2 minute read
Health & Safety
The Basics:
Workers' Health & Safety Rights
Every worker has three basic health & safety rights under the Ontario Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA).
• The right to know!
• The right to participate!
• The right to refuse!
If you're not sure, please ask and get the conversation started. If you have questions, chances are another co-worker has questions, too!
Ask your Steward, your JHSC members, your supervisor or employer, your co-workers, and/or your Union Rep.
Even if there is no direct violation under the OHSA, language under Section 25 may still apply:
Section 25: Duty of Employer
An employer shall ensure that,
(2) Without limiting the strict duty imposed by subsection (1), an employer shall,
(h) take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker.
Find the full OHSA legislation at https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90o01
A message from your NEW Health & Safety Rep Donna Rhodes!
As your new Health & Safety Representative, I will do my due diligence in all health and safety matters that may arise for the Members of this Union.
I am here to help, provide advice, and help you communicate with your employer, your Joint Health & Safety Committee Members, Union Stewards, and Union Reps.
Whether through educational seminars, the UFCW webCampus, on-thejob skills, participating in committees, and more, we can all benefit from continuous learning and upgrading our skills at every opportunity.
I look forward to working with our members to create environments where workers help to build and maintain a true culture of safety by training their co-workers!
Share the wealth, share the knowledge, and let's keep each other safe.
If you have any health and safety questions or concerns, your Representatives and myself are always available to help.
905-821-8329 / 1-800-565-8329