Guidelines for Troubling Borders by Francesca Parrotta
Every day, rearrange reality Start with banalities for example switch smokey eyes with ties or vice versa or wear them togetherhowever fits better praise caterpillars instead of butterflies, standard beauty is overrated capitalistic plastic copy of a whitewashed ancient Greek statue -those were painted, did you know that? actual beauty is under-noticed unpolished nails and faded acrylics on a pair of mismatched earrings Have you noticed? politics pollutes your closet and climbs on your clothes, start small, but don’t stop for example pair an outfit with the correct use of pronouns: -the mantle of a patriarchal language may seem thick -then puncture it with tiny little stings you can even cheat on grammar, if you wish (and please, use bitch only as a compliment) 28