Architecture Portfolio

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Analysis of Precedent: Precedent study of Dwellings on Carrer del Carme, Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, 1995.


Site Analysis: Site study on Logie Green Road, Edinburgh. Group 6a: Morphology and Typology


Design Proposal: Designing A Residential Building


Precedent Study

Josep Llinas

Dwellings on Carrer del Carme Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, 1995. 26 units of social housing, perimeter block.

Architect :Josep Llinรกs City :Barcelona Country :Spain Address :Carrer del Carme, 55-57 Building Type :Perimeter block, corner No. of Dwellings :26 Date Built :1995 Dwelling Types :1 & 2 bedroom flats No. Floors :4 (units, office and shops) Section Type :Flats Construction Type :RC frame Exterior Finish :Plaster, ceramic tile, metal, Materials glass



7 3


4 8 Ciutat Vella is a district of Barcelona, numbered District 1. The name means “old city”. Ciutat Vella is nestled between the Mediterranean Sea and the neighborhood called l’Eixample (the Extension). 1. Universitat de Barcelona 2. Plaza Catalunya 3. Museum of Contemporary Art 4. Market 5. Theater 6. City Hall 7. Cathedral 8. The Site - Carrer del Carme Urban location


Programmatic Distribution


Arial View

This project is one of the most interesting examples of new social housing to appear in the Raval neighbourhood, responding to questions of urban and social quality. The architect made the decision not to occupy the maximum building envelope allowed by the municapal code. Instead, he freed up part of the site to improve the character of Carrer d’en Roig, a narrow street flanked by four-, five- and six-storey buildings with dimly lighted. This street level void, carved out of the corner volume at the meeting point of Carrer del Carme and d’en Roig, is his main urban gesture, creating an inviting entrance to the narrow sidestreet.

Ground Floor Plan

Building composition is determined by two rectangles which skew to adapt to contextual and architectural conditions. First Floor Plan

A new housing typology has been explored and introduced into the area. The apartments have been broken down into three blocks of varied height, set back at different levels on Carrer d’en Roig on a onestorey commercial base, creating terraces for the first-floor apartments.

Second to Fifth Floor Plan

Contextual Relationship

Building Depth and Distribution

Building Facade

Second to Fifth Floor Plan

Building’s Core, Circulation and Access

First Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan


Site Study Group 6a-Site Analysis:

Morphology and Typology of Logie Green Road, Edinburgh By Chee Wei LIM, Sonam Chopra, Anna Bateson

Year 1813

Year 1836

Year 1913

Year 1936

Year 2013

Figure ground diagram scale 1:30000














Greenfield diagram scale 1:30000


























Site Section A-A scale 1:1500

Site View

Site Section B-B scale 1:1500

Site Section C-C scale 1:1500

Site Section D-D scale 1:1500

Ground Floor Uses scale 1:4000

General Landuse scale 1:4000

Student Accommodation

Medium Density Block

Medium Density Terraced

Semi Detached House

Building Typology scale 1:4000

Medium Density Perimeter Block


Design Proposal Designing a residential building.

The site of this project is located at Logie Green Road, Edinburgh as a continuous design development from the assignment 01, assignemnt 02 and then assignment 03. The site of Logie Green Road as given, is an undeveloped lot in a residential housing area. We are given the basic requirements of the whole development of maximum 500 meter square building footprint. The building must houses 30 units of dwelling with at least 3 different typologies.

Vehicle Circulation

Pedestrian Circulation

Views to Site

Existing Building form - Linear

Logie Green Road. The site has been studied based on the analysis of transportation, pedestrian flow, visible view into the site ( to allow more opportunities ), neighbourhood building form (linear shape) and also green pocket space. Based on our site analysis on Assignment 02, the greenfield diagrams show the tremendous decrease of green space in the area by comparing different period of time. Besides, through the site analysis of Logie Green Road, I have notified that almost every house has their own individual ‘pocket garden’ situated in front of their house or flat and it is an important characteristic of the housing in the site. Hence, I have further develop the design blending with this green concept. Green Pocket - Courtyard Garden

Horizontal continuum of building form.

Vertical continuum of building form.

Site Study. The site has been study through various of ways by considering the neighbouring building’s shape (linear continuation), building footprint allowance, maintaining existing pedestrian circulation in the site and space planing based on the building’s core design and also hierachy of space privacy (private, public and semi-public).

Landscape and outdoor consideration.

Consideration of footprint on site.

Initial space planning based on circulation.

Center core design, efficiency of space distribution.

Space hierachy distribution ( private, public and semi ).

Design Development. A number of studies were done in further developing the design intention. Various problems were encountered during the design process and study models has been useful in solving the building massing and spaces.

Initial design proposal.

Design proposal stage 2.

Design proposal stage 3.

The initial proposal was proposed with inconsistent placement of apartment units. It houses 11 units of small family, 12 units of medium family and 7 units of large family. The building has to design with multiple floors in order to maintain 500 sqm footprint. Building circulation core was designed in the center to optimized the efficiency of circulation. Unfortunately, the space planing leads to some major problems to the design, overshadowing, dead negative spaces and circulation to some of the appartment units.

Initial design proposal.

The further stage of proposal was improved to a better extend. It houses 11 units of small family, 11 units of medium family and 8 units of large family. The building circulation core was exposed to allowed for better daylight catchment. The apartment units were laid in a more uniform way of repeating in a certain modular. Due to that, the negative space and circulation problem was solved effectively but the major overshadow problem was still persisted.

Design proposal stage 2.

The 3rd stage of the proposal comes to an extend that solved most of the major problems faced. The new developed layout houses 14 units of small family, 9 units of medium family and 7 units of large family. The circulation core mainly faced to the north and designed with glass atrium to ensure it is well lit during the day. The apartment units were generally all facing to the south allowing maximum of sunlight into the rooftop space and interior. Double volume strategy was used to raise higher the building in order to solve the overshadow problem and also enhance the space quality. Eventually, the building typology evolved into a point block which adopting the same typology of the neighbourhood building based on the site analysis.

Design proposal stage 3.

Green Pocket.

Green Pocket. Green pocket idea was introduced to the apartment building design. The design goal of the project is to maintain one of the main element of the site surrounding (courtyard garden). Due to limitation of building footprint restriction and typically, the apartment tenant does not provided a courtyard garden with their units hence, by maintainng the design strategy, I have implemented the green design strategy into every single unit to provide them with vertical garden space known as green pocket situated in front of their house. This idea was adopted based on our greenfield site analysis and also neighbouring study. The green pocket idea was intentionally designed to mimic staying on a ground condition with own individual green space. Whilst, most of the units were designed as a shared garden space for at least two units as a semi-private space to encourage interaction between occupants in an green outdoor space. The green pocket was designed vertically on the rooftop of each unit below which is one of the sustainable design strategy to reduces urban heat island and also provides cooling effect to the unit.

Diagrammatic Concept

Individual Green Pocket Space

Vertical Garden Space

Double Volume Strategy

Perspective view of building exterior.

Context Plan scale 1:500

Ground Floor Plan scale 1:200

Typical Level 3 Floor Plan

scale 1:200

Section A-A scale 1:200

Section B-B scale 1:200

Section C-C scale 1:200

Perspective view of apartment units.



2 4

Type A UnitGround Floor Plan scale 1:50

1. Living room 2. Kitchen and Dining 3. Bedroom 4. Bathroom

Living room


Type A UnitSection D-D scale 1:50

Bedroom 1

Kitchen and Dining

Bedroom 2

Living room

Type C UnitSection D-D scale 1:50



1. Living room 2. Kitchen and Dining

Type C UnitGround Floor Plan scale 1:50






3. Bedroom 1 4. Bedroom 2 5. Bathroom 6. Bedroom 3 7. Bedroom 4

Type C UnitFirst Floor Plan

scale 1:50

30 units apartment: Type A- 14 units of small family - 63 sqm Type B- 9 units of medium family - 147 sqm Type C- 7 units of large family - 220 sqm

Type A Unit

Type B Unit

Type C Unit

Exploded Axonometric scale 1:200

Perspective view of apartment units.


1aAssignment Comparative Precedent Studies.

1bAssignment Research on Spatial Organisations.


From Abstract to Specific: Library in Madrid

Site Analysis Library Proposal in Madrid - An Upward Dynamic


Assignment Comparative Precedent Studies.

Municipal Library, Viana do Castelo - 7 Alvaro Siza

Eberswalde Technical School Library, Germany - 15 Herzog & De Meuron


Opened design approach through light and views.

Enclosed design approach by repecting its surrounding.

Relationship with Site

Existing waterfront and greenbelt as important design consideration.

Stand uniquely on its facade yet maintaining existing building’s form.

Functional Circulation and Access Point

Access from First Floor (Public) Access from Ground Floor (Public)

Exit from First Floor (Public) Access from Ground Floor (Private)

Access from Ground Floor (Public)

Reading Zone - Literature Section - European Documents etc

Book Zone - Storage - Archive

Exit from Ground Floor (Private)

Exit from Ground Floor (Public) Working Zone - Study Room

Scale and Size External Interaction Zone - Story Telling Room - Meeting Room

Leisure Zone - Garden - Bar


Structure and Interior Comfort

Volume and Spatial Organization


Assignment Research on Spatial Organisations.

The project goal of this library designed to cater for family - adults and children. It aims to provide as a children library which includes several children activities spaces and a general public library for the adults. The library was designed as two separated zones which caters for two different age range, children could spend their time in the children zone with range of activities whilst parents could spend their time leisuely in the library or cafe. It is a place to enhance knowledges and interaction between parents and children, a place of bonding relationship of a family and a place to meet and social with another family. Design approach- Building as Playground. Building as an exploration space allows users to interact with the surrounding externally (greenspaces, building form) and internally (galleries, interaction zone, etc).

Library Prototype 1: recipe 2 (Openess)

Library Prototype 2: recipe 5 (Closeness)

Vertical Leveling

Horizontal Leveling

Hierachy of Space

Transition of Space

Sunlight through interior

Sunlight through Courtyard


Exploration through curiousity

Spaces Planing and Relationship Diagram


Semi Public


Meeting Room



Cafe Gallery

Ground Floor Relationship

Staff Room


Periodic Section

Reading Area

Service Desk

Storage Archieve

Multipurpose Room

Leisure Zone

Multimedia Section

Space for Little Children


Story telling Room

Reading Area

Archieve Service Desk

Computer Station Storage

First Floor Relationship

Activity Room

Second Floor Relationship

Children Collection

Children Adult Reading Reception Section A-A

Prototype 1


Gallery Space

scale 1:250

Gallery Space

A Adult Reading

Children Reading

Cafe A Ground Floor Plan scale 1:250

First Floor Plan

scale 1:250

Second Floor Plan scale 1:250


Children Reading

Reception Section A-A

Prototype 2

scale 1:250

Adult Reading



Circulation A Children Reading


Ground Floor Plan scale 1:250


First Floor Plan scale 1:250

Second Floor Plan scale 1:250

Final spatial study This iteration has been chosen to take one step further to develop into the library proposal on assignment 2. It is because of its potential spatial quality. The design seeks to explore the spatial environment in a library with various design attempt. The floor plate has been folded up and down to explore the movement in a library which potentially could be interesting spaces. Voids and double height volume has been explored as well to examine the usefulness of open and enclosed spaces which further developed from the previous precedent study. Ramps and folding floor plate create different movement in the library which interestingly create curiousity environment.



From Abstract to Specific: Library in Madrid

Site Analysis Collaborative work with studio group

Site Model N.T.S

Building Typology scale 1:1000

Landuse - Ground Level scale 1:1000

Landuse - Above Ground Level scale 1:1000

Site Study - Nolli Plan scale 1:1000

Site Section scale 1:1000

Below is the interview Q&A session conducted by Eric Lim, Rimsha Rahman and Juliette Sung from University of Edinburgh during the site survey of architecture field trip to Spain. Interviewer: If we propose a new library on this site, do you think it will work? Interviewee: Firstly the Spanish economy is going through rough a time right now so the finance will be a problem for the project, secondly you have a concurrence with one of the biggest library in Madrid which is just 100 meters away. It is not a place where people usually go in fact this is a residential area, so I think this is not a best place to propose a library. Interviewer: If it is not just a library, we want to introduce something else into the library, what do you think would make people come to the library? What would you want in a library? Interviewee: Combining library and cafeteria can help. We are building more and more new residential housing in this area so maybe a funky or modern place with a Wi-Fi could work. Also, as we are near the train station, the high traffic flow to and from the area can be beneficial to the project. Interviewer: Is the area noisy seeing the proximity to the train station, any pros and cons? Interviewee: Not too much, as you can see the train was just arrived *pointed at the terminal from roof top*. We are in the centre of Madrid, this area is being refurbished. Building of new houses is mostly because of the terminal, I think there will be more people living in this area so potentially this project could work, but the main thing as we were saying is there is a big library down the street? Interviewer: Does this area have a high redevelopment rate? Are the buildings and houses here always being rebuilt? Interviewee: There is a bus station approx. 200 – 500 meters away from here, over there once were all the old buildings with 3 to 4 stories height, they were all been taken down and rebuilding new apartments. Interviewer: How is the area during night time? Interviewee: During the night, we don’t hear anything. There are a few bars and a pub nearby here but even the bars close early. Interviewer: Do you think you have enough green spaces around here? Interviewee: We have a big green space which is the Retiro Park, the main park in Madrid. Interviewer: What type of people live in this area? Interviewee: Medium class. The 80s and 90s were more to working class but right now its medium class area and again because it is near to the city center. Interviewer: Is this a student area or family area? Are there any schools nearby? Interviewee: Not a student area, there are no universities in this side of the city. This area is mainly residential but there must be some private schools here. Interviewer: What about the amenities in the area, in terms of restaurants or entertainment? Interviewee: For restaurants we have to go further up the street but here we have a tube station which is 100 meters away, train terminal and also the Spanish bus. The connection around Madrid is not bad.

End of Interview session.

From Abstract to Specific: Library in Madrid

Library Proposal in Madrid - An Upward Dynamic

View to the proposed library from the main road, Calle de Mendez Alvaro.

Site analysis

Location Plan

The proposed site was strategically located in one of the busy site in Madrid - Atocha. It is well connected with various existing public transport services and also located opposite the Atocha Train station. Hence, the public flows in the area is comparatively high. Proposal goal: At the begining stage, I am awared there is an existing public library located at a very close distance within the neighbourhood. Therefore, this proposal seek to introduces as a new supportive mixed uses library, offering an enjoyable reading, dining and leisure space which helps to enhance the neighbourhood as a whole instead of proposing a same type of general library as the old one.

The building form is influenced by the following:

The opportunity frontage.

The greens.

The visibility.

The main road, Calle de Mendez Alvaro which connects the north part of the site provides better opportunity and entrance into the site compare to the smaller and narrower entrance from the south site.

Part of the site were covered with existing greens and trees. The proposal consider the sustainable design of the library by preserving part of trees and include them in the environmental strategy.

Considering the visiblity of the proposal on site, the north part of the site has the better vision compare to the centre part where views blocked by the surrounding buildings and same goes to the south part of the site .

Ca l le de de en M zA ro lva

Calle General L


The connect. The site as a connection of both main road, Calle de Mendez Alvaro and Calle Ancora. Public user allowed to access to the main train station by passing through the proposed site hence increase the accessiblity and movement throughout the site.

Calle Ancora

Location Plan scale 1:1000

The Library. The proposed library encourages the public to use library not only as a form of knowledge source but also as a social gathering space for the neighbourhood, a place for the community besides on the main public library that nearby. It caters for the families and children which provides library and study space for the adults and also children, an open stage seating for performance, gallery space and a cafe as a leisure activity for the community. Library as an urban pause. Adopting the green idea in an urban constrainted site, the library allows a little pause for the urban busy life. An Upward Dynamic Concept The library captures the movement of public with strong journey movement which interlacing every single level yet creating a sense of dynamic moment in spaces within the building, an upward dynamic movement. The concept helps to encourage exploration and curiousity of the user within the building.

Facade view of proposed library from the main road, Calle de Mendez Alvaro.

Circulation From the previous study of spatial arrangment, folding floor plate which creating movement in the internal spaces has been an interesting circulation. Hence, further development of the circulation in this library proposal is one of the main concern factor. The reception and cafe are designed fronting the main road to increase the visibility. The external circulation allows courtyard connects the main road, Calle de Mendez Alvaro and Calle Ancora which maintains the high pedestrian flow in and out of the proposed site. The internal circulation adopting the concept of dynamic movement of user where the floor plates of the building are interlacing forming an upward movement which leads the user to the top floor. Secondary direct circulation is also accesible through lifts and staircases. By contrasting different aspects of architecture element such as volume, hierachy, openess and enclosure of spaces to attract the curiousity of the user. The contrast of children library (stable floor plate) and adult library (tilted floor plate) in two different shapes help on achieving an unique architecture expression.

Adult library Children library

Floor plates showing the differentiation of library.

Floor plates showing the movement of internal space.

View of the courtyard from the proposed library entrance.



B 2.





Ground Floor Plan scale 1:400

1. Outdoor theatre 2. Cafe 3. Reception 4. Exhibition and Gallery 5. Main Study Area 6. Children Library 7. Library Reception 8. Study Area

9. Office 10. Space for Little Children 11. Infant Library 12. Multi-purpose Room 13. Quiet Study Room 14. Computer Lab 15. Music and Periodical Section 16. Roof Terrace




5. 6.


First Floor Plan scale 1:200



B 8.





Second Floor Plan scale 1:200





B 14. 16.



A Third Floor Plan scale 1:200

View哦of south facade from south entrance.

View of the open stage seating from south pedestrain entrance.

Section A-A scale 1:200

Section B-B scale 1:200

Detail Section scale 1:75

Interior view of the children library looking to the balcony.

Interior view of the main library.

Axonometric N.T.S

Sustainable strategy The library adopted few of the sustainable design technique such as Greenroof helps to reduce the internal temperature of the building. Deep overhang strategy helps to avoid the direct sunlight into the interior space during summer on the western and southern part of building.

Greenroof Detail Section scale 1:10

Overhang Detail Section scale 1:75

East elevation of the proposed library.


Main entrance view.

View from the main road.

View from south pedestrain entrance.

Development A series of develepment has been carried out before finalizing the library proposal.

Dynamic spaces study at the initial stage.

Folding space - the ability define and redefine both static and kinetic space.

Second stage design proposal.

Third stage design proposal.

4th stage design proposal.

This stage of design trying to implement circulation movement into the building through horizontal movement.

The circulation movement changed in this stage and slowly seeks to bring the movement upward instead of horizontal.

The circulation movement evolved by folding down the floor plate to enhance the upward movement of user.

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