3 minute read
steve crane
from Chef Magazine 45
2 carrots, fnely sliced 1 clove garlic, bashed 5 sprigs thyme
½ onion, fnely sliced 1 leek white, fnely sliced 2 sticks celery, fnely sliced

Add to the carrots and cook until soft.
Add 1 tablespoon of four and 1 tablespoon of tomato paste and cook for 2 minutes. Coat the vegetables. Add one bottle of red wine and reduce on a low heat without burning until thickened. Add 2 litres demiglace and cook for twenty minutes after the frst skim. Continue to simmer and skim. Pass through a fne chinoix and set aside.
Take 4 whole oxtail, cut to 1 inch and dust with four and seal on all sides in a hot pan. Place in a deep baking tray. Add two star anise, fve black peppercorns and a bay leaf. Pour over the hot braising liquor and season generously with salt, reserve some for later. Cover tightly with tin foil and place in an oven at 200 degrees C. for around 4-5 hours until completely soft. Remove the tin foil and keep basting the meat until glazed. Remove the meat from the liquor and reduce to a sauce consistency before passing through a chinoix again.
Whilst the meat is still warm but hot enough to pick, separate it from the bones. Flake the meat and mix with some of the reduced liquor and season with salt.
Roll the meat into tubes in cling flm and set in the fridge overnight. Once set, slice into 1cm chunks. Remove any cling flm. Pane the chunks in panko breadcrumbs and deep fry at 180 degrees celcius.
Mix some creamed horseradish sauce with some crème fraiche and salt before serving a blob on top of the croquette.

Benefts of the Synergy grill:
Moister, more succulent food high heat, low gas consumption ü average gas saving of 52% (so eventually pays for itself!) ü fat instantly atomised – no need to clean a fat tray ü ü
cool to cook over
cleaner vapour with reduced co 2
ü faster cooking means faster turnovers ü ü
thermal shock resistant
sharp branding on meat ü No cross favouring between different types of food ü less cleaning of ventilation systems than conventional grills

How does it work?
the synergy grill revolves around a patented gas burner system which works at an incredibly hot temperature and a natural ceramic heat bed. high heat atomises fat so there’s no fat tray for chefs to clean and they don’t need to worry about the disposal of fatty waste. the water vapour that’s naturally released from the fat and oils during cooking is also absorbed back into the food. This combined, with incredibly sharp branding gives an incredibly juicy and intense BBQ favour. by incorporating gas and air in addition to using heat capturing ceramic technology synergy grills use 52% less gas. this results in less co2 residue than a convention burner creating cleaner environment for chefs to work over. This patented system also prevents any cross-favouring of meats or fsh through smoke contamination. the sg6300 has a single burner. the sg900 and sg1,300 feature two independent burners with their own on/off switches to allow for modular cooking. synergy grills also route cool air around the grill to produce cool touch surfaces, making them less hot to cook over.

Gary Evans, Managing Director of Active Food Systems comments that:
chargrilling technology hasn’t changed in over 20 years. the synergy grill revolutionises chargrilling with intelligent cooking and unique benefts that can’t be found anywhere else. This is the only product of this type in the world.”
Justin Cadbury, Chairman of Active Food Systems speaks about Synergy grills atomising fat on the BBC:
It’s efficient because 52% of what you’re burning is air but it also heats up much more quickly. we cooked 100 steaks as a test and we had less than one sugar lump of dirt to clean up which was ash rather than fat.”