Global Business Perspectives
Cultural Audit
Australia is a country rich in history, tradition, culture, and diversity Australia is a beautiful place to live Australia has a democratic government Australia is a lively place where States diversity isin every Australia has backed the United cherished. military conflict since World War I. In March 2011, Australia’s population was at 22.5 million people. Australia’s Aboriginal population exceeds 700,000. There are over 6 million migrants, from over 200 countries, who live in Australia. Australia is a lively place where diversity is cherished.
Risk Assessment of the PoliticalLegal System
Australia has a liberal democratic government. Australia has both a House of Representatives and a Senate. The Queen of England is also the Queen of Australia. Australia has a constitution which outlines the roles and responsibilities of the federal government. The High Courts of Australia act much like our own Supreme Court. There is also a Prime Minister in Australia. Australia welcomes foreign investments. Australia takes intellectual property laws and rights very seriously.
Risk Analysis and Risk Management Strategies
There is very little risk associated with Australia’s economy, and financial status. Australia’s economy is strong. Their service sector makes up 70% of their Gross Domestic Product. Finance, property, and business are the strongest portions of Australia’s service sector. When it comes to politics and legal risks, Australia gets a very low risk rating. There is very little corruption in Australia, which helps keep risk low. Australia has allied itself with global partners. Australia has formulated close economic, political, and financial relationships with the United States, the United Kingdom, South Pacific, New Zealand and South East Asia. The World Bank considers Australia to be one of the top 10 countries in the world in terms of business environment. When it comes to the economy, politics, business, finance, society and culture, there is very little risk associated with Australia.
Marketing and Promotion
Australians are very serious about their higher education. In fact, a great deal of their budget is allocated in bettering schools, improving curriculum, and providing the best education possible. Australia is an international hub for top notch education, a wonderful travel destination, offers incredible culture, and has one of the world’s leading economies and political structure. There are no restrictions to media availability in Australia. Australia’s institutes for higher education are ranked amongst the best in the world for many reasons.
HR-Related Areas of Interest
Employees who belong to the Administrative Team need to have good people, management, and multitasking skills. They must understand culture, language, technology and all legal issues surrounding the university. I would approach hiring by using the Geocentric approach to hiring. I would choose to follow the models for training and development that have already been successful in other institutes. Performance based appraisals will be implemented. I would follow current salary scales and benefit packages common for Australia.
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