The Carolinian

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The Carolinian The Carolinian

Issue 2, June - Sept 2017

Upcoming Dates Presidents Retreat - Sept 29th-Oct 1st Spruce Pine, NC Click to Register

Fall Call Conference- Oct 20th-22nd Brevard NC Click to Register

Kiwanis Family Conference- Nov 3rd-5th Black Mountain, NC Click to Register

Letter from the Governor Hello Carolinas District, The start of fall is just a couple of days away. We will soon be seeing the leaves change, the pumpkin spice latte Instagram posts, and the tweets about football games. It’s also one of the busiest times for Circle Kers with school in full swing and the many CKI events. Not only do you have your own meetings and service projects, but we also have FCC, KFC, Key Club’s Fall Call, and the list goes on. I’m super excited for all of this and I hope you are too! Circle K is definitely what you make of it, so I highly encourage all of you to participate in service projects, go to district events, and take every opportunity you can this semester! One of the great benefits of participating is meeting some really great people. If you see anything in this bulletin it is that fellowship is a huge part of CKI. In fact, your friends are probably the reason you even found out about it in the first place. By going to different events and interacting at a district (or even subregion!) level, this fellowship extends to other people that you probably wouldn’t have met otherwise. Imagine meeting amazing college students who have the same interests that you do! But I don’t want you to even stop there. Interact more with your fellow Kiwanians, Key Clubbers, Aktion Club, and whoever else that is tied to this great organization. Fellowship is part of the reason I love CKI and I want all of you to experience it the way I have. So together, let’s make it a goal to have our fall semester be filled with amazing experiences while still getting some sleep. If we do this, I know that these next couple of months will have some unforgettable moments. I can’t wait! Yours In Service, Julia Terry

EDITORS BLURB Hello Carolinas District! I hope you all spent your summers well, and made many great memories. I am pleased to introduce you to the second issue of The Carolinian, and I hope you enjoy reading. If you went to a great event and would like to share your story with others, please feel free to submit articles to The Carolinian. Also a huge thank you to everyone that contributed to this bulletin, and I look forward to working with you all more this semester. Wishing you the best, Chelsie Higdon 2017-2018 Carolinas District Bulletin Editor

Article Writers

Thank you


Cameron McVay Cristian Rios Derek Stewart Drew Kelley George Lin Jon Hethcox Jorden Irby Julia Terry Sara Mylin Sebastian Vasquez

Atchima Klomkaew Chelsie Higdon Chandni Patel Derek Stewart Jon Hethcox

Carolinas CKI District Board

Service Lose yourself in generous service and every day can be a most unusual day, a triumphant day, an abundantly rewarding day! -William Arthur Ward

App's Upcoming projects Greetings! My name is Sara Mylin and not only do I serve as the Con-Con Chair for The Carolinas District, but I am also the Appalachian State University Club President. Here at App State, we’ve got several different events in the works. Our club is a bit small right now, but we’ve got strength in our passion to serve! Our most consistent service project is Bingo Night at Brian Estates, the local nursing home in Boone. We have a ton of fun hosting this event for these lovely folks. Some other events we have planned include a group orientation at the Watauga Humane Society and helping the Children’s Playhouse of Boone with various activities such as cleanup/maintenance of their outdoor playground, helping facilitate activities at the Kids Corner they host during the Saturday morning Farmer’s Market, and assisting with their upcoming Grown Ups Party which is a fundraiser held to help them expand their facilities and to offer more scholarships to families in need in Boone. For those of you not familiar with the Children’s Playhouse of Boone, they offer families a space to come learn and have fun together. They have various play areas that also encourage young kids to test their limits and ask questions, all while spending time with the ones they love most. They also offer various workshops for both kids and parents alike. Although there is a membership fee, they offer several scholarships for families who would otherwise miss out on this wonderful opportunity to grow with their children. If ever you’d like to meet up with our club to participate in these service projects, let me know at! We’re always happy to meet and learn from other members. Plus, we have some pretty awesome views up here! -Sara Mylin, Appalachian State University Club President


Hello Carolinas District My name is Derek Stewart I am a club president at Tallahassee Community College in the Florida District. Over the summer Florida Atlantic University Circle K and several Key Clubs in Zone J teamed up to volunteer at the Junior U.S. Open Judo Championships. The Tournament spans over a period of 4 days from 8am until 9pm for most days, the time that it ends can vary based upon what happens during the tournament. The volunteers can help either every day or just the days that they are available to. The competitors range from children, teens, and even adults. There is usually an excess of 40 volunteers for each day during the tournament, each volunteer will be able to learn valuable lessons in project organization, communication, public announcing, electronic registration, the importance of the awards ceremony, and of course the payoff of hard work. I first got involved with the tournament in the summer of my junior year, while in Key Club my Lieutenant Governor invited the clubs to attend to learn and interact with other key clubbers in the zone. It was there that I came to love the sport of judo and I continue to stay involved to this day. It has been 3 years since I first got involved with the tournament but now with the help of the Key Club Zone J administrators of the Florida District it has grown into a Kiwanis Family event with volunteers from Key Club, Circle K and Kiwanis coming out and helping in any way they can. With the new involvement of the Circle K clubs and the Kiwanians which come out to help the tournament is also a very good way of bonding with others in the Kiwanis family and learn from the experiences of those that are there. It is one of my favorite events which occurs throughout the year because it intertwines all three of our tenets; Service through the hard work and dedication while benefiting the children participating in the wonderful sport of judo, Leadership, through working hand in hand with the Key Clubbers and the experienced individuals get to take on a role of leadership within their teams and Fellowship from all of the bonding which can occur over the span of 4 days, while also incorporating the connection of the Kiwanis Family.

Want to be Spotlighted? The Carolinas District will be looking for articles from September-December.

If you want to be spotlighted please submit articles to by Dec 5th.

District Goals Service Hours


842 out of 5,000

18 out of 35

Active Clubs

Kiwanis Family Relations

15 out of 20

22 out of 50

Leadership "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." -John Quincy Adams

Governor's Alabama District Governor: Cody Carroll Beginning college can bring many challenges, and each year brings new milestones and hardships for each person. CKI has given me a family to help fuel my passion for serving others through all of the high and low points of my life. CKI has been a life-changing experience for me, and I would have never guessed that I would be serving as District Governor today, surrounded by people who care about people. I would encourage everyone to join CKI when they start their college journey!

Caribbean District Governor: Yashel Monteith CKI has impacted me in three major ways. I was made aware that I am a leader, I was given the opportunity to meet amazing people and CKI has grown me overall as a well-rounded and organized person with a love for service and developing youth leaders. I would advise all CKI members in Sub-Region G to reach out of their comfort zones and branch on into new things. Read more, Explore and love humanity. CKI members should strive to be the leaders of tomorrow and set examples for Key Clubbers.

Carolinas District Governor: Julia Terry What makes our K-Family special are the relationships that we are able to make at all levels whether it be with Kiwanians, the people who we serve, or even each other. I would like to encourage us all to make these relationships a priority this year. Have a conversation that actually matters with another K-Fam member; get to know the people you are serving; even just replying to the text from your district officer could be the start of a friendship! Not only does this make Circle K super fun, but it also adds meaning to what we do. Who knows, you may even be inspired by someone or, better yet, make a positive impact on someone else’s life.

Advice Georgia District Governor: Kylie Wilson I started the Kiwanis family in Key Club and knew I wanted to join Circle K when I started college. Circle K has helped me learn about myself. The people I am surrounded by have become my family, and I could not be prouder of how my District has grown and strengthened. I have a few things that could help other districts if they are not already utilizing them. The first is having board member slides (PowerPoints) that all board members fill out to stay updated and organized that are presented at every board meeting (I have a template if anyone needs one). Another thing is having one LTG that is devoted to growing new and upcoming clubs. We call this LTG the Club Development LTG or CDLTG. This has helped tremendously. One more thing that I have learned while on the board for Georgia Circle K is: Mailchimp is my best friend.

Florida District Governor: Phoebe Satori CKI has given me a home to become more comfortable with myself. It has been that supportive backbone that supported my growth into the adult that I am today; especially in terms of being ok with being “that weird girl with the flamingo” at Kiwanis Family events. Without Circle K, I wouldn’t be able to have conversations with strangers, place orders on the phone, or feel so connected to my community. So, I guess my advice would be to immerse yourself fully in your Circle K family, because you totally get what you give! ~besos~

Thanks to Jorden Irby; Flordia District Communications Chair for Governor Info

Member of The Season By: Chelsie Higdon and Courtney Boger

Courtney Boger is a senior at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. She is a Social Studies Education major, and a member of the women’s soccer team. Most importantly, she is the president of the UNCP branch of Circle K International. Their club focuses on serving the community around us, and staying involved on campus. They work with organizations such as Stop Hunger Now, and The Boys and Girls Club. When she is home from school, she spends Sunday’s serving at King’s Kitchen in Charlotte, NC. Every Sunday there is a church service here that is followed by a meal for the homeless in the community. A group helps serve the meal to the homeless Charlotte residents.

Recently Courtney has started her journey as a missionary, which she will continue after graduating from UNCP. Over the summer, she spent 10 days in Ecuador leading a sub-group in the community of Bahia De Caraquez. They spoke to the residents about Jesus, and assessed the greatest need for the community, as they had recently been hit by multiple earthquakes. This December she will also travel to Chancay, Peru to participate in similar work. Here however, she will have the opportunity to focus on the youth of the community. Since she is a soccer player, she will get to play soccer with the kids on a daily basis, which is really exciting! Circle K International helped light Courtney’s fire for service, and she is so proud to be a part of this amazing organization. Her own members of her club state that she’s always on top of things, and she always has new events set up for them to do. This and her obvious love to serve, is why she is our Member of the Season.

Committee Chairs Speak

Over the past few months, the Conferences and Conventions Committee has been working diligently to create some amazing events and opportunities for you all. As you’ve seen by now (hopefully!), we’re gearing up for our Fall Call Conference next month. We have ten awesome workshops lined up for the weekend, as well as some incredibly fun activities, all of which you will hear more about shortly. Other tasks being completed include the creation of various promotional materials for the event, getting decorations that’ll knock you off your feet, coordinating with our Service Chair, George, to ensure everything is all set for our service project that weekend, and finalizing the plans for the weekend to make sure you all have an amazing time. Just a friendly reminder, the last date to register for FCC is September 27th, so be sure to sign up by clicking below!- Sara Mylin; ConCon Chair Click to Register for FCC

In terms of my position.I have been creating the FCC promotion video by memorizing lines, preparing the environment and getting the costumes ready for my big debut. I have been working on a digital K-Family map, more details soon and developing a survey for an alumni database. Lastly, I am developing a Key to College presentation to help support all our clubs in this area. - Cristian Rios; K-Family and MD&E Chair

As committee chair I have been planning heavily for DLSSP. With that in the past I have my sights set on making improvements and developing the project at FCC. I will be thinking of new ways to do service during general meetings and hope to share those with members in the near future. - George Lin; Service Chair

International Convention

July 5th-9th; San Antonio, TX This past July, from the 5th to the 9th, ten of our Carolinas District members had the amazing opportunity to attend the International conference of Circle K in San Antonio, Texas. We got to meet amazing Circle K members from all across the country, and some international Circle K members as well! We attended sessions with both Key Club and Circle Kers which were so incredible, learning more about all of the accomplishments of both levels of the K-family from this past year was so inspiring. On the first night we got split into service teams, these teams consisted of members from all over. The second day we all donned our bright orange shirts, our district went our separate ways, and went off to our service projects with our teams. With these projects we got to make a real difference in the community. There was a variety of projects; some indoors, escaping the Texas heat, others outside bearing the heat. The day was surprisingly not as hot as I had anticipated, which was good since my team was working in a community garden, helping to clean it up; this included cleaning up debris, pulling up bricks and concrete, clearing out weeds, and trimming trees. It was so satisfying to see the change in the garden at the end and to hear the garden leader tell us that we put them months ahead of schedule! That night we had dinner as a team, helping us to bond even more. We also went to a session that night where the guest speaker gave us an encouraging pep talk about being our true selves. At the general sessions, we sat with our districts, but I was able to look around the crowded room and still spot my team members because we were all wearing our fun balloon hats. That night we had even more team bonding fun with a minute-to-win-it style competition, although my team lost on the first round, many of us stuck around to play cards late into the night. The next day was full of caucusing and voting.We started in the morning by listening to each candidate give speeches and answering questions. Later, delegates attended the House of Delegates and voted on the new International Board. Later that evening we had a District dinner which was fun and pun filled. Saturday, was the last day of the convention, a great and sad day. We started with a morning session inspiring service. This was followed by specific sessions that were full of new interesting information. We attended an Award Ceremony Luncheon where our district was awarded several awards. Later, many from our District took time to do some sight-seeing in san Antonio. We went to the top of the Tower of the Americas and looked at the city below us, a spectacular sight! After exploring, we returned to attend some more sessions; one that I attended was ‘CKI around the Globe’, which influenced my decision to apply for the international growth committee (I ended up getting a position too)! That night was full of sad goodbyes as we had to all go our separate ways but we made the most of it. We played games and hung out until early morning. We are all still in touch (I got messages in our group chat while writing this)! This experience is one I will never forget, I made so many incredible memories and friends! Next year the conference is in Chicago and I recommend trying to go! Yours In Service; Cameron McVay; UNC-Chapel Hill; Capital LTG.


International Awards Distinguished District Distinguished Governor with Excellence: Matt Walsh Distinguished Committee Chair: Chelsie Higdon Growth Enhances Membership Award: 3rd Place; UNC Chapel Hill Non-Traditional Scrapbook Award, 2nd Place: CVCC

Outstanding CKI Alumni Award The Outstanding CKI Alumni Award is only given to one person a year to recognize them for their dedication to CKI. Our Assistant District Administrator, Alec Macaulay was the recipient of this year's award! Another huge congratulations to one of our own!

Newly Elected International Board

International President: Justin Crofoot, Alabama District

International Vice President: Eric Yan, Texas-Oklahoma District

Trustee At-Large: Sebastian Vazquez, Capital District

Subregion G Trustee: Drew Kelley, Georgia District

Carolinas District  International Committee Members International Expansion Committee; KIEF Cameron-Kate McVay

CKIX Planning Committee: Projects Chelsie Higdon

Service Committee: March of Dimes Julia Terry

Membership and Marketing Committee Kelvin Pineda

Fellowship “It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.” ― John Joseph Powell

Kiwanis Korner Greetings Carolinas CKI! As I write this I’m keeping an eye on Hurricane Irma – wondering what path she’ll take, hoping and praying for the safety of friends and family in Florida. I’ve also been reflecting on the devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey in Texas. So many lives disrupted and home and businesses destroyed. Our natural inclination is to question why bad things happen. Our more natural response should be “I accept that bad things will happen, but I can and will make things better.” Being a member of the Kiwanis family is one way you can make things better. I’m not saying you have to hop in your car and participate in hands-on labor in Texas. But you can hold a fundraiser for the American Red Cross. I’m not saying that you have to head to the coast to help board up windows. But you can hold a canned food drive for those fleeing Mother Nature’s wrath. Everyone can do something. That’s the point of being a member of CKI. We see the need in our community and we answer the call for help. Marian Wright Edelman said “Service is the rent we pay for being.” I hope you have a productive and happy semester – just be sure to pay your “rent.” Yours in Service, Jon Hethcox

By: Jon Hethcox, District Admin

DUES This year your international and district dues can be paid anytime through the Membership Update Center (MUC).

DUES BREAKDOWN International Dues (annual payment per club) Four-year institutions with more than 5000 students: $600 Four-year institutions with less than 5000 students: $450 Two-year institutions: $300 District Dues Carolinas District: $9 per member

DEADLINES October 1st = Early Bird Deadline November 1st = Regular Deadline November 30th= Last Deadline

Going International "Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." -Albert Camus

TRUSTEE LETTER What's up, Carolinas? My name is Drew Kelley, and I am a 5th year senior at the University of West Georgia double majoring in Marketing and Management concentrating in advertising and human resources! I love food, live music, being outdoors, my cat, and being your Subregion G International Trustee! Within Subregion G, I have the pleasure of representing the Carolinas as well as the Alabama, Caribbean, Florida, and Georgia Districts! These districts are your sister districts, and I hope to foster more inter-district collaboration and member visits throughout the 2017-18 year! As Trustee, I serve as a liaison between your district board and the international board, as well as the Service Committee liaison, and a resource for all members of CKI, but especially within Sub G! I look forward to the mighty year the Carolinas District is kicking off! If you ever wanna reach out to me, I promise I am friendly! You can email, facebook, text, or call! Please join our Subregion G Facebook group by clicking here! Much love, Drew Kelley; Sub Region G Trustee

EXPANSION ABROAD By: Sebastian Trustee

Vasquez; at


Hey Carolinas -Circle K International is the World’s Largest Student Led Collegiate Service Organization! Now, what makes us the Largest? And where are we located? Our membership worldwide is around 13,000 in over 500 universities from 14 countries. That includes Colombia, Panama, Mexico, Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, Italy, and the nations in the Caribbean District. CKI outside of North America can come as local clubs, community clubs, and/or directly alongside their Kiwanis Club. Some clubs have named themselves, or been named by their town like Kiwanis. For example: Circulo K Dharma is the Circle K club of Univerdad del Norte in Colombia. Dharma is “dar + mas” which means “Give more”. These clubs can have similarities to clubs in North America. Some have districts and governors, other CKI nations are made up of one club. For example, Università Dante Alighieri RC is one of the only clubs in Italy. Some have meetings in town squares, others in classrooms, and even have joint meetings with their Kiwanians. This year, our International Expansion Committee will be working to see if CKI will work in Kiwanis nations that do not have Circle K at the moment. We are excited to see where CKI can expand, as well as where Circle K can be made stronger! Yours in Service, Sebastian Vazquez

International Service Partners Better World Books is an online reseller of used books. Every time you purchase a book from, a book is donated to someone in need. Operating as a social enterprise, Better World Books rewards nonprofit partners for books collected through books drives. Every day 1 in 8 babies born in the U.S. arrive too soon. Circle K members help by raising funds annually for March of Dimes programs to help prevent prematurity. The March of Dimes currently focuses on raising awareness of prematurity and reducing the rate of premature births. The St. Baldrick's Foundation does one thing and they do it well: fund childhood cancer research. They take great care of the funds raised by their generous volunteers and supporters to direct every possible dollar to carefully selected research grants. Whether it’s through their signature head-shaving events, partnerships or advocacy initiatives, their primary focus is to have the greatest impact for kids with cancer around the world.tle bit of body text Students Team Up To Fight Hunger (STUFH) is a non-profit organization devoted to assisting and inspiring food drives at colleges and universities across the country. The mission of STUFH is to help feed the hungry while at the same time raising awareness among college students about hunger in their local communities. UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to improve the lives of children—helping children meet their basic needs and expanding their opportunities to reach their full potential. Across the globe, wherever vulnerable children are struggling to survive, UNICEF is there with medicine, vaccines, clean water, nutrition and educational opportunities.

I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential!

Carolinas District of CKI

Mission Statement Developing college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service. Â



District Board & Advisor Contact Info


District Governor Julia Terry District Secretary Sydney Salloum District Treasurer Nelson Schacht District Editor Chelsie Higdon LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS

Blue Ridge Walter Melgar Capital Cameron-Kate McVay Coastal Rachel Hamilton Metro Kelvin Pineda Palmetto Marissa Gross Triad Genesis Reyes COMMITTEE CHAIRS

Con-Con Chair Sara Mylin K-Fam & MDE Chair Cristian Rios Service Chair George Lin ADMINISTRATORS

District Adminstrator Jon Hethcox Assistant District Admin Jennifer Hethcox Assistant District Admin Alec Maculay

Live to serve, Love to serve

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