A Taste of Modern Ukraine by Yurii Pryiemski

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A Taste of

Modern Ukraine

Delicious and easy to prepare dishes by

Yurii Pryiemskyi 1

Classic ingredients in the 21st Century Yurii Pryiemskyi



Welcome to Yurii’s kitchen Philosophy Ukraine is a forager’s paradise, a land with countless miles of wild-flower meadows and an orchard huddled close to every house in its myriad villages. In late May, the markets of Kyiv turn blood-red as the super-abundant strawberry harvest is brought to the capital. To the West, the beautiful Carpathian Mountains offer countless other wild berry types along with enough varieties of mushroom to support a cottage industry of fungi foraging tourism. To the South, the hauntingly-beautiful Danube delta – so vast that its outpourings of silt into the Black Sea add a couple of metres to the Ukraine coastline each year – offers an abundance of fish. You will find tables decked with huge steaks of the noble fighting carp. Ukraine is a young sovereign state but its culture is far older than that of its neighbours, reaching back to the late 9th Century and Kyivan Rus, the genius federation of Slavic states that gave rise to Ukraine. Food has been inextricably linked with that deep history,

Yurii Pryiemskyi

as has the profound relationship that Ukrainians have with their fertile land that offers everything from honey, 4

“We have a very rich cuisine in Ukraine and we should embrace the garden of our land.”

beetroots and cabbage to sorrel and buckwheat. Where

restaurant Benihana, enjoying the challenging environment

homes elsewhere in the world might boast a herb garden,

of chefs cooking in front of the guests.

Ukrainians merely pop outside – half the country is a wild

There, he learned that cooking is about stimulating many of

herb garden!

the senses – touch, sight and smell along with taste.

Classic ingredients for a classic cuisine, but a new

After six months training in London, Yurii headed to

generation of Ukrainian chefs is adapting them for dishes

Moscow where for the first time he created his own menu

suited to the 21st century. Leading the way is undoubtedly

and was able to put his ideas into practice.

Yurii Pryiemskyi, head chef of Odessa restaurant in Kyiv.

All the while, Yurii harboured a fierce ambition to open a

He is passionate about the rich bounty that Ukraine offers

restaurant where his heart was – in Kyiv – and to showcase

and at the same time recognises the role that the country’s

the cuisine of his land.

emerging culinary scene can play in the economy of

Both ambitions were met when he became head chef at

Ukraine and of putting his country on the map.

Odessa, one of Kyiv’s most famed restaurants, which now

“We have a long tradition of cooking, most of which we

has a reputation for combining unusual flavours with

learned from our mothers and grandmothers,” said Yurii.

stunning plating.

“These are the ingredients that we all grew up with, humble

Despite having reached his goal, Yurii continues to learn

ingredients that we are now elevating.”

and expand his horizons. A few years ago he opened

Yurii dreamed of becoming a football player but soon

Kanapa in Kyiv, fusing the very best of Ukrainian and Asian

found that his real passion was to cook, using the amazing


ingredients available to him in his beloved Ukraine.

Yurii continues to drive the gastronomic revolution."We

Sport’s loss was cuisine’s gain and his career began when

have a very rich cuisine in Ukraine and we should embrace

he migrated to Italy and started to learn his craft at the

the garden of our land,” he said. 5

Modern Ukraine

Delicious and easy to prepare dishes by

Yurii Pryiemskyi

A Taste of Modern Ukraine first published in 2019. Copyright Peter Marshall. The rights of the author have been asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic. electrostatic, magnetic tape mechanical, photocopying recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing from the publisher.

ChefMedia Author: Yurii Pryiemskyi Publisher: Peter Marshall Editor: English language edition Mike Martin Editor: Ukraine language edition Lesia Hrebeniuk Design: Chef Media Photography: Peter Marshall www.chef-magazine.com Cooking times in each recipe introduction are made up of the total of all items that need to be cooked. Preparation times are estimates and will depend on the skills level of the individual.


A Taste of

BERRIES Cherry Duck Pate 10 Borsch with Strawberries 12 Rabbit with Black Currant Pasta 14 Duck and Cherry Risotto 16 Strawberry Varenyki 18 Strawberry Pavlova 20 Strawberry Napeleon 22 Wild Strawberry Custard 24 Red Currant Lemonade 25 Kissel fruit drink 26


Pickled Garlic 30 Garlic and Rapana 32 Chorba 34 Fish Soup 36 Aspic with Chicken and Garlic 38 Vegetable Fairy tale 40 Zander with Barley Grits 42 Varenyki with Giblets 46 Zrazy with Meat 48 Pasta with Garlic and Red Mullet 50


Honey and Pesto Salad 54 Pickled Cucumber with Honey 56 Zander with a Honey Glaze 58 Beef and Foie Gras in Honey 60 Beetroot Varenyki 62 Roast Pork with a Honey Glaze 64 Traditional Honey Cake 66 Doughnuts with Honey 68 Honey and Walnut Smoothie





Canapé with Cep Cream


Poached Egg with Morels


Beef Rib with White Ceps


Tartar with Chanterelles


Mussels with White Ceps


Pearl Barley with Ceps


Beef Soup with White Ceps


Homemeade Bread and Herring Pate 132 Buckwheat Soup 134 Black Pudding with Poached Egg 136 Buckwheat Ragout 138 The Buckwheat Burger 140 Buckwheat and Salted Caramel 142 Buckwheat Popcorn


Varenyki with Ceps 90 White Ceps Ice Cream




Sorrel Mayonaise 96 Asparagus and Holandaise 98 Salted Sprat with Dill Potatoes 100 Green Borsch 102 My Chicken Kyiv 104 Roast Crayfish and Dill Espuma 106 Veal Cheek with Pasta 108 Catfish with Sorrel Espuma 110 Dill and Apple lemonade 112 Sorrel Ice Cream 113

Cabbage and Cheese Cream 148 Kapustnyak Soup 150 Holubtsi in a new way 152 Borsch with Soured Cream 154 Cabbage Schnitzel 156 Varenyki with Cabbage 158 Lazy Holubtsi Rolls in Zaporizhzhia 160 Zrazy with Cabbage 162 Red Mullet with Cabbage Cream 164 Braised Cabbage with Mushrooms 166



Beetroot and Feta 116 Borsch with Smoked Sour Cream 118 Three Horseradish and Tongue 120 Shuba Salad with Crab 122 Beetroot Rolls 124 Beetroot Sorbet 126 Vinaigrette Salad with Sprats 128

Cheese and Borodino Crumble 170 Salad with Brynza 172 Lazy Varenyki 174 Varenyki with Brynza 176 Zucchini with Goat Cheese 178 Banosh with Brynza 180 Baked milk Panna Cotta 182 Syrnyky with Fir Syrup 184 Clabber with Sea Buckthorn 186 Ice cream made of Ryazhenka 188 Cottage Cheese 190 7


Berries In the remote forests of Polesia in northern Ukraine the berry pickers arrive on foot, cycles or vehicles of every shape and vintage. What they have in common are the juice-stained hands of the practiced berry-picker. The bounty of the berries (blueberries, cranberries) enables industrial-scale foraging and has had a major impact on the local economy. The national economy too, with major export successes. Ukraine is the biggest exporter of blueberries to the European Union. Ukraine’s berry wealth is also clear in the West where the natural gift of laden raspberry bushes matches that of Polesia. Other berries include blackberry, whortleberry, cowberry and wild strawberry. Nature’s generosity is reflected in Ukraine kitchens where you will find berries used in everything from desserts and traditional drinks to accompaniments to meat dishes. 9


Cherry Duck pate Preparation Time 120 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes

Method Duck pate

Duck pate

Half a duck

Lightly fry the duck with randomly sliced vegetables, then steam with

Carrots 50g

wine and reduce slightly. Remove and place in a baking dish/roaster

Shallots 50g

with cherries, cinnamon and cloves. Add water and braise with a closed

Cherries 50g

lid in the oven at 170C until the duck is cooked. Cool and remove all

White wine 30ml

the meat from bones. Mix the duck meat with butter in a blender until

Water 100ml

smooth. Add nutmeg, salt, pepper and Dijon mustard to taste. Roll the

Cinnamon stick X 1

pate into small balls, inserting a toothpick into the middle of the each,

Cloves X 2

and freeze.

Pinch of nutmeg Dijon mustard 15g Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Butter 50g Cherry gel Cherries 200g Cherry juice 200ml Lemon juice 10ml Sugar 20g Kappa 5g Plating

Cherry gel Remove cherry stones and grind the cherries in a blender. Pass through a sieve and mix with cherry juice, lemon juice, sugar and kappa. Leave for 10 minutes, then put the mixture into a saucepan and bring to the boil before passing through a sieve again. Dip the pate into cherry gel at least twice. Refrigerate. Bread croutons Cut the bread into bite-size pieces and toast under a grill. Plating Place a cherry leaf on the plate, arrange the pate cherries and decorate with fresh cherries and bread croutons.

Bread 200g Cherry leaf Fresh Cherries



Borsch with strawberries Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes



Beetroot 150g

Wash and clean all the vegetables. Dice the potatoes and put into the

Carrots 40g

water so that they do not discolour.

Onions 30g

Cut the beetroots into thin strips, fry gently in vegetable oil, add a little

Cabbage 80g

vinegar, then sugar, salt and a little water. Simmer until the beetroot is

Potatoes 100g

cooked, approximately 15 minutes.

Parsley root 20g

Separately, cut onions, carrots and parsley root into strips and fry in

Pelati tomatoes 100g

vegetable oil until cooked. Season with salt and pepper.

Vinegar 10ml

Cut the cabbage into strips.

Pinch of salt

Boil the water and add the potatoes, bring back to the boil, and add the

Pinch of black pepper

cabbage and strawberries and boil for 10 minutes.

Sugar 10g

Add the pelati tomatoes, cooked beetroots and fried onions with carrots

Bay leaf x 1

and parsley root.

Garlic 4g

At the end, season with salt, pepper and sugar and leave to infuse.

Water 700ml Strawberries 200g Paprika 5g Vegetable oil 30ml

Plating Pour the soup into a bowl, decorate with strawberry slices. Add some goat cheese and drops of sour cream. Garnish with basil.

Plating Strawberries 30g Sour cream 40ml Goat cheese 40g Basil 4g



Rabbit with black currant pasta Preparation Time 180 minutes Marinating Time 10 hours Cooking Time 20 minutes


Ingredients Marinated rabbit

Black currant powder

Rabbit hind legs x 4

Black currants 50g

Olive oil 40ml Thyme 4g Garlic 5g Pinch of salt Pinch of pepper Sauce Demi-glace sauce 200ml Glucose 15ml Garlic 2g Thyme 2g Parsley 2g Butter 10g Pinch of salt Black peppercorns 1g

Pasta Semola flour 100g Egg x 1 Pinch of salt Olive oil 5ml Water 10ml Crumble Parsley 4g Baguette 40g Pinch of sea salt Thyme 2g

Marinated rabbit Rub the meat with olive oil mixed with thyme and garlic, and leave to marinate in the fridge for 6-10 hours. Add salt and pepper, put into a vacuum bag and sous-vide for 3-4 hours at 82C. When you are ready to serve, fry in olive oil until golden brown. Sauce Warm up the demi-glace sauce with thyme, garlic and black peppercorns. Add glucose and finely chopped parsley, and thicken with butter. Season with salt. Black currant powder Wash and dry 50g of black currants and put into a dehydrator or into the oven at 70C for 10-12 hours until the berries are completely dry. Grind them into powder and store in a dry place. Pasta Mix flour, egg, black currant powder and a little salt. Knead the dough. If the dough is very stiff, add a little water. Once kneaded, add the olive oil, knead again and leave for 1 hour. Roll out in the form of tagliatelle or pappardelle. Boil in salted water until cooked. Crumble Cut baguette into pieces and dry in the oven at 170C for 10-15 minutes. Take dried bread and mix in a blender with the parsley, thyme and sea salt. Plating Put the rabbit leg on a plate, place the pasta next to it, pour the sauce on top and sprinkle with crumble.



Duck and cherry risotto Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes





Duck fillet 800g

Sprinkle the duck fillet with salt and sugar and leave in the fridge to dry

Pinch of salt

for 6 hours. Fry the duck on both sides until golden brown and cook

Pinch of sugar

in the oven at 170-180C for 10 minutes. Leave it to rest for 5 minutes.



Arborio Rice 200g


Butter 20g

Fry the rice in an olive oil and butter mixture until it becomes slightly

Olive oil 20ml

transparent, then steam thoroughly with white wine. Add hot chicken

Dry white wine 50ml

broth and cook until almost tender. At the end add cherry puree. If

Chicken broth 350ml

required, thicken with cheese and butter.

Cherry puree

Cherry puree

Cherries 400g

Remove cherry stones and process cherries in a blender. Pass through a

Red wine 50ml

sieve, add the icing sugar and boil. Add the red wine and reduce by half.

Icing sugar 30g

Parsley sauce

Parsley sauce

Mix the parsley with lemon juice and olive oil in a blender. Season with

Parsley 15g


Lemon juice 15ml Olive oil 15ml Pinch of sea salt Plating

Plating Arrange cherry risotto on a plate, put duck slices on top and splash plate with the parsley sauce. Garnish with lettuce leaves, spinach and cherries.

Cherries 40g Romaine lettuce 40g Baby spinach 20g



strawberry Varenyki Preparation Time 90 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes





Yogurt 200ml

Mix flour, a little salt and baking soda. Add the yogurt and knead the

Flour 300g

dough quickly. Leave the dough to rest for 30 minutes.

Baking soda 10g Pinch of salt

Filling Wash and dry strawberries on a towel. Mix icing sugar with starch and


dip the strawberries into the mixture.

Small strawberries

Roll the dough into 100mm circles, place the dipped strawberries, cover


with another circle and seal using egg white. Steam for 7-10 minutes.

Icing sugar 30g Starch 15g egg white x 1 Puree Sour cream 350ml Icing sugar 50g

Puree Whisk the sour cream with icing sugar in a mixer. Plating Wash the berries and dry on a towel. After the varenyki are cooked, place them on the puree with sugar and garnish with berries and mint.

Plating Raspberries 40g Sweet cherry x 4 Gooseberries 40g Mint 15g



Strawberry Pavlova Preparation Time 90 minutes Cooking Time 15 minutes





Egg whites 150g

Coat a bowl with lemon juice, put egg whites inside and whisk. When

Icing sugar 150g

the whites firm up, add icing sugar, vanilla extract and whip until peaks

Lemon juice 20ml

form. Slowly add the starch. Place the mixture in a pastry bag and

Starch 20g

squeeze onto baking parchment. Put into a preheated oven at 130C and

Vanilla extract 5ml

bake for 40 minutes. Increase the temperature to 170C and bake for

Strawberry sauce Strawberries 400g

another 5 minutes. Take out of the oven, remove from the baking tray and cool.

Icing sugar 30g

Strawberry sauce

Lemon juice 5ml

Mix the strawberries in a blender, pass through a sieve and mix with

Chamomile syrup

icing sugar and lemon juice for a sour-sweet taste.

Chamomile flowers

Chamomile syrup

(dried) 10g

Mix water with sugar and bring to the boil. Add chamomile and leave

Water 120ml

for 10 minutes. Filter.

Sugar 60g Cream Sweet pastry cream 80ml Mascarpone cream 80ml

Cream Whisk pastry cream separately and mix it with mascarpone cream. Plating Place the Pavlova on the plate, add the cream and sliced strawberries on the top. Pour the syrup of chamomile and strawberry sauce.

Plating Strawberries



Strawberry napoleon Preparation Time 120 minutes Cooking Time 15 minutes




Dough for cake layers

Butter 375g

Mix butter, flour and sour cream, knead and divide into portions of 90g.

Flour 750g

Roll into balls and refrigerate. Let it cool and then roll out on a silicone

Sour cream 375ml

mat as thin as possible and bake in an oven at 180C for 10 minutes.


Leave to cool.

Milk 3L


Sugar 750g

Mix the milk, sugar and vanilla extract, heat, add flour and cook on

Flour 375g

a low heat. Pour onto a baking tray. When the cream cools, heat the

Vanilla extract 75g

butter and mix in a blender.

Butter 300g

Strawberry puree

Strawberry puree

Puree the strawberries in a blender and strain. Add icing sugar and stir

Strawberries 3kg

well to dissolve it.

Icing sugar 300g Lemon juice 20ml

Making the cake Cover each cake layer with custard and then strawberry sauce. Cover


the top layer with custard and sprinkle with icing sugar. Leave in the

Strawberries 200g

fridge for at least 10 hours.

Fresh mint 2g Icing sugar 2g Sea buckthorn 20g

Plating Dice the strawberries and mix with finely chopped mint, adding a little icing sugar. Cut a piece of the cake and place on a plate, put strawberry puree next to it, and garnish with strawberries and sea buckthorn.



wild strawberrY Custard Preparation Tme 60minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes





Milk 300ml

Mix the milk, sugar and vanilla extract, heat, add flour and cook on

Sugar 75g

a low heat. Pour onto a baking tray. When the cream cools, heat the

Flour 38g

butter and mix using a blender.

Vanilla extract 7ml

Mix the finished custard gently with pastry cream.

Butter 30g Pastry cream with vanilla 200ml Crumble Borodino bread 30g Pinch of fresh rosemary Pinch of thyme Icing sugar 5g Raspberry sauce Raspberries 200g Icing sugar 30g Lemon juice 5ml

Crumble Cut Borodino bread into pieces and dry in the oven at 170C for 10-15 minutes. Cool and mix in a blender with the icing sugar, rosemary and thyme. Raspberry sauce Mix the raspberries in a blender, pass through a sieve and mix with icing sugar and lemon juice. Plating Wash wild strawberries and dry gently. Wash basil, choosing beautiful small leaves. Put the custard onto a plate, place a few wild strawberries on top, and sprinkle with a bit of Borodino bread crumble and powdered green tea. Decorate with leaves of basil and thyme and drops of raspberry sauce.

Plating Green tea powder 4g Wild strawberries 200g Basil 8g Pinch of sea salt Pinch of thyme


Red currant lemonade Preparation Time 20 minutes Cooking Time 15 minutes

Ingredients Red currants 200g Lemon juice 40ml Pear juice 120ml Mint 4g Mineral water (highly carbonated) 600ml Red currants for decoration 120g Mint 4g

Method Puree the red currants in a blender, and strain. Mix lemon juice and sugar in a pan. Bring to the boil and let cool, add the pear juice To serve Mix one third of the puree and two thirds water. In classical Ukrainian cuisine, it can be served cold or warm.


Kissel fruit Drink Preparation Time 20 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes

Ingredients Black currants 300g Sugar 150g Water 700ml Starch 15g

Method Puree the black currants in a blender, add water if needed, and strain. Mix with the rest of the water and add the sugar. In a pan, bring the juice to the boil and add the starch diluted with water. Boil until cooked and let cool. In classical Ukrainian cuisine, it can be served cold or warm.



garlic While some around the world might struggle

Ukrainian garlic has a strong aroma and a

to point to Kyiv on a map, few have not heard

more intense flavor than bulbs from other

of the legendary Chicken Kyiv, the mouth-


watering meeting of chicken fillet and butter

Insatiable demand and high prices for garlic in

and garlic filling. Demonstrating his quest for

recent years has seen Ukraine growers working

originality, chef Yurii has his own interpretation

together to increase yields and acreage to

of the Kyiv dish (no garlic) but elsewhere there

meet demand.

is the pungent bulb in abundance.

And garlic will do you no harm at all as it

In Ukraine, garlic is found simply everywhere,

contains compounds with medicinal properties

with countless dishes generously flavoured

capable of combating the common cold and

with it (garlic is often the main seasoning).

reducing blood pressure.



Pickled garlic Preparation Time 60 minutes Marinating Time 7 days Cooking Time 15 minutes



Young garlic

Use only young garlic. Break a cinnamon stick into 5 parts. Put the

(unpeeled) 1kg

spices into washed and dried jars, and then place the garlic.

Allspice x 10

To cook the marinade, boil water with salt and sugar. After boiling, turn

Bay leaf x 3

off the heat and add the vinegar. Fill the jars with the marinade and

Cloves x 5

leave in a warm place for 31 days, then keep in the fridge for a week.

Cinnamon stick x 1

After that it’s ready to use.

Water 625ml Sugar 84g Salt 35g

To serve Peel the garlic and serve as a side dish to pork fat with croutons.

Vinegar 25ml



GARLIC AND RAPANA Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes



Carrot puree

Carrot puree

Carrots 300g

Grate the carrot, finely cut the garlic and fry in olive oil with lemon grass

Carrot juice 50ml

for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the carrot juice and slightly

Pinch of sea salt

reduce. Mix everything in a blender, adding cold butter and cream.

Pinch of black pepper

Season with salt and sugar.

Young garlic 20g Butter 20g Cream 40ml Sugar 10g Lemon grass 10g Rapana Rapana 240g Fresh Chilli 2g Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Vegetable oil

Rapana Soak the Rapanas in ice-cold water to wash off the sand, repeating several times. Dry and fry in vegetable oil with garlic, fresh chilli, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cut the garlic to make chips, cover and fry in oil until golden brown. Toast a slice of bread until golden brown. Plating Warm the carrot puree and spread onto the bread slice. Place fried rapanas on top and sprinkle with garlic chips. Garnish with baby spinach.

Plating: Baby spinach 10g



Chorba Preparation Time 180 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes





Rabbit mince 300g

Put minced rabbit into water and cook for about 1 hour to make a

Water 700ml


Leeks 80g Carrots 80g Garlic 10g Bell peppers 80g Pelati tomatoes 80g Chilli-garlic paste 5g Soy sauce 30ml Lemon juice 30ml Cilantro leaves 2g

Whilst the broth is cooking, cut all the vegetables into thin strips and fry in vegetable oil until tender, adding pelati tomatoes, chilli-garlic paste, soy sauce and lemon juice at the end. Add the cooked vegetables with spices into the broth, season with salt, sugar, pepper and a little finelychopped garlic, parsley and cilantro leaves. The taste should be soursweet and slightly spicy. Noodles Boil egg noodles separately, and season with a little vegetable oil, finely

Pinch of salt

chopped parsley, cilantro and garlic.

Pinch of black pepper


Vegetable oil 30ml

Place noodles in a bowl and pour the soup over.

Noodles Egg noodles 100g Cilantro leaves 2g Parsley 2g



Fish soup


Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 90 minutes

Fish Soup Zander 100g Fish bones 300g Onions 50g


Carrots 50g

Fish soup

Garlic 5g

Place washed pre-baked vegetables in a pan.

Leeks 50g

Add the fish and fish bones and fill with water.

Thyme 2g

Cook on a low heat for 1 hour. Then add the

Dill 2g Bay leaf x 1 Pinch of sea salt Black peppercorns 1g Lemongrass 10g Water 700ml Mackerel Mackerel fillets 200g Flour 30g

spices, thyme, bay leaf, dill and peppercorns and cook for another 20 minutes. Season with salt, add lemongrass, and set aside. 30 minutes later pass through a fine sieve. Heat up and serve. Mackerel Cut mackerel fillets into pieces, adding salt and pepper. Cover the pieces in flour, then in egg and breadcrumbs, mixed with finely chopped

Egg x 1

parsley and garlic. Fry in vegetable oil until

Rusks 50g Pinch of parsley Pinch of garlic Vegetable oil 50ml Garlic-dill sauce Dill 7g Vegetable oil 30ml

golden brown. Garlic-dill sauce Mix all the ingredients in a blender. Horseradish sauce Whisk the cream and mix with white horseradish, adding some salt.

Pinch of garlic


Pinch of sea salt

Pour the soup into a bowl and separately serve

Horseradish sauce Cream 33% 40ml White horseradish 7g Pinch of salt 37

the dill and garlic sauce, horseradish sauce and fried mackerel.


Aspic with chicken and garlic Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 4 hours





Rooster x 1

Peel the vegetables and bake them in the oven or in a dry frying pan.

Water 1.5L

Place into a large pan with the rooster and spices and pour in cold

Carrots 100g

water. Bring to the boil, skim and simmer for a minimum of 3 hours on

Onions 100g

a low heat. This way the broth should remain clear. Add the gelatine

Celery root 100g

until disolved. Pass through a fine sieve and separate the meat from

Leeks 100g

the bones. Put the meat into moulds (adding pieces of carrot and celery

Garlic 10g

root, according to taste). Season the broth with salt, pepper and fresh

Thyme 2g

garlic and leave for 10 minutes. Again pass through a sieve and pour the

Bay leaf x 1

broth onto the meat. Leave to cool and put in the fridge.

Peppercorns 1g Sea salt 2g Gelatin sheets x 5 Horseradish Cream 50ml White horseradish 10g Pinch of salt Beetroot horseradish Cream 50ml White horseradish 10g

Horseradish Whisk the cream and mix with horseradish. Add some salt. Beetroot horseradish Whisk the cream and mix with horseradish and beetroot juice to get a nice red colour. Add some salt. Plating Chop garlic with the skin and fry in hot oil until golden brown. Dry. Take the aspic out of the mould, place on a plate and decorate with drops of two kinds of horseradish. Place the crispy garlic on or alongside the aspic.

Beetroot juice 10ml Pinch of salt Plating Young garlic 20g Vegetable oil 50ml



Vegetable Fairy Tale Preparation Time 40 mimutes Cooking Time 30 minutes



Carrot puree

Parsley oil

Carrot Puree

Carrots 300g

Parsley 10g

Grate the carrots, finely cut the garlic and fry in olive oil with the

Carrot juice 50ml

Olive oil 20ml

addition of dried basil. Fry for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the

Garlic 2g

Pinch of salt

carrot juice and let it reduce slightly. Place everything in a blender, add

Pinch of dried basil

Pinch of garlic

cold butter and cream and whisk. Season with salt and sugar according

Cream 60ml

Lemon juice 5ml

to taste.


Garlic crumble

Tomato 200g

Cut garlic with the skin and fry in oil until golden brown. Mix in a

Olive oil 15ml

blender with dried bread, adding some sea salt.

Olive oil 10ml Butter 20g Pinch of salt Sugar 5g Garlic crumble Garlic 10g Baguette/Dried white bread 10g Pinch of sea salt Vegetable oil 30ml

Pinch of rosemary Pinch of garlic

Borodino crumble Fry the garlic in olive oil until golden brown. Dry Borodino bread in the


oven. Let it cool and mix bread, fried garlic, salt, thyme, and a bit of

Zucchini 400g

olive oil used for frying the garlic, in a blender.

Olive oil 10ml Pinch of sea salt Garlic 4g

Parsley crumble Dry white bread and mix in a blender with parsley leaves and sea salt.

Borodino crumble

Pinch of black pepper

Parsley Oil

Borodino bread 40g

Pinch of rosemary

Mix all the ingredients in a blender and pass through a fine sieve.


Tomato, zucchini and onions

Green onions 40g

Bake whole green onions in the oven at 180C for 5-7 minutes.

Thyme 3g Olive oil 5ml Garlic 3g Parsley crumble White bread 40g Parsley 10g Pinch of sea salt

Plating Baby spinach 20g

Slice tomatoes and fry in a hot pan with garlic, olive oil and rosemary, adding a little sugar. Cut zucchini in halves and fry with garlic and rosemary until golden. Plating Heat the carrot puree and place on a plate. Place the baked zucchini on top, then the baked tomatoes. Garnish with green onions, crumble and baby spinach. Pour some parsley oil. 41


Zander with barley grits Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes




Barley grits


Zander 800g

Garlic 2g

Cut zander fillet into steaks, add salt, pepper, thyme and olive oil. Leave

Thyme 3g

Thyme 2g

to marinate for some time. Then fry before transferring to an oven

Olive oil 20ml

Barley grits 200g

(180C for 10-12 minutes) to complete cooking.

Pinch of salt

Olive oil 5ml

Pinch of black pepper

Olive oil for frying

Nettle sauce Nettle 30g Cream 60ml

15ml Pinch of sea salt Parmesan 10g

Milk 30ml


Pinch of garlic

Baby spinach 10g

Pinch of salt

Cherry tomatoes 80g

Pinch of black pepper Sugar 5g Garlic crumble Young garlic 10g Baguette/Dried white bread 10g Pinch of sea salt

Nettle sauce Fry the garlic in olive oil, add cream, milk and finely chopped nettle and whisk in a blender, adding salt, pepper and a little sugar. Garlic crumble Cut the garlic with the skin, and fry in oil until golden brown. Mix it in a blender with dried white bread, adding a little sea salt. Barley grits Fry barley grits in olive oil with garlic and thyme, add water and cook to porridge consistency, adding salt, pepper and a little parmesan at the end. Pour into a pan. When cool, cut it into pieces and fry in olive oil. Plating Place the fish on a plate with pieces of barley grits next to the fish. Pour over the nettle sauce. Garnish with baby spinach and cherry tomatoes. Sprinkle with the garlic crumble.

Vegetable oil 30ml




Ingredients Dough

Glazed carrot

Flour 400g

Carrot 120g

Water 200ml

Pinch of salt

Olive oil 30ml

Pinch of black pepper

Eggs x 2

Olive oil 10ml

Filling Chicken liver 300g Butter 50g Onions 50g

Pinch of thyme Chicken broth 30ml Baby spinach 20g

Thyme 3g

Garlic crumble

Pinch of salt

Young garlic 10g

Pinch of black pepper

Baguette/Dried white

Apple cream Apples 200g Sugar 30g

bread 10g Pinch of sea salt Vegetable oil 30ml

Lemon juice 10ml


Thyme 3g

Baby spinach 10g

Cream 40ml

Cherry tomatoes 80g

Baked onion Onions 80g Vegetable oil 10ml Pinch of sea salt Beetroot in balsamic Beetroot 80g Dark balsamic 20ml Sugar 10g Water 200ml 46

Pinch of garlic

Varenyki with giblets Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 40 minutes

Method Dough

Apple cream

Boil water with oil in a heavy saucepan. Add 200g of flour

Fry the apples in butter, adding thyme, sugar and lemon

and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Continue to

juice, and mix in a blender with the cream until smooth.

cook the dough for 5 minutes, stirring constantly until it is

Baked onion

completely smooth.

Clean the onion, cut into pieces and bake them in vegetable

Place the dough on the table and let it cool for 2-3 minutes,

oil, adding a little salt. Remove from the oven when the

Knead it for 3-4 minutes while it is hot and you have a

onions are browned.

consistent texture. Leave it for 30 minutes. Put the dough

Beetroot in balsamic

in a mixer, add another 200g of flour and 2 eggs and mix

Boil the beetroots in water until tender. Clean and cut into

until stiff. Use more flour, if needed.

cubes, and boil in balsamic vinegar, adding the sugar.

Remove the dough, wrap with cling film and let it rest in the

Glazed carrot

fridge for 1 hour.

Peel the carrots and cut into sticks. Fry in olive oil with


thyme and garlic, add salt and pepper, and steam with the

Fry the liver in 30g of butter on high heat, adding salt and

broth. Reduce the chicken broth to glaze the carrots.

pepper. Leave it pink on the inside. Spread livers out in a

Garlic crumble

container and cover with a lid.

Cut the garlic, with the skin and fry in oil until golden

Use the same frying pan (without washing) to fry the rough-

brown. Mix it in a blender with dried white bread, adding a

chopped onions, adding the butter. When the onion is

little sea salt.

slightly golden, add it to the liver and thyme leaves. Let it cool. Chop liver and onions until smooth-ish.


Make varenyki (ravioli-style) circles with the dough, fill with

Spread apple cream on the plate, place boiled varenyki

the liver and onions mixture and seal.

on top, garnish with baked onions, glazed carrots and

Cook the Varenyki parcels for 10 miutes in boiling water

beetroots. Finish with baby spinach and cherry tomatoes.

just before you are ready to plate.



Zrazy with meat Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 40 minutes




To complement


Potatoes 800g

Young Garlic 10g

Bake potatoes in their jackets in the oven, let them cool a little and peel.

Eggs x 2

Vegetable oil 20ml

Rub through a sieve and mix with the eggs and salt. Divide potatoes into

Sea salt 2g

Spring onion 80g

60g portions, put the filling inside and form into a cube. Before serving, fry each cube on all sides.


Green peas 100g

Minced meat 250g

Onions 80g


Onions 50g

Leek 50g

Chop the onion, carrots and garlic into cubes and fry in vegetable

Carrots 50g

Pinch of sea salt

oil, then add the minced meat and fry. Add pelati tomatoes, paprika,

Garlic 4g

Pinch of black pepper

juniper berries, bay leaf and water and simmer for 1 hour until the

Paprika 2g

Olive oil 2ml

meat is almost ready. At the end, add salt, pepper, sugar and chopped

Pelati tomatoes 40g Water 150ml Chopped parsley 4g Butter 20g Vegetable oil 100ml Juniper berries 4g Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Bay leaf x 1


parsley. Thicken with butter to a firm consistency. Let it cool.

Carrot juice 30ml

To complement

Beetroot juice 30ml

Cut young garlic with the skin, and fry in oil until golden brown.

Dill juice 10ml Cherry tomatoes 80g Sour cream 200ml

Clean the spring onions, cut in pieces and bake in a dry frying pan or under the grill, seasoning with sea salt. Wash the whole onions and bake at 180C for 5 minutes. Fry green peas and season with a little sea salt. Shave the leek into strips, sprinkle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and bake in the oven at 180C for 10 minutes. Plating Place two cubes of potatoes on a plate, garnish with fried spring onion. Place the green peas, baked onions and cherry tomatoes on top. Garnish with drops of sour cream and drops of fresh juices in the middle. Garnish with baked leek.



Pasta and red mullet Preparation Time 90 minutes Cooking Time 40 minutes





Wholemeal flour 200g

Mix the flour, an egg and a little salt. Knead the dough. If the dough

Eggs x 2

is very stiff, add a little water. Knead, adding sunflower oil at the end.

Pinch of salt

Again knead and leave to rise for 1 hour.

Sunflower oil 10ml

Roll out the dough and cut into thin strips, sprinkle with the flour, and

Water 20g



Boil the pasta in salted water, gently twist, and serve.

Red mullet 400g


Flour 30g

Clean the red mullet from the inside, coat in flour and fry in vegetable

Pinch of sea salt

oil until golden brown. At the end, season with sea salt.

Vegetable oil 50ml



Mix vinegar with bay leaf, white pepper and a clove of garlic, and reduce

White wine vinegar 60ml

liquid by half. Strain and mix with the yolks and thicken in a bain-marie

Bay leaves x 2

(water bath) with butter, seasoning with salt, sugar and

White peppercorns x 3

some black pepper.

Garlic 3g Egg yolks x 4 Butter 130g Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Bread Crumble Baguette/Dried white bread 30g Parsley 5g

Bread Crumble Dry the white bread, mix it with parsley leaves and sea salt and grind in a blender. Garlic Chips Cut the young garlic with the skin, and fry in oil until golden brown. Plating: Neatly spread the sauce on the plate, place boiled pasta and fried red mullet on top, sprinkle with garlic chips and bread crumble.

Pinch of sea salt Garlic Chips Garlic 10g 51


honey The place of honey and its creators the bees

and recognised world-wide for its expertise

in Ukraine is as old as the culture itself – and

in all aspects of bee-keeping and honey

that is very old indeed. Some of the earliest


documents from the time of Kyivan Rus

The pool of expertise in honey production in

(proto-Ukraine) refer to the regard that bees

Ukraine is second to none, with more than half

were held in. The Orthodox Church has a

a million people engaged in the work.

special veneration for the bee on account of its

A true wonder-food, honey is used by

selfless work on behalf of others.

Ukrainians in cooking, baking and a variety

The modern frame beehive was invented in

of home health remedies. Ukrainian honey

Ukraine in the early 19th century. Little wonder

cake is one of those recipes that has pretty

that Ukraine is the leading producer of honey

much gone global and enjoyed by families

in Europe (In the world’s top five producers)

throughout the country when celebrating.



Honey Pesto Salad Preparation Time 30 min Cooking Time 60 min



Pesto Sauce

Pesto Sauce

Rocket lettuce leaves

Wash the rocket lettuce leaves and dry, then


put into a blender with honey, lemon juice,

Lime honey 10g

garlic, salt, pepper and roasted pumpkin seeds.

Pinch of salt

Blend, gradually adding sunflower oil to form a

Pinch of pepper

thick sauce.

Pumpkin seeds 20g Sunflower oil 30ml Pinch of garlic Lemon juice 15ml Plating Romaine lettuce 80g Boston lettuce 80g Tomatoes 360g Baby spinach 40g


Plating Take the lettuce leaves and a fresh tomato, cut and lay neatly on a plate. Spread the sauce alongside.

cucumbers with honey Ingredients


Pickled cucumbers

Pickled cucumbers

Cucumbers 400g

Boil a pan of water and add all the spices.

Garlic 10g

Leave to infuse.

Dill inflorescences x 2-3

Let the water cool to lukewarm and add the

Vinegar 15ml

cucumbers. Pickle for 1 day in a warm place or

Salt 20g

2 days in the fridge.

Sugar 10g Horseradish leaves x 5 Bay leaves x 3 Black pepper corns 1g

Grilled bread Cut the bread into slices and grill until golden brown.

White pepper corns 1g


Water 600ml

Thinly slice the cucumbers, spread on grilled

Grilled bread

bread and pour the white honey on top.

Bread 400g Plating: Lime-flower or White honey 15g




Zander in a honey glaze Preparation Time 60 minutes Marinating Time 12 hours Cooking Time 30 minutes





Zander 600g

Cut zander fillet into bite-size pieces, combine the honey, soy sauce and

Lime honey 50g

lemon juice and marinate in the fridge overnight.

Lemon juice 10ml

Bake in the oven at 180C for 10-15 minutes.

Soy sauce 10ml

Celery puree

Celery puree

Clean the celery, cut into pieces and boil until tender. Drain and while

Celery 400g

the celery is hot grind it in a blender, adding cream and cold butter.

Butter 40g

Season with salt and sugar.

Cream 40ml Water 200ml Pinch of salt Sugar 10g

Baked vegetables Cut the onion into pieces and bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes with the carrots, seasoning with salt and pepper. Remove the onions and keep them warm. Add the stock to the carrots and reduce until the carrots

Baked vegetables

are glazed and slightly crunchy. Combine carrots and onions with the

Young carrots 200g

honey and bake for 5 minutes.

Onions 50g Honey 10g Chicken stock 50ml Vegetable oil 10ml

Plating Serve baked zander with celery puree and baked onions and carrots. Garnish with baby spinach and sliced radish.

Pinch of salt Pinch of pepper Plating Baby spinach 40g Radish 30g



Beef and foie gras in honey sauce Preparation Time 45 minutes Marinating Time 12 hours Cooking Time 30 minutes



Roast beef


Roast beef

Beef fillet 400g

Shallots 50g

The evening before, marinate the beef. Rub it with salt, mustard, black

Pinch of salt

Garlic 2g

pepper, thyme and a little vegetable oil.

Pinch of black pepper

Thyme 2g

Once marinated fry the meat in a skillet on all sides to seal it and roast

Whole grain mustard

Kvass 200ml

in the oven at 180C for 15 minutes.


Demi-glace sauce

Vegetable oil 10ml


Fresh thyme 2g

Honey 10g

Filling Potatoes 600g Sea salt 2g Foie gras 50g

Butter 15g Pinch of salt

Cut the garlic finely and fry in olive oil until softened, adding dried basil,

Carrot cream

cream 30ml Sugar 10g Pinch of garlic

together with the potato. Divide the filling into portions of 80g.

Vegetable oil Baby spinach 20g

Pinch of salt

potatoes and rub through a sieve. Fry the foie gras, adding salt and mix Carrot cream


Carrot Juice 30ml

Peel the potatoes, dice and boil in water until tender. Strain the

Black pepper 2g

Vegetable oil Grated carrots 200g


Foie gras Full grain mustard 40g

and stirring occasionally. Add the grated carrot, carrot juice and slightly reduce. Put everything into a blender, add the cold butter and cream and whisk. Season with salt and sugar. Sauce Fry shallots, garlic and thyme in vegetable oil until golden, then add the kvass and reduce by half. Sieve and then add the demi-glace sauce and honey. Put it back on the heat and thicken with cold butter. Season with salt and pepper.

Pinch of dried basil


Butter 20g

Cut the meat into thin pieces, put potato and foie gras mixture in the middle of each piece, wrap in a roll and fry on all sides. You may need to overlap the beef to make the parcel big enough. Lay out on a plate and pour the sauce, and grate raw foie gras on top. Garnish with carrot cream, mustard and baby spinach.



Beetroot Varenyki Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes



Beetroot 400g

Choose large beets and boil them. When cool peel the beetroot and

Goat cheese mousse Goat cheese 200g Cream 100ml Sea salt 2g Sauce Honey 20g

slice thinly (2-2.5mm). Place goat cheese mousse in the middle of each slice. Gently fold in half and lay on a plate. Goat cheese mousse Mix goat cheese with cream and whisk until smooth, adding some salt. Put in the fridge to stiffen.

Lemon juice 30ml


Parsley 2g

Mix honey with lemon juice, sunflower oil and finely chopped parsley.

Sunflower oil 40ml

Borodino crumble

Borodino crumble

Dry and mix Borodino bread with seeds and thyme and rosemary

Borodino bread 50g

leaves in blender.

Pumpkin seeds 30g Thyme 2g Rosemary 2g

Plating Place the ready-made varenyki on a plate and pour the honey sauce. Decorate with lettuce and bread crumble.

Plating Lettuce leaves



Roast Pork with a honey glaze Preparation Time 40 minutes Marinating Time 6 hours Cooking Time 60 minutes





Salt 10g

Heat the water and dissolve salt and sugar. Leave to cool. Put the

Sugar 50g

cleaned and trimmed pork into the brine for 6 hours to marinate

Water 1L Pork tenderloin 800g Baked Vegetables

To Cook the Pork Take the pork out of the brine, dry and lightly fry in a pan with a small amount of oil to seal. Cook in the oven at 70C for 30 minutes.

Young, small carrots

Baked vegetables


Cut the onion into pieces and bake in a hot oven with the carrots,

Small onions 100g

seasoning with salt and pepper. Remove the onions and keep them

Pinch of garlic

warm. Add the stock to the carrots and reduce until the carrots are

Vegetable oil 10ml

glazed and slightly crunchy. Combine carrots and onions with the

Chicken broth 50ml


Honey 15g Sauce Buckwheat honey 50g White wine 200ml Soy sauce 30ml Cherry twigs x 2 (optional) Buckwheat popcorn Buckwheat 40g Vegetable oil 80ml Plating

Sauce Boil the wine and reduce by half. Cool to 30C add the soy sauce and honey. Mix, adding the cherry twigs (if using), and leave to infuse. Buckwheat popcorn Heat the vegetable oil and quickly fry the raw buckwheat. Drain through a sieve and add salt to taste. Plating Cut the pork into three equal pieces, pour the warm sauce over the pork and sprinkle with buckwheat popcorn. Place baked vegetables, baby spinach and radishes alongside.

Radish 40g Baby spinach 40g



Traditional Honey cake Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes



Cake layers

Cake layers

Margarine 75g

Melt the margarine, honey and sugar over steam. Remove from the

Honey 22g

steam and add the baking soda, eggs, flour and vinegar and knead the

Sugar 150g

dough until it is smooth and stiff.

Baking soda 10g

Divide into 70g portions. Roll out into thin layers on a silicone mat and

Vinegar 10ml

bake in the oven at 190C for 5 minutes

Eggs x 2 Flour 375g Pinch of salt Cream Sour cream 35% 1kg Icing sugar 300g Raspberry sauce Raspberries 100g Sugar 20g Water 20ml

Cream Whisk the sour cream with icing sugar. Raspberry sauce Mix water with sugar and bring to a boil to create a syrup. Mix raspberries in a blender and pass through a sieve. Combine the syrup and raspberry puree and warm up. Then cool, ready to serve with the honey cake. Making the cake Build the cake layer by layer coating each with cream until all layers and cream are used.


Boil the condensed milk, let it cool and spread on the top of the cake

Condensed milk

followed by the melted chocolate topping. Create a honeycomb pattern.


Leave for 12 hours, then cut and serve.

Melted chocolate 100g Plating

Plating Cut off a piece of cake, place on a plate and decorate with an almond as a bee, a raspberry and mint.

Mint 4g Flaked almonds 4g Raspberry 20g



doughnuts with honey Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes





Cottage cheese 600g

Mix the eggs with icing sugar and whisk slightly. Add the cottage

Eggs x 2

cheese and knead. Add the flour, baking soda and vinegar. Knead until

Flour 200g

the dough becomes smooth and divide into doughnut size portions.

Icing sugar 100g

Sprinkle flour on the table and roll each portion into a strip. Join the

Baking soda 10g

ends to create the classic doughnut shape with a hole in the middle.

Vinegar 10ml

Heat the oil to 175C and deep-fry the doughnuts for 10 minutes until

Vegetable oil 300ml for frying Plating Runny honey and/or

golden brown. Plating Serve the doughnuts hot. Pour some honey on top or serve with honeycomb.




Honey and walnut Smoothie Ingredients Milk 600ml Walnuts 200g Honey 40-50g

Method Dry the walnuts in the oven and then cool. Place walnuts and honey in a blender. Whisk, gradually adding in all the milk. Add Honey to taste. Serve in glasses.



ceps Ukraine is a mushroom paradise, with more than 200 varieties in the Carpathian Mountains alone. They include porcini, chanterelles and aspens. So abundant are the mushrooms in the beech and fir forests of the Carpathians, that the region supports a fungi-foraging tourism industry. Little surprise that mushroom exports from Ukraine continue to grow. You will find mushrooms in countless Ukrainian dishes, including the legendary borsch soup which is said to have as many variations as there are villages in the country (a lot). While another famous dish – varenyki – may contain anything from cherries or meat to cabbage or cheese, a mushroom filling is still much loved. 73

Ingredients Mushroom broth Dried ceps 20g Ceps 200g Onions 40g Carrots 20g Garlic 2g Cream 30ml Butter 30g Fresh thyme 2g Fresh parsley 2g Vegetable oil 15ml Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper To complement Chanterelles 80g Fresh ceps 100g Vegetable oil 15ml Pinch of salt Pinch of pepper Butter 10g


Canapé with cep cream Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 15 minutes

Method Mushroom broth Dill 10g

Soak the ceps in cold water to remove the excess sand. Carefully put them into a stewpan, fill

Sunflower oil 50ml

with water and cook the broth for 30 minutes, adding salt. Remove the mushrooms and reduce

Pinch of salt

the liquid by half.

Lemon juice 5ml Onion 50g Flour 15g Vegetable oil 50ml Pinch of salt Olive oil 5ml Garlic 10g Milk 50ml Vegetable oil 50ml Onions 100g White wine vinegar 60ml Sugar 5g Agar Agar 0,5g Plating Baby spinach 20g Bread 400g

Dice the carrots, onions, fresh white mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil. Add mushroom broth and mushrooms, simmer and at the end add cream and butter, finely-chopped parsley, salt, pepper, sugar and fresh thyme leaves. Simmer for 5-10 minutes more to get a rather thick consistency. Mix in a blender into puree. Put into a pastry bag and cool. To complement Fry chanterelles and ceps in vegetable oil, season with salt and pepper. At the end add a bit of butter. Wash the dill, scald in boiling water for 1 minute, then put on ice. Mix in a blender with vegetable oil, lemon juice and a little salt. Place in a sieve and wait for the dill oil to drip. Pour onto baked onions as sauce. Clean the onions under running water for 5-10 minutes. Dry, remove the film from the onions and cut into rings. Sprinkle with flour and deep-fry until golden brown. Clean the garlic and cut into thin slices and boil the slices in milk to remove the bitterness. Place the slices on tissue paper and dry. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Wash the onion as little as possible, cut in half lengthwise, divide into segments and grill lightly. Mix vinegar with sugar and agar-agar and leave for 30 minutes so that agar-agar swells. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool and pour onto grilled onions. Plating Cut the bread into rectangular pieces, sprinkle with olive olive oil and grill. Squeeze the mushroom cream in the shape of a snake onto the bread; decorate with fried mushrooms, garlic chips, onions and baby spinach. Place baked onions with dill oil. 75


Poached egg with morels Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes

Ingredients Poached eggs

To complement

Eggs x 4

White mushrooms 80g

Water 3L

Chanterelles 80g

Pinch of sea salt

Asparagus 160g

Vinegar 50ml

Olive oil 10ml

Morels Broth

Butter 5g

Morels 40g Onions 40g Carrots 40g Pinch of garlic Parsley root 40g Water 400ml Cream 50ml

Pinch of pepper Pinch of thyme Onions 100g Olive oil 5ml Garlic 10g Milk 50ml

Butter 10g

Vegetable oil 50ml

Vegetable oil 20ml


Teriyaki sauce 50ml Pinch of salt Pinch of black pepper


Pinch of salt

Romaine lettuce leaves


Poached egg with morels Method Poached egg Boil the water, adding a little salt and vinegar. Stir the water to make a funnel and break the eggs into the water. Cook for 2-3 minutes, take out and dry. Ideally poach one at a time Morels broth Soak the morels in cold water to remove the excess sand. Carefully put them into a pan, add the onions, carrots, garlic and parsley root, fill with water and cook the broth for 60 minutes, adding salt to season. Remove all the vegetables except the mushrooms, return to the heat and reduce the liquid by half. Once reduced, add the teriyaki sauce, cream and butter, and season with salt and pepper. Reserve the sauce for plating. To complement Wash and clean white mushrooms, chanterelles, asparagus and mix the butter and oil and thyme together. Fry on a on medium heat for 1015 minutes so that the mushrooms and asparagus are browned. Add morels and cook for a further 5 minutes. Wash the onions as little as possible, clean and cut in half lengthwise. Take them apart into florets/segments and bake lightly in a dry frying pan or under the grill. Clean the garlic and cut into thin slices and boil the slices in milk to remove the bitterness. Place the slices separately on tissue paper and dry. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Plating Place the poached egg on the plate, arrange fried mushrooms and asparagus around, and pour the morels sauce. Garnish with baked onions and romaine lettuce leaves. 79


Beef rib with white ceps Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 4 hours



Beef Ribs

Cep Cream

Beef ribs 800g

Onions 80g

Carrots 50g

Carrots 80g

Onions 50g

Pinch of garlic

Parsley root 50g

Parsley root 50g

Celery root 30g

White Ceps 100g

Water 1L

Champignons 50g

Garlic 10g

Leeks 30g

Pinch of salt

Butter 20g

Pinch of black pepper

Cream 20ml

Pinch of thyme

Chicken stock 50ml

Juniper berries 5g

Pinch of thyme

Beef Ribs Clean the ribs, remove the excess fat and the membrane and simmer with vegetables and spices on a low heat for 4 hours. Then roast in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cep Cream Cut onions, carrots, parsley, garlic, champignons and white mushrooms into cubes. Fry everything in vegetable oil until cooked. Heat the Chicken stock and add the fried ingredients and simmer for 15 minutes, adding the thyme, butter and cream. Season with salt, pepper and simmer for another 5 minutes. Mix in a blender until smooth. Cut zucchini into slices lengthwise and fry in olive oil with thyme and garlic until golden brown.

Zucchini 200g Olive oil 15ml Pinch of garlic Thyme 2g

Plating Serve mushroom cream with roasted rib, fried zucchini and decorate with romaine lettuce. Pour a bit of teriyaki sauce and decorate with sliced raw champignons.

Plating Champignons 80g Romaine lettuce 40g Teriyaki Sauce 40ml



Tartar with chanterelles Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 25 minutes




Pickled Yalta Onions

Beef fillet 400g


Yalta onions 80g

Pinch of sea salt

Cut the fillet into pieces of 1x1 cm and mix with finely chopped chilli

Pinch of salt

Pinch of black pepper

peppers and shallots. Dress with salt, pepper and olive oil.

Sugar 7g

Olive oil 20ml

Pinch of black pepper

Chilli peppers 4g

White wine vinegar

Shallots 40g Mushroom broth

50ml Flavoured sunflower

White mushrooms 15g

oil 10ml

Onions 50g

Parsley oil

Carrots 50g Garlic 2g Water 300ml Glucose 50g Soy sauce 20ml Worcester sauce 20ml Pinch of salt

Parsley 10g Sunflower oil 50ml Pinch of salt Lemon juice 5ml Mustard mayonnaise Dijon mustard 40g

Pinch of pepper

Mayonnaise 40g



Chanterelles 240g Vegetable oil 15ml Butter 5g Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper

Field salad 20g Mustard seeds 5g

Mushroom broth Soak the ceps in cold water to remove the excess sand. Put them into a pan, along with the onion, carrot, and garlic, cover with water and cook the broth for 60 minutes. Add salt to season. Remove the vegetables and reduce the liquid to half. At the end add the glucose, soy sauce and Worcester sauce, and season with salt and pepper. Ceps Wash and clean the Chanterelle mushrooms and fry them whole in oil until golden brown. Season with salt, pepper and a little butter. Keep warm. Pickled Yalta onions Wash and clean the Yalta onions, cut into rings and pickle for 1 hour in white wine vinegar, with salt, sugar and the flavoured sunflower oil. Parsley oil Wash the parsley, scald in boiling water for 1 minute, then put onto ice. Mix in a blender with vegetable oil, lemon juice and a little salt. Place in a fine sieve until the parsley oil drips through. Mustard mayonnaise Mix togther mustard and mayonnaise. Plating Pile the beef on a plate in the shape of a crescent. Place on top the warm chanterelles, and pickled onions. Garnish with mustard seeds and droplets of mustard mayonnaise. Pour mushroom sauce and parsley oil over the tartar. Garnish with field salad. 83


Mussels with white ceps Preparation Time 40 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes



Mussels 1Kg

Wash the mussels and clean the shells with a metal brush to remove

Mushroom broth


Shallots 100g

Mushroom broth

Leeks 100g

Soak the white mushrooms in cold water to remove the excess sand.

Thyme 2g

Carefully put them into a pan, fill with water and cook for 30 minutes,

Garlic 5g

seasoning with salt. Remove the mushrooms and reduce the liquid to

Fresh white ceps 100g


Cream 120ml White wine 120ml Pinch of salt Pinch of black pepper Vegetable oil 30ml Dried ceps 15g Water 200ml Pinch of salt Tomatoes 200g Pinch of sea salt Sugar 2g Olive oil 10ml Pinch of garlic Plating Parsley 2g

Using a thick-bottomed pan, pour in the vegetable oil and add the garlic, thyme, diced shallots and leeks, and fry for 2-3 minutes. Add the white mushrooms (cut in half if small, in four if large) and fry for another 3-4 minutes. Add the mussels and white wine, and cook with the lid closed until the mussels open. Add the cream, mushroom broth and finely chopped dried mushrooms. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, so that the sauce slightly thickens. Cook the dried ceps in water, adding salt to season. Cut the tomatoes into slices, season with salt, pepper and a little sugar, sprinkle with olive oil and a little garlic and let them marinate for 10 minutes. Grill, until cooked. Wash the parsley, dry iit and separate the leaves. Plating Arrange the mussels on a plate and pour the sauce that was formed during cooking. Decorate with grilled tomatoes and parsley leaves.


Ingredients Pearl Barley Pearl barley 200g Water 400ml Pinch of salt Parsley 5g Spinach 10g Olive oil 30ml Pinch of salt Lemon juice 5ml Pinch of garlic Hollandaise Sauce White wine vinegar 50ml Bay leaves x 2 White peppercorns x 3 Garlic 3g Egg yolks x 3 Butter 130g Pinch of salt Pinch of black pepper


Pearl barley with ceps Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 25 minutes

Method To complement

Pearl barley

Chanterelles 160g

Boil pearl barley in water until cooked. Wash under running water and leave in a sieve.

Ceps 160g Champignons 120g Vegetable oil 10ml Butter 10g

Wash parsley and spinach, scald in boiling water for 1 minute and put on ice. Mix in a blender with olive oil, lemon juice, and a little salt and garlic. Rub through a sieve and reserve for flavouring the pearl barley.

Pinch of thyme

Hollandaise Sauce

Pinch of salt

Cook the sauce by mixing vinegar with bay leaves, peppercorns and a clove of garlic, for 10

Pinch of black pepper

minutes and reduce by half. Strain it, then mix with the yolks and butter and place over steam to

Shallots 40g

thicken. Add salt, sugar and a little black pepper.

Cherry tomatoes 160g

To complement

Carrots 80g

Wash and clean the ceps. Cut white ceps and champignons in half and fry with whole

Olive oil 10ml

chanterelles in oil with thyme until golden brown. At the end season with salt, pepper and a little

Pinch of salt

butter. Serve warm.

Pinch of black pepper Quail eggs x 4 Plating Parmesan 40g Butter 20g Chicken broth 50ml Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper

Wash carrots,shallots and tomatoes, cut carrots into sticks and onions and tomatoes in half. Divide shallots into pieces and grill or fry with a minimal amount of oil. Season with salt and pepper. Wash the quail egg and separate the yolk. Plating Before serving the soup, cook the barley in chicken broth for 30 minutes, and at the end add parsley and spinach sauce, butter and parmesan. Using a mould, arrange pearl barley with parsley and spinach sauce on the plate. Put fried mushrooms and baked onions, carrots and tomatoes on top. Pour hollandaise sauce and decorate with a quail egg yolk.



beef Soup with white ceps Preparation Time 120 minutes Cooking Time 40 minutes





Fresh white

Dice the onions, carrots, parsley root and potatoes into cubes. Fry

mushrooms 200g

everything in vegetable oil until cooked. Dice the white mushrooms into

Dried white

cubes and cook in broth before adding them to the vegetables.

mushrooms 20g

Make a broth using the beef ribs, adding dried white ceps, and boil until

Potatoes 150g

tender. Take out the mushrooms, add the potatoes and cook for 10

Carrots 50g

minutes. Add the fried vegetables. Boil everything until the potatoes are

Onions 50g

cooked. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf and sugar. At the very

Vegetable oil 25ml

end add the cream. Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes.

Sugar 5g Pork fat/Salo 10g Garlic 5g Beef broth on ribs

Pearl barley Boil pearl barley in water until cooked. Wash under running water and leave in a sieve.


Dill sauce

Cream 40ml

Wash the dill, scald it in boiling water for 1 minute, then put on ice, Mix

Pearl barley Pearl barley 80g Water 200ml Pinch of salt Demi-glace sauce 50ml

in a blender with olive oil, lemon juice, a little salt and garlic. Before serving the soup, simmer the barley in demi-glace sauce. Plating Put the barley with demi-glace sauce onto the plate, add a little dill sauce, place the beef rib and pour the soup.

Dill sauce Dill 10g Olive oil 30ml Pinch of salt Lemon juice 5ml Pinch of garlic 89

Ingredients Dough


To complement

Water 250ml

Vegetable oil 30ml

Shallots 50g

Chanterelles 50g

Flour 500g

Kvass 100ml

Pinch of sea salt

Shallots 40g

Flour 15g

Pinch of salt

Egg x 1

Pinch of black pepper

Vegetable oil 50ml

Pinch of pepper

Pinch of salt

Olive oil 30ml

White ceps 100g

Butter 20g

Pinch of sea salt

Vegetable oil 10ml


Butter 30g

Thyme 2g

Parsley 2g

Garlic 2g

Thyme 2g

Demi-glace sauce 30ml

Potatoes 200g Onions 100g

Carrots 200g


White ceps 50g

Chicken broth 100ml Butter 10g Pinch of sea salt

Varenyki with ceps Baguette 30g

Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes

Parsley 5g Smoked sour cream Sour cream 120ml

Method Dough


Mix the flour with the salt. Use a dough mixer to mix the flour with warm water (35C) and knead

Baby spinach 20g

the dough. Add an egg and knead again until smooth. Take it out of the dough mixer, wrap in plastic and leave in the fridge for 1 hour. Roll out the pastry and cut into circles. Put the filling in the middle and close up. Freeze for 30 minutes then boil for ten minutes. Filling Bake potatoes in the oven at 180C for 20-30 minutes until cooked. Clean onions and mushrooms, cut into cubes 2x2 cm and fry in vegetable oil. Add the potatoes that have been finely mashed, and fry a little. Season with salt, pepper. Add butter and chopped parsley, thyme leaves and garlic and mix as a puree. Leave to cool. Sauce Fry the shallots, garlic and thyme in vegetable oil until golden, then add the kvass and reduce to half. Filter, add demi-glace sauce, and thicken it with frozen butter. At the end season with salt and fresh pepper. To complement Clean the shallots and cut into segments and put under running water for 5-10 minutes. Dry and remove the film from the onions. Sprinkle with flour and deep-fry until golden brown and season. Dry the baguette and mix in a blender to make breadcrumbs adding the parsley leaves and salt. Wash and clean carrots and mushrooms. Cut the carrots into cubes, white mushrooms into halves, use chanterelles whole and fry in butter until golden brown. Steam the carrots in the broth, and at the end glaze with butter. Smoked sour cream Pour the sour cream into a container and put it into a smoking machine for 10-15 minutes. Plating Place varenyki on a plate and decorate with carrot and fried mushrooms, pour the sauce and drizzle smoked sour cream. Add baby spinach leaves on top. 91

White Ceps ice cream Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes




Ice cream

Ice cream

Milk 500ml

Mix the milk with dried mushrooms and warm

Dried ceps 15g

up to 80C. Leave for 2-3 hours. Pass through

Cream 1L

a sieve and mix with all the other ingredients.

Sugar 170g

Heat it over steam up to 75C for 10-20 min-

Glucose 170g

utes. Put it into an ice cream maker or freeze

Egg yolks x 6

using liquid nitrogen. Bread


Cut Borodino bread into pieces and bake in

Borodino bread 120g

the oven at 180C for 15-20 minutes. Be sure to

Thyme 4g

cool it. Then mix it with thyme in a blender to


make crumbs.

Parsley 3g


Confectionery vanilla cream 100ml

Wash the parsley and scald it in boiling water for 5 seconds, then plunge into ice water then blend with 30ml of cream and pass through a sieve. Mix with the rest of the cream and whisk with a mixer. Place Borodino bread as a pile on the plate, place a ball of ice cream on top and decorate with whipped cream with parsley.



herbs In traditional Ukraine culture, special power

name but a few

and status was conferred on men and women

Herb gardens in Ukraine? Ukrainians just

who knew all about the medicinal qualities of

open any door – and they are in the biggest

some plants and could apply them. You could

herb garden of all. To illustrate the scale of

say the same about the modern masters and

this culinary-cum-health care wealth, before

mistresses of plant lore – the chefs.

independence Ukraine produced half of the

For the medicinal plants are usually one and

medicinal plants (herbs) used in the Soviet

the same as the herbs used for flavouring:

Union. Today, a score of research institutions

sorrel, dill,parsley, caraway, juniper, mint,

in Ukraine are engaged in work on further

yarrow, wormwood, aloe and rosemary to

understanding the value of medicinal plants.



Sorrel mayonnaise Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 15 minutes



Sorrel mayonnaise

Sorrel mayonnaise

Sorrel 50g

In a bowl mix the washed and dried sorrel, lemon juice, mustard, garlic,

Egg x 1

sea salt, black pepper and an egg and begin to whisk whilst adding

Water 10ml

vegetable oil. Whisk until smooth.

Vegetable oil 200ml Garlic 2g Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Mustard 15g Lemon juice 10ml

Fried potatoes Peel and cut the potatoes into stacking chips and fry until golden brown, season with sea salt at the end. Plating Serve potatoes with sorrel mayonnaise.

Fried potatoes Potatoes 400g Vegetable oil 200ml Pinch of sea salt



Asparagus and hollandaise Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 15 minutes



Asparagus 400g

Wash and clean the asparagus, and fry it in the mixture of butter and

Butter 10g

white mushroom oil. At the end, add pepper and sea salt.

White mushroom oil 20ml Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Dill Oil Dill 10g Sunflower oil 50ml Pinch of salt Lemon juice 5ml Hollandaise Sauce White wine vinegar 60ml Bay leaves x 2 White peppercorns x 3 Garlic 3g Egg yolks x 4

Dill oil Wash the dill, scald in boiling water for 1 minute, then put on ice. Mix in a blender with sunflower oil, lemon juice and a little salt, then place in a sieve and wait for the dill oil to drip through. Hollandaise Sauce Cook the sauce by mixing vinegar, bay leaves, peppercorns and a clove of garlic, and reduce by half. Strain it, then mix with the egg yolks and butter and steam it until it thickens. Add salt, sugar and a little black pepper. Plating Dry the white ceps in the oven at 150C for 10 minutes and grind into powder in a coffee grinder or mortar. Wash cherry tomatoes and cut in half. Wash the radish, cut into slices and keep in iced water.

Butter 130g

Wash romaine lettuce and use only small leaves.

Pinch of sea salt

Pour the hollandaise sauce in the middle of the plate, add a few

Pinch of black pepper

droplets of dill oil grind the ceps to a powder and sprinkle on top.


Arrange the asparagus nearby and pour on a little of the oil in which

Dried white ceps 10g

it was cooked. Decorate with cherry tomatoes, radish and romaine

Cherry tomatoes 80g


Romaine lettuce 80g Radish 20g



salted sprats with dill Potatoes

Preparation Time 30 minutes Marinating Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes



Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes

Potatoes 500g

Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and cook at 80C until ready, then mash

Butter 100g

and mix with butter and cream. Whisk and finally add dill pesto mixing

Cream 100ml


Pinch of salt

Dill pesto

Dill pesto

Put the washed and dried dill into a blender, add parmesan, salt,

Dill 20g

pepper and a little olive oil and whisk to a smooth consistency.

Vegetable oil 20ml Pinch of sea salt Parmesan 10g Pinch of garlic Crumble Borodino bread 40g Thyme 3g Olive oil 5ml Garlic 3g Marinated onion Yalta onions 50g

Crumble Fry the garlic in olive oil until golden brown. Dry Borodino bread in the oven, let it cool and mix in a blender with fried garlic, salt, thyme and a little olive oil that the garlic was fried in. Marinated onion Peel Yalta onions and cut into slices and marinate in a mixture of wine vinegar, sugar, salt and mustard oil. Leave in the fridge for 1 hour. Plating Spread dill mash on the plate, place three lightly salted sprats on top. Garnish with marinated onion and crumble of Borodino bread.

Wine vinegar 20ml Sugar 7g Pinch of sea salt Mustard oil 10ml Plating Lightly salted sprats 120g



Green borsch Preparation Time 120 minutes Cooking Time 60 minutes





Beef ribs 700g

Place the ribs in boiling water and simmer for 90 minutes. While it


cooks, prepare the borsch

Beetroot 50g


Sorrel 400g

Wash and peel all the vegetables. Dice the potatoes and put into water

Carrots 40g

so that they don’t discolour.

Onions 30g

Cut the beetroot into thin strips, fry a little in vegetable oil and put to

White cabbage 80g

simmer, then add some vinegar to preserve the colour. Add sugar, salt

Potatoes 120g

and water. Simmer until the beetroot is ready.

Parsley root 20g

Separately, cut onions, carrots and parsley root into strips and fry in

Vinegar 10ml

vegetable oil, seasoning slightly with salt and pepper.

Pinch of salt

Cut the cabbage into strips.

Pinch of pepper

After 90 minutes when the beef ribs should be tender bring the broth to

Sugar 10g

a boil, add potatoes and bring to the boil again. Add cabbage and boil

Bay Leaf x 1

for 10 minutes.

Garlic 4g

While everything is boiling, take sorrel and mix in a blender until

Lemon juice 10ml

smooth, adding ice and some lemon to preserve the colour. Separately,

Ice cubes x 2-3

boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut in half.

Vegetable oil 30ml

Add prepared beetroot, fried onion with carrot and parsley root to the

Eggs x 4


Smoked sour cream Sour cream 100ml

At the end, add finely chopped sorrel, garlic, bay leaf and season with salt, pepper and sugar. Remove from heat and add the sorrel sauce. Leave for 20 minutes to infuse. Smoked sour cream While the soup is being infused, prepare the smoked sour cream. Put the sour cream into a container and place in a smoking-machine for 1015 minutes. Take it out, mix and cool. Plating Pour the soup into a bowl and arrange a rib, egg and smoked sour cream. 103


MY Chicken Kyiv Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 25 minutes



Dill Jus

Dill Jus

Butter 80g

Prepare the butter mixture by mixing softened butter with finely

Dill 8g

chopped dill. Form into circles and freeze.



Chicken x 2

From the chicken, cut the breast with the winglet. Clean the wing and

Pinch of salt

leave the bone on which the breast is held. Lightly tenderize the chicken

Pinch of pepper

fillet and small chicken fillet, seasoning with salt and pepper. Wrap the

Egg x 1

butter with dill in a small fillet, then wrap it in a big fillet. Dip each fillet

Flour 40g

and in flour, then beaten egg and finally the breadcrumbs. Once coated,

Breadcrumbs 200g

put into a freezer for 15 minutes.

Fried potatoes

Fried potatoes

Vegetable oil 300ml

Cut 1mm potato slices and then cut into thin strips. Keep under

Potatoes 100g

running water for 20 minutes. Dry on a towel and deep-fry until golden


brown. Place on a sieve and add salt.

Bread 80g

Peel a cucumber and cut into slices. Cut cherry tomatoes in half.



Cucumber 100g

Cut the bread into triangles. Dry on a skillet until it has a crispy crust.

Cherry tomatoes 40g Field salad/Corn salad 10g Garden Peas 20g

Deep-fry the cutlet, and then put into the oven at 170C for 10 minutes. Plating In the middle of the plate place the toast and put a Chicken Kyiv on top. Place slices of cucumber and cherry tomatoes around it in a circle. Arrange the fried potatoes. Garnish with field salad and garden peas.


Roast Crayfish and dill espuma Preparation Time 45 minutes Cooking Time 40 minutes



Boiled Crayfish


Boiled crayfish

Crayfish x 8

Potatoes 200g

Bring water to a boil, add salt, peppercorns, dill inflorescence, and cook

Dill inflorescence x 1

Carrots 80g

crayfish for 10-15 minutes. Clean and cook the bisque from the shells.

Water 300ml

Onions 40g

Peppercorns 1g

Vegetable oil 20g

Pinch of salt

Green peas 80g

Bisque Carrots 30g Shallots 30g

Tomatoes 200g Pinch of sea salt Vegetable oil 30ml

Garlic 3g


Pelati tomatoes 20g

Baby spinach 10g

Water 200ml Butter 20g Olive oil 20ml Cream 30ml White Wine 50ml Dill espuma Dill 10g Garlic 2g Shallots 20g White wine 40ml Fish broth 50ml Pinch of salt pinch of pepper Cream 10ml Butter 5g

Bisque Fry the crayfish shells, shallots, carrots and garlic in olive oil. Add wine and reduce by half. Add pelati tomatoes and fish broth and simmer for 30-40 minutes, at the end seasoning with salt, pepper and sugar. Whisk everything in a blender and filter. Bring the liquid to a boil and add the cream and cold butter to thicken. The bisque will be served to the vegetables. Dill espuma Mix dill with fish broth in a blender and filter. Separately, cook shallots and garlic in olive oil until golden brown, then add white wine and reduce by half. Add the fish broth, salt and pepper. Mix in a blender and pass through a sieve. Mix with dill concentrate and some cream and butter. Before serving, heat and whisk into foam. Vegetables Peel the vegetables and cut potatoes into pieces and carrots into slices. Cut the onions and tomatoes into segments. Fry the potatoes and carrots in vegetable oil. Bake the onion, removing it from the oven as soon as it is ready. Separately, fry the tomatoes and green peas and heat the crayfish. Plating Lay out the vegetables and crayfish carefully on a plate. Pour bisque of crayfish and dill espuma, and garnish with baby spinach.

Olive oil 15ml 106



Veal cheek with pasta Preparation Time 90minutes Cooking Time 120 minutes



Veal cheek


Veal cheek

Veal Cheek 400g

Semola flour 100g

Clean the veal cheeks, dip into flour and fry in vegetable oil on all sides.

Carrots 40g

Egg x 1

Put the cheeks into a pan, add onions, carrots, garlic, juniper berries

Onions 40g

Pinch of salt

and leeks and cover with water. Simmer for 1.5-2 hours. Until cooked.

Garlic 5g

Olive oil 5ml

Juniper berries 2g

Sorrel 5g

Water 300ml

Water 10ml

Pinch of salt Pinch of pepper Leeks 50g Flour 30g Vegetable oil 40ml Wine sauce Red wine 100ml Demi glace sauce 50ml Garlic 2g Thyme 2g

Broccoli Broccoli 350g Olive oil 15ml Pinch of garlic Pinch of thyme

Wine sauce Reduce the red wine to half the volume. Heat the demi glace sauce with a clove of garlic and thyme. Filter. Mix with wine and thicken with cold butter. Season with salt, pepper and sugar. Pasta Mix the flour, an egg and a little salt. Knead the dough. If the dough is very tight add a little water. Add olive oil at the end, knead it and leave it for 1 hour to rise. Roll out the dough, put two leaves of sorrel in the middle and roll out again. Boil in salted water until the pasta has risen to the top Broccoli Boil broccoli in salted water for 5 minutes, sieve and cool in water with ice. Dry it and bake with a minimum amount of olive oil, a clove of garlic

Pinch of sea salt

and thyme. Season with salt and pepper.

Pinch of black pep-


per Sugar 10g Butter 40g

Simmer the veal cheek for a while in the broth where it was boiled, then remove the liquid and mix with wine sauce and glaze. Lay out on a plate and pour a little glaze. Place baked broccoli and boiled pasta next to it.



Catfish with sorrel espuma Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes




Sorrel espuma


Catfish 800g

Garlic 2g

Marinate the catfish in thyme, garlic, lemon zest and olive oil. Leave

Olive oil 40g

Shallots 20g

in the fridge for 6-10 hours. Remove and allow to warm to room

Thyme 2g

White Wine 40ml

temperature (10-15 minutes). Fry in olive oil in a skillet until golden

Garlic 2g

Pinch of salt

brown and bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 180C.

Lemon zest 4g

Pinch of pepper

Bisque Crayfish Shells Shallots 30g

Cream 10ml Butter 5g Olive oil 15ml

Bisque Fry the crayfish shells, shallots, carrots and garlic in olive oil. Add wine and reduce by half. Then add pelati tomatoes and fish broth and simmer for 30-40 minutes. At the end, season with salt, pepper and

Carrots 30g


sugar. Whisk everything in a blender and filter. Bring the liquid to a boil

Garlic 3g

Millet 200g

and add the cream and cold butter to thicken the sauce.

White wine 40ml

Garlic 5g

Pelati tomatoes 20g

Shallots 30g

Water 200ml

Chicken broth 200ml

Butter 20g

Cream 20ml

Olive oil 20g

Butter 30g

Cream 30ml

Parmesan 20g

Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Sorrel Concentrate Sorrel 40g Fish broth 50ml

Plating Baby spinach 10g

Sorrel Concentrate Mix sorrel with fish broth in a blender and filter. Sorrel espuma Separately, cook shallots and garlic in olive oil until golden brown, then add white wine and reduce to half, before adding fish broth, salt and pepper. Filter through a sieve. Mix with sorrel and cream and mix in a blender until smooth. At the end add sorrel concentrate and thicken with butter. Before serving, heat and whisk into foam. Millet Fry the millet in olive oil adding a clove of garlic, a whole shallot onion, and thyme. Add the broth and cook until tender. At the end, add cream, cold butter and parmesan. Plating Place fried fish on a plate, add millet next to the fish and pour the crayfish sauce and sorrel espuma. Garnish with baby spinach. 111


dill and apple lemonade Preparation Time 20 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes

Dill 5g Sugar 40g Water 40ml Apple juice 300ml Lemons to make 40ml of juice Mineral water, highlycarbonated 400ml

Method To make the syrup, mix the water with sugar and bring to a boil. Let it cool. In a blender, mix the dill with the syrup, and pass through a sieve. Squeeze lemon juice into the apple juice to stop it darkening. Mix with dill syrup and mineral water. To serve Put some ice into a glass and pour the lemonade.


Sorrel ice cream

Ingredients Sorrel sorbet

Ice cream

Sorrel 200g

Milk 250ml

Lemon juice 50ml

Vanilla confectionery

Water 300ml

cream 500ml

Sugar 100g

Egg yolks x 2

Stabiliser for sorbet

Sugar 80g


Glucose 80g

Fresh apple juice 100ml Fresh celery juice 30ml

Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes

Plating Red currants 200g

Method Sorrel sorbet Mix water with sugar and bring to the boil. Remove from heat and add stabiliser, lemon juice, apple juice and celery juice. Leave to infuse and in the meantime prepare the sorrel. Mix the sorrel in a blender and filter. Add this concentrated juice to the mixture, mix and place in an ice cream machine. Ice cream Mix milk with sugar, vanilla and glucose and heat it. Separately, take the yolks and stir lightly, then add the warm milk to the yolks and filter the mixture. Add the cream. Put the whole mixture into a water bath (bainmarie) and heat to 75C for 20 minutes. Pour the mixture into an ice cream machine. To serve Serve vanilla ice cream and sorrel sorbet and decorate with red currants. 113


beetroot The Roman empire gave many things to the

has been labelled a “super-food” thanks to

world but the intelligent use of beetroot was

the health qualities of its contents, above

not one of them. They chose to eat its leaves

all beetroot. Borsch may reduce high blood

soaked in wine and sprinkled with pepper!

pressure and offer stomach, liver and heart

Thankfully it arrived in Kyivan Rus (via


Constantinople) and it was left to early

There is a legend (urban myth?) about borsch

Ukrainians to do justice to this fine vegetable.

which has it that there is one recipe packed

And how! It is the central ingredient of the

with 30 ingredients that make the soup so

Ukrainian national dish borsch, a soup that

thick that a spoon will stand up in it.

has found new homes in every neighbouring

One thing is for sure: beetroot is such a vital


part of Ukrainian culture that they even named

Little surprise. as in recent years, borsch

a high tech’ company after it!


beetroot and feta Preparation Time 90 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes



Carrot cream

Carrot cream

Carrots 120g

Grate the carrots, chop the garlic finely and

Carrot juice 30ml

fry it in olive oil, adding dried basil. Fry for 20

Pinch of salt

minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the carrot

Pinch of dried basil

juice and slightly reduce. Put everything in a

Garlic 2g

blender, mix and at the end add mayonnaise.

Butter 20g

Season with salt, sugar and mustard seeds.

Sugar 10g Mayonnaise 50g Mustard seeds 10g Baked beetroot Beetroot 240g Walnuts in honey Walnut 120g Honey 100g

Baked beetroot Wash the beetroots and bake in the oven at 180C for 40-60 minutes until soft. Cut into slices. Walnuts in honey Dry the walnuts in the oven at 130C for 10-20 minutes and then, while they are hot, pour the honey and leave in a warm place for 7-10 days.

Bread 250g

Cut the bread and dry-fry in a skillet until

Feta cheese 240g

golden brown.

Olive oil 10ml

Cut feta as a whole slice, sprinkle with olive oil

Thyme 2g

and fresh thyme leaves. Plating Spread the carrot cream on the bread, place beetroot and feta on top and decorate with walnuts and honey.




Borsch with smoked sour cream Preparation Time 180 minutes Cooking Time 60 minutes





Beetroot 150g

Wash and peel all the vegetables. Dice the potatoes and put into water.

Carrots 40g

To make a broth, cut the beetroots into thin strips, and pre-fry a little in

Onions 30g

vegetable oil. In a pan of simmering water add the beetroot, sugar, salt,

White Cabbage 80g

pelati tomatoes until the beetroot is cooked.

Potatoes 120g

Chop the onion, carrot and parsley root into strips and fry in vegetable

Parsley root 20g

oil until cooked, seasoning with salt and pepper.

Pelati tomatoes 100g

Cut the cabbage into strips.

Vinegar 10ml

Bring the rich broth to a boil, add potatoes and bring back to the boil,

Pinch of salt

add the cabbage and boil for 10 minutes.

Pinch of pepper

Add the cooked beetroot and fried onions with carrots and parsley root.

Sugar 10g

Finally, add the chopped salo/fat with garlic and dill, a bay leaf and

Bay leaf x 1

season with salt, pepper and sugar.

Garlic 4g

Leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

Meat broth 700ml Paprika 5g Vegetable oil 30ml Salo/Fat 40g Dill 4g Smoked sour cream sour cream 100ml Plating Large whole beetroots

Use some vegetables and make puree in a blender and pour back into the soup. Smoked sour cream Smoke the sour cream in a smoking device for 10-20 minutes. Plating Wash the 4 whole beetroots, cut the tops off and clean out the insides. Pour the soup into the hollowed-out beetroots and top with smoked sour cream. Cover with the tops of the beetroots and serve.




three horseradish and Tongue Preparation Time 180 minutes Marinating Time 12 hours Cooking Time 20 minutes

Ingredients Tongue Beef tongue 600g Carrots 100g Common onion 100g Bay leaf 2g Black pepper 2g Thyme 2g Salt 50g Sugar 100g Garlic 2g Water 3L Carrot Horseradish Double Cream 30ml Carrot puree 15g Horseradish 2g Mustard Seeds 5g Pinch of salt Pinch of turmeric

Method Beetroot Horseradish Double Cream 30ml Fresh beetroot juice 15ml Horseradish 2g Pinch of salt Parsley Horseradish Parsley 5g Horseradish 2g Lemon juice 2ml Pinch of garlic Pinch of salt Plating Radish 15g Field salad 15g Chives 5g

Tongue Boil 1 Litre of the water add the salt, black pepper, sugar, bay leaf, thyme, garlic and the beef tongue to marinade in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Once marinated, simmer for up to 2 hours until the tongue is tender adding the carrots, onions and cook until tender. Once cooked remove the the skin from the tongue ideally while still warm. After cleaning the tongue re-heat in the broth. Once warmed, remove from the broth and cut into pieces, dry and place on a plate. Carrot Horseradish Mix the cream with horseradish, adding salt to season. Puree the carrots previously cooked with the tongue and mix. You should have a beautiful orange colour. Beetroot Horseradish Squeeze the fresh beetroots for the juice and mix with whipped cream and horseradish, until bright red. Parsley Horseradish Blend the parsley in a blender adding a small amount of boiling water, lemon juice and garlic to form a puree. Then mix with cream and horseradish. Plating Place the tongue on a plate as illustrated, make droplets of three horseradish and serve. Garnish with field salad, chopped rashish and chives.


Shuba salad with crab Preparation Time 15 minutes Cooking Time 40 minutes

Ingredients Mayonnaise 50g

Eggs x 2

Philadelphia cheese 15g

Potatoes 200g

Kamchatka crab 200g


salad 20g

Beetroot 200g


Carrots 200g

Arugula/Rocket 50g

Method Mix mayonnaise with Philadelphia cheese and whip until smooth to make a sauce. Clean Kamchatka crab from the shell to recover the flesh. Break into small pieces. Wash beetroots, carrots and potatoes thoroughly and boil until cooked. Cool, peel and grate. Using a hemisphere mould, gently spread the crab meat on the bottom, and cover with sauce. Then add a layer of grated vegetables. Plating Wash the arugula, having selected the best leaves. Gently remove the salad from the mould onto a plate with arugula.


Beetroot rolls Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 90 minutes



Carrot Cream


Carrot Cream

Carrots 60g

Beetroot 400g

Grate the carrots, finely chop the garlic and fry in olive oil, adding the

Fresh carrot Juice

Pinch of sea salt

dried basil. Fry for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add carrot


Pinch of black pepper

juice and evaporate it slightly. Transfer everything to a blender, blend

Pinch of salt

Pinch of thyme

adding the yogurt at the end, season with salt, sugar and mustard

Pinch of dry basil Pinch of garlic Vegetable oil 10ml Sugar 5g Greek Yogurt 20ml Mustard Seeds 5g Filling Cottage cheese 200g Garlic 2g Dill 2g Sour cream or yogurt 50ml Pinch of sea salt



Radish 20g


Field salad 20g

Mix the Cottage Cheese with garlic, finely chopped dill and yogurt and

Dark balsamic 40ml

blend in a mixer, seasoning with salt. Refrigerate.

Glucose 10g

Rolls Wash the beets, sprinkle with olive oil, thyme and wrap in foil and bake in the oven at 180 C for 1 hour, or until the beetroot is soft. When cool, cut thinly, into circles. Layer the circles to create a line, carefully place the cottage cheese filling and wrap into the form of a roll. Plating Thinly cut the radish and put in iced water. Evaporate the balsamic vinegar a little and mix with glucose, to obtain a smooth consistency. Decorate with carrot cream, field salad and radish.




Beetroot sorbet Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes





Fresh beetroot 200g

Make juice from the fresh beetroots.

Lemon juice 50ml

Mix water with sugar and bring to the boil.

Water 400ml

Remove from heat and add stabiliser, lemon

Sugar 100g

juice, raspberry juice or raspberry puree and

Stabiliser for sorbet 70g

beetroot juice. Leave to infuse. Place in the ice

Raspberry juice or

cream machine.

puree 100ml

Gingerbread crumble

Gingerbread crumble

Slice gingerbread into 2 pieces per serving; put

Gingerbread 200g

the rest into a blender to make crumble.

Beetroot crumble

Beetroot crumble

Beetroot juice 100ml

Mix the beetroot juice with milk powder, heat

Dried milk 100g

a little in the sauté pan for 2-3 minutes. Then pour into a baking tray with a silicone mat and


put in the oven for 10-20 minutes at 130C to

Mint 4g Raspberry 120g

dry. Remove, cool and make crumble.

Whipped pastry


cream 100ml

Wash and dry the raspberry. Whip the cream. Wash the mint and keep it on a damp paper towel. Put beetroot crumble on the plate with gingerbread and whipped cream. Add the beetroot sorbet and decorate with raspberries and slices of gingerbread. Garnish with mint leaves.



Vinaigrette salad with sprats Preparation Time 40 minutes Marinating Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes



Marinated onions

Marinated onions

Yalta onion 50g

Peel and wash the onions and cut into slices.

Sugar 5g

Season, sprinkle with sugar add the vinegar

Pinch of salt

and vegetable oil. Put into the fridge for 1

Pinch of black pepper


Wine vinegar 10ml Vegetable oil 10ml

Fried sprats Remove smoked sprats carefully from the

Fried sprats

oil, dry on a napkin and dip into flour, then

Smoked sprats 120g

into a beaten egg and finally into panko

Egg x 1

breadcrumbs. Fry quickly in hot oil for 1

Flour 20g


Panko bread crumbs 30g Vegetable oil 80ml Salad Beetroot 160g Carrots 160g Tinned green peas 80g Potatoes 160g Pickled cucumbers 80g Fresh cucumbers 80g Pinch of dill Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Flavoured sunflower oil 5ml Plating Baby spinach 8g 129

Salad Wash the beetroots, carrots, potatoes and boil until tender. Peel and dice (2x2 cm cubes). Mix in a bowl with diced fresh cucumber, pickled cucumber and tinned peas. Dress with salt, pepper and finely chopped dill and flavoured sunflower oil. Plating Position three piles of salad and top each pile with one fried sprat and pickled onions. Decorate with baby spinach.


buckwheat Another healthy Ukrainian staple is buckwheat,

Fields of white buckwheat blossoms - it is the

irresistible to many people just as its blossom

most valuable crop and occupies the largest

is to bees. Despite its name, buckwheat

acreage of land - are a magnet for bees and

is not related to wheat and is thus gluten-

the result is a rich near-black honey.

free. Further, despite looking like a grain, it

A typical Ukrainian dish is pyrizhky with

is technically a fruit, related to rhubarb and

buckwheat and egg (known as hand pies). The

sorrel. It has become popular as a health food

pies are filled with a mixture of buckwheat and

thanks to its high mineral and antioxidant

egg and then fried. Many Ukrainian migrants

content. Benefits may include improved blood-

to the New World took with them traditional

sugar control and it promotes better food

buckwheat recipes for everything from toast


and pancakes to muffins. 131

herring Pate Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes





Wheat flour 475g

Mix all the dry ingredients, then add warm

Buckwheat flour 125g

water (32C) and knead the dough in a bowl.

Yeast 10g

Leave in a warm place for 40 minutes to rise.

Water 405ml

Then knead again and leave for 20 minutes.

Salt 15g Herring Pate Egg x 1 softened butter 50g Herring fillet 100g Onion 10g

Form the portions and put into bread moulds. Leave the bread to rise for another 20 minutes and then bake at 200C for 10 minutes. Lower the temperature to 180C and bake for another 20 minutes.

White bread 10g

Herring Pate

Milk 30ml

Boil the egg, cool and peel it. Wash, peel and slice the onion. Soak the white bread in milk. In a blender, mix the herring fillets and all ingredients until smooth. Cool and serve to the bread.




Buckwheat soup Preparation Time 45 minutes Marinating Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 40 minutes





Buckwheat 80g

Dice the onions, carrots, parsley root and

Potatoes 150g

potatoes. Dice the bacon and half the lard

Carrots 50g

and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Onions 50g

Add onions, carrots and parsley root and cook

Parsley root 20g

everything until the vegetables are tender.

Vegetable oil 25ml

Add potatoes and buckwheat to the broth and

Sugar 5g

cook for 10 minutes. Add fried vegetables.

Lard/Pork fat/Salo 10g

Cook everything until the potatoes are ready.

Garlic 5g

Season with salt, pepper, bay leaf and sugar.

Dill 2g

At the very end, add remaining half of the lard,

Bacon 20g

chopped with garlic and dill. Leave to infuse for

Meat broth 600ml

20-30 minutes.

Bay leaf x 1 Chicken and sausages Chicken fillet 80g Sausages “Hunting” 40g

Chicken and sausages Grill the chicken fillet brushed with olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper. Cut and serve. Grill sausages and cut into pieces. Plating

Plating Sour cream 120ml

In a bowl, pour the hot soup with grilled chicken and sausages. Serve the sour cream separately.



black pudding Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes



Black pudding

Black pudding

Black pudding 400g

Cut the black pudding into slices and fry in vegetable oil until a crispy

Vegetable oil 10ml

crust forms on both sides.

Poached egg

Poached egg

Eggs x 4

Boil the water, adding a little salt and vinegar. Stir the water to make

Pinch of salt

a funnel and break the eggs into the water. Cook for 2-3 minutes, take

Water 2L

out and dry. Ideally poach one at a time

Vinegar 50ml

Fried mushrooms

Fried mushrooms

Clean the mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil with garlic and thyme

Chanterelles 200g

until golden brown. At the end add a little butter and remove from the

Vegetable oil 10ml

frying pan.

Butter 10g Thyme 2g Garlic 2g Pinch of salt Pinch of black pepper Sauce White wine vinegar 60ml Bay leaves x 2

Sauce Mix vinegar with bay leaves, peppercorns and a clove of garlic, and reduce by half. Strain it, mix with the yolks and butter and steam to thicken. Add salt, sugar and some black pepper. Plating Place the black pudding on the plate, put the poached egg on top, pour the sauce and place the fried mushrooms. Garnish with baby spinach.

White peppercorns x 3 Garlic 3g Egg yolks x 4 Butter 130g Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Plating Baby spinach 40g 137


Buckwheat Ragout Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 45 minutes


Ingredients Buckwheat



Buckwheat 160g

Tomato sauce 200ml

Fry the buckwheat in a mixture of olive oil and

Olive oil 10ml

Pinch of salt

butter, then slowly add the hot vegetable broth

Butter 10g

Pinch of black pepper

and cook until tender. At the end, add cream,

Thyme 2g

Thyme 2g

garlic, butter and parmesan and mix lightly

Vegetable broth 320ml

Garlic 2g

with a wooden spoon to make a cream-like

Cream 15ml

Georgian adjika 5g


Parmesan 30g

Butter 10g

Pinch of garlic Butter 20g



Wash the vegetables and cut the zucchini

Parsley 4g

and eggplant into a 5x5 cm cubes, cut the


champignons in half, the tomatoes into slices,

Tomato 160g

and the leeks into rings. Fry all the vegetables

Zucchini 160g

in a hot pan with the olive oil, finely-chopped

Eggplant 160g

garlic and thyme, until golden brown and

Leek 40g

crispy. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Champignons 80g


Chanterelles 80g

Warm the tomato sauce with finely chopped

Garlic 2g

garlic, fresh thyme leaves and Georgian

Olive oil 20ml

adjika. Bring to taste with salt, sugar and black

Thyme 2g

pepper. Plating Dry the parsley having chosen the best leaves Place the buckwheat on the plate, baked vegetables next to it and pour over the tomato sauce. Garnish with parsley leaves.



The Buckwheat burger Preparation Time 40 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes





Buckwheat 160g

Boil buckwheat in salted water until ready, and cool. Add eggs, cheese

Water 320ml

and flour. Form a burger patty and fry in vegetable oil on both sides

Eggs x 2

until it has a golden brown crust.

Pinch of salt Pinch of pepper Young brynza 200g Flour 40g Vegetable oil 30ml Caramelised carrots Young carrots 400g Garlic 2g Thyme 2g

Caramelised carrots Wash, peel and cut the carrots in half. Warm the frying pan and with minimal oil fry the carrots with thyme and a clove of garlic. Season with salt and pepper. As soon as the carrots are tender, add a little broth and glaze. An the end, add butter and a little honey. Yoghurt with spices Mix yoghurt with finely chopped garlic and add the remaining ingredients.

Herbs de Provence 2g


Olive oil 20ml

Serve the buckwheat burger on a plate, next to caramelised carrots and

Chicken broth 100ml

yoghurt with spices. Decorate with romaine lettuce and baby spinach.

Butter 20g Honey 10g Yoghurt with spices Yoghurt 160ml Olive oil 30ml Lemon juice 10ml Garlic 2g Pinch of salt Pinch of pepper Plating Romaine lettuce 40g Baby spinach 20g 141


buckwheat and salted caramel Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes





Milk 300ml

Mix the milk, sugar and vanilla extract and heat. Add flour and reduce.

Sugar 75g

Pour onto a baking tray. Grate the butter all over the the mixture on the

Flour 38g

baking tray. When the it has cooled down, mix using a blender to obtain

Vanilla extract 7ml

a thick consistancy. Mix the finished custard gently with whipped cream.

Butter 30g Confectionery cream with vanilla 200ml Buckwheat popcorn Buckwheat 80g Vegetable oil 50ml Pinch of sea salt Salted caramel Sugar 120g Cream 60ml Butter 60g

Buckwheat popcorn Heat the vegetable oil, add raw buckwheat and quickly fry, stirring gently. Pass through a sieve and season with sea salt. Salted caramel Using a thick-bottomed saucepan, add water and sugar and cook until it becomes a golden caramel colour. Add butter and cream. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, adding the sea salt. Black currant sauce Take 100g of black currants, mix in a blender and pass through a fine sieve. Mix with water and sugar and bring to the boil.

Water 10ml


Pinch of sea salt

Spread the cream on a plate, pour on the salty caramel and sprinkle

Black currant sauce Black currants 300g

with popcorn. Garnish with strawberries and fresh black currants. Pour the black currant sauce under the currants and decorate with mint.

Icing sugar 30g Water 30ml Plating Strawberries 100g Mint 2g



Buckwheat popcorn Preparation Time 20 minutes Cooking Time 10 minutes



Philadelphia cheese

Mix Philadelphia cheese in a blender with


cream and whisk into a fluffy mass. Season

Cream 40ml

with some sea salt to bring out the taste of

Pinch of sea salt


Celery stalks 120g

Wash the celery, peel and dry on a towel.

Buckwheat 80g

Heat the vegetable oil, add raw buckwheat and

Vegetable oil 50ml

quickly fry, stirring gently. Then put it in a sieve

Pinch of sea salt

and season with sea salt. Plating Place the celery on a plate, put the cheese mix inside, and sprinkle with buckwheat popcorn.




One Ukrainian proverb goes: “without bread,

pleasures of Ukrainian cabbage. The season

it’s no lunch; without cabbage, it’s no borsch.”

2018/19 saw exports of Ukrainian cabbage

For centuries Ukraine has been called the

increase six-fold.

“breadbasket of Europe” thanks to its great size

If the leading national dish is borsch, other

and the remarkable fertility of its soil. It might

contenders would be varenyki and holubtsi,

easily be called the greatest cabbage patch

all of which feature cabbage. Holubtsi (literally

on earth, such is the store Ukrainians set by

‘little pigeons’) are cabbage leaves stuffed with

this staple. There is no letting up on demand

anything from meats and vegetables to grains.

and now people overseas have discovered the 147


Cabbage and cheese cream Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes





Cabbage 600g

Clean the outer leaves from a middle-sized

Sea salt 2g

cabbage, cut in half and boil in salted water for

Black peppercorns 1g

10-20 minutes. Remove and cool in iced water.



Mustard oil 20ml

In a bowl, mix mustard oil, finely chopped

Garlic 3g

garlic, paprika, salt, pepper, sugar, lemon juice,

Lemon juice 20ml

finely chopped parsley and chilli pepper.

Parsley 5g Paprika 2g Chili pepper 2g

Cheese sauce Take the cream and add the blue cheese, and slightly warm the mixture.

Cheese sauce

Add it to the marinade and leave in the fridge

Cream 33% 200ml

for 3-4 hours.

Cheese Dorblu 100g

Preheat the oven to 180C and bake the


cabbage for 10-15 minutes.

Lettuce leaves and


cherry tomatoes

Place the baked cabbage on a plate, pour over the cheese sauce and garnish with lettuce leaves and cherry tomatoes.



Kapustnyak soup Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 120 minutes



Sauerkraut 200g

Cook the meat broth with the pork ribs until tender.

Potatoes 150g

Slightly cut the sauerkraut and simmer in the broth until tender.

Carrots 50g

Dice the onions, carrots, parsley root, potatoes, bacon and pork fat.

Onions 50g

Fry potatoes, bacon and pork fat with a little vegetable oil. Add onions,

Vegetable oil 25ml

carrots and parsley root and cook until vegetables are tender.

Sugar 5g

Add kvass to the broth and bring to the boil, then add potatoes and

Pork fat/Lard/Salo 10g

millet and cook for 10 minutes. Add sauerkraut and fried vegetables.

Garlic 5g

Boil everything until the potatoes are cooked. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf

Dill 2g

and sugar. At the very end, add pork fat/lard, chopped with garlic and

Bacon 20g

dill. Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes.

Millet 50g Meat broth 600ml Bread kvass 150ml Pork ribs 200g

Plating Pour the hot soup along with the pork rib and serve the sour cream separately.

Parsley root 15g Plating Sour cream 100ml



Holubtsi in a new way Preparation Time 90 minutes Marinating Time 12 hours Cooking Time 30 minutes


Ingredients Roast beef

Dill pesto

Roast beef

Beef tenderloin 360g

Dill 20g

The evening before, marinate the roast beef. Rub it with salt, mustard,

Pinch of salt

Olive oil 10ml

black pepper, thyme and a little vegetable oil. Fry the meat in a frying

Pinch of black pepper

Pinch of garlic

pan on all sides and put it in the oven at 180C for 10 minutes.

Mustard seeds 5g

Pinch of salt

Vegetable oil 10ml

Pinch of black pepper

Fresh thyme 2g

Lemon juice 5ml

Marinated cabbage


Cabbage 20g White balsamic vinegar 30ml Garlic 5g Thyme 2g Pinch of salt Sugar 10g

Arborio rice 200g Chicken broth 300ml Butter 20g Parmesan 20g Sunflower oil 20ml Dry white wine 40ml

Marinated cabbage Heat the water and add all the ingredients except cabbage and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Take apart the cabbage leaves and place in hot marinade for 10 minutes. Dill pesto Put the dill, garlic and lemon juice into the food processor and start whisking, adding a little olive oil. At the end. add salt and pepper. The sauce should have a consistent texture. Risotto Fry the rice in a mixture of sunflower oil and butter. As soon as the rice

Black peppercorns 1g

becomes transparent, steam it with wine and add hot broth. Cook until

Dill inflorescence x 1

ready, at the very end add dill pesto, butter and parmesan.

Horseradish leaf x 1 Water 350ml

Plating Use a rectangular mould to place dill risotto onto a plate, put the pieces of cut roast beef on top and garnish with marinated cabbage.


Borsch with Sour Cream Preparation Time 90 minutes Cooking Time 120 minutes





Beetroots 150g

Wash and peel all the vegetables. Dice the

Carrots 40g

potatoes and put into water so they don’t

Onions 30g


White cabbage 80g

Cut the beetroot into thin strips, fry a little

Potatoes 120g

in vegetable oil and put to simmer, then add

Parsley root 20g

some vinegar to preserve the colour. Add

Pelati tomatoes 100g

sugar, salt, pelati tomatoes and water. Simmer

Vinegar 10ml

until the beetroot is cooked.

Pinch of salt

Separately, cut onions, carrots and parsley root

Pinch of black pepper

into strips and fry in vegetable oil until cooked.

Sugar 10g

Season lightly with salt and pepper.

Bay leaf x 1

Cut the cabbage into strips. Bring the water to

Garlic 4g

boil, add potatoes and bring to the boil again.

Water 700ml

Add cabbage and boil for 10 minutes.

Sprat in tomato sauce

Add beetroots and fried onions with carrots


and parsley root. At the very end, add sprat

Paprika 5g

in tomato sauce, garlic, bay leaf. Season with

Vegetable oil 30ml

salt, pepper and sugar. Leave for 20 minutes to



Sour cream 100ml


Wholesome bread

Pour into a bowl, and serve the sour cream separately with wholesome bread.




Cabbage Schnitzel Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 45 minutes



Cabbage 800g

Cut out the cabbage stalk and boil the cabbage in hot, slightly salty


water. Remove and cool in iced water. Take apart the cabbage leaves.

Eggs x 4


Onions 80g

Boil the eggs, peel and dice, mixing with finely chopped parsley.

Parsley 8g

Dice the onions and fry in butter and vegetable oil until golden brown

Pinch of salt

and add to the eggs.

Pinch of pepper Vegetable oil 50ml Butter 30g

Carrot cream Grate the carrots, chop the garlic finely and fry in olive oil with dried basil. Fry for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add carrot juice and

Carrot cream

reduce it slightly. Put everything in a blender, add cold butter and cream

Carrots 300g

and whisk. Season with salt and sugar.

Carrot juice 50ml Garlic 2g Pinch of dried basil Cream 60ml

Plating Lay the filling of eggs and onions in the middle of the cabbage leaf and wrap carefully.

Olive oil 10ml

Mix the breadcrumbs with thyme, garlic and a little cheddar cheese.

Butter 20g

Dip the filled cabbage in flour and stirred egg, sprinkle lightly with

Pinch of salt

breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

Sugar 5g Plating

Spread some carrot cream on the plate, place the cabbage schnitzel on top and garnish with the leaves of field salad.

Flour 40g Eggs x 2 Breadcrumbs 50g Thyme 2g Garlic 2g Cheddar cheese 10g Field salad 20g 157


Varenyki with cabbage Preparation Time 120 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes


Ingredients Dough

Fried mushrooms


Water 250ml

Chanterelles 200g

Mix the flour with some salt, then add warm water and knead the

Flour 500g

Pinch of garlic

dough quickly. At the end, add the egg and knead again well. Leave the

Egg x 1

Olive oil 10ml

dough to rest for half an hour.

Pinch of salt

Pinch of salt

Filling White cabbage 300g

Pinch of pepper Pinch of thyme

Filling Take the prepared vegetables and cut onions, carrots and cabbage into thin strips. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil, adding pelati tomatoes

Carrots 50g

Butter 10g

Onions 50g

Carrot cream

sugar and a little garlic. At the end, add a little finely chopped parsley

Pelati tomatoes 40g

Carrots 200g

and fresh thyme leaves.

Pinch of salt

Carrot juice 50ml

Pinch of pepper

Pinch of salt

Parsley 2g

Pinch of dried basil

Thyme 2g

Garlic 2g

Butter 20g Vegetable oil 30ml Honey 10g Garlic 2g

Butter 20g Cream 40ml Sugar 10g Baked onions Onions 100g Vegetable oil 10ml Pinch of sea salt Plating Baby spinach 20g

after 10-15 minutes. Season with salt, freshly ground black pepper,

Fried mushrooms Clean the mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil with garlic and thyme until golden brown. At the end, add some butter and remove from the pan. Make varenyki from dough and stewed cabbage and boil in salted water until cooked. Carrot cream Grate the carrots, chop the garlic finely and fry in olive oil with dried basil. Fry for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add carrot juice and reduce it slightly. Put everything into a blender, add cold butter and cream and whisk. Season with salt and sugar. Baked onions Peel the onions and cut into pieces. Grill or dry fry. Season lightly with sea salt. Plating On a plate lay out the carrot cream, put varenyki on top, then fried mushrooms. Garnish with baby spinach leaves and baked onions. 159


Lazy holubtsi rolls Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 90 minutes



Minced pork 200g

Dice the onions, carrots, cabbage, and with the garlic fry in vegetable

Onions 40g

oil. Add minced meat and continue frying. Add pelati tomatoes, paprika,

Carrots 40g

juniper berries, bay leaf and water, and simmer for 1 hour. When the

Garlic 4g

meat is almost ready, add the millet and cook until tender. At the end

Cabbage 40g

add salt, pepper, sugar and finely chopped parsley. thicken with butter

Paprika 2g

to obtain a thick consistent filling.

Pelati tomatoes 40g Water 150ml Parsley 4g Butter 20g

Plating Carefully remove two leaves from a cabbage and fry them in hot vegetable oil. Season with a little sea salt.

Vegetable oil 100ml

Put a fried cabbage leaf on a plate, use a rectangular mould to shape

Millet 40g

the filling, and cover it with another fried cabbage leaf.

Juniper berries 4g Pinch of sea salt Pinch of black pepper Bay leaf x 1 Plating Cabbage for decoration 400g



Zrazy with cabbage Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 45 minutes


Ingredients Filling

Carrot cream


White cabbage 300g

Carrot 300g

Take the prepared vegetables and cut onions, carrots and cabbage into

Carrots 50g

Carrot juice 50ml

thin strips. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil, adding pelati tomatoes

Onions 50g

Pinch of salt

after 10-15 minutes. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Pelati tomatoes 40g

Pinch of dried basil

At the end, add a little finely-chopped parsley and fresh thyme leaves, a

Pinch of salt

Garlic 2g

piece of butter and honey.

Pinch of pepper

Butter 20g

Parsley 2g

Cream 40ml

Thyme 2g

Sugar 10g

Butter 20g Vegetable oil 30ml Honey 10g Garlic 2g

Potato balls Bake potatoes in their jackets in the oven, let them cool a little and peel. Rub through a sieve and add the eggs and salt. Divide potatoes into 50-

Cabbage cream

60g portions. Put the cabbage inside and make a round shape. Deep-fry

Cabbage 300g

each ball.

Pinch of salt Thyme 2g

Potato balls

Garlic 2g

Potatoes 800g

Butter 20g

Eggs x 2

Cream 50ml

Sea salt 2g

Sugar 10g Milk 100ml Plating Romaine lettuce leaves

Carrot cream Grate the carrots, chop the garlic finely and fry in olive oil with dried basil. Fry for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add carrot juice and reduce it slightly. Put everything in a blender, add cold butter and cream and whisk. Season with salt and sugar. Cabbage cream Dice the cabbage into large cubes and fry in olive oil with finely-chopped garlic and thyme. Fry for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add milk and cream and simmer on a low heat until tender. Put everything into a blender, add cold butter and cream and whisk. Season with salt and sugar. Plating Warm up carrot and cabbage cream and spread on the bottom of the plate. Place the deep-fried potato balls and garnish with romaine leaves.



Red mullet with cabbage cream Preparation Time 45 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes



Cabbage cream

Cabbage cream

Cabbage 400g

Dice the cabbage into large cubes, and fry in olive oil with finely-

Milk 100ml

chopped garlic and thyme. Fry for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add

Butter 20g

milk and cream and simmer on a low heat until tender. Put everything

Cream 50ml

into a blender, add cold butter and whisk. Season with salt and sugar.

Pinch of salt Sugar 5g Thyme 2g Parsley oil Parsley 30g Mustard oil 30ml Pinch of salt Pinch of black pepper Fried red mullet Red mullet 400g Pinch of sea salt Flour 30g Vegetable oil 40ml

Parsley oil Quickly scald the parsley and put into iced water. Put the parsley into a blender and slowly add mustard oil until smooth. Pour into a sieve lined with gauze and let the oil run through slowly. Fried red mullet Gut the fish, dip it in flour and fry in vegetable oil until it has a ruddy crust. At the end season with sea salt. Plating In the middle of the plate lay out the cabbage cream, place the fried mullet next to it, and decorate with the leaves of field salad, sliced radishes, a stick of celery and cherry tomatoes cut in half. On the edge, carefully pour the parsley oil.

Plating Celery stalks 100g Radish 60g Field salad 20g Cherry tomatoes 80g



Braised cabbage & mushrooms Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 60 minutes


Ingredients Braised cabbage

Cabbage cream

Braised cabbage

Cabbage 400g

Cabbage 400g

Cut onions and cabbage into thin strips, and slice the carrots. Finely

Carrots 50g

Milk 100ml

chop the garlic and chilli pepper. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil

Onions 40g

Butter 20g

stirring constantly. Lower the heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Garlic 2g

Cream 50ml

Season with salt, freshly ground black pepper, sugar and a little garlic.

Chilli pepper 2g

Pinch of salt

At the end, add a little finely-chopped parsley, fresh thyme leaves and

Cherry tomatoes 40g

Sugar 5g

cherry tomatoes cut in half, with a piece of cold butter.

Parsley 2g

Thyme 2g

Fresh thyme 2g Pinch of salt Pinch of black pepper Sugar 5g Butter 20g Carrot cream Carrots 150g Carrot juice 30ml Pinch of garlic Pinch of dried basil Cream 20ml

Carrot cream

Fried mushrooms

Grate the carrots, chop the garlic finely and fry in olive oil with dried

Mushrooms 150g

basil. Fry for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add carrot juice and

Vegetable oil 20ml

reduce it slightly. Put everything into a blender, add cold butter and

Butter 10g

cream and whisk. Season with salt and sugar.

Garlic 2g Pinch of salt Pinch of black pepper Pinch of thyme Plating Radicchio lettuce 50g

Cabbage cream Dice the cabbage into large cubes and fry with finely-chopped garlic and thyme. Fry for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add milk and cream and simmer on a low heat until tender. Put everything into a blender, add cold butter and cream and whisk. Season with salt and sugar. Fried mushrooms

Butter 10g

Clean the mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil with garlic and thyme. Fry

Vegetable oil 10ml

until golden brown, at the end adding some butter. Remove from the

Pinch of salt


Pinch of pepper

Plating On a plate, make three drops of cabbage cream, place braised cabbage on top. Carefully lay out the mushrooms on the cabbage and garnish with radicchio lettuce.



dairy Cheese is one of those ingredients

the area of craft cheeses alone, there are quite

indispensible in the kitchen and kitchens in

simply too many to count.

Ukraine are uniquely blessed with the range

Ukraine’s love of cheese is reflected in a range

and quality of the nation’s cheeses. One

of events and venues dedicated to the food.

hallmark of Ukraine cheeses is a certain bitter

They include Kyiv Food and Wine Festival and

tang because the animals yielding milk for

the Lviv Cheese and Wine Festival. The Cheese

cheese production are fed on hay.

Awards Day brings together hundreds of craft

The dairy industry in Ukraine has experienced

cheese producers from across Ukraine eager

highs and lows in recent years but has

to launch new products. There is a Kyiv Cheese

benefitted from help from international

Museum dedicated to the art and history of

institutions that have helped place it on a

cheese-making in Ukraine. They even have 20

firmer footing. That is good news because in

types of cheese on hand for you to taste.



cheese and borodino crumble Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 10 minutes



Cottage cheese cream

Cottage cheese cream

Cottage cheese 280g

Mix the cottage cheese and the cream in a blender, adding salt to taste.

Cream 80ml

Cool in the fridge.

Pinch of sea salt Sauce Honey 20g Lemon juice 40ml Mustard oil 40ml Borodino crumble Pumpkin seeds 80g Borodino bread 80g Rosemary 2g Thyme 2g White bread crumble White bread 40g Parsley 10g

Sauce Mix all the ingredients until smooth. Borodino crumble Toast the Borodino bread and mix with pumpkin seeds, thyme and rosemary leaves in a blender to a crumble consistency. White bread crumble Toast the bread and mix with parsley leaves and sea salt in a blender to a crumble consistency. Plating Spread the cottage cheese cream in the middle of the plate, with tomato slices around it. Pour the sauce, decorate with lettuce leaves and sprinkle with Borodino and white bread crumble.

Pinch of sea salt Plating Sliced tomatoes 480g Lettuce leaves 40g



Salad with brynza Preparation Time 20 minutes Cooking Time 10 minutes



Fried fish

Fried fish

Anchovy/Hamsa 200g

Prepare the anchovy/hamsa, a small Black Sea

Vegetable oil 200ml

fish that can be salted or fried. It needs to be

Flour 50g

cleaned from the insides, rinsed and dried.

Sunflower oil 40ml

Dip in flour and remove any excess flour. Fry it

Pinch of sea salt

in hot vegetable oil until it has a ruddy crust.

Pinch of black pepper Young brynza cheese 200g Small Tomatoes 400g

While the fish is frying, cut the brynza. Cut tomatoes in half. Plating Put everything on a plate, so that there are


bright colours. Add the basil (torn not cut or

Basil 10g

the taste can be harsh).



Lazy varenyki Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes





Cottage Cheese 400g

Mix cottage cheese with egg, sugar and flour to get a homogeneous

Icing sugar 50g

mass (the most important thing is that it does not stick to your hands).

Flour 100-140g

Then roll out in the shape of a strip and cut into pieces 2x2 mm and

Egg x 1

press it lightly in the middle.

Vanilla 1g



Take the sugar and slightly caramelise it, then add a little water and

Sugar 30g

finally sour cream and orange zest. Put on a low heat and in this mass

Water 30g

cook lazy varenyky for 5-7 minutes.

Sour cream 15% 100ml Orange zest 1g Butter 10g Baked Apricots Apricots 200g Sugar 10g Lemon zest 1g

Baked Apricots Take the apricots, remove the stones and bake them in a dry skillet or under the grill. At the end sprinkle them with sugar mixed with lemon zest. Plating Lay out the lazy varenyki boiled in sour cream on a plate, and garnish with baked apricots and mint leaves.



Varenyki with brynza Preparation Time 60 minutes Cooking Time 60 minutes




Beetroot Wine Sauce


Brynza 480g

Beetroot 300g

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix with an egg, finely chopped

Egg x 1

Red wine 100ml

dill and a little salt to taste.

Dill 10g

Shallots 50g

Garlic 5g

Garlic 5g

Dough Flour 300g Water 80ml Egg x 1 Pinch of salt Baked vegetables Carrots 100g Beets 100g Olive oil 30ml Thyme 2g Garlic 3g Pinch of salt Sugar 5g Chicken broth 50ml

Thyme 2g Butter 40g Chicken broth 70ml Pinch of salt Sugar 5-10g (to taste) Plating Green Salad leaves 20g Sour cream 80ml

Dough Mix flour, egg and salt. Knead into a dough and leave it to rest for 30 minutes. Then cut off a piece and roll out a flat pancake of 2 mm and cut out circles with a round mould. Put about 1 teaspoon of filling into every circle and lightly smear the edges with water, but not much. Pinch the edges. Baked vegetables Cut carrots and beetroots into strips and fry in vegetable oil. To flavour, add a little garlic and thyme. After 5-7 minutes, add a little chicken broth and wait until it all evaporates. Then remove the carrots and beetroot from the heat. They must remain al dente. Beetroot Wine Sauce Take the raw beetroots and squeeze the juice, and in a separate sauté pan reduce it to half on a low heat. In another saucepan, fry shallots, garlic and thyme in butter, add chicken broth and reduce to half, then decant the liquid that is left. Separately reduce the red wine to half and then mix everything and bring to taste adding a little sugar and salt. Plating Cook varenyki in salted water, stirring occasionally. As soon as they have reached the surface, wait for 4-5 minutes and they will be cooked. Take them out of the pan and lay out on a plate, garnish with baked vegetables and pour the beetroot sauce. Serve the sour cream separately or on the plate.



Zucchini with goat cheese Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes



Fried zucchini

Fried zucchini

Zucchini 400g

Slice zucchini (2-2.5 mm) and fry in olive oil with a sprig of fresh thyme

Fresh thyme 3g

and a piece of garlic until they have a ruddy crust. Place on a paper

Garlic 5g

towel after frying to remove the excess fat.

Pinch of salt Pinch of black pepper Olive oil 50ml Goat cheese cream Goat cheese 150g Cream 100ml Sea salt 2g Sauce Egg x 1 White wine 50ml Mint1g Sugar 10g Lemon juice 10ml

Goat cheese cream Separately, take the cream and lightly whisk it, combining it with soft goat cheese until smooth. At the end, add a little sea salt. Sauce Mix the egg with the wine and a little sugar and put it in a bain-marie (water bath). Be sure to stir. Add lemon juice. At the end, add the finely chopped mint. Stir again. Plating Put the zucchini neatly next to each other with the cream of goat cheese in the middle. Wrap it in the shape of a roll and place on a plate. Around it put droplets of sauce with mint. Garnish with field salad leaves and cherry tomatoes.

Plating Cherry tomato 80g Field salad 20g



Banosh with brynza Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 60 minutes



Bacon 50g

Chop the bacon very thinly, fry with a little vegetable oil until golden brown and remove from the

Shallots 50g

heat. Halve the onion and peel and chop the garlic into thin slices and fry the in the same oil until

Garlic 20g


Vegetable oil 30ml Brynza 200g Aromatic sunflower oil 20ml Dill Oil Dill 15g Vegetable oil 30ml Pinch of salt Banosh Corn Grits or Cornmeal 200g Sour cream 400ml Water 50ml

Grate the Brynza and sprinkle with fragrant sunflower oil. Dill oil Wash the dill, scald in boiling water for 1 minute, then put on ice. Mix in a blender with sunflower oil, lemon juice and a little salt, then place in a sieve and wait for the dill oil to drip through. Banosh Prepare the banosh which must be served immediately. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, mix sour cream, milk and the sugar, bring to a boil and pour the corn grits. Over a low heat, stir constantly and only clockwise, to brew the banosh. Mix in the butter and grated Brynza cheese. Plating Place the banosh on a plate and decorate with grated Brynza, bacon chips, onions and garlic. Pour dill oil.around the edge

Milk 50ml Sugar 10g Plating Grated Brynza 30g Butter 20g



baked milk Panna cotta Preparation Time 40 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes



Milk jelly

Milk jelly

Baked milk 1L

Mix the milk with sugar and warm it up until

Sugar 130g

the sugar dissolves. Do not boil.

Gelatine 12g

Separately, take gelatine previously soaked in

Strawberry sauce Strawberry 200g Sugar 30g Lemon juice 10ml Black currant sauce Black currants 200g Sugar 30g Lemon juice 10ml

water. As soon as the gelatine is ready, stir it into the milk with sugar. Pour the mixture into moulds and cool in the fridge until set Strawberry sauce Mix the strawberry in a blender, rub through a sieve and add sugar. Warm up slightly to dissolve sugar and cool. Black currant sauce Mix the black currants in a blender, rub

Plating Strawberry 100g Wild strawberry 100g

through a sieve and add sugar. Warm up slightly to dissolve sugar and cool.

Raspberry 100g


Mint 3g

Serve the milk jelly and separately strawberry and black currant sauces. Decorate with berries.



Syrnyky with fir syrup Preparation Time 20 minutes Cooking Time 20 minutes



Cottage cheese 400g

Mix the egg with the icing sugar and add the

Eggs x 2

cottage cheese. Knead it until smooth.

Icing sugar 50g

In order to remove excess moisture from the

Semolina 30g

cottage cheese, add semolina and mix again.

Vanilla 1g

Add a little vanilla and a pinch of salt. Try it and

Pinch of salt

leave for 20 minutes so that semolina swells.

Flour 50g

Roll the balls and squeeze a little from above,

Vegetable oil 60ml

dip them in flour, making sure to remove the excess flour. Put them in a hot frying pan with

Plating Strawberries 200g Syrup made of fir cones or Apricots 50g

vegetable oil and fry on both sides until they have a ruddy crust. Plating Serve hot, decorated with sliced strawberries and syrup made of fir cones.



Clabber with sea buckthorn Preparation Time 30 minutes Marinating Time 24 hours Cooking Time 15 minutes



Milk pasteurised,

For this recipe, we need pasteurised milk, but with a short shelf life.

short term 1L

Leave the milk in a warm place for a day, so that it gets sour. It should


have a homogeneous consistency, resembling thick yogurt.

Sea buckthorn 400g


Sugar 150g

While the milk is getting sour, cook the sea buckthorn. Mix sugar with

Water 100-150ml

water and bring to a boil, then add sea buckthorn and cook for 5-10

To serve Thyme 2g Sea buckthorn 80g Vegetable oil 100ml

minutes. Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes and then mix in a blender and rub it through a sieve to remove the stones. If the sauce is rather liquid, it must be slightly boiled until the consistency of the sauce is smooth. Separately, pour the vegetable oil over the sea buckthorn and leave until serving. To serve When the sour milk is ready, carefully put it into a glass and pour sea buckthorn sauce on top. Decorate with sea buckthorn, which was infused in oil and sprinkle with fresh thyme leaves.



ryazhenka icecream Preparation Time 30 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes



Ice cream

Ice cream

Milk 1L

Mix the milk with sugar, vanilla and glucose

Fermented baked

and warm it up. Separately, take the yolks and

milk/Ryazhenka 2L

stir lightly, then add the warm milk into the

Sugar 370g

yolks and filter the entire mixture. After that,

Eggs x 6 yolks

add fermented baked milk.

Vanilla 15g

Put the whole mixture in a water bath (bain-

Glucose 370g

marie) and warm up to 75C for 20 minutes.

Caramel crumble

Pour the resulting mixture into an ice cream

Borodino bread 200g


Sugar 60g

Caramel crumble

Water 20ml

Mix the sugar and a little water and boil until

Prunes in honey

golden brown, then pour it on a baking sheet/

Prunes 100g Honey 100g

tray. Wait for it to cool down. Cut Borodino bread into pieces and bake in the oven for 180 C for 15-20 minutes. Be sure to cool it. Mix Borodino bread and caramel in a blender, but not very finely. Prunes in honey Pour the honey over the prunes and leave in a warm place for 2-3 weeks. To serve: On the plate place the Borodino crumble with caramel. Place a ball of ice cream on top and a whole piece of prune next to it.


Cottage Cheese Preparation Time 30 minutes Marinating Time 24 hours Cooking Time 30 minutes



Milk 3L

For this recipe, we need pasteurized milk but

Cream 200 ml

with a short shelf life.

Salt 2g

Leave the milk in a warm place for a day to

Curd yield 750-1000 g

make it sour. It will, by consistency, resemble


thick yogurt, a uniform consistency.

Serve with crusty

Place in a bain marie and warm it until a moist


fleece separates. Pass througna chinois or very fine sieve until you are left with the cottage cheese. This can be used for cheesecakes or lazy dumplings.

For this recipe add the cream and beat everything in a mixer or a whisk until smooth, season with salt.




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