chapter three FABX4D - vectran 2m

Twin Palm sized Xcalibre Fall Arrest Block with 2m of Vectran webbing in each device Principle features:

 Materials: composite mouldings UV stabilised, carbon steel black zinc plated, anodised aluminium, stainless steel and Vectran webbing  Dimensions: TBC  Weight: TBC  Capacity: 2m  Attached directly to harness rear D  Internal micro-brakes inset into drum  No external shock pouch required  Back stop pawls  Arrest force: circa 4.0kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.3m  Brake lock on distance: 100mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

FAB3W - Vectran web 3m

Mini Xcalibre Fall Arrest Block with 3m of Vectran webbing Principle features:

 Materials: composite mouldings UV stabilised, carbon steel black zinc plated, anodised aluminium, stainless steel and Vectran webbing  Dimensions: 150mm x 80mm x 60mm excluding karabiners  Weight 1.1kg  Capacity: standard 3m; up to 4m max  Connectors: Complete with alloy swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line, and 11mm alloy twist lock on device other connectors available on request.  Arrest force: circa 4.0kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.4m  Brake lock on distance: 100mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

FAB3WD - dual Vectran web


Dual Mini Xcalibre Fall Arrest Block Principle features:

 Materials: composite mouldings UV stabilised, carbon steel black zinc plated, anodised aluminium, stainless steel and Vectran webbing  Dimensions: (Xcalibre single) 120mm x 80mm x 80mm excluding karabiners  Weight: 2.4kg  Capacity: standard 3m; up to 4m max  Attached directly to harness rear D  Connectors: Complete with alloy swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line, other connectors available on request.  Arrest force: circa 4.0kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.4m  Brake lock on distance: 100mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

chapter three FABX1 - web wire dyneema 10m

FABX1 10m Xcalibre Fall Arrest Block options of: wire rope, Vectran webbing and Dyneema Principle features:

 Materials: composite mouldings UV stabilised, carbon steel black zinc plated, anodised aluminium, stainless steel and Vectran webbing  Dimensions: 244mm x 183mm x 144mm  Weights: Web 3.4kg, Dyneema 3.75kg and Wire 4.11kg  Capacity: up to 10m, max 8m on webbing  Connectors: Complete with alloy swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line, and 11mm alloy twist lock on device other connectors available on request.  Arrest force: Web circa 3.2kN, Dyneema circa 3kN and Wire circa 3.5kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.6m  Brake lock on distance: 200mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

FABX2 - web wire dyneema 18m Principle features:

 Materials: composite mouldings UV stabilised, carbon steel black zinc plated, anodised aluminium, stainless steel  Dimensions: 300mm x 226mm x 144mm  Weights: Dyneema 5.5kg and Wire 7.5kg  Capacity: up to 18m (max 12m on web 15m on s/s)  Connectors: Complete with alloy swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line, and 11mm alloy twist lock on device other connectors available on request.  Arrest force: Dyneema circa 3kN and Wire circa 3.5kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.6m  Brake lock on distance: 200mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

Principle features:

 Materials: composite mouldings UV stabilised, carbon steel black zinc plated, anodised aluminium, stainless steel and Vectran webbing  Dimensions: 300mm x 226mm x 144mm  Weights: Web 4.5kg, Dyneema 5.5kg and Wire 6.5kg  Capacity: up to 18m (max 12m on web 15m on s/s)  Connectors: Complete with alloy swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line, and 11mm alloy twist lock on device other connectors available on request.  Arrest force: Web circa 3.2kN, Dyneema circa 3kN and Wire circa 3.5kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.6m  Brake lock on distance: 200mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

FABX2R - with recovery 18m

Engageable retrieval gear unit with independent friction brakes, raise and lower without changing modes, folding handle, security tag to indicate activation and engagement of rescue function, bracket available for fitment to a tripod.

FABX2 18m Xcalibre Fall Arrest Block options of: wire rope, Vectran webbing and Dyneema


chapter three

sea or led a dev lloy ice s

The s ardu e are u give ous an sed wh d e n trea increa dema n the en n tme s nts ed wea ding. O vironm mak u t ing her pro r Xcali ent is t The b it id e a eal ofing a re line sting, 100% lloy devi f n c can or o d co The stainless es are ca b f r f r s o oute hor sion e r cov steel int st from L coat e use e ed fo M e . r the rs are m rnals wit 25TF a n h a ultim d c ate p hined an bronze b use The u rote F ction d powde shes. wher ABs are r and fi u envir e weight sually he nish. o i can b nmenta s not an avier but l is e as i smal punishme sue and deally su l as 5 it t m bu nt is prev he user o ed Talk a t as l t arge lent. The r off-s o our te se FA as 45 hore c m. Bs insta hnical tea llatio m f o n and r spec advice ab ialist o appli ut catio ns.

han g to ug BIG









FAB5 - web & wire 5m

FAB5 5m Alloy Fall Arrest Block options of: webbing & wire rope. Principle features:

 Heat treated and powder coated aluminium LM25TF, stainless steel and bronze  Dimensions: 220mm x 146mm x 100mm  Weights: Web 2.14kg and Wire 2.86kg  Capacity: up to 5m  Connectors: Complete with steel swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line  Arrest force: Web circa 4.5kN and Wire circa 4.8kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.4m  Brake lock on distance: 200mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

FAB1 - wire & web 10m

FAB1 10m Alloy Fall Arrest Block options of: wire rope & vectran webbing Principle features:

 Heat treated and powder coated aluminium LM25TF, stainless steel and bronze  Dimensions: 205mm x 268mm x 153mm  Weights: Webbing 7kg and Wire rope 7.5kg  Capacity: up to 10m, max 7m on webbing  Connectors: Complete with alloy swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line, and 11mm alloy twist lock on device other connectors available on request.  Arrest force: Web circa 4kN and Wire circa 4.5kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.8m  Brake lock on distance: 300mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

FAB2 18m Alloy Fall Arrest Block options of: wire rope & vectran webbing Principle features:

 Heat treated and powder coated aluminium LM25TF, stainless steel and bronze  Dimensions: 225mm x 312mm x 153mm  Weights: Web 8kg and Wire 8.5kg  Capacity: up to 18m, max 12m on webbing  Connectors: Complete with alloy swivel load indicator twist lock karabiner on life line, and 11mm alloy twist lock on device other connectors available on request.  Arrest force: Web circa 4kN and Wire circa 4.5kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.8m  Brake lock on distance: 300mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg

FAB2 - wire & web 18m


chapter three


EN360 & ANSI


chapter three

BIG dev rec ices ove an ry d

Our Che special i c that kmate st equi p sect we fee design ment i e l yea or. Brin are th d and s a com p r e the s of co ging to bench artner binatio m g s n w m solu orld o bined ether o ark fo hip pro of tion ex ff d r v whe ers the perien er one this in ucts d h nw c ork end use e from undre ustry The d ing r in c r the u all ove a var ange sho onfi i w ned ltimate r a ma ety of co n is tru spac l n m unlik hole to plex sit y modula es. side ely in uatio r a n d e the n n eeds such a di ntry of a s from s can be a d ta v t of th e op erse area unnel or ndard ac apted to erato s c m It is i r and just one ine shaf ess thro uit mpo u t. It i shou r envir produ s hig gh ld at tant to n c o t n w m h te care ly o ill me ent a shou mpt to te that o e r o t u cons use a nd h ld be nly t im. i asses ders all t taken an ny safety rained p ro he d smen e t and risks, th further quipmen fessional tra tb s es the c orre e should ining pro ut extra ct us e of include a vided wh appr opria thoroug ich h ris te PP k E.

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Principle features:

        

Heat treated and powder coated aluminium Dimensions: 300mm x 226mm x 100mm (excluding karabiners) Weight: 14.5kg Capacity: 33m - 5 mm galvanised 6x19 or stainless 7x19 steel cables or Synthetic rope (Kevlar) Connectors: Complete with carbon steel swivel load indicator double action snap hook on life line, 11mm alloy twist lock karabiner on device Arrest force: Wire 6kN Total Arrest distance: 1.5m Brake lock on distance: 300mm nominal Max user weight: 136kg

FAB33 - wire rope 33m

33m Alloy Fall Arrest Block wire rope


EN360, CSA - Z259.2.2-96 & ANSI Z359.1

FAB15R - wire recovery 15m 33m Alloy Fall Arrest Recovery Block wire rope Principle features:

 Heat treated and powder coated aluminium LM25TF, stainless steel and bronze  Dimensions: 300mm x 226mm x 144mm  Weight: 14kg  Capacity: up to 33m, max 45m  Connectors: Complete with steel swivel load indicator double action snap hook.  Arrest force: Wire 4.5kN  Total Arrest distance: 2m  Brake lock on distance: 300mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

15m Alloy Fall Arrest Recovery Block options of: wire rope Principle features:

 Heat treated and powder coated aluminium LM25TF, stainless steel and bronze  Dimensions: 244mm x 183mm x 144mm  Weight: 9.5kg  Capacity: up to 15m  Connectors: complete with steel swivel load indicator double action snap hook.  Arrest force: Web circa 4kN and Wire circa 4.5kN  Total Arrest distance: 1.8m  Brake lock on distance: 300mm nominal  Max user weight: 136kg Standards:

EN360 & ANSI

FAB33R - wire recovery 33m


chapter three


chapter four

con spa fine equ ce d ipm ent

Wo r cha king in ll abo enges confine b v adv e g rou ut all o d space i n plan ce and d still f the ri s prese sk re tra nt ning any ining s main. P s of wo s new r h wor r The k be ould b ofessio king key t e n low level o saf g rou taken wal e o nd. hen ensu r in any and effe re th c c t o i v n e fi plan e is for right pr ned spac working e e mula b ted b paration is simple elow gro , tr efore ;y un Ther you aining an ou must d e mi even g mov d res eme ht be hig l i f t the l cue nt fo basic h l e id! ve rl com mun ong dura ls of tox ic icatio t n to ions or d gases, re Havi name stric ifficu n ted l t part g the co j i u e s s t a fe w rrect of yo i t h w. with ur ki anch o t o , u r b r a ut g also t ensu echnical it is also e and acc re tr t ainin eam for a very im ess syste g has m a p been dvice pri ortant p is only a given or to purc rt. Speak prior to us hase an e. d









CheckPod Ultra lightweight, tough and durable alloy construction, adjustable from 1.3m to 2.5m. The TR2 can run up to three pulleys and have three eye bolts fitted. Supplied with two pulleys and one eye bolt as standard. Tested to over 20kN the device can be used for up to two people in rescue situations.

 TWB and FAB15R

 W-hand winch

 Two pulleys and one eyebolt

 Locking leg collars

 Adjustable swivel feet

 Captivated detent pins

TR2 - 2.5m alloy tripod


chapter four

 Optional carry bag Principle features:

 Materials: heat treated and powder coated aluminium and stainless steel  Dimensions: fully extended 2.25m, collapsed 1.35m, foot to foot diameter 1.4m  Weight: 15 kg  Capacity: tested to 20kN  W-hand winch: 20m Wire rope  Arrest force: Max 6kN permissable  Max all up weight 200kg Standards:

EN795 Class b


chapter four

chapter four

CGM-V - v system compact confined space davit

The CGM range is the most versatile davit on the market. The CGM-V System is a completely portable, super light weight, compact and durable folding davit. The CGM - System is also compatible with the CGM-687 mast adapter. This allows the davit to be installed in a multiple of locations without the need for multiple davits. Our CGM-W man riding winch is ideally suited to allow fast and effective raising and lowering functions on these devices.


 W-hand winch

 Swivel post

 The CGM-V system with CGMW and FAB15R

Principle features:

        Range of base sockets


Materials: heat treated T6 alloy and stainless steel Dimensions: Fully extended 2.3m Weight: 25kg Capacity: Tested to 20kN W-hand winch: 20m Wire rope Arrest force: max 6kN permissable Max 2 users at 150kg each


EN795 Class b & ANSI (powder coating on request only)

chapter four CGM-TO - three person tie off post

The CGM-TO system is tested for up to three people as a fall arrest anchorage and is totally unique in the market with built in dampers to reduce impact forces on both the user and the anchorage. Type approved to both CSA, ANSI and CE, the CGM-TO range is the ultimate in multi user tie off systems. The V system and TO systems can quickly be adapted to suit a variety of difficult and challenging access situations, from a “Tow Bar” connection to High Voltage circuit breakers. Customised brackets can easily be designed and fabricated to anchor to rail tracks, concrete, steel and other structures.

 Davit boom option

 Swivel anchorages

 The CGMTO-200A system

 Customised base sockets

Principle features:

    

Materials: heat treated T6 alloy and stainless steel Dimensions: Fully extended 1.9m Weight: 12kg Capacity: 3 x users 450kg Arrest force: max 6kN permissable


EN795 Class b, ANSI & CSA (powder coating on request only)

 Range of base sockets


chapter four

chapter four

PGR - porta-ganty rapide

The Porta-Gantry Rapide is a unique rapid deployment system with goods and personnel lifting (Man-ride) capability. It weighs just 30kg and spanning 1.5m it fits neatly in a compact service van.

 Patent

pending No. 1108335.9

 Dual rated for goods and personnel lifting  Rapid assembly by one person in less than a minute  Highly compact for stowage and easily fits into a typical service van

Principle features:

      

Material: anodised aluminium Dimensions: open 2051mm x 2070mm x 1024mm Dimensions: closed 350mm x 2090mm x 485mm Weight: only 30kg Capacity: up to 3 x trolleys on one system Arrest force: max 6kN per user Goods rated 500kg or 3 x persons fall arrest


EN795 Class B, OSHA, ANSI & CSA


chapter four

The Multi Access product is ideally suited to places such as silos, work shafts, lift shafts, wells and sewer canals. The device is quickly mounted to the TR2 tripod via the bracket module and a rapid but controlled descent is now possible. Users can be rescued via the ratchet style winch device and have the added advantage of using both arms for leverage. A lift speed of 5m/min is possible.

Tripod and Winch sold separately 

 MA-TR2 mounted to TR2

MA-TR2 - multi access complete with tripod

Confined space can be one of the most dangerous and difficult access situations. In many cases the basic configuration of a Tripod and Fall Arrest Block with a recovery winch is simply not sufficient. This usually occurs when the user has to descend deeper than the standard 15m of a FAB15R device and or when rescue times are critical.

 MA-TR2-B bracket

Principle features:

 MA-TR2 Multi-Access and W-Winch mounted on a TR2 Tripod

 Materials: heat treated T6 alloy and stainless steel 9mm kernmantle rope  Dimensions: head only 120mm x 60mm x 200mm  Weight: head only 3kg  Capacity: 150kg max all up weight/150m raise and lower  Arrest force: suspension only Standards:

EN795 class b, EN341 Type A & EN1496


chapter five

wo r and k res cue

Wh e quic n you n rop kly the eed to e or a based fastest ascend uto mat devices metho or desc d ic, s . e ingl These is norm nd Raisi e us c n er o an be ally fro hand g and lo m rm w ultip anual m and a winch, d ering yo o le. u evac rduous. I wn let’s rself or u s f a devic ation is t the user ay a 20m nother o h e tha p g s t can e key to ets in to haft is ti erative o me th n d be ra ised eir survi ifficulty t consum a Tall b v h and l owe al. There e speed ing eme uildings, c red q r fore o choo f user gency ev ranes or u i c k ly is s a the k sing a of eq . Often li cuation access m sy ey. tt ac uipm ent m le or no stems an hinery r eq tr d ust b e sim aining is often for uire Spea gi k ple a site d with ou nd au ven so yo multiple r emo toma ur ch nstra technica t oice i c . l tions team and t raini for advic ng. e,

wo rk& res cu Pe rs on al Ev ac ua tio n D ev includes: ice S an PED5, PED3, PED10, MA, ALF, ch or RALF, XP, KIT8, EA, KA, CR, WA, AST, s lif ASTR, ASTW, AS & cw el ine s

chapter five

The kernmantle rope runs through a top and bottom pulley and the user can either ascend or descend independent of any other person. Control is maintained by the ascender, which can be either right or left handed. In rescue, or as an assist, another person can help raise or lower the user with an ascender, independent of the person in the chair or harness.  Lightweight head and bottom pulley  Compact  Self contained in bag  Excellent heat dissipation during prolonged use  Stop at any point  Easy to use

 BC - Bosun's Chair PVC

PED5 - personal evacuation device

The PED5 is used for confined space or work and rescue tasks. The device can work with a bosuns chair, harness, rescue sling and attached to either portable anchorages such as tripods, davits or a fixed structure.

 BCGRP - Bosun's Chair GRP

Principle features:

 Materials: heat treated T6 alloy, powder coated, stainless steel bearings and fixings - 9mm kernmantle polyester rope  Dimensions: head only 120mm x 60mm x 200mm  Weight: head only 3kg  Capacity: 50m raise and lower  Arrest force: suspension only  Max user weight 150kg



EN341 Type A


chapter five PED3 Personal Evacuation Device The PED3 is a compact abseil and evacuation device ideally suited as an emergency escape from high rise buildings, wind turbines, structures, cranes and reach trucks. It can also be used effectively as a controlled abseil device for multiple evacuations.

 Lightweight  Compact  Self contained in bag  Excellent heat dissipation during prolonged use  Stop at any point, with additional friction device  Easy to use PED3 Bag

RS - Rescue Strop

Principle features:

 Materials Heat treated T6 alloy, powder coated, stainless steel bearings and fixings - 9mm kernmantle polyamide rope  Dimensions - head only 90mm x 90mm x 60mm  Weight head only 1.1kg  Capacity MA - 150m  Arrest force - Suspension only  Max user weight 150kg

wo rk'n 'res cu Standards:


EN341 Type A





Ev ac

ua tio

n D ev ice Wo rk Checkusout ‘n’ Re sc


 Lightweight and compact  Fibre rope or steel wire rope  Excellent heat dissipation during prolonged use  Stop at any point, with additional friction device  Easy to use Principle features:

 Heat treated and anodised aluminium and stainless steel. 9mm low stretch kernmantle polyamide rope or 5mm wire rope  Dimensions: head only 100mm x 90mm x 70mm  Weight: 2.1 kg (head and pulley only)  Capacity: max user weight 150kg  Arrest force: suspension only

PED10 - personal evacuation device

The PED10 is the original abseil and evacuation device which can be run on either fibre rope or steel wire, this gives it great flexibility. Ideally suited as an emergency escape device from high rise buildings, structures and particularly Oil Rigs where longer descents, increased weight, variable speed and fire resistance is required. It can also be used effectively as a controlled abseil device for multiple evacuations and challenging rescues via an optional hand wheel for lifting functions. Special brackets can be fabricated to install at the top of ladder frames for rescue.


EN341 Type A & EN1496

MA - multi access


chapter five

Where accessibility is a problem the Multi Access’ light, compact construction makes its scope of application nearly limitless. Where in most cases a hydraulic lifting platform or a scaffold cannot be used and would be expensive, Multi Access can demonstrate its true versatility. After establishing the two suitable suspension points, Multi Access is ready to use. Now the user can carry out any number of operations on any kind of building, façade, industrial plant or wind power plant.  Quick release governed by centrifugal brake  Quick lifting through efficient gearing  Completely mechanical Principle features:

 Heat treated and anodised aluminium and stainless steel. 9mm low stretch kernmantle polyamide rope or 5mm wire rope  Dimensions: head only 100mm x 90mm x 70mm  Weight: 2.1 kg (head and pulley only)  Capacity: max user weight 150kg,  Arrest force: Suspension only Standards:

EN341 Type A & EN1496


e chapter vfi retpa five hc ALF - automatic locking fall arrest pulley

The ALF is designed for climbing vertical structures such as ladders. Rope lengths can be adjusted and configured to virtually any height of climb which makes it a good option for temporary or short duration work on various sites such as wind turbines. However it is also ideal for use in semi-permanent applications such as Rope Courses where it can be left outside and used very regularly with little wear or deterioration.  Lightweight and compact  Bidirectional Fall Arrest lock on  Ideal for continuous use such as climbing walls  Stop within a few centimetres  Easy to use Principle features:

 Materials: heat treated and anodised aluminium and stainless steel. 11mm low stretch kernmantle polyamide rope  Dimensions: Head only 100mm x 90mm x 70mm  Weight: 2.2 kg pulley only  Capacity: No limit to ultimate system length  Arrest force: max 6kN  Max user weight: 100kg EN 140kg ANSI Standards:

EN360 100kg ANSI Z359.1 140kg

The locking mechanism is not set up to be a one-use system and therefore does not have to be serviced after every fall arrest but it is subject to a six-monthly thorough inspection and whatever replacement parts are required at that time.    

Lightweight and compact 3:1 or 5:1 ratio options Overspeed brake Easy to use

Principle features:

 Materials: heat treated and anodised aluminium and stainless steel. 11mm low stretch kernmantle polyamide rope  Dimensions: head only 100mm x 90mm x 70mm  Weight: 2.2 kg pulley only  Capacity: no limit to ultimate system length  Arrest force: max 6kN  Max user weight: 250kg EN 250kg ANSI Standards:

ANSI Z359.4 250kg


RALF - rescue auto locking fall arrest pulley

The same technology is used to create the simplest and safest rescue/work positioning device in the world. Set up the RALF with any combination of prussik pulleys to create a 3:1 or 5:1 mechanical advantage with virtually any length of rope to create a simple hauling system for one- or two-person loads. If at any point during lifting or lowering the user loses control the Overspeed Brake will lock arresting a fall within a few inches.

chapter chapter five five Innovative, compact and simple fallen worker and self rescue kit. Uses traditional rope friction technology to create a lightweight, effective emergency escape and rescue device. Fits into a small hip pack which connects to your harness waist belt or alternatively can be discretely stowed. Used extensively in the energy and telecommunication industry.    

Lightweight & compact stows in hip pack Up to 2 person rescue Stop at any point Easy to use

 Hip belt pack

 Stainless steel cutters

 Twin leg yolk attachment

 Simple friction device

XP - escape pack

Introducing Xcape Pack

Principle features:

 Materials: heat treated and anodised aluminium and stainless steel. 8mm semi static kernmantle polyester rope  Dimensions: 250mm x 125mm x 80mm (20m pack size)  Weight: 2.1 kg  Capacity: up to 50m  Arrest force: Suspension only  Max user weight: 1 person or max 200kg if used for rescue  Descent speed: controllable up to 2m/s with 100kg



EN341 Type D


e chapter vfi retpa five hc KIT8 - gotcha rescue kit

The original Gotcha was the first pre assembled remote rescue kit. Designed for rescuing a suspended casualty from Fall Arrest lanyards, Rope Safety Lines and Fall Arrest Blocks, all possible from a point of safety. Casualties can either be raised or lowered to the nearest point of safety, with casualties initially raised to release their original attachment preventing the need for cutting. The kit comes complete with an anchor sling capable of attaching to a wide range of structures, all terminations are sewn for security, the kit is adaptable for different heights of anchor point, colour coded for simplicity and includes an extension pole for delivery or the optional GRABBA for use with Rope Safety Lines or Fall Arrest Blocks.  Suitable for Rescue from Fall Arrest Lanyards, Fall Arrest Blocks and Flexible Line Fall Arresters  This is a no-cut kit – The casualty is raised to release their original attachment  Rescue direction – You can raise or lower the casualty with this kit  Pre-assembled – No assembly is required by the user  Remote attachment – The casualty can be attached from a point of safety  Single person use - The Gotcha is for raising or lowering a single person  Colour coding - The kit is colour coded for simplicity  FULL training should be given prior to use. Please speak with our Training or Sales Team for further information.

Principle features:

   


KIT8-50 KIT8-100 KIT8-150 KIT8-200

17m 34m 51m 68m

 Materials: anodised aluminium and stainless steel. 11mm semi static kernmantle rope  Dimensions: pack size 628mm x 280mm x 180mm  Weight: 50m 7kg, 100m 11kg, 150m 14.5kg and 200m 17.5kg  Capacity: standard 17m can be up to 68m  Arrest force: suspension only  Max user weight: 1 person or max 100kg if used for rescue Standards:


chapter chapter five five  Patent 

Pending No. 0901634.6 ecoAnchor is a Registered Trade Mark of Checkmate Ltd.

The ecoAnchor is a totally unique concept in fall protection and uses renewable resources for both manufacture and installation. The anchor is constructed of a special natural rubber material that holds the bag in a solid cube form when filled with water. The ecoAnchor is compatible with a large variety of roof surfaces including composite and mineral felts. It has been tested to exceed the EN795 class E standard and is suitable for use on pitched roofs of up to a 15° pitch. It is also compatible for use with the Checkmate HLL temporary life line systems.

EA - ecoanchor water filled anchor

The World’s First Mobile Fall Arrest Anchor Filled with Water

When collapsed, the ecoAnchor weighs just 8kg, fitting in a small bag, and avoiding the need to transport, or carry, heavy weights to the top of a building prior to installation.  Suits a range of roofs up to 15°  Weighs only 8kg when empty  Compatible with HLL Temporary Lifelines  Only water required to install

Principle features:

 Materials: fire resistant neoprene reinforced with Nylon  Dimensions: 1.45m x 1.45m x 0.2m  Weight: 8kg (empty) 430kg (full)  Capacity: 430ltrs of water  Arrest force: all devices must be load limiting to under 6kN  Max user weight: 100kg (as per class E of EN 795)  Pressure loading - 2.4kN/m2  Roof types: EPDM, Mineral Felts, Concrete and Metal Deck  Puncture resistance: Meets FED STD 191 Part 1520 Standards:

 Fits in small carry bag

 Used with HLLI


EN795 Class E


e chapter vfi retpa five hc KA - kee anchor dead weight anchor system

The Kee Anchor System is designed for use on roofs where there are no permanent guardrails, such as Kee Guard, or other anchor devices, in order to allow safe freedom of movement around the roof space. The Kee Anchor system offers the solution to the problem of minimal time maintenance operations for those jobs requiring occasional roof access. The system’s modular components have been designed for ease of assembly on site and for transporting the system to site. For added safety all of the weights that come into contact with the roof are fitted with protective anti-slip rubber pads. The Kee Anchor system offers a low maintenance, reliable and simple to assemble solution to working at heights requiring no drilling, special anchorage or penetration of the roof membrane. All components are zinc coated to ensure long lasting corrosion resistance and the grubscrews used in the system are case hardened and feature KeeKoat protection.

Principle features:

 The Kee Anchor system can be used on roofs up to a 5 degree slope  Multi purpose weights can be used with the KeeGuard roof edge protection system  Suitable for use on Mineral Felt and Single ply membrane roof surfaces  Corrosion resistant for long lasting service  Easy to assemble  Suitable for use with lanyards and Energy Absorption devices conforming to EN354, EN355 and EN 360 Standards:

EN795:1996/amendment A1: Dec 2000 (equivalent to pr EN 795:2003 Class E), BS7883 Class E and ISO14567


chapter chapter five five

Due to the nature of the design the eyebolt can spin freely through 360°. This guarantees the eyebolt is in a positive strength plane and not being stressed. The CheckRing system is ideal for installations where a large number of single point anchors are required and the design aesthetics are key. The socket is fitted with an end cap when not in use, leaving a flush unobtrusive finish particularly in hotels and office blocks. A range of anchor sockets have been designed to cover all applications including:  Brick and Concrete  Cavity Walls  Steel

 PPECR-003

CR - checkring removable eyebolt

The CheckRing removable eyebolt is a simple to install anchorage that can be removed by a quick double action method. This ensures the user cannot accidentally disconnect without two separate movements.

 PPECR-0035

 PPECR-001

 PPECR-002

Principle features:

 All stainless steel construction  Double action via ring pull and sliding button  Discreet and unobtrusive  Colour coded blanking caps  Small drill hole Nom. 22mm  360º rotation  Simple release, pull and slide  Complete range of fixing sockets  Tested to 15kN Standards:

EN795 Class A1


e chapter vfi retpa five hc wA - checkanchor permanent eyebolt

Single point single user anchor device for permanent installation into new and existing buildings or structures. For use with Personal Protective Equipment to protect against falls from height and for no other purpose. Suitable for window cleaners and maintenance workers and may be fitted in the following materials:  Brick and Concrete  Cavity Walls  Steel  Timber via special brackets





Principle features:


 Stainless steel, galvanised and white powder coated Individually proof tested to 10kN  Discrete and unobtrusive  Colour coded on request  Suitable for use in load bearing brick, concrete and steel  Suitable for Abseil when used in pairs  Complete range of fixing sockets to suit all applications Standards:

EN795 Class A1 and BS7883


chapter five

 AST- 25mm webbing  ASTR- Spun polyester roundsling  ASTW- 6mm galvanised steel wire rope

Principle features:

      

Polyester or galvanised steel All complete with wear pads Lightweight Simple to use Versatile Range of lengths available Compatible as end anchor for HLL1 systems  Tested to 10kN

AST, ASTR & ASTW - anchor strops

Anchor strops are available in 25mm polyester webbing, polyester roundsling and 6mm galvanised steel. They are used for quick and simple temporary anchorages to a large variety of structures.


EN795 Class B

AS - anchor stanchion

The Alloy Stanchion is a lightweight portable anchorage system for use with Checkmate’s temporary lifeline systems. Not to be used as a stand alone anchorage. It clamps directly to steel beams up to 24mm in flange thickness. The four stainless grub screws positioned on the top of the flange bite into the material surface when the two M16 bolts are torqued up. The system is ideal for steel erection and large construction projects where anchorages are limited. By connecting a number of stanchions together the LifeLines can be used to span unlimited lengths. By the use of a ‘Y’ type lanyard cross-over is always safe.

Principle features:

       

All alloy construction Powder coated Lightweight 9.5kg Simple to use with two anchor points for running in series Max flange thickness of 24mm Portable Compatible as end anchor for HLL systems only Tested to 10kN


EN795 Class B


chapter five CW - checkwand - container anchor device

Shipping containers are locked together by twist locks located at the corner casting of the container. The height of stacked containers, either on board ship or on dry land, present hazards for personnel moving on the stacked containers, or working on ship decks adjacent to open hatch covers. Checkmate addresses safety issues in this work environment through its Container Top Lock and End Lock Anchor Wands.  Workers can tie off safely before reaching 3 ft from a leading edge  Corner casting anchor wands lock straight into the end holes of a shipping container corner casting.  CGM-120 Top Lock

 CGM-121 End Lock

 CGM-184 End Lock

Principle features:

 Hand held portable anchorage connector that automatically locks into top hole of steel corner castings on shipping containers, or into deck castings on container ships.  Must be used with a self-retracting lifeline rated at a maximum arrest force of 6kN or less  Rated for one person tie-off  Releases from locked position by squeezing handle  Lightweight and portable  User friendly  Color coded - safety yellow, red and orange model dependent  Stainless steel swivel tie-off plate  All alloy construction and powder coated  Portable  Tested to 10kN Standards:

EN795 Class B



chapter six

e p ro eb w or

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e chapter vfi retpa six hc HLL1W - webbing temporary lifeline

A simple to install webbing system that can span between fixed anchorage points and provide a safe horizontal lifeline for up to two users.  HLL1W - 20m webbing, tensioner and bag, plain loop ends  HLL1WK 20m webbing, tensioner and bag, 2 x swivel karabiners  HLL1WS - 20m webbing, tensioner and bag, 2 x alloy scaffold hooks

Principle features:

 25mm low stretch water repellent and UV resistent polyester webbing with wear indicator  Max 20m up to two persons  Simple to install via ratchet style tensioner  Record style bag keeps equipment protected  Lightweight and portable 1.3kg  Carbon steel zinc plated ratchet  Can be produced in a range of colours  4000kg webbing Standards:

EN795 Class C

The configuration of the HLL1 system is as follows:  Up to 25m of 16mm rope c/w a swivel socket to reduce rope twist.  The RVT (Rope Vice Tensioner) is used to tension and lock system.  System can be tightened by hand or additional tension may be applied with a 24mm spanner, the pulley slips when MAX tension is achieved. Principle features:

 16mm low stretch polyester double braid with wear indicator  Max 25m up to 4 persons  Simple to install via RVTRope Vice Tensioner  Rope bag keeps equipment protected and stowed  Easy to take down and install with quick release arm  24mm spanner flats allow additional tension reducing sag  Pulley will slip to avoid over tensioning  Lightweight and portable 1.6kg (RVT only)  Alloy construction powder coated  Can be produced in a range of colours  4950kg rope strength Standards:

EN795 Class C


HLL1 - 25m fibre rope temporary lifeline

A simple to install temporary fibre rope lifeline system that can span between fixed anchorage points and provide a safe horizontal anchorage for up to four users.


chapter six

o t u a l or a ? u n m a e m yst s l i a r

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e chapter vfi retpa six hc ARG - automatic rope grabs

For vertical and inclined fall arrest protection, automatic type rope grabs are available and are ideal for ladder climbing or on sloping roofs. May also be used as a back up system to the main suspension or lifeline. Suitable for use on 11mm and 12mm diameter kernmantle fibre rope. Standard:


ARGASAL Alloy auto rope grab fixed c/w SAL 1.5m 

 ARG Stainless steel auto rope grab removable

ARGAR  Alloy auto rope grab removable 

 ped6 Stainless steel auto rope grab removable with emergency descent function

 ARGA Alloy auto rope grab fixed

ARGC is sold separately if required. (Suits 8mm dia 7x19 Stainless Steel Cable)


ARGC - automatic rope grab for cable

Used for permanently installed vertical fall protection. The ARGC systems are designed to suit specific structures. We offer a standard range of fixing kits to connect to typical ladder sections. Customised brackets can be designed specifically for more complicated installations. Dependent on length of system, number of users and structural loading limitations, Checkmate can add in-line dampers and loadcells to reduce end loads, also maintaining constant tension during thermal contraction and expansion.

chapter six VRS - vertical rail system

A simple to install safety solution for all your ladder and vertical access situations. The lightweight trolley has a gravity and dynamic brake with easy glide action for snag free movement. The extruded alloy rail is designed with a ‘T’ slot in the back to assist installation, reducing the accuracy required for anchorage positions. The use of slipping joints allows for connection to dissimilar metals allowing for thermal expansion.

Principle features:

          

Rail lengths 4m as standard Rail weight 3.5kg/m Rail jointed by two dowel studs and spacer plate Optional end stops at top and bottom Entry exit gate way for access mid-system Lightweight trolley with integrated shock absorber Trolley weight 0.8kg including shock absorber Brake pad easily replaced Trolley manufactured from T6 heated alloy powder coated Easily mounted to ladder via simple sliding bolts T slot allows unlimited fixing along entire rail section


EN353-1 & AS/ NZS 1891.3:1997


chapter six accessories

Alloy Scaffold Hook

 PPEH-02 Steel Karabiner

 PPEH-04 Delta Rapid Link

 PPEH-16CS Small Alloy Karabiner

 PPEH-26 Delta Raad Suspension Trauma LinkSafety Strap

 STSS Foot Loops



Alloy Scaffold Hook

 PPEH-03 Steel Karabiner

 PPEH-04A Steel Swivel Indicator Hook

 PPEH-13 Steel Karabiner Croll

 PPE-CROLL 4.5kg WLL Tool Lanyard

 TL5021 Foot Loops


Steel Scaffold Hook

 PPEH-06 Alloy Karabiner

 PPEH-05 Steel Swivel Indicator Hook

 PPEH-18 Alloy Karabiner Parking Clips

 PPEH-33 2.5kg WLL Tool Lanyard

 TL5022 Protective Headgear


Steel Scaffold Hook

 PPEH-06A Double Action Snap Hook

 PPEH-07 Alloy Swivel Indicator Hook

 PPEH-22A Double Action Shoulder Yolk Snap Hook

 PPEH-23 Handle Strap

 FABX-HANDLE Protective Headgear


chapter six



Principle features:

Principle features:

 PBH2 harness  LRA1.2BB adjustable lanyard  Tribag

 PBH2 harness  LRA2BB adjustable lanyard  Tribag



Principle features:

Principle features:

 PBH2 harness  PAL1.75CE elasticated lanyard  Tribag

 PBH2 harness  PAL4-1.75CE elasticated lanyard  Tribag



Principle features:

Principle features:

 PBH2 harness  SAL1.75CE elasticated lanyard  Tribag

 PBH2 harness  SAL4 -1.75CE elasticated lanyard  Tribag


Triangle Bag


Holdall Kit Bag


Rope Bag (S/M/L)


ipaf & scaffold kits

Checkmate IPAF and Scaffold kits each come complete with a full body harness, an adjustable restraint or shock absorbing lanyard and tribag. A hard case is available upon request.




chapter seven brochure available on request

life l inn ine ova tio n

Our Life latest 8 l inno ine sys mm Si n t func vative em is p gle Wi n re a tion e ality w feat cked w Horiz  ont ith ures and Chec al k f s o l i i n m r in e II is retai p l c e reas r in a ser ning the the seco s e t a c n i l e o latio d impr s of tec re feat d gener n. ures atio ove hni

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chapter seven

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chapter seven

H •A •R •T Height and Rescue Training a checkmate group business

H-A-R-T is Checkmate's Height Safety and Rescue Training Division.

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Our purpose-built training facility houses a fully equipped classroom suite and an internal tower which includes a scaffolded area, walkways and ladders. It also incorporates a waterproofed pit for specialist water and smoke rescue procedures as well as a dynamic drop test rig where the testing of various safety products can be demonstrated.

Training will usually take place at our head offices in Kent, alternatively training could also be carried out at your own premises, if suitable.

A •

Customers can be assured that their safety is always our number one priority and that all aspects of the training activities undertaken are fully insured.


Our professionally qualified instructors have extensive experience in height safety training and cover the whole of the UK and parts of mainland Europe.

t h g i e H

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Contact: Email: Tel: +44 (0) 1795 580 333 Mob: +44 (0) 7824 777 805

brochure available on request


chapter eight

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includes: wag LIFTING sling SAFETY, nd a g Extras & Special Projects, hin s a loadfast, marine slings, decklash, , l g cargo lash, specials & leasing tin lif

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chapter eight lifting sling safety - rated capacities for webslings & roundslings

Checkmate Duplex & Single Webslings Checkmate Roundslings & Endless Webslings Basket Hitch

Working Load Limit (WLL) = Sling rating x Mode Factor (M*)

Straight Pull M*=1

Choke Hitch M*=0.8

Parallel M*=2

90° M*=1.4

2-Leg Sling Max 90° M*=1.4

4-Leg Sling Max 90° M*=2








All loads in tonnes. Factor of Safey for all Webslings and Roundslings is 7:1 Colour coding only applicable with EU for industrial equipment.















GREY 120







RED 150














BLUE 240





















Practical advice for the safe use and maintenance of textile slings  1 Use only identified slings.  2 Do not use a damaged sling. Observable damage

is the most reliable sign of weakness, particularly if a new sling is available for comparison.

 3 Note the correct 'Safe Working Load' for the mode use (see safety chart above).

 4 If intensive use is to be made of a sling in choked hitch,

protection at the point of choke is recommended. Allow the angle of choke to form naturally - do not force.

 5 Never engage a textile sling with anything which may

damage it. The lifting device, where it engages with the sling, should be smooth, without sharp edges and of the correct size so as to avoid excessive opening of the eyes or excessive loading of sewn parts.

 6 Observe the following precautions:

a) ensure that the sling is suitable for the load lifted; b) do not drag loads when slung; c) do not lift with slings which are knotted or twisted; d) in cases where contact with sharp edges is possible, make sure that protective sleeves or patches are provided and that they are correctly located;

e) do not allow the sling to remain under load for longer than necessary; f ) do not pull sling from under the load when the load is resting on the sling; g) avoid snatch or shock loading; h) avoid eye opening angle of more than 20 (see 5); i) ensure that the included angles for 2-leg and 4-leg slings do not exceed 90 degrees.

 7 Ensure that the load will remain stable when

lifted, and that when more than one sling is used for a single load, that the weight is properly distributed between the slings or sling legs.

 8 If slings are to be used where contact with chemicals

is possible, or other extreme conditions such as high temperatures may be encountered, please seek advice.

 9 Store slings away from sources of ultraviolet

radiation, (including sunlight) to avoid degradation.

 10 Do not dry or store slings near a source of heat. Store them on a suitable rack in a free circulation of air.

 11 Inspect slings before and during use (see 2).  12 Never attempt to repair a damaged sling. In cases of doubt, return it to Checkmate.

Recommendations for the inspection of slings for damage  1 Examine the sling throughout its length for

surface chafe, cuts in the webbing or selvedges or the cover and core of roundslings.

Examine stitching of seams and eyes. Examine end fittings for cracks or damage.

 2 Chemical damage will show as local softening or powdering of the sling or its outer cover.

 3 In case of cuts or significant abrasion or of any case of doubt, the sling should be taken out of service and the advice of the supplier sought.

Polyester Slings Polyester slings should be used whenever a minimum of stretch is required. They are unaffected by common acids and hot bleaching solutions. Polyester slings must not be used with Sulphoric Acid* or strong Alkalis**. Not suitable for use at temperatures exceeding 200°C. Stretch at rated capacity is approximately 3%. BS EN1492-1:2000 Web sling BS EN1492-2:2000 round sling

Acid Alcohol Aldehides Strong Alkalis Bleaching Agents Dry Cleaning Solvents Ethers

* Ok NO ** Ok Ok NO

Halogenated Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Ketones Oil, Crude Oil, Lubricating Soaps & Detergents Water, Seawater Weak Alkalis

Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

This information is provided in the interests of the health and safety at work of all employees and other persons who may use the equipment. All persons having any contact whatsoever with webbing slings are instructed to read and put in to practice the information described on this page.


chapter eight 1t

Principle features:

            

Material: Polyester Widths: 25mm up to 300mm SWL: 500kg up to 6000kg - Colour coded Eyes: Becket, flat, reversed or a range of compatible hardware Factor of safety: 7:1 High strength to weight ratio Absorbs shock loads Light and flexible makes them easy to handle Wear sleeves available to protect from sharp objects and wear in either webbing or polyurethane Will not damage the surface of the goods being lifted Unaffected by grease or oil Certificates of conformity are supplied with goods Easily examined




Simplex web slings




Complies with:

EN 1492-1:2000


Duplex & Quadplex web slings 1t









Principle features:

             

Material: Polyester Widths: 25mm up to 300mm Duplex SWL: 1t up to 12t - Colour coded Quadplex SWL: 12t up to 24t Eyes: Becket, flat, reversed or a range of compatible hardware Factor of safety: 7:1 High strength to weight ratio Absorbs shock loads Light and flexible makes them easy to handle Wear sleeves available to protect from sharp objects and wear in either webbing or polyurethane Will not damage the surface of the goods being lifted Unaffected by grease or oil Certificates of conformity are supplied with goods Easily examined

Complies with:

EN 1492-1:2000

Principle features:

             

Material: Polyester Widths: 25mm up to 300mm Simplex SWL: 1t up to 12t - Colour coded Duplex SWL: 16t up to 24t Eyes: Becket, flat, reversed or a range of compatible hardware Factor of safety: 7:1 High strength to weight ratio Absorbs shock loads Light and flexible makes them easy to handle Wear sleeves available to protect from sharp objects and wear in either webbing or polyurethane Will not damage the surface of the goods being lifted Unaffected by grease or oil Certificates of conformity are supplied with goods Easily examined

Complies with:










Endless Simplex & Duplex

Endless Simplex & Duplex web slings



chapter eight roundslings

Complies with: 1t










Standard and heavy duty roundslings are made from high tenacity polyester yarn encased in a colour coded tubular sleeve of durable woven polyester fabric Principle features:

            

Material: Polyester Standard SWL: 1,000kg up to 12,000kg - Colour coded Heavy duty SWL: 12t up to 100t - Colour Orange Circ: Up to 40mtrs Factor of safety: 7:1 High strength to weight ratio Absorbs shock loads Light and flexible makes them easy to handle Wear sleeves available to protect from abrasion and sharp objects in either webbing or polyurethane Will not damage the surface of the goods being lifted Unaffected by sunlight, humidity, grease, oil, dirt or sea water Certificates of conformity are supplied with goods Easily examined

magnum roundslings

Magnum roundslings are made from high performance yarn Principle features:

            

Material: Aramid and Polyester mix SWL: 100t up to 200t Circ: Up to 40mtrs Factor of safety: 7:1 Reduced weight (30%) and diameter High strength to weight ratio Absorbs shock loads Light and flexible makes them easy to handle Wear sleeves available to protect from abrasion and sharp objects in either webbing or polyurethane Will not damage the surface of the goods being lifted Unaffected by sunlight, humidity, grease, oil, dirt or sea water Certificates of conformity are supplied with goods Easily examined

Complies with:


black roundslings

Black polyester and wire rope roundslings for theatre, stage, exhibition and concert venues Principle features:

 Material: Polyester outer cover, polyester or galvanised wire rope inner core  Black and Wire: SWL 2 tonne  Circ: Up to 30mtrs  Factor of safety: Black 7:1, Wire 5:1  High strength to weight ratio  Absorbs shock loads  Light and flexible makes them easy to handle  Wear sleeves available to protect from abrasion and sharp objects in either webbing or polyurethane  Will not damage the surface of the goods being lifted  Unaffected by sunlight, humidity, grease, oil, dirt or sea water  Certificates of conformity are supplied with goods  Easily examined 2t

Black complies with:



chapter eight  Wear sleeve

They are available in a variety of materials including polyurethane for particularly harsh or abrasive surfaces which can be coated either single sided or totally encapsulated.  Plastic-coated wear sleeve


Wear Sleeves Wear sleeves are recommended when abrasion is a problem or sharp objects are being lifted and will also prolong the life of the sling.


Special Webbing Slings We can supply a number of specialist slings such as:  Extra wide webbing slings where we stitch two slings - side by side either in simplex, duplex or quadplex slings - to give extra width up to 600mm and theoretical WLL of up to 48 tons.  Boat slings with extra eyes to give variable lifting lengths.  One trip sling, an economical sling that is used for only a single journey of the load.  Belly band slings, an endless webbing sling that can be supplied in a variety of lengths and widths.  Cloverleaf slings to lift large cargos of cocoa bags, etc.

 Top: Wide Sling  Above: Boat Sling  Right: Cloverleaf Sling


Special Projects Custom slings can be designed and developed to suit customer's individual requirements; such as the Tension Hammock (pictured right) used to change ceramic insulator discs.


chapter eight loadfast

Loadfast straps available in various lengths and breaking loads. The most common being 5t fitted claw hooks with a lashing capacity of 2,500DaN Principle features:

              

Material: High tenacity low stretch polyester Widths: 25mm, 35mm, 50mm & 75mm Breaking loads:1t, 2t, 5t & 10t LF1 Endless ratchet assembly LF2 Two part straps fitted delta links LF3 Two part straps fitted claw hooks LF4 Two part straps fitted snap hooks Labelled with relevant information for traceability and safety Light and flexible makes them easy to handle Wear sleeves available to protect from sharp objects and abrasive loads Will not damage the surface of the goods being lashed Unaffected by grease, oil, dirt or sea water High strength to weight ratio Easily examined Other fittings available

Complies with:

EN 12195:2000

Principle features:

 Material: High tenacity low stretch polyester treated and coated for increased resistance to abrasion and durability  WLL dependant on national and international standards  Various slings available in simplex, duplex, in eye to eye or endless  Labelled with relevant information for traceability and safety  Certificates of conformity are supplied with goods  Light and flexible makes them easy to handle  Suitable for many different cargos  Unaffected by grease, oil, dirt or sea water  High strength to weight ratio  Can be colour coded for year of supply and printed with customer name and other safety information  Easily examined Complies with:

ASME-B30.c-1996-2000 ISO 4878 TP12245E


marine slings

We have unrivalled experience in the manufacture of slings for the Marine environment and are able to react rapidly to the exacting and challenging demands of the shipping industry

chapter eight Principle features:

 Material High grade carbon steel, stainless steel springs and polyester webbing  MBL 15t  Double barrel take-up  4mtr capacity on drums  36mm socket drives  Rapid tensioning via ratchet handle  Kick release for fast discharge  PU coated polyester webbing

brochure available on request

 Low stretch webbing Nominal > 5%  Light weight 14kg and portable  Reported 40% saving in Port-stay time  Edge protectors


Our revolutionary decklash system is designed specifically for large deck cargos

Complies with:

I.M.O.A 715 (17) & TP2534


While the cargo is being loaded and secured the Deckanchor, shown in situ opposite (red metal), can be used for personal tie off. Then once all decklash are in position a temporary lifeline can be fitted for checking and re-tightening during the voyage. Principle features:

 Safely anchored whilst loading & lashing  Eliminate the risk of a fall  Enbles you to check load during voyage Complies with:


decklash optional extra not sold separately

cargo lash

Cargo Lash A rapid economical one way lashing system with a 2,000kg breaking load. Comprising a cranked metal locking buckle and 50mm wide polyester webbing. Tensioning is achieved by a separate detachable ratchet device.


Webbing slings leasing plans We can individually tailor leasing plans to suit your needs either on the spot voyage basis or a longer term commitment thus alleviating the capital cost of initial purchase. If you want to find out more about our leasing plans please contact us.


checkbook#6 product guide

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