Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3rd April 2024

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CRIME in the Kingston local government area increased by nearly 18 per cent in 2023.

New figures released by the Crime Statistics Agency show that crime increased in the Kingston municipality by 17.8 per cent in 2023 compared to the year prior. The increase is significantly more than the statewide increase of 8.4 per cent.

The offence rate per 100,000 people in Kingston in 2023 was around 7762. That figure is the highest recorded in the local government area in the last decade.

In total there were 12,594 total offences recorded in the Kingston LGA last year across 2023. More than 40 per cent of them went unsolved by police.

Steal from motor vehicle was the most common offence recorded in Kingston. Cheltenham is the local suburb most affected by crime, followed by Moorabbin, Clayton South, Mentone, and Mordialloc. CSA chief statistician Fiona Dowsley said that increases in “high volume property and deception offences categories, particularly in thefts from motor vehicles and retail stores” is to blame for the statewide crime increase.

“An increase in these acquisitive offence types reflects in part a return to pre-pandemic trends, but also is in line with current cost of living pressures,” she said.

Victoria Police deputy commissioner of regional operations Neil Paterson said that the statewide increase

represented a return to pre-COVID crime levels. “Crime in Victoria has gradually increased over the past few years as Victorian life has returned to normality post pandemic,” he said. “When population is considered, Victoria pleasingly still has its third lowest crime rate at any point over the past decade – ahead of only 2022 and the COVID-marred 2021. While this is positive, that doesn’t mean there aren’t areas of concern.

“Child offending remains a real challenge for police and significant driver of serious and violent crime in Victoria. Victoria Police continue to hold these people accountable, with youth gang members targeted as part of Operation Alliance and young burglars and car thieves continually arrested and put before the courts under Operation Trinity. These operations have led to over 5,000 combined arrests over the past year, with Operation Trinity alone leading to the arrest of almost four burglars and car thieves every day – the vast majority children.

“While police will continue to patrol known hotspots every evening until dawn as part of Trinity, we are also calling on the community to play their part and lock their properties and cars.”

Crime in the neighboring Frankston municipality also increased more than the statewide average in 2023. To view the full crime statistics visit latest-crime-data-by-area

Thefts from cars drive Kingston crime Brodie Cowburn Kingston’s Pet Expo is back on Saturday 6 April. Animal enthusiasts, pet owners and their four-legged friends are invited to Kingston Heath Reserve from 9am to 1pm for a day of pet competitions, kids’ activities, demonstrations, and interactive talks. Pictured
is Leah with dingo Yera from stallholders Black Snake Productions.
For all your advertising and editorial needs, call us on 03 5974 9000 or email: 127 Your weekly community newspaper covering news from Carrum to Mentone Wednesday 3 April 2024 FREE An independent voice for the community Chelsea • Mordialloc • Mentone FREE TV GUIDE INSIDE! GET YOUR FREE TV GUIDE INSIDE! GET YOUR DOWNLOAD 3MP FROM THE APP STORE OR GOOGLE PLAY
Picture: Gary Sissons



View Club

Mordialloc Chelsea Evening View Club, meet the first Tuesday of the month at The Bridge Hotel Mordialloc. View is a leading women’s volunteer organisation where women connect and raise funds for charity. Contact Rhonda Lawrence: 0407 771 625.

Bayside Makerspace - Chelsea

Creative Workshops | Community

Monthly: Creative Huddle - Casual Social evening. Fortnightly: Writing Group. Weekly: Creative CoWorking. School Holiday workshops. Cricut craft machine classes. Bookings essential. Hire The Makerspace. Follow @baysidemakerspace IG/FB

Mosaic Community Choir

We love to sing and we welcome everyone who enjoys singing. No previous experience necessary; learning is part of what we do. Mondays, 7:30pm, Cnr Pine St and Chesterville Rd, Cheltenham or 0419 599 396

Kingston U3A

A friendly group of Seniors meet at Mentone Hub every Tuesday to play cards & board games at 10am to 3pm. BYO lunch.Tea, coffee and biscuits are supplied. New members welcome. Contact Heather on 0408 036 247.

Friends of the Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands

Welcome you to come and visit the Wetlands Birds at the Bird Hide in Edithvale Rd (500metres west of the Education Centre). Most Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1-5pm.

Beach Revegetation Volunteers Wanted


reserve with native coastal plants, habitats, natural coastal amenity, restore wetlands, and waterways, save suburban heritage and amenity. First Wed month 2pm Mordialloc, Sec: 0434 043 416, 9580 2706,,

Probus - Carrum Downs Meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Lyrebird Community Centre from 10am. Please contact Annette: 0428 027 925

Friends of Bradshaw Bushland Reserve. Begun 1972, restoring 1.8ha bushland sanctuary of damp sands woodland, cnr White St/Nepean Hwy Mel87E10. Welcome: third Sat month 10noon; Sec: 0432 050 923;;; au/~fobp; Friends-of-Bradshaw/101184479976001

NEW! The Wetlanders - Social Walking Group. Join our walking group leaders, discover new local paths and meet new people! Every Thursday at 10am. Meet at the front of Chelsea Heights Community Centre Enquiries : 03 9772 3391

Chelsea Lawn Tennis Club

Invites you to enjoy social tennis every Monday and Wednesday morning 9.30am till 12 noon. Beginners are welcome. First visit FREE! Tennis racquets available. 13 Beardsworth Ave Chelsea. Ph Fay: 0438 722 007 or just arrive.

Rotary Club of Mordialloc Meets weekly on Tuesdays, 6.30-7.30pm meeting and dinner afterwards at Mordialloc Sporting Club (MordyHQ), 528 Main Street, Mordialloc. New members welcome. Call Trina Williams on 0403 046 449 or email:

Frankston Food Swap 2nd Saturday of the month at 1pm. Swap your excess vegies, homemade foods or seedlings. Kareela Café, 53 Kareela Rd, Frankston Mentone Heritage Railway Station Arts & Craft Market. 1st Sunday of every Month, 8am-2pm. Arts, Gifts, Textiles, Wellbeing, Toys, Candles, Jewellery, and a hands on Potter on site. Local groups & Buskers to entertain you

The Frankston Beach Association holds working bees every 2nd Monday morning revegetating Frankston’s foreshore. Enjoy the outdoors for a few hours, in the company of like minded volunteers. Call Johan on 0418374981 if you are interested.

Aspendale Gardens Community Gardens

Run by volunteers focused on providing a space for our community to gather, connect, learn and exercise. For course info and further details 9587 5955 or call into 103-105 Kearney Drive, Aspendale Gardens.

Chelsea Activity Hub

Provides a wide range of programs and activities. Something to suit everyone so come along and enquire at 3 Showers Ave, Chelsea. 9.00am –2.00pm Mon, Tues, Thurs or Fri or call 9581 3045.

Southern Area Concert Band are seeking new brass, percussion and wind players! Rehearsals every Monday (except public and school holidays). Wind Band 5:30pm - 7pm. Concert Band 7:30pm - 9pm. NG Senior Citizen Hall 964 Nepean Hwy, Moorabbin |

Chelsea Heights Community Centre

At our Centre you can develop friendships, have fun, exchange ideas or learn new skills. With over 30 different classes and activities, there is something for everyone! For more info visit us or call 9772 3391.

Parkinson’s Peer Support Group

St Nicholas Anglican Church, 9 Bear St Mordialloc. 2nd Thursday of each month, at 1 pm. Guest speakers, afternoon tea. People with Parkinson’s, carers and family members all welcome. Further details Contact Helen 0418 527 172.

Volunteer at a Family Life Op Shop. Volunteer with our amazing team and make a difference in your community. No experience necessary! To find out more or to express your interest call 03 8599 5433 or visit:

Mordialloc Neighbourhood House

We have an open door to the community providing a meeting place for groups, educational and recreational activities. To learn more phone 9587 4534 or call into 457 Main St, Mordialloc.

Patterson Lakes Community Centre

Each month the PLCC promotes a local artist by showcasing their work in our recently created exhibition space. This is a fantastic opportunity for artists to get some exposure in our community. Contact 9581 3040

Seniors Easy Exercise

Strength & movement classes for seniors. Mon 10.30am - 11.30am, Wed & Fri 9.15am10.15am. Call for details 9580 3675. Mordialloc

Community Centre 115A Warren Rd, Mordialloc.

Frankston CWA

Looking for members from the age of 10 for our junior group, meets the first Sat per month from 1-30pm and there is also craft on Wed mornings from 9-30am. Details call Jenny: 041051930

Mornington Peninsula Welsh Ladies Choir

Planning a Singing Tour of Wales this year

Rehearsal every Sunday evening at 7pm at Yamala Park Bowls Club Dunstan St Frankston South. For more details contact Trudi on 0406 678 261 or email

The Probus Club of Seaford. We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month at The Pat Rollo Football Club, Silver Avenue, Frankston North. For more information call

Johanne: 0419 326 085.

Chatty Cafe - Coffee and chat

Frankston Library Tuesdays 1pm to 3pm. Everyone welcome. Further info contact Jacky on 0416 860 239 or mornpen@chattycafeaustralia. or see

Frankston Stroke Support Group

Our group is open to new members for support and socialisation. Meets the first Wednesday of the month from 1pm-3pm at the Frankston North Community Centre. For more information contact Janelle on 9789 6427 or

Join 123Read2Me in sorting books for disadvantaged kids. We provide full training. Thursdays & Saturdays 10-1 in Heatherton (Moorabbin). Contact Jeff at 0402 183 123 to learn more. Your time and effort will bring joy and learning to young readers!

Frankston Bridge Club

Has moved to a new location at 200 Beach Street, Frankston. We welcome all past, current and new members to come and visit us. Please call Sue for additional info 0412 975 502.

FVIPA Foundation

Open to vision impaired people, their families and support workers as well as anyone who would like the chance to meet and socialise regularly. 49 Railway Parade, Seaford. Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings. Ph: 0458 831 313

ParkinSong Langwarrin

Meets at Grace Church, cnr Warrandyte & Cranbourne Rds on Thursday afternoons at 2pm. Music therapy, gentle exercise & support for carers & those living with Parkinson’s. Contact: or phone Cathy 8809 0400 for 2023 dates.

The Aspendale Seniors Club

Mondays at 1.15pm. Join us for a great concert with a professional entertainer. Only $5. We also have table tennis, gentle exercises, and other activities. 151A Station Street, Aspendale. Phone Sheila on 9772 5639 or 0417 542 941

Friendly Cards Group 500 cards

Wednesday nights: 7.20pm - 10.30pm. Frankston North Community Centre; 26 Mahogany Ave Frankston North. All are welcome. Cost $5. Tea & coffee available. Enquires Roma: 0438 540 108 or Bill: 0417 396 247

Frankston Ladies Probus

Meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at 2 Logan St. Frankston. 10am - noon. We have a guest speaker at each meeting. Lunches, day trips, chat/coffee mornings, etc. Ring Jo for more info: 0400 514 212

Frankston Ladies Choir is a fun and friendly choir, meeting on Tuesday evenings in a spacious modern venue. Ladies interested in joining are welcome to come along. Call Marion for details 0498 210 824.

Carrum Downs Tennis Club - Free Tennis

Tennis 4 Teens:12 - 17 year-olds. Mum’s Tennis: 5 weeks of free social tennis. Resilience Thru Tennis: coaching session for primary or secondary age children who have been impacted by COVID-19. Contact Jarrod 0406792832

Frankston Masters Athletics Club Meets every Thursday 7pm at Ballam Park Athletics Track, Frankston. Sprints, middle distance and distance events. Come along and join us in a supportive and fun environment. All abilities welcome. Phone Frances 0405 474472

Peninsula Activities Group Friendship Club meets every third Friday of each month at Uniting Church Hall, High Street, Frankston. Meet at 10.00 for 10.30 start. After meeting stop and have a cup of coffee/tea and a chat. Contact Joana 9775 2304.

Peninsula Field Naturalists Club 16 High St Frankston on the 2nd Wednesday of the month 8pm.We are amateurs who are interested in all aspects of the natural environment. Ring Judy on 0400 910 941, or visit


The next Community Event Calendar will be published 1st May 2024 Email your free, 40 word, listing to by 24th April 2024


Tuesday 23 April 10.30am and 6pm


City of Kingston (Mentone office) 34 Brindisi Street, Mentone

Bookings are FREE but essential, so reserve your seat by calling 1300 819 200 or by emailing us at

The City of Kingston’s AccessCare team is hosting a free in-home care information session for all Kingston residents. /accesscaremelbourne

PAGE 2 Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024 Aged Care INFO SESSION Free
Help shape our projects and services! Yarrabah Community Market Saturday May 4 from 9am-1pm. 23 Mill Street, Aspendale. The market brings together the school and wider community in a fun, inclusive and accessible space. Funds raised in May will go towards the Yarrabah School Garden Project. Probus Club of Edithvale We meet on the 4th Thursday of each month at Longbeach RSL, Thames Promenade Chelsea at 10.00am. New members welcome. For more information call Barb on 0409 862 004 Photographic Club Looking to take up or improve your photography? The Frankston Photographic Club runs regular activities and events including guest speakers, scoring & critique nights, workshops, social evenings and outings. To find out more go to Mordialloc-Beaumaris Conservation League. MBCL advocates to: protect fragile foreshore

Thousands use breast cancer facility

A NEW breast cancer imaging suite at Frankston Hospital is expected to see around 3000 patients a year by 2032.

The Peta Murphy Breast Imaging Suite was officially opened by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in February. The facility is named after the former Dunkley MP, who died from breast cancer in December (“Murphy’s memorial at hospital” The Times 5/2/2024).

The first patient was seen at the facility on 2 February. It is projected to host around 2400 mammograms this year, a number Peninsula Health expects to increase to around 3000 in the next eight years.

Peninsula Health breast care co-ordinator Rhonda Barnes said that breast cancer diagnosis grew by 17 percent on the Mornington Peninsula between 2015 and 2019, and that the new facility would help detect cases.

“It will make a massive difference to patients on the Mornington Peninsula,” Barnes said. “The service is able to provide mammography and breast imaging services to the Peninsula Health community free of charge.

“If we are able to provide care in a timely manner it can alleviate the stress or worries for most patients who receive a diagnosis. In fact, 80 percent of breast cancer patients don’t have any problems in the future.

“We’ve got an excellent team here, and the service is very streamlined. If an abnormality is detected, we can organise breast biopsies within a few days, and if an urgent appointment is required their operation can be completed within two weeks.”

The breast cancer imaging suite is open three days a week. Its hours can be expanded in the future.

Step out in style at the Garden Bar, the top spot to play on Sportsbet Mornington Cup. Indulge in an elevated party atmosphere and an allinclusive food and beverage package at this prime trackside location.

Immerse yourself in every memorable moment.

Whether you're a seasoned punter or first-time racegoer, it’s the perfect place to perch for a premium race day experience. Complete with an all-inclusive menu and picturesque views of Mornington Racecourse, this trackside haven is more than just a place to watch the races.

Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024 PAGE 3
Critical service: Donna Jones, Helen Gordon and Rhonda Barnes. Picture: Supplied

Editor: Brodie Cowburn 0401 864 460

Journalists: Brodie Cowburn 5974 9000

Photographers: Gary Sissons, Yanni

Advertising Sales: Anton Hoffman 0411 119 379

Real Estate Account Manager: Jason Richardson 0421 190 318

Production and graphic design: Dannielle Espagne, Marcus Pettifer

Group Editor: Keith Platt

Publisher: Cameron McCullough

REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Peter McCullough, Stuart McCullough, Andrew Hurst, Ben Triandafillou

ADDRESS: Mornington Peninsula News Group PO Box 588 Hastings 3915

Email: Web:



An independent voice for the community

We are the only locally owned and operated community newspaper. We are dedicated to the belief that a strong community newspaper is essential to a strong community. We exist to serve residents, community groups and businesses and ask for their support in return.

Dinner at mosque

THE Bait-us-Salam mosque in Langwarrin will host a fasting dinner this weekend, with the theme Love for all, hatred for none.

The Iftaar dinner will be held on Sunday 7 April.

Scholars from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Muslim faiths, MPs, councillors, academics, and civic leaders have been invited to attend.

The religious scholars will speak about the tradition of fasting in their respective faiths.

The Bait-us-Salam, House of Peace mosque, is in Leisureland Drive, Langwarrin.

The event is open to the public. Register attendance by 4 April at:

Save Westernport

SAVE Westernport’s annual general meeting will be held at Coolart Homestead and Wetlands, Lord Somers Road, Somers 2pm-4pm Saturday 20 April.

The meeting will discuss the past year and how Western Port can be protected “from the threats it faces”.

Save Westernport memberships can be renewed or made

In the Spotlight

Frankston’s Street Art Walking Tours were recently announced as the Best Street Art Tour in Australia, clinching the gold in the Australian Street Art Awards for the third successive year. This accolade marks our city as the first destination in the country to be inducted into the Australian Street Art Awards’ Hall of Fame. As if that weren’t impressive enough, our city’s street art festival, The Big Picture Fest, also received recognition, securing the silver for Best Street Art Festival or Event. Although the 2024 Big Picture Festival concluded last week, the beauty of this event lies in the fact that the artwork remains on display throughout the year for all to admire. Consider booking a street art tour soon to discover the new artworks or download a copy of the Street Art Map to guide yourself – it’s a fantastic school holiday activity! Visit to learn more.

Speaking of school holidays, the Mayor’s Family Picnic will take place on Sunday, May 7th, at Cruden Farm. The event promises plenty of free activities for kids, informative sessions for parents, and entertainment including music, magic, and laughter for all attendees. Visit to learn more.

In April, we are also fortunate to welcome many top class touring shows to Frankston Arts Centre including the hilarious Umbilical



9784 1060

(for $20) at

Fees go towards running the volunteer community group. Artists Jo Lane and Dr Laura Brearley will speak at the meeting about their proposed project Across the Waters: how art, science and music can inspire environmental protection, stewardship and activism.

Gypsy Songs

PENINSULA Chamber musicians will be joined by soprano Suzanne Shakespeare and mezzo sopranos Juel Riggall and Katrina Waters for a night of Gypsy Passion, 5.30pm-7.30pm at Beleura House, Mornington on Friday 12 April.

Originating in northern India, the Romani people migrated to Europe around the 14th century bringing their musical culture with them. These sounds and styles influenced composers from Bizet and Brahms to Dvorak and Delibes. The soulful style of these folk melodies, combined with the imagined freedoms of the bohemian lifestyle, inspired operatic characters and cycles of Gypsy Songs.


Brothers on Saturday 6 April and the internationally-acclaimed circus and acrobatic show Humans 2.0 by Circa on Thursday 18 April. Book tickets at

Kubik is set to transform the Waterfront at night from April 5th to 20th. Renowned for its innovative use of geometric shapes and lighting effects, this dynamic temporary venue has become synonymous with top-tier DJ performances and a mouth-watering array of food options. Check out the line-up and book your tickets at

And make sure not to miss the South Side Festival coming to Frankston in May. This marks the third year of the festival, a celebration of arts and culture that brings together local talent, venues, and locations, blending them with the best of the contemporary art scene. Tickets and registrations are now available for over 40 arts and cultural events, many of them free or low cost. Explore the full program at and book today.

PAGE 4 Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024 Circulation: 16,880 Audit period: Oct 2013 - Mar 2014 Source: AMAA; CAB Total Distribution Audit for further information visit Chelsea • Mordialloc • Mentone
published by Mornington Peninsula News Group Pty. Ltd
9000 Published weekly
PHONE: 03 5974
Davey Street, FRANKSTON,

Oberon’s oldest member hits 100

WESTERN Port Oberon Association has celebrated the 100th birthday of its oldest member, Duncan Lamont Mackinnon.

Born on a sailing ship, the steel barque Garthsnaid, on 5 December 1923 while it was moored in the Yarra River, Mackinnon is the oldest member of the association, which operates the Victorian Maritime Centre at Crib Point.

To attend school in Port Melbourne he had to row a dingy with his bike aboard across the Yarra and cycle to school.

At the age of 10 his mother took him to Scotland where they lived for three years.

Aged 14 at the start of World War II, Mackinnon’s brother Archie helped him get away to sea as deck boy in the Merchant Navy. He signed on with the UK Blue Star Line on the MV Sydney Star.

The two brothers joined their older brother Donald in the Merchant Navy.

Mackinnon later jumped ship in Sydney and joined the army where, after completing his training, he was transferred on overseas duty. He fought to drive the Japanese out of the islands to Australia's north, including at the battle of Slaters Knoll on Bougainville. During this battle Mackinnon is credited with overpowering a Japanese officer and a sniper, seizing the officer’s sword and the sniper’s rifle. He brought both “souvenirs” back to Australia. The sword and bayonet are in the museum

and the rifle locked away in a safe.

Mackinnon’s brother Donald was killed when his ship MV Melbourne Star was torpedoed.

After the war Mackinnon worked as a storeman for several companies, including General Motors. The company’s warehouse was so big that he

used roller skates to collect parts to be shipped out.

Mackinnon was treasurer for the Merchant Navy War Service League until the league was disbanded.

In 2008 he joined the Victorian Maritime Centre project as a volunteer, eventually becoming secretary.

A CENTURY of memories: Duncan Lamont Mackinnon during World War II in Bougainville; his place of birth, the steel barque Garthsnaid after it was wrecked on Gabo Island; and a board containing letters of congratulation on attaining his 100th birthday, including best wishes from King Charles III and Queen Camilla. Pictures: Supplied

Mackinnon has written a book of his life and was interviewed by the late Dennis Gist on 3RPP talking about his life experiences. He lives in Hastings with his wife

Margo while his son Donald also lives locally.

The term natures gentleman can be used to describe a person, sometimes overstated, but Mackinnon truly deserves that title.

* Max Bryant was the instigator of the Western Port Oberon Association (1999) which runs the Victorian Maritime Centre at 120 The Esplanade, Crib Point.

Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024 PAGE 5
566 Main St Mordialloc VIC 3195 Authorised by Mark Dreyfus MP, ALP. 566 Main Street Mordialloc 3195. HERE TO HELP 03 9580 4651 | 566 MARK.DREYFUS.MP@APH.GOV.AU MARK DREYFUS MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR ISAACS IF I CAN HELP WITH ANY FEDERAL ISSUE, DON’T HESITATE TO CONTACT ME. Your Federal Member in the Australian Federal Parliament RESORT LIVING EVERY DAY. RETIRE IN SOUTH GIPPSLAND. Experience the boutique retirement dream at Mountain View Leongatha Be on a permanent holiday by joining our exclusive community. Choice of 2 & 3 bedroom master built luxury homes with single or double garages. Heated swimming pool, bowling green and community vegetable garden A 24 hour emergency call service and secure caravan and boat storage for peace of mind. Contact us for further information. Master built luxury homes. Double Garages now available. Community Centre completed and operational. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Monday & Tuesday 9am - 3pm (Wednesday closed) Thursday 9am - 3pm, Friday 9am -4pm Ph: (03) 5612 4800 1 Dale Drive Leongatha VIC 3953 SMALL, PRIVATE, GATED VILLAGE WITH ONLY 45 VILLAS FINAL STAGE NOW SELLING RESORT LIVING EVERY DAY FOR ACTIVE OVER 55'S

Police officer attacked with box cutter

A MAN has been charged for allegedly attacking police with a box cutter in Frankston last month.

At around 6.30pm on 22 March, police attended an address in Foame Avenue believing a stolen white Jeep to be there. They attempted to arrest a man, who then allegedly assaulted them.

The man allegedly slashed one police officer with a box cutter before fleeing in the Jeep. Both police officers were taken to hospital.

Police chased the car through Cranbourne, and stopped it using stop sticks on Cranbourne Road. The man was arrested after a chase on-foot, police say.

A 25-year-old man of no fixed address was charged with 28 offences - his charges included assault emergency worker whilst on duty, intentionally cause injury, recklessly cause injury, intentionally exposing emergency worker to risk by driving, driving after being given a direction to stop, reckless conduct endangering serious injury, theft of motor vehicle, unlicensed driving, and arson. He was remanded to appear at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on 17 June.

Guns and firearms

seized in Carrum Downs

CAULFIELD Divisional Response

Unit officers, with the assistance of The Fugitive Squad, have charged two men with firearms and drug trafficking after a large amount of methamphetamine was seized in Carrum Downs on Friday.

Officers searched a vehicle on Oberon Drive about 10.30am.

It’s alleged two shotguns, drugs and cash were located in the rear of a Golf VW, parked in the driveway of a property.

A firearm and explosives were allegedly located during a search warrant on James Cook Drive in Cranbourne on Wednesday, 20 March.

A 39-year-old Skye man was charged with prohibited person possess firearm, traffick commercial quantity of methamphetamine, and dangerous driving while being pursued by police.

He was remanded in custody and will appear at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on 21 June, 2024.

A 33-year-old Carrum Downs man was charged with possess unregistered firearm and traffick commercial quantity of methamphetamine.

He was bailed to next appear at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on 21 June, 2024.

THIS year’s Western Port Craft Expo will include new and longtime exhibitors, including wood turner Alan Poole who first showed his bowls, platters, rustic vases and pens, when the expo was held in the Hastings Uniting Church Hall.

Poole, who has been wood turning for nearly 20 years, said he had wanted to try turning as a young carpenter and joiner, but had to wait until his children were self-sufficient to afford a lathe.

“I started out with a small one, then a bigger one, and then even bigger,” he said. Since moving into a retirement village at Cranbourne he has “retreated” to the smaller equipment.

At this year’s expo he will show a nutcracker bowl turned from a piece of 100-year-old elm. He mainly uses

red gum, walnut and wattle to turn pen cases.

Poole’s Pickawood Turning stand will be in front of the big mirror at The Hub, Frankston-Flinders Road, Hastings.

Three other Cranbourne village residents are exhibiting at the expo with bags, cards, painted garden pots, knitted dolls as well as being accompanied by a bus load of neighbours.

Kat McKee has been part of the Western Port Craft Expo for five years, teaching sewing for eight years as Forever Four at Tyabb.

“Being part of the expo has been a highlight for me, where I get to showcase my passion for sewing and embroidery. It's incredibly rewarding to share my knowledge and skills with others while also inspiring creativity

in my students,” she said.

“Sewing isn't just a hobby for me — it's a way of life, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to help others discover the joy of creating beautiful things with fabric and thread.”

McKee’s daughter Jordyn will help visitors make bead friendship bracelets, popular from the Taylor Swift concerts.

The Saturday 20 April 20 expo at The Hub, Frankston-Flinders Road, Hastings will also include a toy making competition. Toys can be knitted, crocheted, made of fabric or wood. Entries can be for sale or donated to charity. Prizes for the best puzzle, most creative and people’s choice.

The judge will be Cr Lisa Dixon.


PAGE 6 Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024 NEWS DESK
Crafts and toy contest at expo Police patrol With Brodie Cowburn Your dream kitchen awaits... Dream Doors Kitchens is the home of the amazing kitchen facelift. We can update your doors, handles, benchtop, and splashback, giving your kitchen a brand new look without having to replace the existing cabinets. Keeping your existing cabinets means your kitchen can be done in as little as 3 days Faster Keeping your existing cabinets can save you thousands over a brand new kitchen Cheaper Locally owned and Australian Made, backed by a 10 year warranty, plus we manage all the trades. Better WE ALSO SPECIALISE IN WARDROBES Visit to find out more DDK Melbourne South & Peninsula Call Bevan on 0414 060 481 or call 1800 373 263
KAT McKee, left, and Alan Poole at his regular stall at the Western Port Craft Expo. Pictures: Supplied

It’s circus time!

THE circus has been a family favourite for generations and is the perfect way to amuse and entertain kids this school holidays.

Circus Latino is a dynamic and exciting show which aims to thrill and captivate audiences of all ages. Featuring talented performers from South America and Australia, you will be amazed at the daring aerial acts, marvel at the tricks performed with fire, hoops and laugh at their hilarious clown, maybe even become part of the show yourself by volunteering to come up on stage.

Argentinian dancers and Latin music throughout give Circus Latino its South American flavour, this combined with artistic and dramatic acts and circus favourites make Circus Latino a unique and entertaining experience for all.

Circus Latino will be performing in Dingley Village – corner of Boundary & Centre Rds., from March 22 - April 21. Tickets can be purchased online or phone 0434 600 703

Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024 PAGE 7 School
Holiday Feature
Photos: supplied School
generations entertain Circus which all ages. South amazed tricks their of the on stage. It’s Meet Anton Hoffman, your local advertising rep. He’s been in the print media industry for many years and knows what it takes to make a good ad work. Contact Anton on 0411 119 379 or to arrange a meeting and let his expertise work for you. Did you know... you can view our papers online Bayside

School Holiday Feature

Explore a wildlife PARC

HAVE your little ones hopping with excitement with PARC’s April school holiday program.

Your kids will have a wildly good time with PARC’s Wildlife themed programs as they explore the outback, with a splash! Dive into the pools, zip down raft waterslides and explore the multi-level Aquatic Playground.

There is plenty of out of water fun to be had with face painting, balloon entertainment, Wildlife Scavenger Hunt as well as interactive activities to bring the Wildlife PARC experience to life.

Dolphin Discovery with the Mammal Foundation – Friday 5 April

Children will be able to explore the Burrunan dolphins of Port Philip Bay through unique dorsal fin nicks-and-notches as well as head below the surface to hear the sounds of dolphins in the bay.

Create a Seed Ball for Butterflies with Living with Wildlife – Friday 12 April

This hands-on activity is perfect for children curious about nature! Create habitat for butterflies using native seeds and clay children create 'seed balls' to take home and start a butterfly patch in the garden.

Bookings for both OF THESE activities are essential and can be made online via PARC’s website.

All activities are included in the entry fee making it an affordable day out for families.

PARC’s school holiday program will run weekdays from Tuesday 2 April to Friday 12 April between 11am-3pm. Activities change daily, so be sure to check their school holiday calendar on their website for booking details and dates and times of all the pool side entertainment.

Arthurs Seat Eagle Autumn magic

EMBRACE the best of Autumn at the Arthurs

Seat Eagle with school holiday adventures for the whole family.

Celebrate Easter, with themed crafts and story time. Then join the exciting stamp hunt and collect 10 different stamps from around the eagle to claim a prize! Daily kids craft sessions are scheduled throughout the holidays to unleash creativity, while live native animal shows by Aussie Wildlife and dance workshops offer unique entertainment.

Explore the beauty of Arthurs Seat State Park through guided indigenous walks with Living Culture, savour honey tastings, and don’t miss the enchanting twilight flights on Saturday evenings! Engage your senses with different themed sensory tables for kids, available daily at the base, promising a new discovery with each visit.

Elevate your weekends with live music on the deck, featuring a diverse lineup of local artists every Saturday and Sunday; creating the perfect backdrop for your aerial journey, or whilst enjoying a refreshing beverage after your flight.

As the second week unfolds, ‘Autumn Magic’ takes over with themed offerings in the café, magical decorations that transform the space, and special magic themed twilight flights on Saturdays to experience the landscape in a new light. Be captivated by roaming magicians on Saturday evenings, adding a sprinkle of wonder to your visit.

Go to for information about our full school holiday program and to book our Aussie Wildlife, Guided Indigenous Walks and Autumn Magic Picnic Experiences. With something for everyone this school holidays, Arthurs Seat Eagle promises an autumn adventure that’s every bit special.

PAGE 8 Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024
Family Flight. photo: supplied Photo: supplied

The Guide


ABC TV PLUS, 10.25pm


SBS, 7.30pm

In this documentary, historian Lucy Worsley (pictured), donning a bright red beret and an infectious sense of urgency and passion, escorts viewers on an exclusive trek into Notre-Dame’s painstaking recovery and restoration. It’s her second foray into the intricate, expensive process (there’ll be no change from around A$15 million) as the renovation enters its final stages. It’s a mind-blowing feat of engineering.

In this romantic period drama from Barry Jenkins, Tish and Fonny (KiKi Layne and Stephan James, both pictured) are old friends who become lovers in 1970s Harlem. However, their lives take a turn when Fonny is falsely accused of rape and Tish discovers she is pregnant. Her quest to clear his name is exquisitely and intricately told.


ABC TV, 7.30pm

This amiable crime comedy is light and airy with a nose for fun. It’s the antithesis to crime shows that concentrate on the dark and disturbing side of murder – if you’re fond of distractions such as Father Brown and Death in Paradise, this beautifully polished crime caper will tickle your fancy. The sublime French terrain and buildings set the tone, with sun and whimsy the overarching focus as chief magistrate Antoine Verlaque (Endeavour’s Roger Allam, pictured) and his glamorous criminal psychologist lover Marine Bonnet (Father Brown’s Nancy Carroll) play detective in the small town of Aix-en-Provence.


ABC TV, 8.30pm

The beauty of this long-running detective series – returning for its 13th season tonight – lies not just in the Northumberland scenery cultivated with medieval churches and windswept cliffs. It’s the titular detective (Brenda Blethyn, pictured), grumbling and bluntly speaking her mind, who is categorically enchanting. These three new episodes feature an admirably unguessable whodunnit

Thursday, April 4

ABC TV (2)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News

Mornings. 10.00 Australian Story. (R) 10.30 Compass. (PG, R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (PG, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Big Deal. (Ml, R) 1.55 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 2.25 Back Roads. (R) 2.55 Old People’s Home For 4 Year Olds. (R) 3.55 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 4.40 Grand Designs. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Destination Flavour: Singapore. 9.20 For The Love Of Dogs. 10.20

Puppy Secrets: First Six Months. (PG, R) 11.20 Mountain Vets. (M) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Alone Australia. (PG, R) 3.00 Mastermind. (R) 3.30 The Point: Road To Referendum. (R) 3.45 The Cook Up. (R) 4.15 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30

6.00 Deal Or No Deal.

6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news.

7.30 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PGals) Hosted by Julia Morris and Robert Irwin.

8.30 Gogglebox Australia. TV fanatics open up their living rooms to reveal their reactions to popular and topical TV shows.

9.30 Law & Order:

(Mav, R) Benson tries to help a pop star. Rollins struggles with taking the stress of work home with her.

10.30 Blue Bloods. (Mav, R)

11.30 The Project. (R)

12.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)

1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.


Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – TV Guide 3 April 2024 PAGE 1
SBS (3)
(7) TEN (10)
Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Murder, She Baked: A Chocolate Chip Cookie Mystery. (2015, PGav, R) 2.00 Beat The Chasers UK. 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars. (PGl, R) 1.30 My Way. (PG, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Ent. Tonight. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (PGa, R) 9.00 Bold. (PGasv, R) 9.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R) 10.00 GCBC. (R) 10.30 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 11.00 Dr Phil. (PGas, R) 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.30 To Be Advised. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Neighbours. (PGa) 4.30 Bold. (PGas) 5.00 News. 6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Foreign Correspondent. Takes a look at Son Doong. 8.30 Grand Designs New Zealand. Presented by Tom Webster. 9.20 Antiques Roadshow. (R) Hosted by Fiona Bruce. 10.20 Better Date Than Never. (R) 10.45 ABC Late News. 11.00 The Business. (R) 11.20 Love On The Spectrum. (R) 12.20 Grand Designs. (R) 1.10 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.55 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.30 Doctor At The Door. (PG, R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
Mastermind Australia. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral Part 2. Lucy Worsley revisits Notre Dame. 8.30 Stanley Tucci: Searching For Italy: Calabria. (PGa) Stanley Tucci visits Calabria, the homeland of his family’s ancestors. 9.20 The Vanishing Triangle. (Malv) David and Brennan target Gough. 10.10 SBS World News Late. 10.40 Illegals. (MA15+v) 11.50 La Jauria. (MA15+dv, R) 3.40 Mastermind Australia. (R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Football. AFL. Round 4. Adelaide v Melbourne. 10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews taking a look back at all the action from the game. 11.00 The Latest: Seven News. (R) 11.30 The Amazing Race. (PGl, R) Hosted by Phil Keoghan. 1.00 Fortitude. (MA15+av, R) Natalie and Vincent prepare for their field trip. 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs. 5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise. 6.00 9News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 5. Melbourne Storm v Brisbane Broncos. 9.55 Thursday Night Knock Off. Post-match NRL news and analysis. 10.40 9News Late. 11.10 Law & Order: Organized Crime. (MA15+av) 12.00 A+E After Dark. (Mm, R) 1.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 2.00 Getaway. (PG, R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 9News Early. 5.30 Today.
CONSUMER ADVICE (P) Pre-school (C) Children (PG) Parental Guidance Recommended (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (R) Repeat (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence.
The Movie Show. Noon WorldWatch. 12.25 Hypothetical. 2.15 American Runestone: A Viking Mystery. 3.10 WorldWatch. 5.15 The Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia. 5.50 The UnXplained. 6.40 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 The Curse Of Oak Island. 10.10 Taskmaster. Midnight Hoarders. 12.50 F*ck, That’s Delicious. 1.20 Dark Side Of The Ring. 2.10 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 9.00 Harry’s Practice. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.30 My Greek Odyssey. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Better Homes. 5.00 Escape To The Country. 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Home And Away. 7.30 Father Brown. 8.30 The Coroner. 10.30 Murdoch Mysteries. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 Soccer. A-League Men. Round 22. Sydney FC v Central Coast Mariners. Highlights. 8.30 Jake And The Fatman. 9.30 Diagnosis Murder. 11.30 JAG. 1.30pm Star Trek: Voyager. 2.30 Jake And The Fatman. 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. 5.30 JAG. 7.30 Bull. 8.30 NCIS. 9.25 NCIS: New Orleans. 10.20 Evil. 11.15 Diagnosis Murder. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Diagnosis Murder. 4.05 JAG. 6am Morning Programs. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 Explore. 2.05 World’s Greatest Journeys. 3.05 Antiques Roadshow. 3.35 MOVIE: Raising The Wind. (1961) 5.30 Yorkshire Auction House. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 RBT. 8.30 Australia Behind Bars. 9.30 World’s Most Dangerous Prisoners. 10.30 Coroner. 11.30 Late Programs. 10 BOLD (12) 9GEM (92) 7TWO (72) SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 7.05pm Karma’s World. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Would I Lie To You? 8.35 Hard Quiz. 9.05 Gruen. 9.40 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. 10.10 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 10.55 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 11.20 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. Midnight Would I Lie To You? 12.30 Black Mirror. 1.40 Louis Theroux: The Night In Question. 2.45 Vera. 4.10 ABC News Update. 4.15 Close. 5.00 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Rich House, Poor House. 1.00 Raymond. 2.00 Bewitched. 2.30 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 Seinfeld. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 Raymond. 7.00 The Nanny. 7.30 Survivor 46. 9.00 MOVIE: What’s Your Number? (2011, MA15+) 11.10 Dating No Filter. 11.40 The Nanny. 12.10am Medium. 1.05 Below Deck. 2.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 11.00 Pawn Stars. Noon Highway Patrol. 1.00 The Force: BTL. 2.00 Close Encounters Down Under. 3.00 Billy The Exterminator. 3.30 Cities Of The Underworld. 4.30 Storage Wars. 5.00 American Restoration. 5.30 American Pickers. 6.30 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly. 8.30 America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League. 10.30 Mighty Ships. 11.30 Late Programs. 9GO! (93) 6am Kim Ji-Young, Born 1982. Continued. (2019, PG, Korean) 7.40 CJ7. (2008, PG, Cantonese) 9.15 Binti. (2019, PG, Dutch) 10.55 Jeremy. (2015, M, Spanish) 12.45pm I Can Quit Whenever I Want 2. (2017, M, Italian) 2.55 Looking Up. (2019, PG, Mandarin) 5.40 Dan In Real Life. (2007, PG) 7.30 The Internship. (2013, M) 9.40 Riders Of Justice. (2020, MA15+, Danish) 11.50 Late Programs. 6am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Becker. 8.00 Dr Phil. 9.00 The Middle. 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. 11.00 Becker. Noon Frasier. 1.00 Friends. 2.00 The Big Bang Theory. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 Becker. 5.30 Frasier. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. 8.30 Two And A Half Men. 11.00 Frasier. Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Late Programs. 10 PEACH (11) 7MATE (74) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 2pm Going Places. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Bushwhacked! 3.25 Fresh Fairytales. 3.40 The Magic Canoe. 4.05 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 4.35 Grace Beside Me. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 The 77 Percent. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Wild Rockies. 7.30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. 8.30 Bones Of Crows. 9.30 MOVIE: Jackie Brown. (1997, MA15+) 12.10am Late Programs. N ITV (34) TOP PICKS OF THE WEEK
Brenda Blethyn in Vera

Friday, April 5

ABC (2) SBS (3)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News

Mornings. 10.00 QI. (PG, R) 10.30 That Pacific

Sports Show. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Silent

Witness. (Malv, R) 2.00 House Of Gods. (Final, Ml, R) 2.55 Old People’s Home For 4 Year Olds. (R) 3.55 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)

4.40 Grand Designs. (R)

5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Destination Flavour: Singapore. (PGa, R) 9.20 For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 10.20 Puppy Secrets: The First Six Months. (R) 11.20 Mountain Vets. (M) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Mastermind. (R) 3.00 NITV News: Nula. 3.30 Destination Flavour China. (R) 3.40 Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.10 World’s Most Scenic River Journeys. (R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers.

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.35 Gardening Australia. Millie Ross propagates new plants.

8.35 Happy Valley. (Malv)

As Tommy’s big day approaches, Catherine becomes suspicious and Ryan finds a new way to defy her.

9.35 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

Presented by Tom Gleeson

10.05 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (R) A satirical news program.

10.35 QI. (PGa, R)

11.10 ABC Late News.

11.25 Western Stars. (PG, R)

12.45 Belgravia. (Final, PG, R)

1.35 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)


6am Children’s Programs. 7.05pm Karma’s World. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30

Would I Lie To You? 8.30 MOVIE: Taxi Driver. (1976, MA15+) 10.25 MOVIE: If Beale Street Could Talk. (2018, MA15+) 12.20am Would I Lie To You? 1.20

Close To Me. 2.10 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. 2.55 Everything’s Gonna Be Okay. 3.40 ABC News Update. 3.45 Close. 5.00 Hoopla. 5.15 Ready, Jet, Go! 5.25 Pablo. 5.40 Late Programs.

6am Morning Programs.

1.50pm Yarning Culture Through Film. 2.00 Going Places. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Jarjums. 3.25 Fresh Fairytales. 3.40 The Magic Canoe. 4.05 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 4.35 Grace Beside Me. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 NITV News: Nula. 6.00 Bamay. 6.40 Wild Survivors. 7.30 Eddie’s Lil’ Homies.

6.00 Mastermind Australia.

6.30 SBS World News.

7.35 Ancient Egypt By Train: Alexandria. (R) Part 1 of 4.

8.30 Michael Palin: Into Iraq. (PG, R) Part 1 of 3. Michael Palin embarks on a 1609km adventure through Iraq.

9.25 Secrets Of The Lost Liners: Normandie. (PGa, R) Takes a look at ocean liners.

10.15 SBS World News Late.

10.45 A French Case. (Malv)

11.45 Max Anger: With One Eye Open. (Malv, R)

3.20 Mastermind Australia. (R) 4.20 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.


6am WorldWatch.

10.00 The Movie Show. Noon WorldWatch. 12.25

Story Of Late Night. 1.10 The Swiping Game. 1.30 Hustle. 2.20 Over The Black Dot. 3.10 WorldWatch.

5.15 The Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia. 5.50 The UnXplained. 6.40 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats

Does Countdown. 8.30 Hoarders. 9.25 Sex Tape Finland. 11.15 Erotic Stories. 12.20am Hypothetical. 2.00 Late Programs.



Looking Up. (2019, PG, Mandarin) 8.45 After Yang. (2021, PG) 10.30 Dark City. (1998, M) 12.25pm I Can Quit Whenever I Want 3. (2018, M, Italian) 2.20 CJ7. (2008, PG, Cantonese) 4.00 Binti. (2019, PG, Dutch) 5.40 An Ideal Husband. (1999, PG) 7.30 Mars Attacks! (1996, M) 9.30 Gone Girl. (2014, MA15+) 12.15am The One I Love. (2014, M) 1.55 Late Programs.


Saturday, April 6

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast.

9.00 Rage. (PG) 12.00 News. 12.25 Death In Paradise. (Mv, R) 1.25 Miniseries: Life After Life. (Final, Mal, R) 2.20 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG, R) 2.50 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 3.40 Brian Cox’s Adventures In Space And Time. (R) 4.30 Better Date Than Never. (PG, R) 5.00 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG, R) 5.30 Landline. (R)

6.00 Australian Story: Patient Zero – Richard Scolyer. (R) Presented by Leigh Sales.

6.30 Back Roads: Braidwood, NSW. (PG, R) Presented by Heather Ewart.

7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.

7.30 Murder In Provence.

(Mav) Part 1 of 3.

9.00 Miniseries: The Suspect. (Mal) Part 1 of 5. A clinical psychologist is asked to assist in the investigation of the murder of a young woman.

9.50 House Of Gods. (Ma, R) Sheikh Mohammad departs for Mecca.

10.50 Happy Valley. (Malv, R)

11.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

6am Children’s

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Love Your Home And Garden. (PGa, R) 10.00 Vintage Voltage. 10.50 My Unique B&B. 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Motorcycle Racing. FIM Superbike World C’ship. Round 2. 3.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Tour Of Flanders. Men’s race. 4.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Tour Of Flanders. Women’s race. 5.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Rivers. (PG, R) 5.35 A Cold War Of Spies.

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Ireland’s Wild Islands: Sea Of Serpents. (PGa)

8.30 New Zealand From A Train: The Northern Explorer. (R) Part 1 of 2.

9.25 From Paris To Rome With Bettany Hughes: Florence, Lake Como, Milan. (PGaln, R) Part 3 of 4.

10.20 Secrets Of The Royal Palaces. (PGa, R)

11.10 Between Two Worlds. (MA15+asv)

12.05 Miniseries: True Colours. (Malv, R) 1.59

Going Places With Ernie Dingo. (PG, R) 3.00

Looking For Life On Mars. (R) 4.00 Bamay. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.


6am WorldWatch.

10.00 The Movie Show. Noon Leigh-Anne Pinnock:

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. Adam Dovile builds a modular lounge.

7.30 AFL: Friday Night Countdown. A lead-up to the Friday night AFL match.

8.00 Football. AFL. Round 4. Port Adelaide v Essendon. From Adelaide Oval.

11.00 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews.

11.45 Armchair Experts. (M)

A panel discusses all things AFL.

12.30 Get On Extra. A look at the weekend’s best racing.

1.00 The Arrangement. (Mav, R)

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)

5.00 NBC Today.

NINE (9)

7MATE (74)

6am Morning Programs.

11.00 American Pickers. Noon Pawn Stars. 1.00 Counting Cars. 2.00 Storage Wars: Barry’s Best Buys. 3.00 Timbersports. 3.30 Cities Of The Underworld. 4.30 Storage Wars. 5.00 American Restoration. 5.30 American Pickers. 6.30 Pawn Stars. 7.30 MOVIE: The Bone Collector. (1999, M) 10.00 MOVIE: The Forever Purge. (2021, MA15+) 12.15am Late Programs.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 David Attenborough’s Dynasties II: Macaque. (PGa) Narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

8.40 MOVIE: Toy Soldiers. (1991, Mvl, R)

After commandos seize control of a prep school, a group of students decides to take action. Sean Astin, Wil Wheaton.

10.55 See No Evil. (Mv)

11.55 Iconic Australia. (Mav, R)

1.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.55 Pointless. (PG, R) 2.55 Garden Gurus Moments. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Postcards. (PG, R) 4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)

TEN (10)

9GO! (93)

Doctor Dolittle. (1998, PG) 9.15 MOVIE: Forgetting Sarah Marshall. (2008, MA15+) 11.30 Late Programs.


6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise.

10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 Horse Racing. The Star Championships Day 1 and Caulfield Race Day. 5.00 Seven News At 5.

5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R) A woman is suspected of being involved in drugs.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 AFL Pre-Game Show. Pre-game coverage of the upcoming match, featuring hot topics and the latest AFL news.

7.30 Football. AFL. Round 4. Western Bulldogs v Geelong. From Adelaide Oval.

11.00 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews.

11.30 To Be Advised.

12.30 The Arrangement. (Mav, R) Kyle makes a move that could upend his life.

1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R) Information about pet care.

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Mystic. (R)

5.00 My Greek Odyssey: Amorgos. (PG, R)

10 News First: Midday.

1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.30 Judge Judy. (PG) 2.00

Ready Steady Cook. (PGa, R) 3.00 GCBC. 3.30

10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Everyday

Gourmet. (R) 4.30 Bold. (PGas) 5.00 News.

6.00 Deal Or No Deal.

Hosted by Grant Denyer.

6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news.

7.30 Ready Steady Cook.

Hosted by Miguel Maestre.

8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (PGa, R) Graham Norton is joined on the red couch by actors Daniel Craig and Sir Ian McKellen, presenter Clive Myrie and comedian John Bishop. Singer-songwriter Charlie Puth performs his song Loser 10.30 Fire Country. (PGa, R) The crew works to contain a forest fire.

11.30 The Project. (R)

12.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R)

10 PEACH (11)

6am The Late Show

With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Becker. 8.00 NBL Slam. 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. 9.00 So Help Me Todd. 11.00 Becker. Noon Frasier. 1.00 The Middle. 2.00 The Big Bang Theory. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 Becker. 5.30 Frasier. 6.30 The Big Bang Theory. 8.30 Two And A Half Men. 11.00 Frasier. Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Late Programs.

10 BOLD (12)

6am Home Shopping.

8.00 Soccer. A-League Men. Round 22. Melbourne Victory v Perth Glory. Highlights. 8.30 Ready Steady Cook. 9.30 Diagnosis Murder. 11.30 JAG. 1.30pm Star Trek: Voyager. 2.30 Jake And The Fatman. 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. 5.30 JAG. 7.30 Bull. 8.30 NCIS. 9.25 NCIS: Hawai’i. 11.15 Diagnosis Murder. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Diagnosis Murder. 4.05 JAG.


6.00 Hello SA. (PG, R) 6.30 A Current Affair. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG) 12.00 Great Australian Detour. (R) 12.30 Destination WA. (PG, R) 1.00 Ageless. (PGa) 1.30 Living On The Coast.

2.00 The Pet Rescuers. (PGm) 2.30 David Attenborough’s Dynasties II. (PGa, R) 3.30 Renovate Or Rebuild. 4.30 The Garden Gurus.

5.00 9News First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. (PG)

6.00 9News Saturday.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Space Invaders. (Final) Experts help people declutter their lives.

8.30 MOVIE: Godzilla Vs. Kong. (2021, Mav, R) Fearsome monsters Godzilla and King Kong square-off in an epic battle for the ages. Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown.

10.40 MOVIE: Hulk. (2003, Mav, R)

1.15 The Garden Gurus. (R) 1.45 Explore. (R)

2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PGa)

2.15 Getaway. (PG, R) 2.30 World’s Greatest Journeys. (PGa, R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Helping Hands. (PG, R)


6am Morning Programs. 9.30 Food Trail: South Africa. (R) 10.00 Ready Steady Cook. (R) 11.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PGals, R) 12.30 Silvia’s Italian Masterclass. 1.00 All 4 Adventure. (PGal, R) 2.00 Roads Less Travelled. (R) 2.30 Everyday Gourmet. (R) 3.00 What’s Up Down Under. (R) 3.30 GCBC. (R) 4.00 My Market Kitchen. 4.30 Taste Of Aust. (R) 5.00 News.

6.00 To Be Advised.

7.00 The Dog House. (PGa)

Two brothers are wowed by a pure husky. The search is on for a spaniel that needs a playmate that can keep up.

8.00 Ambulance UK. (Return, Ma)

In the first of two strike days, North West Ambulance Service loses over a third of its workforce.

10.30 So Help Me Todd. (PGv, R)

Todd stumbles into a case.

11.30 FBI: International. (Mv, R)

A lawyer is killed in a car bombing.

1.00 FBI: Most Wanted. (MA15+v, R)

The team investigates a murder spree. 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.

PAGE 2 Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – TV Guide 3 April 2024
Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG)
Seven Morning News.
MOVIE: Murder, She Baked: A Peach Cobbler Mystery. (2016, PGav, R)
Beat The Chasers UK.
The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG)
9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: Scented With Love. (2022, PGa, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Ent. Tonight. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (PGa, R) 9.00 Bold. (PGas, R) 9.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R) 10.00 GCBC. (R) 10.30 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 11.00 Dr Phil. (PGas, R) 12.00
SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) NITV (34) 10 BOLD (12) 9GO! (93) 7MATE (74)
7.45 MOVIE: Molly.
MOVIE: Bio-Dome. (1996, MA15+) 11.00 Late Programs.
6am Morning Programs.
Harry’s Practice. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 The Real Seachange. 2.30 Weekender. 3.00 Imagine Holidays Iconic Rail Journeys. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Animal Rescue. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 Explore. 2.00 Dr Quinn. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: Brothers In Law. (1957) 5.30 Yorkshire Auction House. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 5. Newcastle Knights v St George Illawarra Dragons. 9.55 Golden Point. 10.45 Late Programs. 9GEM (92) 7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Motor Racing. FIA World Endurance C’ship. H’lights. 1.00 Rich House, Poor House. 2.00 Bewitched. 2.30 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 Raymond. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 MOVIE: Oddball. (2015) 7.30 MOVIE:
(1983) 9.20
NITV (34)
Race, Pop And Power. 1.10 Monsters Of Many Worlds. 1.15 Gymnastics. FIG Rhythmic World Cup Series. H’lights. 3.15 WorldWatch. 5.20 The Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia. 5.55 The Food That Built The World. 7.35 Impossible Engineering. 8.30 Big Fat Quiz Of The
2023. 10.15 The UnXplained. 11.05 Better Things. (Final) 11.40 Late
Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Would I Lie To You? 8.00 QI. 8.30 Melbourne Comedy Festival: The Allstars Supershow. 10.35 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. 11.05 MythBusters. 11.50 Double Parked. 12.10am Portlandia. 12.55 Black Mirror. 2.05 Upstart Crow. 2.35 Unprotected Sets. 3.30 ABC News Update. 3.35 Close. 5.00 Hoopla. 5.15 Ready, Jet, Go! 5.25 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Binti. (2019, PG, Dutch) 7.40 A Hero. (2021, PG, Farsi) 10.00 The Internship. (2013, M) 12.15pm I Am Michael. (2015, M) 2.05 Dan In Real Life. (2007, PG) 3.55 The Kid From The Big Apple. (2016, PG, Mandarin) 6.10 The World’s Fastest Indian. (2005, PG) 8.30 Reservoir Dogs. (1992, MA15+) 10.25 The Chambermaid Lynn. (2014, MA15+, German) 12.05am Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 11.50 MOVIE: Selkie. (2000, PG) 1.25pm Wild Survivors. 2.15 NITV News: Nula. 2.45 Going Places. 3.45 Bamay. 4.20 Utopia Generations. 4.50 Persons Of Interest. 5.50 Going Native. 6.20 News. 6.30 Strait To The Plate. 7.00 The Other Side. 7.30 Alone Australia. 8.30 MOVIE: Poltergeist. (1982, M) 10.30 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra. 11.10 Late Programs. 6am Home Shopping. 9.00 To Be Advised. 10.00 Diagnosis Murder. Noon Jake And The Fatman. 1.00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Adventures. 2.00 JAG. 5.00 Escape Fishing With ET. 5.30 Bondi Rescue. 6.00 JAG. 7.00 Soccer. A-League Men. Round 23. Melbourne Victory v Melbourne City. 10.15 NCIS: Los Angeles. 12.05am NCIS: Hawai’i. 2.00 What’s Up Down Under. 2.30 48 Hours. 3.30 Late Programs. 6am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 The King Of Queens. 8.00 Becker. 9.00 Neighbours. 11.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 11.30 The King Of Queens. 12.30pm To Be Advised. 3.30 Becker. 4.00 Frasier. 5.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.00 The Big Bang Theory. 10.30 Friends. Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 South Park. 2.00 Charmed. 3.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 4.00 South Park. 4.30 Home Shopping. 10 PEACH (11) 6am Home Shopping. 8.30 Travel Oz. 10.00 Escape To The Country. 11.00 Harry’s Practice. 11.30 Get On Extra. Noon Escape To The Country. 1.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 2.00 Escape To The Country. 5.00 Horse Racing. The Star Championships Day 1 and Caulfield Race Day. 6.00 Heathrow. 6.30 Bondi Vet. 7.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 12.10pm MOVIE: Summer Holiday. (1963) 2.30 MOVIE: How To Murder Your Wife. (1965, PG) 5.00 Rugby Union. Super Rugby Women’s. Round 4. ACT Brumbies v Fijian Drua. 7.00 Rugby Union. Super Rugby Pacific. Round 7. ACT Brumbies v NSW Waratahs. 9.30 Super Rugby Pacific Post-Match. 9.45 MOVIE: Rocky Balboa. (2006, M) 11.45 Late Programs. 9GEM (92) 7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. 1.40pm Motor Racing. Formula E. Tokyo ePrix. H’lights. 2.45 A1: Highway Patrol. 3.45 The Bradshaw Bunch. 5.15 Kenan. 5.45 MOVIE: Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. (2011) 7.30 MOVIE: 17 Again. (2009, PG) 9.30 MOVIE: The DUFF. (2015, M) 11.30 Dating No Filter. Midnight Kardashians. 2.00 Love After Lockup. 2.30 A1: Highway Patrol. 3.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 11.00 The 4WD Adventure Show. 11.30 Your 4x4. Noon Bossy’s Bucket List. 12.30 Blokesworld. 1.00 Football. VFL. Gather Round. State Game. SANFL v VFL. 4.00 Supercar Customiser: Yianni. 5.00 Counting Cars. 5.30 Storage Wars. 6.00 Pawn Stars. 7.00 Storage Wars. 7.30 MOVIE: Raising Helen. (2004, PG) 10.00 MOVIE: Anna. (2019, MA15+) 12.30am Late Programs.

Sunday, April 7

ABC (2)

6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast.

9.00 Insiders. 10.00 Offsiders. 10.30 World

This Week. (R) 11.00 Compass. (PG, R) 11.30

Praise. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Aust. (R) 2.30 Dream Gardens. (R)

3.00 Nigella Bites. (R) 3.30 The Cook And The Chef. (R) 3.55 Grand Designs New Zealand. (R) 4.40 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow.

6.30 Compass: Goodbye My Dog. (PG) Follows families’ final days with their dogs.

7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.

7.30 Death In Paradise. (Final, PG) A calypso singer’s husband is murdered.

8.30 Vera. (Ma) Part 1 of 3. DCI Vera Stanhope investigates after a young man is found dead following a collision with a car.

10.05 Happy Valley. (Malv, R)

Tommy’s big day approaches.

11.05 Miniseries: The Suspect. (Mal, R) Part 1 of 5.

3.10 Rage Vault. (MA15+adhlnsv)

4.00 Doctor At The Door. (R)

5.00 Insiders. (R)


6am Children’s

Programs. 7.05pm Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30

Would I Lie To You? 8.00 QI. 8.30 Louis Theroux

Interviews... 9.20 You Can’t Ask That. 9.50 The

Beast Must Die. 11.20 Death In Paradise. 12.20am

Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 1.00 Would I Lie To You?

1.30 Tate Britain’s Great British Walks. (Final) 2.15

Vera. 3.45 ABC News Update. 3.50 Close. 5.00

Hoopla. 5.15 Ready, Jet, Go! 5.25 Late Programs.

6am Morning Programs.

7.30 The American Buffalo. 8.30 MOVIE: The Endangered

SBS (3)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Cook Up Bitesize. (R) 9.05 Love Your Home And Garden. (PGa, R) 10.00 Vintage Voltage. (PG) 10.50 My Unique B&B. 12.00 WorldWatch. 12.30 PBS

Washington Week With The Atlantic. 12.55

Trampolining. (R) 1.00 Motorcycle Racing.

ProMX Australian C’ship. Round 2. 4.00

Gymnastics. FIG Artistic World Challenge Cup. Highlights. 5.35 A Cold War Of Spies. (PG)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 The Hunt For Cleopatra’s Missing Tomb. (PGa) A look at the hunt for Cleopatra’s tomb.

8.20 Treasures Of The Mediterranean Islands. (PGs, R) Bettany Hughes explores some of the treasures of the Mediterranean, beginning with the mask of Medusa.

9.15 Incas: The New Story. (Mad, R) A look at the Inca people.

10.55 Underwater Stonehenge. (PG, R)

11.50 Ancient Metropolis. (Mav, R)

2.45 Vaccine: The Inside Story. (Ma, R) 4.25 Bamay. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour Scandinavia Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera News.


6am WorldWatch.

9.30 Small Business Secrets. 10.00 The Movie Show. Noon Super Maximum Retro Show. 1.00 Eurovision Song Contest Semi-Final. 3.35 Sailing. SailGP. H’lights. 4.35 WorldWatch. 5.05 PBS Washington Week With The Atlantic. 5.35 The Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia. 6.10 Ocean Wreck Investigation. 7.05 Cycling. UCI World Tour. ParisRoubaix. Men’s race. 1.50am Late Programs.


6am The

World’s Fastest Indian. Continued. (2005, PG) 7.50 The Kid From The Big Apple. (2016, PG, Mandarin) 10.05 An Ideal Husband. (1999, PG) 11.55 The One I Love. (2014, M) 1.35pm A Month Of Sundays. (2015, PG) 3.40 A Hero. (2021, PG, Farsi) 6.00 The Natural. (1984, PG) 8.30 Raging Bull. (1980, MA15+) 10.55 Coalesce. (2020, M) 12.30am A Beautiful Mind. (2001, M) 3.00 Late Programs.



NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise.


The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG)

12.00 MOVIE: Suddenly 30. (2004, PGdls, R)


Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R)

2.30 AFL Pre-Game Show.

3.00 Football. AFL. Round 4. Richmond v St Kilda.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 The 1% Club. (PGl) Hosted by Jim Jefferies.

8.05 Carl Barron: Skating Rink For Flies. (Ml) Comedy performance by Carl Barron from Melbourne’s Palais Theatre.

10.05 Code 1: The Bourke Street Mall Tragedy. (Mav, R) A look at the Bourke Street Mall tragedy.

11.05 Quantum Leap. (Ma) Ben takes on the role of a Hollywood assistant.

12.05 MOVIE: Jesse Stone: No Remorse. (2010, Mav, R) Tom Selleck.

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R)

4.00 NBC Today.

5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Fishing Australia. (R) 6.30 A Current

Affair. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 AFL

Sunday Footy Show. (PG) 12.00 Wide World Of Sports. (PG) 1.00 Fish Forever.

6.00 9News Sunday.

7.00 Married At First Sight. (PGal)

8.45 60 Minutes. Current affairs program, investigating, analysing and uncovering the issues affecting all Australians.

9.45 9News Late.

10.15 Footy Furnace. (Mlv)

11.15 Transplant. (MA15+m, R)

12.05 Bondi Vet. (PGm, R)

1.00 World’s Greatest Engineering Icons. (R)

2.00 Australia’s Top Ten Of Everything. (Ms, R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 Fishing Australia. (R) 5.00 9News Early. 5.30 Today.

TEN (10)


April 8

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News

Mornings. 10.00 Landline. (R) 11.00 Antiques


For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 10.20 Earth’s Sacred Wonders. (PGa, R) 11.30

Mountain Vets. (PG) 12.10 WorldWatch. 2.10 Ancient Egypt’s Darkest Hour. (PGa, R)


World’s Most Scenic River Journeys. (R) 5.05

Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia.

7.30 Finding Your Roots: And Still I Rise. (PG)

8.30 Secrets Of The Tower Of London. (Return, PG) A look at the iconic Tower of London.

9.25 24 Hours In Emergency: You Are Not Alone. (M) A 52-year-old is rushed to George’s.

10.20 SBS World News Late. 10.50 Christian. (Malv) 11.50 My Brilliant Friend. (Mlv, R) 2.50 Mastermind Australia. (R) 3.50 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. (R)

4.50 Destination Flavour: Japan Bitesize. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

7MATE (74)

6am Morning Programs.

10.00 Pawn Stars. 11.00 Storage Wars. 11.30 Dipper’s Destinations. Noon The Fishing Show By AFN. 1.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. 2.00 Al McGlashan’s Fish’n With Mates. 2.30 Step Outside. 3.00 Fishing Addiction. 4.00

9GO! (93)

(2015, MA15+) 12.40am Life After Lockup. 3.30 Beyblade

Burst: Quad Drive. 4.00 Power Players. 4.30 Transformers: Cyberverse. 4.50 Late Programs.

6.30 The Sunday Project. Panellists dissect, digest and reconstitute the daily news, events and hottest topics.

7.30 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PGals) The celebrities share the personal stories that connect them to the charities they are playing for.

9.00 FBI. (Return, Mv) When a bus explosion kills several innocent people, the FBI team jumps into action to take down the terrorist organisation responsible. Scola tries to balance fatherhood with the job.

12.00 The Sunday Project. (R) A look at the day’s news.

1.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.30 CBS Mornings. Morning news and talk show.

10 PEACH (11)

10 BOLD (12) 6am The Middle. 8.30 To Be Advised. 11.00 The Big Bang Theory. 12.30pm Ready Steady Cook. 1.30 The Middle. 2.30 So Help Me Todd. 4.30 Deal Or No Deal. 6.00 The Big Bang Theory. 8.30 Two And A Half Men. 10.00 South Park. Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 Two And A Half Men. 2.30 Charmed. 3.30 Just For Laughs Montreal. 4.30 Home Shopping.

6am Home Shopping.


Or No





(7) TEN (10)

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Home And Away. (PGa)

7.30 Highway Patrol. (PGl) A group of tradies goes ballistic.

8.30 MOVIE: The Equalizer 2. (2018, MA15+v, R) A retired CIA black ops operative is forced back into action when his friend is murdered. Denzel Washington, Pedro Pascal, Ashton Sanders.

11.00 The Latest: Seven News.


6.00 Deal Or No Deal.

Hosted by Grant Denyer.

6.30 The Project. A look at the


11.00 The Project. (R) A

12.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)

4.30 CBS Mornings.

Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – TV Guide 3 April 2024 PAGE 3
NINE (9)
Generation? (2022) 10.10 Late Programs.
(34) 6am Morning Programs. 11.30 The Real Seachange. Noon Escape To The Country. 1.00 The Surgery Ship. 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.30 Harry’s Practice. 3.00 Feel Good Road Trips. 3.30 Animal Rescue. 4.00 The Yorkshire Vet. 5.00 I Escaped To The Country. 6.00 Imagine Holidays Iconic Rail Journeys. 6.30 Kath & Kim. 7.00 Vicar Of Dibley. 8.30 Endeavour. 10.30 Hornby: A Model Empire. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 8.30 The Incredible Journey. 9.00 Turning Point. 9.30 TV Shop. 10.00 My Favorite Martian. 10.30 Getaway. 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show. 1pm MOVIE: Tonight’s The Night. (1954) 3.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 5. North Queensland Cowboys v Gold Coast Titans. 6.00 Customs. 6.30 M*A*S*H. 8.30 MOVIE: The Expendables 2. (2012, MA15+) 10.30 Chicago Med. 11.30 Late Programs. 9GEM (92) 7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. 2pm MOVIE: Pokémon: The First Movie – Mewtwo Strikes Back. (1998) 3.30 MOVIE: Are We Done Yet? (2007, PG) 5.25 MOVIE: Stick It. (2006, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Ocean’s 8. (2018, M) 9.40 Aussie Lobster Men. 10.40 MOVIE: American Ultra.
2pm League. NRL WA Harmony Cup 2022. Women’s semi-final 1. Te Purr v Western Fijian Civa. Replay. 2.30 Boxing Night To Remember V. 3.30 Persons Of Interest. 4.30 Duke Ellington. 5.10 Dizzy Gillespie In Studio 104. 5.50 Talking Language. 6.10 News. 6.20 Animal Babies: First Year On Earth.
Disasters At Sea. 5.00 Storage Wars: New York. 6.00 Border Security USA. 7.00 Border Security. 8.30 MOVIE: Uncharted. (2022, M) 10.50 Late Programs.
7.30 Key Of David. 8.00 What’s Up
Under. 9.00 Snap Happy. 10.00 Deal
Deal. 11.00 Escape Fishing With ET. 11.30 JAG.
Australia: BBQ.
Soccer. A-League
Round 23. Newcastle Jets v Sydney FC. 5.30 JAG. 7.30 NCIS. 11.15 NCIS: Los Angeles. 12.15am Blue Bloods. 1.10 FBI: International. 2.05
12.55 Vera.
2.55 Old People’s Home For 4 Year Olds. (R) 3.55 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 4.45 Grand Designs. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch.
Roadshow. (PG, R)
ABC News At Noon.
(Ma, R) 2.25
Roads. (PG, R)
9.10 Lucknow. (PG, R)
Aust. (R) 3.30 Destination
Flavour China. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (R) 4.10
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Love At Daisy Hills. (2020, PG, R) 2.00 Beat The Chasers UK. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. (PGal, R) 1.45 Explore: Hamilton Gardens. (R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Ent. Tonight. (R) 8.30 Silvia’s Italian Masterclass. (R) 9.00 Bold. (PGas, R) 9.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R) 10.00 GCBC. (R) 10.30 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 11.00 Dr Phil. (PGal, R) 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.30 To Be Advised. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Neighbours. (PGa) 4.30 Bold. (PGav) 5.00 News. 6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Australian Story. 8.30 Four Corners. Investigative journalism program. 9.15 Media Watch. (PG) Hosted by Paul Barry. 9.35 The Rise And Fall Of Boris Johnson. (PG) 10.25 ABC Late News. 10.40 The Business. (R) 10.55
The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (R) 11.30 You Can’t Ask That. (Madl, R) 12.00 Miniseries: The Suspect. (Mal, R) 12.50 Grand Designs. (R) 1.40 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 2.25 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.30 Magic And The Brain – The Science Of Illusion: A Catalyst Special. (PG, R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
11.30 The Clown And The Candyman. (MA15+av, R) 12.30 Grand Crew. (Return, PGadls) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise. 6.00 9News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Married At First Sight. (Final, Mals) A look back at the unforgettable moments. 9.15 To Be Advised. 10.40 Footy Classified. (M) Footy experts tackle the AFL’s big issues. 11.40 9News Late. 12.10 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.05 Pointless. (PG, R) 2.00 Hello SA. (PG) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 9News Early. 5.30 Today.
A Celebrity…
(PGals) Twelve celebrities
still surviving the jungle,
hope of winning money for
day’s news. 7.30 I’m
Get Me Out Of Here!
all in the
their chosen
(Mv, R) The team
murderer who is recreating
killings of
notorious ’80s mobster.
Most Wanted.
searches for a
look at the
1.00 Home
Shopping. (R)
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Small Business Secrets. 10.00 The Movie Show. Noon WorldWatch. 12.25 Beyond Oak Island. 2.00 Insight. 3.00 WorldWatch. 5.15 The Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia. 5.50 The UnXplained. 6.40 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Taskmaster. 9.25 Ten Year Old Tom. 10.25 Alone Australia. 11.25 Over The Black Dot. 12.15am Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 7.05pm Karma’s World. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 MythBusters. 9.15 George Clarke’s Adventures In Americana. 10.05 Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family In America. 11.05 Would I Lie To You? 12.05am QI. 12.35 MOVIE: If Beale Street Could Talk. (2018, MA15+) 2.30 ABC News Update. 2.35 Close. 5.00 Hoopla. 5.15 Ready, Jet, Go! 5.25 Pablo. 5.40 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am The Natural. Continued. (1984, PG) 7.55 A Month Of Sundays. (2015, PG) 10.00 Three Colours: Blue. (1993, M, French) 11.50 Three Colours: White. (1994, M, Polish) 1.30pm Belle And Sebastian 3. (2017, PG, French) 3.10 The World’s Fastest Indian. (2005, PG) 5.30 The Lunchbox. (2013, PG, Hindi) 7.30 Hajjan. (2023, M, Arabic) 9.50 Casablanca Beats. (2021, M, French) 11.50 Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 1.35pm Talking Language. 2.00 Going Places. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Jarjums. 3.25 Fresh Fairytales. 3.40 Bushwhacked! 4.05 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 4.35 Grace Beside Me. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 News. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Wild Survivors. 7.35 First Australians. 8.30 Karla Grant Presents. 9.05 Statue Wars. 10.15 MOVIE: The Shiralee. (1987, M) Midnight Late Programs. NITV (34) 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 Pooches At Play. 8.30 All 4 Adventure. 9.30 iFish. 10.30 Deal Or No Deal. 11.30 JAG. 1.30pm Star Trek: Voyager. 2.30 Jake And The Fatman. 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. 5.30 JAG. 7.30 Bull. 8.30 NCIS. 10.30 Matildas Preview Show. 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles. 11.55 Evil. 12.50am Home Shopping. 2.20 Diagnosis Murder. 4.10 JAG. 10 BOLD (12) 6am MOVIE: UglyDolls. (2019) 7.45 The Big Bang Theory. 9.30 Ready Steady Cook. 10.30 To Be Advised. Noon Friends. 1.00 Charmed. 2.00 The Big Bang Theory. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 Becker. 5.30 Frasier. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. 8.30 Two And A Half Men. 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. 11.00 Late Programs. 10 PEACH (11) 6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 The Greatest Aussie Caravan. 9.30 NBC Today. 10.30 Better Homes. 1pm Hornby: A Model Empire. 2.00 Weekender. 2.30 My Impossible House. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Animal Rescue. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. 8.30 Foyle’s War. 10.35 Railroad Australia. 11.35 Late Programs. 6am Seaway. 7.00 Creflo. 7.30 Skippy. 8.00 TV Shop. 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 Danoz. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 Ageless. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 Dr Quinn. 2.50 Antiques Roadshow. 3.20 MOVIE: The Truth About Women. (1957, PG) 5.30 Yorkshire Auction House. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Death In Paradise. 8.40 The Chelsea Detective. 10.40 Late Programs. 9GEM (92) 7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon MOVIE: My Little Pony: A New Generation. (2021, PG) 2.00 Surfing Australia TV. 2.30 Bewitched. 3.00 Full House. 3.30 Sunnyside. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 Raymond. 7.00 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: I Am Legend. (2007, M) 10.30 Seinfeld. 11.30 The Nanny. Midnight Medium. 1.00 Below Deck. 2.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars. 2.30 Motor Racing. Night Thunder. Midweek Mayhem. H’lights. 3.30 Cities Of The Underworld. 4.30 Storage Wars. 5.00 American Restoration. 5.30 American Pickers. 6.30 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Outback Opal Hunters. 8.30 Adventure Gold Diggers. 9.30 Aussie Salvage Squad. 10.30 Deep Water Salvage. 11.30 Late Programs. 9GO! (93) 7MATE (74)
1.30 Drive TV. 2.00 Bondi Vet. (PGm, R) 3.00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo. (PG, R) 4.00 Space Invaders. (R) 5.00 9News First At Five. 5.30 Postcards. (PG) 6am Morning Programs. 9.00 Pooches At Play. (R) 9.30 My Market Kitchen. (R) 10.00 Farm To Fork. (R) 10.30 10 Minute Kitchen. (R) 11.00 Buy To Build. (R) 11.30 Healthy Homes. (R) 12.00 Roads Less Travelled. (R) 12.30 To Be Advised. 1.30 Cook With Luke. (R) 2.00 4x4 Adventures. (Final) 3.00 Taste Of Aust. (R) 3.30 Farm To Fork. (R) 4.00 My Market Kitchen. (R) 4.30 GCBC. (R) 5.00 News. SHOES BAYSIDE BAYSIDESHOES.COM.AU I 9785 1887 I 103 RAILWAY PARADE, SEAFORD *Excludes Brooks and items already marked down. % OFF* 15 STOREWIDE ON PRESENTATION OF THIS AD. INSTORE ONLY. ENDS 20/4/24 THE ‘LARGEST’ SHOE STORE ON THE PENINSULA SPECIALISTS IN PROBLEM FEET. REFERRED TO BY PODIATRISTS. WE CATER FOR A WIDE RANGE OF FOOT TYPES, PAIN & ISSUES. Mens & Womens Winter Shoes Arriving Now. Get Your Size While Stocks Last! NEW WINTER ARRIVALS!

Tuesday, April 9

ABC (2)

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R) 10.30 The Pacific. (R)

11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 ABC

News At Noon. 1.00 Call The Midwife. (PGa, R) 2.00 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 2.25

Back Roads. (PGa, R) 2.55 Old People’s Home

For Teenagers. (R) 3.55 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 4.40 Grand Designs. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 7.00 ABC News.

7.30 7.30.

8.00 Miriam Margolyes

Impossibly Australian. (Mls)

9.00 Creative Types With Virginia Trioli: Trent Dalton. (Premiere)

An exploration of the essence of creativity.

9.35 Shakespeare: Rise Of A Genius. (MA15+av)

10.35 ABC Late News. 10.50 The Business. (R)

11.05 Four Corners. (R) 11.50 The Rise And Fall Of Boris Johnson. (PG, R) 12.40 Miniseries: The Suspect. (Mal, R) 1.30 Media Watch. (PG, R) 1.45 Grand Designs. (R) 2.35 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 3.20 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

4.35 Solar Storms: A Warning From Space. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

6am Children’s

Programs. 7.05pm Karma’s World. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30

Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (Final) 9.15 Upstart Crow. 9.45 Double Parked. (Final) 10.10 Portlandia. 10.55 Would I Lie To You?

11.55 MOVIE: Taxi Driver. (1976, MA15+) 1.45am

Everything’s Gonna Be Okay. 2.30 All My Friends Are Racist. 2.40 Unprotected Sets. 3.35 ABC News Update. 3.40 Close. 5.00 Late Programs.

SBS (3)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Destination

Flavour: Singapore. (R) 9.15 For The Love Of

Dogs. 10.15 Earth’s Sacred Wonders. 11.25

Mountain Vets. (PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.05

Ancient Egypt’s Darkest Hour. (PGa, R) 3.00

Mastermind. (PG, R) 3.30 Destination Flavour

China. 3.40 The Cook Up. (R) 4.10 World’s

Most Scenic River Journeys. (PGa, R) 5.05

Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers.

6.00 Mastermind Australia.

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Great British Railway Journeys: Rye To Dungeness. (PG, R)

8.30 Insight. Presented by Kumi Taguchi.

9.30 Dateline: The Kid’s Gambit. Follows a child chess prodigy.

10.00 SBS World News Late.

10.30 The Murdochs: Empire Of Influence. (PG, R)

11.20 Faking Hitler. (Mlns)

12.15 Good People. (MA15+v, R) 3.00

Mastermind Australia. (R) 4.00 Going Places

With Ernie Dingo. (R) 4.30 Bamay. (R) 5.00

NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC

Philippines The World Tonight.



NINE (9)

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Home And Away. (PGad)

7.30 Ego: The Michael Gudinski Story. (Madl) The story of Michael Gudinski.

9.55 First Dates UK. (Ma) Singles experience the thrills of dating.

11.00 The Latest: Seven News.

11.30 Born To Kill? Cleophus Prince Jr. (MA15+av, R)

12.30 Emerald City. (PGhv)

1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R)

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 NBC Today.

5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars. (Ml) Hosted by Gordon Ramsay and Janine Allis.

TEN (10)

9News Early. 5.30 Today.

News First: Midday.

1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.30 To Be Advised.

3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon.

4.00 Neighbours. (PGa) 4.30 Bold. (PGas) 5.00 News.

6.00 Deal Or No Deal.

Hosted by Grant Denyer.

6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news.

7.30 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PGals) As the competition for charity continues, the celebrities face a secret mission and if they succeed, they will feast.

9.00 NCIS. (Mad) As NCIS mourns the loss of Ducky, the agents find comfort in working on one of his unfinished cases.

11.00 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news.

12.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.


6am WorldWatch.

10.00 The Movie Show. Noon WorldWatch. 12.25

UFOs. 1.05 Locked Up: Teens Behind Bars. 2.00

ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am

Framed. 2.30 Where Are You Really From? 3.00 WorldWatch. 5.05 The Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia. 5.40 Haramain: The Train Of The Desert.

6.40 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats. 8.30 Vikings: The Rise And Fall. 9.25 Dark Side Of Comedy. 10.20 Late Programs.

The Lunchbox. Continued. (2013, PG, Hindi) 7.45 Remember Me: The Mahalia Jackson Story. (2021, PG) 9.30 The Importance Of Being Earnest. (1952) 11.20 A Beautiful Mind. (2001, M) 1.50pm The Natural. (1984, PG) 4.20 Little Nicolas. (2009, PG, French) 6.00 A

10.00 Four Corners. (R) 10.45 Gardening Australia: My Garden Path. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.35 Media Watch. (PG, R) 2.00 Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 2.25 Back Roads. (R) 2.55 Old People’s Home For Teenagers. (PG, R) 3.55 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 4.40 Grand Designs. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)





A woman sets out to diversify her dating life.

9.30 QI. (PG) Hosted by Sandi Toksvig.

10.00 Planet America. (Return)

10.35 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (Final, R) 11.15

ABC Late News. 11.30 The Business. (R) 11.50

Miniseries: The Suspect. (Mal, R) 12.40 Grand Designs. (R) 1.25 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 2.15 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.30 Catalyst. (R) 5.30

7.30. (R)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Destination Flavour Bitesize. (R) 9.15 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 10.15 Earth’s Sacred Wonders. (PGa, R) 11.25 Mountain Vets. (PGa) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Dateline. (R) 2.30

Insight. (R) 3.30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (R) 4.10 World’s Most Scenic River Journeys. (R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30

6.00 Mastermind Australia.

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Alone Australia. (Ml) The participants’ focus turns to food.

8.30 Jimmy Carr’s I Literally Just Told You. (Mad) Jimmy Carr hosts a comedic game show where paying attention pays off.

9.25 Miniseries: Litvinenko. (Mal) Part 3 of 4.

10.20 SBS World News Late.

10.50 Blinded. (MA15+d)

11.40 COBRA. (Madl, R)

3.10 Mastermind Australia. (R) 4.10 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. (R) 4.40 Bamay. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30

ANC Philippines The World Tonight.


6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Home And Away. (PGad)

7.30 The 1% Club UK. (PG) Hosted by Lee Mack.

8.30 The Front Bar. (Ml) Hosts Mick Molloy, Sam Pang and Andy Maher take a lighter look at all things AFL.

9.30 Talking Footy. A look at the week’s AFL news, hosted by Trent Cotchin, Joel Selwood and Mitch Cleary.


6.00 9News. 7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars. (PG) Hosted by Gordon Ramsay and Janine Allis.

9.10 Australian Crime Stories: The Investigators: Under The Gun Pt 2. (MA15+alv) A continued look at the life of Keith Banks.

10.10 Footy Classified. (M)

11.10 9News Late.

11.35 The Equalizer. (MA15+v, R) 12.20 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.10 Pointless. (PG, R) 2.05 Destination WA. 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00

TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 9News Early. 5.30 Today.

10 BOLD (12)

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer.

6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news.

7.30 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PGals) As the competition for charity continues, the celebrities face their first elimination – a double.

9.00 FBI: International. (Mv) The FBI fly team heads to Morocco when an American citizen goes missing from a commercial aircraft.

11.00 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news.

12.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.


10 BOLD (12)

PAGE 4 Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – TV Guide 3 April 2024
(R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Cup Of Love. (2016, PGa, R) 2.00 Beat The Chasers UK. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. Hosted by Larry Emdur. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: The Nature Of Romance. (2021, G, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Ent. Tonight. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (PGa, R) 9.00 Bold. (PGav, R) 9.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R) 10.00 GCBC. (R) 10.30 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 11.00 Dr Phil. (PGadl, R) 12.00 10
9.40 To Be Advised. 10.40 9News Late. 11.10 La Brea. (Return, Mv) Josh and Riley wake up in an unfamiliar time. 12.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.00 Pointless. (PG, R) 2.00 Australia’s Top Ten Of Everything. (Mads, R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00
6am Morning Programs. 1.50pm Anthem Sessions Interstitials. 2.00 Faboriginal. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Jarjums. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 Indian Country Today News. 6.00 Bamay.
Great Lakes Wild.
TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (10) NINE (9)
Friendly Tale. (2020, PG, French) 7.55 The Assistant. (2019, M) 9.30 Iceman. (2017, MA15+,
6.50 Wild Survivors. 7.40
8.40 Ice Cowboys. 9.30 Over The
Dot. 10.20 Rugby League. English Super
Leigh Leopards v Wigan Warriors. Replay. 12.20am Late Programs. NITV (34) Wednesday, April 10 ABC
Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: At Home In Mitford. (2017, G, R) 2.00 Beat The Chasers UK. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: Snowkissed. (2021, G, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) Hosted by Todd Woodbridge. 6.00 Everyday Gourmet. (R) 6.30 My Market Kitchen. (R) 7.00 The Talk. (PGa) 8.00 Ent. Tonight. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (PGa, R) 9.00 Bold. (PGas, R) 9.30 Soccer. Women’s International Friendly. Australia v Mexico. 12.30 10 News First: Midday. 1.30 To Be Advised. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Neighbours. (PGa) 4.30 Bold. (PGa) 5.00 News.
Letters And
Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
ABC News.
Hard Quiz. (PG) Presented by Tom Gleeson.
The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. A satirical news program.
White Fever. (Premiere, Mls)
The Latest: Seven News.
Travel Oz.
Home Shopping. (R) 4.00
5.00 Sunrise 5am
11.00 Unbelievable Moments Caught On Camera. (PGa, R) 12.00
(Ma, R) 1.00
(PG, R) 2.00
NBC Today.
News. 5.30 Sunrise.
WorldWatch. 10.00 The Movie Show. Noon WorldWatch. 12.25 Alone. 1.35 Chad. 2.00 Sidelines. 2.20 Abandoned. 3.15 WorldWatch. 5.15 Bananas. 5.20 The Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia. 5.50 The UnXplained. 6.40 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Reclaiming Amy. 9.30 Take A Chance. 11.10 MOVIE: Dark City. (1998, M) 1am Late Programs.
VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 7.20pm Bluey. 7.30 Would I Lie To You? The Unseen Bits. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Death In Paradise. 9.30 The Beast Must Die. 10.20 Close To Me. 11.05 Would I Lie To You? 12.05am Louis Theroux Interviews... 12.50 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 1.15 MOVIE: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. (2010, M) 3.10 Tate Britain’s Great British Walks. (Final) 3.55 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am A Friendly Tale. Continued. (2020, PG, French) 6.55 Belle And Sebastian 3. (2017, PG, French) 8.35 Little Nicolas. (2009, PG, French) 10.15 Gandhi. (1982, M) 1.45pm The Lunchbox. (2013, PG, Hindi) 3.40 Hit The Road. (2021, PG, Farsi) 5.30 Without A Clue. (1988, PG) 7.30 Drunken Master. (1978, M, Cantonese) 9.35 Wild Indian. (2021, MA15+) 11.15 Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 1.50pm Anthem Sessions Interstitials. 2.00 Faboriginal. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Jarjums. 4.35 Grace Beside Me. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 Te Ao With Moana. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Africa’s Hidden Kingdoms. 7.30 Kickin’ Back With Gilbert McAdam. 8.05 Muhammad And Larry. 9.05 MOVIE: Any Given Sunday. (1999, M) 11.50 Late Programs. NITV (34) 6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Harry’s Practice. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 Creek To Coast. 2.30 Feel Good Road Trips. 3.00 My Impossible House. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Call The Midwife. 8.40 A Touch Of Frost. 10.55 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Skippy. 8.00 TV Shop. 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 Danoz. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 Explore. 2.05 Dr Quinn. 3.05 Antiques Roadshow. 3.35 MOVIE: The Syndicate. (1968, PG) 5.30 Celebrity Yorkshire Auction House. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 New Tricks. 8.40 Agatha Christie’s Marple. 10.40 Late Programs. 9GEM (92) 7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Rich House, Poor House. 1.00 Raymond. 2.00 Bewitched. 2.30 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 Seinfeld. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 Raymond. 7.00 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: Logan Lucky. (2017, M) 11.00 Seinfeld. Midnight Medium. 1.00 Below Deck. 2.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. 2.30 Full House. 3.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 11.00 Pawn Stars. Noon Outback Opal Hunters. 1.00 Adventure Gold Diggers. 2.00 Deep Water Salvage. 3.00 Billy The Exterminator. 3.30 Cities Of The Underworld. 4.30 Storage Wars. 5.00 American Restoration. 5.30 American Pickers. 6.30 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Outback Truckers. 8.30 Aussie Truck Rehab. (Premiere) 9.30 Mega Mechanics. 10.30 Ice Road Truckers. 11.30 Late Programs. 9GO! (93) 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 Pooches At Play. 8.30 Jake And The Fatman. 9.30 Diagnosis Murder. 11.30 JAG. 1.30pm Star Trek: Voyager. 2.30 Jake And The Fatman. 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. 5.30 JAG. 7.30 Bull. 9.25 FBI. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Diagnosis Murder. 4.05 JAG. 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 Pooches At Play. 8.30 Jake And The Fatman. 9.30 Diagnosis Murder. 11.30 JAG. 1.30pm Star Trek: Voyager. 2.30 Jake And The Fatman. 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. 5.30 JAG. 7.30 Bull. 8.30 NCIS. 9.25 Hawaii Five-0. 10.20 NCIS: Hawai’i. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Diagnosis Murder. 4.05 JAG.
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Becker. 8.00 So Help Me Todd. 9.00 The King Of Queens. 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. 11.00 Becker. Noon Frasier. 1.00 The King Of Queens. 2.00 The Big Bang Theory. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 Becker. 5.30 Frasier. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. 8.30 Two And A Half Men. 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. 11.00 Late Programs. 6am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Becker. 8.00 Dr Phil. 9.00 The Middle. 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. 11.00 Becker. Noon Frasier. 1.00 So Help Me Todd. 2.00 The Big Bang Theory. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 Becker. 5.30 Frasier. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. 8.30 Two And A Half Men. 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. 11.00 Late Programs.
PEACH (11)
PEACH (11) 7MATE (74) 6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Room For Improvement. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Harry’s Practice. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 Weekender. 2.30 My Impossible House. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat. 8.45 Judge John Deed. 10.45 Late Programs. 6am Seaway. 7.00 Creflo. 7.30 Skippy. 8.00 TV Shop. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 Explore. 2.00 Dr Quinn. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: The Frightened City. (1961, PG) 5.30 Celebrity Yorkshire Auction House. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 As Time Goes By. 8.40 Midsomer Murders. 10.40 Forensics: Catching The Killer. 11.40 Late Programs. 9GEM (92) 7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Rich House, Poor House. 1.00 Raymond. 2.00 Bewitched. 2.30 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 Seinfeld. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 Raymond. 7.00 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: Sex And The City 2. (2010, MA15+) 11.30 Seinfeld. 12.30am Medium. 1.30 Below Deck. 2.30 Full House. 3.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 11.00 Pawn Stars. Noon Outback Truckers. 1.00 Aussie Truck Rehab. 2.00 Mega Mechanics. 3.00 Billy The Exterminator. 3.30 Cities Of The Underworld. 4.30 Storage Wars. 5.00 American Restoration. 5.30 American Pickers. 6.30 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Highway Patrol. 8.30 The Force: Behind The Line. 9.30 Highway Cops. 10.30 Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack. 11.30 Late Programs. 9GO! (93) 7MATE (74) SHOES BAYSIDE BAYSIDESHOES.COM.AU I 9785 1887 I 103 RAILWAY PARADE, SEAFORD *Excludes Brooks and items already marked down. % OFF* 15 STOREWIDE ON PRESENTATION OF THIS AD. INSTORE ONLY. ENDS 20/4/24 THE ‘LARGEST’ SHOE STORE ON THE PENINSULA SPECIALISTS IN PROBLEM FEET. REFERRED TO BY PODIATRISTS. WE CATER FOR A WIDE RANGE OF FOOT TYPES, PAIN & ISSUES. Mens & Womens Winter Shoes Arriving Now. Get Your Size While Stocks Last! NEW WINTER ARRIVALS!

A roll lot of fun at Sk8house this Easter

FINDING fun, safe, family-friendly activities can be a real challenge. Luckily, the answer can be found right here on the Mornington Peninsula, at Sk8house roller skating rink in Carrum Downs!

Join us for fun, games and hit music in the house this school holidays with special guest appearances from the Easter Bunny at selected sessions with games, prizes, great music, giveaways & raffles.

Sk8house is a large, fully renovated venue that offers great value, good old-fashioned fun that little kids, big kids and adults can enjoy. And even if skating isn’t for you right now, treat yourself to a delicious barista coffee while the kids tire themselves out. Then grab a snack or lunch from their fully-stocked cafe, with yummy hot and cold food that will definitely satisfy your appetite after all that skating fun.

The autumn school holidays are always so much fun at Sk8house and there is so much happening this year! Check out the most recent blog on their website for all of the event details. If you like having fun and you're ready to make some memories with your nearest and dearest, that’s the place to go for all the info.

In the meantime, we recommend marking these highlights in your calendar:

DISNEY DISCO: March 30th, 6pm-10pm –Book now using code DISNEY24 to enjoy 25% off entry.

OPEN GOOD FRIDAY: March 29th & SATURDAY March 30th, regular hours.

OPEN EASTER MONDAY: General Session from 11am-4pm – Book now using code EASTER24 to save 25% on entry. Evening Skate Classes as usual.

Extra General Sessions: April 1st to 14th, 11am-4pm, Monday to Friday.

Extra Learn-2-Sk8 Classes: April 1st to 14th, 10am, Tuesdays & Thursdays.

SENSORY SESSION: By popular demand, April 5th, 9am-12pm.

Please note: SK8HOUSE IS CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY so the Sk8 crew can enjoy a well-deserved day off to eat yummy chocolate eggs with their families.

Whether you are young or just young at heart, roller skating is not only fantastic fun but also a great form of exercise. It is one of the best totalbody cardio workouts & is proven to improve balance, motor skills, stability and coordination plus the added benefit of performance skills.

Visit for session times & to BOOK NOW!

See website for all session times and pricing detai ls 3/2 Amayla Cres Carrum Downs VIC ph. 9773 6799 *WE ARE CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY
Easter fun with Easter Bunny. photo: supplied Disney Cheshire Cat. photo: supplied
School Holiday Feature



1. Show to be true

7. Missing person’s tracker

8. Lethal

10. Washing (clothes)

12. Prevented entry of

14. Slide

16. Annual period

17. Got

20. Nobleman

23. Nominated

24. Unnecessary

25. Not as good


1. Swollen, ... up

2. Calf meat

3. Actor, ... Penn

4. Wept

5. Screeching

6. Very cold

9. Animal dens

11. Polishing substances

13. Flow away

15. Infidel

16. Pines (for)

18. Lag behind

19. Stable compartment

21. Travel bag

22. Mexican snack

Puzzles supplied by Lovatts Publications Pty Ltd

See page 19 for solutions.


ARIA-nominated, award-winning singer

Emma Donovan will tour to Frankston Arts Centre to share her trademark soul and country songs, and new music recorded in Gumbaynggirr and Noongar languages.

Emma is proud to be one of the First Nations artists spearheading efforts to put traditional languages on the music map.

“I am very proud to introduce new words and share languages with audiences and fans. It’s so important to preserve this part of our history, family and country,” she explains.

“This project will shine a light on Indigenous music culture, sharing stories and preserving language in song. I want to share my story with Australia and the world, and I want audiences to hear my songs and languages to enhance their knowledge of our expansive history of this country.”

Since first appearing on the stage with the renowned family band The Donovans, Emma worked with artists such as Paul Kelly, The Teskey Brothers, Paul Grabowsky, Spinifex Gum and the late Uncle Archie Roach and Aunty Ruby Hunter. She is also known for her work with the highly regarded Melbourne rhythm combo The Putbacks and the extraordinary Black Arm Band project. Joined on stage by Steve Magnusson on guitar and Samuel Anning on double bass, Emma is excited to share her stories with audiences in Frankston and the peninsula.

rediscover the country music I was raised on and that I performed.“

“For me to write my solo album, I needed to go back into my own family musical archives to

Tuesday 14 May, 8pm. Tickets are available at or by calling 03 9784 1060.

PAGE 14 Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024
Emma Donovan: Songs, Stories and Soul from Family and Country will be performed at Frankston Arts Centre on

Squirrel Grip! My Life with Hardcore Hoarders

I’M surrounded. No matter what I do, it is my destiny to be put to shame and generally embarrassed by others who are masters of the art of self-restraint. With the possible exception of my feelings, I am not one for holding back. This is especially so at Easter, where large quantities of substandard chocolate are eliminated by me with the kind of ruthless efficiency that would embarrass a shark. Needless to say, I love Easter.

Growing up, Easter was a pretty magical occasion. The idea of a home invasion by what is (essentially) a gigantic rodent who, instead of making off with the Betamax, deposits chocolate treats beside each bed while the occupant is fast asleep, seemed impossibly thrilling when we were kids, rather than downright creepy. The joy of being young.

It was magical. We’d wake up and find ourselves astonished before leaping out of bed to conduct a quick audit of each family member to ensure that the haul had been distributed equitably. Then it was down to business.

Fittingly, we’d then go down the rabbit-hole as we started to consume chocolate eggs with the laser-like focus of a fighter pilot. With minutes, extreme quantities of sugar transformed us from polite children into manic, raging beasts who were determined to consume a year’s worth of confectionary in a single sitting. By the time we were done, the discarded remnants of ripped foil would litter the living room like metallic confetti. Panting, bloated and feeling slightly ill, we’d each lie back on a beanbag, chocolate drawn

around our lips. All except for my brother, Cameron.

Just as a squirrel will hoard nuts with an eye to leaner times, my brother would keep rather than consume his Easter bounty. Not that he’d make a song and dance about it. He’d sit back and watch as we worked our way into a chocolatey lather before bearing the full brunt of the ill-effects. He’d then shuffle off down to his room with a haul of Easter eggs and hide them. For months. It wasn’t that he wasn’t inter-

ested, it’s that he had an eye for the bigger picture.

Long after we’d forgotten about Easter, Cam would appear in the living room holding an Easter egg. I’ll admit that I may not have reacted especially well. That he had the foresight to preserve rather than consume his easter eggs as though he was competing in a time trial seemed outrageous to me then. It felt unfair. It felt unjust. It felt like I’d been completely outmanoeuvred by my younger brother which, if


NEW Wave 24 is an exhibition at Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery that showcases the works of local VCE and VCE VET art, visual art, media arts, fashion, design and technology students within the Mornington Peninsula Shire. The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, multimedia, ceramics, installation and more by a new generation of young artists. The show offers students the opportunity to participate in a group exhibition in a public gallery and serves as inspiration for other senior students to see the work and ideas of local students.

Also on display at MPRG is New Exuberance, a Jam Factory touring exhibition focusing on contemporary Australian textile design featuring Ikuntji Artists, Iordanes Spyridon Gogos, Grace Lillian Lee and Romance Was Born and more. There is also a solo exhibition of Flinders-based weaver Emma Shepherd’s recent works.

In early May, MPRG is hosting a symposium at Beleura House and Garden, Contemporary Australian Fashion Here & Now. Join industry leaders, curators and designers for a full day of in-depth discussion about Australia’s fashion industry. Speakers include Meryl Ryan, New Exuberance curator, Paola Di Trocchio, a leading fashion curator, writer and speaker, formerly Curator Fashion at the NGV, Nathan McGuire, Director of Mob in Fashion, designer of ready-to-wear men's label SOLID OCHRE and leading First Nations model, and Nixi Killick, New Exuberance exhibiting artist, designer and imagineer. Learn about the history of Australian fashion, First Nations designers’ work and the significance of fashion as an instrument for responsibility, social consciousness and community collaboration.

The MPRG Shop has been carefully curated

with a selection of jewellery, ceramics, art, books and clothing and textiles to celebrate the current exhibitions. The shop is stocking products from The Social Studio, a notfor-profit social enterprise providing work and learning opportunities for Melbourne's refugee and new migrant communities. They also have Bábbarra Designs fabrics, earrings by Lisa Waup X VERNER, wall hangings and cushion covers by weaver Emma Shepherd and upcycled clothing from Mt Martha slow fashion guru Angelia Dixon.

I’m being honest, I had. In retrospect, I can respect that he had an eye for the long game, especially when instant gratification usually resulted in nausea and a headache.

Years later, I’d try to compete. From time to time, I’d send Cameron a picture of my Christmas cake; proud that I had bent my will and managed to preserve the last remnant until April. Without fail, he’d shoot back a photo of his own cake that looked largely, if not entirely, intact. Perhaps foolishly, I didn’t ask when the photo was taken, and simply accepted that, once again, I had been bested. I learned my lesson – it’s futile to try and out-squirrel and champion squirreler (not really a word, but it should be).

Now things have come full circle. Or to be more accurate, full squirrel as, once again, I find myself in the company of squirrelers. My partner, Katrina, has two sons – Ryan and Conor – who remind me a lot of my brother. They are very good at squirreling things away. They’re both at Uni and take a backpack almost everywhere they go. Much like Batman’s utility belt, those backpacks contain pretty much everything you could ever want or need.

It's common for one of them to ask during dinner whether there’s any soft drink. If the answer is ‘no’, they simply reach into their backpacks and produce a bottle of soft drink they’ve been saving for just such an occasion. If the subject had been loungeroom furniture, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if one of them reached in a pulled out a three-piece settee. I’m left to feel constantly behind the eight ball. I’d

tell them this, but one of them would probably reach into his backpack and produce an eight ball.

As Easter approached, I faced the prospect of being embarrassed by my propensity to hoover up any easter eggs that came my way, as Conor and Ryan took a far more cautious approach. I had hoped that time and maturity would result in a greater restraint on my part. It hasn’t. The boys will likely look on with disappointment as I plunge face first into a sea of chocolate eggs without even using my hands. Sigh.

On Easter Sunday, we visited my brother and his family. Melissa, his wife, makes the most amazing Easter Sunday dinner and it is, without fail, one of my favourite events of the year. The food is amazing. It is not an event where squirrelling of any kind should be contemplated. But as the different disparate threads of my life come together over trays of lasagna and meat balls, it makes me wonder if they know how much they have in common or, indeed, how much influence they’ve had over me.

I love Easter. Not just the eggs or sugary haze, but in the opportunity to stop, be thankful and spend time with those who mean the most to you. Whilst we’re at my brother’s house, I can imagine him disappearing for a moment before re-emerging with an easter egg. The foil will be chipped and the structure ever so slightly compromised. ‘From 1987,’ he’ll say. ‘I’m saving it.’ Once a squirreler, always a squirreler. Long may it continue.

Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024 PAGE 15 CIVIC RESERVE, DUNNS RD, MORNINGTON MPRG.MORNPEN.VIC.GOV.AU SUPPORTED BY TUES—SUN 11AM—4PM FREE ENTRY NEW EXUBERANCE: CONTEMPORARY AUSTRALIAN TEXTILE DESIGN SUNDANCE STUDIO: TAKING A THREAD FOR A WALK JAMFACTORY TOURING EXHIBITION 2 MAR—12 MAY NEW WAVE 24 MPRG LOCAL MPRG LOCAL FOCUS FOCUS 2 MAR—12 MAY 2 MAR—12 MAY IMAGE: WAH-WAH x Ramesh Mario Nithiyendran, 2022 (detail), Australian merino wool as modelled by Ramesh, Kirthana Selvaraj, Remy Faint, Julie Faint. Stylist Kirsty Barros. Photo Lexi Laphor. Courtesy of WAH-WAH Australia.
Matilda Riddle, Self-portrait in red sweater, local VCE student in New Wave 24
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That “Jolly” fence causes litigation

Compiled by Cameron McCullough

AT the Frankston Court yesterday, before Mr. W. G. Smith, P.M.; and Messrs. C. Gray, P. Wheeler, and J. Brown, J.’sP., Miss Irene Galt sought an order from the Court to compel J. B. Jolly to erect a six foot paling fence between their respective properties on Melbourne Road, Frankston.

Mr. Robertson appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. J. Hogan for Mr. Jolly.

Irene Galt said she was the owner and occupier of property on Melbourne Road, Frankston. Mr. Jolly occupied the property on the north side of her place.

The properties at present were divided by a fence of posts and three wires, with scraggly bits of hedge.

Two years ago she spoke to Mr. Jolly, and he agreed that a fence was necessary. She obtained an estimate as to cost of a new fence, but Jolly then said that the existing fence was adequate.

Witness considered the fence was inadequate. Anything could get through it, and she was unable to keep a garden owing to Jolly’s fowls invading her property.

Witness suggested the erection of a paling fence.

To Mr. Hogan – My complaint as to present fence was not only that it allowed poultry to get into my property, but also as to lack of privacy. She knew that Jolly kept his poultry in wire-netted yards, but these enclosures were no good when the gates were open. I want a fence that will keep my bulldog in and other dogs out. My bulldog is not on the chain.

The P.M. – I wonder that Jolly has any poultry left. (Laughter.)

Witness, in reply to further questions by Mr. Hogan, said the depth of the sideline between the properties was about 300ft. She considered that the windows of Jolly’s house would be more than 3ft. from the boundary fence.

Witness never advised Jolly to sell some time ago, because she was going to darken the windows of his house. Witness had conducted a picture show on her property. She did not consider she was called on to say whether she was going to continue the picture show.

This closed the plaintiff’s case.

Mr. Hogan argued that under Section 8 of the Fences Act it would be sufficient for his client to show that he had provided the kind of fence usually erected in the locality. If it was shown that the fence was out of repair he was willing to replace it.

James B. Jolly said he was the owner and occupier of the property adjoining Miss Galt, in Melbourne Road, Frankston.

The present fence consisted of solid posts and four wires, and the front portion was covered by a good ti-tree hedge. The fence was paid for by the original owner of the property.

It was in good order, except that the wires had recently been cut by Mr. Robertson.

Did you see them cut?

Witness. – No; but I can produce someone who did. Witness said he valued his house and property at £2000. If a 6ft paling fence was erected as proposed it would damage his property to the extent of £300 or

£400. The fence would darken the windows, which were only 2ft in from the side line.

The poultry referred to were enclosed in wire pens 6ft. high. He merely went in for poultry as a hobby, and intended get ting rid of his poultry at Easter.

To Mr. Robertson. – When Miss Galt gave me notice to fence I told her the existing fence complied with the Act.

The P.M.– Do you consider a wire fence suitable?

Witness. – I do.

Witness said he did not like the idea of being cooped up in a yard. Frankston had been referred to as a suburb, but he liked to think of it as the country, with fine open spaces.

Senior–Constable Culhane said he knew the properties in question. He inspected the fence referred to, and considered it to be in good order.

There was only one paling fence in the locality, all the others were ti-tree hedges.

To Mr. Robertson. – The hedge fence between Jolly’s and Galt’s ex tended from the frontage of the properties for a distance of 30 or 40ft down the side line. It was a nice hedge. For the remainder of the distance on the side boundaries the fence consisted of posts and four wires, with the hedge growing in places.

At this stage the Bench decided to inspect the properties. On returning to the Court, the P.M. said:

“We have seen the properties, and we discussed the matter. As usual, a difficulty arises in being sufficiently specific as to the order that might be made. The conclusion arrived at is

that the ti-tree hedge is a sufficient fence. It would be a pity to remove it.

As to the other portion, we think some fence should be erected, and suggest a paling fence 5ft high.

Mr. Hogan.– My client is prepared to agree to a paling fence from the rear of his house to the back boundary.

Mr. Robertson.– But the front hedge is not fowl or dog proof.

The P.M. – Can’t we leave that to the intelligence of the parties?

Mr. Robertson. – My client wants a fence that will keep the bulldog in.

The P.M.– Perhaps Mr. Jolly would make a fence that is bulldog proof.


By agreement it was decided that no order of the Court be made, and that the case be adjourned for eight weeks, the parties in the meantime to provide the fence, as suggested by the Court, both parties to pay half cost.

Mr. Robertson asked for costs.

Mr. Hogan objected. He, on behalf of his client had tried to meet the other side without coming to Court.

Mr. Robertson was not the original solicitor in the case, and knew nothing of this.

The Bench ordered that each party pay their own costs. ***

WHEN the Frankston Park Committee decided to lay the agricultural pipes in the oval at the Frankston Park, under the supervision of the Shire Engineer (Lieut.–Colonel Lazarus), quite a number of persons declared “that they would serve no purpose.”

How far this has proved correct or not has been demonstrated by the

results of the recent heavy rains, for while most other flat and low-lying country has been practically under water, the oval of the park, with the drains running at full pressure, has been passable the whole time.

This should certainly be a sufficient test to justify the action of the committee in doing this work, and whilst much remains to be done in connection with the park improvement scheme, it is only right that an expression of appreciation should be forthcoming when it is justified.

In this case we believe that credit is due to the committee, to its officer, and also to the contractor who did the work. We, therefore, tender our need of praise to those responsible for this good work, and trust that many other improvements equally necessary will, at no distant date, be given effect to.


AFTER a prolonged absence of one year and eight months, Mr. C. G. V. Williams, of Frankston, intends sailing from England for Australia on September 12 next. He is expected to arrive about the 25th October.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams have been touring England, Scotland, and Wales, and are at present in the South of France.


MR. McCarthy, of the Bay View Hotel, went to Melbourne yesterday to place himself under the care of a specialist. It is feared that Mr. McCarthy may have to undergo an operation for appendicitis.


From the pages of the Frankston and Somerville Standard, 2 & 4 Apr 1924

Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024 PAGE 17 Chelsea – Mordialloc Don’t miss out on the best customers! Advertise in Chelsea–Mordialloc News Call MPNG Classieds on 1300 666 808 100 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK...


Dromana continue reign, Yabbies down Demons



FOOTY kicked off on Good Friday with reigning premiers, Dromana, heading to Red Hill.

Red Hill ended the 2023 season in seventh place, so looked to be no challenge for the Tigers, but came out blazing in the first quarter.

Red Hill kicked 4.1 to just three points by Dromana to take a 22-point lead into quarter time.

It was wake up time for Dromana, and they came out firing in the second quarter slotting five majors and keeping Red Hill to a solitary goal, slipping to a three-point lead at the main break.

It was the same again for the third quarter; five goals to one, and Dromana had found their stride and extended their lead to 27-points by three quarter time.

In a closer final quarter, Red Hill held their own, but could not prevent Dromana running further ahead with the reigning premiers winning by a comfortable 25 points, the final scores 8.4 (52) to 13.9 (87).

Sorrento headed to Rosebud on Easter Saturday in a match up between teams that finished sixth and eighth respectively last year.

Both teams have been spending time in the finals wilderness the last couple of years and were keen to get 2024 off to a solid start.

It was neck and neck for the first quarter with Sorrento managing to get four points ahead by the first break 4.3 to 3.5.

In the second quarter, Sorrento were a different team, kicking the next five majors and leaving Rosebud to a single goal for the quarter. They went into the long break with an impressive 34-point lead.

The third quarter was Rosebud’s turn, slotting in four goals to Sorrento’s single major, but they couldn’t quite peg back the Shark’s lead, and still trailed the visitors by 14 points at three quarter time.

In the final quarter, Sorrento went

on a scoring frenzy, kicking 8.5 for the term, and kicking well away from Rosebud, finishing the day with a 49-point win. The final scores 11.13 (79) to 19.14 (128).

It was a stand-out day for Sorrento’s Bailey Holt who kicked six goals for his side, while Kirk Dickson kicked five for Rosebud.

The remainder of the round one games will be held next week.


DIVISION Two kicked off the season with two Good Friday games in a split

round one.

Chelsea headed to Edithvale-Aspendale for their opening match. Both teams had ten wins last year, so it looked like a close game on paper, and it turned out that way.

Chelsea went into quarter time with a slender single-point lead after a slow start on the scoreboard for both teams, with just two majors apiece.

Chelsea managed to pull a goal ahead by the main break to take a fivepoint lead into the main break.

The visitors started hitting the scoreboard in the third, but inaccuracy cost them what should have been a much

bigger lead. They kicked 5.10 for the quarter, an impressive 15 scoring shots, but with Edi-Asp’s 5.2, Chelsea went into three-quarter time with only a 13-point lead and lamenting a missed opportunity.

The accuracy in front was a bit better in the final quarter, and Edi-Asp couldn’t claw the visitors back, Chelsea running out 21-point victors for the day, the final scores 14.11 (95) to 16.20 (116).

After a terrible 2023, Rye had something to prove against Tyabb in their first game. Tyabb has had a lean few years but nothing like Rye who re-

mained winless in 2023.

But it was another disappointment for the Demons, who couldn’t match Tyabb from the first bounce.

The visitors took a 20-point lead into the first quarter and extended it out to 36 points at the main break.

Rye showed some resistance in the third, slotting a couple and keeping Tyabb to a single major for the term, but in the final quarter, Tyabb booted 3.5 to Rye’s solitary point, to run out comfortable 52-point winners. The final tally being 5.7 (37) to 12.17 (89).

PAGE 18 Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News 3 April 2024
Shark attack: Sorrento were too good for Rosebud, running away with a 49-point win. Picture: Alan Dillon Eighteen yachts competed in the second last Twilight race for the season, this series stops when daylight savings ends. The winner of 28 March Thursday night race was Liberte (SM6399) owner Tom Sturt, followed by Sundara (1588) owner Stormy. Pictures: Alan Dillon

Only Langy, Skye left in Cup


LANGWARRIN and Skye United are the only two local clubs remaining in the 2024 Dockerty Cup after last week’s fourth preliminary round.

Both Peninsula Strikers and Chelsea have been knocked out of the competition which doubles as Victoria’s qualification tournament for the Australia Cup.

Skye’s fate will be known soon as it plays its round four tie against Dandenong Thunder on Wednesday 10 April.

Langwarrin, Strikers and Chelsea all used their Cup ties to give full senior debuts to a host of young players.

Langy defeated Doveton 3-1 at Lawton Park last Thursday night in a home tie for the Doves who agreed to switch the venue.

Jacob Brito put Langwarrin ahead after four minutes when he cut inside from the right then played a one-two with Juan Ramos before going past a defender and striking a low shot into the bottom corner from inside the area.

Langy controlled the contest with goalkeeper Griffen Bambach stopping any threats from Doveton and the Lawton Park outfit went further ahead in the 35th minute when Brito’s corner to the near post was headed home by Kameel Khan.

But Doveton hit back right on halftime when a bad back pass to Bambach was intercepted and Luka Slavica made it 2-1.

In the 63rd minute Brito was brought down inside the box and a penalty awarded.

With regular penalty taker Tom Youngs not playing Brito took the attempted conversion only for Doveton keeper Tom Avdoulos to effect a fine save.

But six minutes later Rahul Suresh gave Langy a two-goal cushion which proved too much for Doveton.

The average age of Langwarrin’s back four was 19 and two of the club’s under-18s came on as substitutes in the second half.

Peninsula Strikers went down 1-0 to East Bentleigh at Centenary Park on Saturday.

East Bentleigh was relegated to State 5 East last season but an influx of players from Chisholm United has made it one of the promotion favourites this season.

And the visitors confronted the youngest senior team ever fielded by Strikers’ head coach Scott Morrison with an average age of just 20.

Strikers’ Noah Musso had the first good chance of the contest when

through on goal but he could only get a faint touch on the ball with East Bentleigh keeper Dylan Clifford well off his line.

In the 21st minute pacy Strikers winger Campbell Steedman robbed Athanasios Panagiotou only to shoot wide.

Nine minutes later East Bentleigh struck the decisive blow.

Central striker Juho Kim and winger Josh Oresti had pace to burn for the visitors and the latter peeled off opponent Jordy May before taking a touch then drilling a well-struck low shot across Strikers’ keeper Nathan Brown and inside the far post.

In the 35th minute Musso jinked past two defenders only to have his shot blocked and seconds later a Steedman cross from the left was marginally behind Riley Anderton who could have had a tap-in.

Musso, Steedman and Anderton had further chances in the second half but couldn’t convert while the visitors also missed a couple of good opportunities to put the contest out of Strikers’ reach.

After the match Morrison was keen to highlight the positives.

“The result wasn’t what we wanted and at times the way we played was disappointing but we still created a lot

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and had enough chances to win comfortably,” he said.

“But it was positive in terms of the club as we had numerous boys who made their senior debuts and we got minutes into guys such as Jaiden (Madafferi) which is important.

“We had six boys who have been in the reserves start the game and a 17and 18-year-old.

“We’re in a pretty good situation where we’ve got experienced players like ‘Buzza’ (Wayne Gordon), Stevie (Elliott) and ‘Macca’ (Andy McIntyre) who can teach these guys and keep driving them at training and that can really help them a lot.”

Chelsea lost 5-1 away to NPL club Moreland City last Thursday night.

The scoreline doesn’t tell the tale of the local club’s performance against a side that plays six leagues higher.

Chelsea opened the scoring after 23 minutes when star striker James Stinson was brought down inside the area following a long ball downfield from Chelsea keeper Rhys Davies.

Stinson converted from the spot and the minnows from State 4 led 1-0.

But Moreland levelled after a contentious penalty decision converted by Apai Ukuno and in the last minute of the half Michael Tzoutzidis scored to give a relieved home side a 2-1 lead

at the break. This Cup tie was still up for grabs during the second half when Moreland made five substitutions bringing on some first team players and it eventually overran the visitors scoring three times in the last 15 minutes.

“Don’t take the score for granted because they were a wee bit worried for periods in the game and at the end I was happy with our performance and so were our players,” Chelsea gaffer Gus Macleod said.

In other news the grandstand at Centenary Park is set for a major upgrade.

Peninsula Strikers president Adrian Scialpi confirmed that the outer area will be fenced off on Monday 8 April and requests for quotes are due back to Frankston council by 20 April.

Work on what will be a two-stage project is expected to start during May and finish just before the season’s end.

“The grandstand will be similar to what it is now in height and depth but we’re looking to have internal cladding and filling in the sides to give added protection from the weather,” Scialpi said.

“Stage 2 of the development will be new tiered seating that will be a lot higher than the current seating and council has indicated that it will be individual seating in our club colours.”


Friday 5 April, 8.30pm:

Frankston Pines v Dandenong South, Monterey Reserve

Chelsea v Lyndale Utd, Edithvale Recreation Reserve

Saturday 6 April, 3pm:

Eltham v Mornington, Eltham North Reserve

Peninsula Strikers v Knox City, Centenary Park

Mooroolbark v Skye Utd, Esther Park

Somerville Eagles v Mentone, Westernport Secondary College Baxter v Springvale City, Baxter Park

Mount Martha v Seaford Utd, Civic Reserve

Saturday 6 April, 5pm: Barton Utd v Aspendale, Barton Recreation Reserve

Saturday 6 April, 6pm: Rosebud v Mount Eliza, Olympic Park

Monday 8 April, 8.30pm Kingston City v Langwarrin

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Young guns: Charlie Gunning (left) and Cal Hughes were among a host of Peninsula Strikers’ players making their full senior debuts on Saturday. Pictures: Paul Seeley, The Man In The Stands.
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