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hologram a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source. • a photograph of an interference pattern which, when suitably illuminated, produces a three-dimensional image.

Micro-trend forecast 20/21 CONTENTS: Trend Cartogram... 4 Moodboard... 5 Introduction... 7 Key Elements... 12 Drivers and Impacts... 13 Future... 14 Works Cited... 15 Image Accreditation... 18

“Building an audience in 2018 is about more than just telling a better story than you did in 2017...

Make sure the actual experience of reading or watching it, is better too.� - Doug Fowler.




holomedia; Micro-trend holomedia takes inspiration from Korean technology giants Samsung, with their motto ‘imagine’, this trend looks towards the modern functionality and interaction of holographic media and display. 2018 looked towards building on audience experience but that isn’t a new concept, bettering the audience experience is something that brands continuously work on especially within the technology industry. According to a survey conducted by thisisinkling “53% of Millennials in the UK would rather spend money on experiences rather than physical products that they own” and 62% said they would “increase their budget for experiences” in 2016 (Bourgeois, 2016). This short term trend looks at the future of print media within the technology industry and therefore isn’t primarily fashion based.


Holomedia promotes the ability to invest within a product alongside the experience, being a futuristic short term trend the prediction is for 20/21 and falls into the right timescale for possible production as brand giants LG and Samsung, who have been looking into holographic displays since 2015 (JiHye, 2017) should be looking to pilot in late 2019 (Ji-Hye, 2017). A compact and simple design of a foldable tablet that can project print media via holography can be invested into once has sustainable benefits i.e. continuous cost of paper production and less waste. Sustainability as an attraction feature will appeal to the design industry as the youth market (generation Z) are willing to pay more for products that come from “companies who are committed to positive social and environmental impact� (Global, 2015).


technology is a game changer, set to revolutionise many industries.� (richardvanhooijdonk, 2016)




Key elements of this trend are augmented reality and interaction; in a continually moving world, it can seem like we lose touch with a lot of things especially within the technology industry. Augmented reality (AR) is described as “technologies that enable real-time mixing of computer-generated content with live video display” (Mekni & Lemieux, 2014). Taking pieces and techniques popularised by VR, AR looks to intertwine virtual reality and the real world; since the experience is vital within this trend, having a ‘degree of interdependence’ with reality is important. With the growing possibilities of AR, this trend looks to recreate print media such as magazines and create a technological format that allows the audience to interact via sensors. Holomedia would in itself be a trend and product that is compact and technologically advanced, merging the boundaries between digital content and printed content.

A driver of this micro-trend is the SAIT (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) with their continued progression and evolving towards “realistic visualisation” and “realistic interaction” technologies (SAIT, 2017). Alongside the driver, one of the main inspirations for this trend is to combine the idea of interaction with simulated physicality (Google, 2014) so that the audience feels engaged with the product but still tech savvy. Impacts of this trend ranges from increase of product designs and investing into a product that will last and hold all the print media of the persons choosing. From a consumer viewpoint, it is important that the option of one off issues and subscriptions are still available. Similarly the trend has consequences such as loss of actual physicality i.e. being able to feel printed copies and higher one off costs of the product itself, alongside costs and testing of the holographic feature (Holonorth, 2017).


The future of this trend continues with augmented reality overtaking virtual reality and these would be interactive through sensors and gestures; areas from the overall macro-trend Command & Control. Although originally holomedia related to print media, the technology could span over billboard advertisements and replace those in order to reach a wider audience by displaying holography in the sky or on buildings etc. Once again this would reduce a lot of paper usage and become a more sustainable option over the years, especially with the increase of solar panels (Warrior, 2016). Short-term trend holomedia reveals the potential of holograms within print media and the combined experience of visuals with interaction to create a whole sensory experience.

Works Cited Bourgeois, A. (2016, January 4). 5 Facts About Millenials That Marketers Ought To Know. Retrieved from wersm: https://wersm.com/5-facts-about-millennials-that-marketers-ought-toknow/). Global. (2015, November 5). GREEN GENERATION: MILLENNIALS SAY SUSTAINABILITY IS A SHOPPING PRIORITY. Retrieved from Nielsen: http://www.nielsen.com/uk/en/ insights/news/2015/green-generation-millennials-say-sustainability-is-a-shopping-priority.html Google. (2014). Project Soli. Retrieved from Google ATAP: https://atap.google.com/soli/ Holonorth. (2017). FAQ. Retrieved from Holonorth : http://www.holonorth.com/faq.htm Ji-Hye, S. (2017, November 14). The Jakarta Post. Retrieved from Will Hologram Be Next Bonaza For Samsung?: http://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2017/11/14/will-hologram-be-nextbonanza-for-samsung.html Mekni, M., & Lemieux, A. (2014). Augmented Reality: Applications, Challenges and Future Trends. Applied Computational Science, 205. richardvanhooijdonk. (2016, December 9). The future of holographic technology will flip almost every industry on its head. Retrieved from richardvanhooijdonk: https://www.richardvanhooijdonk.com/en/future-holographic-technology-will-flip-almost-every-industry-head/ SAIT. (2017, N/A N/A). Real 3D. Retrieved from Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology: https://www.sait.samsung.co.kr/saithome/Page.do?method=main&pagePath=02_research/&pageName=real Warrior, E. (2016, December 6). Solar Energy and Sustainability: Why it is Important? Retrieved from Greenne : http://www.greenne.com/solar-energy-sustainability-important/




Image Accreditation Billington, J. (2014, June 4). Hologram display technology could be coming to mobiles very soon. Retrieved from news.com.au: http://www.news.com.au/technology/gadgets/ mobile-phones/hologram-display-technology-could-be-coming-to-mobiles-very-soon/ news-story/8dbc48229df1cecbac892e97ce5b0dcf JI-HYE, S. (2017, November 14). Will hologram be next bonanza for Samsung? Retrieved from The Jakarta Post: http://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2017/11/14/will-hologram-benext-bonanza-for-samsung.html Mobile Scout. (2018, January 29). Oppo files patent for foldable phone with flexible display. Retrieved from Mobile Scout: https://www.mobilescout.com/android/news/n103316/ Oppo-files-patent-foldable-phone-flexible-display.html Rundle, M. (2015, August 4). How to turn your phone into a holographic display, for free. Retrieved from Wired: http://www.wired.co.uk/article/smartphone-holographic-display-how-to Video Blocks. (N/A, N/A N/A). A man answers the wife who smiles and waves from the phone that appears in hologram clock futuristic and technological. Retrieved from Video Blocks: https://www.videoblocks.com/video/a-man-answers-the-wife-who-smiles-andwaves-from-the-phone-that-appears-in-hologram-clock-futuristic-and-technological-concept-holiday-communicationfamily-technology-augmented-reality-and-future-sqilkqeceizqt3w4l Vincent, J. (2016, November 10). Google’s miniature radars can now identify objects. Retrieved from The Verge : https://www.theverge.com/2016/11/10/13582700/google-soli-radarcat-object-recognition

holomedia 20/21



For further information on the overview for the prediction of technology, see Macro-Trend; Command & Control.


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