RYA Dinghy Show Guide

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2-3 March 2013

Dan Slater, NZL Sailing team. Image: Jesus Renedo

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CONTENTS SHOW ATTRACTIONS Talks, seminars, plus how to get to the show and special features – all you need to make the most out of your visit











ritish dinghy sailing is B the envy of the world, from youth club racing to Olympic gold, find out more here...

he Mirror dinghy helped T bring sailing to the masses, as Andy Rice explains

ome of the dinghy kit S highlights to look out for around the show

loor plans plus an A-Z F of exhibitors



rom Scotland to Wales, F Cornwall to Essex and the East Coast, there's a club for everyone





roducts, holidays and P boat builders galore



ake up a training course T or start sailing

he world’s largest T selection of dinghy & small keelboat classes all under one roof, stand details and class information

Published by Yachts & Yachting magazine on behalf of the RYA Dinghy Show.

photo: tom gruitt*

I nspired by the 2012 Olympics? Paula Irish reveals how you can get afloat


experience the past, present and future of British dinghy sailing at the 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


he RYA Dinghy Show has something for everyone; young or old, racer or cruiser, classics enthusiasts or modern hi-tech sailors – the show has it all. Inspiration has been a watch word of the 2012 Games and this year’s show has plenty to support those inspired to go one step further. Newcomers to the sport will find plenty of advice and information on getting started from the RYA and over 100 clubs, classes and training centres present at the show. You can even book a try sailing session with RYA instructors at this year's show. Youngsters aspiring to be the next Sir Ben or Helena Lucas MBE can find out from Britain’s Olympic and Paralympic sailors and coaches from the RYA’s Youth programmes what it takes to get to the podium. For many of us our first sailing experiences were on a Mirror dinghy. This hardy little boat has weathered the test of time and we are delighted that it will be celebrating its 50th anniversary with us at the show. If you are contemplating a new boat for this season then the show has a fantastic range

of dinghies from cruising to hi-tech racing dinghies. Together with advice and guidance on the best boat to fit you and the sailing you are looking to do. If you are looking to up your racing game this season we have a host of experts and coaches to help you improve your performance, together with the latest kit and equipment. For this year’s show we have built a unique Trapeze Rig designed to help improve trapeze technique. With so much to see and do at the show we have introduced a two-day ticket so you don’t have to miss a thing! As ever we extend our thanks to show supporters Yachts and Yachting and Suzuki and I look forward to seeing you at this year’s RYA Dinghy Show.



March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show

photo: rya*




what's on guide There’s something for everyone at this year’s show

4 RYA Dinghy Show March 2013

Boat fit boot camp

Boat fit boot camp Want to be fit for the start of the sailing season but haven’t got the time or money to commit to a gym membership? Then come along to physiotherapist Matt McGovern’s

Want to be fit for the start of the sailing season but haven’t got the time or money to commit to a gym membership? Matt McGovern’s boat fit boot camp will tell you exactly what you can be doing at home to get fighting fit and ready for the new season...


here’s no doubt being physically prepared before you step back into your boat next season will reduce the aches and pains and improve your performance on the water throughout the campaign. The two key fitness elements for sailing that you can work on easily at home are muscular strength and endurance, or cardiovascular fitness. You may have some basic equipment at home, such as dumb-bells and medicine balls, but there are a lot of exercises that you can

do using just your own body weight that will improve your strength and conditioning. The key to building strength and endurance is to set yourself a basic circuit. As Matt explains: ‘Pick 10 exercises: squats, lunges, press-ups, planks etc., and do each exercise a set number of times (reps), or for a certain duration. When you’ve been through all 10 exercises once, go through the full circuit again once or twice more. An entire circuit session should last between 20 and 30 minutes. ‘If you have dumb-bells or medicine balls,

increase the amount of weight you’re lifting over time, which will improve your strength. If you’re doing body-weight exercises then vary the intensity, number or duration of reps. ‘For example, say you have decided to do each of your 10 exercises for one minute. To improve you could do 20 seconds really hard, ease off for 20 seconds ‘rest’ and then do the last 20 seconds really hard again. As you get stronger increase the duration of intensity, reduce the rest time and extend the exercise to a minute and a half. It’s very effective.’

The best cardiovascular exercise for sailing is cycling as it works the muscles at the back and front of your thigh 54

Yachts & Yachting

February 2013

If you’re not sure how to do a certain exercise properly get advice so you don’t injure yourself. The best cardiovascular exercise for sailing is cycling, and to a slightly lesser extent rowing, as they work the muscles at the back and front of your thigh, as well as your hamstrings and quadriceps, which are your main hiking muscles. Swimming and running are good for all-round aerobic fitness and are both easily accessible activities. Matt adds: ‘I’ll be putting willing volunteers through their paces at the RYA Dinghy Show, demonstrating the whole range of simple exercises you can do to get fit to sail. I’m looking forward to opening a few eyes as to just how many racing gains can be made in your living room!’



If you’ve been inspired to get into sailing by Team GB’s success, then the RYA Dinghy Show has everything you need to get started. Start the show at the New to Sailing feature. Talk to our ‘getting started’ team about the best boats to get started in, what kind of kit you’ll need, how the whole family can get involved, where you can go to learn and where

Boat Fit Boot Camp where you can find out what you can be doing at home to get fighting fit and ready for the new season. ‘The key to building strength and endurance is to set yourself a basic circuit,’ says Matt. ‘I’ll be putting people through their paces, demonstrating the types and range of simple exercises you can do to get fit to sail. I’m looking forward to opening a few eyes as to just how many racing gains can be made in your living room!’


New to sailing?

your nearest clubs and sailing facilities are. Learn the basics before you get afloat at our special beginners’ coaching sessions (Panorama Hall), where RYA instructors will explain the basic points of sailing, wind direction, parts of the boat, steering and much more. If you fancy having a go at sailing then come and find out about our ‘Try a sail’ sessions! At the show we can fix you up with a sailing session at one of the clubs on the Welsh Harp Reservoir in Wembley. On your visit you’ll get a feel for what dinghy sailing is all about and experience the atmosphere of the clubhouse. All the kit and boats are supplied; all you need to do is book your place. Speak to a member of the 'New to Sailing' team at the show for full details.



fter such an important year for British dinghy sailing, as Olympic hosts and multiple medal winners, we celebrate all the coaches, clubs, classes and companies that are already working their socks off to welcome new sailors on to the water and helping to produce future generations of sailing champions. But it’s not all work, work, work: there’s family fun, treasure hunts and dressing up; long-distance dinghy cruising and the 50th anniversary of the Mirror dinghy

Find out how you can improve your fitness at Matt McGovern’s boat fit boot camp at the RYA Dinghy Show March 2-3, 2013 at Alexandra Palace, London.

February 2013

Yachts & Yachting


50 yeaRS Of the miRROR ClaSS


inghy historian David Henshall will be charting the past 50 years of the Mirror and the developments from the earliest ‘stitch and glue’ models to the modern Mirrors with their Morrison-designed interiors. Alongside David’s insightful main stage talk we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Mirror dinghy with a wonderful display of Mirror dinghies, of all shapes and sizes from across the years, in the West corridor.

Dinghy cruising and trailer sailing If you’ve been thinking about cruising in your dinghy but are unsure of what’s involved then this talk is for you. Consummate dinghy cruiser Ralph Roberts will be covering everything you need to know from what kit you’ll need and the best ways to stow it safely, to where to go cruising, what boat to choose, as well as the essentials of planning and preparation. Ralph has spent 12 years cruising his Wayfarer dinghy between London and Helsinki and has plenty of tales to tell and experience to share! You can chat with Ralph and see his dinghy on stand G36 (West Hall).

Racing rules go interactive Every four years the Racing Rules of Sailing are revised and published by the International Sailing Federation (ISAF), the international authority for the sport. In this very informative coaching session,

‘racing rules explained’ Chris Watts, RYA race officials education officer, will explain how the rules have changed for 2013-2016, how the changes could affect your racing, as well as showcasing the new interactive RYA rules ebooks

Getting a good start If you want to be first over the startline and get the all-important clean air, then this is the session for you. Nick Thonpson (Sat) and Helena Lucas (Sun) will be sharing their top tips on getting a great start that could mean the difference between gold and silver. So if you want to lead the fleet then this is advice not to be missed!

SailX Championship returns Following the success of the inaugural RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championship at the 2012 show, the championship is back for 2013. This unique online game enables competitors to take part in a virtual regatta sailing against racers from all over the world in real time around

SCheDule 09.45

OpeNiNG CeRemONy with memBeRS Of the BRitiSh SailiNG team


ShOw OpeNS

maiN StaGe, hall 2 (WEST HALL)

10.30 11.15 12.00 12.45

Get the BeSt fROm yOuR laSeR

13.00 13.45 14.15 15.00

50 yeaRS Of the miRROR ClaSS


VOlVO Rya ChampiON CluB pReSeNtatiON (Sat ONly)


Rya CluB Of the yeaR awaRDS (Sat ONly) aND RS DeSiGN a Sail COmpetitiON (SuN ONly)


RS DeSiGN a Sail COmpetitiON awaRD pReSeNtatiON (SuN ONly)


tReaSuRe huNt pReSeNtatiON (Sat aND SuN)

Safety BOat haNDliNG GOiNG fOR GOlD OlympiC & paRalympiC CeleBRatiON

pRize DRawS aND pReSeNtatiONS the BOat pROjeCt DiNGhy CRuiSiNG aND tRaileR SailiNG

ON StaGe iN hall 1 (PANORAMA HALL)

PHOTO: Paul WyeTH/rya*

COaChiNG aRea – BeGiNNeRS tO eXpeRtS

11.00 12.00 13.00

RiG tuNiNG

14.00 15.00 16.00

tRapeziNG tipS

StaRt SailiNG GettiNG a GOOD StaRt ON the RaCe liNe

BOat fit BOOt Camp New RaCiNG RuleS

All information correct at the time of compilation.

March March 2013 RYA Volvo Dinghy Show 2013 RYA Dinghy Show



tRapeziNG tipS

U getting to the show Alexandra Palace, Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green, London N22 7AY Tel: 020 8365 2121 Web: www.alexandrapalace.com


lexandra Palace is located just off the M1 and M25 and is only 10 minutes from London Kings Cross. Situated between Muswell Hill & Wood Green, it is well served by all forms of public transport and is easy to reach by underground, road, rail & air. You can plan your travel to the Dinghy Show using the visitor information on the Alexandra Palace website: www. alexandrapalace.com/visitor-information/ Onsite parking facilities are available for those travelling by car including parking spaces at the main entrance for blue badge holders. All areas are accessible to disabled visitors, including wheelchair users. Guide dogs are also welcome. You can find out more information at www. alexandrapalace.com/visitor-information/ access/ or contact Alexandra Palace on 020 8365 2121 *All information correct at time of compilation

short courses and in strict accordance with the racing rules of sailing. Last year over 650 sailors took part in the virtual event, representing 69 classes and some 51 nationalities, with the overall championship title going to Seb Baucutts representing the 29er class. After seven weeks of what promises to be some extremely competitive online racing, find out at the show who will be crowned the 2013 champion.

Going for Gold Are you the next Ben Ainslie or Helena Lucas? Do you dream of racing on the world stage and taking your place on top of the winners’ podium? Then join us at the RYA Main Stage to find out what’s involved in making it to the top; the training, the sacrifices, the rewards. A must for budding young sailors and their parents, you’ll hear all about the RYA’s youth programmes that are the envy of the world and how they work to develop sailors talent into medal winning performances. You can also find out more by visiting the RYA Volvo Youth Stand in Hall 2 (West Hall).

lots of fun for the kids! If you’re a bit of a super-sleuth why not track down the clues in the pirate treasure hunt. Collect the clues, stickers and treasure from around the show and you could win some amazing prizes.

sing a unique trapeze rig, specially designed for the RYA Dinghy Show, visitors will have the perfect opportunity to try out harnesses and test their trapezing technique under the watchful eyes of our experts. Find out how to improve your technique and get top tips on avoiding strain and injury. If you don’t fancy trying out the rig for yourself then listen in to our informative trapezing tips coaching session where you can learn how to be steady on the side of the boat and optimise your performance through the corners.

Build your own boat and then race it in The Holt blow boat challenge! This show favourite gives the show’s younger visitors a chance to show off their creative and technical skills. Boat building packs are available one hour before each race start, so make sure you give your child plenty of time to build their perfect craft. Located under the organ loft in the Great Hall, races will take place at 11.30, 13.30 and 15.30, Saturday and Sunday. Boat packs cost £1, with all proceeds going to the John Merricks Sailing Trust. Ahoy me hearties it’s fancy dress time! All children are invited to come to the show dressed as their favourite pirate! The best dressed pirate will be awarded a special prize by the show’s very own pirate captain at the treasure hunt prizegiving ceremony on the main stage. Back in the Panorama Hall for 2013 is the ever popular model boat pool, great fun for all the family! It costs just £1 for adults and 50p for kids and all the proceeds will go to RYA Sailability – providing sailing opportunities for the disabled.

CluB CliNiCS

fRee tiCKetS with eVeRy SeSSiON BOOKeD


ew for 2013 are the RYA Club Clinics. 30-minute one-to-one Club Clinic sessions will run throughout the show where you can get information and advice on a range of club issues including: Legal and technical issues, club development, increasing membership, developing club racing, 'greening' your club and saving money. Book your Club Clinic session at www.dinghyshow.org.uk from 1st February 2013. Each session will host up to four people from your club. Bookings are on a first come first served basis. Book your Club Clinic session and receive two free tickets to the show for your club.


RYA Dinghy Show March 2013

CELEBRATING BRITISH DINGHY SAILING The UK’s international sailing success is the outcome of a process that begins locally...


ritish dinghy sailing is the envy of the world. From our youngest sailors up to the pinnacle of Olympic sailing it’s a vibrant and modern sport encapsulating energy and success. And behind the achievements of every individual British sailor is a club, a class association, and the RYA, the framework which enables sailors to enjoy the sport at all levels from grassroots fun to world class performance.

Ruling the waves When Sir Ben Ainslie became the world’s greatest ever Olympic sailor at London 2012,

8 RYA Dinghy Show March 2013

clinching his fourth consecutive gold medal, it was an unforgettable moment for British dinghy sailing. Britain also celebrated silver medals going to 470 sailors Hannah Mills and Saskia Clark, Luke Patience and Stuart Bithell, Star sailors Iain Percy and Andrew Simpson, and windsurfer Nick Dempsey. And Britain won its first ever full Paralympic sailing medals. Helena Lucas took gold in the 2.4mR fleet while Alexandra Rickham and Niki Birrell in the Skud added a bronze to GBR’s outstanding tally from the Games. Supporting this success has been an unprecedented level of financial support from the National Lottery, plus sponsorship and the

PHOTO: Paul WyeTH/Rya* PHOTO: Paul WyeTH/Rya*

"For a number of classes, the RYA holds the copyright, both to help run their administration and to protect them for the future..."

leadership of the RYA in spending the money wisely in the pursuit of performance goals. It has enabled Skandia Team GBR, the British sailing team, to leave no stone unturned in its quest for gold. For those sailors with the talent and determination to make it to the top, the resources are available to make it happen: coaches, nutritionists, meteorologists, psychologists, sports scientists and physiotherapists are all on hand. The team even has its own chef and recruited a falcon in the run-up to the Olympics to scare away seagulls so sailors could get enough sleep! This expertise and professionalism, combined with the drive, commitment and

ambition of each sailor, is backed by an incredible team spirit. When asked, for example, about the success of the Paralympic sailors, Helena says: ‘The massive advantage we have in Britain is that the RYA considers it 13 disciplines. It’s not 10 Olympic classes and three Paralympic classes, we’re just one big sailing team... so we have exactly the same support as the Olympic guys, the same funding. Basically we all work together, and there’s a massive cross-over of talent between the Olympic classes and the Paralympic classes, and I think that is what puts us into such a strong position.’ She adds that many of the Olympic class sailors who didn’t make selection for the 2012 Games became tuning partners to those who were chosen.

Junior champions Britain’s youngest racing sailors were also making their mark internationally in 2012, among them two-times Topper national champion Giles Kuzyk, who took the world championship title in Holland. Having started dinghy sailing when he was just five years old with his dad in GP14s, he moved on to a local class in Poole called ABs, before Toppers at the age of 11. Like most sailors, including those who subsequently progress to Olympic and professional sailing, his local club provided his first experiences of racing. Giles, who is now concentrating on A-levels and sailing a Laser Radial, says: ‘Parkstone

YC was brilliant when I was getting into sailing, and the racing there helped me progress from a complete beginner to being ready to qualify for the RYA Topper south zone squad when I was 11.’ He later went on to be selected for the RYA national junior squad, and adds: ‘The RYA was key to helping me progress from zone squad to winning my first nationals in 2011.’

Youth medals The ISAF Youth Worlds is considered the equivalent of the Olympics for youth sailors and in 2012 our sailors won a hat-trick of medals for Britain and the overall trophy for best nation. Competing in Ireland, gold medals went to Rupert White and Tom Britz in the SL16 catamaran class and to windsurfer Saskia Sills, while 420 girls Annabel Vose and crew Kirstie Urwin took bronze. Kirstie learnt to sail and race in Optimists and in addition to ISAF youth worlds success became 420 national champion and ladies junior European champion in 2012. She now hopes to move into the Olympic 470 class and cites her sailing club, class associations and the RYA as being instrumental in her success so far. ‘The Royal Lymington YC has been hugely involved in my sailing for years and has provided the facilities and training in order for me to develop my sailing skills and achieve success. The club has always had a really supportive and extensive youth and junior system, which provides many young sailors

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


Isn’t Isn’tit timeyou youexperienced experiencedthe theappeal? appeal? Isn’t itittime time you experienced the appeal? • 90+ new boats built in 2012 • 90+ new boats built in 2012 Isn’t you experienced the appeal? Isn’tit ittime time you experienced the appeal? Isn’t it time you experienced the appeal? • 90+ new boats built in 2012 • A Class with a large friendly following and still growing. A Class with a large friendly following and still growing. Isn’t itit time time you you experienced experienced the the appeal? appeal? Isn’t

Class Association Class Association Class Class Class Class Association Association Association Association Class Class Association Association Class Association Class Association

National Solo National Solo National National Solo Solo National National National National Solo Solo Solo Solo National Solo National Solo

Isn’t it time you experienced the appeal? •• 90+ new boats built in 2012 A Class a large friendly following andhas still growing. • The Solo provides close competitive racing racing and superb area travellers series.series. The Solowith provides close competitive and has superb area travellers •• 90+ new boats built in 2012 following and still growing. A Class with a large friendly Solo provides close competitive racing and has superb area travellers series. 90+ new boats built in 2012 • Thriving ••• •The Thriving second-hand second-hand market market 90+ newwith boats built in 2012 following and still growing. A Class a large friendly •• •The Solo provides close competitive racing and has superb area travellers series. A Class with a large friendly following and still growing. Thriving second-hand A Class with a large friendly followingracing and still growing. • •90+ new boats built in 2012 90+ new boats built inmarket 2012 The Solo provides close competitive and has superb area travellers series. •• •90+ new boats built in 2012 Thriving second-hand market The Solo provides close competitive racing and hassuperb superbarea areatravellers travellersseries. series. • •A with aalarge friendly following growing. AClass Class with large followingand andstill still growing. 90+ new boats built infriendly 2012 90+ new boats built in 2012 The Solo provides close competitive and has •A Class with a large friendly followingracing and still growing. Thriving second-hand market Thriving second-hand market Class with large friendly following andstill still growing. AA Class with aalarge friendly following and growing. Solo provides close competitive racing and has The Solo provides close competitive racing and hassuperb superbarea areatravellers travellersseries. series. ••• •••The Thriving market The Solosecond-hand provides close competitive racing and has superb area travellers series. • 90+ new boats built in 2012 The Solo provides close competitive racing and has superb area travellers series. • ••Thriving The Solo provides close competitive racing and has superb area travellers series. Noble••Noble Marine Solo Winter Championships Marine Solo Winter Championships Thrivingsecond-hand second-handmarket market Thriving second-hand market friendly following and still growing. • A Class with a large Noble Marine Solo Winter Championships • Thriving second-hand market • Thriving second-hand market 23rd 23rd February - Grafham WaterWater SC SC February - Grafham

Major Major Championship Dates forfor 2013 Championship Dates 2013 Major Championship Dates for 2013 Major Championship Dates for 2013 Major Championship Dates for 2013 Major Championship Dates for 2013 Major Championship Dates for 2013 Noble Marine Solo Winter Championships • The Solo provides closeWater competitive racing and has superb area trave 23rd February Grafham SC Noble Marine Solo Winter Championships Major Championship Dates for 2013 Major Championship Dates for 2013 Noble Marine Solo Winter Championships 23rd February Grafham Water SC Major Championship Dates Noble Marine Solo Wintermarket Championships • Thriving second-hand Major Championship Dates for for 2013 2013 Major Championship Dates for 2013 23rd February - Grafham Water SC Spring Championships Spring Championships

Noble Marine Winter Championships Noble MarineSolo WinterWater Championships 23rdFebruary February -Grafham Grafham Water SC 23rd -Solo SC Noble Marine Solo Winter Championships Spring Championships 6th April Oxford SC 6th April Oxford SC Noble Marine Solo Winter Championships Noble Marine Solo Winter Championships 23rd February -- -Grafham Water 23rd February Grafham WaterSC SC Spring Championships 23rd February Grafham Water SC 6th April Oxford SC Spring Championships 23rd February Grafham WaterSC SC 23rd February --Grafham Water Spring Championships 6th April - Oxford SC Spring Championships 6th April - Trophy Oxford SC NigelSpring Pusinelli Nigel Pusinelli Trophy Championships Spring Championships 6th April Oxford SC 6th April - -Oxford SC Spring Championships Nigel Pusinelli Trophy Noble Marine Solo Winter Championships 18th 6th -Nigel 18th 19th 19th May May Weymouth Weymouth & Portland & Portland National National Sailing Sailing Academy Academy Spring Championships Spring Championships April Oxford SC 6th April Oxford SC Pusinelli Trophy 6th April Oxford SC 18th -Pusinelli 19th MayTrophy - Weymouth & Portland National Academy Nigel 23rd February Water SC Sailing 6th April Oxford SC- Grafham 6th April --Oxford SC Nigel Pusinelli Trophy 18th -Pusinelli 19th MayTrophy - Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy Nigel 18th -Pusinelli 19th May - -Weymouth &&Portland National Sailing National Championships incorporating The Nations Cup National Championships incorporating The Nations Cup Academy Nigel Trophy Nigel Pusinelli Trophy 18th 19th May Weymouth Portland National Sailing Academy 18th 19th May Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy Pusinelli Trophy National Championships incorporating The Nations Cup 13th Nigel -18th 19th July Hayling Island SC 13th 19th July Hayling Island SC Nigel Pusinelli Trophy Nigel Trophy -- Pusinelli May - Weymouth & National Sailing 18th -19th 19th May Weymouth Portland National Sailing Academy National Championships incorporating Nations Cup Academy Spring Championships 18th 19th May Weymouth &&Portland Portland National Sailing Academy 13th July -----Hayling Island SC The National Championships incorporating The Nations Cup 18th 19th May Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy 18th 19th May Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy National Championships incorporating TheNations NationsCup Cup 13th - 19th July - Hayling incorporating Island SC The National Championships 6th April Oxford SC 13th 19th July Hayling Island SC Inland Inland Championships Championships National Championships National Championships incorporating TheNations NationsCup Cup 13th 19th July- -Hayling Haylingincorporating IslandSC SC The 13th - -19th July Island Championships incorporating The Nations Cup Inland Championships 7th - National 8th September Rutland SC 7th 8th September Rutland SC National Championships incorporating The Nations Cup National Championships incorporating The Nations Cup 13th -- -19th July Island SC 13th 19th July-- -Hayling Hayling Island SC Inland Championships 13th 19th July Hayling Island SC 7th 8th September Rutland SC Inland Championships 13th 19th July--Hayling Hayling Island SC 13th --19th July Island Inland Championships 7th - 8th September -Trophy Rutland SCSC Nigel Pusinelli Inland Championships 7th - of September - -Rutland SC End of Season Championships End Season Championships Inland Championships Inland Championships 7th -8th 8th September Rutland SC 7th - of 8th September - Rutland SC Inland Championships 18th 19th May Weymouth End Season Championships 26th 7th October (tbc) Draycote Water SC SC& Portland National Sail 26th October (tbc) Draycote Water Inland Championships Inland Championships 8th September Rutland SC 7th 8th September Rutland SC End of Season Championships 7th - of 8thSeason September - Rutland Water SC SC 26th (tbc) - Draycote End Championships 7th 8thSeason September RutlandWater SC SC 7th --October 8th September --Rutland SC End of Championships 26th October (tbc) Draycote End of Season Championships 26th October (tbc) - -Draycote SC National Championships incorporating The Nations C End of Season Championships End of Season Championships 26th October (tbc) DraycoteWater Water SC 26th October (tbc) - Draycote Water SC End of Season Championships End of Season Championships End of Season Championships 26th October (tbc) -- -Draycote Water SC 26th October (tbc) Draycote Water SC SC 13th - 19th July - Hayling Island 26th October (tbc) Draycote Water SC 26th October (tbc) Draycote Water SC 26th October (tbc) - Draycote Water SC

Major Championship Dates fo

Inland Championships 7th - 8th September - Rutland SC

End of Season Championships more information about the For more information about the 26th October (tbc) - Draycote Water SC nalNational Solo Class Association Solo Class Association For more information about the SPECIAL NEW YEAR SUBSCRIPTION OFFER

ase contact please contact Martin Allen Martin Allen For moreSolo information about the National Class Association SAVEmany OVER £15 other other events and open meetings throughout the year. Plus many events and open meetings throughout the year. For more information about thePlus Tel 01233 646471 TelSolo 01233 646471 National Class Association please contact Martin Allen Usually £55. Your price only £39.50 For more information about the For more information about the Plus many other events and open meetings throughout the year. 1 YEAR (12 ISSUES) Solo Class Association il: National info@solosailing.org.uk Email: info@solosailing.org.uk please contact Martin Allen Tel 01233 646471 £39.50 NationalSolo SoloClass ClassAssociation AssociationUK: National (usually £55) Plus many other events and open meetings throughout the year. please contact Martin Allen For more information about the For more information about the Tel 01233 646471 Email: info@solosailing.org.uk Photo:Photo: Tom Gruitt Fotoboat Tom -Gruitt - Fotoboat £49.50 please contactMartin Martin Allen For more contact information about the Overseas: (usually £65) Plus many other events and open meetings throughout the year. please Allen Tel 01233 646471 National Solo Class Association National Solo Class Association Email: info@solosailing.org.uk Formore more information aboutthe the For information about Photo: Tom Gruitt - Fotoboat Plusmany manyother otherevents eventsand andopen openmeetings meetings throughout the year. Tel 01233 646471 National Solo Class Association throughout the year. &Plus SAVE Tel 01233 646471 Email: info@solosailing.org.uk please contact Martin Allen please contact Martin Allen SUBSCRIBE SAVE OVER £15 off the usual rate National Solo Class Association National Solo Class Association Photo: Tom Gruitt Fotoboat Email: info@solosailing.org.uk please contact Martin Allen FREE DELIVERY to your home Email: info@solosailing.org.uk Plus many other throughout the year. Plus many otherevents eventsand andopen openmeetings meetings throughout the year. Tel Tel01233 01233646471 646471 the newsagent’s price please contact MartinAllen Allen CHEAPER than please Martin Photo: Tom Gruitt - Fotoboat Plus many other events and open meetings throughout the year. Tel contact 01233 646471 Supported by Photo: Tom Gruitt Fotoboat SUBSCRIBE ONLINE Email: Plus manyother otherevents eventsand andopen openmeetings meetingsPhoto: throughout the year. Plus many throughout the year. Email:info@solosailing.org.uk info@solosailing.org.uk Tom Gruitt - Fotoboat Tel 01233646471 646471 01233 www.subscription.co.uk/P102 Email: Tel info@solosailing.org.uk PHONE 01858 438444 Email:info@solosailing.org.uk info@solosailing.org.uk Email: Photo: Tom Gruitt Fotoboat Photo: Tom Gruitt - Fotoboat WINTER




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From Olympic silver medallist Chris Draper


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3 classics

• Marconi

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Frank Dye

of champions

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event is decided

gifts • Torbay

in Burnham

venue guide

• Victory



Photo: Tom Gruitt - Fotoboat Photo:Tom TomGruitt Gruitt- -Fotoboat Fotoboat Photo:

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achieve what we wanted to achieve. Just finishing second all [that] year made me and Sam want to win more than ever.’

PHOTO: Paul WyeTH/Rya*

RYA expertise

with the opportunity to develop their racing skills,’ says Kirstie. ‘Both the RYA and the 420 class association have also been hugely helpful in the support they have provided me over the years, by providing grants and training. The 420 class association runs monthly class open training sessions with top coaches, which were helpful to me when I first started sailing 420s, and I believe this is a key feature which helped me progress through the 420 fleet. Furthermore, the RYA coaches and sports scientists have always worked closely with me in order to help me excel and achieve my potential.’ She says a major factor in the success of Britain’s youth sailors internationally is the RYA performance pathway which supports and nurtures talent from a young age. RYA Volvo youth national squad sailor Georgina Povall, who sealed a bronze medal at the 2012 Laser Radial youth world championship in Australia, started sailing aged eight at Hickling Broad SC in an Optimist, on a junior sailing day where anyone could come along to try sailing. ‘My first race was at Hickling Broad SC in the Broadland youth regatta, which anyone under-19 can take part in. Although I came last, it introduced me to racing and along with the junior sailing days it encouraged me to start racing competitively.’ Georgina subsequently progressed via Toppers and Laser 4.7s to the Olympic class Laser Radial, and she adds: ‘The quality of the national class fleets means we have top racing at qualifiers which are very good preparation for international competitions.’

international spread will frequently have Brits on the podium thanks to the quality of racing at home giving them the advantage when abroad. Tom Gillard and Sam Brearey won the 2012 Fireball worlds in Australia and are among the many British sailors who made their mark internationally last year. Tom, who works as a sailmaker at Pinnell & Bax, puts Britain’s success down to a variety of reasons, including the wide variety

While class associations run socials, racing events, training and technical aspects such as rules and measurement, some also benefit from RYA management. For a number of classes, the RYA holds the copyright for the class name, trademarks and rules, both to help run their administration and to protect these classes for the future. It means these classes don’t have to worry about intricacies such as the training of measurers and licensing of builders, measurement disputes or copyright infringements, for example, enabling them to concentrate instead on developing their racing and training. The scheme is of particular benefit to measurement-controlled classes, whose boats can be produced by any builder or amateur. In return for a small fee these classes can draw on all the legal and

"The 420 class association runs monthly class open training sessions with top coaches, which were helpful to me" Kirstie Urwin of dinghies sailed in this country and the variety of conditions: ‘We have just so many different types of weather it doesn’t matter where anybody goes in the world, UK-wise we’re just always up there.’ On their success at the worlds, he says the conditions were breezy with big waves, ideal conditions for the Australian teams, but that he and Sam had the edge from having spent a lot of time on fitness and, crucially, from having the motivation to win. The pair lost the previous year’s worlds on countback to another British team, Matt Burge and Richard Wagstaff: ‘It gave us the drive to actually

technical resources of the RYA. For a number of classes which have lasted 50-60 years it has been instrumental in their continuing growth and success. ‘We definitely think there is scope to offer our services to more classes,’ says Bas Edmonds, RYA technical manager: ‘The service we offer is actually fairly unique and we can help classes develop.’ The RYA is currently the class authority for the following classes: Albacore, National Eighteen, Firefly, Hornet, Merlin Rocket, Redwing, Scorpion, Solo, Sonata, Squib and Swallow.

Class competition

PHOTO: Paul WyeTH/Rya*

It is the same story across countless dynamic national classes where high quality racing and training makes for a great sport for sailors of all ages and abilities. Some classes sell themselves with small and friendly competitive fleet racing, while others have open meetings and national championships with 50+ boats. All enable those who want to learn, to learn from the best, and classes with a more

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


photo: tom Gruitt*

12 RYA Dinghy Show March 2013



id the sight of Sir Ben Ainslie becoming the world’s best Olympic sailor inspire you to try sailing? Well there has never been a better time to start and with so many clubs, classes and training centres in one place at the RYA Dinghy Show, there is no better place, either.

Join the club In the UK there are around 1,200 sailing clubs plus 750 commercial or local authorityrun training centres, so there will almost certainly be one near where you live. And as RYA sport development manager Jon White explains: ‘There’s a perception that you can only go sailing at the coast but over half our clubs are inland. It’s a matter of finding the right club or training location to suit your needs.’ To find your local club or training centre, visit: www.rya.org.uk/wheresmynearest

Family All sailing clubs are open to the whole family, with children from a very young age able to sail or race along with their parents and then enjoy a chat in the clubhouse afterwards. ‘The big message is that the whole family can go sailing, either at the same location or at the same time and together, which makes us pretty different to most other sports,’ says Jon.

Inspired by 2012? Paula Irish has a few signposts to help you get on the water and get started in sailing... up with a swimsuit or some old shorts and a T-shirt, and a pair of trainers you don’t mind getting wet! If you decide to continue sailing, then most people who go on to buy their own kit get started with simply a wetsuit, boots, buoyancy aid and spray top. With windproof and waterproof clothing technology offering both warmth and comfort, it’s possible to sail all year round. As for a boat, many clubs have a range of dinghies to borrow or hire, or you could crew for someone, but you certainly don’t need your own boat to get started in sailing.

Modern Sailing has seen a huge investment by the

RYA and Sport England in the last four years to improve access to the sport. It has included countless sailing clubs across the country benefitting from Olympic legacy funding to bring their facilities into the 21st century. Sailing is modern, vibrant and well equipped. Many clubs have comfortable lounges, dedicated training rooms and up-to-date changing rooms, plus there are hundreds of boats now available in clubs across the country for children and adults to learn to sail, borrow or hire.

Costs If you do decide to buy a boat, there will be a class to suit your aspirations. Some great second-hand boats come in at less than £800, and while a new boat may cost more, if it’s an active class with good racing, it will hold its value well. The cost of courses and club membership varies. In general, those with more facilities, professional staff and rescue cover every day of the year, rather than just at weekends, will have higher rates. But some of the smallest sailing clubs, run by members for members, can be just as dynamic. There will be a style of club and membership best suited to your


photo: tom Gruitt*

Courses cater for youngsters from age eight upwards and help them progress from learning to sail to more advanced skills and racing, and there’s an equivalent set of courses for adults. Wherever you learn to sail, look for the RYA logo indicating Royal Yachting Association recognition for high standards of safety, equipment and tuition. Visit: www.rya.org.uk/coursestraining

Kit When you learn to sail on a course, all the equipment you need is provided. Simply turn

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show



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Talent For children who develop a passion for sailing, the RYA’s pathway and supported junior and youth classes offer the best possible coaching and racing. As young sailors progress their results can lead to selection to the RYA’s regional zone squads for junior sailors or national youth and junior squads, which provide regular training, regatta support at home and abroad, and expert input such as sports science, psychology and meteorology. The aim is to win medals for GBR. Visit: www.rya.org.uk/ racing/youthjunior/information/

photo: paul Wyeth


pocket and what you want from the sport. Those doing courses at a club often find there are membership deals to be had, and for children in particular, membership fees are usually minimal, while instructors and coaches are often volunteers, making sailing at entry level a bargain.

the Mirror mackerel fishing once – catching 32 fish off Anglesey – but says since then he has been too busy sailing and learning to race at Leigh & Lowton. With a new faster boat, a Mirror Marauder, he recently took part in the club’s annual Guy Fawkes pursuit race: ‘I came 54th out of the 65 starters, and even though I was last - because the rest didn’t finish - I really enjoyed it! ‘Everyone at the club is really supportive and encouraging, with people giving their spare time to give presentations on sail trim and race starting techniques and help to new starters.’

Membership Whichever club you decide to join, there will be a warm welcome. Hollowell SC in Northamptonshire was named RYA Club of the Year in 2012 and commodore Russell Brayshaw says: ‘New members are the lifeblood of clubs and all the members have a great enthusiasm for the sport and want to share that, and want others to appreciate the love they have for sailing. That’s what people are going to get when they contact a club, they’re going to get a massive welcome. People will want to get them out on the water.’ Russell says while membership prices vary from club to club – enabling you to ‘cut your cloth accordingly’ – compared to gyms and other sports ‘sailing is amazingly cheap and the swimming pool is an awful lot bigger, it just may not be heated!’

The RYA Pathway classes for junior sailors under-16 are the singlehanded Optimist, Topper and Laser 4.7, and Bic Techno windsurfer, while the doublehanded RS Feva XL is an RYA supported class. The doublehanded Cadet and Mirror and singlehanded Topper 4.2 and RS Tera are RYA recognised. For under-19s, the RYA Pathway youth classes are the singlehanded Laser and Laser Radial, the doublehanded 420 single trapeze dinghy and 29er asymmetric skiff with trapeze, and the RS:X windsurfer. The Spitfire twin trapeze catamaran is an RYA recognised class. RYA youth racing manager Duncan Truswell says: ‘If you’re looking for a progression, whether that’s into our performance programmes or just in terms of a learning curve and getting better, the RYA works with these classes to fund and develop the infrastructure to enable that to happen. ‘The RYA pathway is a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills and train and race with the best of your peers, but equally we pretty firmly believe that in terms of the life skills it develops and the attributes, habits and routines it creates, it prepares you for life, academic studies or work, as well as it does for our youth and Olympic programmes.’

"Sailing helps build self-confidence, self-reliance, and gives an enormous sense of achievement..."

Design engineer Chris Helsby bought an old Mirror dinghy to go fishing but became hooked on sailing instead. He was going to attach an outboard motor to the boat, then realised it came with sailing kit and decided to take an RYA beginners’ course at Leigh & Lowton SC in Greater Manchester. He took

photo: richard lanGdon/Skandia team GBr*


Life Lessons RYA Volvo national youth squad sailor Callum Airlie, who was among the young athletes chosen to help light the Olympic torch at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Games, was a two-time national champion in the junior Optimist class and now sails the 420 youth class. He says the RYA pathway has taught him so much more than simply how to sail faster. ‘Sailing isn’t just a sport or a hobby, it’s a way of life! There’s nothing that can compare

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


photo: tom Gruitt*

to that sense of freedom being out at sea at age 10 with nothing but you, your boat, the elements and, of course, a glamorous coach looking half-drowned! Just as with any sport you won’t succeed without hard work. However there’s so much more than that. Sailing within the RYA squad system at all levels teaches you those valuable lessons vital in everyday life: commitment, determination, independence and teamwork to name just a few. It helps build selfconfidence, self-reliance, and gives an enormous sense of achievement. Teachers say the improvement in schoolwork was also obvious – a benefit my parents appreciated! ‘Having been part of the RYA squad system for a number of years now, at both junior and youth levels, I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it hadn’t been for the RYA and sailing. The opportunities I’ve had in life would have been far fewer and I would be nowhere near as prepared for my future as I am.’

Inspired! Chris Davis from Oxford last travelled on a boat, a P&O Ferry, en route home from the Wieze Beer Festival, some 30 years ago, when strong Belgian lager and an unaccommodating English Channel swore him away from the open seas for half a lifetime. The arrival of the Olympics in

was soon being hectored to get on the web, to purchase tickets for anything that moved. I eventually struck what later proved to be gold: the Sunday sailing, Ben’s big day... ‘People peered out to sea, unsure who was where in the field, what constituted a manoeuvre, why the participants were going in different directions... but, demystification set in as time went on. The boats had big flags on the main sail so we could identify the British sailors from the other competitors, or “the enemy” as my daughter insisted on calling them. When I refer to the main sail by the way, this isn’t a nautically-proper term, it might have been a jib, or a spinnaker, or an old two-man tent for all I know. ‘How we all cheered Ben Ainslie! Probably the greatest sporting event of my life. To see a Briton win a gold medal at the Olympics. An Olympics in Britain. And his fourth gold; the greatest Olympic sailor we’ve ever had. I had no idea what Ben did to win the race; why he disappeared up one side of the bay whilst Hogh-Christensen zig-zagged off somewhere else. I now know, from subsequent reading, that he’s an animal, that he can power his boat through dead water like no-one else, that he married tactics with psychology and pure strength to win against the odds, that his achievements are unlikely to be matched by anyone in my lifetime. ‘Yes, getting to the Olympic sailing was good fortune beyond belief. I’m still clueless as to what really goes on out there. But, I’m inspired. I’ve bought a yachting magazine, I’ve checked out sailing courses for the kids on our local reservoir at Farmoor, I’m going to dip my feet in the water. I’m becoming a participant.’

photo: onedition*

"I can honestly say I wouldn't be the person I am today if it hadn't been for sailing"

16 RYA Dinghy Show March 2013

Weymouth forced a change of tack. He writes: ‘I hadn’t intended to apply for sailing tickets, and was happy enough with our family outing to the 69kg weightlifting; the children found it all very uplifting. My 15-year-old son determined to take up the sport, a mere five minutes before complaining that he couldn’t manage to carry his coat as far as the nearby tube station. I






2-3 March 2013 Book your tickets at www.dinghyshow.org.uk or call 0844 858 9069












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50 YEARS OF THE MIRROR DINGHY DIY boatbuilding was the driving force behind the sport’s expansion in the 1960s, says Andy Rice

18 RYA Dinghy Show March 2013



ll the fun of messing about in boats. Build it yourself from the kit. Easiest on the pocket and the easiest job you’ve ever tackled. And remember, she weighs less than most wives.’ So began the advertising blurb that launched the build-it-yourself Mirror dinghy 50 years ago. More than 70,000 boats later, the Mirror may have moved on from its DIY roots, but the longevity of the world’s most popular doublehander is undeniable. The concept of the Mirror grew from the frustration of a young boy who complained to his dad that he never got a chance to sail the family boat because others got in there first. Fortunately for the boy, his dad happened to be the BBC’s DIY expert Barry Bucknell, who took his son’s complaint and turned it into a new challenge, to develop a kit boat that would get his son sailing, and others like him.

Bucknell used a construction method inspired by Ken Littledyke, a canoe builder who joined panels together with resin and glass-fibre ribbon. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, Britain was going through a massive boom in DIY and home improvements. Such was the national fever for picking up a hammer and nails, that once the house was done, people were looking for other projects to get stuck into. Building your own dinghy seemed like the obvious next step. The national newspapers were keen to ride this wave of enthusiasm, with the News Chronicle Enterprise being one of the first examples of a newspaper-sponsored dinghy launch – even if today we know that bluesailed boat simply as the Enterprise.

Red top – red sails The Daily Mirror newspaper fancied jumping on this bandwagon too, and one of the paper’s

Photo:Paul Wyeth/Rya*

the country started building boats for themselves. ‘Suddenly, no matter who you were, you could build it yourself,’ says Fisher. ‘Before that, you bought part-assembled hulls and you’d put the middle in yourself and that was quite exceptional in many ways, but it was the only way you could get to go dinghy sailing. There were of course local dinghies around the coast, but it was the growth of the DIY dinghies that really drove the growth of sailing on inland waters. Every little puddle suddenly sprouted a sailing club and that was the real growth of the sport back then, 50-odd years ago.’ Fisher was an accomplished dinghy racer in his own right, and would go on to win Fireball national and world titles, but even he couldn’t resist the appeal of building a Mirror dinghy from scratch. With his friend David Crum, who would go on to set up marine insurance brokers Newton Crum, Fisher built a Mirror in a weekend. Now there was nothing unusual about building a boat in your front room but as Fisher recalls: ‘We built this Mirror in David’s fourth floor apartment in Notting Hill Gate. We did it in a weekend, and then we had the whole street gawping at us as we got this boat out of the window and lowered it to the ground, and of course the story made it into the Daily Mirror too!’

Photo: PPl

writers, Paul Boyle, knew Bucknell and got wind of the new dinghy project. However, the newspaper wanted to be absolutely sure the boat would be reliable and would reflect well on the Mirror’s reputation, and so Jack Holt was invited to bring his experience to the project. Holt was happy with the construction method and general lines of the second prototype built by Bucknell but made a number of major revisions, and boat No.3 looked significantly different. Apart from the technical revisions, boat No.3 was also the first boat to be rigged with a set of Viking red sails to match the newspaper’s red-top logo, and it was also the publicity department of the Daily Mirror that designed the class insignia. Veteran sailing journalist Bob Fisher recalls the impact of boats like the Mirror during this massive growth in UK dinghy sailing. ‘There were very few classes back then,’ he says. ‘We’re talking the days when you had National 12s and Fireflies and you had Merlin Rockets and International 14s. Then you started getting the chine boats, the GP14s, the Hornets and things like that creeping in. When the News Chronicle came out with the Enterprise, followed soon after by the Mirror, and it was those boats which really did the rush on dinghy sailing.’ With Bucknell’s television viewing figures at around seven million, news of the Mirror spread quickly, and scout groups and youth clubs across

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


The stitch and glue method of construction proved easy enough for even DIY novices to manage, and the boxy design including the ‘pram’ bow reduced the need for curved wooden panels and expertise for the traditional pointed bow. The Mirror was designed for messing about in boats, and was very multipurpose, capable not just of sailing but of being fitted with oars and even an outboard motor on the transom. The original rig was a gunter rig, with a gaff hoisted on a main mast, enabling the

mast to be fitted inside the hull for easy storage and trailing. While the standard configuration is with mainsail and jib, the mast can be fitted in a forward position and sail with mainsail only. Aside from its allpurpose design, a number of enthusiasts soon adopted the boat as a serious racing class. Within a few months of the Mirror’s launch at the 1963 London Boat Show, the first National Championship attracted 28 entries to Burnham-on-Crouch. In the past 50 years, numbers of boats have swelled to more than 70,000, with fleets growing across

Photo: MaRy PuDNey

Ian Walker winning the 2012 Mirror nations with his daughter Zoe



ne sailor who has experience of the Mirror both old and new, is Ian Walker. The double Olympic silver medallist learned his trade in the Mirror at Chipstead Sailing Club, going on to win the nationals in the 1980s before moving into 470s, Stars, America’s Cup yachts and Volvo Open 70s. Then in 2012 he made a return to the Mirror, winning the national championship again, but this time with his daughter Zoe. ‘I started sailing in a Mirror aged eight,’ he says. ‘Our boat was Mirror No. 50,000 (the ‘Golden Mirror’). I started sitting on the foredeck with my dad and sister, then my sister started helming so I became the crew and dad got pushed out. In the end I started helming and sailed singlehanded quite often. ‘The Mirror has changed quite a lot in the 34 years since I started sailing one. The boat is more user-friendly with sail controls easily to hand, the one-piece mast is much more controllable and the hulls are far more equal in speed. It was a home-built boat with large tolerances so speed differences were not surprising, whereas now the tolerances are smaller and the foam sandwich boats are pretty much one-design. It is possible to buy or borrow a boat and get on the pace immediately, as we proved last year at the nationals. ‘The feel of the class has also changed with more of a youth or even junior feel to it, and perhaps more girls than boys. I expected to see more adults sailing with kids whereas in fact it is mainly juniors sailing together. I like the family nature of the boat and it was always a dream of mine to one day race a Mirror with my son or daughter. That’s why I sailed the nationals – Zoe had never raced before and I hope I didn’t put her off too much! ‘I am a big believer in doublehanded sailing and not all kids want to sail on their own. My parents took me to the Mirror Europeans in Holland in 1984. We had a great week and became hooked on the whole concept as a family. ‘My Dad always said to me that if you could make a Mirror go fast, you would be able to make any boat go fast. And he was right!’


RYA Dinghy Show March 2013

the world, and particularly strong in Australia and South Africa. Understandably for a boat that was designed as an amateur build-it-yourself kit, the measurement tolerances on the Mirror were very generous. However, as the racing became more serious this enabled the more dedicated (or monied) sailors to exploit the tolerances for what others perceived as an unfair advantage. Rumours swirled around some boats that were trotted out only for major championships, with boat park gossip suggesting some hulls were even fitted with space frames and built of exotic materials. Eventually the rules were tightened up, inspection hatches were introduced, and the class earning ISAF International status brought welcome improvements to the onedesign aspirations of the class. As build-it-yourself started to go out of fashion and people were looking for off-theshelf, low-maintenance solutions, the Mirror class investigated GRP construction. The first boat built by Bell Woodworking in 1986 was not a great success, being somewhat heavier than minimum weight. Where Bell failed, Trident picked up the plastic challenge and produced a competitive FRP hull, even if it was hampered by having to follow a complex build process to comply with a set of rules that had been written around the boat’s roots in home-built wood construction. Trident had proven the appeal of GRP construction and in 2006 Phil Morrison was commissioned to design a GRP hull that would be easy to build and be competitive. Morrison designed a boat which could be made from just three moulds, for the hull, deck and thwart/daggerboard case. This came to be known as the Mk 3, with Winder Boats being the first builder to create the new moulds. The rules were also changed to permit a conventional alloy mast in place of the two-piece gaff rig. The Mirror was designed to be multipurpose from the outset, able to take an outboard, mast and oars

Photo: PPl

Class development

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SHOW STOPPERS Some of the best new dinghy kit at the show Garmin Quatix: Stand B26 A GPS watch that – amongst its other abilities – enables you to set up a virtual starting line between two GPS waypoints and then with the built-in countdown timer, calculates distance to the line as well as desired speed and burn time available. After the start, tack-assist mode indicates whether you’re getting headed or lifted based on the optimal tack angle provided. Battery life in GPS mode is around 16 hours. RRP: £379.99 www.garmin.com






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System 15: Stand B44 Henri Lloyd Cobra top: Stand F38 Constructed from 0.5mm titaniumlined Neoprene that is pre-articulated to minimise resistance – and consequent muscle fatigue – from the garment itself. RRP: £69 www.henrilloyd.com

New from Seldén, a range of main and jib sheet traveller cars and blocks fitted to a 15mm low profile track, designed specifically for performance dinghies and small keelboats. RRP: £103.46 (main car only) www.allspars.co.uk

Gill Race Trainer: Stand A12 & G18 The Deck Tech Race Trainer sports Gill’s own-design exclusive non-slip sole and a durable toe covering material. The upper is non-absorbent, quick-drying and there’s a removable anti-microbial insole. RRP: £80 www.gillmarine.com

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


Great British Cafe Fish & chips, sausage & bacon rolls


RYA Dinghy Show

France Leisure Holidays

















A-Class Catamaran

Dart 18

International 2.4

Merlin Rocket

B38 B26 B28

B10Typhoon B12 B16 B14 What! More Majestic Tall Ships International Crystal Covers B15 B11 B13 B17 Royal Rockley Banks Sails Hospital Salcombe Academy YC School



National 12

Holt Blow Boat Competition

Holt Blow Boat Competition Heats at 1130, 1330 and 1530

C12 C13 Paintcraft


Sail Register





Sea Sure





C30 C40



Yachting World Dayboat



K1 Class Association






Continental Cafe Continental Cafe Proper coffee, sweet and savoury croissants, pain au chocolat & baguettes




Devon Yawl



Tighnabruaich SS

Azure Wear


F4 Rutland SC F6 Scottish Sailing Institute

The Ale Bar

Safety boat handling Expert advice on how to stay safe when on safety boat duty


Going for gold Do you want to go for gold? Find out from some top sailors what’s involved and what opportunities there are through the RYA’s race training schemes


Olympic and Paralympic celebration


50 Years of the Mirror Class David Henshall will take you through the history and development of this famous class


Prize draws/presentations


The Boat Project Part of the Cultural Olympiad, the Boat Project is a 30ft vessel called Collective Spirit made from donated wooden items. From pencils to Zebrawood every piece had a story behind it. Hear all about these stories in this captivating talk by Olympic silver medalist Mark Covell


Dinghy cruising and trailer sailing Find out from Ralph Roberts what it’s all about, including; choice of boat, planning & preparation, where to do it and what kit you’ll need


RYA Sailability presentation (Saturday only)


Volvo RYA Champion Club presentations (Sunday only)


RYA Club of the Year Awards (Saturday only)


RS Design a Sail competition prize presentation (Sunday only)


Treasure Hunt and pirate fancy dress prize presentation



Lightning 368

British Sailing Association


Sailing Awards


Organisers Office

Oriental Experience


Lazy Jacks

F22 F24 F26 Nautilus Goodwood Bembridge Swan Boat Company Boat Co Yachting



Welsh Harp B



RYA Yo 29er, Ca RS F To



Sailing Holidays

XS Ribs

F36 Seafarer Cruising & Sailing Holidays


F10 Stormforce Coaching







Scorpion G12




Suzuki Safety Boat Area / Rigiflex Boats / Orkney Boats Ltd

Devoti Ico Devoti Opti






Morton Boats

Get the best from your Laser Top tips from Nick Thompson on rounding the windward and leeward marks



Comet Dinghies Ltd Comet & Combined Comet Class




Marlow Versadoc Ropes



MAIN STAGE HALL 2 (West Hall) 1030



Hammond Drysuits

The Carvery





E6 E8 Europe

E2 King George SC E4 Grafham SC

The Ale Bar Bar specialising in different ales

Suzuki Safety Boat Area Featuring safety boat packages from Ribcraft, Orkney & Rigiflex

Ocean Elements

Jimmy Green Marine

Kingsmead Sailing Club

Oriental Experience Curry, naan breads, Thai, exotic and hot food




The Carvery Roast dinners and other main courses



International Moth

RYA Sailability





Hartley Gull, Ke Supern Wand Wayf




International Canoe Class Association



Blaze C6


Topp Interna


Marine Instructor Resources

Levium BooksC10 C11


Int 14

International 2.4 B18

The Workshop

Selden M

B36 B30



Sprint 15







B19 B3

The Workshop Building and repair techniques that you can do at home. Sessions at 1100, 1215, 1300, 1415, 1500 & 1630





Great British Cafe


March 2013



Barz Optics

420..........................................................F38 - Youth Stand 2000.Class.Association................................................ B56 2.4.Metre.Class.Association.International.................. B36 2.4.Metre.Class.Association.International.................... B9 29er........................................................F38 - Youth Stand UK.29er.Class.Association............................................C76 49er.Class.Association.UK............................................C76 505.Class.Association.International...............................C8 Access.Class.Association.(UK)...................................... B6 Aero.Luffspar.Systems.................................................A18 Albacore.Association.National..................................... B19 Allen.Brothers...............................................................C80 Allspar.......................................................................... B44 Alto.Class.Association..................................................A24 Andark.Diving.&.Watersports.......................................G18 Azure.Wear.UK............................................................... D8 B14.Class.Association.International............................C60 Banks.Sails.................................................................. B11 Barnet.Marine.Centre.Ltd.............................................F34 Barz.Optics.PTY.Ltd........................................................A8 Bewl.Valley.Sailing.Club...............................................F44 Bishop.Skinner.Marine.................................................C70 Blackwater.Sailing.Club...............................................G40 Blaze.Class.Association................................................C32 British.A.Class.Catamaran.Association......................... B3 British.D.One.Association.............................................G26 British.Finn.Association................................................G24 British.Sailing.Association..............................................F8 British.Weta.Class.Association.....................................C86 Broadwater.Sailing.Club...............................................G42 Buzz.Class.Association.UK.......................................... B20 Cadet.Class.Association........................F38 - Youth Stand Canoe.Association.10.Sq.Metre.International..............C18 Cherub.Class.Owners.Association.Of.UK.....................C38 Chichester.Yacht.Club...................................................G38 Clamcleats.Ltd..............................................................E18 Clwb.Hwylio.Pwllheli.Sailing.Club................................F32 Combined.Comet.Class.Association.............................F12 Comet.Class.Association..............................................F12 Comet.Dinghies............................................................F12 Contender.Class.Association.British............................C22 UK.National.Cadet.Class.Association...........................C44 Dart.18.International.Association.Of.UK....................... B5 Datchet.Watersports.....................................................A22 Deck.Shoes.Unlimited.(Shipshape.Ltd)........................G32 Devon.Yawl.Association................................................C20 Devoti.Icon/Devoti.Optimist..........................................G20 English.Braids.Limited................................................ B58 Enterprise.Association.International.......................... B38 Europe.Class.Association.International.........................E8 Fireball.Association.UK................................................C13 Firefly............................................................................C82 Flying.Fifteen.Association.British.................................C66 Foundry.Reach.Ltd........................................................C78 France.Leisure.Holidays...............................................A10 Funky.Monkey.Design.Ltd.............................................F48 Garmin......................................................................... B26 Good.Wood.Boat.Company............................................F22 GP.Fourteen.Class.International.Association............. B18 Grafham.Water.Sailing.Club...........................................E4 Gul.Watersport.Ltd.......................................................C58 Gull.Class.Owners.Association.....................................C50 Hammond.Drysuits.LTD..................................................E6 Harken.UK.Ltd..............................................................G30 Hartley.Boats.Ltd..........................................................C50 Heron.Dinghy.Class.Association...................................G12 Hiking.Bench.And.Rigtube........................................... D16 Honda.RYA.Youth.Rib.Championship............................G14 Holt.Blow.Boat.Competition.............................. Great Hall Holt.Marine.Ltd.............................................................C42 Hornet.Class.RYA.National...........................................F30 International.14.Class.Association.............................. B30 International.Laser.UK.Class.Association....................C46 International.Optimist.Class.Association.(UK).............E10 International.Topper.Class.Ass.(GBR)..........................C56 ISO.Uk.Class.Association..............................................A14 Javelin.Class.Association...............................................C4 Jimmy.Green.Marine................................................... D10 K1.class.association.....................................................C30 K6.Class.Association.....................................................C52 Kestrel.Owners.Association..........................................C50 King.George.Sailing.Club................................................E2 Kingsmead.Sailing.Club.................................................F2 Lark.Class.Owners.Association....................................F14 Laser.UK.Class.Association...................F38 - Youth Stand Lazy.Jacks.Yachtwear.Ltd.............................................F20 LDC.Sailing.................................................................. B54 Levium.Books...............................................................C10 Lightning.368.Association.............................................F16 Majestic.Crystal.Awards.............................................. B14 Marine.And.Instructor.Resources................................C11 Marlow.Ropes.Ltd.........................................................E12 Merlin.Rocket.Owners.Association.National............... B24 Mersea.Trailers............................................................ D18 Minorca.Sailing.Holidays.-.UK........................................A2 Miracle.Class.Association.............................................F18 Mirror.Class.Association............................................. D14 Mirror.Class.Association.......................F38 - Youth Stand Model.Yachting.Association..........................................F46 Morton.Boats................................................................. G6 Moth.Class.Association.International...........................C34 Musto.Performance.Skiff.UK.Class.Association..........C76


Minorca Sailing


Exhibiting Company



The Honda RYA Youth Rib Championship

Andark Diving & Watersports



The Main Stage



Ticket Office

The Boat Project

Cloakroom (upstairs)


Palm Meetin (up


Londesborough Room

Disabled Entrance


Details correct at time of going


Aero Luffspar Systems

A20 Rain & Sun


Soup & Salad Bar

Alto Association


Soup & Salad Bar Soups and salads


Datchet Watersports B50









RS Sailing


B46 Ullman Sails

B62 B50

Rooster Sailing

per ational

RS Sailing

Exhibiting Company



Ocean World

B60 B54


LDC Sailing

2000 Class Association

Tasar B58

English Braids





Swing Keel Sailing

K6 Class Association


t UK




Flying 15

C62 C64

Rondar Raceboats

Mersea Trailers


Allen Bros



Weta Class Association



Foundry Reach Ltd C84

Italian Bistro Pizza, pasta, paninis



Mersea Trailers


Italian Bistro

50 Years of the Mirror Class – celebration display


OK Dinghy

Clamcleats E20

F32 Pwllheli SC

Boat Centre


Plas Menai



F41 Ragbags F42

Bewl Valley SC


Model Yachting Assn Meeting




Chichester Yacht Club G40 Blackwater SC

Mirror Display

G28 Sandiline Sailing Clothing



Broadwater SC


Deck Shoes Unlimited

Harken UK

Coaching Area / Trapezing Rig




1000 Show opens


F48 Funky Monkey Boat Names


Mirror Display


outh Programme adet, 420, Mirror, Feva, Optimist, opper, Laser





on / imist


Ovington Boats: 29er, 49er, Musto Performance Skiff

Yachts & Yachting


14 E16



Hiking Bench/ Rigtube D16



Neil Skinner Marine Pryde Sailing C72 SWAC


Boats / estrel, nova, derer, farer

C70 Bishop

Topper Class Association Gul

G44 Datchet Water Sailing Club G46

Model Boat Pool Start Sailing Information Sail X Competition Club Clinics



1100 Rig tuning – Michael McNamara Top tips on how to set up your rig for various conditions 1200 Start sailing – Claudia Myatt An ideal talk for families and beginners – Learn the basics before you get afloat, including points of sail, wind direction and steering 1300 Getting a good start on the race line - Nick Thompson (Sat) & Helena Lucas (Sun) Expert advice on how you can be the first over the start line and get clean air 1400 Trapezing tips – Saskia Clark (Sat) & Joe Glanfield (Sun) Learn how to be steady on the side of the boat and get optimum performance through the corners – plus an opportunity to try out different harnesses and positions on our trapezing rig 1500 Boat fit boot camp – Matt McGovern Try some fitness training exercises that you can also do at home to help you get in shape for the season ahead 1600 New racing rules – Chris Watts Find out what has been changed and how it could affect your racing

Nucleus Watersports


Cruising Wayfarer


Press Office



The Boat Project feature display The Boat Project is a 30ft vessel called Collective Spirit made from donated wooden items


m Court ng Rooms pstairs)


g to press.

Bistro Bar Light snacks and beverages



National.12.Owners.Association.................................. B28 National.School.Sailing.Association.............................F42 National.Scorpion.Class.Association............................. G8 National.Solo.Class.Association...................................C26 Nautilus.Yachting..........................................................F26 Nucleus.Watersports....................................................G46 Ocean.Elements............................................................C36 Ocean.World................................................................. B66 OK.Dinghy.Class.Association.International..................E16 Optimist.Class.Association.(UK)............F38 - Youth Stand Orkney...........................................................................G10 Osprey.Class.Association................................................C6 Ovington.Boats.Ltd.......................................................C76 Paintcraft.......................................................................C12 Phantom.Class.Association......................................... B64 Pinnell.&.Bax.....................................................A12 & B34 Plas.Menai....................................................................F31 Pryde.Group.UK.Limited...............................................C68 R.W.O.Performance.Sailing.Equipment.......................C48 Ragbags........................................................................F41 Rain.And.Sun.Ltd..........................................................A20 Rigifl.ex..........................................................................G10 River.Sailing.Dinghies.Ltd........................................... B22 RNLI..............................................................................A16 Rockley.Watersports.................................................... B17 Rondar.Raceboats........................................................C62 Ronstan.........................................................................G32 Rooster.Sailing............................................................. B48 Royal.Hospital.School.................................................. B13 RS.Elite......................................................................... B50 RS.Feva........................................................................ B50 RS.Feva..................................................F38 - Youth Stand RS.Quba........................................................................ B50 RS.Sailing..................................................................... B50 RS.Tera......................................................................... B50 RS.Vareo....................................................................... B50 RS.Venture................................................................... B50 RS.Vision...................................................................... B50 RS100........................................................................... B50 RS200........................................................................... B50 RS300........................................................................... B50 RS400........................................................................... B50 RS500........................................................................... B50 RS600........................................................................... B50 RS700........................................................................... B50 RS800........................................................................... B50 Rutland.Sailing.Club.......................................................F4 RYA............................................................. Panorama Hall RYA.Sailability...............................................................C24 RYA.Youth.Programme..................................................F38 Sail.Register....................................................................C9 Sailboats.co.uk............................................................... D4 Sailing.Awards............................................................... G2 Sailing.Holidays.Ltd......................................................F32 Salcombe.Yacht.Club................................................... B15 Sandiline.Sailing.Clothing.............................................G28 Scottish.Sailing.Institute.................................................F6 Scottish.Sailing.Institute.................................................F6 Sea.Sure.Ltd..................................................................C28 Seafarer.Cruising.&.Sailing.Holidays...........................F36 Selden.Mast.Ltd........................................................... B42 Shadow.Class.Association............................................. B2 Shipmates...................................................................... G4 Skud.18...........................................................................A6 Solution.Class.Association.......................................... B62 Southampton.Water.Activities.Centre..........................C72 Spinlock.Ltd..................................................................C14 Spitfi.re.Classs.Association............................................ B4 Sprint.15.Association..................................................... B7 Stormforce.Coaching....................................................F10 Streaker.Class.Association...........................................C16 Supernova.Class.Association........................................C50 Suzuki............................................................................G10 Swing.Keel.Sailing........................................................C54 Tall.Ships.Youth.Trust.................................................. B16 Tasar.Class.Association............................................... B60 The.Bembridge.Swan.Boat.Company...........................F24 The.Challenger.Class.Association................................. B8 The.Sailing.Software.Alliance.......................................F40 Tideway.Owners.Association........................................F28 Tighnabruaich.Sailing.School........................................ D6 Topper....................................................F38 - Youth Stand Topper.International.-.Argo)........................................ B40 Topper.International.(Omega)..................................... B40 Topper.International.(Taz)............................................ B40 Topper.International.(Topaz.14)................................... B40 Topper.International.(Topaz)........................................ B40 Topper.International.(VIBE)......................................... B40 Topper.International.(Xenon)....................................... B40 Trident.Uk.................................................................... D12 Typhoon........................................................................ B10 Ullman.Sails................................................................. B46 Versadock.International.Ltd.........................................E14 Vortex.Class.Association.............................................. B32 The.Workshop.................................................... Great Hall Wanderer.Class.Owners.Association...........................C50 Wayfarer.Association.UK..............................................G36 Well.Croomed.(Oakley).................................................C84 Welsh.Harp.Boat.Centre...............................................F30 What!.More.Covers...................................................... B12 XS.Ribs..........................................................................F34 Yachting.World.Dayboat.Association..............................C2 Yachts.&.Yachting..........................................................C64

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show



Skandia Team GBR relies on the highest performance equipment, and rope is no exception. Marlow’s Excel Series doesn’t disappoint, offering innovative solutions to every application, allowing the sailors to perform without compromise. STEPHEN PARK SKANDIA TEAM GBR MANAGER



Come and see us at the Dinghy Show on Stand E12 Proud to be Official Supplier to RYA Team Skandia


Rooster Thermaflex: Stand B48 Newly updated ThermaFlex is a close-fitting, insulating performance fabric made from 1.5mm superstretch Neoprene for unrestricted movement. Also available in junior (£45) and female sizes. RRP: £59 www.rooster.co.uk

Harken cat traveller: Stand G30 Machined from solid aluminium with Torlon bearings, the Harken small boat traveller car for catamarans features a carbo-cam with pivoting sheaves. RRP: £275.42

Crewsaver gloves:

Suzuki DF15A: Stand G10 The new 15hp four-stroke featuring a battery-less fuel injection system. RRP: £2,500 www.suzuki-marine.co.uk

The Cyclone Plus gloves feature 3mm Neoprene construction, a red polypro inner and a printed rubberised pattern on the palm for grip RRP £25 www.crewsaver.co.uk

Spinlock Tiller Extension: Stand C14

Racing Rules Companion, Bryan Willis

The EJB extension is lightweight anodised aluminium with a ‘spinflex’ joint that holds 30 degrees above horizontal but also swivels freely through 360 degrees. Comes in 600mm and 900mm lengths. RRP: £25.60 www.spinlock.co.uk

The Racing Rules Companion 2013-2016 is a handy summary of the new racing rules – a perfect introduction for beginners. RRP: £8.99 www.wileynautical.co.uk

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


The The place place to beat beat ! ! Theto place to! beat

Dinghies, Dinghies, sports sports boats boats andand yachts yachts - your - your world class class championship championship venue venue Dinghies, sports boats and yachts -world your world class championship venue NewNew iconic iconic shore facilities facilities and and visitor visitor berths berths at special at special introductory rates rates forrates 2014 for 2014 Newshore iconic shore facilities and visitor berths atintroductory special introductory for 2014

The place to beat !

Dinghies, sports boats and yachts - your world class championship venue New iconic shore facilities and visitor berths at special introductory rates for 2014

01758 613343 Visit us @ 01758 613343 Visit us @ events@pwllhelisailingclub.co.uk 01758 58 613343 613343events@pwllhelisailingclub.co.uk RYA Dinghy show stand F32 Visit Visit us @ us @ RYA Dinghy show stand F32 www.pwllhelisailingclub.co.uk www.pwllhelisailingclub.co.uk

nts@pwllhelisailingclub.co.uk events@pwllhelisailingclub.co.uk RYARYA Dinghy Dinghy show show stand stand F32F32 w.pwllhelisailingclub.co.uk www.pwllhelisailingclub.co.uk psc .indd 1

21/01/2013 17:01 21/01/2013 17:01

psc .indd 1


psc d .indd 1 1

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25 Years of unrivalled service and championship winning sails from the leading loft in the North.

Performance Reliability Design

One Design Dinghies and Keelboats Custom racing and cruising yacht sails Start your season with performance where it counts.

Designed. Manufactured. Tested.

Made in Cumbria

Goacher Sails Lowside Windermere Cumbria LA23 3DH 015394 88686 www.goachersails.co.uk loft@goachersails.co.uk


Keeping sailors coming back for more year after year.... On stand E4: Grafham Water provides the ideal venue for sailors of all ages with over 1,000 acres of open water.

King George Sailing Club Lea Valley Road, Chingford, London, E4 7PX Tel: 0208 529 4250 On stand E2: Friendly club run by volunteers. Year-round dinghy sailing and windsurfing on 180 acres. Keen competetive racing on Sundays, and Thursday evenings through summer. Summer Tuesday evenings have childrens’ sailing. Club boats available for hire. Training courses available.

Kingsmead Sailing Club Datchet Road, Horton near Slough SL3 9QE Tel: 01753 686016 On stand F2: Family-friendly club on one of the most attractive sites in the Thames Valley. Racing Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings (summer). RYA dinghy and powerboat training. Come along and try our popular knotting competition. Valuable prizes to be won; new knots this year. Dont forget: tie a knot in your handkerchief!

Rutland Sailing Club

Bewl Valley Sailing Club On Stand F44

a beautiful rural location, yet less than 10 minutes’ drive from the M25/M4 junction.

Blackwater Sailing Club

Chichester Yacht Club

Basin Road, Heybridge, Maldon, Essex CM9 4SD Tel: 01621 853923 On stand G40: Friendly family club with over 900 members and excellent facilities, sailing on tidal waters just 30 minutes from the M25. Open day May 18th 2013.

Chichester Marina, Birdham, West Sussex, PO20 7EJ Tel: 01243 512918 On stand G38: Volvo Championship Club with lots of activity for racing or cruising plus RYA training for all levels.

Broadwater Sailing Club

Pwllheli Sailing Club

Broadwater Lake, Moorhall Road, Harefield, Middlesex UB9 6PD Tel: 01895 824749 On stand G42: Family friendly dinghy sailing at one of the largest Thames Valley lakes. Racing every Sunday, junior sessions on Saturdays from April to September and Wednesday evening racing during the summer months. We welcome monohull dinghies up to 4.8m (16ft). We have a number of club boats for members’ use, particularly in the junior section. We are blessed with

Glanydon, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT Tel: 01758 613343 On stand F32: Pwllheli Sailing Club is nominated by the RYA as a part of the UK national academy network. The sailing waters around Pwllheli are amongst the best in the UK. Why not come to the stand to chat about your future championships?

Grafham Water Sailing Club Perry Huntingdon, Cambs PE28 0BU Tel: 01480 810478

Gibbet Lane, Edith Weston, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8HJ Tel: 01780 720292 On stand F4: RSC is set on over 3,000 acres of water and caters for all sailors, young and old, sailing all sorts of dinghies, cats, windsurfers and keelboats

Salcombe Yacht Club Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ Tel: 01548 842593 On stand B15: SYC sits above the Salcombe Estuary with glorious views of the sailing. It is an active club with both dinghies and cruisers. The open meetings and regattas are competitive and fun. Come and find out how you can sail at an open meeting or in our prestigious Salcombe Yacht Club Henri Lloyd Regatta in 2013. Club Members will be able to help answer your queries.

Scottish Sailing Institute Largs Yacht Haven, Irvine, Largs, Ayrshire, KA30 8LD Tel: 01475 670011 On stand F6: The Scottish Sailing Institute, based at Largs SC is Scotland’s premier championship venue

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


MORE WINNERS CHOOSE SÉLDEN Introducing the new NX wind Pack

Visit the allspars stand at the Dinghy Show

Simple and effective wind system, with a crisp clear and easy to read display. Designed for racers and cruiser of 25 to 40 foot. Wireless wind transducer makes for easy installation without sacrificing accuracy. The NX wind pack will display:  Apparent wind angle and speed  True wind angle and speed (with log)  True wind Direction (with NX compass pack)  VMG and countdown timer Easy and quick to install.

NEWS: The award winning Selden deck hardware range now includes the new System 15 track range, for ultimate control on racing dinghies and keelboats.

Available from all major chandleries and electronics specialists.

www.seldenmast.com www.facebook.com/seldenmasts YnY_ad_v3.indd 1



DISTRIBUTED BY : distributed by allspars 24/10/2012 09:09

training centres

Whether it’s learning something new or improving your skills, there’s choices at the show... Datchet Watersports Queen Mother Reservoir, Horton Road, Horton, Nr Windsor, Berkshire SL3 9NT Tel: 01753 683990 On stand A22: Large friendly dinghy, windsurf, powerboat training and hire centre for adults and juniors close to London. We have a variety of guest gurus running clinics throughout the year for dinghy sailors and windsurfers at Datchet. Our yachting programme runs from Hamble with social Solent yacht sailing weekend events every month from March to November.

Plas Menai Plas Menai National Watersports Centre, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1UE Tel: 01248 670964 On stand F31: RYA training centre based in North Wales. RYA courses in dinghy sailing,

windsurfing, powerboating, cruising and instructor training.

Rockley Watersports 13 Parkstone Road, Poole BH15 2NN Tel: 01202 677272 On stand B17: Rockley is a family run business specialising in dinghy sailing, watersports training and holidays based in Poole and south-west France.

Sportscotland National Watersports Centre Isle of Cumbrae, Ayrshire, KA28 0HQ Tel: 01475 530757 On stand F6: Located on the Isle of Cumbrae near Largs providing instruction in most watersports to the highest levels.

Southampton Water Activities Centre Floating Bridge Road, Southampton, S014 3FL Tel: 02380 915753 On stand C72: SWAC provides RYA dinghy, powerboat and shore based training. Other activities include holiday courses, parties, rib charter and corporate events.

Stormforce Coaching Shamrock Quay Marina, William Street, Southampton, Hants SO14 5QL

Tel: 02380 231122 On stand F10: RYA Training centre, offering the full range of courses, as well as charter and racing events. Also introducing a whole new unique modular fast-track training structure – the ideal way to obtain professional qualifications in a short period of time and allows those with existing qualifications to step into the programme at a higher level. Our fleet of new SB20 keelboats will be entering various racing events throughout 2013, bringing a new dimension to our traditional yacht racing programme.

Tighnabruaich Sailing School Tighnabruaich, Argyll PA21 2AH Tel: 01700 811717 On stand D6: Tighnabruaich Sailing School is renowned for providing excellent sailing instruction. With over 40 years of experience, we have the unique advantage of being a truly family business. We pride ourselves on the continuing success of the sailing school in one of the most beautiful parts of the west of Scotland. The Kyles of Bute is the perfect location for dinghy and powerboat training – youth and adult residential and non-residential courses. The sheltered coastal waters and stunning scenery, combine to make our sailing an experience you won’t forget.

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


market place

Sailing holidays, sunglasses, sails and loads of free advice from the experts... Aero Luffspar Systems

Tel: 01508538522 On stand A18: Making and supplying carbon fibre luff spars for foresail furling/ reefing systems. New product available: a lightweight, small diameter, carbon-fibre spar that enables the foresail of a smaller type sailing vessel to be furled/reefed without any loss of performance in the foresail.

Allen Brothers

Tel: 01621 774689 On stand C80: UK based dinghy and small keelboat fittings manufacturer with in-house design and tooling facilities.


On stand B44

Andark Diving & Watersports

Tel: 01489 581755 On stand G18: Retailing leading brands of sailing and watersports clothing and equipment, dinghy clothing, wet and dry suits, lifejackets, buoyancy aids. Latest 2013 ranges from Musto and Henri Lloyd and more. Show offers.

On stand F34: Barnet Marine it is one of the UK’s leading specialists in inflatable boats and outboard engines. As agents for many of the best brands it is the place to go for genuine unbiased advice on packages that will really suit you and your requirement. XS RIBs have proved themselves from the smallest club/ class support boats to rescue craft for some of the most prestigious clubs in the UK. Not to mention of course the RYA themselves. Exhibiting for the first time at the 2013 RYA Dinghy Show there will be a typical club specification XS RIB. Talk to the experts and see the performance, value and design for yourself.

Devoti Icon/Devoti Optimist

English Braids Limited

Tel: 01245 291107 On stand C70: Insurance policies for boats with discounts for RYA/RNLI Members. All Risks wording including third party indemnity.


Tel: 01707 331389

Tel: 01458 831798 / 07803 024551 On stand G32: More than 1,500 pairs of marine related footwear including deck shoes, boots and wellies manufactured by Moby Dick, Yachtsman, Seafarer and Coolers. All at special prices for the RYA Dinghy Show.

Bishop Skinner Marine

Banks Sails

Barnet Marine Centre Ltd

Deck Shoes Unlimited (Shipshape Ltd)

Tel: +61 755764365 On stand A8: Barz Optics - polarised sunglasses. Floating and childrens’ styles fitted with polarised, polarised bifocals and polarised photochromic lenses.

Barz Optics

British Sailing Association

Tel: 01489 582444 On stand B11: Sails and covers for all dinghy classes. Racing and crusing. Trapeze harnesses.

On stand F12

Tel: 0208 133 0104 On stand G20: Worldwide agents for Devoti Sailing, and its complete range of sailing dinghies. Also masts, sails, covers, trailers, spares, accessories, Sandiline clothing. Builders of the most successful Finn dinghies of all time, Devoti Sailing has now added to its range of beautifully built boats.

Azure Wear UK On stand D8

Comet Dinghies

On stand F8

Tel: 01707 330101 On stand E18: Clamcleats designs and manufactures cleats for holding ropes up to 16mm. Showing our range of rope cleats, including both existing and new products. Tabletop demonstrators.

Tel: 01684 892222 On stand B58: UK based manufacturer of quality cord and performance ropes. Specialists in innovative, bespoke dinghy ropes. Following our success with the Olympic class boats we are introducing for 2013 race proven competition ropes made from the latest Dyneema fibres.

Foundry Reach yacht sales & service

Tel: 01473 823587 On stand C78: The BlueMotion 550 – an exciting newly designed dayboat for the discerning sailor with impressive dinghy-style planing performance.

France Leisure Holidays

Tel: 0844 2326850 On stand A10: We will be running a free prize draw to give away one week’s holiday for two people at our establishment in western France, and runners-up prizes of discounts off our holidays.

Funky Monkey Design Ltd

Tel: 01590 671974 On stand F48: Manufacturer and supplier of vinyl boat names and signage for private and commercial customers. New online boat name designer.

32 RYA Dinghy Show March 2013

dinghy sailors learn and teach more effectively. New product launch: Marine Education iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch application. Available to trial on the stand throughout the show.

Marlow Ropes

Tel: 01323 444444 On stand E12: Marlow will be launching new high-strength lines and improved covers. Also running splicing demonstrations throughout the weekend on products such as Excel Control, Excel Racing, Excel Fusion etc.


Tel: 02380 524000 On stand B26: User-friendly handheld portable and fixed-mount products for the auto, mobile, outdoor, fitness, marine and general aviation markets. We will have a sailing simulator on our stand each day where you will be able to put your skills to the test. Handhelds available include GPSMAP78 and there will also be a brand new product ideal for racing with a number of new exciting features.

Good Wood Boat Company

Hiking Bench And Rigtube

Tel: 01206 382247 On stand D16: David Page Associates Limited produce the Hikingbench range for dinghy sailors to exercise and keep race fit and Rigtube to transport rolled sails and spars.

Holt Marine

Tel: 01621 787080 On stand C42: Marine hardware supplier for dinghies to 150ft Yachts. Blocks, Cleats, Bungs, Shackles, Tillers, Hatch Covers.....

Tel: 01900 821236 On stand F22: Good Wood Boat is exhibiting a part built International 12 Foot dinghy to highlight the skill, craftsmanship and attention to detail that it invests in all its new wooden race measured dinghies, whether traditional or modern. The exhibit also highlights some of the modern dinghy building approaches used by Good Wood Boat, such as the use of 3D Computer Aided Design.

Jimmy Green Marine

Gul Watersport

On stand B54

Tel: 01208 262400 On stand C58: Gul is the UK’s biggest supplier of technical clothing for watersports

Hammond Drysuits

Tel: 01474 704123 On stand E6: Drysuit manufacturer and repair centre. We are exhibiting our range of madeto-measure UK manufactured drysuits.

Harken UK

Tel: 01297 20744 On stand D10: Online retailers for ropes, rigging, safety equipment, chandlery, and technical clothing. Bargains on sale.

Lazy Jacks Yachtwear

Tel: 01626 832632 On stand F20: Lifestyle clothing for all the family

LDC Sailing Levium Books

Tel: 01428 656971 On stand C10: Clive Eplett’s book 'Club Sailor: From Back to Front' is an easy-reading and enjoyable book aimed at helping club sailors, the under-appreciated stalwarts of UK sailing. Clive also gives talks at sailing clubs – catch him on the stand to arrange an entertaining evening at your club.

Tel: 01590 689122 On stand G30: Harken is a leading manufacturer and distributor of innovative sailing hardware and accessories. The technical team will be available to answer all your sailing hardware questions. Our dedicated experts can advise you on everything from Optimists to high performance skiffs helping to solve any hardware and system problems you have experienced.

Majestic Crystal Awards

Hartley Boats

Tel: 07768 617630 On stand C11: Resources and aids to help

On stand C50

Tel: 01526 378676 On stand B14: Suppliers and engravers of quality crystal prizes for all competition and presentation situations. No minimum order, total customer delight assured. Draw to win free artwork and £100 worth of prizes delivered at no cost at all.

Marine And Instructor Resources

Mersea Trailers

Tel: 0870 9099887 On stand D18: Trailer manufacturer and retailer. More than 20 years of experience specialising in marine trailers and trolleys.

Minorca Sailing Holidays - UK

Tel: 0208 948 2106 On stand A2: Offering a specialist sailing holiday in Menorca. Our sailing and windsurfing centre, is the best equipped in the Mediterranean.

National School Sailing Association

On stand F42: Promoting school aged sailing across the UK.

Nautilus Yachting

Tel: 01732 867445 On stand F26: Sailing holidays in the Med and Caribbean. Bareboat charter, friendly flotillas and RYA learn to sail holidays. Prize draw on the stand to win a flight-inclusive yacht charter holiday in the British Virgin Islands.

Nucleus Watersports

Tel: 01255 812146 On stand G46: Retailer of drysuits and sailing accessories, including boots, gloves, buoyancy aids, cagoules, rash vests, trapezes.

Ocean Elements

Tel: 0844 770 4070 On stand C36: Active beach holidays – start sailing and windsurfing at our own RYA accredited centres on the Greek island of Lefkada, including the new sailing centre in Nidri. All guests have free access to the RYA Start Sailing course, and dinghies from Laser, RS and Topper as well as catamarans from Dart and Topper. Many other free activities are included in every holiday.

Ocean World On stand B66

Orkney Boats

Tel: 01243 551456 On stand G10: Orkney Boats have been

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


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The worlds best sailing eyewear        

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Floater - Floating model Polarised, Polarised Bi Focal, Polarised Photochromic, Polarised Prescription


 

RS Sailing

Tel: 01794 526 760 On stand B50: LDC Sailing: keeping you on the water since 1973. RS dinghy spares and parts, as well as dinghy spares for all dinghy classes. We also stock a large range of dinghy sailing clothing. Great deals at the show! building small working and leisure boats for well over 30 years and our tough seaworthy craft can be found in harbours from Iceland to the South Pacific. We will be exhibiting our Dory 424 Sport. Brilliant for a club safety boat/committee boat. We look forward to meeting you on the Suzuki safety boat stand.

Ovington Boats

Tel: 0191 2576011 On stand C76: Ovington Boats is a world leader in high performance racing dinghies, building the 49er and 49erFX, the 29er, the Musto Skiff, Flying Fifteen and many more. Have you ever wanted to sail a 49er? Now’s your chance with our all new 49er simulator you can trapeze right in the middle of the show and experience what its like to crew a 49er with our spinnaker hoist competition!

Paintcraft On stand C12

Pinnell & Bax

Tel: 01604 592808 On stand A12 and B34: The UK’s favourite chandler/mail-order specialist. Sailmakers to world champions and cover makers. Boat repairs in GRP and wood. Selden and Superspar mast specialists. Boat sales. New JP epoxy Solo built by Ovington Boats.

Pryde Group UK Limited

Tel: 01642 771460 On stand C68: For more than 40 years the Pryde Group has been at the apex of performance action sports. Out of this passion for success comes Neil Pryde Sailing.

their up-and-coming sailing events. All of our products can be branded through a range of different techniques to best suit your needs. We are also pleased to offer no minimum order levels and discounts on orders for multiple items.


Rain And Sun

Tel: 0844 556 9550 On stand C24: RYA Sailability provides information and guidance to individuals and organisations, on sailing opportunities for people with a disability. Come and meet the RYA Sailability team for information and advice on sailing opportunities for people with a disability. Visit us for updates on the disability awareness training programme, and other Sailability schemes, and visit the class associations that work with disabled sailors (now all in the Great Hall).

Tel: 02380 348854 On stand A20: UK’s leading experts in manufacturing high quality dinghy covers,for all classes. We also specialise in customised covers using UV treated materials guaranteeing full weather protection. Come and see our New Breathable Hydralite canvas and compare it to weathermax, cotton polyester and PVC polyester.


On stand G10

River Sailing Dinghies

Tel: 07966 155750 On stand B22: Builders of X1 and X0 ultramodern high performance 2-3 person hiking dinghy for river, estuary and all inland water sailing. The ideal boat to reinvigorate club sailing, and also avoid losing those valuable 16+ year old and college sailors - always hooked on excitement - from your club for good.

Panorama Hall

RYA Sailability

RYA Youth Programme

Tel: 02380 604236 On stand F38: Find out how to get involved with the RYA youth racing programme from club race training to UK squads. Meet the youth and junior class associations and check out some of the latest Volvo cars.

Sail Register On stand C9



Sailing Awards

Tel: 01380 831138 On stand C62: International and national racing dinghy builders. Managing Director Paul Young and Sales Manager Dave Hall will be on the stand.

Tel: 01268 566666 On stand C48: RWO manufactures deck equipment suitable for dinghies, keelboats and small cruisers. We will be displaying the most popular products from the range.


Rooster Sailing

Tel: 0844 539 1961 On stand F41: Products and promotional items made from new and recycled sailcloth. Our product range is designed to help promote sailing clubs and classes as well as


Rondar Raceboats

Tel: (Den) +45 76 42 77 77 / 01763 241300 On stand G22: Leading manufacturer and international sailboat hardware brand of quality hardware and accessories, suitable for off the beach dinghies, large yachts and cruisers. View the latest dinghy sailing hardware and gear at the show and pick up your treasure piece as part of the Treasure Hunt.

RWO Performance Sailing Equipment

On stand A16: To recruit new RNLI members

Tel: 01243 389997 On stand B48: Rooster designs, manufactures and sells its own range of technical sailing clothing and other specialised chandlery items including carbon extensions.

Tel: 0845 310 0300 On stand D4: UK dealer for the Laser Performance range, spares and new and used boats. Exhibiting actual Lasers used in the London 2012 Olympic games.

Tel: 01202 761281 On stand G2: Suppliers of awards and trophies to the sailing community.

Sailing Holidays

Tel: 0208 459 8787 On stand F32: Flotilla and charter sailing holidays in the Greek Islands.

Sandiline Sailing Clothing

Tel: 0208 133 0104 On stand G28: We will be featuring the Sandiline range of sailing clothing, including the range for younger sailors. Competitors wearing Sandiline clothing enjoyed great

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show



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Photo: ©David Harding, www.sailingscenes.co.uk

For a Test Sail in a Flying Fifteen contact : secretary@flying15.org.uk publicity@flying15.org.uk www.flying15.org.uk

The Workshop Great Hall

Topper International On stand B40 and F38

Trident UK success in the London Olympics, with 2 out of the 3 medallists in the Finn class wearing Sandiline hikers.

Sea Sure

Tel: 01489 885401 On stand C28: Design and manufacture of the world’s leading dinghy transom products. We also specialise in designing and manufacturing high performance deck gear, blocks, rigging and sail-making products. This will be the world launch of our Love Handles twin tiller extension system. We will also be showing the B/one rudder stock designed for Farr Yacht Design.

Seafarer Cruising and Sailing Holidays

Tel: 0208 3243118 On stand F36: Seafarer is a leading independent sailing specialist offering flotilla sailing, beach club and yacht charter holidays in the Mediterranean and beyond. We will be exhibiting with details of new flotilla destinations plus new boats and new courses at our beach clubs, including RYA dinghy instructor and poweerboat courses at Nikiana Beach Club.

Selden Mast

Tel: 01329 504000 On stand B42: Seldén Mast is the world’s leading aluminium and carbon spar manufacturer. Seldén also produces a comprehensive range of performance deck hardware. We will be exhibiting our new range of Optimist spars. Also on display will be a new Winder Merlin Rocket complete with Seldén carbon dinghy spars and deck hardware.


Tel: 01983 280730 On stand G4: Clothing and equipment with special offers on a variety of dinghy clothing, accessories and wetsuits from Gul, Musto and Chatham Maritime, including dinghy smocks, jackets, knee pads, sailing gloves and more with huge reductions off manufacturers’ recommended prices.


Tel: 01983 295555 On stand C14: Celebrating 30 years as leading

experts in rope holding, boat control and personal protective equipment. Showing the PXR cam cleats – the easiest cleat to release; Deckvest Lite, Zero and kneepads from our personal protection range.


Tel: 01908 336600 On stand G10: Suzuki’s range of 2.5hp – 300hp four stroke outboards provide quiet, fuel-efficient performance for all your powerboating needs.

Swing Keel Sailing

Tel: 07718 678 595 On stand C54: Swing Keel Sailing will be exhibiting the production version of the SK2 two-man performance canting keel dinghy. This model made its debut at the dinghy show last year as a prototype.

Tall Ships Youth Trust

Tel: 02392 832055 On stand B16: Offers sail training voyages to anyone aged 12-80. No sailing experience is needed as voyage crew are taught everything they need to know. Launching Summer 2013 Brochure.

The Bembridge Swan Boat Company

Tel: 01983 401532 On stand F24: The Bembridge Swan Boat Company will be exhibiting the latest production boat, a dayboat for the price of a dinghy. The Swan is a versatile open dayboat, which performs well under sail and is ideal for club racing and cruising. Designed by Alan Coombes in 1955, the class is having a revival with a number of wooden boats having been restored and Swans now being produced in GRP.

The Sailing Software Alliance

Tel: 01489 559111 On stand F40: Trade association of software providers for sailing clubs, classes and events. Founder members, SailRacer and Sailing Club Software will be available to discuss how technology can benefit your organisation. SailRacer will be launching its new lowcost range of GPS tracking solutions, with offerings aimed at sailors, coaches, clubs and events.

Tel: 0191 490 1736 On stand D12: Leading suppliers of dinghy clothing and equipment with excellent customer service record. New Euro typeapproved dinghy trailers will be exhibited.


On stand B10

Ullman Sails On stand B46

Versadock International

Tel: 01590 671300 Manufacturers and suppliers of versatile plastic modular floating pontoon and docking systems. Also DrySail docking for sailing boats. On stand E14

Well Croomed (Oakley) On stand C84

Welsh Harp Boat Centre

Tel: 0208 202 8677 On stand F30: Dinghy and clothing chandlery and type-approved trailer manufacturer. We will be talking about the new laws on trailer manufacture, as all new trailers built after October 2012 must be type-approved.

XS Ribs

Tel: 01707 331 389 On stand F34: Barnet Marine is one of the UK’s leading specialists in inflatable boats and outboard engines. As agents for many of the best brands it is the place to go for genuine unbiased advice. XS RIBs supply a full range of support boats and rescue craft for some of the most prestigious clubs in the UK, including the RYA. Exhibiting for the first time at the 2013 RYA Dinghy Show there will be a typical club specification XS RIB.

Yachts & Yachting

On stand C64: The number one dinghy and keelboat magazine covering the best in racing from ocean to Optimist open meetings. There is no better way to stay up to date with new techniques, products and the fastest sailors in the world, so pop along to the stand to meet the team, update us on your news and pick up a special subscription deal.

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show



Catch up with your classmates – past, present and future ones – at the show Tel: 01642 274787 On stand B19: Current European champion Michael McNamara will be on the stand during the weekend along with a host of fellow Albacorers to give tuning tips, answer questions or just reminisce.


Class comment: Two person, single trapeze, modern one-design, asymmetric racing dinghy – for teams 130-200 kg. Fast, fun and exciting. Sec: Jo Wicken Tel: 07810 774500 On stand A24: Come and meet the Alto enthusiasts to find out more and see the high quality, yet simple and practical layout of the Alto.

B14 2.4 Metre


Class comment: International singlehanded keelboat sailed extensively in Europe, USA and Australasia by able-bodied and disabled sailors. Selected for the Paralympics in 2012 and 2016. On stand B36 and B9

Class comment: The International 505 is a fast, fun and exciting two-person, highperformance trapeze sailing dinghy, raced around the world. On stand C8: Come on down to see this classic/modern high-performance boat, you can even have a look at the NEW Parker 505.

2000 Class Class comment: The class formerly known as Laser 2000. As of January 14, 2013, LDC Sailing (which makes RS dinghies, amongst others) has taken over from Laser as builder and supplier for the renamed 2000 Class. Sec: Karl McCluskey Tel: 07450 072449 On stand B56: A full Class programme of training and racing is planned for the 2013 season. Plus, on the stand there will be support and advice for new racers on competing, tuning, tips and hints on how to have fun and perform in your 2000.

29er Class comment: ISAF and RYA youth asymmetric class On stand C76 (also on stand F38)

420 Class comment: ISAF and RYA youth class On stand F38

49er Class comment: The 49er is the iconic Olympic two-handed high-performance skiff On stand C76

38 RYA Dinghy Show March 2013

A Class Catamaran Class comment: The ‘A’ class is the fastest singlehanded catamaran in the world and sailed by many of the America’s Cup crews. Sec: Gordon Upton Tel: 07921 166645 On stand B3: The ‘A’ class catamaran on show here is the very latest example of this most elegant and fast class. The one on show is made in The Netherlands but other designs are built in Germany, Australia, Italy and Switzerland, together with home built designs. Top European A Class ace, Chris Field will be on the stand also.

Access Class comment: The Access classes are simple boats, ideal for disabled sailors. Joystick control can be fitted. On stand B6

Albacore Class comment: National Albacore Class great racing great socials in a great boat for all helm and crew ages /combinations.

Sec: Judy Armstrong

Class comment: Fastest international two person body swung dinghy sailed by both male and female sailors. Sec: Gerry Fermor Tel: 01622 746495

On stand C60: Will be exhibiting the brand new Team Ullman Sails boat (GBR 792), the latest from the new class builders.

Bembridge Swan

Class comment: The Swan is a versatile open dayboat that performs well under sail and is ideal for club racing and cruising. Sec: Michael Quinn Tel: 01983 401532 On stand F24: The Bembridge Swan Boat Company will be exhibiting the latest production boat, a dayboat at the price of a dinghy


Class comment: Easy to sail singlehander with wide stable hull, racks, no trapeze. Flip-up centrboard and rudder. Active class association. Sec: Paul Taylor Tel: 01256 882086 On stand C32: A new Blaze will be on the stand now built in epoxy by White Formula of Brightlingsea. The show boat features the new carbon mast, now approved by the Class Association for all class racing. New/existing class members may renew their membership at the Show.

BlueMotion 550

Class comment: An exciting newly designed

dayboat for the discerning sailor with impressive dinghy-style planing performance. Sec: Keith Callaghan Tel: 01473 823587 On stand C78: Foundry Reach Yacht Sales & Service will be launching the BlueMotion 550 built by BlueMotion Yachts of East Anglia. Available in strip cedar/epoxy/ply as the ‘Elite Marque’ and will soon be available in Polyester foam composite as a standard model. Bookings will be taken at the show for test sails around the country. Special guest Rob White will be on the BlueMotion stand to discuss this great new trailable dayboat/dinghy.


Class comment: The Buzz Class Association is all about having fun. We organise social and racing events around the country and are keen to promote our excellent value for money Buzz. Sec: Stuart Bailey Tel: 07976 760844 On stand B20: We have an event winning Buzz on display, fitted out by our new supplier Vantage Sailing, so bring your camera along. Rigging and sailing tips will also be available from those on the stand, to help you get more enjoyment from your Buzz during 2013. Details and prices for a new Buzz will be available as well as details on what to look for when buying a used Buzz.


Class comment: The Cadet is the only doublehanded dinghy specifically for junior sailors. An international class sailed in 18 countries. Sec: Chris Green Tel: 07825 879727 On stand C44 (also on stand F38)


Class comment: The Challenger Class Association aims to promote competitive sailing, for the less athletic and disabled sailors, in club dinghy handicap fleets. Sec: Pauline Hillear Tel: 01778 341087 On stand B8


Class comment: Lightweight, development class, twin trapeze, asymmetric skiff. The UK Cherub provides exhilarating sailing for a wide demographic of sailor. Sec: Philip Kirk Tel: 01454 314354 On stand C38: This year we are exhibiting the first Elway 7 Cherub which brings new developments to the class.


Class comment: The Comet Class caters for all singlehanded Comet sailors who sail any of the Mino, Xtra or Standard boat. Sec: Mrs Norah Jaggers Tel: 01297 20858 On stand F12: We hope to have an example of the new zippered sail on the stand this year. This sail allows the mast to be stepped and then the sail hoisted instead of having to step a mast with the sail attached.


Class comment: International Contender is the world's most popular singlehandeded trapeze sailing dinghy. As well as a strong UK fleet, there are fleets in Australasia, North America, and across Europe. The biannual World Championships routinely attract over 140 boats with Lake Como holding the 2013 worlds Sec: Ben Holden Tel: 07900 070931 On stand C22: We will be showing two boats, one of which is one of the first UK built epoxy boats. We will also have news of an exciting youth boat loan opportunity for the 2013 season.


Class comment: D-One is a powerful but easy to keep control multi-national hiking asymmetric singlehanded. Sec: Jon Hammond Tel: 07789 981245 On stand G26: There will be a D-One on the

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show



T 0 A 0 I 0 2 SOC S A


The 2000 - formally known as the Laser 2000 now built by LDC Sailing

Visit us o Stand B5 n 6 at the RYA Ding hy Show

2000 Class Association Events 2013




March 16th/17th Grafham Water Sailing Club April 20th/21st Weymouth April 20th/21st Bala Sailing Club April 20th/21st East Lothian Yacht Club April 27th/28th Whitefriars Sailing Club Weir Wood Sailing Club May 4th/5th

Winter Championships Training Training Training Training/open Noble Marine Inland Championships May 4th/5th Kielder Water SC CR1 May 11th/12th Wilsonian SC Training May 18th/19th Broadstairs Sailing Club MS1 May 26th/27th Carlingford Lough Yacht Club Irish Championships June 1st/2nd East Lothian YC CR2 and Alba Cup June 1st/2nd Snettisham Beach Sailing Club MS2 June 8th/9th Grafham Water Sailing Club MS3 July 6th/7th Lee-on-the-Solent Sailing Club MS4 July 6th/7th Loch Ryan SC CR3 July 13th/14th Carsington Water Sailing Club Open July 13th/14th Wilsonian Sailing Club Medway Regatta July 13th/14th Castle Cove Sailing Club Weymouth Dinghy Regatta July 20th/21st Draycote Water Sailing Club Training Harken National August 4th-9th Pwllheli Sailing Club Championships Aug 31st/Sept 1st Loch Lomond SC CR4 September 7th Chichester Yacht Club Open September 8th Dell Quay Sailing Club Open Sept 14th/15th Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club MS5 Sept 28th Bough Beech Sailing Club Open MS6 and Welsh October 5th/6th Bala Sailing Club Championships Oct 19th/20th Rutland Sailing Club MS7 Oct 30th-Nov 1st British Mรถhnesee STC Euro Cup

PHOTO: Malcolm@mlewinimages.co.uk

Flying Fifteen

Class comment: The Flying Fifteen is an exhilarating, two person 6m planing keelboat raced in 13 countries and 38 UK clubs. Sec: Keith Jamieson Tel: 01539 727665 On stand C66

GP Fourteen

stand with GBR Class Association members on hand to answer any questions.

Dart 18

Class comment: Eighteen-foot fibreglass racing catamaran with fully battened mainsail and no boom or daggerboards that can be sailed single or doublehanded with or without jib. Entry-level catamaran with extensive onedesign racing circuit in the UK and Europe. Affordable, easy to rig and to sail. New and secondhand boats readily available. Sec: Miss Jenni Donovan Tel: 07716 812020 On stand B5: Free demo sails on offer at a range of UK venues. Free competition entry to win a year’s free Dart association membership including Art of Dart magazine subscription (open to all non-UKIDA members).

Devon Yawl

Class comment: The Devon Yawl Association’s purpose is to look after its more than 235 members and promote the Devon Yawl and Devon Dayboat. On stand C20


On stand E8: This year we will be celebrating 50 years of the Europe and will be welcoming Europe sailors past, present and future to our stand.


Class comment: Olympic heavyweight singlehander provides competition throughout the age range from junior to legend. Constantly updated to keep challenging the fleet. Sec: Rory Barnes Tel: 01202 420872 On stand G24: Visits throughout the weekend from olympic squad members and coaches.


Class comment: Still the best single trapeze dinghy. Over 15,000 worldwide built, annual national, world and European championships. On stand C13


Class comment: Successful two-person dinghy, the Firefly was selected for the 1948 Olympics and is popular in clubs, schools and universities for training, fleet and team racing. On stand C82

Class comment: A popular, versatile twohanded dinghy, designed by Holt, updated for today. Great one-design racing on a national circuit; also perfect for training and cruising. Sec: Sue Sinclair Tel: 01257 251222 On stand B18: An opportunity to see the superb epoxy GP14 from Boon Boats, which won the class national championship at its first attempt and then third at last year’s world championship. Steve and the Boon Boats team will be on hand all weekend. Mike Senior’s 2013 campaign boat will be on display, alongside a beautiful wooden GP14 fresh from the workshops of Paintcraft perfectionist Nigel Potter. Nigel will be on the GP stand throughout the Show to give advice about the upkeep of wooden boats and to provide information about his comprehensive fitting out and insurance/boat repair services.


On stand C50


Class comment: A small dinghy for one or two people desighned by Jack Holt in 1950 made in Ply or FRP. Sec: Derek Dodd Tel: 01245 328179 On stand G12: will be a new FRP boat by Dave Butler equipped as the latest racing boats. Heron EGM will be held at show on Saturday 1000hrs at Palm Court 4.

Class comment: Jack Holt designed twoperson racing and cruising dinghy – one of the world’s most popular classes Sec: Bob Southworth Tel: 07771 935201 On stand B38: We will be exhibiting the new Enterprise Mark III Rondar raceboat, built by Paul Young of Rondar Raceboats, launched in 2012. There will be pictures taken from our national championship in 2012 and a sail enterprise leaflet available including key fixtures for 2013 and onwards to 2017.


Class comment: A responsive singlehander that can be tuned to match the sailor’s weight. Exciting racing with a friendly class association. Sec: Angela Wallis Tel: 01480 860531

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


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Come and enjoy the thrill of the ISO in 2013

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See us at the Dinghy Show Stand A14


Javelin by our newly appointed class approved builder James Jarvey of JJ Boats.


Class comment: The K1 is a singlehanded mini-yacht with lifting bulb keel, yet its all-up weight is the same as many dinghies. On stand C30


Class comment: A 2-3 person keelboat with an asymmetric spinnaker and lifting keel. Sec: Heather Chipperfield Tel: 01590 610273 On stand C52: Neil Fulcher’s new 2013 boat will be on show.


Class comment: The Hornet is a 16-foot two man racing dinghy designed by Jack Holt, with single trapeze and symetric spinnaker. Sec: Mike Owen Tel: 07761 413983 On stand F30

International 14

Class comment: A high-performance twintrapeze development-class dinghy – at the cutting edge of dinghy design for 90 years. Sec: Ed Clay Tel: 07792 957849 On stand B30: a chance to see the new Bieker 6 hull

International Canoe

Class comment: Development singlehander based around a 10 square metre rig and a box rule canoe hull Sec: Andy Biden Tel: 0208 286 9274 On stand C18: The British version of the Chris Maas world championship-winning boat ‘String Theory’. Following the domination of the design at the last two world championships, Chris has made his lines available to all other builders in other countries. The owner Max Reid of Oxford SC had the boat professionally built by Bloodaxe Boats on the Isle of Wight. Painting, equipment and fit out is taking place under the watchful eye of canoe maestro Rob Michael at Razorback Boats.

new Moth designs will be featured on the stand: The Rocket design from Aardvark Racing and the Exocet design from Maguire Boats.



Class comment: A fast and fun two person symmetrical racing dinghy found throughout the UK suitable for all ages and abilities whether sailed on inland waters or on the sea. Sec: James Ward Tel: 07811 341871 On stand F14: Displaying a brand new Ovington Boats-built Lark. Come and meet some current Lark sailors and discuss the many benefits of owning and sailing a Lark. Including joining the class, the excellent second-hand boats list, the class's fantastic national circuit, try-a-Lark days and even owning a brand new boat... With footage projected onto the mainsail of Larks racing it is a stand not to miss!

Class comment: The ISO Class Association provides the best value for money excitement of asymmetric sailing Europe wide. Sec: Bruce Bowler email: bruce@bowlers.me.uk On stand A14: For the 20th anniversary of the launch of asymmetric sailing in the UK with the ISO coming to market, the ISO Class Association will be showing an ISO in full rig, with announcements about new suppliers, spares and new boats. We will also be promoting the 2013 events circuit in the UK and Europe.


Class comment: The Javelin is a two man trapeze and spinnaker dinghy, a very forgiving dinghy with impeccable manners. Designed by Peter Milne in 1968 – it’s a genuine classic. Sec: John Meacham Tel: 07760 223316 On stand C4: Displaying the newly built

On stand C50



Class comment: Universally accepted as the best one-design dinghy ever the Laser is enjoyed by sailors of all ages & both sexes. Sec: Dot Beadsworth On stand C46 (also on stand F38): Come and meet Laser class members at the stand

International Moth

Class comment: 12-foot hydrofoiling development dinghy capable of speeds exceeding 30 knots but fun for any experienced sailor. Sec: Graham Simmonds Tel: 07944 850771 On stand C34: This year the UK International Moth Class Association is celebrating the best of British design and build quality. Two brand

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


The UK’s longest annual dinghy, cat and board race, the 55th

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The Buzz Class is now supported by Vantage Sailing, Vantage Sailing - Dinghy Sailing Chandlery & Supplier of Buzz, Spice and ISO Spares


Musto Performance Skiff

Class comment: ISAF Singlehanded trapeze boat with an asymmetric spinnaker and wings. On stand C76

National 12

Laser 2000

Class comment: See entry for 2000 Class dinghy on previous page. On stand B56

Lightning 368

Class comment: One of the friendliest classes afloat, you wont find a better place to class race. Active association website, updated weekly. Sec: Caroline Key Tel: 07976 252463 On stand F16: Class Association members will be available to speak to all weekend, handing out useful hints and tips about our class. Very active sailing calender for 2013, with a mixture of sea, lake and river events. If anyone would like to try a Lightning they are very welcome to come along to an open to try one out, just ask one of the members on the stand for more information.

Merlin Rocket

Class comment: Two-man high performance hiking dinghy. Sailed throughout the UK with well supported open meetings and championships Sec: Colin Brockbank Tel: 01297 444502 On stand B24: Two boats will be displayed on the stand – the first is the latest from Winder boats with full Harken fit-out and new controlline layout; Selden rig with HD sails. The second boat is the new Keith Callaghan design Mini Cool Blue built by Cory yachts designed for the lighter helms in the class with a long fine bow and powerful planing run.


Class comment: Fun and friendly two person dinghy with spinnaker for families or young sailors to learn to sail and race. Sec: Sarah Richards Tel: 0114 240 1484 On stand D14 (also on stand F38): The Mirror is celebrating its 50th birthday, come along and join in the celebrations with us, and see how the Mirror has moved with the times and developed into a fantastic dinghy. Or just come and find out why now the Mirror is such a popular boat for families and young sailors. Many of the UK’s top sailors started sailing in a Mirror!

Model Yachting

Class comment: The Model Yachting Association (MYA) brings together UK-based remote-controlled (RC) yacht racing clubs and classes and is dedicated to promoting RC yacht racing. On stand F46: We will be showcasing a wide range of popular model yacht classes which are currently sailed in the UK. The boats on show are all raced under the MYA umbrella and information including racing calendars for the classes can be found by visiting our stand.

Class comment: A fantastic two-person racing dinghy. Cutting-edge designs and competitive second-hand boats with great racing for families, couples and young teams. Sec: Janet Bloor Tel: 01332 882620 On stand B28: Check out the latest National 12s including the new Hijack design fresh from a race-winning performance at the Inland Championships.


Class comment: The International OK Dinghy is a truly international thoroughbred singlehanded racing dinghy with a friendly UK Class Association. Sec: Andy Turner Tel: 01328 730905 On stand E16: We will be exhibiting two current OK dinghies built during 2012. The first boat is from Synergy Marine based in Suffolk. Synergy acquired the mold for the renowned ‘Dave Rose’ hull shape in 2011 and then set about improving the mold which has now produced a number of high quality OK dinghies. The second OK on display is a Idol Composite Icebreaker built by Alex Scoles in Norfolk. The boat on display was specially commissioned and shows off Scoles talent for producing beautiful boats that are competitive at international level.


Class comment: The International Optimist Class (UK) organises sailing programmes for children of all standards sailing the single-


Class comment: Versatile one-design doublehander with spinnaker. Suitable for family cruising with an active racing circuit. Sec: John Tippett Tel: 01788 572129 On stand F18: Rigged FRP boat and composite hull with display stand featuring photographs of recent activities. The stand manned by informed members of the association

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


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handed Optimist Dinghy. Sec: Sharon Bullock Tel: 07713 499225 On stand E10 (also on stand F38): Come and meet the new class coach, take part in our fun competitions and find out all there is to know about sailing the Optimist dinghy from complete beginner to international racing standard.

RS Quba


Class comment: Fast, fun and safe singlehander for youngsters – from novice to international competition the RS Tera is the new favourite for children. Sec: Ruth Lewis Tel: 01473 399969 On stand B50

Class comment: The GT Bentley of racing dinghies. For sailors from 13 to 75 years old, competitive from 22-32 stone, race with two or three in the boat. Fleet growing well, competitive old boats, really friendly circuit. Sec: Michael Scott Tel: 01835 870238 On stand C6


Class comment: A one-design highperformance singlehander, with a deep V bow and a flat run aft to plane easily. Sec: John Wayling Tel: 07958 515354 On stand B64

RS Elite

Class comment: Fast, beautiful – the real sailor’s choice of keelboat Sec: Lyn Brown email: rselitesecretary@supanet.com On stand B50

RS Feva

Class comment: International best-selling doublehander. Huge international race circuit, ISAF class and RYA youth pathway class. Sec: Golly Tucker Tel: 07578 588778 On stand B50 (also on stand F38)

Class comment: Get the family into sailing with this simple, lightweight, versatile boat. Easy handling, lots of space and great features for adults and children. Sec: Charlie Merchant Tel: 01794 526760 On stand B50

RS Tera

RS Vareo

Class comment: Spinnaker powered singlehander bringing exciting performance within reach for most sailors – even offers space for a crew. Sec: Richard Willows Tel: 01288 331568 On stand B50

RS Venture

Class comment: The new benchmark in large modern cruising and training dinghies.Capable of carrying up to eight sailors, it’s the ultimate for elegant, luxurious, sociable sailing. Sec: Charlie Merchant Tel: 01794 526760 On stand B50

RS Vision

Class comment: Perfect all-round family sailboat: Easy handling and sparkling performance. A great trainer, cruiser and club racer for young and old.

Sec: Charlie Merchant Tel: 01794 526760 On stand B50


Class comment: World’s best selling performance singlehander over the last few years – now an ISAF Class Sec: Heather Chipperfield Tel: 01590 610273 On stand B50


Class comment: UK’s most popular two person adult racing class, with fleets now building in Australia, Sweden and Ireland. Sec: Heather Chipperfield Tel: 01590 610273 On stand B50


Class comment: Original, fast, responsive and challenging. Award winning singlehander with a cult following. Sec: Heather Chipperfield Tel: 01590 610273 On stand B50


Class comment: Highly successful and incredibly popular gennaker powered doublehander – great performance, exceptional handling and an exciting race scene. Sec: Heather Chipperfield Tel: 01590 610273 On stand B50


Class comment: ISAF class and sailboat of the year winner. Fast, cool trapeze doublehander with a massive European race scene. Sec: Heather Chipperfield Tel: 01590 610273 On stand B50


Class comment: High performance trapeze singlehander – ultra-light, fast, challenging and addictive. Sec: Heather Chipperfield Tel: 01590 610273 On stand B50


Class comment: A super quick trapezed gennaker weapon – yet is also the most user-friendly singlehanded skiff by far. Sec: Heather Chipperfield Tel: 01590 610273 On stand B50

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show




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now be selected for Olympic Development Training for Rio 2016. Sec: Thom White Tel: 01206 302724 On stand B4

Sprint 15

Class comment: The most popular singlehanded catamaran in the UK and yet versatile enough to provide doublehanded racing as well. Sec: David Groom Tel: 01202 429594 On stand B7



Class comment: Extreme sailing – remarkable handling. A true double-trapeze skiff that allows both men and women to experience the thrill of real highperformance racing. Sec: Heather Chipperfield Tel: 01590 610273 On stand B50


Class comment: The Scorpion dinghy is a modern classic: 14ft, two-person, threesail symmetric, lightweight, with terrific performance. Sec: Sarah Canadine Tel: 01962 862169 On stand G8: The Scorpion Class Association will provide information on everything and anything that a current or prospective Scorpion owner will need to know about the Scorpion dinghy.


Class comment: Singlehander catamaran. Most of the fleet is now converted to the X model, which has leveled the playing field. Sec: Thom White Tel: 01206 302724 On stand B2


Class comment: a two-man canting keel dinghy being produced by our build partner, Ovington Boats. Sec: Roel de Groot Tel: 07718 678595 On stand C54: Swing Keel Sailing will be exhibiting the production version of the SK2. This model made its debut at the dinghy show last year as a prototype.

Skud 18

Class comment: Skud18 Paralympic keelboat appointed to compete in the 2016 Paralympic Games. Keelboat designed to be sailed by physically disabled crews. Sec: Judith Figgures Tel: 01480 434011 On stand A6: A fully equipped Skud 18 which has been modified for a severely disabled helm and less disabled crew, will be displayed this year.


Class comment: The National Solo is a singlehanded, double-chine hiking dinghy with a fully battened mainsail, and was designed by Jack Holt in 1956. The class has a good open meeting and championship programme. Sec: Martin Allen Tel: 01233 646471 On stand C26: The National Solo class will be displaying a choice of build options available. On display will be an all FRP Solo from Boon Boats and a composite Solo from SP Boats. The stand will be featuring a choice of sails from some of the sailmakers available: North, P&B, Speed and HD Sails will feature.


Class comment: Hiking singlehander designed to provide exciting but manageable sailing for sailors in the 65 to 85kg weight range. On stand B62


Class comment: The most fun you can have on the water! The Spitfire is now an RYA recognised class and the youth programme has increased its capacity by 50 per cent this year. Two sailors from the Youth Squad have

Class comment: A lightweight singlehanded dinghy with various building options, excellent open meeting circuits and an active class association. Sec: Veronica Falat Tel: 01502 573570 On stand C16: Two new boats will be on display from Butler Boats and Rooster Sailing. At least one will have the new deck design incorporating a slightly longer cockpit and shorter aft deck.

Supernova On stand C50


Class comment: Bethwaite performance two-sail dinghy; very light planing hull. International one-design, typically raced by husband/wife or parent/child crews. Fleets throughout UK. Sec: Lionel Rigby Tel: 01726 75903 On stand B60


Class comment: The Class Association formed in 1963 aims to further the use and enjoyment of this Classic 12’ clinker cruising dinghy. Sec: Rev. Mary Davies Tel: 01558 822634 On stand F28: To celebrate Tideway Owners Association’s (TOA) 50th year we have planned a stand to attract as many of the current 300+ membership as possible to attend. There will also be a special TOA members gathering at the show on Saturday March 2, 1130-1230hrs, Palm Court 3.


Class comment: Coaching programme for beginners to experienced sailors. Competition at various levels and suitable for all ages. Fun, friendly and fast. Sec: Susan Wellerd Tel: 07740 645129

March 2013 RYA Dinghy Show


Wanderer On stand C50


On stand G36


On stand C56: Presentation on the main stage for the Craftinsure and Sailing Solutions national series prizes. Saturday March 2.

Topper Argo

Class comment: The Argo is a 14ft, threesail, multipurpose sailing dinghy. It has comfortable capacity for up to four adult crew. It is a recommended ISAF training class. Sec: Jon Manners Tel: 01753 682235 On stand B40

Topper Omega

Class comment: The Omega is a threesail, multipurpose sailing dinghy. It is great for club racing, teaching and training and for family recreational sailing. It has huge carrying capacity for up to seven crew. It is a recommended ISAF training boat. Sec: Jon Manners Tel: 01753 682235 On stand B40

Topper Taz

Class comment: The Taz is a small, simple, safe and stable sailing dinghy. Ideal for novices. It can be sailed single or doublehanded. Sec: Jon Manners Tel: 01753 687603 On stand B40

Topper Topaz

Class comment: The Topaz is a versatile dinghy with a choice of rig options. It can be sailed single or doublehanded. Sec: Jon Manners Tel: 01753 687603 On stand B40

Topper Topaz 14

Class comment: The Topaz 14 is a 14ft catamaran. It is great for club racing, teaching and training and for family recreational sailing. It is a recommended ISAF training boat. Sec: Jon Manners Tel: 01753 687603 On stand B40

50 RYA Dinghy Show March 2013

Topper Vibe

Class comment: The Vibe is a doublehanded three-sail dinghy. It is a recommended ISAF training class and is a great introduction to performance sailing. Voted best dinghy at the Paris Boat Show. Sec: Jon Manners Tel: 01753 687603 On stand B40

Topper Xenon

Class comment: The Xenon is a 14ft doublehanded three-sail performance racing dinghy. It is a recommended ISAF training class. As used at the prestigious Endeavour and NSSA Mount Haes Trophy. Sec: Jon Manners Tel: 01753 687603 On stand B40


Class comment: Exciting asymmetric tunnelhull singlehander with trapeze. Officially classed as a dinghy. Sec: Andrew Straton Tel: 01765 607273 On stand B32: Hopefully a new hull will be on display, or details of the building of an imminent mould.

Class comment: Small trimaran suitable for one to three people with sailing characteristics similar to a performance monohull dinghy. Suits a wide range of abilities. Sec: George Morris Tel: 01309 690898 On stand C86: Amazingly quick to rig and derig, will be demonstrating this capability at 1100, 1300 and 1500hrs at the show.

X1 and X0

Class comment: The ultra-modern high performance two to three person hiking dinghy for river, estuary and all inland water sailing, with two rig choices: X1 for heavier crews, X0 for lighter crews and training opportunities. Sec: Chris Ingram Tel: 07966 155750 On stand B22

Yachting World Dayboat

Class comment: The YW Dayboat combines good performance with seaworthiness and rugged construction. It provides family fun and keen competitive racing. Sec: Cass Macpherson Tel: 01243 575652 On stand C2: An active class boat will be on the stand showing a typical club example. Sailing members of the YWDB Association will be happy to show the boat's details and share their enthusiasm for this classic design now in its seventh decade.

When performance counts, the choice is clear. Volvo Ocean Race 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 America’s Cup World Series Overall...1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 SAN FRANCISCO Fleet Racing...1, 2, 3 Match Racing...1, 2, 3 NAPLES Fleet Racing...1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 Match Racing...1, 2, 3 Garmin Winter Series Class 0...1, 2, 4, 5 Farr 45...1, 2*, 3, 4, 5 J109...1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 RORC Caribbean 600 Overall...1st IRC Zero...1st Super Yacht & Spirit of Tradition Classes...1st RORC Easter Regatta IRC 1...1, 2, 3 IRC 2...1, 2, 3 IRC 3...1, 2, 3 IRC 4a...1, 2 IRC 4b...1st Corby Cup in Howth 1, 2, 3* Round Ireland Race Overall (IRC)...1st Class 1 (IRC)...1st Class 3 (IRC)...1st Double-Handed...1st Canting Keel (IRC)...1st Team Trophy...1st Cork Week IRC 0...1, 2 IRC 1...1, 2, 3 IRC 2...1st* IRC 3...2, 3 IRC 4...1st Key West Race Week ‘12 Mini Maxi...1, 2 Farr 400...1, 2, 4, 5

BMW Cruiser Nationals Cruisers 0 IRC...1, 2, 3 ECHO...1, 2, 3 Cruisers 1 IRC...1*, 2, 3 ECHO...1, 2*, 3 Cruisers 2 IRC...1, 2, 3 ECHO...1, 2, 3 Cruisers 3 IRC...1, 2, 3 ECHO...1, 2, 3 Non-Spinnaker A IRC...1, 2, 3 Non-Spinnaker B IRC...1, 2*, 3 PalmaVela 2012 Maxi Division...1, 2, 3 Quarter Ton Cup 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 RORC IRC Nationals IRC 1...1st IRC 2...1st IRC 3...1st IRC 4...1st Warsash Spring Series BLACK GROUP IRC1...1st IRC2...1st IRC3...1st J-Sprit...1st J109...1st Sigma 38...1st Black Championship CC Combined...1st CC1...1st CC2...1st Farr 45...1st IRC1...1st J109...1st White Championship...1st Spi Ouest J111’s...1, 2, 3

Cowes Week Black Group Overall...1st (J109 Harlequin) IRC 0...1st IRC 1...1st IRC 2...1st IRC 3...1st IRC 4...1st IRC 5...1st IRC 7...1st First 40...1st J97...1st J109...1st J111...1st J122...1st Reflex 38...1st Quarter Ton...1st BMW ICRA Nationals IRC...1, 2, 3 ECHO...1st RORC Morgan Cup IRC Overall...1st IRC0...1st IRC1...1st IRC2...1st IRC3...1st Two-Handed...1st Brewin Commodores Cup 1st GBR Red Team 1. Keronimo* 1. CNBC 1. Dignity 2nd GBR White Team 2. Magnum III 2. Joopster 2. Philosophie IV 3rd Team France 3. Nutmeg IV J Cup IRC 1...1, 2, 3 IRC 2...1, 2, 3 J/109...1, 2, 3 J/97...1, 2, 3 J/111...1, 2, 3

ABOVE: Sir Peter Ogden’s Mini Maxi Jethou powers upwind with her 3DL main and 3Di Jib. Ian Roman photo

TP52 Super Series Overall...1, 3, 4, 5 Dartmouth Regatta IRC 1...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 IRC 1B...1, 2 IRC 2...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 J/109...1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Vice Admirals Cup Class 0...1, 2, 3 Class 1 (Farr 45)...1, 2, 3 Class 2 (J111)...1, 3 Class 3 (J109)...1, 2, 3 Class 4 (Quarter Ton)...1, 2, 3 North Sea Race IRC Overall...1, 2, 3 IRC 0...1st IRC 1...1, 2, 3 IRC 2...1st IRC 3...1, 2, IRC4...1st *partial inventory

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