Affiliate Supermarket - Affiliate Magazine

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* Throughout this ‘e-mag’, you will find affiliated links and products which will if clicked and a product or service is purchased mobile4affiliates will earn a commission on that sale or lead. As an affiliate yourself you understand that this is how we pay the bills.

about me You might well ask, who am I? in the world of affiliate marketing. The answer is simple, ”Nobody” and will never pretend to be anybody either. I have been in and out of the affiliate world over the last 10 years but have finally settled into it becoming ‘one of’ my main sources of income. My name is Stuart Webb with a beautiful wife and two children and would consider myself to be a hard working easy going family man. It’s quite simple really to see where my priorities lie. More than anything I would only treat people the way I would like to be treated myself.

Background I have worked in the media and publishing industry ever since I left school 12 years ago. Covering almost every aspect of advertising, marketing and publishing online and offline. However with technology continuely to improve at an almost unstopped rate the industry never fails to keep us on our toes. I love it! and it all started out as a hobby more than anything before realising the real potential in affiliate marketing. What I will be covering in this ‘e-mag’ is the exciting prospect of mobile affiliate marketing where the possibilities are even greater and what ultimately prompted me into making this ‘e-mag’ to help us, the affiliate. I currently run 5 websites as well as running my own design and media company including designing and producing a local newspaper in its entirety since it’s launch on a fortnightly basis, so my life is enjoyable busy. As my background is in publishing, I would like to supply a new era of ‘e-mag’. Designed and supplied by professional people to give the reader a much more enjoyable experience.

introduction Being in and out of the affiliate world for the last 10 years, it has finally struck me as to one of the reasons why we (the affiliate) find it so hard to succeed in this wonderful opportunity that is staring us in the face. We all know that to make a real life changing source of income we need to own and be able to run our own business FOR MANY YEARS. That is why so many of us have turned our head to affiliate marketing at some point or if you haven’t, you would like to as we all seem to here the many ‘success stories’ flying around. However the reality is some what different and people are willing to pay thousands of dollars trying to succeed in this what could be very lucrative world of being an affiliate. That is why there will always be scams and people willing to deceive others out of their hard earned cash. However, this is what I would like to call an ‘e-mag’ and it is not about filling you with doom and gloom and how hard it is, it is about.....


We all go through highs and lows in this business, but it is important not to give up on that dream you have when you shut your eyes at night because believe it or not there are endless opportunities out there to succeed and neither one is necessarily ‘better’ than others. This is important, as with the right planning and strategy there is money to be made with almost all affiliated products today. Any affiliate would be lying if a certain amount of trial and error wasn’t done and thousands of dollars wasted trying and testing techniques. This unfortunately is somethings you will have to go through as well if you are likely to succeed and have that life changing income you always dream of. Do not fear, it does not have to cost thousands as there are many many affiliate websites and tools available at the moment and with a lot of research most of these tools and techniques can be aquired for little or no outlay at all. That is where I come in. One of the main difficulties I have found over the years is exactly that. There is just so much to choose from! And each website or e-book giving just a little snippet of the big picture. I have literally spent hundreds of hours researching, looking, experimenting as I, like the majority do not have hundreds to spare, let alone thousands paying for that ‘solution’ (which is never really a solution). Here at affiliatesupermarket, we are trying to give you and me, the affiliate a little head start by supplying all of this information in one place! We will never pretend to instantly be able to make you that life changing income but at least would like to provide you with all the choices right from one place. Throughout the e-mag you will find inspirational articles, latest products and the biggest list of affiliate networks I have seen. Like I said most websites and people would only like to give you snippets of the very big and lucrative world of affiliate marketing. The resources I have here are from many many hours of sleepless nights looking for that ‘solution’. If you can’t find a network, program, tool or forum here then lets face it, I don’t think affiliate marketing is for you. Have a vision and go for it! Good luck! Stuart Webb

The Different Types of Affiliate Marketing 1) Pay-per click systems basically, the affiliate displays adverts on their site and is paid when a customer or internet user clicks on that website 2) RSS feeds or blogs – even personal sites can sit under this category. Blogging is fast becoming a staple form of marketing promotion. Blogger and Wordpress are two trusted platforms for making quick and professional looking blogs. 3) Comparison sites and shopping directories – such as review sites or legit advertising sites 4) Loyalty sites – this is when a reward system is in place via a cash back or points back system (or charitable donations) 5) Coupon sites that focus strictly on marketing and promotions 6) Email lists – legit email lists to subscribers of the affiliate’s website etc – NOT spam 7) A registration path – when a person registers with a specific site, be it for a newsletter or subscription, offers from other companies are represented and advertised 8) Networks – there are many affiliate marketing networks. Some even function on a multi-tier or multilevel marketing sort of set up. With technology moving at such a fast pace I am sure there are many more ways in which affiliate marketing can work and we shall be exploring some in the rest of this ‘e-mag’.


The Affiliate Marketer Defined

ccording to The World’s Glossary of Internet Terms, “Affiliate Marketer is defined as: “A business relationship with a merchant or other service provider who allows you to link to that business. When a visitor clicks on the link at your site and subsequently makes a purchase from the merchant, you receive a commission based on the amount of the sale, a referral fee or a pay-for-click fee.”

This is a simple, straight-forward agreement between a merchant and an affiliate. Budding affiliate marketers run into a problem when they try to reverse the success process. Instead of starting at the beginning, they try to start at the end. Making money is the end of the process. The beginning of the process is education and there are several steps in between. Too many people, who are just getting started in affiliate marketing, fail to take the steps necessary to get to the end of the process and actually make money.

Step #1: Educate yourself. This is the key, opening the door of opportunity. It's also the common thread connecting successful affiliate marketers. Education lays the foundation - the building blocks to success. Start by gathering the best information you can find about affiliate marketing and absorbing it. Step #2: Turn that information into usable knowledge. Even the best information remains kind of worthless, however, until after you discover how to use it - how to make it serve your purpose. Step #3: Start applying the knowledge ... take action ...start building your affiliate business. Will you make mistakes, even though you've invested all that time educating yourself? Yes, you most likely will make mistakes. Step #4: Test and tweak, test and tweak. This one never ends. And it's often the dividing line between succeeding and failing. Attention to small details often returns big rewards. Following these steps will define you as a successful affiliate marketer.

Are Affiliates in Demand? Is there a demand for affiliate marketers today? Yes, there is a huge demand. One of the challenges faced in the affiliate marketing industry is that it sometimes sounds too good to be true: advertising that's guaranteed to work or it's free! Newcomers wonder if it's possible, and skeptics claim that the cost effective prices of affiliate marketing lower the bar for online advertising. But there is a good reason that affiliate marketing has experienced steady growth throughout the ups and downs of online advertising—it works. And affiliate marketing has evolved to become a reliable source of sales for a wide range of marketers. Affiliate marketing has evolved from the early years when some touted it as the future of online advertising, and others claimed it was the downfall of the medium. It's now a sophisticated channel that generates anywhere from five to 25% of online sales for many of the world's biggest brands. Almost all major multi-channel marketers have an affiliate program of some kind. The important thing to remember is that affiliate programs now come in all shapes and sizes. The concept of a wide-open affiliate program with an unlimited and uncontrolled number of affiliates is a thing of the past. Nearly all marketers agree that affiliates add value to an online marketing effort, but the program must be tailored to meet the marketer's objectives. Affiliate marketing did not bring an end to other, higher priced forms of online media advertising. The success of the affiliate marketing in delivering sales cost effectively by way of a pay-for-performance model paved the way for other forms of performance-based advertising, such as CPA-based search and portal advertising, to create acceptance among direct marketers. Affiliate marketing has evolved, with affiliates and marketers becoming more sophisticated and programs more integrated with other forms of online marketing.

5 Qualities for Affiliate Marketing 1. Desire to learn

The first quality you must possess is the desire to learn, coupled with the willingness to be trained. Treading through unfamiliar territory is tough indeed, especially if your lacking the right knowledge. This is a combination of the right frame of mind, coupled with a strong work ethic.

pass without hearing good news, it's very important for anyone who wants to get their foot in the business world.

3. Determination

The third quality you'll need is determination. If you want to make it in the world of affiliate marketing, you must possess to push yourself forward. The ability to push yourself to greater heights will determine what type of future you have.

4. Discipline

When starting out, you'll need to be willing to keep your eyes and ears open, using the experience of others to learn more as you go.

The fourth quality is self discipline. If you teach yourself to work everyday with all of your heart and soul, you'll be that much closer to reaching your goals and making your dreams come true.

2. Invest time and effort

5. Optimism

The second quality you must have is the willingness to invest time and effort in helping your business grow, even if you don't see immediate results. Even though weeks may

The last quality you must have is optimism. Bad attitudes should never discourage an affiliate marketer from pursuing their dreams in order

to make life better for themselves or anyone around them. The attitude you have towards the business should always be good, because you'll have to realize that you're the captain of your ship and your the one steering it towards destiny. If you put the above tips to good use, you'll go farther than you ever thought possible in the world of affiliate marketing. You'll need these qualities to succeed, as affiliate marketing can be a cutting edge career. With the above qualities, you'll do just fine in the industry.

Setting Up your Affiliate Marketing System


here is much speculation about how much money you can earn online without your own product. Marketing your own digital product on the Internet can be very lucrative but there is no reason why you can’t profit a great deal by using creative methods that offer real value to Internet surfers and have your own product as well. An affiliate program is really not as difficult to set up as you may think. Thanks to the high demand for affiliate systems recently, there are now lots of ways to set up your own program. Here's what you need to set one up: 1. A web site with your own domain name. 2. At least one product or service that you own completely. 3. A system to handle commission tracking and payment. That sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? Well, actually it is! And it's getting easier all the time. The first two items listed above

are self-explanatory. Of course, you need your own website and your own product or service. You can't very well set up an associate program if you don't own the site or the product(s) you will be promoting. If you have not taken these two steps, you'll need to do them first. Once you've managed to get by these two steps, you can move right to step three, setting up your program. You will need to search the Internet for a system that will handle commission tracking and payment. You can try to do this yourself but you will most likely miss some and missed ones are missed income. There are free ones, as well as, paid ones. The positive aspects of an associate management system are many: 1. You can sign on associates more rapidly and grow a larger force of resellers. 2. You'll enjoy the automation and online management of affiliates. 3. These systems provide full sales statistics for both you and your associates.

How To Make Money W

ith affiliate programs, it really pays to work well with others. Also known as referral programs, affiliate programs are normally commission based sales. You'll recommend a site to your visitors and then pick up a percentage of any sale that those visitors make. You'll benefit from the commission and the merchant benefits from the sales.

If you already have a website set up, you can run an affiliate program from it, or you can simply build a site to promote a particular product or service. As long as it brings in more cash than it takes to build or run it, you'll be fine. With any marketing program, you'll need to be careful when you select an affiliate program. The benefit of an affiliate program will give you another way to make money from your users. Instead of selling them a product, you simply send them to a partner then take a cut of the profits. Even though it may seem tempting to go for programs with the highest commissions, those programs won't pay you anything if your visitors don't buy them. Below, you'll find some tips to help you select an affiliate program that's right for you:

Telling Good Traffic from Bad


veryday that goes by you can bet that any serious website owner is wondering how to get more traffic to their site. This intense desire to generate more clicks makes virtually any online entrepreneur easy prey to many of the traffic schemes and scams that pervade the Internet. Wild promises of high volume traffic and big bucks often separate even the most savvy business person from their money because they want to believe the promises made by these traffic hucksters. The problem is that high volume doesn’t necessarily translate into a high sales rate. The visitors who come to your website as a result of a desire to find out more on a specific, niche topic, not as a result of exit traffic or membership in a safe list where members simply pitch each other. Good traffic comes from people clicking links on topics targeted to their interests and getting directed to a website

containing information they want and expect as a result of clicking the link. The bottom line is that when you get right down to it the best and most dependable sources of targeted traffic come from links that people click. Being able to determine which clicks actually result in sales is vital. To track conversions from click to sales, depending on the type of shopping cart software you are using, you can then create a custom order confirmation page - i.e. the page that is displayed once the transaction is complete. This is very easy to do if you're using a payment processing service such as PayPal. It's well known that each search engine and each web site has a particular type of user (age, interests etc.), and they'll all have different triggers leading them to purchase. All of these things are important for you to know so that your advertising dollars will be spent in the most advantageous places.

1. Do not accept any less than 25% with commission. You can find many programs with great payment structures and high percentages of pay in just about any field. 2. Look for statistic pages that list the number of click throughs, sales, and earnings so you'll be able to see how you are doing. 3. Always look for programs that offer a wide variety of tools to put on your web site, including banners, text links, and of course graphics. 4. Find out How often you'll be paid and be sure that the payment schedule meets with your own expectations. Some programs will pay monthly, while others will pay quarterly. 5. Be sure that top level support is included. If they can't answer your questions in a quick and timely manner, you don't want to work with them. Once you learn what you are doing with affiliate programs, you can make a lot of money. If you are just starting out, you should always use common sense and not rush into anything. As you become more familiar with how things work, you'll be well on your way to making a lot of money - and enjoying making it. If you have to work hard, you'll be glad you did.

Getting the Most From Affiliate Marketing

Have a Mailing List of Your Own N

o matter what type of email you send out, you’ll need a mailing list. The basic way to build a mailing list is by capturing name and email address information for everyone who buys or shows interest in your product.

An email list that YOU COLLECT YOURSELF is worth its weight in gold. This can be accomplished by using a list manager on your site. List managers also provide the HTML coding for the form on the Gateway pages. Kontactr is a useful free service. A list manager collects the email addresses that are gathered with the form. Thus, your email list is collected. This might take some time so there are methods to use until you get your own email list built. One way to build a mailing list is to do ad swaps with other list owners. The way this works is, you (as company A) have an email list that you send newsletters to and another list owner (company B) has a list they send newsletters to. Company A and Company B place ads on one another’s

mailing lists. Each of you is promoting the other’s list. You can rent or buy targeted email lists. The list you develop using your own customers’ names is called your “house list.” Of course, when you’re first starting out, your house list is likely to be skimpy. To augment it, one way to go is rent or buy a mailing list. There are two ways to buy or rent a mailing list—approaching the company you want to rent from directly or using a list broker. Any company that emails information to its customers usually has a list manager, who handles inquiries and orders for the mailing list. Another way to build an email list is to list your newsletter in all of the ezine directories.

Affiliate marketing is nothing new on the internet. However, it sure is something that many come and go after. When you are looking to start your own website or blog and add some affiliate marketing links to it, there are some things that you should know. Affiliate marketing is not for everyone. It is not for anyone that is looking to make money fast, nor is it for the impatient. You have to have two things in order to be successful with affiliate marketing, and those two things are patience, and determination. When you put those two together, there is no stopping you or what you can do with your affiliate marketing business. Affiliate marketing can be done a few ways; it can be done through email, newsletters, websites, or blogs. By using any of these things, you can be successful if you are marketing to the right audience. Finding your readership, and catching them with good content is what it is all about. To do so, you need to know where they go and what they look for. Try starting with message boards to begin with. However, use some patience and don’t come off as the newbie know it all. Take some time and peak others interest. Add the link to your website or blog in your signature line at the message board that you are visiting, and most importantly, make sure that the message board is relevant to your market. If you have a website that pertains to a market that has to do with gardening, you will not want to be visiting a message board that is all about pregnancy. It is really quite simple to understand how these two things must be relevant to get results. So, once you have found a busy message board that will allow you to include your link to your website in the signature of your posts, you are in business. Just start off by posting and chatting, and when someone asks a question that you know all about and answer to, answer it. This will peak their interest and before you know it, they will be clicking on the link in your signature and checking out your site. While doing this can be quite time consuming, it will pay off. Gain the other members trust, and you cannot go wrong. The next thing that you should know about getting the most from affiliate marketing is that you should be writing articles. Writing articles on the market that you are promoting and then submitting them to article directories or ezines is a great way to get the most from your affiliate links and programs that you are a part of. Be sure that you include a link in the articles that you are submitting that will lead the readers back to your website. Doing so will get your site more traffic, and will pay off in the end. However, you will not want to submit the same articles that you have on your site to these directories. You will want different variations of the articles to be used in the directories. This is because when you submit these articles to the directories, you are going to see that by checking your back links, there are other webmasters using your articles. Which is also great because they will in return give you a back link to your site. However, they are depending on you to have a different article on your site than the one that you are submitting. Affiliate marketing is something that takes work. You can not just set up your site and let it go. You have to work on it consistently to see a good amount of revenue come from it. However, make sure that you are doing everything that you can to get it seen. Use the best free tools that there are available to you, and pay for the ones that really work. You will find that you can get the most from the resources that are out there and available.

3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need To Survive Online


customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing.

very affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them.

You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.

Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing practices that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication. There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.

1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more.

2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.

Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them. Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these

Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes at certain specified period, you will remind them of the

What are these three tactics?

product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch. Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word “free” because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services. 3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in ezines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest. Try to write a minimum of 2 articles

per week, with at least 300600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day. Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic. The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part. Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do. Besides, think of the huge paychecks you will be receiving…

Making Back-End & Residual Commissions R esidual income puts money in an affiliate marketer’s pocket without any work or effort on their part. It doesn’t get any better than that. Sales of back-end products allow you to get paid for work that you do more than once. The idea here is to work smarter…not harder. So what are back-end products? They are products/services you offer to existing customers, i.e. to people who have already bought a first product (front-end product. lead product) from you. Most online marketers make much more money selling customers the second, third, fourth etc. product than selling their first

product. The reason is that people who've already bought from you once are much more likely to buy again.

Strategies like back-end offers shifts the focus from the short sighted "take the money and run" strategy that is so much in use on the internet today. You've seen these sites all over. The focus is on getting a massive amount of traffic and then selling visitors an over-priced product that doesn't deliver what was promised. They might make money in the short run but they will only sell to each customer once and will have to continue spending a lot of money on advertising to get new suckers to visit their site. More successful sites focus on building a strong relationship with their customers. Your main goal shouldn't be to just make sure your customers are somewhat

satisfied... you want them to be extremely satisfied. If you deliver the goods, your customers will trust you more. If you have their trust, you can sell them anything. When you send your very satisfied customers an email offering another product that they would be interested in, they will flock to your site to buy it because they trust you. Trust is everything.

At last a unique training platform that helps you create killer websites with zero skills guaranteed! Affiliates Secrets v1.2 is a revolutionary new way to build affiliate websites that generates you money. Our full hands on training platform gives you the power to create killer websites promoting products with ZERO traffic generation and much more. You don’t need to be a technical genius, and you certainly don’t need a graphics degree to create an amazing looking and high converting affiliate website. We have literally levelled the playing field when it comes to Internet Marketing website creation, there is nothing on the market which is even half as powerful as this.

Here Are Just Some Of The Amazing Features Create Killer Website’s And Build Your Empire Start building an army of websites is one of the most crucial steps you can take to launching a successful internet marketing business. Our method’s have been proven to be the most effective way to build your Website empire. The process is very simple, you create a piece of content, to promote a affiliate products. You can either use Html or WordPress, and create your very own Website that is optimized for maximum Results, meaning you can be sure you’re already using a proven system that can Skyrocket your result right from the start.

No Traffic Generation No more paying into expensive Traffic generation software. We will show you how your Own website becomes your secret affiliate weapon, see how it generates its own free traffic

Learn How to SEO your Website and get ranked #1 on search engines We will show you how to properly SEO your website in order for you to get index faster and get ranked #1 with Google’s Search engine

Learn How to cloak your affiliate links and where you need to put them Cloaking affiliate links is a must do tactic for all affiliates. We will not be showing you a blackhat tactic but a well known tactic used by all successful affiliates.

Whats In Store For You Full Members Access To Affiliates Secrets v1.2

Revolutionary New iPad & iPhone Support! Busy And Always On The Go… No problem with Affiliates Secrets we have revolutionized our affiliate website so that your E-book manual and the complete video series comes with you. You can read and watch while you are on the bus and on the go. Just get your iPad or iPhone and connect to Affiliates Secrets and away you go. You have complete control.

You will have your very own Exclusive membership access to all areas of the website.

Your Very Own Help Desk Support We know affiliate marketing is hard to get going. That’s why we are offering to all our members. Our help desk support. If you are having problems or simply just have questions, you can log in and we are always here to answer your questions.

Access to our Exclusive Interactive E-book Manual Exclusive to our website and your membership, we have a complete step by step guide outlining everything you need to know to complete your first website and become an affiliate generating money online.

The Complete Video Series Not only will you have access to your very own interactive E-book series, but we have also gone one step further and have created a complete video series to go along with the E-book manual. Simply put once you complete reading a chapter you can view the video and see the steps you just learned. Making this a complete hands on affiliate marketing learning course.

Complete Updates Emailed Direct To You The internet is constantly changing so we have to change and adapt with it. We always have our eyes and ears to the ground looking for the next affiliate marketing tactic and changes within the major search engines. We will keep you up to date and email all new updates and tactics as they become available for up to one year.

Our Very Own Bonus Section Here you will find All our exclusive bonuses that you can use along side your website to help you make even more money.

Build Your Sites With Html Or WordPress And Maximise Your Website’s SEO Capabilities We all know that Google loves WordPress sites, so building your sites within the WordPress system gives you better SEO control and more benefit of ranking faster. You can also use your favorite WordPress plugins to add even more functionality to your sites so you really have the flexibility to do what you want with your sites!

60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee Customer satisfaction is our number 1 priority here at Affiliates Secrets. We want you to make the most of the Affiliate Training system, so we’ll always take the time to help you if you’re struggling with anything. But if you find that it’s not for you, you have a full 60 days to let us know and we’ll happily refund you in full.

Here’s What Else You’ll Get When You Order Your Membership • Full Access To Help Desk Support For One Year • Updates Emailed Direct To You For One Year…When We Know, You Know Affiliates Secrets Membership Card • Full Access To Our Exclusive Interactive E-book Manuals • Full Access To Our Entire “How To” Video Library • Complete Access To Our Revolutionary New iPad & iPhone Support • We Will Show You How To Create Killer Website’s That Rank #1 On Google • We Will Show You How To Properly SEO Your Website To Rank #1 On Major Search Engines • You Will Also Get Full Access To Our Bonus Section..Even More Tools To Help You • Receive A Full & Complete Scuttle/PhpDug/Pligg & Pining Site List, To Help You Bookmark Your Sites. • Plus A Whole Lot More…

The 'profit portal' is open... Enter the $45,319 Per Month Profit Portal... A little known 'wealth wormhole'?? He may be a geek but he sure as hell knows how to make serious bank online. Chris Freville is revealing his 'profit portals' for the first time. Yeah -- like I say -- geek! Here's the cool part...

You don't need to worry about Google... SEO... PPC... PPV.. Media Buys... any of that crap.

You just 'activate' the portal and it "MAGNETIZES" traffic. You have to see it to believe it... P.S. You don't have to be a Star Trek fan to 'beam' profits into your bank account. You just need the desire to make fast, easy money...

Keeping Affiliates Motivated

Running affiliates programs is easier than ever with the software and help available now. However, keeping your affiliates motivated and selling isn't quite as easy to do. If the success of your business rests upon how your affiliates perform, you might want to provide them with the right tools to get the job done successfully. If you are already running an affiliate program for your products, you should know that a large number of people who sign up for your program never to be heard from again. You can however, reduce the number of non productive affiliates by remaining in touch with them constantly.

Here's How To Avoid The 3 Most Common Affiliate Mistakes Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective and powerful ways of earning some money online. This program gives everybody a chance to make a profit through the Internet. Since these affiliate marketing programs are easy to join, implement and pays a commission on a regular basis, more an more people are now willing in this business. However, like all businesses, there are lots of pitfalls in the affiliate marketing business. Committing some of the most common mistakes will cost the marketers a large portion taken from the profit they are making everyday. That is why it is better to avoid them than be regretful in the end. Mistake number 1: Choosing the wrong affiliate. Many people want to earn from affiliate marketing as fast as possible. In their rush to be part of one, they tend to choose a bandwagon product. This is the kind of product that the program thinks is “hot�. They choose the product that is in demand without actually considering if the product appeals to them. This is not a very wise move obviously. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon, try to choose a product in which you are truly interested in. For any endeavor to succeed, you should take some time to plan and figure out your actions. Pick a product that appeals to you. Then do some research about that product to see if they are in demand. Promoting a product you are more passionate about is easier than promoting one for the sake of the earnings only. Mistake number 2: Joining too many affiliate programs. Since affiliate programs are very easy to join, you might be tempted to join multiples of affiliate programs to try and maximize the earnings you will be getting. Besides you may think that there is nothing wrong and nothing to lose by being part of many affiliate programs. True, that is a great way to have multiple sources of income. However, joining multiple programs and attempting to promote them all at the same time will prevent you from concentrating on each one of them. The result? The maximum potential of your affiliate program is not realized and the income generated will not exactly be as huge as you were thinking initially it would. The best way to get excellent result is by joining just one program that pays a 40% commission at least. Then give it your best effort by promoting your products enthusiastically. As soon as you see that it is already making a reasonable profit, then maybe you can now join another affiliate program. The technique is to do it slowly but surely. There is really no need to rush into things, especially with affiliate marketing. With the way things are going, the future is looking real bright and it seems affiliate marketing will be staying for a long time too. Mistake number 3: Not buying the product or using the service. As an affiliate, your main purpose is to effectively and convincingly promote a product or service and to find customers. For you to achieve this purpose, you must be able to relay to the customers that certain product and service. It is therefor difficult for you to do this when you yourself have not tried these things out. Thus, you will fail to promote and recommend them convincingly. You will also fail to create a desire in your customers to avail any of what you are offering. Try the product or service personally first before you sign up as an affiliate to see if it is really delivering what it promises. If you have done so, then you are one of the credible and living testaments aware of its advantages and disadvantages. Your customers will then feel the sincerity and truthfulness in you and this will trigger them to try them out for themselves. Many affiliate marketers make these mistakes and are paying dearly for their actions. To not fall into the same situation they have been in, try to do everything to avoid making the same mistakes. Time is the key. Take the time to analyze your marketing strategy and check if your re in the right track. If done properly, you will be able to maximize your affiliate marketing program and earn higher profits.

Remind them of their usernames and passwords, and tell them where to log in to check their stats or get creative. Always keep them informed of new product lines or changes in policy or procedures. The key to motivation is making sure that you stay in touch. Always pay attention to who your top sellers are, and make sure that you contact them on a regular basis. Pay attention to who your worst producers are, and make sure you stay in touch with them constantly as well. The main reason most affiliates don't perform that well is because they don't possess any leadership or guidance. This can easily be changed by writing a marketing course, which you can even offer for sale to non affiliates, although you should make it available to your affiliates at no charge. Keep your creatives and sales copy up to date. You should also provide new material for your affiliates to use on a regular basis. Providing them with nothing but a text link and one banner just doesn't generate much excitement at all. Provide your affiliates with sales letters, reviews, ads, banners of different shapes and sizes, and anything else that comes to mind. Be sure that your affiliates know the material is there for them to use. Always listen to your affiliates, and get the proper feedback on your material. You should also hold virtual meetings. Set up chat rooms where your affiliates can attend virtual meetings on a weekly basis. Be sure to answer any questions, have motivated speakers, and anything else you can think of to make the meetings more motivated. Given your affiliates the credit they deserve is also very important. Each month, you should give credit to the best performers in your affiliate newsletter. Give small bonuses to those that perform well, and you can even set up a payment structure that rewards higher commissions and bigger volumes of sales. Always make sure you do you can to help your affiliates succeed and make money in program. If they are making money - you are succeeding and making money as well. In reality their success is your success.

Ways To Boost Your Affiliate Commissions Overnight


he ideal world of affiliate marketing does not require having your won website, dealing with customers, refunds, product development and maintenance. This is one of the easiest ways of launching into an online business and earning more profits. Assuming you are already into an affiliate program, what would be the next thing you would want to do? Double, or even triple, your commissions, right? How do you do that? Here are some powerful tips on how to boost your affiliate program commissions overnight. 1. Know the best program and products to promote. Obviously, you would want to promote a program that will enable you to achieve the greatest profits in the shortest possible time. There are several factors to consider in selecting such a program. Choose the ones that have a generous commission structure. Have products that fit in with your target audience. And that has a solid track record of paying their affiliate easily and on time. If you cannot seem to increase your investments, dump that program and keep looking for better ones.

There are thousands of affiliate programs online which gives you the reason to be picky. You may want to select the best to avoid losing your advertising dollars. Write free reports or short ebooks to distribute from your site. There is a great possibility that you are competing with other affiliates that are promoting the same program. If you start writing short reports related to the product you are promoting, you will be able to distinguish yourself from the other affiliates. In the reports, provide some valuable information for free. If possible, add some recommendations about the products. With ebooks, you get credibility. Customers will see that in you and they will be enticed to try out what you are offering. 2. Collect and save the email addresses of those who download your free ebooks. It is a known fact that people do not make a purchase on the first solicitation. You may want to send out your message more than six times to make a sale. This is the simple reason why you should collect the contact information of those who downloaded your reports and

ebooks. You can make follow-ups on these contacts to remind them to make a purchase from you. Get the contact information of a prospect before sending them to the vendor’s website. Keep in mind that you are providing free advertisement for the product owners. You get paid only when you make a sale. If you send prospects directly to the vendors, chances are they would be lost to you forever. But when you get their names, you can always send other marketing messages to them to be able to earn an ongoing commission instead of a one-time sale only. Publish an online newsletter or Ezine. It is always best to recommend a product to someone you know than to sell to a stranger. This is the purpose behind publishing your own newsletter. This also allows you to develop a relationship based on trust with your subscribers. This strategy is a delicate balance between providing useful information with a sales pitch. If you continue to write informative editorials you will be able to build a sense of reciprocity in your readers that may lead them to support you by buying your

Do You Need to Have Your Own Product Whether or not you need to have your own product to become a successful affiliate marketer is a question that has been asked and answered every few minutes since affiliate marketing came on the scene. The reason it is asked so often is because everybody has a different answer. There are those who say you absolutely MUST have your own product to get started and to succeed in affiliate marketing and then there are those who say you don’t need a product when you start or ever to be successful. So, which is it? Yes? No? The fact of the matter is that everybody is right. Having your own product is great but it isn’t absolutely necessary. Those who have their own product can build a website around that product and add affiliate links to it. Those who don’t have their own products can still create a great website and be an affiliate marketer. Producers of products love affiliate marketers and products are not the least bit hard to find. The thing that both those who do and those who don’t have their own product have in common is that they both must be passionate about the products they sell. You will never be successful in selling something that you aren’t interested in yourself. It takes drive and ambition to succeed at any endeavor and affiliate marketing isn’t any different. You must be passionate about a product or an idea in order to keep your drive and ambition alive and well for the long haul. Whether you are marketing your own product or a product produced by others your success is directly related to how effective your marketing techniques are, how focused you are, how well you manage your time, and how much you believe in the product.

products. 3. Ask for higher than normal commission from merchants. If you are already successful with a particular promotion, you should try and approach the merchant and negotiate a percentage commission for your sales. If the merchant is smart, he or she will likely grant your request rather than lose a valuable asset in you. Keep in mind that you are a zerorisk investment to your merchant; so do not be shy about requesting for addition in your commissions. Just try to be reasonable about it. Write strong pay Per Click ads. PPC search engine is the most effective means of advertising online. As an affiliate, you can make a small income just by managing PPC campaigns such as Google but there are many more. Then you should try and monitor them to see which ads are more effective and which ones to dispose of. Try out these strategies and see the difference it can make to your commission checks in the shortest of time.

Affiliate Marketing Tips T

oday, many of us want to pack up our jobs and be our own bosses. The idea of working for you attracts many. However, the reality of making it happen soon stops most. In fact the vast majority of us cannot get a business off the ground due to 2 main factors; the first being money and the second being risk. Starting even a small business takes a fair amount of money. You need to buy or rent premises, purchase your stock and equipment and pay staff if you have them. You will also have other outside expenses such as advertising. Risk is the factor that kills most businesses off. Even if you’re lucky enough to get the capital to start, nearly 90% of all small businesses fail in the first year. If yours is one of the lucky ones, you have to keep reinvesting your time and money to build up the businesses reputation. It could be anywhere from 5-7 years before any significant profit is seen. Most of us cannot wait that long which is what makes affiliate marketing such an attractive offer. Affiliate marketing involves you, working as an affiliate for a merchant or company. You sell either No matter what you may have heard about affiliate marketing, it's impossible for everyone to make 5,000 - 10,000 dollars a month, as there is simply too much competition. There is also no money that will fall into your hands without you doing anything for it. With that in mind, you'll find some high level tips below that will help you make money with affiliate marketing programs on the internet.

1. Google

Even though the days of free traffic aren't completely over, they are surely fading away quickly. You can choose to work hard creating web pages that score well in the search engines, although it's very hard to do. By paying for clicks with Google, you'll have the top three positions on the search engines that matter the most. If you hope to generate web traffic from Yahoo, all you need to do is be at the top of Google.

2. Your own email list

Sending offers to your very own email list is the ideal way to build freedom and residual income. Instead of sending traffic away then

goods or services and you’re paid on how much you produce. There are no costs and no risk. You put in what you choose and are rewarded accordingly. Running an affiliate marketing business is challenging. You’ll have to work very hard to build it up. However, you’ll be rewarded for your hard work not someone else. Getting an affiliate marketing program going may seem difficult. The truth is it is down to you and how much you want to put in. There is no sure fire way to success but there are some good tips that you can follow to make you affiliate marketing scheme as successful as possible. There are literally thousands of programs for you to choose from. However, to get started you may want to choose something that you are familiar with. This product or service may not be the hottest thing on the current market or make you a millionaire, but you will come off more confident and sincere with something you know and believe in. This will also help when it comes to creating your site. Something familiar will allow you to be personal and creative. Trying to create a site around something you know little about will soon become boring and tedious. Working with something familiar will also give you the some experience in the program. You can always expand at a latter time when you are more

hoping for the best, you should instead have your own email list to which you are able to send multiple offers.

3. Your own affiliate program

If you knew that each filled out form on your site generated .50 cent in revenue, would you still be willing to pay someone else .25 cents to generate that same traffic? The most overlooked ways of generating traffic is having others generate it for you. There are many advantages to this method, including the fact that others will be getting your traffic for you. When it all comes down to it, everything involves paying for traffic in one way or another. To make more income, you'll need to invest very wisely in advertising.

familiar with how things work. Another good piece of advice is to watch the number of banners that you put up. A site full of banners will make the site look ugly and put off potential buyers. Carefully place your banners and use them to accent your site. Stuffing it full will not help. Remember, in the world of affiliate marketing there is no such thing as the perfect program. Any particular program will be stuffed full of varying testimonials. Some will be great, others will have not done so well. You need to decide for yourself and not be put off by a few bad experiences. In the end it is down to you and how much you want to put in. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money and work for you. The risk to you is minimal and there is no start up cost. There are many great affiliate marketing programs out there and choosing the right one may seem like a daunting task. When you first start out remember to stick to what you know. Find something you know about and have an interest in. Make your site attractive to others and resist the urge to fill it with banners. This may end up having the opposite of your desired effect. Finally remember, there is no perfect program. Some will have success where others have failed. It is all down to you. Don’t give up.

Other Notable Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes


t isn’t hard to set up a good website and start an affiliate marketing career. It isn’t hard at all to find affiliate marketing opportunities on the internet. However, it is a very simple thing to make deadly mistakes that will insure your failure to thrive at affiliate marketing. One of the most notable affiliate marketing mistakes is to think that all you have to do is find the ones that pay the most, sign up, drive traffic to that site through your affiliate link and you’re all set right? Not exactly. It’s great to choose an affiliate program that pays a high percentage, but that’s not the most important thing to consider. It’s much more important to find a quality affiliate program that meets certain criteria. Here are three mistakes you don’t have to make: 1. You want to make sure the product is a proven seller. You don’t want to waste your time and money driving traffic to a site that doesn’t convert. Find one with a good conversion rate. 2. Make sure the site you become an affiliate for protects its affiliates, and has your best interest at heart. Look for one that provides banners, e-mails, and other tools you can use to promote the site. Also, make sure that there is only one payment option. As an affiliate marketer, you need to be sure that you will get credit for your referral. If there is more than one payment method, you can get shortchanged. 3. Do not choose an affiliate program that promotes an e-mail course. Nothing is worse than becoming an affiliate to a site that’s first goal is to capture e-mail addresses, and then tries to make the sale second. As an affiliate marketer, you need to capture e-mail addresses, then to convert that prospect into a sale. Stick with affiliate programs that aren’t focused on capturing leads because it’s simply not in your best interest. Build your own list, not someone else’s. Here's Why Using Camtasia Can Increase Your Affiliate Checks Since there are already lots of people getting into affiliate marketing, it is no wonder that the competition is getting stiff. The challenge is to try and outdo other affiliates and think of ways to be able to attain this. What better way to wow your prospects and customers than to record and publish top notch, full motion and streaming screen-captured videos. Nothing like feeling your hard work getting paid by having your customers jumping up excitedly in great anticipation to buy your product right there and then. This is Camtasia in action. It is a proven fact; giving your customers something they can actually see can explode your online sales instantly. You do not need to have training and education to be able to know how this system can work for your affiliate program. Anyone can create stunning videos, from multimedia tutorials and step-by-step presentations available online. The process is like having your customers seated next to you and looking at your desktop, as you show them the things they need to see and hear. All this done step by step. For those who do not know it yet, how does Camtasia works? 1. It can record your desktop activity in a single click. No need to have to save and compile all your files because it is recorded right there and then. 2. Can easily convert your videos into web pages. Once converted you can have your customers visiting that certain page. Videos are easier to understand and take in unlike reading texts which is often a trying thing to do. 3. Upload your pages. Publish them through blogs, RSS feed and podcasts. You may want your Camtasis videos to get around and reach out to other people that may be potential customers in the future. Nothing like being visible in many sites and pages to advertise yourself and get your message through. There are other things you can do with your affiliate program using Camtasia. You can… Create stunning multimedia presentations that are proven to increase sales because all the senses are engaged. This also has the tendency to reduce skepticism among hard-to-please customers. Reduce refunds and other customer issues by demonstrating visually how to use your product and how to do it properly. Complaints will also be minimized because all the facts and the presentation are there for the customers to just see and hear about. Promote affiliate products and services using visual presentations. This is an effective way of redirecting your viewers straight to your affiliate website after they are finished with the video. Make the most of the presentation by putting your site location in the end and make them go there directly if they want more information. Multiply your online auction bids exponentially when you give your readers a feel of what you have to offer. Based from reports, auctions that includes pictures increases bidding percentage by 400%. Imagine how much higher it will be if it were videos. Publish valuable info products that you can sell for a much higher price. It will be all worth the price because of the full coloured graphics menu and templates that you will be using. Minimize miscommunication with your customers. Instantly showing them what you want they wanted in the first place is making them understand clearly the essence of your affiliate program. The good thing about multimedia is, nothing much can go wrong. It is there already. These are just some of the things you can do with Camtasia that can be very helpful in your chosen affiliate program. Note that the main purpose of using Camtasia is to boost the income that is generated from your affiliate program. Although it can be used for entertainment and enjoyment purposes. Try to focus on the goal that you have set upon yourself to and achieve that with the use of the things that may be quite a lot of help in increasing your earnings.

Some Advice For Those Who Want To Become Affiliates Today, many of us are growing increasingly tired of the workplace and the

daily grind. We are continually overworked and undervalued. Working a traditional job offers very little incentive to produce more. The vast majority of us pare paid a wage with very little movement for increases. Increasing numbers of us want to work for ourselves but this requires money and a great deal of risk. Starting your own business is a risky venture and it may be years before any significant profit is seen. Most of us can’t wait that long as our financial obligations need to be met immediately. To bridge this gap, some are turning to the field of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing allows you to work for yourself. Instead of creating your own business, you working to expand an already existing one. This keeps the risk factor and investment low so you can concentrate on how to make profits. Many think it sounds easy. Certain aspects of affiliate marketing make it very attractive but it isn’t easy at all. There are steps and loads of advice you should follow before plunging head first into and affiliate marketing scheme. The first thing you should do before committing to an affiliate marketing scheme is to evaluate your skills and expertise. How motivated are you? How many hours are you willing to put in? What business skills do you already have and what skills do you need? Even though the risk is minimal, you want to make the most of the venture. You will need some business and sales skills. If you have none then you need to learn. There are very few products that sell themselves. If they did the company wouldn’t need you to do it for them. You profit will be based on your performance. If you can’t perform then your venture will struggle. The next thing you should consider is a product themselves. You should find something that you know something about. That way you sound much more sincere when you are marketing them. However, you also need to look into how salable they are. You may have loads of knowledge about a particular area but if it isn’t something that sells it will be useless. Find out from the company how well these items sell. How much of a return you can reasonably expect. Don’t let them dazzle you with the sky is the limit speech, or one of our salesmen hit the million dollar mark. You need to know what you are likely to achieve. Finally, you need to have realistic expectations. One of the reasons that many work at home ventures fail is that people want instant results. Running a business of any type takes time and hard work. With affiliate marketing your will get out only what you put in. with patience and hard work it will be lucrative. Learn what is realistic and shoot for that. If you make more then great. Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to start in your own business. If you’re self motivated and independent then this fields could be an excellent choice. Before you jump in, research the company. Look up the salability of the products and ask for reasonable projections. Base your goals on these and build from there. With patience and hard work you will make a success of affiliate marketing.

small screen

big impact Mobile phone is personal, its engaging, and its everywhere! Reach the widest possible audience Achieve best results with highly contextual ads Track your progress with real time, online reporting Enjoy the benefits of our personalized customer support service The mobile phone industry has been on an unbelievable growth curve and this trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Along with this rapid expansion comes new business opportunities for affiliates and businesses now more than willing to get in on this still new way of advertising. We all enjoy the latest downloads and information now available, especially as this is now readily available on mobile devices. So....Why not make money selling mobile phone content yourself? Affiliate supermarket would like to provide us, the affiliate as much information as possible to get in on this still relatively new idea of advertising. With the possibilities now seemingly endless when it comes to advertising, it would be nieve for us to ignore these new possibilities.

Mobile Affiliate M Marketing: An Additional Stream Of Income Worth Researching

obile affiliate marketing is something every small business owner should seriously consider as a way of earning extra income. This is not a suggestion to stop what you are currently doing to bring in income. That is insane. If you have a business that is bringing in steady income, by all means keep doing that. What is being suggested is an additional stream of income. After all, who doesn't need another way to earn money. This is income that can be coming in while you are running your main business. This is money you can literally earn in your sleep. In this article you will learn more about mobile affiliate marketing and how it can help you create an additional income source. Mobile affiliate marketing is similar to traditional affiliate marketing. Let me explain how traditional affiliate marketing works and then I will discuss how mobile affiliate marketing works. In traditional affiliate marketing, you join up with an affiliate network. An affiliate network is simply the company that runs the various affiliate programs. Merchants will

sign up to work with the affiliate network to promote their product. The affiliate network then hosts the creatives. The affiliate marketer promotes the merchant's offerings in whatever way works to drive customers to the merchant's website. Mobile affiliate marketing works the same way. The difference between mobile affiliate marketing and traditional affiliate marketing is that you are using mobile devices to drive traffic to the merchant's website as opposed to just the computer. Mobile affiliate marketing is different from traditional affiliate marketing because cell phone users are more likely to pay attention to your marketing message than computer users are. Mobile phone ads still have an "OOOH! AHH!" factor that email messages just don't have anymore. With mobile affiliate marketing you can target your ads a lot better. You can target certain handsets which means you can single people out according to income. Usually if someone can afford an expensive cell phone, that person can afford your offer.

As with regular affiliate marketing, mobile affiliate marketing requires a hungry crowd in order for your offer to be successful. In other words, your offer must satisfy some want or need that a group of people are extremely passionate about. Something like offering someone with diabetes a way to lose weight and still eat tasty food would go over really well because diabetics have to maintain a certain weight or risk severe health problems. Mobile affiliate marketing can definitely add money to your bottom line. It is not likely to happen overnight. As with anything else in business, you have to put in the work to get the rewards. Remember, success comes before work only in the dictionary. Also you have to take action. You won't be successful just sitting around reading about mobile affiliate marketing. You have to actually do affiliate marketing in order to make money from it.

Target your audience

Geographic Targeting

Region targeting allows you to deliver your ads to specific regions within a country. It is recommended that region targeting be used only for campaigns where your product / service can generate demand from users bound to specific regions. For example, you want to promote a service in the West Coast of the United States. In this case you select only regions coming under the West Coast of the United States. Please note that you are bound to get lower impressions if you enable Region Targeting.

Carrier Targeting Carrier targeting allows you to deliver your ads to users subscribed to specific carriers. It is recommended that carrier targeting be used only for campaigns where you are restricted by carrier specific services like billing. For example, you want to sell mobile content in the United States and having billing tie-ups with AT&T & Verizon. In this case you select AT&T and Verizon as the carrier.

Demography Targeting Demographic targeting includes gender and age. Please make sure that you select an age range that is contiguous. For example, if you want to target users between 20 and 30 you must select all age ranges between the lower and upper age ranges. In this case you must select 18-24, 25-29, and 30-34. Please note that you are bound to get lower impressions if you select demographic targeting. The demography information is available only for sites that share the data with the given network you choose.

Ad Scheduling Schedule your ads and deliver them at specific days and times of the week. For example, you want to drive traffic to your store during the weekends. In this case you schedule your ads for delivery during the weekends and time it with the working hours of your stores. Please note that when setting a time of day, you need to set the start time and end time. All time scheduling is in Greenwich Mean Time. For example, you want your ads to be served between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. In this case you select three time slots marked as 4, 5, and 6, spread between day and night. Please note that you are bound to get lower impressions if you use this targeting option.

Device / Platform Targeting Device / Platform targeting includes targeting by Manufacturer, Operating System, and Device Models. The devices that are available for targeting are auto filtered to show only the ones which support the call to action defined for the ad group. For example, you have an ad group with a click to android app call to action. In this case the devices available for targeting are the ones that support maps.

Mobile Affiliate Platforms


obile affiliate platforms are a great addition to any affiliate marketer's network of affiliate programs. Basically mobile affiliate programs offer plans that are targeted to people with cell phones. Sometimes you will be asking people to text a code to a certain number to opt in to receive special deals. Other times you may place a banner on your website asking people to download a game or an app to their phone. This article will give you more details about mobile affiliate platforms and why you should add mobile affiliate marketing to your affiliate marketing mix. Mobile offers are less likely to be ignored than traditional marketing methods. This is because the technology is still in its infancy. People still have that

"Wow!" factor when it comes to things related to their cell phone. It is much like when email first came out. Every email message was fascinating instead of a burden. This means that your marketing message will actually get seen as opposed to email where your message will most likely wind up in the garbage can. Mobile affiliate marketing is not as intrusive as other marketing methods. It is usually just a text message. This is not going to wake up other family members like a telephone call will. It is not likely to get marked as spam like an email will. It is not likely to get skipped like television ads do when people change the channel. This is not interruption marketing. It is permission based and it is something the consumer wants so they

will pay attention to the message. Mobile affiliate platforms allow you to take advantage of this growing market. You can choose which programs you decide to place on your website. Some programs even allow you to target certain cell phone models. This can come in handy when you are trying to market to people in certain income brackets. If you know a certain brand of cell phone is really expensive, then you can deduce that people who own those types of phones can afford your more expensive offers. Mobile affiliate platforms also allow you to target your campaigns according to geographic location. This is important if you are promoting something that is a local offer. It won't help you to promote something that is only valid in California to

people that live in Alaska. The people living in Alaska will not be able to use the promotion so you have just wasted your efforts. Mobile affiliate platforms are the future of affiliate marketing. This is definitely something you do not want to miss out on. If you missed the first Internet boom, you can still cash in on mobile affiliate marketing. You just have to put in the time and effort that it will take to make this a success. It is not likely that you will be successful at this on your first attempt. Stick with this and you will soon see the results you are looking for. Learn about combining the mobile affiliate marketing world with the traditional affiliate marketing. Good luck and I look forward to seeing you in the mobile marketing community.

I wanted to do a quick Paul Kemp / Stefan Maingot Local Mobile Money Review. If you're looking for the official Local Mobile Money Site, click below: Local Mobile Money Official Site

So What Exactly is Local Mobile Money? Local Mobile Money is all about local mobile marketing. To date, there are about 5 times more mobile users than Internet users - and Local Mobile Money teaches you how to market directly to their devices on behalf of local businesses. What Paul Kemp and Stefan Maingot did was put together a series of tutorials that teach local mobile marketing in a very concise, easy to follow manner. The end game is list building for local businesses and getting paid lots of money.

Local Mobile Money Review. What Do You Get? All in all, Local Mobile Money contains several basic modules and several advanced modules which contain everything you need to know about how to get started in local mobile marketing. Getting Started. Local Mobile Marketing overview. • Module 1 Finding The Local Businesses • Module 2 Approaching Local Business Prospects • Module 3 Setting Up Local Mobile Marketing Campaigns - a review of the service providers • Module 4 Offline Strategies • Module 5 Online Strategies Plus you get all the necessary scripts and templates you will need to follow the Local Mobile Marketing process. Advanced Modules • Module 1 Local Mobile Marketing Facts • Module 2 Optimizing Your Existing Digital Exposure For Mobile • Module 3 Developing Mobile Content • Module 4 SMS Pre Order Codes • Module 5 Using & Creating your QR Codes • Module 6 Mobile Video Streaming • Module 7 Building your Mobile Street Team • Module 8 Creating Your Own App In addition, you get the following bonus modules: • Bonus 1 Finding Content • Bonus 2 Create Your Website • Bonus 3 Facebook Fan Pages • Bonus 4 Facebook Apps • Bonus 5 Conversion Optimizer Frankly, I don't know why this course isn't more expensive. There's so much in here. Local Mobile Money - The Positives • It's built from the ground up with the beginner in mind. I've been waiting for a product like this to launch because I knew I could learn from other experts as oppose to wasting my own money experimenting with local mobile marketing • The included 'how to' tutorial using software to create local mobile sites is awesome • Every aspect of local mobile marketing is covered - from getting started to using some great geo-targeting strategies • Anyone can get into it - a 55 year old business owner or a school kid looking to make money Local Mobile Money - The Negatives • Potentially too many people take up this product. Let's hope only 4% actually does something with this valuable information Local Mobile Money - The Verdict This Local Mobile Money program by Paul Kemp and Stefan Maingot is worth way more than they are charging. The amount of modules, scripts, templates, bonuses… It's insane. If you're looking to get started in local mobile marketing, this is the digital course for you.

local mobile marketing revolution is here! Do you like the idea of tapping into a 2 billion mobile phone market on behalf of 26.1 million cash paying businesses? All You Need Is A Computer, Phone, Printer And Will Power To Build A Local Mobile Empire Imagine if just one client pays you $1,000 per month simply to create 5 minute mobile campaigns for them? Now imagine you decide to get 10 clients, or 100 or 1,000. Can you do the math? Dear Friend: Local Mobile Money gives you all the knowledge you need to become a local mobile marketing monster! It guides through the initial stages of building up your clients all the way through to advanced local mobile marketing techniques such as geo-location marketing and mobile video marketing. The opportunities to make a killing with Local Mobile Money are going to disappear very, very quickly.

What happens when you take a red hot market and no competition? You get an opportunity to build a monopoly that can almost print its own money. Remember when these names started with low competition: Google, ebay, facebook, twitter. Local Mobile Money combines two of the biggest opportunities for you to get into this year: • The 2 billion mobile phone market • The 26.1 million local businesses who advertise Local companies are in desperate need for mobile campaign experts. If the owners were here now, they would be screaming at you to take this opportunity so they can benefit. We know the market is big because one of the founders of a text messaging autoresponder in the UK is making around £5 million a year. The best part is he captured his 26,000 business client base through word of mouth with no advertising. Yes! Local Mobile Marketing is hot and now is an ideal opportunity to jump on the bandwagon to make good money. The only obstacle in your way of this golden opportunity is your lack of expertise in creating mobile marketing campaigns for local businesses.

Local Mobile Money takes any novice and turns them into a local mobile marketing expert. Within a few hours they will be confident enough to command $1,000 per client for creating mobile marketing campaigns. Local businesses will pay you $500 to $1,000 per month because they are already wasting ten times this amount of old style ineffective media advertising. What is really cool is you don’t need to be a professional cold caller because the need for mobile marketing campaigns has already been pre-sold to them. Local Mobile Money takes anyone with a hint of motivation to succeed and transforms them into experts. When you see the members area, you realise you don’t need any prior knowledge of online or offline marketing and you can be based anywhere in world. Local Mobile Money is not designed to supplement your income whilst you continue your day job. This comprehensive digital tutorial is designed to be your only source of income and your best route to financial freedom. This is because it creates massive monthly income streams for you to tap into anytime.

Local Mobile Money Will Help You Build A Real Business. Local Mobile Money will guide you through the process of building a real business because you know how tiresome making money online can be. You may have experienced frustration whilst trying to make an affiliate sale. After hours, days or even weeks of hard work youmake a sale only to lose that client forever.

Local Mobile Money will have you building asset because it’ll pay you month after month. The asset is your client base. Local businesses will be blown away by your expertise and the customer pulling strategies you can set up for them. You see, 99.9% of local businesses have absolutely no idea how to go about setting up local mobile campaigns. All these business owners know is that they are missing out by not tapping into this new and unique media.

Business owners may be a bit clueless when it comes to marketing the way people like you and me do it online... but they don’t live in caves. Their Yellow Pages are used as step stools just like everyone else’s, but they keep wasting money advertising there because it’s all they’ve ever known. They simply have NO IDEA where to begin setting up a text campaign. And because it involves technology, they just assume it’s “beyond them.” So when you demonstrate the power of YepText (simply by showing them the video we provide) they’re often SHOCKED that it costs as little as $1,000 per month, compared to the $20,000 or more they’ve been paying for extinct advertising channels like Yellow Pages, Newspapers or Coupon Books. And the best part is… you don’t need ANY skills with PPC, SEO, media buying, email list-building, or the rest of the “hard stuff” most people struggle with online...

And rather than compete with super-affiliate sharks and “gurus” for affiliate sales… no matter where in the world you live…

And that’s where you come in… because… … all the cash-in-hand customers you can possibly handle are right outside your front door – ready to NOT ONLY hand you the easiest income you’ll ever find… Here's why (even if you've already made bank with mobile websites and lists)… dead simple text messages are the easiest, fastest SHORTCUT to a full-time income with mobile right now and... It all comes down giant cash trends shaping up right now as you’re reading this – and each one of them makes your success that much more of a mortal lock once you see the “bird’s eye” view of how it’s all going down: Giant Cash Trend #1: Every city (or small town) in the world right now is ripe with desperate local biz owners looking for NEW ways to pull in customers. It's incredible to think that anyone would open a business without the skills to bring in a steady flow of new customers, but I'm sure you see businesses closing in your neighborhood all the time, and it leaves you shaking your head because it's obvious to you what they could have done to reach more prospects… IF they only knew a fraction of what you already know about marketing their business.

… so the path from raw newbie to cash-pulling expert is measured in just days… rather than weeks, months or years with “old-school” Internet marketing.

Think about it: Yellow Pages advertising is dead or dying… newspapers are choking for readers, billboards get ignored, TV and radio ads cost a small fortune (with zero guarantee anybody’s paying attention)…

You’ve already got almost everything you need – and I’m about to arm you with the last missing pieces of the puzzle right here on this page.

… and 99% of local business owners have NO CLUE how to fill the “advertising gap” that’s digging their stores deeper into a hole every day.

If you’re finally ready to end the frustrating battle for affiliate breadcrumbs, skip past the competition and earn WAY more by working a lot less...

These biz owners are WAITING for someone to come in with a solution to crank their customer flow back into overdrive – and they’re willing to cut checks fast and furious for a proven way to get their cash registers ringing.

… then bolt the door, kill any distractions and prepare for as many $3,000 automatic monthly paychecks as you can handle.

Giant Cash Trend #2: Even though they urgently need all the walk-in customer traffic they can get… small biz owners are… well… busy.

And it’s about to get ridiculously easy because... Here’s what you DO NOT need to do:

… and KEEPS bringing in business on demand – not just once but again and again.

They don’t have time to chase down their customers on the latest social media “it”-site of the week… … they don’t want to pay hundreds of dollars a month for SEO mumbo-jumbo that gets them “top rankings” but doesn’t move products off the shelves or put butts in chairs… … and they can’t mimic “big brand” companies and just hope all the money they’re shelling out comes back to them. What they want… no, NEED… is an instant, guaranteed connection with real customers that brings buyers through the front door with their credit cards already half out of their wallets…

Giant Cash Trend #3: Here’s your BIGGEST advantage: If you’ve been paying attention to Internet marketing for more than 20 minutes, you already know “the money’s in the list.” And just about any small biz that’s had its doors open more than a week… ALREADY HAS a huge “buyers’ list” of local customers…but… It's not flashy… it's not a smart phone app… it's not the latest, greatest social media tool… it just plain WORKS. Here's a little-known, but shocking fact: 97% of all text messages get opened. ... most within just one hour (that’s about five times the odds you’d have with email)… (Think about it: how many text messages do you receive… and ignore? If you’re like most people, probably none. They’re almost impossible to ignore because when they come in... they’re the ONLY thing on your cell phone screen.) It’s why texting is now the #1 use for mobile phones – more than calls, email, games, Web-surfing and social media combined… ... and the greatest part about texting is… unlike email, Facebook, Twitter or any other place online where you’re “just another ad”… So it’s no mystery why texting is rocketing to the top of most small biz owners’ advertising game plan… And if you’re an online marketer…texting is the EASIEST way to profit you’ll ever find (with the shortest possible “learning curve”) because… We’ve already created the “plug & play” texting system... all you have to do is watch the local biz owners you show it to get so excited they have to hold their hand steady while they write you a check. And your timing couldn’t be better – because even though these desperate business owners are hearing about the profit-pulling results other stores are having with textmessage campaigns… ….most of them quickly get confused and overwhelmed when it comes to getting their own campaigns off the ground. See for yourself...visit ith associated w All products ited provide the Un s 24/7 Affiliate of service with highest levelpport available. iates United fil Af of su n io er help custom The format together a vast array ill be given to Assistance w rn the greatest level has broughtme Casinos, Poker tu re s te na y one of affilia Mobile of brand each and ever o Rooms and of traffic for Rooms, Bing the brands. gaming. a d by a are supporte hed shortly by ws for lo ric al en is be Th g . ill in w ity Our products customer service tt un be This m ts m gh or co hi sp d of an al n rnings multi-lingu count managers to great selectiolated sites and much, significant eamissions team and ac global feel. sites, skill reAll these products are thly com on m er th ge e. to e or gs th m in t h provide a true in br uc d ith m at the forefron d globally w Affiliates United names with a tes United is vances, highly reputeg industry. 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Our de unsurpassed tion. ay ac pl to nt revenue and at lls lle y. ca en be exce driving to gaming toda consistently quality leads brands have t of the online gaming fer view er ov on fr e ic re rv fo filiates you re se e th Admobix gs from all Af rs in fe rn of ea d need to be r u de tie yo an t 2• ion of br s and conten ol to s s s, ha ut s ce • Huge select yo te ur pa ia so t ghes e Affil • All the re years, Fortun e industry’s hi p of online r • Some of th For the last 7the Fortune Lounge Grou u always offe successful & ge sa es m d t te ts to ensure yo an en st ep in es nc ’ pr co On re e s tiv ay va • ‘Alw • Inno ds, an promotions pport brands. keep you e casino bran d two cutting-edge telephone su ed tracking to an has eight onlin real time – om ge g ro un in o rt Lo ng e po bi un rts and advanc re e rt ia d po lin Fo ed ile re on m d ta e of ile de on ta , st am De • stre room • Robu ith opportunity online poker brands. 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A se and run CP lp you to choo application. With our he ill w r ne site or MobPart your mobile l rate. campaigns on e guarantee 100% of fil ities w , gy tize with qual ne technolo Mo d ory at 100% an nt ve in ur yo • Fill at you want campaigns the service th d an d an br e • Promoting th efficient ple, fast and • A system sim venues re ur yo crease u generate • Advice to in n to allow yo tio technical solu a e id ov pr e W earnings for: s sites • Your mobile send u yo S • All SM ication lows you /Android Appl ne ho iP ur er network al • Yo e th MobPartn of r be em m Becoming a rs to: ional advertise mous internat fa y iles an ob m m to • Access offers on your ith attractive w ey on m rn • Ea es with our services of your servic ce an m or rf pe . • Analyze the rting and statistic system who 000 members powerful repo more than 50 ith w k or tw ne • Enter a ed you have earn trust us money when kly, ask your ic qu id pa t • Ge . advise $20 maximum can assist and to a team who ss ce ac ve Ha •

Economics of Pay-Per-Call


ay-Per-Call Economics with Mobile Ad Networks Like AdMob, Adfonic, Inmobi and Mojiva Mobile Ad Networks such as AdMob, AdFonix, InMobi and Mojiva are gaining popularity for driving pay-percall volume. Like any media placement in performance marketing, it is important to look at the costs involved and how the tracking works to determine how best to promote the offer. This article steps through the basic Mobile Ad Network call flow and then into the economics behind that. Be aware: like search, mobile ad buys can be highly competitive. If your competition isn't armed with this information, they may be overbidding. You don't want fall into that trap.

Mobile Ad Networks typically track, report and bill on every click (step 1 above), regardless of whether or not that call ever completes. After the click (intentional or accidental) the user is prompted with a dialog box on their mobile phone that looks like this: Even if the user presses Cancel, the Mobile Ad Networks typically track this click as a call and

Call Flow First off, it is helpful to understand the flow of a "call" on a Mobile Ad Network. • User Clicks on your Pay-Per-Call Ad (accidentally or intentionally). Mobile Ad Network tracks this as a "call". • User is prompted to “Cancel” or “Call”. • If user presses “Call”, phone dials number. • Call leaves cellular network. (This usually takes about 3 seconds.) • RingRevenue Pay-Per-Call Platform receives the call and starts tracking. • Call is connected to advertiser. Understanding how the call flow works, here are some things to consider if you are going to promote campaigns through Mobile Ad Networks.

Ad Networks Track Clicks, Not Calls

therefore bill for it. The same thing happens if the user presses Call and then End on the mobile phone before the call actually leaves the cellular network. In contrast, our PayPer-Call platform only tracks calls that actually connect to the advertiser’s call center, and we track the duration of the call too, which is critical to understand true calling intent vs. accidental dials. Do the Math... does the bid price align with the average payout based on actual calls that are being connected? Given that Mobile Ad Networks track clicks and not true connected calls, it is easy to see how there may be some discrepancies between the Ad Network’s reporting and what the Pay-Per-Call platform reports as a call. Our experience is that as a rule of thumb, only 3-5% of “calls” as defined by the Mobile Ad Network

are actually connected. That means that 95-97% never connected and these obviously have no hope of qualifying for a commission. You should take this derating factor into account when bidding on a Mobile Ad Network. Because only 35% of "calls" actually connect, the average payout per call needs to be between 20 and 33 times what is being bid per call on the Mobile Ad Network to break even. (The math is: 100% / 5% = 20. 100% / 3% = 33.)

An Example

Suppose a Pay-Per-Call campaign pays $18 for qualified calls and on average one in three calls is qualifying for commissions. Hence the average payout per call is $6. Given the 3-5% rule of thumb above, the break-even on the "call" would be between 1/20th and 1/33rd of $6 or in the range of $0.18 to $0.30. To make a profit, your bid needs to be less than break-even. But for some Mobile Ad Networks the bid minimum per "call" is $0.15, so you may not have much wiggle room. And you may be competing with someone who is unaware of the economics and overbidding! If it seems the economics of a particular offer are not penciling out, do not despair. Here are a few tips: • Start small and test. When trying a new media placement it is always a good idea to start small with your bidding strategy and run a test to see how the campaign is performing. This will give you better insight into percentages of clicks that convert to calls and your average payout per call. • Try retargeting your campaign. Most Ad Networks offer targeting criteria based on device, geography and demographics. • Try alternate media placements. In some ways, Mobile is no different from traditional online marketing. If one type of media is not working out, it might make sense to test out another such as newspapers, search or application-based advertising, etc.

PeerFly is a on e-of-a-kind co stper-action ba sed affiliate ad network. Unlike other affiliate netw orks, our system is custom built from the ground up so we don't de pend on unreliable hosted mecha nics. We're currently accepting publishers from all countries, in any vertical. With thousand s of publisher s, 1230 active ca mpaigns, and millions of cl icks served: Pe erFly is quickly becom ing the choice for both publisher s and advertise rs alike. With an overal l network conv ersion rate of 8-15% and high EPC' s it really doesn't take a genius to see how we differ from our competition! Wait no furthe r and join Peer Fly NOW!

The Cometa Wireless Casi no is a fun and easy to use, end-to end gaming pl atform. Our games ar e multi-lingual and multi-currency , and easy to setup and oper ate. A true turnkey solutio n. Users buy cred its using premium rate SMS or credit card with just a few clicks fr om inside the gam e, and the included web portal provides easy balance statistics/depo sits/withdraw als Our current po rtfolio of gam es include, Poke r, Blackjack, Roulette, Bing o, Slots, Socc er Shoot Out and Virtual Horse Racing. After two years development Cometa services work on both 2.5G and 3G phones and are compatible w ith more than 1750 handsets worldwide.

rtisers, For our Adve e ability th e id ov we pr quality, to drive high e m lu high vo ith no acquisitions w tire risk, as our en a cost network is on n per acquisitio lp with model. We he strategy and to optimization st ensure the be consumers. rtunity iates the oppo give our affil their traffic, as we e w s, te ia fil e from For our Af le d ditional incom well as valuabnames to twork focuse to generate ad of offers, as d st affiliate ne ty an fir br rie e g Va bi th e is id offer a w dates. From OfferMobi.comweb. bring account services and upve them here. ha s, we strive to erall e on the mobile er w , ad rs le fe d of an exclusive ing, and ov ry veterans Led by industthe very best service, pric . our partners sure growth for everyone strategy to en s and ising. tive program liates attrac obile advert fi m af r r fo fe k of or d ional netw ile web an ory. is an internat h on the mob e their invent es gain reac Sponsormob ci en ag d an can monetis s rs er is he rt is ve bl ad pu s. le basi basis and They help a lead and sa fic on a CPA their service. campaigns on to drive traf ob rm gy to power so lo on no Sp ch e te us s n ic ca yt ts al an an Merch tracking and uses unique Sponsormob

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M te program B2ners rt PlayFon affilia pa 00 50 an th unites more worldwide. web and the owners of B2M enables nerate income from ge WAP-sites to t with no money mobile conten investment. put should do is to All any owner ation on Internet or rm fo every content in get share from WAP-site and

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network and sino affiliate sino affiliate ca t lis ia ec sp ca is a ands . Brightshare ber of mobile and iphone Wild Jack br offers a num uding the All Slots and programs incl e: t are Guarante filiate suppor The BrightSh responsive af & ly nd ie fr & l, w na ne sio of • Profes plementation aluation & im • Constant eveas innovative id

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cost per st per lead or rtisers on a co ve ad ith w k s wor isers Liquid Wireles sponse advert from direct reet or mobile rs fe inquiry basis. of e ot rn sign up to prom e mobile inte Affiliates can reach consumers using th to t an w who applications.

get mobile

mobile adver tising... the future... ..

Adfonic is a ne platform whi w mobile advertising ch targeting com offers much improved pared to exis networks. ting mobile ad Overview Our goal is sim with their au ple – Connecting advertise di flexible tools ence and giving advertise rs to achieve th rs and publish eir goals. ers comprehen Adfonic is a se sive and lfse rv ic e m with easy-toobile advertisi use and intuiti ng m ar ke tp lace. We prov campaigns. W ve tools to bu analytics to me provide publishers with ild, execute, monitor an ide advertisers flexible tools d control aximise their an earning pote ntial from mob d real-time reporting an d ile advertising . Admoda is a UK-based mob ile advertisin moda was laun g network. ched in the su MobVision. Si nce its format mmer of 2006 by ion in 2003, MobVisio n unrivaled wea has gained an lth of experie nce in the mobile in entertainmen ternet, mobile t, This experienc and mobile advertising se ct e and expert ise is embedd or. Admoda is al ed in Admoda. l about traffic – bu allow advertise rs to run high ying and selling traffic. Th in apps, and e aim of Adm for publisher ly targeted campaigns on oda is to s to monetise the mobile in advertising. their mobile te sites and apps rnet and with

Decktrade is th Millenial Med e US-focused self-serv ice mobile ad ia. network oper The service w ated by orks across th e mobile web and also in ip hone applicat ions.

Inmobi is an India-based mobile ad ne twork with particular st rength in specific mar kets including Asia , South Africa India and . With billions of impressions re aching millio ns of consum around the gl ers ob Our technolo e, we provide unpreceden in almost every region gy platform en ted reach at significant sc ables sophist multitude of ale. ic options that will enable yo ated targeting with a objectives. u to reach yo ur campaign software, pro

The largest CP C mobile ad network in th e world. Big focus on iphone an d android an d new formats such as video. Europe althou Main markets gh they have are US, UK an coverage acro d ss the globe in cluding South Admob analyt ics is a mobile Africa and As web and appl ia. the mobile ad ication analyt vertising com ics service fr pany admob. key analytics om The free serv data includin ice provides g referrers, pa all ge views, visit or numbers an d search engine keywords. Appclix, form er

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l analytics so lution for iphone, an droid, blackberry an d ipad. The service tr acks downloads an d referrals from networks and ad automatically imports data The service pr from itunes co ovides simple nnect. measures of handsets, ge ographic mar kets, countries and browsers.

Flurry prov id es pr data to deve ov ides real time lope consumers us rs about how e their mobile applicat applications ions, as well as how ar e performing ac Application de ve different hand ross well as robust lopers receive aggregat sets. ed re us porting an age and identify issue s and opportun d analysis tools. With th performance data, as is data, deve ities, create lopers a mor increase rete e informed product road can Flurry suppor ntion and grow map ts iPhone, An their user ba , droid, Blackb se. erry and Java ME with addi tional platforms co ming soon.

Medialets is a mobile rich media an d web analytics plat form for mobile. Medialets prov applications ides – going beyond deep analytic simple metric s for s to help you understand in detail how your app or mobile media servic e is used.


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get mobile

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Mobclix uses

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Choosing the Right Affiliate Program

Choosing the A Quick Guide to Maximizing Right Affiliate Your Site’s Profit Potential Network W


or online direct response marketers, deciding which affiliate network(s) to align with can be daunting. But with a little guidance, the process can be much simpler and far less stressful. Here are three keys to consider when choosing an affiliate network: Experience in the Vertical: The significance of finding an affiliate network with experience in your vertical can not be overstated. To determine if an affiliate has the level of experience you are seeking, you need to ask the right questions: • Does it specialize in one-time sale offers, or are their offers more subscription-focused? • What are some similar products they’ve worked with and how much success did they have? • Do they abide by industry recognized and vertical-specific best practices? It is important to ensure the affiliate network under consideration has worked with the types of products you are marketing, understands your unique challenges and goals, and has the appropriate affiliate base to generate new sales. Expertise: Internet Marketing is a rather young industry so it’s highly doubtful you’ll be able to find a forty year old affiliate network to suit your needs. But you can find affiliates with five, even ten years of experience working with pretty reputable clients. Steer clear of companies that do not have a long tenure or tangible track record. Excellent Client Service: As for client service, do your research. Make sure your primary salesperson won’t disappear the moment you’ve signed on. Ask to meet your dedicated account manager or client services leaders prior to finalizing a contract. Establish from the start that you want to keep the lines of communication open. At minimum, you’ll want weekly feedback in the form of a report or call with your account manager. Regular check-ins are critical as you move toward the launch of a program. It will ultimately drive increased sales and better results. If you don’t feel comfortable with the people handling your account, trust your instincts. By aligning with an affiliate network that has vertical expertise, experience and excellent client service, you can expect to drive fairly long-tail customers and improved ROI.

ith all of the various options out there for placing advertising on your website, it can quickly become an arduous task to choose the right one for your site.

While there is no out of the box solution that is going to work for all sites, you can ask yourself a key questions to help determine what type of advertising is going to work best for your site. What type of programs will convert best for my visitors? This is definitely not an easy question to answer, and is probably best figured out by describing the various types of programs, and giving examples of sites that they will work well on. Pay per Sale (PPS) Programs These types of offers are probably the closest thing that you can find to the standard brick and mortar retail tradition of a salesman getting a commission to sale a product. Many online retailers such as,, Amazon, and many others offer pay per sale affiliate programs giving their affiliates typically 2-15% commissions on sales. These types of offers work well on informational sites, provided that the products you are trying to sale are closely tied into the demographic of your site.

Example #1: Site Dedicated to Mountain Biking This site features information about trails and reviews about new bikes and biking products. As you review a new product you could place a specific affiliate link to that product on an online retailer’s store, and expect a decent conversion and click-through rate.

Example #2: Affiliate Based Site Selling Cameras

Many pay per sale affiliates offer data feeds for all of their products available through their online retail store. Using these feeds, you can build your own affiliate based online store selling their products. There are many software packages that will help you automate the process of building affiliate sites around data feeds.

Pay per Lead (PPL) Programs

These types of programs generally pay you for sending lead information (data) to an

online company. Leads can vary greatly from only being one field such as an e-mail address or zip code, to being an extensive form on in-depth financial information (such as that required for loan or credit card leads). Obviously, the best converting programs are the ones that require the least amount of personal information. These types of programs work well if your site’s audience isn’t necessarily prepared to by something online. They tend to convert well on ‘freebie type sites’ (example) as well as informational sites.

Pay per Impressions (CPM) Programs

These programs are great for sites that have very high traffic levels. I generally don’t recommend using them on their own, because PPS and PPL programs tend to be more profitable. CPM programs do however offer a wonderful opportunity to increase your site’s cash flow when used in conjunction with PPS and PPL programs. In addition, they are a great way to diversify your site’s income stream. Contextual Advertising Pretty much all sites can profit to some degree or another from contextual advertising. It is a wonderful, non-intrusive, way to complement your current advertising (PPS & PPL), and to provide an additional source of income. In addition, they are a great way to diversify your site’s income stream. Most sites will achieve their best potential by using a combination of these various types of advertising. It is important to experiment with not only the different types of programs, but also with individual offers to figure out the best combination for you. To get a good overview of the various networks that are available to you, please check out our Affiliate Network section.

Founded in 19

98, ClickBan k's online mar information ketplace for products allo digital w s individuals attract the cu and business stomers they es to can't find an prov ides affi ywhere else liate markete on lin e, and rs with secure ways to be su ccessful and profitab le. ClickBank com bines a divers ified, establis infrastructure hed marketpla that includes ce with an industry-leadi tools, reliable ng fraud prev payment proc ention essing and ex for more than pert customer 50,000 digita support l products an marketers. Cl d 100,000 acti ickBank provid ve affiliate es services in around the w more than 20 orld and is co 0 co untries nsistently rank ed as one of highly traffick th e most ed sites on th e web.


Junction is on e of the bigg est online channels in af filiate marke ting. Offering prom otion of famou s brands like Ebay and Dell Apple Store, this is an affi liate paradise Established in . 1998 Commis sion Junction ha s been in the game quit e some time. And they are expanding co nstantly, laun Commission Ju ching a nction Univers ity online.

Founded in 20 03, CUnet is a leader in pr interactive m ov iding arketing solu tions within the higher education se ctor. CUnet provid es clients wit h th e most advanc and resource s, enabling th ed tools em to meet th goals while m eir enrolmen aximizing RO t I. We are focu specifically on sed the higher ed ucation marke allows us to be t, which come true stra tegic partners schools and ad with the mission team s we work wit In today's mar h. ketplace, it is imperative to of online stra of fer a mix tegies to be ab le to reach pr students on th ospective eir terms. CU net is a full-se with experts rvice agency, in every aspe ct of interact new media an ive marketing d school oper , ations consul expertise allo ting. This ws us to offe r a w ide range of fo reach desired rmats to target audien ces and gene rate qualified inquiries. CUnet is a who lly owned subs idiary of Nelnet, a lead er in educatio n planning and financing for over 28 ye ars.

Finish first in the marathon of lead generati funneling mon on. Start ey into the ri ght channels today. Stand out from the crowd. Tap into the w orld's most lu crative traffic sources today. About Clickb Leading the ne oo th w phase in med proprietary in ia buying, Clic dustry techno kbooth has be logy for more industry "mol en providing than six year d" most CPA an s. Never adhe d CPC networ approach to af ring to the ks filiate marke form, Clickboo ting and cons th takes an in istently surpas novative their CPA and ses industry st CPC affiliate andards - taki Clickbooth pr network to th ng ovides partne e next level. rs with a prog dedicated to ressive full-se optimizing re rvice managem venue genera ent platform tion for both its Advertiser delivered in on s and Publishe e convenient Clickbooth is rs, package. focused on de livering unprec selling of onlin edented effic e advertising iency in the bu through their programs. Ad ying and top of the lin vertisers leve e CPA and CP rage the netw reach at dyna C ork to receive mically efficie optimized glob nt pricing, whi al le Publishers benefit of 10 realize the 0% inventory fil l te chnology. Clickbooth is the only soluti on you will ev manage your er need to online campa ign and excel within the online mar ketplace.

ss into a a small busine rn tu n ca ng keti eed. affiliate mar at internet sp The power of sinesses big business of aspiring bu th ow gr e th d te ke or ar ting our internet m ary use we’ve supp et We know beca ion dollar companies using ri op ing our pr clients and us ork to ensure our into multi-mill r ou in st ve in ew solutions. We lationships w ocesses and re are internet ready. pr , gy lo no ch s te iser iance quality advert e legal compl we emphasiz s Our ip . sh ch on oa ti la pr ng term re ultative ap liates by Looking for lo steady growth with a cons fi af r ou s ct pa while offering ss positively im d personal ing your busine ith solid performance an ow gr in st re w inte igns unique campa service. offering them te Network, xtopia Affilia Re e th of ny mpa mpany with , the parent co ice Internet marketing co a RexDirectNet rv se work. We take ming, full solutions that g is a top perfor en in iv en dr th ce ng an re orm loping and st turnkey, perf proach to deve ofitable results. pr partnership ap re to ensu relationships

filiate ustworthy af serious and tr . a is s ic m or Perf g other things DoubleClick network amon DoubleClick keting services fit from ar m e lin on ne riation of affiliates to be nning own Offering a va ru vertisers and s ad er is th rt bo ve s te Ad vi in to tions. arketing solu agement team customized m s are given their own man s. rt fo ef ng m ra marketi affiliate prog their affiliate to online boost and grow vertisers new filiate ad r fe of so al s rformic om made af DoubleClick Pe whole package, with cust Publishers, are d e marketing th tes, also calle like lutions. Affilia e of affiliate advertisers, marketing so ng ra d oa br a to ARS. gained access Adidas and SE And while n in the U.S. ow kn ily ar im are pr lled by the Client brands payment plans are contro ics offers on or ick Perf m commissi isers DoubleCl transforming rt ve ad te lia affi d solutions, vital tools an dreams of making ’s te lia fi af ity. money to real

ts s' Investmen To Advertiser e lu Va g in iv G s are at the right ad s advertises th re su me. en ti t or gh ks Clic at the ri ght audience ri e th to ed deliver eve more affic will achi tr nt va le re t os d Having the m conversions an (CTR), higher te ra h ug ro . I) th O click ment (R turn on invest maximized re ), Pay Per Click (PPC create a Pay n ca or s er is (C rt Adve r View PV) (CPM), Pay Pe on si es pr Im 0 Per 1,00 paign. Ad (CPI) cam Pay Per Intere at dget, bid pric adjust the bu n ca s er is rt Adve anytime.

m keting ar m te lia ho is an affi me people w sa ted by the ea cr k . or m tw co ne CardOffers. brought you es that made e basic servic m sa ent e th s ke m ta t review cont original produc for advertisers – s es cc su a m ing iance monitor rticals. and full compl of product ve de tu ti ul m a for publishers to hers is in bl es pu ic rv es those se s and provid ot ro s it edit and expands cr to as ms such m stays true filiate progra af ishers l bl ia pu nc es na id fi riety of It also prov . es ic rv se om access to a va t fr – al stmen ly every vertic edit and inve cards, and cr ograms in near alth and wellness. pr te lia fi af p access to to ations, to he telecommunic erned. Our shopping, to e and is conc ov ab d es go so m al advertisers an ers work with e ag at an iv m lt t cu un d co dedicated ac conversions an e to improve lect publishers alik Services for se P VI offer uct od pr ed success... We at m d fully auto an , rs he is bl pu all. templates for

Your visitors

don't come to your site to cl they come to ick on displa check out yo y advertising, ur awesome Affiliate, you content. As a can add rele Groupon vant, dynam ic content to blog or gallery yo ur website, of adorable he dgehog pictur Groupon offe es. rs unbeatable daily deals fr 100 cities. Ea om top local ch deal goes businesses in viral and ofte over you have to do n sells into th is stick one of e thousands. All ou r nifty, geo-targ widgets or sm eted, API-pow art links on yo ered ur page. Whe n your fans bu Groupon you y a deal from make up to 15 % commission. Help your visi tors discover huge discount s at the best spas, events restaurants, and more in th eir city. Help Groupon discover new customers. Help yourself to a tidy shar e of the profit s.

MarketLever is on e of the larges networks an t CPA affiliate d it’s one that we can recom Being a very mend. personal affilia te network th TV-show whe ey’ve created re you as an af a filiate can ta latest offers ke part in the and news – a very nice feat ure indeed. Having done a research (rev iews of the af that attended filiate networ ks Affiliate Sum mit West 2008 ad-tech San Fr and ancisco 2008) they boost w the highest pa ith ying rewards program in the industry .

Merchants Increase your sales and reve nue by focusi target audien ng on ce and only pa ying when a sa your qualified acti le or on is complet ed. By joining LinkConnecto r Network, yo the u get all the network bene standard fits, but you also benefit fr LinkConnecto om r's lin e of industry-r technologies, edefining new approach es to affiliate and value-ad marketing, ded services. Learn how we top results fo can drive r your merch ant program at industrylow costs. Affiliates Be part of an affiliate marke represents an ting network d protects th that e interests of and merchan affiliates ts equally. Pa rt ner with indu merchants wit stry-leading h offers across multiple vert Naked Link ca icals. Try a mpaign, or ru n a Standard campaign. Be Link nefit from Link Connector's ne ing different tech w and nologies that will help you your affiliate optimize campaigns an d maximize yo revenue! It's ur free to join.

MarketHealth Affiliate Netw ork is the lead marketing ne ing performan twork of the Beauty, Healt ce h, Weight loss and Skin care industries. This affiliate network offe r great incent promotions) fo ives (commis r affiliates an sion and paym d thousands of ents active affiliate conversion on s an d hi gh leads for mer chants. Please read ou r full review of MarketHea lth Affiliate N before signin etwork g up free & ea sy!

Connecting ce to Performan Impressions ce at performan we believe th the most d te ea cr e At MediaTrust, That's why w . sy ea arketing be m ld ou rformance marketing sh your online pe e ag an m to efficient way campaigns. ng ance Marketi ice, Your Perform st-in-class serv be Get More From , ge an ch r ex ng ti le marke We enab ou performance d publishers. ve ti an s va er ns no is ig in rt pa an ve m ca We offer ct response ad CPC marketing the best dire r-performance fo ypa and access to er ag eate and man ads and sales. partners to cr that deliver le Results that Pay Only For el... The part marketing funn r e fo th s of lt d su en re at the tionable livering value e focus on ac r. w fo y hy w pa 's ll u' at yo Th l We focus on de t, that's al ur business. us yo Tr s ia ct ed pa M h im really d sales. Wit ch as clicks an Model marketers su Our Business ned with our so we are alig up t se is d el od ness m ur ad spend an Our CPC busi r partners…Yo he is bl ly pu si & ble and ea advertiser d are predicta inventory yiel . managed

06, and our ptember of 20 Se in ed ch as laun mple to use, w werful, yet si po a h like it w u ide yo e merchants goal is to prov ketplace wer ar m k or tw filiate ne RISK-FREE! profitable af se their sales ce you can increa ork marketpla affiliate netw om .c ff nt yA lle Pa ce e ex In addition, th t tool to earn tes with a grea y merchant oting the man provides affilia om pr by es fe and referral lace. commissions in our marketp essing offers found sales, and proc clicks, leads, , ks your lin to ng ss ki trac line acce We look after and you get on u, yo r fo ts en g 24/7. affiliate paym stats reportin own real-time a risk-free, advantage of ke ta n ca u om, yo atform where With PayAff.c promotion pl s le sa d an g rtisin s or sales internet adve e actual lead th r fo y pa ly t of merchants on our growing lis generated from s. global affiliate

Affiliates k ational networ a truly intern is t are ne rs f. fe uf of St rs. Our OurFree Free Stuff offe in lp st he be to e s th ol g to providin suite of untry and our . With arranged by co second to none is e nu ve re ke ur yo low you to ta you maximize bilities we al pa ca st g lo in be et e rg otherwis our geo-ta which would c, fi af tr of e advantag to you. Advertisers for all major CPL campaigns & A untry CP e ot We prom arket is one co your target m er th y, he it W un s. comm countrie international ugh a or the whole sage out thro es m ur yo t ge n ca t ne tes. OurFreeStuff. tes and websi host of affilia tes the best affilia net is where f. uf St ee Fr . rs ur O their offe come to select

etwork m Affiliate N The Pepperja d hippest t the bigges an of e m so ts represen y. e market toda brands on th an started out as e way that it th in r ee d on te pi us is a ost tr The network biggest and m is one of the w no d . an es , at te ted St affilia cies in the Uni affiliate agen ram and start affiliate prog d ce en ri pe tly ex site. Join this grea from your web earning money

Sell today’s ho ttest softwar e titles available, wit h commission s up to 75%! The Digital Ri ver oneNetwor resources at k has all the your disposal tools and to be highly su over 25,000 so ccessful, plus ftware titles with available in bo and try-before th the direct -you-buy form pu rchase at s, your shoppers they want an will find ever d desire. Chec ything k out these fa ntastic featur Faster paymen es: ts and more op tions increase Certification s your cash fl by RegNow en ow sures you rece ive proper cr edit for drivin sale ga EPC product rankings show which produc ts convert an Robust report d pay ing gives you ev er y bit of data po Product Data ssible Feed feature lets you hous e and display content from our cata log NEW - RegNow Affiliate Site Builder Tool he quickly build lps you an affiliate si te or landing page!

RevenueHut.c om company spec is a affiliate marketing ializing in Co and advertis and Cost per st per Action, Cost per Cl ing Lead campaig ick We develop an ns. d im designed to ge plement Internet marke ting campaig t you the be RevenueHut's experience co st results for your money ns . m es fr the biggest an d most succes om working with some of sful companies on the internet. Our superior cu st om er se rvice levels benchmark ourselves apar for affiliate marketing. O have set the ur goal is to se t from indust ry t confident we will earn your standards. We are extrem is not simply bu ely si ne ss , lo yalt ou but to maintai r goal to establish a busine y, and trust. It n and grow a ss relationship long la , with your best interest alway sting business venture s at the forefr RevenueHut pr ont. ov qualified publ ides a powerful affiliate pl ishers. Our pu atform for it's bl ishers will be the industries nefit fr high offers, larges est payouts, top converting om t selection of campaigns. Our dedicate d affi help you succ liate managers will eed in Marketing en all of your deavors.

There are cu rrently over 2,500 Merch Plugged in to ants. the ShareASa le Network. these merch Ea ch of ants has a di fferent type that they are of pr od uct selling - and each is ready commission yo to u on that sale if you bring a customer to th em . The idea - an d the implem en ta ti on - are simpl decide which e. You merchants to promote and promote them how to , and when co mmissions ar generated, yo e u can see your stats in real-t payments are im e. consolidated All from the prog participate in rams you , and are paid with one chec k or direct deposit by Sh areASale. ShareASale ha s a strict "No Software" polic means you w y which ill not have to deal with affi utilizing Adw liates are, Toolbars , or other desk top software.

Part of Direc tTrack. Direc tTrack is wid world’s leadin ely considered g affiliate mar the keting and tr powering the acking platfo largest and m rm— ost reputable affiliate netw and in-house orks affiliate prog Since 1994, w rams. e’ve been prov iding business tools and unm es with the ro atched indust bust ry expertise ne advertising re eded to drive venue, operat ional efficien and brand visi cy, online dist bility.If you’re ribution not really sure promote on yo of what you w ur website th ant to en it would a go with an affilia od idea to pa te network th rtner up at has collect ed affiliate pr several differ ograms in ent segments The OfferSour . affilia te network do es just that w example scho lar and “disco ith for un t” m erchants. Trustworthy as ever – you won ’t have to wor bout anything ry with this netw ork!

nnects RYWHERE co mpaigns As Seen EVE Response ca ct e ir D ce orman egating TEN pay-for-perf Outlets, aggr ia d e M y ir u q ot available, with per-in historically n ls e n an ch e u r. ven nel or vendo additional re ugh one chan ro th Online le b ka trac Radio, Print or V, T a e at gr inte media, email, social akes it easy to e, m il gy ob lo m , no te ch Our te rtunities. ign into websi revenue oppo mance campa or of rf ls pe ne ran fo ch ypa ed d other target blog, video an utilizing real vertisers, and ad to s er ll ca ity y-forMarketers pa e highest-qual e th th g of in t er iv en el em D ag eir business g brings man forefront of th time reportin e th to ns ig e for the campa found revenu performance un al on ti di ting ad ons for the model genera sed commissi ea cr in d an r Markete Media Outlet.

essive ork is an impr affiliate netw om ngdom .c Ki ts d ta te yS tralia, Uni us The CheckM A on ng si rrently focu d States one that’s cu and the Unite what country regardless of em th in jo to re able However you’ you live in. filiate e a power af and if you ar in jo to k. g ee in w st a th 0 every It doesn’t co much as $100 as e ak m to you’ll be able

etwork is a m affiliate n o .c rs so n o Sp Canadian bmasters. Canadian we hot spot for partnership s established ha k or tw ne usively This affiliate ograms, excl pr e at li fi af with over 100 Canadian. each affiliate lly differs for ra tu na on si s affiliate Commis adianSponsor an C e th t bu it comes program andard when st od go a t se network has resting .ca liable and inte re ng ri fe of to advertising.

te network m is an affilia care Click Kingdo alth and skin che in the he ni s it ram. d og un pr fo e that’s s softwar nu bo a tr ex ith an blog segment – w have a site or is niche and th t thly ou on ab m te ur ssiona ease yo If you feel pa you could incr cs pi . to ts an of s ch ese type ucts/mer discussing th ngdom’s prod Ki k ic Cl g in ot ider you income in prom if people cons d an w no t gh ri s of are very hot great chance Their featured u should have yo er ad le nio to be an opin referrals. making many

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m simple a k is plain and or tw ne te lia Affi around 100 not more than h it w k or tw small ne rams. affiliate prog out the door, y on your way ad re al ch ly ab rams of the ri you are prob g affiliate prog in Now, most of ag an m ks or e bigger netw looking for th and famous. mple d put some si nest living an ho an e twork ak ne m te to affilia filiate looking Af te si But for the af eb w y inar ce. r less extraord the best choi ads on his/he , might just be oking for good site and are lo eb w d te si vi t ound! own the mos rams, stick ar If you do not e affiliate prog bl lia re d an solid

you website? Do ey from your on m set e to ak e m m to ti me spare Do you want rtise, and so pe ex l ca ni ch nner links? have some te ple text or ba for a up some sim d are looking competent an lly ca your ni ch om fr te e rnings Are you mor really drive ea to on ti lu so ve ts? comprehensi website asse vanced of the most ad filiates some af rs fe of k. w on any Networ Affiliate Windo ols available promotional to oducts to sive suite of pr en eh pr m co ebsites. is the only ent on their w nt ShopWindow co al tu ac y 700 tes to displa wnload of over enable affilia r a flat file do fo g ng in pi ok op lo sh e ar configure Whether you plete easy-tom t co uc a , od ts pr uc y size or thousand prod ent unit of an nt co ed in ef lf-d dow tool. portal, or a se t our ShopWin set, check ou

keting ce-based mar e performan ar re tu d Fu an te s Affilia solution ov iding sales pr , ts and lis rs ia ec he sp s, publis to advertiser es ic rv line se on ng ur s of yo marketi e effectivenes th e ov pr Im agencies. y. business toda up ogram to sign hat affiliate pr w ow u. kn yo t r n’ fo If you do t option ture is a grea Fu te lia fi Af ts with then which represen liate network fi af t e ea bl la gr ai a ent av This is y possible segm er ev om fr ts merchan online. ions der no obligat em you’re un th h it y w an te at lia s program As an affi move or add re n ca ou g r.Y in whatsoeve and start mak many others time. Do as so ey now! affiliate mon

Online als for profession ng ti marke not a is line marketing Success in on e. nc incide question of co ogram ur affiliate pr ic growth of yo at of an e em st dg sy le e ow For th ula: The kn rm fo d ul sf es y products an there is a succ er PLUS qualit id ov ith w pr g e in ic al rv se ure in de experienced p and fair cult hi rs ne rt pa a iders. services PLUS d service prov customers an ence market experi er 8 years of ov s d ha et lin fi pe af ost ex rience is Europe´s m et of lin fi ry af ia , id 97 bs a su Founded in 19 marketing. As er in affiliate and broad le ab st a s service provid we posses AG et rn th te In ow d gr Unite llent ing with exce internet hold . the future prospects for

uk Afform is not just an other affiliate network. Affo rm works wit h a select gr of top-tier pu oup blishers with exclusive an d proven advertisers ca mpaigns. Campaigns va ry according to the advert click, per lead iser but they and per sale carry pay per transparent – offers. All cam allowing you paign metrics to see the ne are twork averag click) before e EPC (earning ru nn s per ing placemen They provide t. the tracking an d payment. As reporting and a successful af issue you wit filiate publishe h monthly r they know w ha t campaigns w or k. The Afform Pe rformance Net work is wholly Technology. Th owned by Subm rough our port ission folio of consum GreasyPalm.c er properties and Free including of £1.5 millio they generate n annually in in excess pu re CPA revenues The Afform ne . twork only ca rries exclusiv programs that e, proven they themselv es carry as an affiliate publ isher.

The ne most effectiv twork gives you with th e sim e af – backed by clfiliate tracking technologyplest and ear commun ication and re available liable pa ym en t. Retailers – bu works wit h many of the UK’s biggest brands. Tracking & re po rt in g – trac exceedingly re king is the informatio liable, whilst the reportin recognised as g delivers all n you need. Al linkIDs and de of eplinking are l the usual features such as su pported. Plus of product in formation are databases avai merchants. lable for many Payments – m onthly paymen ts, at the end of each month. Unique short links – help you avoi problems w building simpl ith other affiliate links an d many of the d just contact use; makes site affiliatename to find out w ha t this can mean Joining for you. – simply choo se one merchan list – fill in th t from the You can then e form and that’s it. join other mer chants to fit your site .

Ocean Affilia te affiliate netw s and direct track is a gr currently suppork in the United Kingdoeat new m. We ort a wide ra structures su nge of per click), CP ch as CPA (Cost per acti commission on), M and also Sale (Cost per 1,000 banner imCPC (Cost s Based % Co mmission campressions) With Ocean Af paigns. affiliate prog filiates, you may particip rams via a sing ate in multipl e le affiliate ac are over merchants lis150 different content area count. There t their offers s w he re , so offer to an af filiates contenmatching a merchant t is quite sim Affiliate marke ple. ti marketing wheng is any type of online ad ve re rt th ising or e m erchant pays results as an al af audience. Affiternative for paying to re filiates for services via th liates promote merchan ach a precise ts for an agreedeir web site or newsletters products / commission re in exchange venue generated by their marketi to the merchant ng efforts. If you are resp on increase its easible for a website and w ant rn Affiliates to ing potential, join Ocean to your visitors. earn more revenue from It is fr can start youree to join and you adve campaigns to rtising day!

Do you wan revenue from t to generate more your web-sit advertising co e via quality ntent? If so, you need to Publisher Se use the rv ice. The N Serv ice enab Pu les you to ge nerate more blisher revenu site via Perfor mance Advert e from your webPerformance ising. Advertising is different to tr where you ar aditional CPM e paid a smal l sum every ti based advert me an Advert ising iser’s advert on your site. is shown With Perform ance Advertis ing, (also know Affiliate Marke ting), you are n as Results ba paid on result on a revenue sed advertisin s share basis fo g or r Sales. You ca such as Unique Visitors or Leads or n also pay yo ur Publishers combination based on a of the three. As a Netklix.c om Publisher you can earn actions taken substantial re by a visitor yo venue from th u send throug You show adve e h to the Adve rts on your w rt iser’s web-sit eb-site for th e. We serve, trac e Advertisers k an you sign-up to giving you mea d report detailed statisti . cs for each ad surable result vert s. In on your web-s ite you are pa return for placing adverts id a co mmis the levels spec ified by the Ad sion based on vertiser.


This k rtising networ ve ad affiliate youts pa t es rs the high he is bl pu rs offe the industry, n payouts in ig pa m ca st iled statistics anywhere! Be istration, deta in m ad t un co easy to use ac her support. d real publis ork reporting, an affiliate netw venue sharing re is Th k or re! om Ad Netw youts anywhe OffersQuest.c lute highest pa so ab e th rs offe ork offers the Affiliate Netw om .c st ue sQ pply now and ert! Offer anywhere...A Webmaster Al s ut yo pa g in est advertis absolute high earn more!

cruiting the ed towards re gardless of ar ge e ar ks networ tes, re Many affiliate r of merchants and affilia g leading brands in be er m liv nu de um maxim deliver entrates on conc and supporting affiliates to G M O y. it al qu or e. ct nu se ve ch in ea maximum re and products and generate portunity quality traffic u a genuine op yo r fe of at th e merchants We only provid to earn to your al credibility ovide addition ditional traffic. pr es m na ld Househo drive ad portunities to offering and op ons m Top com issi issions that the comm and, re su en to ts an merch e, taking br We work with d affiliate alik count. an d an br e th for s all into ac offered work nversion rate market and co ersion Excellent conv where results n only works io it is qu Ac r Cost pe r programmes We monitor ou genuine . ed ev hi ac e r ar that they offe to make sure s. te ia fil af returns to our

a relatively te network is lia fi Af e or al clixG incentives ith lucrative w k or tw ne l smal tisers and chants/adver for both mer rs ishe . affiliates/publ te marketing e global affilia th in d he is bl Esta ted States, visions in Uni di h it w ry st indu Australia Kingdom and Japan, United d widely an an expanding clixGalore is or te netw k. popular affilia

by into revenue ing your traffice a Paid On Results rn tu be d ul as owner, you co ence. Becom As a web site vant products to your audi ices for companies (known rv le se re d g in an ts promot omote produc the Internet. Affiliate and pr Merchants) operating on ts invite web unity. Merchanxt links and rt po op s" lt su ing te for re ting is a "paid them by provid Affiliate marke(Affiliates) to partner with the affiliate's web site. goes site owners ers that can be placed on and that user bann to a Merchant, the Merchant you er ov s er us ur by nd one of yo e other action defined Anytime you se buy or do som paid a commission. p, -u gn si to on will be arised r service summ Key benefits ou ies. Free to join. on opportunit dual commissi si re h les. it sa w g e in bl ts availa your pend feedback for Many Merchan d an od n go io g at in rm tt u are ge e list info es to ensure yo Open Policy, w ur at fe ng ki ac nced tr ROI. Access to adva s earned. all commission g rin ve co that ue of the month Receive 1 cheq after the end ks ee w 6 ly, onth earned. You're paid m mate commission is come of legiti ot pr ect the in to y lic po e Adwar No Spyware / Affiliates. ns you can Required, mea ts. y it iv an No Exclus ch er le M promote mutip

uk Silvertap are an affilia te marketing firm with a crucia l difference. 95% of most affiliate netw orks are inac tive, leav ing that actually only 5% perform. Our networks are for each Mer a bespoke bu chant and ea ild ch affiliate is products that targeted to th the merchan e t is offering. Over 80% of our bespoke affiliates on networks pe Each account rform. has an experi enced dedica work with ea ted affiliate m ch and every anager whom af filiate to mak best results fr will e sure that th om the progra ey are getting th m m e. this means th As ou e r ac co unt managers at they have a close worki are dedicated and will conc ng re la tionship with entrate on ge the Merchant tting the best affiliates. As commissions an affiliate yo and deals for ur dedicated contactable an affiliate man d always avai ager will be ea lable to answ closely with yo sily er any querie u to launch th s. They will w e programme or k and increase performance month on mon th. At Silvertap w e only provid e to p qu al ity Merchants with whom w e know will co to work nv er t well, offer go commissions od and regular in centives and who already have well develope d brands.

WebGains was professional formed in 2004 to create presence in the on-line m a serious and Their aim is arketing aren to pr ov id e network in th th a. e world. They e best affiliate marketing understand th at their role is three-fold: To provide a secure and ro bust network to tr on commerci al transactions ack and report To act as an ea sy and ha communicatio n conduit betw ssle-free financial and een merchan To provide cu ts and affiliate ttin s merchants to g edge tools to enable af fi manage their programmes liates and simply and effectively Their managem experience in ent team has over 20 year s collectiv on-line m specifically in arketing, with much of th e at af fi lia te marketing The team wor . ked closely to ge ther at Affilia where they w te Window, ere respon growing reve nues (and prof sible for its) by c. 300% .

We are an in te

rnational perf ormance-bas ed digital marketing co mpany. Founded in Sw eden in 1999, we have succ expanded our essfully business over the past 10 ye today offer an ars and integrated di gital marketi ng portfolio encompassing: Affiliate marke ting Display and pe rformance-bas ed online cam paigns Search manag ement Technology to manage your entire cross-m and search m edia arketing activi ties Our commitm ent to results and ROI herita underpins ever ge ything that w e do and our have been de products veloped in or der to help yo the best poss u achieve ible results. W e believe in de great relation veloping ships with ou r clients - adve publishers an rtisers, d agencies - an d offer a flex approach to de ible liver customis ed solutions based on indi vidual client objectives.

Zanox are a pan european network offe schemes in m ring affiliate ore than 22 countries mai nly througho ut europe. Zanox offer 10 0's of affiliate schemes and launched in th have recently e UK offering merchants su Germanwings ch as , AirBerlin, Ti melife, CDWO and Jamster. W , Pu rp leparking, A dedicated af filiate manag provided excl er has been usively for co ntact with af and is appoin filiate in the ted to help af UK filiates who w ish to learn or gain advice. Zanox hold re gular acadam ies and will be of initiatives launching a ra over the next nge year to introd the UK marke uc e themselves t. To stay up to to date with all and programs the latest ne that zanox ha w s ve to offer si mply signup fo free publishe r a r/partner acco unt.

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Website Editors

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HostGator – hosting service with CPanel, WordPress friendly, scripts and statistics tools.


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