Brand Identity Guidelines
TABLE OF CONTENTS Our Company Introduction Our Identity Logo Colors Type Stationery Letterhead Envelope Business Card Applications Airplane Advertising Web and Mobile App
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Introduction Air Crna Gora strives to provide excellent customer serivce, that creates a loyal consumer base. Air Crna Gora prides itself in offereing a comfortable ride that is one of a kind. The emphasis Air Crna Gora puts on outstanding customer serivce sets them apart from other airlines serving Montenegero. Because of this, Air Crna Gora is a favorite amongst other competitors
LOGO: Inspiration Components of the graphic identity pull inspiration from the coat of arms, the flag and the royal past of Montenegro.
LOGO: Guidelines The symbol for Air Crna Gora is a more fierce representation of the lion passant that is found on both the Montenegrin national flag and the Montenegrin coat of arms. The lion appears to be moving forward with dedication, which is what Air Crna Gora strives for. The logotype was selected with care to compliment the mark of the logo. It’s angular yet rounded serifs compliment the shape of the mark. Together the mark and type create something bold and solid.
LOGO: Behind Black Background The only color permitted for the background is the black standard to keep the identity solid and cohesive.
LOGO: Black and White The logo should only be presented in black and white when sending a fax, or when a color printer is unavailable. To keep the identity cohesive, please print in color.
LOGO: Usage Guidelines Air Crna Gora’s logo must adhere to the guidelines below to maintain a clear identity throughout the brand. The following are improper uses for the Air Crna Gora logo. 1.) Do not make the logotype one color. In doing so, the logotype looks like one word, making it difficult to read. 2.) Never use an alternate typeface for the logotype. Cicero bold is the only typeface to be used. 3.) Do not use a background color other than the standard black. Other colors take away from the logo. 4.) Do not stack the logo mark and logotype. This is not an approved version of the logo.
LOGO: Color The standard colors for Air Crna Gora were chosen to match the national flag of Montenegro. Though not exact, the colors are meant to be bright, to match the personality of our company.
Pantone Color: DS 74-1 C Web Color: #D71920 C=0, M=100, Y=100, K=10
Pantone Color: DS 5-2 C Web Color: #FFD400 C=0, M=15, Y=100, K=0
Pantone Color: DS 328-4 C Web Color: #333333 C=0, M=0, Y=00, K=80
Pantone Color: DS 328-9 C Web Color: #CCCCCC C=0, M=0, Y=0, K=20
Pantone Color: DS Process Black Web Color: #000000 C=0, M=0, Y=00, K=100 14
LOGO: Type The Cierco typeface was chosen for its serifs and how they interact with the logo mark. Trade Gothic was chosen for the stationery as a simple sans serif to compliment the Cierco typeface used in the logo. The Cierco typeface and Trade Gothic are the standard typefaces fot all of the Air Crna Gora’s identity. Cierco bold is the only weight to be used for the logotype.
Cicero Typeface Cicero Bold Alphabet
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Extras 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) < > ? / ” ’ ; : { } [ ]
Trade Gothic Typeface Trade Gothic Bold Alphabet
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Extras 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) < > ? / ” ’ ; : { } [ ] Trade Gothic Light Alphabet
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Extras 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) < > ? / ” ’ ; : { } [ ] Trade Gothic Light Oblique Alphabet
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Extras 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) < > ? / ” ’ ; : { } [ ]
To Whom It May Concern, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet lacus quis bibendum fringilla. In dignissim eget nisi vel tincidunt. Quisque at dui tempor, aliquam tortor ac, fringilla urna. Nulla dictum lorem eget nibh consequat, vel iaculis magna semper. Ut tristique iaculis euismod. Nam id tortor turpis. Nullam porttitor mauris at fermentum lobortis. Maecenas ullamcorper sem in nisl tempor accumsan. Sed placerat ac mi sit amet imperdiet. Donec mollis urna a varius lobortis. Nulla eleifend magna eu blandit tempor. Quisque ullamcorper commodo sem, ac pretium dui sodales sed. Nullam id pulvinar metus, ut porttitor orci. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque ac porttitor felis. Fusce lacinia ligula a ante dictum laoreet. Vivamus adipiscing diam luctus nibh bibendum pellentesque. Integer varius enim non turpis facilisis, in rutrum magna aliquet. Maecenas ac tortor sit amet leo condimentum tincidunt et ac lacus. Nunc accumsan, leo nec fermentum condimentum, nulla purus viverra quam, sed mollis nulla velit eu orci.
Ervin Delchev, CNO
Letterhead Air Crna Goraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s letterhead is the standard A4 size. The typeface and point size are as follows:
Cicero Bold, 28 pt.
Trade Gothic Light, 8 pt.
To Whom It May Concern, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet lacus quis bibendum fringilla. In dignissim eget nisi vel tincidunt. Quisque at dui tempor, aliquam tortor ac, fringilla urna. Nulla dictum lorem eget nibh consequat, vel iaculis magna semper. Ut tristique iaculis euismod. Nam id tortor turpis. Nullam porttitor mauris at fermentum lobortis. Maecenas ullamcorper sem in nisl tempor accumsan. Sed placerat ac mi sit amet imperdiet. Donec mollis urna a varius lobortis. Nulla eleifend magna eu blandit tempor. Quisque ullamcorper commodo sem, ac pretium dui sodales sed. Nullam id pulvinar metus, ut porttitor orci. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque ac porttitor felis. Fusce lacinia ligula a ante dictum laoreet. Vivamus adipiscing diam luctus nibh bibendum pellentesque. Integer varius enim non turpis facilisis, in rutrum magna aliquet. Maecenas ac tortor sit amet leo condimentum tincidunt et ac lacus. Nunc accumsan, leo nec fermentum condimentum, nulla purus viverra quam, sed mollis nulla velit eu orci.
Ervin Delchev, CNO
Envelope The size of the envelope is standard to ensure that the letterhead will fit when trifolded. The return address standards are as follows:
Business Card The business card contains the same elements as the rest of the stationery. Its size is 3.5 x 2 inches. The type standards for the business card are:
Airplane The design of the plane is bold like the logo. The standard red accents the tail and engine turbines.
Advertising When creating Air Crna Coraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s advertising, it is important to focus on the experience. Combing a positive of experience of the flight and the experiences to be made in Montenegro are what this campaign strives for.
Web and Mobile App The mobile app is designed with a minimal, utilitarian aesthetic. Easy navigation is key for checking in or booking a flight on the go.
For More Information: +800.22.555.672