11+ Entrance Examinations and Scholarships 2015-16

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11+ Entrance Examinations & Scholarships Academic, Art, Design & Technology, Music and Sport

Introduction At Cheltenham Prep, we identify and unlock talent and passions in and outside the classroom. Success at School stretches beyond academic studies, and our first class education engages children in all areas.

Our scholars thrive from the many opportunities available to them to fully extend their talents during their time at The Prep. Such opportunities may include:

Cheltenham Prep is inclusive in its approach. All pupils have the opportunity to thrive academically and personally in an environment that encourages intellectual curiosity and creativity and develops independent learning to achieve their best across the curriculum and in all areas of School life. We extend and nurture the talents of our most able pupils through our scholarship opportunities at 11+ (Year 7) and 13+ (Year 9).

• Young Writers’ day

We recognise and celebrate academic, creative and sporting talent, looking for pupils who demonstrate commitment, leadership and service to the School community. Our scholars are pupils who combine such attributes with real talent: role models for their peers and younger pupils and beacons of excellence enriching our whole community.

Our most able pupils further excel through our scholarship opportunities at 11+ and 13+

• Young Scientists’ day • Author visits • Maths challenges (internally, locally and nationally) • Science talks and workshops • Talks and lectures in different subject areas to enrich learning • Visits by professional musicians eg violin workshop with Tamsin Waley-Cohen and professional recording of our music scholar soloists • Music concerts and performances in the local community, including the Choir singing at a local care home and Evensong at Bristol Cathedral • Drama performances, including the Shakespeare Schools’ Festival • Trips to Art exhibitions • Visiting artist workshops and in-house events exploring different media • Extension for our sportsmen and women through Swim Squad, Tennis Academy, recommendations for trials for Satellite Netball, Junior Development Hockey and training at Gloucester Rugby Club

Year 7 Entrance Examinations

Year 7 Scholarships

Our Entrance Examinations take place at Cheltenham Prep in November in the form of the 11+ Entrance Day and 11+ Academic Assessments, held on a separate day.

At Cheltenham Prep, excellence is encouraged across the breadth of School life, reflecting our strong commitment to the provision of an all-round education as being pivotal to the overall development of individual talents. One of the main vehicles for such encouragement is the offer of 11+ Scholarships to those who show outstanding potential.

Our 11+ Entrance Day is an ‘experience day’, focusing on the pupil journey from 11+ through to College and showcasing elements of College life. The Entrance Day is inspirational, fun and enjoyable. It also gives us the opportunity to see children integrate, interact and socialise. The day concludes with afternoon tea at College for all candidates and their families, giving everyone the opportunity to meet and speak with Prep and College staff. Our 11+ Academic Assessments are our entry examinations which also confirm a candidate’s place in College for Year 9 entry. We use the ISEB Pre-tests in English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning (computerised tests) and we ask candidates to also complete a short hand-written task. ISEB Pre-tests are widely used to confirm a candidate’s suitability for entry into senior schools at 13+. Each test lasts between 30 - 50 minutes with breaks in between. The tests assess an individual’s ability to reason and may be used to help predict future educational attainment. The tests also help to build understanding of individual potential and learning styles at this particular moment in a child’s educational journey.

Awards made at 11+ will normally continue throughout a child’s time at Cheltenham College, provided the pupil continues to perform and contribute to School life in the appropriate field (this includes participating in the relevant 13+ Scholarship). Year 7 Scholarships are awarded for excellence in the following specialist areas: Academic, Art, Design & Technology, Music and Sport. Applicants should have considerable potential; ideally, they will already be achieving the best possible results in their respective fields, whether academic or practical. In addition, applicants should be outstanding role models for other pupils at Cheltenham Prep.

Cheltenham Prep Scholars are expected to:

Key Dates for September 2016 Entry

• make a significant contribution to all areas of School life

Tuesday 13 October 2015

11+ Scholarship Information Evening

• participate actively in all Prep events relating to their specialism

Friday 13 November 2015

11+ Entrance Day

• identify ways in which they can use their talents to contribute to the wider School community • demonstrate leadership and initiative • work as ambassadors for the relevant subject area, both in and out of School • contribute to the extra-curricular activities in the School

Saturday 14 November 2015 11+ Academic Assessments (External Candidates) Tuesday 12 January 2016

11+ Academic Scholarships

Thursday 14 January 2016

11+ Art, D&T, Music Scholarships

Friday 15 January 2016

11+ Sports Scholarships

• perform at a very high standard in their specialist area, showing exemplary commitment and dedication

A Scholarship is worth up to a maximum of 20% remission of fees and an Exhibition is a maximum of 10% remission of fees. Candidates are welcome to apply for more than one award but may not receive more than 30% remission of fees, even when they hold Scholarships or Exhibitions in two or more categories. All Scholarships and Exhibitions are tenable for as long as the pupil remains at Cheltenham College, provided that his or her progress and conduct are good.

At Cheltenham Prep excellence is encouraged across the breadth of School life

Academic Scholarship Candidates who achieve the highest results in our 11+ Assessments will be invited to attend our Academic Scholarship assessments.

Applicants should: • show originality in their thinking

The Cheltenham Prep Academic Scholar:

• be capable of challenging others’ ideas in constructive ways • be willing to work hard and extend themselves in the classroom

• has high aspirations for his or her own education and career • extends his or her studies beyond the classroom in creative and independent ways

Academic Scholarship Assessment:

• willingly shares his or her understanding and ideas with others

• Mathematics paper (1 hour)

• benefits from teaching in sets which stretch and challenge (with dedicated scholarship sets in Year 8)

• English paper (1 hour)

• is encouraged to take risks in his or her learning

• General Essay paper (45 mins)

• Science paper (1 hour) • Group Interview

Art Scholarship Applicants need to bring to the Art assessment day a portfolio of recent work which demonstrates their extra-curricular interest. Drawing skills should be clearly evident and sketchbooks would be useful.

Applicants should: • display a strong enthusiasm and motivation towards the subject • demonstrate good knowledge and interest in the work of other artists

The Cheltenham Prep Art Scholar: • extends his or her studies beyond the classroom in creative and independent ways • willingly shares his or her understanding and ideas with others • promotes and supports all Art Department events eg Open Mornings, workshops • benefits from individual tuition from visiting specialist artists

• pursue their interest in the subject in their own time, through their own work and attendance of clubs and activities • demonstrate, through their portfolio of work, the ability to record from direct observation to a high degree; and the ability to develop a series of imaginative and innovative responses, with sensitive handling of media • demonstrate, through the Practical Examination, the ability to draw and paint to an exceptional level

• enjoys access to specialist equipment to extend his or her practice and the opportunity to trial innovation

Art Scholarship Assessment:

• is able to access collaborative, artistic opportunities with College

• Practical Examination – still life drawing (1 hour)

• is offered opportunities to join excursions and input into staging Art exhibitions

• Presentation of a portfolio of work

Design & Technology (D&T) Scholarship Applicants need to bring examples of any three dimensional work which has recently been produced, together with any supporting drawings (if possible) to the D&T assessment day.

The Cheltenham Prep D&T Scholar: • extends his or her studies beyond the classroom in creative and independent ways • willingly shares his or her understanding and ideas with others • promotes and supports all D&T Department events eg Open Mornings, workshops

Applicants should: • display a strong enthusiasm and motivation towards the subject • demonstrate a good knowledge and interest in the work of other designers • pursue their interest in the subject in their own time, through their own work and attendance of clubs and activities • demonstrate, through the Practical Examination, the ability to produce work of an exceptional level

D&T Scholarship Assessment: • Practical Examination – creative task (1 hour) • Presentation of examples of work and examination piece

Music Scholarship The Cheltenham Prep Music Scholar:

Music Scholarship Assessment:

• makes a positive contribution to the musical life of the School

Candidates are free to perform a contrasting programme of their own choice. Candidates are required to:

• participates in concerts and musical events: Orchestra, Choir, Chamber Ensembles and Jazz Ensembles as appropriate • attends all appropriate rehearsals and supports events including music tours and recording work • benefits from participating in scholars’ performances in Assembly, the Cheltenham Festival and other local performing opportunities (eg visiting care homes etc) • enjoys scholars’ trips to concerts, shows and meals out • receives scholars’ sessions with the Director of Music to develop aural / theory / appreciation / ensemble work etc

Applicants should: • offer two instruments (one of which may be Singing) • have reached ABRSM or Trinity Guildhall Grade 3 (or equivalent) in their first study and at least Grade 1 in their second study

All candidates will rehearse with the School accompanist prior to the audition

• Play: (First Study) two pieces of at least Grade 3 standard and sight reading • Play: (Second Study) one piece of at least Grade 1 standard • Aural tests • Panel Interview

Sport Scholarship The Cheltenham Prep Sport Scholar:

Applicants should:

• commits to sports practices and matches for the School

• have an obvious passion and aptitude for sport

• responds positively to guidance, works well in a team and is an outstanding ambassador for the School both on and off the field

• be open to feedback and mentoring, taking advice forward to develop and improve

• shows sporting long term development potential to be outstanding sports scholars at 18, not just at 11

• be playing sport at a high level in school and/or outside school (eg must be playing in at least two school A teams). Preference will be given to those involved in one or more of the School’s representative sports

• benefits from specialist coaching through The Prep, which will feed into the Scholarship Programme at College, with the opportunity to graduate to the College Talented Athlete Programme • benefits from the School’s strong links with Gloucestershire County Cricket, Hockey, Netball and Gloucester Rugby Academy • has the opportunity, as an A team player, to represent the School at national tournaments and to attend our overseas sports tours

• submit a Curriculum Vitae of their achievements on application. This should include a detailed reference from their Sports teacher or coach

Sport Scholarship Assessment: Practical assessment including: • fitness test • agility test • sports skills (assessed in a variety of sports and activities demonstrating adaptability in sport) • excellence in chosen sports

Candidates will be asked to bring required clothing and equipment when confirmation of schedule is sent out.

Attach passport photo here

Please supply a passport sized photograph of your child and attach it to this form. Please ensure that this form is returned with the Registration Form and other accompanying documents.


Date of birth

Full forename(s) (Please underline name normally used)



Day/Flexi Boarder/Boarder

If my son/daughter shows potential and performs well in the 11+ Assessments, I would like him/her to be entered for the Academic Scholarship (please note this is by invitation only). I would like my child to be entered for the following non-academic awards (please tick one or more). Art Scholarship

Design & Technology Scholarship

Music Scholarship

Sport Scholarship

Musicians, please state: 1st Instrument

Grade and mark attained

2nd Instrument

Grade and mark attained

Other musical achievements and interests: Music reference attached Sports candidates, please name and tick your representative level in your sport as follows: Name of main sport





Name of secondary sport





Other sporting achievements and interests: Sport reference attached Please state if there is anything else to be taken into consideration:

Has your child learnt: French?



For how long?

Has your child learnt: Latin?



For how long?

Has your child learnt: Spanish?



For how long?

Please state, in order of preference, the names of the schools to which your son/daughter will also be applying for entrance: 1.

2. This form continues overleaf‌

Registration form continued…

Are there any significant health problems, medical conditions, or allergies of which we should be aware? (Please tick) Allergy – please give details: EpiPen carrier



Insulin dependent


Inhaler carrier


Hearing aid user


Glasses /contact lens wearer


Both parents MUST sign this form We accept the terms and conditions of the Admissions Policy, a copy of which can be found on our website: www.cheltenhamcollege.org/policies. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, a reference will be requested from your child’s current school. Signed (Parent/Guardian 1)

Signed (Parent/Guardian 2)

Print name

Print name



Please return the completed form together with the Registration Form, Registration Fee and other accompanying documents, to: The Registrar, Cheltenham College Preparatory School, Thirlestaine Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7AB.

Cheltenham College Preparatory School Thirlestaine Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Tel: +44 (0) 1242 522 697 Fax: +44 (0) 1242 265 620 Email: prepadmissions@cheltenhamcollege.org www.cheltenhamcollege.org Registered Charity No. 311720

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