Chelsea • Mordialloc • Mentone

Phil Jones accepted an award last week to mark 60 years with the CFA. Jones has been a head coach for young trainees (pictured above), and still dedicates time to helping the Edithvale Brigade. See story page 5. Pictures: Supplied
THE Rossdale Golf Club is pushing ahead with a plan to redevelop its Aspendale golf course as Kingston Council considers its next steps.
Early plans for the proposed redevelopment of the Rossdale Golf Course were released last week. The plans, which are subject to community consultation, show large sections of the exist-
ing golf course replaced with housing of up to three storeys. Spaces for retirement housing, mixed use apartments, and pocket parks have also been allocated. The eastern section of the course, from Kincross Avenue to the border of the Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands, has been set aside as open space.
The plans for redevelopment have resulted in some backlash from residents.
Last year Kingston Council publicly called for the redevelopment plans to be halted, and it is now considering im-
plementing new planning restrictions to cover the site.
Rossdale Golf Club president Geoff Charnley said “extensive thought has gone into the general layout for the redeveloped site taking into careful consideration the feedback we have already received.”
“The draft plan is based on eight design principles from earlier community feedback. These cover everything from open space to tree preservation, cultural heritage and building a sustainable
community,” he said. “The Golf Club is keen to encourage feedback on the draft plan including what should be the housing mix for the development to meet the needs of the area.”
He said the draft plan sees around 30 percent of the site designated as public open space.
The Golf Club’s consultation website reads that the club is still considering alternate sites to move to if its proposed redevelopment at Aspendale moves forward. “The Rossdale Golf Club is
a private business on private land. The club is no longer financially viable at this site. In order to secure a long-term future for its members, the club will sell the site and is therefore considering options for the future redevelopment of the site and relocation of the club nearby,” the website reads.
The release of the plans comes at the same time as Kingston Council considers working on a planning scheme amendment for the golf course.
Continued page 3
Editor: Brodie Cowburn 0401 864 460
Journalists: Brodie Cowburn 5974 9000
Photographers: Gary Sissons, Yanni
Advertising Sales: Anton Hoffman 0411 119 379
Real Estate Account Manager: Jason Richardson 0421 190 318
Production and graphic design: Dannielle Espagne, Marcus Pettifer
Group Editor: Keith Platt
Publisher: Cameron McCullough
REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Peter McCullough, Stuart McCullough, Andrew Hurst
ADDRESS: Mornington Peninsula News Group PO Box 588 Hastings 3915
Email: Web:
AGED care workers at Bolton Clarke homes in Mentone and Rosebud went on strike last week.
Bolton Clarke is a privately-run aged care provider with homes across the country. On its website it claims to be “Australia’s largest independent not-forprofit aged care provider”.
Bolton Clarke workers began industrial action on Monday, 15 July. Workers are seeking a pay increase of at least four percent a year - the Victorian branch of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation says that Bolton Clarke should “provide an increase to all salary and allowances in the EBA to ensure parity with the Victorian public health sector from 30 June” and “provide a further per annum increase to base rates of pay, by provision of a four percent increase or the minimum wage case outcome, whichever is higher, on 30 June each year of the agreement including 2024.”
The first stage of the strike included a ban on collecting or recording data excluding any report directly related to safety, and redeployment refusals. Messages have been written in chalk on cars and workers are wearing t-shirts to support their cause.
In a statement, the ANMF said that 98 percent of its Bolton Clarke-employed members supported the strike. “The threat of action has been enough to force Bolton Clarke to issue a bargaining update, inclusive of a meagre two percent wages offer, up from 0 percent. Not two percent per year of the agreement, but two percent over the life of the agreement,” the ANMF said. “ANMF and members recognise and reject this for the woefully inadequate offer that it is. It is also significantly less than what all other
employers in aged care are offering.
“This insulting offer comes on top of Bolton Clarke having not passed on the full 15 percent stage two aged care work value uplift – unlike every other private and not for profit aged care provider –because they refused to increase shift, on-call, and other allowances in line with the work value uplift.”
Bolton Clarke Group CEO Stephen Muggleton said “our focus remains on the health, wellbeing and safety of our clients and residents” while workers are striking.
“Bolton Clarke has been working closely with employees and bargaining parties for six months to deliver a contemporary state-based enterprise agreement for teams in Victoria. Significant progress has been made to secure standard terms that deliver a unified classification structure, wage rates and conditions for Victorian employees and consultation is ongoing,” he said. “We will always do what is right by our employees. We were one of the first aged care employers to
sign up for and support the Aged Care Fair Work Value Case and have passed on in full all government funding received under the Fair Work Commission direction to employee wages and entitlements. In addition to the work value case increases, we have funded a wages uplift of up to 14 percent over the past two years for direct care workers. Together, these actions have brought a combined uplift of up to 29 percent over that period.
“We will continue to engage with employees, the ANMF and bargaining parties and are committed to delivering the best possible wages outcome and package of benefits within available funds for our teams.”
Earlier this year, public sector nurses were awarded a 28.4 per cent pay rise over the next four years.
A two-hour stop work rally was planned to be held at Bolton Clarke’s headquarters in Forest Hill on Monday, 22 July.
Brodie Cowburn
Things are in full swing at the Gallery this month. It’s the final weeks to see News from Nowhere: Lisa Walker & Brendan Huntley, our collection exhibition Both Body & Not and local artist Marion Harper: Restless Encounter, all ending Sunday 18 August.
The MPRG Shop has been carefully curated with some beautiful new pieces. We are excited to stock ethical products by Western Port Supply Co like bags made from upcycled windsurfer sails and to host Funaki Gallery in a pop-up called Funaki South. Funaki Gallery is recognised as a driving force in the promotion of contemporary jewellery in Australia.
As part of our Print Edition, we have launched a new series of limited edition prints by local artist Sophie Perez printed by Negative Press. These are available in three different colours so you can find the perfect match for your décor. Current exhibiting artist Brendan Huntley has also collaborated with Negative Press, printing a work in two colours especially for the MPRG Shop. We have collaborated with local artist Joshua Searle to create some fun t-shirts and pins.
Civic Reserve, Dunns Road, Mornington Ph 5950 1580
Our recent conversation with artists Lisa Walker and Brendan Huntley with MPRG curator Dunja Rmandić was recorded and you can now watch this on our YouTube channel. It is also available as a podcast. They discuss how sitting across both fine art and craft allows them the freedom to break rules.
As always, we have a range of creative workshops including the ever-popular Young at Art program for preschoolers.
Julia Young MPRG Acting Director
Continued from page 1
Council wrote to planning minister Sonya Kilkenny last year seeking advice on what action it should take to guide future development at the Aspendale golf course. She wrote back that she is “satisfied that there is a clear process to guide the assessment of the proposal to redevelop Rossdale Golf Course” and told council to work with the club on the plans.
At Kingston Council’s Monday public meeting, which will be held shortly after publication deadline, councillors will consider a proposal to “authorise the commencement of the strategic background work required to inform a planning scheme amendment to apply planning controls to the Rossdale Golf Course to reflect the environmental values of the site.” If the vote is approved, council will allocate $250,000 to its 2024/2025 budget to undertake that background work.
The golf course redevelopment plans have
sparked some concerned comments from residents. Kingston Residents Association president Trevor Shewan said that many people want to see the land retained. He said the golf club is “renewing their push to have their course rezoned for residential development with a new, phony round of consultation.”
“We the people want Rossdale to stay. A Facebook poll last year found 91 percent wanted it to stay. So residents should please make sure to let [Mordialloc MP] Tim Richardson and [planning minister Sonya] Kilkenny know what they want,” Shewan said. “Residents who attend the Rossdale Golf Club’s webinar or drop-in sessions next week should also please let them know whether you want Rossdale to stay or not.”
To view the full preliminary plans (pictured above) visit Drop-in sessions will be held at the Rossdale Golf Club clubhouse from 3pm - 6pm, Monday 29 July, and 9am - 12pm, Saturday 10 August.
Each month the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News will run a Community Events page, where your school or organisation can promote upcoming events, fund raisers, social events, etc. at no charge.
This page is sponsored by Kingston City Council, and listings are completely free.
Lisiting should be about 40 words and include event name, date, time & address.
A general election for Kingston City Council will be held in October 2024. To be able to vote in the election, you must be enrolled by the close of roll at 4 pm on Wednesday 7 August 2024. Two categories of voters can be enrolled to vote in the Kingston City Council election: State-enrolled voters and Council-enrolled voters.
State-enrolled voters
Am I enrolled to vote?
You are automatically enrolled for this election if:
• you will be 18 years of age or over on Saturday 26 October 2024 and you live in the City of Kingston and you are on the State electoral roll for your current address.
You need to enrol if:
• you are an Australian citizen aged 18 or over on Saturday 26 October 2024 and you live in the City of Kingston and you are not on the State electoral roll or
• you have lived at your current residential address within the City of Kingston for at least a month and have not yet updated your enrolment details, including any changes to your postal address.
How do I enrol?
You can enrol online at
You can also download an enrolment form from the website. All enrolment applications must be received by the Victorian Electoral Commission by the close of roll at 4 pm on Wednesday 7 August 2024.
How can I check my State enrolment?
You can check your enrolment details online at at any time, or call 131 832.
Am I enrolled to vote?
To be a Council-enrolled voter, you must be:
• 18 years of age or over on Saturday 26 October 2024 and not a State-enrolled voter within the City of Kingston.
New rules mean you are no longer automatically enrolled if you are a non-resident property owner (e.g. a landlord or a business owner that pays rates). If you are a non-resident property owner within the City of Kingston, you need to apply to enrol if you wish to vote in the Kingston City Council election.
Who else can enrol & vote?
You may also apply to enrol if: you have purchased a rateable property within the City of Kingston since the last election but you are not a resident of the City of Kingston, or
• you are not an Australian citizen and you live in, and pay rates for, a property within the City of Kingston, or
• you pay rates on a property you occupy within the City of Kingston and have no other voting entitlement within the City of Kingston, for example you are a shop tenant and pay rates to the Council for your tenancy, and you have no other voting entitlement within the City of Kingston, or
• you are a director or company secretary of a corporation within the City of Kingston that pays rates to Kingston City Council and you have no other voting entitlement within the City of Kingston.
How do I apply to be a Council-enrolled voter?
If you meet any of the above criteria and wish to enrol, contact Kingston City Council on 1300 653 356 for a council enrolment form. Council enrolment forms must be received by the Council by the close of roll at 4 pm on Wednesday 7 August 2024
How can I check if I am Council-enrolled?
You can check your enrolment details by contacting the Council on 1300 653 356.
Thinking about standing for election?
To nominate as a candidate for Kingston City Council, you must: be an Australian citizen and enrolled on the voters’ roll for Kingston City Council and
• be eligible to become a councillor and
• have completed the mandatory candidate training provided by Local Government Victoria before lodging your nomination with the Election Manager.
For further information, visit
Enrolment closes 4 pm Wednesday 7 August 2024
State-enrolled voters can register for free VoterAlert SMS and email reminders at
patrol with Brodie Cowburn
AN assault at Bayside Shopping Centre which left one alleged offender with self-inflicted wounds is under investigation.
Police were called out to the Frankston shopping centre at around 11am on 16 July. They were told that two men had assaulted three victims inside the centre.
Police allege one of the offenders “brandished an edged weapon”, reportedly a machete, but only managed to cut their own hand. The alleged offenders soon fled on foot.
The three assault victims each sustained some minor injuries, but were not required to be taken to hospital.
Police say they have recovered the weapon from a bin near the centre. They have asked any witnesses to contact them to assist with their ongoing investigation.
Anyone with information can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit www.
A STABBING at a Frankston restaurant is being investigated by police.
Victoria Police said in a statement that three young people were seated at a restaurant on Karingal Drive at around 7.50pm on 13 July when they were approached by a group of approximately eight young people. An affray then allegedly broke out before everyone fled the scene.
Police allege one of the people involved was stabbed in the hand.
Investigators are now looking into the incident. Any witnesses can assist police by contacting Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or making a report online at
A MAN wearing a dog collar allegedly committed a series of aggravated burglaries in Langwarrin earlier this month.
A man tried to steal car keys after breaking into a house on Wattlebird Crescent sometime after 6pm on 14 July, police say. The man was confronted by a resident and ran to a neighbouring property. After being confronted again he fled to a third house.
Police allege the man tried and failed to start two cars before running to the next house. There he was confronted by another resident, but managed to make off with a set of car keys. The offender fled in a stolen 2021 Mazda CX5 wagon with registration 1ZN5SU.
In a statement, Victoria Police said the man was wearing a dog collar and had possibly sustained facial injuries prior to the burglaries.
“The offender was perceived to be Caucasian in appearance, about 168cm tall with a skinny build, and spikey blond hair. He was wearing a lime green-coloured top and had a distinctive, large dog collar around his neck,” a police statement read. “The residents who confronted the victim reported him appearing to have preexisting facial injuries. Investigators have also been told the offender made claims to residents that people had assaulted him.
“Detectives have concerns about the bizarre circumstances surrounding the incidents and are hoping to identify the offender and speak with him, not only regarding the Langwarrin incidents but also to establish whether he needs medical treatment or was subject to any earlier offending.”
Anyone with information can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at to assist investigators.
BRENDAN Pallant will spend at least 25 years behind bars for the 2019 murder of two-year-old Jaidyn Gomes-Sebastiao in Langwarrin.
Pallant had been living with Jaidyn Gomes-Sebastiao’s mother for a short time when the murder took place. He used part of a metal table to inflict fatal head injuries on the toddler while his mother was out of the house on the afternoon of 2 September, 2019.
On 18 July last year, a jury found Pallant guilty of Gomes-Sebastiao’s murder. Last week, he was sentenced in the Victorian Supreme Court to 32 years in prison. A non-parole period of 25 years was set.
Justice Jane Dixon said that the age and vulnerability of the victim played a part in the sentencing.
“The law regards all human life as unique and sacred. However, the life of an infant or a young child is especially precious, because children are so vulnerable and defenceless,” the judge said.
“The ordinary, natural instinct of any decent hu-
man being is to feel tenderness and protectiveness to an infant or young child.”
Pallant, now aged 37, grew up in Mornington and attended Mornington Primary School and Mornington Secondary College. The court’s decision read that he has used drugs throughout his life, and had used the drug ice on the morning of the murder.
In her sentencing, Justice Dixon said “I agree with the Crown submission that neither personal distress and loss of control nor the effects of drug use provide any excuse for an assault of this nature on a two-year-old child.”
“Although you did remain at the scene and answer police questions, I consider that your behaviour after the assault on Jaidyn was largely self-serving and aimed at deflecting responsibility for the injuries to Jaidyn. You have continued to deny responsibility and shown no remorse. Your moral culpability is high,” Dixon said.
Brodie Cowburn
60 YEARS have passed since he first signed up, but time hasn’t stopped Edithvale Fire Brigade member Phil Jones from making a contribution.
Jones joined the CFA in 1963. Last month, Commander Brad Fogden and Edithvale Captain Sean McGuckin presented him a medal honouring 60 years of service.
Although Jones no longer attends fires, he still plays an important part. He said “I do a lot of the smaller stuff around the brigade now - washing the windows, doing the gardening, fundraising.”
“We have a remembrance garden out the back for some of the old members who have passed away, so I take care of them. But I like to keep busy. I am here most days, and I think keeping physically active every day, whether doing this at the brigade, or golf and walking is what is keeping me healthy,” Jones said.
During his time with the CFA, Jones has attended fires and other emergency responses. He assisted during the Ash Wednesday fires in 1983. He also trained junior members, and served as their head coach between 1980 and 1988. One of those former juniors, Frank Pitinga from Edithvale Brigade, said “Phil has always been a believer to nurture the new and upcoming members and impart his experiences and learnings.”
“Phil epitomises the nature of being a CFA volunteer – selfless and a quiet achiever,” he said.
Phil Jones first signed up for the CFA alongside his brother. That family history has continuedhe said “now I have a lot of extended family who are involved in some way or another.”
Jones hopes to still be involved with the Edithvale brigade in the years to come. He said “I am extremely grateful for all the support that has been given to me over the years.”
“This place really does mean a lot to me. I have just celebrated my 60 years, but I would still like to be here when I get my 70 years’ service,” he said.
The Edithvale unit hands out the “Phil Jones Award” to members who show exemplary effort to the brigade.
CHEMIST Discount Centre (CDC) Patterson Lakes is thrilled to have TWO local winners!
The Save & Win promotion encouraged customers to prioritise their healthcare and wellness needs but also reinforces CDC’s commitment to giving back to the community. By simply scanning their Club Card at purchase, shoppers could enter a draw to win a $5000 pre-paid MasterCard.
John, who visited CDC to purchase Strepsils, was pleasantly surprised and delighted to be drawn as one of the lucky winners.
Pictured left: Krystal Mizzi with daughter Savannah
Pictured above L-R: Team Member: Hang Nguyen, Pharmacy Business Manager: Shelley Phillips, Retail Manager: Jakki Begley, CDC Operations Coordinator: Brad Miller, Pharmacy Owner: Shannon McClurg, CDC Loyalty Program Manager: Alyssa Newton, Prize Winners: Virginia and John Harris, Team Member: Shameem Rahman, and CDC General Manager: Theo Gakelos
“We have always been very happy with the courtesy and helpful advice from the staff here at Patterson Lakes. The Club Card program works well for us as an incentive to purchase locally from Chemist Discount Centre. We are grateful to win this generous prize but haven’t decided on how to spend it as yet but will certainly put it to good use.”
Similarly, Krystal, who bought QV Baby Gentle Wash, was equally thrilled to discover she had won a significant prize.
“I definitely wasn’t expecting this awesome news, but it’s welcome nonetheless and a huge thank you to our local pharmacy, you will always be my go-to for all our family’s needs. The prize money won’t go astray while we build our new home in Chelsea Heights!”
Our customers love the Club Card loyalty program - it helps them save even more off their pharmacy shop and offers them the chance to win fantastic prizes.
CDC wishes to congratulate them and thank all our customers for their continued support.
The next phase of community consultation on the future of the Rossdale Golf Course will take place during July and August.
We invite you to attend an upcoming event. Come along and have your say!
Monday 29 July 3-6pm
Drop-in session at Rossdale Golf Club clubhouse – Cnr First and, Sixth Ave, Aspendale
Saturday 10 August 9am-12pm
Drop-in session at Rossdale Golf Club clubhouse – Cnr First and, Sixth Ave, Aspendale
Your feedback will help shape proposals before the Club submits a formal request for site rezoning and development.
For further information visit
ROSSDALE Golf Club is seeking to rezone its land. The reason for this is that the club is not financially viable at its current location. Rossdale has existed for over 75 years in this location and its members feel they have a connection to the local area. Most members would like to leave a legacy in the area.
The club is on privately owned land so has no publicly accessible open space. We feel strongly about the idea of ‘net community benefit’ in the creation of any proposed development.
The proposed redevelopment of the Rossdale Golf Club has entered its next phase of consultation and we are encouraging all in the community and key Government stakeholders to have their say.
Extensive thought has gone into the general layout for the redeveloped site taking on board detailed site investigations, as well as community and stakeholder feedback we have already received. That said, we recognise that this is a sensitive matter for neighbours and the community in general.
Those who have already visited will see that the draft plan sees approximately 30% of the site proposed as public
open space along with the creation of new wetlands. Emphasis is placed on integrating the new development into surrounding neighbourhoods with new walkways, cycle paths and linking parkways.
So what is the balance needed here? From the Club’s point of view, we are following the State planning guidelines for the redevelopment of golf courses and the goal of delivering a ‘net community benefit’ from any redevelopment.
The desires of the Club, its members, nearby residents and the community, all form part of this equation. Getting this balance right is naturally a challenge and we have recognised this from the start.
For our part we believe that open communication and consultation are essential as we look to realise the Club’s responsibility as the current landowner and the goal of delivering a net community benefit. We look forward to your input ahead of the next step of finalising our plans and submitting them to the planning authorities for consideration.
By Geoff Charnley, Rossdale Golf Club President
FOR over 70 years, Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap has kept millions of people from across the world on the edge of their seats. Local audiences will get the chance to solve the famed murder mystery when Shake & Stir brings its production to Frankston Arts Centre.
Shake & Stir
Artistic Director Ross Balbuziente said:
“We’re so excited to bring The Mousetrap to Frankston and the Frankston Arts Centre! This amazing venue is the perfect fit for our show, with its great atmosphere, facilities and professional staff.
“Frankston Arts Centre is well-known for attracting the best shows and is spoken highly of in the industry.
“We chose Frankston because of its lively arts community and warm, welcoming vibe. Theatre lovers from Melbourne’s south-east are always prepared to travel into town for shows so this time we are coming to them.
“We can’t wait for Melbourne audiences to enjoy the magic and mystery of Agatha Christie’s classic in such a fantastic setting!”
Directed by Australian theatre icon Robyn Nevin and starring Hannah Fredericksen as Mollie Ralston, Alex Rathgeber as Giles Ralston, Geraldine Turner as Mrs Boyle, Chris
Parker as Major Metcalf, Miranda Daughtry as Miss Casewell, Gerry Connolly as Mr Paravicini, and Timothy Walker as Detective Sergeant Trotter.
As news spreads of a murder in London, a group of seven strangers find themselves snowed in at a remote countryside guesthouse. When a police sergeant arrives, the guests discover – to their horror – that a killer is in their midst! One by one, the suspicious characters reveal their sordid pasts. Which one is the murderer?
See The Mousetrap at Frankston Arts Centre from 31 July to 3 August. For more information, visit or call Box Office on 03 9784 1060.
SBS, 7.30pm
ABC TV, 7.30pm
In this wonderfully feel-good British series, gardener Alan Titchmarsh (pictured left) surprises homeowners with one of life’s greatest joys: a beautiful garden. With an eye for detail and a dedicated expert team that makes the most out of every plot, the series showcases transformations that change lives with the magic of plants. Tonight, Titchmarsh is in Thornton Heath at an aged care centre ready to breathe new life into its uninspiring outdoor area.
With gung-ho panache and a penchant for highspeed fun, Nick Knowles (pictured right) is guided by lighthearted whims on his journeys. In tonight’s episode, Knowles is in Italy embarking on his “volcano express”, with the route taking him from Mount Vesuvius to Mount Etna.
ABC TV (2) SBS (3)
ABC TV, 8.30pm
Hot on the heels of Wimbledon and ahead of the fast-paced spectacle of the US Open comes this high-stakes offering that goes into some very dark corridors away from the court. Set in the intense, exclusive world of professional tennis, get set to be engrossed by this shiny yet unnerving six-part emotional stomach-churner. Poldark’s Aidan Turner (pictured right) dons a polo shirt as a maverick coach who isn’t nearly as winning as he first appears. Starring excellent newcomer Ella Lily Hyland as 17-year-old tennis prodigy Justine, it’s a gripping psychological thriller that throws a wildcard with big emotions.
SEVEN, 9pm
Needled with suspense and emotion, this five-part British medical thriller makes Grey’s Anatomy and ER look like a fuddy-duddy daytime drama. Irish actress Niamh Algar (pictured left) is faultless as Dr Lucinda Edwards. In an enthralling plot that zeroes in on mental health
NINE (9) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Stuff The British Stole. (PG, R) 10.30 Simply Nigella. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon.
1.00 Maggie Beer’s Big Mission. (R) 2.00 Ladies In Black. (Ms, R) 3.00 Restoration Australia. (PG, R) 3.55 Bill Bailey’s Wild West Australia. (PG, R) 4.45 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 7.30.
8.00 Foreign Correspondent. Explores a rise in tensions in the Arctic.
8.30 Grand Designs: The Streets. (l) Hosted by Kevin McCloud. 9.20 Troppo. (Malv, R) Ted and Amanda investigate Julian’s neighbours. 10.20 ABC Late News. 10.35 The Business. (R)
10.50 The Art Of... (Final, R) 11.20 Talking Heads. (PG, R) 11.55 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 12.45 Bill Bailey’s Wild West Australia. (PG, R) 1.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.15 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Landline. (R) 5.00 Art Works. (PG, R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.15 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 10.15 Great Canal Journeys. (PG, R) 11.10 Inside Oxford Street. 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Such Was Life. (R) 2.10 Animal Einsteins. (R) 3.05 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 3.10 The Cook Up. (R) 3.40 Magic In The Mountains. (PG, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Her Last Will. (2016, Madv, R) 2.00 Motorbike Cops. (PGl, R) 2.15 Catch Phrase. (PG, R) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) Presented by Marc Fennell.
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Chernobyl: The Lost Tapes. (Ma) Explores the story of Chernobyl. 9.20 Rise And Fall: The World Trade Center. (PGa, R) The story of the architects and engineers who helped create the World Trade Center Twin Towers.
10.50 SBS World News Late.
11.25 The Head. (Premiere, MA15+a)
1.20 Blanca. (MA15+av, R)
4.20 Peer To Peer. (R)
4.50 Destination Flavour: Japan Bitesize. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGa) Mali enlists Tane’s help.
8.30 Starstruck. (PG) The next four teams go head to head for a place in the final and a chance to win the £50,000 prize.
9.45 ABBA Forever. (R) The story of ’70s Swedish pop group ABBA, featuring interviews with band members and concert footage.
10.45 Air Crash Investigations: Disaster At Dutch Harbor. (PG)
12.45 The Goldbergs. (PGls, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
TEN (10)
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024: Encore. 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 9News Afternoon.
5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG, R) Hosted by Todd Woodbridge.
6.00 9News.
7.00 A Current Affair: Paris Edition.
7.30 RBT. (PGl, R)
8.30 Travel Guides. (PGln, R) The travel guides head to France.
10.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Men’s Rugby Sevens. Includes: Samoa v Australia, Australia v Argentina.
12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Men’s Rugby Sevens. Includes: South Africa v Japan, New Zealand v Ireland. From Stade de France, Paris. 1.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Women’s Soccer. Spain v Japan. 3.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Women’s Soccer. Australia v Germany. 5.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Rugby Sevens. Includes: men’s quarter-finals. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Taskmaster Australia. (Final, PGls) Hosted by Tom Gleeson. 8.40 Law & Order: SVU. (Mv) After a runaway bride calls the SVU for help on the day of her wedding, Rollins pitches in on her day off. 10.40 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 11.05 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.05 The Late
ABC (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7)
6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Planet America. (R) 10.30 That Pacific Sports Show. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon.
1.00 Troppo. (Malv, R) 2.00 The Split. (Final, Ma, R) 3.00 Restoration Australia. (R) 3.55 Bill Bailey’s Wild West Australia. (R) 4.45 Grand Designs. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.15 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 10.15 Great Canal Journeys. (PGav, R) 11.10 Inside Oxford Street. (PGa) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Such Was Life. (PG, R) 2.05 Animal Einsteins. (R) 3.00 NITV News: Nula. 3.45 The Cook Up. (R) 4.15 Tony Robinson: Britain’s Greatest River. (R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.30 Love Your Garden. Presented by Alan Titchmarsh.
8.20 Troppo. (Mal) Ted and Amanda investigate when a drug-affected poacher climbs naked up a flagpole and falls to his death.
9.15 Fisk. (Mls, R) A woman takes a job at a law firm.
10.15 Austin. (PG, R)
10.45 ABC Late News.
11.00 Grand Designs. (R)
11.50 Bill Bailey’s Wild West Australia. (R)
12.40 We Hunt Together. (Final, MA15+lv, R)
1.25 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 Rage. (PG)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender. (Mls, R) Explores the life of Freddie Mercury.
9.05 MOVIE: Duran Duran: A Hollywood High. (2022, G, R) A celebration of Duran Duran’s four-decade career and their love affair with the city of Los Angeles. Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes.
10.25 SBS World News Late.
10.55 The Shelter. (Ma)
12.35 My Brilliant Friend. (Mav, R)
3.50 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.45 Destination Flavour: Japan Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6am WorldWatch. 10.00 Front Up 1998. 12.10pm WorldWatch. 12.40 Most Expensivest. 1.35 Marry Me, Marry My Family. 2.40 Over The Black Dot. 3.30 WorldWatch. 5.30 Curse Of Oak Island. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Billy Connolly: Great American Trail. 9.25 My Massive C**k. 10.20 The Lesbian Guide To Straight Sex. 11.15 Shoresy. 11.40 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 7.20pm Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Strange Chores. 8.00 Hard Quiz Kids. 8.30 BTN Newsbreak. 8.35 Operation Ouch! 9.05 Officially Amazing. 9.35 Dragon Ball Super. 9.55 Supernatural Academy. 10.15 The PM’s Daughter. 10.40 Phoenix Rise. 11.40 Good Game Spawn Point. 12.25am Rage. 1.25 TMNT. 2.10 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Wide Open Sky. Continued. (2015) 6.20 The Man Who Invented Christmas. (2017, PG) 8.15 Hacker. (2019, PG, Danish) 10.00 Jack Mimoun And The Secrets Of Val Verde. (2022, M, French) Noon Rabbit Hole. (2010, M) 1.40 RBG. (2018, PG) 3.30 The Thief Lord. (2006, PG) 5.20 Steel Magnolias. (1989, PG) 7.30 The Promise. (2016, M) 9.55 Eiffel. (2021, M, French) 11.55 Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Going Places. 2.00 Shortland St. 2.30 The
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 AFL: Friday Night Countdown.
A lead-up to the Friday night AFL match.
7.20 Football. AFL. Round 20. Carlton v Port Adelaide.
10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews.
11.15 Armchair Experts. (M) A panel discusses all things AFL.
12.00 Boy To Man: Horse Gladiators. (PGa, R) Tim Noonan heads to Kyrgyzstan. 1.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
Harry’s Practice. (R)
Home Shopping. (R)
Million Dollar Minute. (R)
My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)
6.30 I Was Actually There: Nicky Winmar. (PG, R) A look at Nicky Winmar’s stand.
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.
7.30 Sister Boniface Mysteries. (PG) A man is found dead in a locked room.
8.20 Van Der Valk. (Mav, R) Part 2 of 3. Van der Valk investigates after an employee of the renowned Cuypers Diamonds is killed.
9.50 Ladies In Black. (Final, Ms, R) The ladies need to work together.
10.40 Shetland. (Final, Mv, R) The team races to identify the killer.
11.35 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
Motorcycle Racing. FIM Superbike World C’ship. Round 6. Highlights. 3.00 Sailing. SailGP. Round 13. Highlights. 4.00 Motor Racing. Extreme E C’ship. Rounds 3 and 4. Hydro X Prix. Highlights. 5.00 Sailing. New York Vendée. Highlights. From New York City to Les Sablesd’Olonne, France. 5.30 The Abyss: The Rise And Fall Of The Nazis. (PGa, R)
6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Amazing Railway Adventures With Nick Knowles. (PGal) 8.25 Princess Anne: The Plot To Kidnap A Royal. (PGa, R) A look at the plot to kidnap Princess Anne. 9.20 Westminster Abbey: Behind Closed Doors. (PG, R) 10.10 Scotland’s Extreme Medics. (Mal, R) 11.05 Paris Paris. (PGal) 12.05 MOVIE: Radioactive. (2019, Mav, R) Rosamund Pike, Yvette Feuer. 2.05 Life Drawing Live. (Mn, R) 4.05 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.35 Bamay. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
Better Homes And Gardens. (R) 7.00
Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 Horse Racing. Industry Celebration Day, Caulfield Season Finale and Doomben Raceday. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R)
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Football. AFL. Round 20. Melbourne v GWS Giants. From the MCG.
10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews taking a look back at all the action from the game.
11.00 To Be Advised.
1.05 Criminal Confessions: Who Killed Little Mama? (Madlv, R) When an elderly free spirit comes into a large sum of money, she is mercilessly attacked and left for dead.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Drop Dead Weird. (R) Three siblings move to Ireland.
5.00 House Of Wellness. (PGa, R) A look at locations that highlight living well.
6.00 9News Saturday.
7.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 1: Night. Events may include: swimming heats; diving; men’s hockey, Australia v Argentina. 10.30 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 1: Late night. Events may include: road cycling, women’s time trial; canoe slalom, women’s K1. 12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 1: Post midnight. Events may include: canoe slalom, women’s K1, men’s C1; cycling road, men’s time trial, skateboarding, men’s street final.
3.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 1: Overnight.
5.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 1: Early morning.
6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PGa, R) A torrential downpour sparks a flood.
7.00 The Dog House. (R) A father and his two daughters search for a dog that can fill the house when the girls are at their
6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00 Offsiders. 10.30 World This Week. (R) 11.00 Compass. (PGa, R) 11.30 Praise. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Love Your Garden. (R) 2.20 Grand Designs: The Streets. (PGl, R) 3.10 Simply Nigella. (Final, R) 3.40 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 4.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG, R) 5.00 Restoration Australia. (R)
6.00 Antiques Roadshow.
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Spicks And Specks. (Final, PG)
8.00 Austin. (Final, PG) Julian is concerned about Austin.
8.30 Fifteen-Love. (Premiere, Mal)
A tennis prodigy’s life is rocked by tragedy.
9.20 Unforgotten. (Mal, R) A corpse is discovered in a scrap yard.
10.10 The Beast Must Die. (Mal, R)
10.55 Annika. (Mav, R)
11.45 Frayed. (MA15+l, R)
12.30 Noughts + Crosses. (Mlv, R)
1.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.00 Classic
Countdown. (PG, R) 4.00 Landline. (R) 4.30 Art Works. (PG, R) 5.00 Insiders. (R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.10 J Schwanke’s Life In Bloom. (PG, R) 10.10 The Bee Whisperer. (PG, R) 11.05 My Unique B&B. 12.00 WorldWatch. 12.30 PBS Washington Week With The Atlantic. 12.55 Range Of Motion. (R) 1.00 Speedweek. 3.00 Sports Woman. 4.00 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys. (R) 4.55 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Rivers. (Final, PG) 5.30 The Abyss: The Rise And Fall Of The Nazis. (PGa, R) 6.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R) 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 11.00 House Of Wellness. (PG, R) 12.00 Football. VFL. Round 18. Box Hill Hawks v Williamstown. 2.40 AFL Pre-Game Show. 3.00 Football. AFL. Round 20. Sydney v Western Bulldogs.
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Mayhem: Secret Lives Of Georgian Kings: George I Luck And Loathing. (PGav) Part 1 of 4.
9.20 Lost Treasure Tombs Of The Ancient Maya. (PGav, R) Part 1 of 2. Follows archaeologists as they search for clues to how the Maya lived and what happened to them.
11.05 Attila’s Forbidden Tomb. (Mav, R)
12.40 24 Hours In Emergency. (Ma, R)
1.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. (Mls, R) 2.25 Hell On Earth: WWII. (Mav, R) 3.20 The Woman Who Wasn’t There. (Mal, R) 4.30 Peer To Peer. (PG, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera News.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Dancing With The Stars. (PG) Hosted by Dr Chris Brown and Sonia Kruger. 9.00 Miniseries: Malpractice. (Premiere, Malv) Part 1 of 5. A doctor finds her actions at the centre of a medical investigation, prompted by complaints from a grieving father of an opioid overdose patient who died under her watch.
11.00 Air Crash Investigations: Pitch Black. (PGa, R) A look at the crash of Air Illinois Flight 710. 12.00 Lipstick Jungle. (Mds, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6am Morning Programs. 10.00 House Of Wellness. 11.00 The Hotel Inspector. Noon House Of Wellness. 1.00 The Highland Vet. 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.30 Discover. 3.00 My Greek Odyssey. 4.00 Bondi Vet. 5.00 Escape To The Country. 6.00
6.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 1: Early morning. 7.00 Today In Paris. Presented by Sarah Abo and Karl Stefanovic. 11.00 9News Morning Weekend. 12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024: Encore. Hosted by Todd Woodbridge. 3.30 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 2: Afternoon.
6.00 9News Sunday.
7.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 2: Night. Events may include: swimming; skateboarding; women’s hockey, Australia v South Africa; equestrian; rowing.
10.30 Olympic Games Paris 2024.
Day 2: Late night. Events may include: canoe slalom, women’s K1 semi-finals; women’s artistic gymnastics; women’s cycling, mountain bike.
12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024.
Day 2: Post midnight.
3.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 2: Overnight. 5.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 2: Early morning.
NITV (34)
1.30pm Boxing Night To Remember. 2.30 Anthem Sessions Interstitials. 2.35 Going Places. 3.35 On Country Kitchen. 4.05 Anthem Sessions Interstitials. 4.15 Tina: What’s Love. 6.10 News. 6.20 Yellowstone. 7.30 How Hip Hop Changed The World. 8.30 Nat King Cole: Afraid Of The Dark. 10.10 MOVIE: The Fountain. (2006, M) 11.55 Late Programs.
6.30 The Sunday Project. Panellists dissect, digest and reconstitute the daily news, events and hottest topics. 7.30 MOVIE: Jack Reacher: Never Go Back. (2016, Mlv, R) Jack Reacher helps an army officer he suspects is the victim of a conspiracy. Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders, Danika Yarosh. 9.55 FBI. (Mv, R) Maggie reconnects with an old mentor when the team investigates the murder of a professional informant. 10.50 The Sunday Project. (R) Panellists dissect, digest and reconstitute the daily news, events and hottest topics. 12.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. Morning news and talk show. 6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Small Business Secrets. 10.00 Front Up 1999. Noon Hudson & Rex. 1.40 Untold Australia. 2.45 How To Rob A Bank. 3.35 Blaktrax. 4.35 WorldWatch. 5.05 PBS Washington Week With The Atlantic. 5.30 Alone Denmark. 6.40 Great Australian Walks With Julia Zemiro. 7.35 Abandoned Engineering. 8.30 Cars That Built The World. 9.20 WWE Legends. 10.50 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 7.05pm Karma’s World. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 MOVIE: Nancy Drew. (2007, PG) 9.05 Fresh Off The Boat. 10.10 Doctor Who. 10.55 Merlin. 11.40 BTN High. 11.45 The Gospel According To Marcia. 1.10am Horrible Histories. 1.40 Wildlifers! 1.55 Operation Ouch! 2.20 So Awkward. 2.50 Malory Towers. 3.15 The Next Step. 3.35 Odd Squad. 3.55 Close. 4.00 Moon And Me. 4.20 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Hacker. Continued. (2019, PG, Danish) 7.10 The Movie Show. 7.45 What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. (1993, PG) 9.50 The Thief Lord. (2006, PG) 11.40 The Promise. (2016, M) 2.05pm Steel Magnolias. (1989, PG) 4.15 Time Bandits. (1981, PG) 6.25 Diana. (2013, PG) 8.30 Taking Lives. (2004, MA15+) 10.25 The Vice Of Hope. (2018, MA15+, Italian) 12.15am Late Programs. 5.55 The Movie Show. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs.
Noon. 12.55 Van Der Valk. (Mav, R) 2.25 I
Actually There. (Ml, R) 2.55 Restoration
(PG, R) 3.55 Griff’s Great Australian Rail Trip. (R) 4.40 Grand Designs. (R) 5.30 Back Roads. (R) 5.55 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
6.30 Monday’s Experts. (PG)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 7.30. 8.00 Stuff The British Stole:
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Peer To Peer. (R) 9.25 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 10.25 Great Canal Journeys. (R) 11.20 Inside Oxford Street. (Ml) 12.10 WorldWatch. 2.20 Animal Einsteins. (R) 3.15 Trail Towns. (R) 3.45 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw. (R) 4.15 Tony Robinson: Britain’s Greatest River. (R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Robson Green’s Weekend Escapes.
8.40 Into The Gobi Desert With Nick Knowles. (PG) Nick Knowles heads to Mongolia.
Great Australian Rail Trip. (R)
1.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.10 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.20 Landline. (R) 4.50 Art Works. (PG, R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
9.30 24 Hours In Emergency: Boys Just Want To Have Fun. (Return, Ma) 10.25 SBS World News Late. 11.00 Forest Of The Missing. (Premiere, MA15+asv) 1.00 Tokyo Vice. (MA15+s, R) 3.00 The Autistic Gardener. (R) 3.55 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
Inbestigators. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Fresh Off The Boat. 8.25 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch. 8.45 BTN Newsbreak. 8.50 Style It Out. 9.20 Further Back In Time For Dinner. 10.15 Doctor Who. 11.05 Merlin. 11.45 The Dark Side Of The Universe. 12.45am Horrible Histories. 1.50 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am The Movie Show. 6.25 Diana. (2013, PG) 8.30 Jean De Florette. (1986,
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: All For Her. (2021, Ma) 2.00 Catch Phrase. (PG) 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. Hosted by Larry Emdur.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGa) Cash gives Eden a difficult mission.
7.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) Two men keep changing their stories.
8.30 Alert: Missing Persons Unit. (Mav) Jason and Mike search for a couple who have gone missing in the Allegheny Mountains.
10.30 S.W.A.T. (Mav) The team stops a robbery.
12.30 The Event. (Mav, R)
1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 2: Early morning. 7.00 Today In Paris. Presented by Sarah Abo and Karl Stefanovic. 11.00 9News Morning.
12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024: Encore. Hosted by Todd Woodbridge. 3.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 3: Afternoon.
6.00 9News. 7.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 3: Night. Events may include: rowing; men’s hockey, Australia v Ireland; swimming; diving; women’s rugby sevens; cycling mountain bike; equestrian.
10.30 Olympic Games Paris 2024.
Day 3: Late night. Events may include: canoe slalom; equestrian, eventing jumping; women’s rugby sevens.
12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 3: Post midnight. 3.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 3: Overnight. 5.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 3: Early morning.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal.
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news.
7.30 Deal Or No Deal: Celebrity Jackpot. (PGls) Hosted by Grant Denyer. 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (Malns) Celebrity panellists compete to see who can remember the most about events of the week. 9.30 Ghosts. (PGs) An investor backs out of Sam and Jay’s restaurant, leaving them to turn to the one ghost who has money: Isaac.
10.25 10’s Late News.
10.50 The Project. (R) 11.55 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.
ABC (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7)
NINE (9) 6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R) 10.30 Monday’s Experts. (PG, R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00
ABC News At Noon. 1.00 The Newsreader. (Ml, R) 1.55 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 2.25 Back Roads. (PG, R) 2.55 Restoration Australia. (R) 3.55 Griff’s Great Australian Rail Trip. (PG, R) 4.40 Grand Designs. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 I Was Actually There: The Beatles. (PG)
8.30 Freeman. (R) Cathy Freeman shares her story.
9.30 Tall Poppy: A Skater’s Story. (PG, R) Follows skater Poppy Starr Olsen. 11.00 ABC Late News. 11.15 The Business. (R) 11.30 Four Corners. (R) 12.15 Monday’s Experts. (PG, R) 12.50 Media Watch. (PG, R) 1.05 Grand Designs. (R) 1.55 Griff’s Great Australian Rail Trip. (PG, R) 2.45 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.10 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Landline. (R) 5.00 Art Works. (PGs, R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.15 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 10.15 Great Canal Journeys. (R) 11.10 Inside Oxford Street. (PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.15 Animal Einsteins. (PGa, R) 3.10 Trail Towns. (PG, R) 3.45 The Cook Up. (R) 4.15 Tony Robinson: Britain’s Greatest River. (R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Great British Railway Journeys: Edinburgh To Queensferry. Presented by Michael Portillo. 8.30 Insight. Presenter Kumi Taguchi hears from people haunted by their decisions.
9.30 Dateline: Cambodia’s Surrogacy Crackdown. A look at Cambodia’s surrogacy crackdown.
10.00 SBS World News Late.
10.30 The Point: Road Trip. (R) 11.30 The Man Who Died. (Mas) 1.15 Christian. (MA15+d, R) 4.00 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.30 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6am WorldWatch. 10.00 Front Up 1999. 11.00 Marry Me, Marry My Family. 12.05pm WorldWatch. 12.35 Molly And Cara. 12.45 Stacey Dooley: Back On The Psych Ward. 1.55 The Bee Whisperer. 2.55 Kickin’ Back. 3.30 WorldWatch. 5.25 Curse Of Oak Island. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Alone. 9.40 Hoarders. 11.20 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 7.20pm Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 The Inbestigators. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Fresh Off The Boat. 8.25 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch. 8.45 BTN Newsbreak. 8.50 Deadly Mission: Shark. 9.20 Planet Expedition. 10.10 Doctor Who. 11.25 Merlin. 12.10am Good Game Spawn Point. 12.50 Rage. 1.55 Wildlifers! 2.05 Operation Ouch! 2.35 Malory Towers. 3.00 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Oka! (2012, PG) 8.00 Oliver! (1968, PG) 10.40 The Mask Of Zorro. (1998, M) 1.10pm The Medallion. (2003, M) 2.45 The Movie Show. 3.15 Diana. (2013, PG) 5.20 Goal! (2005, PG) 7.30 Ping Pong: The Triumph.
12.20am Late Programs.
TV (2)
News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Four Corners. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.35 Media Watch. (PG, R) 1.55 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PGa, R) 2.25 Back Roads. (R) 2.55 Restoration Australia. (R) 3.55 Griff’s
Australian Rail Trip. (R) 4.40 Grand Designs. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
6.25 Hard Quiz.
Spicks And Specks. (Final, PG, R) Hosted by Adam Hills.
Planet America. 10.35 ABC Late News. 10.50 The Business. (R)
Interview With The Vampire. (MA15+hv, R) 11.55 Grand Designs. (R) 12.45 Griff’s Great Australian Rail Trip. (R) 1.35 Grantchester. (PG, R) 2.20 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.10 Parkinson
Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Landline. (R) 5.00 Art Works. (PG, R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Chris Watts: Confessions Of A Killer. (2020, Mav, R) 2.00 Motorbike Cops. (PG, R) 2.15 Catch Phrase. (PG, R) 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGav) Harper is faced with a tough choice.
7.30 Britain’s Got Talent. (PG) Hosted by Ant and Dec.
9.30 First Dates UK. (Return, Mls) Follows singles, including a cake-maker and self-confessed princess, as they embark on first dates.
11.35 Extended Family. (Premiere, PGa)
12.35 MOVIE: Slam.
(2018, MA15+alv, R) Adam Bakri.
3.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.
TEN (10)
6.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 3: Early morning. 7.00 Today In Paris. Presented by Sarah Abo and Karl Stefanovic. 11.00 9News Morning. 12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024: Encore. Hosted by Todd Woodbridge. 3.00
6.00 9News.
7.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 4: Night. Events may include: men’s triathlon; rowing; swimming; men’s basketball, Australia v Canada.
10.30 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 4: Late night. Events may include: men’s basketball, Australia v Canada; canoe slalom; shooting; women’s rugby sevens, semi-finals.
12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 4: Post midnight.
3.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 4: Overnight. 5.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 4: Early morning.
WorldWatch. 9.15 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 10.15 Great Canal Journeys. (PGa, R) 11.10 Inside Oxford Street. (Final, PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Dateline. (R) 2.30 Insight. (R) 3.45 The Cook Up. (R) 4.15 Tony Robinson: Britain’s Greatest River. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (PG, R) Presented by Marc Fennell. 6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Stormy. (Malns) Stormy Daniels shares her story.
9.30 DI Ray. (Malv) Having lost trace of two kidnappers in a daring car chase, DI Ray leads a mission to rescue Rav. 10.25 SBS World News Late. 10.55 Headhunters. (Malv)
12.35 Faking Hitler. (Mln, R) 3.20 Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip. (PG, R) 4.15 Bamay. (R) 4.50 Destination Flavour: Japan Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: A Daughter’s Deception. (2019, Mav, R) 2.00 Motorbike Cops. (PG, R) 2.15 Catch Phrase. 3.00 The Chase. (R)
Seven News At 4.
The Chase Australia.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGa)
7.30 The 1% Club UK. (PG, R) Hosted by Lee Mack.
8.30 The Front Bar. (Ml) Hosts Mick Molloy, Sam Pang and Andy Maher take a lighter look at all things AFL.
9.30 Kitchen Nightmares Australia. (MA15+l, R) Hosted by Colin Fassnidge.
10.45 Autopsy USA: Florence Henderson. (Ma)
11.45 Air Crash Investigations. (PGa, R)
12.45 Holey Moley Australia. (PGs, R)
2.30 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 4: Early morning. 7.00 Today In Paris. Presented by Sarah Abo and Karl Stefanovic. 11.00 9News Morning. 12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024: Encore. Hosted by Todd Woodbridge. 3.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 5: Afternoon.
6.00 9News.
7.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 5: Night. Events may include: swimming heats; women’s triathlon; women’s hockey, Australia v USA; cycling BMX freestyle.
10.30 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 5: Late night. Events may include: cycling BMX freestyle, men’s final; canoe slalom, women’s C1 semi-final.
12.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 5: Post midnight. Events may include: canoe slalom, women’s C1 final; cycling BMX freestyle, men’s final. 3.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 5: Overnight. 5.00 Olympic Games Paris 2024. Day 5: Early morning.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Australia. Graeme Hall helps a rescue pup. 8.30 The Cheap Seats. (Mal) Presenters Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald take a look at the week that was. 9.30
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer.
WorldWatch. 10.00 Front Up 1999. 11.00 Marry Me, Marry My Family. 12.05pm WorldWatch. 12.35 Forsaken
Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 The Inbestigators. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Fresh Off The Boat. 8.25 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch. 8.45 BTN Newsbreak. 8.50 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 9.15 Robot Wars. 10.15 Doctor Who. 11.05 Merlin. 11.50 Good Game Spawn Point. 12.35am Rage. 1.35 Wildlifers! 1.45 Operation Ouch! 2.15 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Jean De Florette. (1986, PG, French) 8.15 Funny Lady. (1975, PG) 10.45 Running Against The Wind. (2019, M, Amharic) 1pm Marinette. (2023, M) 2.45 The Movie Show. 3.20 Oka!
Compiled by Cameron McCullough
THE other day, a lady was walking along by the dangerous cutting at the top of Oliver’s Hill. There is no foot path at the danger-zone in question, and, moreover, the lady was carrying a suit case.
A fast-speeding motor car whizzed past the lady, and nearly knocked the satchel out of her hand.
The incident, naturally, caused her to experience an unpleasant shock to her nervous system.
Alternatively speaking, if the car had been a few inches more on the side of the portion of the road she was traversing it is obvious that a serious accident would have been recorded.
That a footpath be formed at the particular spot under review for the protection of pedestrians, has been strenuously advocated on numerous occasions, and at the June sitting of the Council, the vexed subject was again ventilated.
After discussion, it was finally resolved that Mr. Jones, the Shire Secretary communicate with the owners of certain land, asking, them to sell the required portion in order that the much-agitated for footpath could be made.
The Shire Secretary emphasised that the owners had already been approached on the matter but were adamant, or words to this effect.
Nevertheless, it was deemed imperative to have another shot at Messrs. Madden and Hills who, previously, had refused to budge from their decision not to grant the civic fathers their application to purchase the land for and on behalf of the public safety.
Now, an Englishman’s house is said to be his castle, but when an Australian squats on the King’s highway, he squats firmly and solidly for all time in his estimation, and that is the end of the section.
Of course, it is not to be inferred for a single moment that Messrs. Madden and Hills’ ancestors comfortably squatted in accordance with the easy-going procedure adopted by some far-seeing gentle men in the early days pertaining to the advent of a future great Commonwealth.
If they did that was their business, namely, to get in opportunely, and avoid the rush.
But it is the decreed business of the council to make sure of the true condition of affairs before plunging into the vortex of land ownership, and the rights there anent.
Recent inquiries at the Titles’ Office have elicited the information that the portion of land required for the purpose of a footpath belongs, virtually, to the Country Roads Board, and not to Messrs. Madden and Hill.
Thus, is presented a situation of circumstances absolutely Gilbertian in regard to its element of absurdity.
In other words, the civic fathers have instructed Mr. Jones, the Shire Secretary, who, we are credibly told, did not serve a, term to an Attorney’s firm, to ask Messrs. Madden and Hill to dispose of a piece, of land which does not belong to, them.
“Ye Gods and little fishes,”for a verity, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”
Mr. Jones, apparently, did not, in his youthful days, polish up, the handle on the big front door, otherwise he
might have probed, on behalf of the representatives of “John Citizen,” the strength of the title deeds connected with the portion of the land over, which he was instructed to effect a purchase.
It takes “The Standard” to find things out.
AS stated last week in our Seaford notes, Mr. A. Weatherley’s popular store in that ever-growing township, underwent alterations, and a new brick room is being built.
In addition, the residence of Mr. Weatherley was lowered seven feet, without in any way disturbing the occupants, who were able to fulfill household duties, under normal conditions, just as if nothing unusual was happening.
This circumstance was entirely due to the exploits of Cr. Wells, who has, in the past, won a meritorious reputation as a practical man, not only at the council table, but in other spheres besides.
The difficult work in question, was carried out under his careful supervision, with the able assistance of Messrs. H. Wells, A. Weatherley and B. Wells.
The town hall was crowded to its utmost holding capacity on Saturday evening last, the occasion being a social to say good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. Adams, who are now stationed at Macedon.
A very strong committee was formed by residents of Crib Point, Bittern, and Hastings.
The local ladies had the catering arrangements well in hand, and a splendid repast was provided. Excellent music was supplied by Mr. W. Jones and Miss V. Romeo.
During the evening, attractive items were given, including a very pretty fancy dance by little Nellie Kearns, and comic selections by the ever popular Dan Hoban, both artists being well received.
Cr. D. E. Hoban (chairman) in a few well-chosen remarks, referred to the many sterling qualities of Constable Adams.
The president of the Shire Council, Cr. H. E. Unthank, was then called on to make the presentation, which took the form of a very nice Morocco wallet, well lined with notes.
In making the presentation, Cr. Unthank referred to the pleasure it gave him, in being present to do honor to so capable an officer as Constable Adams.
He wished him and his family the best of luck and good things in his new station.
Constable Adams in thanking the residents of Hastings and districts for their very valuable present and kind words of appreciation, said he did not know he had so many friends until he saw the gathering to bid him farewell. ***
IT is with a deep sense of regret that we have to record the death of Mrs. Emma Morgan, wife of Mr. Robert Morgan, and proprietress of the “De Luxe” Tea Rooms, Young Street, Frankston, which unexpectedly occurred, between the hours of 11pm and midnight on Wednesday last.
For several weeks the deceased
had been a patient in Sister Campbell’s private hospital, Melbourne road, under the care of Dr. Hilliard Johnson, and only a week previous to her sad and sudden demise, the late Mrs. Morgan was reported to be making such excellent progress towards recovery that her many friends were looking forward to seeing her once again in her genial home circle.
As a matter of fact, the deceased, by reason of expert medical attention at the hands of Dr. Hilliard Johnson, and careful nursing by Sister Campbell, had been cured of the serious complaint (blood poisoning) from which she had suffered, but, as a natural consequence, the tissues of the heart were considerably weakened, and death supervened from heart failure with that degree of suddenness consequent upon the after effects of a painful illness.
The late Mrs. Morgan was well beloved by all, and her death came as a great shock to her relatives and friends.
The mother of the deceased is Mrs. Logan, of Melbourne road, who resides with her son, Mr. J. Logan there, a brother of the late Mrs. Morgan; Mrs. Petrie, of Frankston, being a sister.
To the bereaved widower, Mr. R. Morgan, and those left behind to mourn their sad loss, we extend our heartfelt sympathy.
The funeral, which took place this afternoon at the local cemetery, was largely attended.
From the pages of the Frankston and Somerville Standard, 23 & 25 Jul 1924
By Brodie Cowburn
MT ELIZA came from behind to beat Sorrento in a thriller last weekend.
Sorrento managed the torrid conditions better in the first quarter, and got out to an early 10-point lead. The Sharks could’ve done even more damage - they kicked 2.5 in the first term. In the second quarter Mt Eliza wrestled back control. The Redlegs went into half-time ahead by two points. After another cagey quarter, Sorrento took back the lead. Heading into the final term the Sharks led by 11 points.
Sorrento could only add one more behind to their total in the last quarter. Mt Eliza capitalised, and went on to claim a hard-fought nine point win. The Redlegs beat the Sharks 5.10 (40) to 6.13 (49).
William Lamberty booted four goals for Mt Eliza. Fraser Phillips and Christopher Carey also played well. The win kept Mt Eliza in second place. They remain behind ladder leaders Dromana - the Tigers comfortably beat Frankston Bombers away from home on Saturday.
Mornington won a tight one against Langwarrin at Alexandra Park on Saturday. The Bulldogs scored the only goal of the last quarter to wrap up an 8.9 (57) to 8.7 (55) victory.
Frankston YCW beat Red Hill by 17 points on the road last weekend. Pines closed out the round with a five point win over Rosebud at Eric Bell Reserve.
HASTINGS picked up their second win of the season last weekend.
Hastings hosted Karingal at home on Saturday. The Bulls were the better side early, and went into the half-time break with a two goal lead.
In the third quarter, Hastings made their move. They booted 4.10 to one behind, and established a 23 point lead. They managed to hold onto their lead in the last quarter and grab a hardfought win.
Hastings beat Karingal 10.18 (78) to 7.10 (52). Kade Foster was named best-on-ground for his four goal effort.
Ladder leaders Edithvale-Aspendale picked up their 14th win from 15 games on Saturday. They easily beat Bonbeach by 88 points.
Chelsea remain in third place after a 31 point win over Crib Point last weekend. They are equal on points with second-placed Devon Meadowsthe Panthers maintained their spot by beating Seaford by 44 points.
Rye also picked up their second win of 2024 on Saturday - the Demons beat Tyabb by 35 points at Bunguyan Reserve. Somerville closed out the round with a big 10-goal win against
MORNINGTON Blue wrapped up top spot with a win over Seaford at RF Miles Reserve last weekend.
Although all finals sports were locked up heading into the final round of the MPFNL Women’s Division One season, the top spot on the ladder was still up in the air. Warragul Industrials moved into first place after a 55 point win over Karingal earlier in the day on Saturday, meaning Mornington had to beat Seaford to claim back their top position.
After a tight first quarter, Mornington put their foot on the gas in the second term. They led by 38 points at halftime, which proved to be an unassailable lead.
Mornington Blue went on to win 3.0 (18) to 10.7 (67). Elizabeth Muir scored three goals for the Bulldogs, and Eliza Snehotta and Indi Toledo Glasman each scored two.
Frankston will head into the finals series with plenty of momentum after a thumping win over Pearcedale. The Dolphins smashed Pearcedale 11.10 (76) to 0 at Kinetic Stadium on Friday night.
Mornington Blue, Warragul Industrials, Seaford, and Frankston made up the final top four.
Saturday 27 July, 2pm:
Dromana v Sorrento – Dromana Recreation Reserve
Mornington v Frankston Bombers – Mornington Alexandra Park
Langwarrin v Red Hill – Lloyd Park
Mt. Eliza v Rosebud – Emil Madsen Reserve
Frankston YCW v Pines – John Coburn Oval
Saturday 27 July, 2pm:
Bonbeach v Pearcedale – Bonbeach Reserve
Rye v Chelsea – RJ Rowley Reserve
Crib Point v Hastings – Crib Point Recreation Reserve
Devon Meadows v EdithvaleAspendale – Glover Reserve
Karingal v Seaford – Karingal Football Club
Somerville v Tyabb – Somerville Football Club MPNFL LADDERS
Mt. Eliza
Frankston YCW
Red Hill
Rosebud Pines
Frankston Bombers
Devon Meadows
Crib Point
Hastings Rye
Mornington (Blue)
Warragul Industrials
Mornington (White)
By Craig MacKenzie
CHELSEA blew a great chance to continue its promotion push when it couldn’t beat 10-man Baxter in Saturday’s feisty State 4 South derby at Edithvale Recreation Reserve.
The 1-1 scoreline reflects the persistence and commitment of Baxter despite facing an uphill battle after Brodie McMinimee was cautioned twice for dissent in the 23rd minute and sent off. In dreadful weather conditions that washed out two other games featuring local sides it took until the 65th minute of this clash for the deadlock to be broken.
Chelsea striker Piers Brelsford came out of retirement last week and couldn’t have timed his comeback any better.
In the 65th minute with the ball toing and froing in front of the Baxter goal a blocked header and blocked shot ended with Brelsford getting a touch from point-blank range and Baxter had a mountain to climb.
But climb it did and the man who represented the greatest threat to the home side was on the spot in the 85th minute to grab a point for the visitors.
Fijian international Anish Khem has been in fine scoring form recently and he got free inside the area to effect a glancing header from a Declan Seca free-kick for the equaliser.
Brelsford’s return was timely in more ways than one.
Chelsea talisman and league leading scorer James Stinson watched this one from the sidelines in a moon boot and crutches due to an ankle ligaments injury.
It’s believed that the Stinson camp contacted strength and conditioning guru Kosta Drakoulakos for a prognosis and was told that Stinson would likely be sidelined for the remainder of the season.
That’s not the view of Chelsea’s coaching staff who believe that he could be available for the last two games against Sandown Lions and Springvale City which are both away fixtures.
Stinson will spend most of August in the UK visiting family and friends.
Saturday’s game also marked the end of Aaran Currie’s retirement and the Baxter striker was a welcome addition to the matchday squad.
Somerville Eagles hosted Sandown Lions in a nine-goal thriller last weekend with the home side coming off second best in a 5-4 scoreline. Marcus Anastasiou, Alessio Izzo, Max Watson and an own goal from a Sandown defender hit the mark for the Eagles.
Mentone was forced to switch its home game against Hampton Park United from Keysborough to Ross Reserve in Springvale but the promotion-chasing visitors edged out their opponent 1-0.
In VPL1 news Langwarrin lost 4-1 away to Melbourne Victory in a controversial clash that saw Langy defender Luke Adams and keeper Griffin Bambach both red carded and ended with Langy captain Rogan McGeorge in goal as the visitors had used up their substitutes when Bambach saw red.
The Langwarrin coaching staff refused to comment after the match on the display of referee William Quartermain but it’s a safe bet that the match official won’t be invited to the club’s annual Christmas festivities.
Archie Macphee scored for Langy and now is one goal clear in the race for league Golden Boot honours.
In State 1 news Mornington lost 1-0 away to Malvern City last weekend and is battling with Brandon Park and Gippsland United to push clear of the relegation zone.
Mornington had a gilt-edged chance of taking the lead against Malvern but Jack Kimber missed the penalty he had earned in the 23rd minute.
Ten minutes later the telling blow was struck when Jai Ingham didn’t miss his chance to convert from the spot.
Mornington blew a number of chances to level in the second half and now faces a crucial away game against bottom team Casey Comets on Saturday.
Comets effected one of the season’s upsets when downing the Seagulls 2-1 at Dallas Brooks Park in May.
In State 2 news Peninsula Strikers stayed in the promotion hunt with Sunday’s 3-0 home win over North Caulfield.
Tom Wood, Justin Eiman and Campbell Steedman scored.
Skye United’s away game with Berwick City last weekend was called off when Jack Thomas Reserve was ruled unplayable.
Last week Stuart Lawrence resigned as vicepresident of Skye after 10 years’ service.
The reason given for Lawrence’s decision was a need to concentrate fully on his coaching role with the club’s women’s program.
In State 3 South-East news Football Victoria’s competitions department confirmed last week that despite being an 11-team competition –when 12 teams are the norm throughout State Leagues – there still will be two teams relegated at the end of the season.
That makes Frankston Pines’ task of avoiding the drop even harder as the bottom-placed Pines are now eight points behind third-last White Star Dandenong.
At Monterey Reserve on Friday night Pines lost 2-0 to league leader St Kilda.
There are six games remaining and in the run home Pines face four teams currently in the top half of the table.
In State 5 news Rosebud’s unbeaten run throughout the season ended with Saturday’s 4-2 away loss to Bunyip District.
Rosebud started well and led after 10 minutes with Caleb Davies getting the first of two goals on the night, breaking the lines on the left-hand side with a great finish.
Rosebud had gone in to this clash without Billy Painting who is overseas and the suspended duo of Doug Cunnison and Jacob Bigg who have all been mainstays this season.
Bunyip stepped up the pressure and was aided by poor defending from the visitors’ makeshift backline.
The home side took full advantage with a well-worked equaliser from Tristan Durovic then hit the front in the 32nd minute through Mark Comini’s volley from outside the area.
Things didn’t get better for the visitors in the second half and two superb Comini goals gave Rosebud keeper Colin McCormack no chance and completed an impressive hat-trick for the home side striker.
With 25 minutes left Rosebud was given a lifeline with Davies now operating on the right finishing well with a shot in off the far post.
Chances then came Rosebud's way first with a Ben Symonds strike hitting the bar then with the goal at his mercy substitute Frank Barrett somehow managed to head over from close range.
But Bunyip held firm and Rosebud’s lead at the top of the table had been cut to three points.
Seaford United’s 5-1 away win over Pakenham United on Saturday has Paul Williams’ side in third place in the league a point ahead of Aspendale.
Pakenham led early when a deflected shot beat Bayleigh Caulfield at his near post but minutes later Backy Barakzoi put Josh Vega through and his composed finish made it 1-1.
Two goals from Naseer Mohammad had Sea-
ford in control by half-time his first thanks to a pinpoint Vega cross to the back post and the second from a long kick downfield by Caulfield that was flicked on by Cory Osorio for Mohammad to round Pakenham keeper Daniel Gray and make no mistake.
Seaford dominated the second half and Mohammad completed his hat-trick in the 64th minute after Blake Hicks skinned two opponents then put his teammate through for a finish in between Gray’s legs.
An own goal from an attempted interception of another Hicks’ through ball to Mohammad completed the rout.
Aspendale’s 4-2 away win over Mount Martha on Saturday sees it in fourth spot on the ladder with the best goal difference in the league.
The win in cold and wet conditions was a tonic for Aspendale head coach Gregor Macnab who returned from a trip to the UK the night before this clash.
But the home side got out of the blocks quickly with Marcus Poda capitalising on Aspendale’s failure to clear and striking his shot through a mass of players inside the area in the 13th minute.
Five minutes later David Jones made Aspendale pay for a defensive blunder and it was 2-0 for the Mariners.
In the 35th minute the visitors responded when Ollie Clark headed home a James Macnab corner and just before half-time Koray Yildirim was on the end of Felix Hampson’s chip into the box and his looping header beat Mount Martha keeper Derren Elliott for the equaliser.
Hampson struck twice in the second half to end the home side’s resistance his first coming when he headed in from another Macnab corner and the second when he was given too much time outside the area to line up a shot that rocketed past Elliott to complete the scoreline.
Mount Eliza’s away fixture against Barton United was washed out.
Friday 26 July, 8.30pm:
Skye Utd v Peninsula Strikers, Skye Recreation Reserve
Frankston Pines v Ashburton Utd, Monterey Reserve
Chelsea v Monash University, Edithvale Recreation Reserve
Mount Eliza v Cleeland Utd, Emil Madsen Reserve
Saturday 27 July, 3pm: Langwarrin v Western Utd, Lawton Park
Casey Comets v Mornington, Comets Stadium
Baxter v Lyndale Utd, Baxter Park
Somerville Eagles v Hampton Park Utd, Westernport Secondary College
Seaford Utd v Endeavour Hills Fire, North Seaford Reserve
Mount Martha v Pakenham Utd, Civic Reserve
Saturday 27 July, 6.30pm: Keysborough v Mentone, Coomoora Reserve
Saturday 27 July, 6pm: Rosebud v Barton Utd, Olympic Park Casey Panthers v Aspendale, Prospect Hill Reserve
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