Teacher: Kohli, Tramel, Mordecai
Day M on da y
Content Objectives/ Essential Questions The student knows that there is a relationship among force, motion, and energy. The is expected to: 7.7A Contrast situations where work is done with different amounts of force to situations where no work is done such as moving a box with a ramp and without a ramp, or standing still.
Week: Sept. 23
Level/Course/Unit: Science
Language Objectives 3H, 3I
Instruction/ Activities [Differentiation Strategies]
Grade: 7
Resources (Materials)
Engage/Explore Demonstrate a picture (use at least 2 pictures). Have students predict how they think the roots of a plant and stem will grow if turned sideways. Have students explain their answer. Students will work in groups to arrive at their conclusion. Allow plenty of time for students to critically think. What if it was a tree, can it grow sideways? Use post it notes to draw different arrows and have each group put their sticky note on the direction they think the roots of the plant and the stem will grow.
2 tropism pictures Formative
Post it notes
Discuss what Force(s) that could create this. (Gravity) What is gravity?
7.7 C - demonstrate and illustrate forces that affect motion in everyday life such as emergence of seedlings, turgor pressure, and geotropism.
Evaluation/ Assessments
Explain/Elaborate Cornell Notes Discuss what geotropism is and the the different types of Tropism (such as Thigmotropism, Phototropism, and Gravitropism) and the forces that affect Tropism. Have students make their own drawings in their notes for the different tropisms. Pumpkin Seeds (Page Keely Vol.1)
Page Keely Pumpkin Seeds and Rocky Soil
Rocky Soil (Page Keely Vol.)
Tu es da y
The student knows that there is a relationship among force, motion, and energy. The is expected to: 7.7A Contrast situations where work is done with different amounts of force to situations where no work is done such as moving a box with a ramp and without a ramp, or standing still. 7.7 C - demonstrate and illustrate forces that affect motion in everyday life such as emergence of seedlings, turgor pressure, and geotropism.
3H, 3I
Engage/Explore Demonstrate a picture (use at least 2 pictures). Have students predict how they think the roots of a plant and stem will grow if turned sideways. Have students explain their answer. Students will work in groups to arrive at their conclusion. Allow plenty of time for students to critically think. What if it was a tree, can it grow sideways? Use post it notes to draw different arrows and have each group put their sticky note on the direction they think the roots of the plant and the stem will grow.
2 tropism pictures Formative
Post it notes
Discuss what Force(s) that could create this. (Gravity) What is gravity? Explain/Elaborate Cornell Notes Discuss what geotropism is and the the different types of Tropism (such as Thigmotropism, Phototropism, and Gravitropism) and the forces that affect Tropism. Have students make their own drawings in their notes for the different tropisms. Pumpkin Seeds (Page Keely Vol.1) Rocky Soil (Page Keely Vol.)
Page Keely Pumpkin Seeds and Rocky Soil
W ed ne sd ay
Engage 4G
recognize that radiant energy from the Sun is transformed into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis;
-Display a picture demonstrating photosynthesis (no labels) - Put students in groups and have each group considered the impact on the following questions: 1. How would my home be impacted if photosynthesis stops tomorrow? 2. How would the way I dress be impacted if photosynthesis stops tomorrow? 3. How would the cost of my food change if photosynthesis stops tomorrow? 4. How would my health be impacted if photosynthesis stops tomorrow?
Th u r sd ay
7.5A recognize that radiant energy from the Sun is transformed into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis; 7.4 A Use appropriate tools to collect, record,
4G and 4K
Questions posted and assigned to groups and then regroup to discuss/debate
Explore Go over what CBD is and the expectations behind CBD. Photosynthesis Test Tube Lab CBD Question: Does sunlight affect plants’ ability
Summative Notebook Elodea Plant
to perform photosynthesis?
and analyze information, including...journals/ notebooks. 7.2B design and implement experimental investigations by making observations, asking welldefined questions, formulating testable hypotheses and using appropriate equipment and technology 7.2C collect and record data using the International System of Units (SI) and qualitative means such as labeled drawings, writing, and graphic organizers F r i da y
7.5A recognize that radiant energy from the Sun is transformed into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis;
4G and 4K
Explore Go over what CBD is and the expectations behind CBD. Photosynthesis Test Tube Lab CBD Question: Does sunlight affect plants’ ability to perform photosynthesis?
-Page Keely Photo. Act
Writing AV I D
Reflection Critical Thinking
Collaboration Think-Pair-Share Critical Thinking
Academic Conversations
Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum