E-Books That Make Killer Affiliate Profits

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It doesn’t take a genius to make money online using e-books. In this guide we will teach you step-by-step how to make money online using e-books and within it, by harnessing the power of billion dollar websites such as eBay. You don’t need any specialized computer knowledge and you don’t have to be a skilled entrepreneur with a large budget. With over 2 billion page views per month, eBay is a real phenomenon. In this guide we will teach you how you can use sites like eBay to literally bring thousands and thousands of customers to you, and how you can use these customers to advertise your affiliate products for free. We will also teach you about the power of email capture, email marketing and how to use peer to peer networks to distribute your e-books to thousands of people - also for FREE! This guide will provide you with all of the information needed to get an instant edge over your competitors. We will provide you with insider secrets on how the internets top webmasters used the power of e-books to create their multi-million dollar online empires. All we ask is that you read this guide carefully and then, when you follow the advice set within these pages, you will be armed with all the knowledge you need to create a flow of traffic so large that you will literally be able to sit back and watch the sales flood in!

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How to Create your own Advert or E-Book that Converts like Crazy. There are five main categories that are very important if you want to create an e-book that converts like crazy. 1) Create Hope

4) Appear Unbiased 5) Encourage Fear Below is an explanation of each of the above categories and why they are important when creating an advert or e-book that converts like crazy.

Create Hope Millions of people search for hope everyday. People buy money making ebooks, diet e-books, self help e-books and many more everyday in the search of hope. Whether people realize it or not hope has become the driving force behind a lot of products these days. For example: People buy make money guides in the hope that it will make them rich, people buy diet guides in the hope that they will become slim. So why are e-books so much better at creating hope then traditional adverts when in fact e-books rarely reveal anything more than the customer already knows or couldn’t find on the internet for free? That is because an e-book is not seen as an advert and because it is written down in a book it has to be true, right? Well that is what customers believe.

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3) Appear as an Authority

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2) Cause a Sense of Urgency

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Cause a Sense of Urgency Creating a sense of urgency is a great way to induce an impulse buy or click through.

“Available at this price for a limited time only, we seriously cannot afford to keep the product at this price for much longer.” “Buy Now Before You Miss Out!”

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OR “If you don’t act on this information today you may never get the opportunity to take this life changing step again. Just follow the link and start your new life today!”

Appear as an Authority No matter what you are promoting in your e-book you must write like you are an expert on the subject that you are promoting. The professionalism and appearance of the e-book is everything. For example say you are following the advice of a get rich quick e-book, would you trust a guy that says he has made $200 last year on the internet, or would you trust the guy that says he makes a full time living from the internet and he has the links to his relevant sites to prove it. That makes it important to pack your e-book with tons of relevant and useful information so that the reader trusts and believes what you are saying. For example would you trust an e-book that is a only page long, has a few lines of text and the rest of the page is full of links? If you can come across as someone that is trying to help people and that doesn’t benefit from the sale of products then you are a step closer to the sale. People love to take advice from independent reviewers and that’s why review sites convert so well. But an e-book done correctly will simply blow away review sites conversations.

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Appear Unbiased Appearing unbiased goes hand in hand with appearing as an expert or authority figure and is crucial for gaining customers trust. If you can appear as a 3rd party reviewing products and giving people advice as if you are only trying to help people make an informed decision without looking like an affiliate, customers are much more likely to trust what you say.

For example you could talk about the dangers customers may face if they choose to buy related products over the one you are recommending. Using golfing products as an example you could talk about bad swings and clubs that people have by using cheap equipment. Obviously don’t name any brands when you are talking about poorer products for obvious legal reasons. But you can use terms like, drivers, putters etc. After instilling fear into your readers about all the unsafe methods you must back it up by complementing the genuine methods, and then recommending the genuine products. For example you could say after comprehensive research we have found Golf Club Pro to be a proven method of improving your swing. You could then back that up with facts about it being a product used by pro’s, customer testimonials etc.

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You can instill fear into your customers by making them believe that they will face problems ahead if they don’t take your advice or if they don’t buy the product that you are recommending.

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Encourage Fear

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Email Capture and Email Marketing

Most of the traffic that you send to your site will never go on to buy the products that you are promoting. In fact if your sites convert at 1% then you will be considered as a successful webmaster. So that means that out of 100 people that you send to your site 99 of them will leave your page and never come back.

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Before we talk about how you can use e-books as part of an email marketing strategy, we would like to talk about the importance of having some form of email capture on your website.

This is where the importance of email marketing comes in. Imagine if you could capture a large portion of these visitors name and email address, so you can re-market to them after they leave your site – for free. Just think about how much more money you could be making if you converted another 1-2% of the visitors which are currently leaving your site. Most of the people who visit your site have some interest in what you sell, but for any number of reasons they won’t buy on the spot - they might be researching to buy in the future; they might be looking to buy now but were distracted; or they might be at work and can’t take the required action to buy your product or service, it could be anything. But, if you capture their name and email address, you can send them regular emails with solid information which is of value to them, as well as promotional emails selling your services. Putting this into action maybe a lot more simple then you think. The best way to get customers to opt into your mailing list is by offering them the chance to receive something they perceive to be of value for free. If you advertise this free product in the right way, then you should get around 20% of your visitors joining your mailing list. For example, when a visitor enters your site you should present him with the chance to receive your free e-book. You should always attach a value to the e-books so the visitor believes that this is a great deal and then there is more chance of them opting into your mailing list. For example, ‘Join our mailing list to receive our free ‘Burn Fat Fast’ guide, worth $99 for free!’. With a hook like this, you can get 20% of your visitors to join your list.

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Once a visitor fills in their name and email address you should automatically send them the e-book(s) with your affiliate codes in. Now even if the visitor leaves your site without you converting them, and remember 99% of people will leave your site, you instantly have a second chance of making the sale via the e-books that you have just sent them.

Email marketing is critical in generating the maximum profits from your website visitors.

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When e-books are used in this way they should have a conversion rate of at least 1%. So say for example that you have a golf club review site that receives 1000 targeted and unique hits per week. Then you should already be receiving at least 10 sales per week. So what about if you could capture 20% or more of those 990 visitors that left your site without you making a sale. That would mean that you would capture around 200 visitors names and email addresses that would have otherwise left your site. Now, the ebook should convert a higher level, but let’s say that the e-book converted at 1%. That would mean that you would make at least 2 extra sales per week. That may not sound a lot but if you are promoting say www.golfclubs.com, then you could receive up to $175 for every sale. So 2 extra sales per week would generate you an extra $18,200 per year! Now you can see that that’s big money for something that will take you a couple of hours to implement, and cost you nothing.

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What’s better is the e-books will probably remain on that person’s computer forever, because that person more than likely found your website because they were actively searching for products that you promote. That means that there is a good chance that they will read the e-books that you have sent them at some time, and re-consider buying the products. They may also pass these books on to friends and family.

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Peer to Peer Networks

If you are not familiar with peer to peer networks, they are networks which allow people to let others download files from each others computers. The most famous of all the peer to peer networks is Napster, which has recently become a paid service.

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Over the past few years the growth of peer to peer networks has been tremendous. We’re going to explain how you can use them as a very cheap and in some cases free - way to get thousands of visitors clicking through your affiliate links.

Peer to peer networks have become famous for people being able to download music and videos for free. However, that is not the only thing people search for and download. People also search for information products, and in particular e-books. This is how you can literally get thousands more visitors every month for free. What you need to do: First you will need to install a selection of peer to peer networks on your PC. The largest ones we know of are: www.E-Donkey.com www.BearShare.com www.LimeWire.com www.iMesh.com www.BitTorrent.com www.ares.com Disclaimer: Because of the nature of peer to peer networks affiliatesupermarket cannot take responsibility for any damages done by using these sites. Nor can it take responsibility for anything that you choose to download or upload to these networks.

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Now that you have installed the peer to peer networks on your computer, you need to upload the product e-books - with your affiliate link - into a file on your computer that will be shared and downloaded over these networks. Ok, so now you might be thinking why would anyone be searching for the product e-books on peer to peer networks?

For example: You could rename the Golf Club e-book to the following. Golf Clubs Guide Swing like the pro’s Golf club techniques The perfect golf grip Drive over 300 yards Reduce your handicap Golfing made simple Etc. Like I said the more titles you get the more likely it is that your e-book is going to be downloaded. Now all you have to do is leave the peer to peer networks running in the background and you will see people downloading your e-books all day long. In our experience you can expect 25-50 e-books to be downloaded across all of the peer to peer networks that you are running each day.

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To do this you will need to start duplicating your e-books and re-naming them under different names. The more you do this the more chance you have of one of your e-books coming up in a keyword related search.

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The answer is they may not be. However, they maybe searching for related information or topics. Once your e-books have been uploaded to these networks you need start getting some traffic to them. You can do this by targeting every product related keyword and phrase that you can think of!

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Let’s say you have all the peer to peer networks mentioned above running on a computer with your e-books readily available for people to download you should receive at the very least 25 people downloading your e-book per day. That’s approximately 700 downloads per month. Now let’s say that your ebook receives a conversion rate of 1%. That will mean that you will receive 7 sales every month for doing absolutely nothing but leaving a few programs running on your computer. Now if we use www.golfclubs.com as the example again, that will mean that you will be receiving $1,225 per month for doing nothing! That’s $14,700 a year for just leaving your computer running.

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So let’s do some number crunching again!

This is probably the easiest way to make money online and it costs you nothing to install. So there are no excuses for not doing it and to be honest you would be a fool not to implement this technique.

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Making Money on eBay Using the Power of e-books eBay Beginners First Steps:

Step One: Go to www.ebay.com and click to register your account.

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This section is for eBay beginners if you are already familiar with eBay or have an eBay account then you can skip this section.

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Step Two: Enter all the information that is requested and submit your application to eBay and then you will need to check your email for your confirmation number.

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Step Three: Copy the confirmation number and then click on the link that will lead you to step two which will confirm your request to sign up to bid and sell on eBay.

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Step Four: Congratulations now you are a member of eBay it’s time to start selling. To do this you will need to set up a sellers account. You can do this by clicking on the Sell link in the top navigation bar.

To become a seller you'll need to do the following: a) Verify your identity To help provide a safe environment for the eBay community, you need to provide a credit or debit card to create a seller’s account or verify your identity by phone. In some cases, you’ll also need to provide your bank account information. Your personal information is protected by eBay's Privacy Policy and encrypted by the industry standard SSL technology.

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Verify your identity by phone

Verify your identity by providing your credit card information

If your card is not accepted, try the following: • Make sure that your card number is correct. • Check your address - it must match the billing address on your monthly statement. • Verify that your account has been activated. • Make sure your credit or debit card is in good standing Verify the following: • Make sure your account does not have an Internet or phone order block • For debit cards, only use those with VISA or MasterCard logos • Contact your card issuer if none of the above helps. Verify your identity by providing your checking account information: Your account will be used for identification purposes only. eBay does not deduct any fees from your account unless you authorize eBay to use it to pay your seller fees. If you are having trouble putting your bank account on file, try the following: • Make sure that your sort code is correct. You will find your sort code on the bottom of your checks. Routing numbers are 6 digits long bank account number is correct. You will find your bank account number on the bottom of your checks. • If you are still having trouble, contact your bank for assistance.

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Your card will not be charged unless you authorize eBay to use it to pay your seller fees, which are charged only when you list or sell items.

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This option allows you to sell immediately on eBay. Enter your telephone number as indicated (land lines only) and select whether you want to receive the call now (you'll receive the call within 20 seconds) or in 2 minutes. You will get an automated call with a 4-digit verification number at the telephone number you specified. Enter the 4-digit verification number on eBay and continue your registration.

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b) Select your payment method:

Important Note: If you want to be successful on eBay it is important for you to sign up to PayPal. The importance of accepting PayPal payments is explained on page ? of this document. Sign up to PayPal.

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When becoming a seller, you'll need to select how you pay your seller fees. You can pay your seller fees using any of the following payment methods: • PayPal (monthly and one-time payments) • Direct Debit from your bank account (monthly and one-time payments) • Credit Card (monthly and one-time payments) • Check or postal order

Ready to sign up to eBay and start selling – Click Here!

Now that you have an eBay account its time to start listing your ads and making some money! The first thing that I advice you to do is to download Turbo Lister. Turbo Lister is a clever listing tool supplied by eBay for free of charge and it is a must for multiple listings and impressive adverts. You can download Turbo Lister by Clicking Here! Or alternatively you can go to eBay’s site map and you will find Turbo Lister listed under selling tools.

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Creating a Good Advert and Listing Techniques:

Now you have the perfect product and perfect advert all you need to do is list them. This may sound easy but depending on where and what time you list your products can really increase your sales. An important thing to remember is that nearly 90% of products on eBay sell in the last few hours of their listing being on-line. This is because there are 100’s of products on eBay, so your product is only coming to the top of it’s category and attracting customers in the last few hours of its listing. Now you need to work out the best times to end your products. As most people work Mon-Fri 9am-5pm during the week it is best to make your items end between 6:30pm-11pm. Although a lot of people do have computers at work today, you will also find listings that end at lunch time between 1pm2pm can also be successful. Weekends are different to week days, as, for example, listing heavily between 6:30pm-11pm on a Saturday is a bad idea as a lot of people go out on a Saturday night, but listing between 11pm-2am can be good especially as a lot of people who are on the internet at this time have had a little too much pop so they are much more likely to buy things they like without thinking about why they should not buy it.

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1) Create Hope 2) Cause a Sense of Urgency 3) Appear as an Authority 4) Appear Unbiased 5) Encourage Fear

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You can have the best e-books in the world, but if you do not know how to advertise them, or your adverts are poor your products will not get the sales they deserve. That is why MoreNiche will create the template for your eBay advert for you! Just submit the job to the design team and they will create you a top selling template. All you have to do is write the sales copy, and as long as you stick to my advice on how to write copy that converts like crazy your adverts will do just that!

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You should list most of your items for 10 day duration to get most exposure; unless the competition for a particular product is very strong then I would also include 3 day listings to bump up your presence in the listings. Sunday is by far eBay’s busiest day/night. If you want to sell a lot of e-books I suggest that you list heavy on Sunday’s with a lot of your e-books ending at 9:30pm, as this the busiest time of the week. It will probably take you about 10 days before your e-books start selling well. It is important that you list everyday or that you have scheduled your listings to end everyday because then you will have items ending on a daily basis and this means that you will usually have a listing on the homepage for your targeted keyword. This is why Turbo Lister is an important tool because once you have your adverts up and running it only takes about 15 minutes a day to upload your adverts to eBay. We recommend that you have 20-25 items ending daily, and more if possible. This amount of listings will give you the exposure you need to sell a good amount of e-books each day. Selecting the Right Price: Now it is important to select the right prices for your e-books; remember the general rule ‘the more e-books you sell the more conversions you get’. But remember you still want to get as much of the advertising you can for free and if possible profit from selling the e-books alone. That’s why we recommend that you use the following pricing structure: You should list 10 e-books a day at $0.49 + $0.50 administration charge. You can add the administration charge under postage and packaging. Each of these listings will cost you $0.15 plus a $0.02 eBay end of listing fee and a $0.23 Pay-Pal fee if the e-book sells. That’s $0.59 profit per e-book, if you sell all 10 a day which is easily possible then that’s $5.90 profit a day, that’s $41.30 profit per week and approximately $165.20 profit per month. Ok so that doesn’t sound a lot but we haven’t finished yet… Let’s continue.

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You should list another 10 e-books as auctions, with a starting bid of $0.01 and a buy-it now price of $0.99, and you should also list these with a gallery picture. This will cost you $0.35 to list each e-book, plus a $0.05 end of listing fee and a $0.23 Pay-Pal fee. That means you will make $0.36 profit per e-book sold for $0.99. If you sell 10 a day then that’s $3.60 profit a day that’s $25.20 profit per week and approximately $108 profit per month.

10 e-books listed at $0.49 + $0.50 admin charge. 10 sales = $165.20 profit per month 10 e-books listed at $0.01 auction + $0.99 buy-it-now 10 sales at $0.99 = $108 profit per month 5 e-books listed at $0.01 5 sales = approximately $25 profit per month. Total = $165.20 + $108 + $25 = $298.20 profit per month.

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Now for the fun part… Let’s do the maths!

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Now you should list 5 e-books as auctions with a starting bid of $0.01. These listings may only sell for $0.01, but 9/10 times all five of these listings will sell. $0.01 listings also generate a higher amount of traffic then $0.99 listings, and visitors that can’t wait for the item to end will then go on to buy your buy-it-now listings. It is also not unusual for auction listings to sell for higher prices then your buy-it-now listings, so don’t be surprised if you make good profits from these kind of listings.

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Sending visitors through your affiliate links is how you make the big cash and by selling e-books on eBay you are doing just that. Every e-book you sell is to a pre-qualified customer who has already been actively searching your product to come across your e-book in the first place. The fact that they actually buy it means they must be interested, and that’s why e-books sold on eBay convert so well.

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Ok so $300 a month isn’t a lot, but what about if I said to you I will pay you $300 a month and send traffic to your affiliate links. You would think I was crazy! But that’s exactly what you are doing by selling your e-books on ebay.

So let’s re-do the math… If you are selling our e-books then they should convert at approximately 10%, so if you sell at least 20 e-books a day that should mean that you should get at least 2 sales a day for the product that your e-book promotes. Now say you were selling an e-book promoting www.golfclubs.com you will receive $175.00 for every device that you sell. Now I think you can see where this is going. For example if you sell 600 e-books a month on eBay and the e-books convert at 10% there is no reason why you shouldn’t be making +$10,000 every single month just by promoting our e-books on eBay. That is without taking into account the viral marketing effect of the e-books as we spoke about earlier on in this guide. If you are selling 600 e-books a month, your e-book should without doubt be passed to at least twice as many people as that, and as people pass it on to their friends, family and other mailing lists (you will even see e-book sellers adding it to their e-book collection and selling it on without removing your affiliate links) your traffic can really snowball. As the months go by, the amount of e-books that you have sent out builds up and your e-book is being freely distributed across the net without people realizing that they are making you money by doing so, you will find that your perceived conversion rate will go up and up without you actually increasing your e-book sales.

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Final Word

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Like we said before providing information for people online is where the really easy money can be made. You don’t have any stock to ship or return and millions of people go online everyday searching for information. Using the strategies that we have laid out in this e-book, you should easily be able to start using e-books to create a very profitable niche for yourself or increase the profitability of one of your existing websites.

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Affiliate Marketing Tools and Resources Domain Registration 1&1 Domain Sales - Stop paying too much for domains! GoDaddy - Cheap domains!

HostGator – hosting service with CPanel, WordPress friendly, scripts and statistics tools.

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Website Editors DreamWaver – is professional HTML editor. XSitePro – great tool for creating little review websites for marketers with no knowledge of design and HTML. Site Build it - Build online businesses.

Photo Editing Software Adobe PhotoShop – professional photo editing software.

Keyword Research Tools KeywordElite – is a desktop tool with many keyword research features. This tool will collect you keywords from various places into numbers of thousands. It is used by most top SEO and PPC marketers. Fabian Lim's Keyword Research Pro – Ultimate keyword software for Professional marketers!.

Search Engine Optimization SeoElite – is one of most popular SEO tools with multiple functions, from competition research down to automatic link exchange approaches and more.

Email Marketing Tools Aweber – one of the best email marketing services – allows capturing emails, creating multiple campaigns, double opt-in function, great partnership with major internet providers to ensure your emails gets delivered and read.

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Affiliate Networks and Programs

Mobile Networks Admobix Affiliates United Brightshare Link Share Mobpartner Sponsormob Offermobi

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Uk based Networks Affiliate Bot Affiliate Future Affiliate Window Affilinet Afform Buy.at Clixgalore Netklix Offers Quest Paid On Results Ro eye Silver tap Trade Doubler Webgains Zanox

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Worldwide Networks Commission Junction Clickbank As Seen Everywhere Canadian Sponsors Checkmystats Click Kingdom Clickbooth Clicksor CUNet Rextopia Flex Offers Google Affiliate Network Groupon Link Connector Market Leverage Markethealth Ourfreestuff Payaff.com Pepperjam Regnow Revenue Hut Share a Sale

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Recommended Affiliate Marketing Tools and Resources Passive Profits Portals

Local Mobile Money Local Mobile Monopoly

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Affiliates Secrets v1.2

Super Affiliate Commissions PayPal Ebay Amazon Yeptext

This ebook has been produced by mobile4affiliates.com, part of the affiliate supermarket marketing series. For more, programs, networks, articles, products, resources, advice, questions and answers and much much more visit


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