Artist Residencies
Fogo Island Arts welcomes all artists to do the artist residency program, here on the island. The Shorefast Foundation believes that the arts will play a key role in the future of Fogo Island. The residency program provides opportunites for artists and thinkers from a wide range of disciplines to live and work on Fogo Island for 3-6 months.
Residents live in heritage houses and work in one of the four off-the-grid studios designed by Todd Saunders.
Artists are encourged to work along side and collaborate with local island residents.
Past projects have included films made with the participation of Fogo Islanders, and international designers and local craftspeople working together to create furniture designs informed by local traditions, available materials and outport ways of life. Fogo Island Arts envisions future collaborations to potentially be a source of income generation for the artists, designers and the Island’s communities. These Design Initiatives help to fulfill the social enterprise mission of the Shorefast Foundation and Fogo Island Arts Selected artists will present their work in the Fogo Island Gallery, located at the Fogo Island Inn.
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