30 January 2019

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Chelsea • Mordialloc • Mentone



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loc • Mento



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Fitzharris best: Brodie was name Beverly Cowburn the Year by Kingsto Citizen of brodie@bays n Picture: Council. idenews.co “very nice” Supplie m.au d to receiv tion. WITH over e the recogn “It was iMoorabbin 40 years of Ms Fitzha work very, very a big surprise iary behind Hospital Ladies at the shared with rris said the but it was nice,” she Auxil“When was named her, Beverly Hall, and family at Kingsday was you join said. Fitzha “We have don’t was a succes as Kings ton City these things the Year “I had ton’s Citize rris that expect to our s. meeting on you get somet n of out of husband my family down, for the first committee Ms Fitzha26 January. hing like it. There We’re I ple year have with rris was I’d like ’s comin four childr “She very nice my plod not as big member to thank, lots of peoa as we were, g up. years had served of whole of on. was very to have them en. It was such ago, and the organisation founding for many, but we as auxilia there and “If anyon Moorabbinthe Ladies Auxili as the proud to continues 43 years many ry secret was also Althou this day. accept e I ary to would Hospi ary, at they’d work a power gh it.” lot that the ing and she Ms Fitzha like there to be for aren’t with tal. There are house fundra tirelessly she has been rris said gins on welcome, phone to join us eachthe group, servin over 40 for over workiser 9579 it was years you us anymore, a Fitzharris 40 years, Kingston 6669 for more Pat Hug- mentsmonth, makin g in the kiosk and slow they’re says she Ms said the ones get a lot of help, g flower details.” mayor has no , pickle down. I’d like arrangeGeorg s and plans to “Beve helpin to thank. “It keeps unteering rly has spent ina Oxley for g organising jams to sell and ” said of her me out of misch with passio decades volmany years. the annua commitment work. ief,” she l fete n and “This award Melbourne’s to make Kings selfless thanks offers our ton and for her community.” south-east grateful efforts tive a strong for the er yearsimpact she has to our comm made over posimany unity.” Continued Page 4


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Bonbeach couple

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