TheCheeseGrater The Other Student Magazine of University College London Union
No. 19 December 2008
THIS MONTH Shame academy
UCL’s dodgy dealings with Camden Council p.2
God Rest Ye Merry Sabbs
Investment wankers
Why College’s ethical investment policy is no cause for celebration yet p.4
Union skulduggery
Charlie Clinton’s at it again p.5
Jazz hands
An exclusive review of Jamie Cullum’s latest work of God-like genius p.7
Beat the winter blues
And earn some mulah with our guide to festive extortion p.8
It’s The Cheese Grater Christmas Special! Filled with festive cheer, plenty of turkeys and good will to all mankind* See inside
* Well, some of them anyway
2 TheCheeseGrater December 2008
UCL’s Shame Academy
Parent protests, student opposition and now a humiliating High Court review. Is Macolm Grant’s city academy a shameless PR stunt gone badly wrong? Alex Ashman
“In sponsoring an academy in Camden, UCL is honouring its core commitments to inclusiveness and widening participation.” SO GUSHED the UCL website in July 2007, celebrating news that College is to get its own privatised high school in Camden. However, recent media coverage has painted a rather different picture. UCL Provost Malcolm Grant’s rosy vision of “inclusiveness” hasn’t stopped College hiding vital details from parents and excluding the views of UCL students. College’s claim to be “widening participation” has come under heavy criticism when it was revealed that the academy would force two special needs schools to merge and a successful school for deaf children to close.
Nice carpets Until recently UCL students have been completely excluded from College’s plans for the Camden academy (see Cheese Grater issue 18). Despite vocal opposition to the academy, the closest College has come to consultation with students has been a ‘Student Focus Group’ which offered little more than the chance to pick out the colours of the carpets. There has certainly been no suggestion that students should be able to have a say in whether UCL’s sponsorship of the academy goes ahead or not. The ‘wealth’ of information available on the Union website, posted by Education Officer Ed Steward, is just a regurgitation of College propaganda for the academy. Students were also directed to fill out an online survey designed by College that was clearly aimed at the more general public. A motion to establish an official stance in opposition to the academy was defeated at Union Council and since then there has been not a
Will an academy in Swiss Cottage seriously damage UCL’s reputation? whisper on the subject. Which is strange, especially in light of the particularly damaging press about UCL’s “backroom deals” to secure sponsorship of the academy.
College coup Two ongoing judicial reviews (one against Camden Council, the other against the Secretary of State) have been brought to the High Court by furious parents who accuse UCL of bullying Camden councillors into giving them the bid and forcing Camden Council to break the law by not opening the matter to competition. Details of UCL’s bid were not disclosed to the public, with offers from the Church of England and an education charity being ignored out of fear that UCL would lose interest. Indeed UCL made it explicitly clear that it would be unlikely to continue with the project if it had to compete with other investors. This would have scuppered plans by Lib Dem councillors who aim to fast-track building work at the academy site ready for the next local election. All’s well that ends well then, eh? Well, not quite, because some local residents are poised to lose out in a big way. Frank
Barnes School for the Deaf and the Jack Taylor Special School are understandably upset at the idea of being bulldozed to make space for an institution that may not cater for pupils with learning difficulties. Parents at the Holborn and St Pancras Secondary School Campaign are also angry, since building an academy in Swiss Cottage would leave no funding available for another, much-needed, school south of Euston Road. A spokesperson asked “can you really justify spending over £25 million on a school for children who might otherwise go to private schools, when the south of the borough’s children…are left with so little?”
Stumbling through And it’s not just UCL students and Camden parents who have been critical of the academy. Lecturers at UCL have long opposed it, with the UCL branch of the University and College Union calling it “elitist”, “undemocratic” and “unnecessary”. History lecturer Simon Renton commented last year that UCL UCU “had serious doubts over whether the management team at UCL could spare the time and energy required to run another
academic institution when they were stumbling over the running of an institution they did know about.”
Swiss cheese So what exactly does College have to gain from the academy, apart from the resentment and alienation of staff, students and Camden residents? Perhaps it would give Professor Grant the power to fast track gifted students into UCL through his own pet secondary school? In all fairness, maybe Grant truly believes that the move will widen participation, even if the academy is being built in an area about as diverse as a cheese sandwich. 60 percent of the population over 16 have a degree, and nearly three quarters are white. In contrast, 83 percent of children at one school in the south of the borough speak English as a second language. Fortunately for Grant, plans for the academy are now at such a late stage that only a High Court ruling could put a stop to them. If the court rules against UCL, College will lose out on the chance for a valuable PR boost. If the court rules in favour of UCL, Camden could lose out on a whole lot more.
December 2008 TheCheeseGrater 3
A RUMS State of Affairs Medical students “heartbroken” over College’s plans to turn Huntley Street into student accomodation
UCL UNION recently dropped the bombshell that it is planning to take over the ULU building. The news caused outrage among University of London students who are sceptical that the ULU building could house UCL Union while still providing decent services and facilties for other UoL students. But if the bid is successful, what does the future hold for current Union buildings? Although few students have an attachment to the labyrinthine 25 Gordon Street with its narrow corridors and cramped bars, Huntley Street is an important venue for UCL medics. However, it is rumoured that Huntley Street faces closure and plans to turn the building into student accommodation are recorded in a College planning statement. But medical students are determined not to let their Union go down without a fight. “It’s where we live”, said one third year. “College may have a problem on its hands if it closes”. And the problem won’t just be with enraged students. One medic pointed out that forcing RUMS and UCL Union sports teams to share a building would
Letters to the Editor To Whom It May Concern,
A future for Huntley Street? be a “recipe for disaster”. College are already unpopular with medical students after they renamed RFCUMS as the rather bland UCL Medical School. Although the decision was supposedly made by a joint staff-student committee most medics were unaware of the change until they returned in September. Medics have consquently been left feeling that their opinion counts for nothing in College or the Union. This impression isn’t helped by Medical and Postgraduates Officer Billy Street, who refused to comment
on College’s plans beyond saying that “Huntley Street is about to enjoy one of its best years in its recent history!”. And presumably one of its last! At the recent RUMS General Meeting a motion was carried to promote more events at Huntley Street to prove its central role in the medical community as a social venue for both students and doctors. “We have an intensive course” added one student. “We’re crap company for anyone who’s not a medic. They should be grateful we’ve got a separate building!” JH
I am writing on behalf of the UCL Union Islamic Society to make an official complaint about the article titled “Profit Mohammed accused of abuse” Cheese Grater Magazine October 2008 edition, at page 6 in the “News at a Glance” section. This article, through the satirical manner, falsely accuses our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of committing acts of sexual abuse. We find this act of irresponsible journalism to be greatly offensive and insulting and it is capable of stirring major tensions in the community. We fully understand the right of freedom of expression, but we object to the manner of implementation of this right shown by this article. We are open to intellectual dialogue and debate and we are willing to meet to discuss this matter further if required. Yours sincerely, Ibrahim Al- Tamimy President UCLU Islamic Society
The Cheese Grater would like to point out that the article did not actually mention the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), rather the “Profit” Mohamed a reference to conspiracy theorist and proprietor of Harrods, Mohamed Al Fayed, who was recently questioned by police regarding allegations of sexual abuse made against him. In no way was the article meant to offend Islam or any other religion. We apologise in full if this is the case.
Got a comment or complaint? Think we’re a bile-producing shitrag? E-mail cheese_grater_
4 TheCheeseGrater December 2008
A Farewell To Arms?
With UCL launching its ethical investment policy next month, The Cheese Grater looks at why we shouldn’t be too hopeful.
THE LAST WEEK of November saw UCL’s Ethical Investment Week, with College Council Chair Sir Stephen Wall speaking on the progress of ethical investment at UCL. For Disarm UCL it was another success in their long-running campaign to persuade College to divest its shares in arms companies and adopt a holistic ethical investment policy. However, the debate also revealed College’s ambiguous stance on the matter, and concerns were raised that UCL’s bew investment policy, due for launch in January, will be only a mere nod in the right direction.
representation at all as the Sabbs confirmed that they hadn’t decided who would be appropriate, although the job it is likely to fall under the remit of the Environment and Ethics Officer. Education officer Ed Steward has said it would unlikely that the EIRC would be an open committee and according to its terms of reference it is only mandated to meet twice a year. As ever, bureaucracy is the enemy of action at UCL
No positive investment
No blanket ban Plans are for the assessment of investments on a case-by-case basis, rather than a blanket ban on investments in arms companies. Although it seems likely that such a policy would mean UCL divests its notorious shares in Cobham (see Cheese Grater issue 12), there would be nothing to stop similar investments being made in the future. In March Provost Malcolm Grant admitted that it was necessary to extend UCL’s current guidelines on socially responsible investment which so far only explicitly bans investment in tobacco companies. The Provost proposed that UCL adopt the ‘Oxford model’ by setting up a separate ‘Ethical Investment Review Committee’ to take responsibility for the issue. According to minutes from College Council the parameters for investment set by this committee might be either ‘negative’ (advising the avoidance of investments in particular areas) or ‘positive’ (advising the active seeking of opportunities to invest in areas seen as concordant with UCL’s mission).
No say for students There has still been no for
Campaigners at Disarm UCL protest in the quad mal consultation with students, surprising considering the vocal nature of the student-led capaign to disarm UCL. After pressure from campaigners last year to investigate the possibilities of ethical investment, a report was produced by UCL alumnus Mr Edwin Glasgow QC and Sir Stephen Wall, advising the Provost on UCL’s future investment policy. However this report has been labelled confidential and remains unavailable to students. Disarm UCL are sceptical about the effectiveness of the ‘Ethical Investment Review Committee’. The committee
consists of two lay members, two academic staff and one student. Disarm UCL and Amnesty International are pressing for equal student representation which seems appropriate since the committee was established in response to long-term pressure from students. The activities of the EIRC are strangely secretive and it is unclear whether they have met at all since being established early this year. The committee certainly did not report to College Council in June, as it was mandated to do in March. Even if the committee does exist, there is currently no student
Disarm UCL have repeatedly pointed to evidence that suggests ethical investment is not only equally but more profitable than investments without ethical criteria. UCL has admitted that there may even be a financial penalty for continuing investment in companies that alienate staff and students. According to a recent report by the UN and Mercer, ethical investment does not bring a performance penalty and as well as offering companies a moral high ground they also bring in profitable returns. While college continues to sit on the fence, shares in Cobham have continued to pump cash into the development of weapons and defence systems. Rather than seizing the chance to be a true ‘global leader’, by delaying the decision UCL is now lagging far behind divestment at Oxford and Cambridge, whose arms shares the Provost once used to justify UCL’s. The new policy could make a difference if College not only divests its arms shares but adopts a positive ethical investment policy that actively seeks out companies to give some some substance to UCL’s ‘global mission’. For more information about Disarm UCL and their campaign visit
Contributors: Christina Ravinet, Jenni Hulse, Sam Steddy, Gareth Spencer, Alex Ashman, Mark Hoffman, Ka Bradley, Toby Youell, George Starling, George Potts,Thomas Rhoades, Adam Gillet, Katherine Harrison, Tom Webb, Chris Couch, Alex McKenna. Special thanks to Josh Worth.
December 2008 TheCheeseGrater 5
Down Your Union
Media bore? Charlie Clinton sticks his nose in again. And will UCL students finally see some decent Union representation? Jenni Hulse
One potato, two potato It looks like The Cheese Grater is not the only media society to have provoked the formidable ire of Communication and Services Officer Charlie Clinton. Pi Magazine were recently told they would have to submit every article to Clinton for approval before they went into the magazine, disrupting publication and heaping unnecessary stress on the editors. Previously, Pi had only sent a finished draft of the the magazine for approval. When Clinton’s change of tack was queried he replied that the newspaper Pi Squared was already doing it, so why couldn’t Pi Magazine? Funnily enough, Pi squared were doing nothing of the sort and had also ignored Clinton’s unwelcome instructions. Clinton’s justification is eerily familiar. He told Pi that when they published potentially controversial articles it was “his neck on the line.” He claimed that he would have to deal with any resulting complaints or lawsuits. While this may be true it certainly doesn’t give Clinton the right to go above and beyond the call of duty and muscle in on the editorial process. Hypocritically, Clinton hasn’t allowed Pi to edit his Union page despite it clashing with the rest of the magazine’s layout and style. Clinton seems unduly concerned to avoid being sued, even if this means media societies are forced to turn out publications with about as much punch as a soggy biscuit. The ability to run stories the mainstream press wouldn’t dare to print is half the point of student media. If Clinton is worried about how legal action might affect his future prospects, perhaps he should consider how well a record of censoring the student press might go down among western law circles. Like a cup of cold mashed potato no doubt.
Society Bitch PHWOAR!!! Those rugger buggers are at it again! Salacious rumour has it that after a recent training session UCL men’s football had to take a separate coach home after refusing to share with the rugby team. The reason? Their coach was full of naked rugby players!
Charlie Clinton; knows how to blow his own trumpet
Well fair welfare The new year could see a dramatic restructuring of student representation at UCL. Over the summer the Sabbs discussed the creation of Welfare Groups at UCL Union, based on the Liberation Groups currently existing in the NUS. It is hoped that the new structure will patch over current failings in the Clubs and Societies system. At present, there is no formal recognition of the special requirements of welfare societies at UCL and many rely on loopholes in Union regulations. Welfare Groups will allow societies to act in the best interests of their members rather than complying with Clubs and Societies rules. Welfare Officer Kate Rowley used LGBT Society as an example of how the current Clubs and Societies system cannot provide sufficient support for interest groups. LGBT already sits somewhat outside Union rules. It is the only society to elect an officer to Union Council and remains the only society with an accepted grant to spend on socials. They do not have to charge
Kate Rowley a membership fee, nor achieve the 30 members required by other societies to remain affiliated. The inherent value of the society to the students it represents makes it necessary to bypass usual Union procedure. However exemptions make it difficult for the society to be regulated by the Student Activities officer, the CSC staff and Activities Board. The numerous grey areas of union policy make it unclear when LGBT are in the wrong and consequently they sometimes lose out as a result of unfair disciplinary action.
UCL LAWYERS won’t be going to the ball this Christmas! The Law Soc Christmas Ball has been cancelled after poor ticket sales. Hardly surprising since they were charging 40 smackers! Rumours are that the ball was overpriced to pay for damages owed after last years riotous event. Nice to know that student lawyers are as slippery as the real thing! Got something big and juicy? E-mail it to Under the current system, the aims and objectives of interest groups sometimes conflict with Club and Society regulations as they often lack clear aims throughout the year and member students may have nothing in common beyond their need for specific representation. According to notes from a preliminary briefing in August, the groups likely to receive special representation will be black or minority ethnic students, disabled students, international students, LGBT students, students of faith and women. The Welfare Groups are due to be launched in One World Week although there is currently no room in the Union budget to create these additional groups. UCL Union is looking into options for external funding from private diversity funds. Grants are currently unevenly distributed with long-established societies such as LGBT receiving generous funding while newer groups have no allocated funds at all.
6 TheCheeseGrater December 2008
Letters Home
Dear Mummy, It’s been a busy term here at university, what with all the important jobs - thank God for free coffee! With this in mind, I’m keen that this year we have a stress free and cosy holiday. I don’t think, mummy, that we can afford to call it Christmas anymore - libel action from the Church could ensue; I’ve noticed that the name contains a not-so-oblique reference to a certain famous saviour. I’m no lawyer mummy, I have neither the Latin nor the intelligence as we know, but my instincts say that this is asking for trouble. Might I suggest some alternatives? I was thinking, either ‘The Clinton Non-Affiliated Festival’, ‘The Period of (noncopyright encroaching) Jollity’, or my personal favourite: ‘Blank Fun Day’. Further to this I would advise that you give careful consideration to the exact nature of our decorations. We don’t want to offend anyone. Like it or not, we are living in the 21st Century now, and other religions don’t need our Christianity shoved in their faces. Keep it simple mummy. Not wanting to offend any tastes or stir up any trouble, I can thoroughly recommend the sparse, barren image that we’ve adopted in the public areas here at UCL. Plus we can afford to spend a little extra this year because I’ve noticed there’s quite a bit of money left over in the Union budget. I feel I’ve more than earned the right to spend this. Health and safety is another issue I would like to address. Keen to avoid such drama as we saw during last year’s Nana-gate incident, I propose the creation of an adivsory board with me as Chair to give the house a once over. In the mean time can I suggest plastic cutlery and fire extinguishers? Food temperatures must be constantly monitored during Christmas lunch; after all, I like my potatoes lukewarm. If you follow the simple steps that I have laid out here, we can all look forward to a lawsuit free Christmas. Yours sincerely, Charlie, x x x
You Can’t Get Me, I’m part of the UCL Union
Exclusive previously undisclosed minutes! How UCL Union Council members really voted to grant themselves free drinks in the Union... Tuesday, 2nd December, 2008, at 6pm in the J Z Young Lecture Theatre, Anatomy Building. The chair opened the meeting at 18.30 because he overslept. UC08/12/1 Apologies UC08/12/1.1 Apologies were noted as per the attached attendance list. Council member no. 7 noted attendance was at a record high of 9 out of 64 elected Council members. UC08/12/2 Announcements UC08/03/2.1 Charlie Clinton expressed interest in submitting a motion which would result in his being referred to as ‘Our Dear Leader’ in all official documents, and being referred to in person as ‘Sir’. UC08/03/2.2 Council member no. 4 expressed his disapproval. Council member no. 4 left, helped by two burly gentlemen sporting knuckle dusters. (18:35) UC08/03/2.3 All other Council members expressed their sincere approval of the proposal with a spontaneous round of applause. APPROVED UC08/03/3 Discussion of new privileges voted to the Council Members UC08/03/3.1 Council member no. 2 (who proposed the motion that all Council members should be entitled to free hot drinks at UCL Union outlets) felt more incentives should be given to the Council members as a reward for their invaluable and honest work for the divine institution that is UCL Union. UC08/03/3.2 Council members discussed privileges which they would be entitled to. UC08/03/3.3 Privileges which all present agreed will be granted as of Term 2, 2008: • Any undergraduate who espies a Council member walking towards a puddle must immediately throw their outermost layer of clothing in the puddle to prevent said Council member from getting his / her Converse wet. • Free anything from all UCL Union outlets and all affiliated bodies including HSBC and the Bank of England. APPROVED Council member no. 8 left the room in order to have a cigarette (18.45) UC08/03/4 Drinking UC08/03/4.1 Council member no. 2 suggested the meeting adjourn to The Court. UC08/03/4.2 In a rare display of good taste, Charlie Clinton instead suggested the meeting instead adjourn to the Bricklayer’s Arms, as it was reckoned to be the place where one can purchase the most units of alcohol per pound sterling around campus.
December 2008 TheCheeseGrater 7
TheCheeseGrater On Sunday With Christmas around the corner, spend frosty Sunday mornings with your favourite Labrador on your lap, a mug of hot milky tea in one hand and a weekend supplement in the other ... Music Monthly Reviewed by Peter Paphides To be released on Universal Records in the first quarter of next year, pianist Jamie Cullum’s new album, Mild Vanilla, is his best album since his last one. Having been hard at work for five years, Jamie has really been pushing the envelope and exploring the boundaries of contemporary jazz. “I was reading in the music section of the London Paper about these pretty far out acts like Jay-Z, Philip Glass, and The Arcade Fire, thinking ‘wow, I wonder if I could work a little of that into my material?’” he told us.
Jamie Cullum: we want MOR Jamie’s innovative style is back en force. We find him thumping the lid of the piano as if it were a percussive instrument in its own right, human beatbox-
Fey-Upon-Twee Christmas Fayre Association Announcement “The Christmas Fayre Association would like to announce some changes have been made to the Magical Candy Grotto arrangements this year. Owing to the myopia of this year’s Personnel Executive Mrs Pumblechook and the wilful dyslexia of the tracksuited slattern we charitably offered an internship to, this
ing, and trying a few new tricks. “I found this really great noise you can make if you smash your face as hard as you can into the piano” says Jamies about standout track, Marks & Spencer’s Prawn Sandwiches. “Kinda sounds like the smell of pork.”
“Kinda sounds like the smell of pork.” As ever, there are one or two cover versions thrown in for luck – his jazz restyling of Johnny Cash’s version of Nine-InchNails’ Hurt marks a fairly poignant moment, but his piano-only rendition of the Arctic Monkeys’ anthem I bet that you look good on the dance floor stands out as accurate to original in both pitch and meter. A promotional tour is planned with dates around England and Northern Europe, but you can check out a teaser of new single, Polishing a Turd, when Jamie guests on Jools Holland’s New Year Hootenanny on BBC2.
6/10 Next week: Tim Dowling on Sunn0))) and the Norwegian church burnings of 1994. year’s Father Christmas will be Satan, not Santa. The CFA would like to assure everyone that this will not affect the standard or content of the Grotto in any way. We will continue to buy our gifts from Lapland Prezzies Ltd. Parents who raised concern at the last meeting over the replacement of Santa’s little helpers with succubi and whores are reassured that all gifts must pass the CFA Board of Quality regulations. All candy canes come arsenic free, the dolls come with appropriate underwear, clockwork toys will not break and go ‘spoing’ until the 31st Jan and all toy guns come with just the right bullets.
Women’s Fashion
Formerly the cock and shoes column
Hadley Drawn-Boy Girls! Chuck out your chihuahua! Pressure cook your poodle! It’s time to fasten that diamanté and rhinestone collar around a new neck – the pet hate! Pet hates are absolutely all the rage. Backstage at Calvin Klein, male model Kreem Ofman shares his enthusiasm. “Like, they’re totally blind but have, like, an amazing sense of smell! Watching a pet hate hone in on a target is like watching an amorous hedgehog in a, like, broom cupboard.” “They’re the most fabulous darlings,” raves Madonna, singer and pro-wrestler. “I love their tiny adorable razor-sharp teeth, they just niggle and niggle! Mine is specially trained to disembowel anyone who keeps me from my hormone supplements. And it used to vomit sulphuric acid all over Guy’s feet when he came out of the shower! Isn’t that adorable?” To find out more, we visited Mimi Saunders, a breeder of pet hates, in her palatial semidetached in Woodford Green. “They have a very noble history,” says attractive mother of two Mimi, 47. “They were originally bred right here in the bosky
Jingle Bellzebub Satan and his associates are more than capable of carrying Santa’s bulging sack, having years of experience in dealing with empty promises and disappointed screams. We are quite confident that he will continue Santa’s positive work in reward-
depths of Suburbia, by Amazonian housewives fighting for Tupperware supremacy and one anothers’ husbands. They also live for a very long time. I can
A pet hate, still a nuisance still remember my mother’s pet hate – she gave it the same name as my brother, bless her – she just couldn’t let it go, and it outlived its namesake!” Mimi was keen to share her vision with us. “I personally raise the hates right from their infanthood as nuisances. I feed them on a strict diet of vinegar and bile. Each pet hate is completely individual – there’s just no telling which one you’ll take home. I’ve even sold the little sweethearts to families where one or two members were allergic to the poor creature, but such is the bond between a human and their pet hate that most of those ended up broken homes anyway.”
ing good little children and punishing the bad; in the Voice of the Void’s own words: “Good little boys live to decorate the Yule tree, naughty little pricks get filled with larvae, and good little girls get muffins and curls but tricky little bitches get closed up with stitches.” An ethos Mrs Pumblechook and the Association have (after lengthy contract negotiations and a game of poker) absolutely suscribed to with all their souls. We wish everyone a happy holiday season and we hope to see you all at the Fayre - it’ll be fiendishly fun!”
8 TheCheeseGrater December 2008
Christmas with The Cheese Grater Don’t let the recession ruin your Christmas. Here’s four surefire ways to make a wad of cash this festive season.
Ice Skating
Mulled Wine
Fill up a paddling pool with water. Leave to freeze overnight. Tie some knives to your shoes. Tadaa! Instant ice-rink.
Buy some antifreeze and strepsils. Boil in the microwave. Charge £5 a glass. The punters’ll be too tinselled to notice.
Saving: £10’s worth of bruises and disappointment.
Bonus profit: any vomit can be collected and resold as eggnog.
German Market
Carol Singing
Invite some international students round for an evening of wine and cheese. Once they’re in your house force them to serve the wine and cheese to the general public.
Sing like no one’s listening. Or like you have Down’s. Profit: £18.67. But the feeling you get from defrauding the elderly by impersonating the mentally ill will last forever.
Profit: £7 per head.
Woolworths staff look for new employment
New year. New blood.
Making a New Year’s resolution to be more bitingly satirical in everyday situations? Come and write (or draw) for us!
Meetings every Tuesday, 6pm Room 216, Foster Court Opposite the DMS Watson Science Library
Can’t make the meetings? Submissions can be e-mailed to the addresses below or left in the Cheese Grater pigeon hole at the second floor reception in the CSC.
UCL Union Cheese Grater Magazine Society Student Publication of the Year - UCL Union Arts Awards 2006, 2007, 2008 Treasurer: Alex McKenna President and Editor: Jenni Hulse E-mail : Humour Desk: UCL Union Cheese Grater Magazine Society, UCL Union, 25 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AY The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of UCL Union or the editor.