Cheltenham Prep Curriculum Guide 2024

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Pupils demonstrate strong knowledge, skills and understanding across the range of subjects and apply them extremely effectively.

Independent Schools Inspectorate, 2023

Sparking Academic Ambition

Jump into a world of excitement, engagement and ambition! Learning at The Prep sees pupils enthused in the subjects they encounter, developing as resilient, divergent and creative thinkers. Classes buzz with energy as pupils are active participants of hands-on learning each and every day! From Nursery School through to Year 8, our subject and age specialist teachers skillfully weave together learning experiences that are relevant, differentiated and make full use of our wonderful facilities and superb grounds, ensuring every pupil reaches their full potential.

Whilst having huge amounts of fun, our expectations of all pupils, irrespective of ability or age, are high and we encourage all to relish challenge, not be afraid of things that are hard, and see learning from mistakes as a really positive part of their learning process. Building the confidence of each child, both in and out of the classroom, is a priority for us. This ensures they feel able to fully immerse themselves in their learning, pushing themselves out of their comfort zones, and optimising progress.

Solid foundations help prepare pupils so they can build effectively as learners. Our curriculum in each section of

the school builds systematically from Early Years onwards, equipping the children with wide and varied experiences, aptitudes and knowledge, as well as a clear sense of identity as a learner and a mindset for growth. Through the school, facilities, highly effective staff, and a shared vision, pupils continually prepare for their next phase of learning and development.

In Years 7 and 8, the curriculum is carefully crafted in each subject to ensure the necessary skills and knowledge are being developed to act as a foundation for the GCSE curriculum, building on previous learning effectively. This varies from subject to subject to ensure the content is challenging and assessment is robust. In some subjects, pupils will follow the ISEB 13+ Common Entrance curriculum which is examined in the May of Year 8. In other subjects, a curriculum and assessment model has been developed here, at The Prep, to dovetail more effectively into the requirements at GCSE. In subjects where this is the case, the curriculum has been carefully written, working closely with our colleagues at College to ensure a totally unique, highly engaging and impactful scheme of learning that really sets pupils up to succeed once they leave The Prep.


Maths is more than just a subject – it is a way of thinking. The creative and highly interconnected discipline of Maths equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools to utilise in their day-to-day experiences. We encourage children to make sense of the world around them through developing an ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems.

Pupils are given an experience of Maths based on three core principles: understanding, enjoyment and

challenge. Key ideas are revisited and built on, year on year, giving children the opportunity to refresh their understanding and draw connections between different areas of Maths. Real-world applications are key, as are the transferrable skills learnt through doing Maths, for example in Science and Computing. You will see our pupils out of the classroom, undertaking maths activities in all areas of the school, and the aim is that Maths intrigues, inspires and makes real sense.

Working with specialist Teachers in classes of a maximum of 18, children are encouraged to work individually, in small groups, and as a whole class. We have a maths specialist support teacher who works within all our year groups, including Years 7 and 8, providing additional support within the class or in one-to-one clinics. Additionally, support and extension sessions run to enable all children to reach their potential in Common Entrance or academic scholarship when they reach

Pupils successfully apply their excellent numeracy skills to other areas of the curriculum

Independent Schools Inspectorate, 2023

Pupils work extremely well together, in lessons, house meetings, school council or eco - committee towards common goals.

Independent Schools Inspectorate, 2023


As an academic subject, English is arguably the most multi-faceted lesson on the entire curriculum, embracing the disciplines of reading, writing, and speaking and listening, as well as an extensive programme of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities.

Reading underpins everything we do in English here at The Prep; all pupils are encouraged to read widely in school as well as in their own time, in order to further develop their reading fluency and comprehension skills. This is built on a strong foundation of a comprehensive, effective phonics programme in Pre-Prep. Our fantastic and very popular Acheson Library provides pupils with access to several thousand fiction and non-fiction books, including the very latest must-reads.

Regular high-profile author visits, a full time Librarian and trips to the Cheltenham Literature Festival form an integral part of our calendar for all.

Pupils learn how to write with increasing confidence in a wide range of styles, and for many different purposes and audiences, preparing them for future examinations and the world outside of school, so they are effective communicators. This includes a special focus being given to developing pupils’ command of spelling, punctuation and grammar and the use of the Talk 4 Writing approach in Years 2 to 6.

Opportunities to develop confidence in speaking and listening skills are a daily occurrence in the English department, for example using Drama-based

techniques such as hot-seating to bring characters from our wide range of class reading texts to life, or welcoming visitors, such as members of the Open Door charity, to further contextualise understanding. Furthermore, we strive to give every pupil a trip to the theatre every year to see a live performance, and we are indeed fortunate to have both the Everyman Theatre and the Cheltenham Playhouse right on our doorstep.

Whether it is the tranquil buzz and gentle flutter of pages in our Library lessons, the excitement of a visiting author, the thrill of crafting a fantastically effective piece of text, or preparing costume ideas for World Book Day, there is always something going on in the English department to engage, enthuse

Our son gets through a couple of books a week which, for not the most academic kid, is amazing - it’s completely down to the school enthusing his love of reading.

Current Parent, 2023

Pupils from the very youngest demonstrate an excitement to learn, curiosity and excellent attitudes towards their learning

Independent Schools Inspectorate, 2023


Science has no boundaries; it is not a subject that stops; no one person will ever know everything about Science. The unlimited potential is what makes Science teaching and learning at The Prep so exciting!

Our excellent team of specialist Teachers nurture pupils’ curiosity, encourage scientific thinking and develop scientific literacy.

Our modern, well resourced Science labs provide the perfect environment for carrying out a huge range of practical experiments enabling pupils to find answers to questions through exploration. Class discussion is coupled with data analysis, visits, and presentations from external speakers to make the subject accessible and relevant.

When asked what they enjoy in Science, our pupils always mention

the excitement of experiments: the ‘screaming jelly baby’ and the ‘collapsing can’ which are two favourites. Popping over to the College Science department is always helpful when we are studying elements; the building blocks of Chemistry. A visit to the huge, interactive periodic table is always a hit with the children and really brings Science to life for them. During Biology lessons, we can often be found out by the school lake studying habitats, in the Outdoor Learning area hunting for invertebrates or out in the school fields measuring biodiversity. In Physics, pupils use the spiral staircase to launch parachutes and the school field comes in useful when measuring the speed of pupils or even the speed of sound! Back in the lab, pupils can be found building electrical circuits and we all enjoy using the Van der Graaf generator as part of our investigating .

We aim to ensure that our pupils are making links to natural events and the science ideas underlying them. We help learners develop exploratory questions and hypotheses to explain such events, and encourage them to test and refine their explanations based on scientific evidence, all of which are essential skills for GCSE Science. Working towards the Common Entrance or academic scholarship curriculum in Upper School underpins this.

Today, more than ever before, pupils must be able to think critically and dynamically, applying Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) to solve complex problems. We aim to give pupils opportunities to immerse themselves in projects and activities throughout the year, that compel them to develop 21st century


Embarking on journeys around the world, back in time and between cultures, the pupils at The Prep dive into learning through the humanities subjects of History, Geography and Theology, Philosophy and Ethics (TPE). Developing a robust and diverse understanding of the world around them through investigation, debate and reflection, our pupils are immersed in the world in and beyond Cheltenham. In Pre-Prep and Lower School, children learn in topic themes which cover all three subjects. Whilst they divide into three discreet subjects from Year 5, the termly themes link the learning taking place in lessons to assist the children in making concepts relatable and forging strong connections in their thinking. Exciting projects such as schemes of work linked to our partnership schools in Japan and Oman, help the children identify with places and people they will meet and experience over their time at The Prep and College. The scheme of work and assessment, written by The Prep in collaboration

with College and other Senior Schools, is a fantastic foundation for future study and curiosity, comprising robust units of work, thorough assessments and extended individual projects.

Taught by specialists from Year 5, the History department work with pupils to develop their understanding of what has come before. Exploring wide and varied topics from ‘Healthcare through the time’, to ‘What makes a good leader?’, pupils will explore topics that transgress time, becoming skilled at analysing sources, asking probing questions, and evaluating causes and consequences of the actions of the past. Don’t be surprised if you see battle re-enactment on the sports fields or lively debate over the ‘Princes in the Tower’ who-dunnit!

In Geography, Teachers draw on wide ranging resources to enable the pupils to take ownership of their learning and develop their understanding of our world today. From earthquakes and volcanoes, to population and development, pupils are fluent in the

intricacies of our world today, where they fit in, and their responsibilities as citizens of the 21st century. Designing and building earthquake proof structures to protect an egg and group challenge envelopes are some of the types of hands on activities that make Geography learning real to them.

Theology, Philosophy and Ethics provides a platform for comparing and understanding people, their beliefs, and actions. Developing within the children a sense of identity, respect and a strong moral compass is a commitment we make both in and out of the classroom, but TPE provides the perfect arena within which to explore these in real detail. Introducing diversity to the knowledge pupils hold, an ability to articulate opinion (whether it’s theirs or not) and an openness to others goes hand in hand with developing a bank of information about each of the TPE elements. Lively debate is coupled with detailed analysis, visits, and presentations from external speakers to make the subject accessible

Humanities as a whole gives each child a sense of context in their lives and existence. It helps them understand the way things are and how we might approach the future.
Head of Humanities


All pupils from Years 6 to 8 study an element of Classics, from heroes to hieroglyphics. Broadly speaking, Classics is the study of the lives, languages and cultures of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. We cater for all pupils, and work on different skills such as investigation, creativity and teamwork. Many pupils come to us as complete beginners in Year 6 or 7 as they join The Prep, all the way through to our Year 8 Scholars who get the chance to study some Ancient Greek, post examinations. We provide an enriching, enlivening and exciting taste of the whole breadth and width of the

lives of the Greeks and Romans, and aim to offer an all-inclusive curriculum.

The real joy in Classics can be found in the flexibility of our subject and therefore what we offer the children.

Year 6 learn some basic Latin vocabulary for animals and family, for example; but we have also investigated how Pompeii was excavated and the life and times of an Ancient Roman.

Year 7 often focus on what it takes to be a true hero (you would surprised at how the Romans and Greeks defined what a hero was) and learn just how much we depend today on what came

Modern Foreign Languages

All pupils are taught French from Nursery School as we believe that languages are an essential life skill.

The MFL department is staffed by a combination of native speakers and highly dedicated and enthused teachers, focusing on the four key elements of language learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

As well as ensuring our pupils acquire excellent language proficiency, our

aim is for them to develop a love of language and culture. Do not be surprised to hear conversations akin to the ‘Café de Paris’ - un chocolat chaud, s’il vous plaît as well as scenes from a busy ‘Gare du Nord’ ticket office,- ‘un aller retour pour deux personnes’ Tchou-tchou!

Irrespective of previous experiences, our teachers are highly experienced at developing the building blocks for all pupils to become confident,

before us in those ancient cultures. Year 8 also discover what the wealthy Romans enjoyed eating (pickled flamingo, anyone? Or jellyfish brains?) and the social and political impact of a life spent lived largely in the army and the Roman Forum.

With different curriculum pathways and examinations available depending on experience and competence, as well as Academic Scholarship, we are thrilled that all pupils participate in Classics throughout Years 6, 7 and 8, and have the opportunity to embrace this fascinating subject.

competent linguists in all of the core skills. Underpinned by a French phonetic approach to language learning, based around a systematic pedagogy to empower the pupils, as well as having time devoted to enjoying the culture of the country, pupils leave The Prep equipped with exactly the right tools and knowledge for their progression to GCSE languages after having completed our own scheme of work and exams in Years 7

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela



The Prep has a strong reputation for success on the sports field, with highly successful teams across sports and ages as well as ‘sport for all’ ethos. Whether it is the first team, or the U8C team, we aim to give the same opportunities to all children and strike the balance of ensuring their continued athletic development with the importance of making fun the key goal of every session.

We take great pride in developing the whole pupil, regardless of ability. We believe it is part of every child’s ‘adventure’, instilling an understanding of failure or disappointment is as much a part of this as success.

Knowledge and coaching expertise of the Sports Department is of the highest calibre, and we are very fortunate to have ex international players and coaches amongst the staff, as well as national and county level coaches. These coaches work with all of our pupils from Nursery School to Year 8 as all pupils should have access to outstanding coaching. Teams regularly participate in

elite regional and national competitions, as well as more local fixtures.

Everyone has access to the fantastic sports facilities on offer including: two full size Astro Turf pitches, a six lane, 25m swimming pool, a fully equipped Sports Hall, which includes a fitness suite, and performance gymnasium, Squash courts, Tennis courts and three separate grass field sites.

Pupils play in a range of team sports throughout the year, beginning with Rugby (boys) and Hockey (girls) in the Autumn Term. In the Spring Term, girls move to Netball, whilst the boys play Hockey with several Football matches. In the Summer Term, Cricket is the main sport for both boys and girls, with plenty of opportunities for Tennis and Athletics. This is supplemented by the extensive Clubs and Activities programme.

PE and Swimming

In Pre-Prep, children enjoy a weekly PE lesson, a Swimming lesson, and a Games lesson, all led by specialist sports staff.

In Years 3 to 8, all children will enjoy

two extended Games lessons, two sports fixtures and an extended PE or Swimming lesson every week.

Swimming is a life skill, and we believe that every pupil should be able to swim with confidence. Over the year, we host numerous Swimming Galas with other schools and have an annual House Swimming Gala for all children to participate in.

The PE programme supplements the outstanding sport provision in Games. Our main focus is to enhance and develop children’s physical literacy, enabling them to move freely, competently and with confidence. We reinforce their key functional movements: running (multi directional), skipping, hopping, jumping and landing, balance (single leg focus), bracing, rotation, push/pull strength, cardiovascular fitness, speed, and agility and to develop hand eye coordination. We also promote the importance of why we need to be healthy, active movers, and provide our pupils with the tools they need to enable them to engage in physical activities through

Creative Subjects


You can hear music in every corner of the school with it being taught by specialist Teachers from Nursery School all the way through to Year 8. We have a wide range of resources, traditional and modern (iMacs, keyboards, recording sequencers, a recording studio, a loop station, etc) to entice and spark a creative flair and love of music for all the children. Class music consists of a mixture of skills and knowledge taught through topic-based work, ranging from The Tudors, through to Film Music and Soundtracks and The Planets. Pupils focus on the core skills of listening, performing and composing, with the majority of our pupils all taking individual tuition on one or more instruments. Class music is supplemented by a rich co-curricular programme, where pupils in all sections of the school have the opportunity to sing or play in choirs, orchestras and ensembles. Regular performance opportunities abound, and these are designed for the children to put their knowledge and skills to good use in

front of their peers and wider audiences!


In Computing, we aim to foster skill, creativity and engagement with the key technologies which underpin 21st Century life. Pupils learn how to use the Office 365 suite of programs effectively and how to best present their work. These skills are embedded through use of technology across the whole school curriculum. Pupils are taught how to boost their searching skills for online research, to use the internet safely with lessons on safety and cybersecurity, and how their computers work by exploring binary numbers, ASCII codes, RAM, CPUs and networking. Creativity with Computing is a key theme of lessons. Pupils begin learning to code in Lower School with CrumbleBots and Scratch, building on their Computing skills from Pre-Prep. In Upper School, pupils progress to Python and Web Coding. These are applied to physical computing

with Raspberry Pi – pupils even send their code into space!

Ever evolving, the AI landscape is carefully monitored with the children educated on the possibilities and pitfalls to ensure they are curious, independent creators. Pupils’ use of technology is to support and further their learning not replace it.


Drama at The Prep provides each child with the opportunity to be the best performer they can be. There is no greater tool for acting than the human body, and through exciting lessons and activities the children learn how to understand their potential, hone their skills, and apply their abilities to putting on shows, giving speeches, and expressing themselves in captivating ways. Units include Physical Theatre, Voicework, Improvisation, Character Creation, Monologuing, Stagecraft, Comedy & Tragedy, and even Puppeteering. In Upper School, pupils

can build on these experiences in a wide range of co-curricular activities, including LAMDA, and an exciting annual production. Throughout the year, the children engage with how their widening theatrical and physical vocabulary can be applied to their everyday world and, provided they put in all the effort and concentration they can muster, they will constantly surprise themselves with how spectacularly they can perform. Most importantly, they develop confidence that will support them across life and their learning.

Design and Technology

DT is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject here at The Prep taught in our state of the art facilities. Through the application of creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Pupils acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Computing and

Art. For example, Year 7 pupils apply mathematical concepts and computing knowledge to manufacture personalised 3D printed bangles, and science theory relating to healthy eating and food groups to design and manufacture educational resources. Developing their understanding of the ever-changing world around them through product handling and analysis, and designing and making products, pupils are learning how to take risks to become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.


Inspiring artwork leaps from every wall at The Prep; a celebration of the creativity, risk taking and curiosity fostered in our fabulous Art block and amazing grounds. Art at The Prep is all about building confidence in the child’s ability to be creative, to make independent decisions and ultimately to control the direction of their work so that they own the result and have satisfaction in a piece of artwork well made and confidently completed.

Pupils progressively learn painting skills, using watercolours and acrylics, building their skills systematically from Pre-Prep onwards, in wide and varied contexts and styles. They will challenge themselves to a variety of printing techniques including Collagraph and Reduction Printing, using our industry quality printing presses to create imaginative responses. Working in 3D, sculpting in clay, gives opportunities to learn structural techniques as well as how to apply glazes and a variety of decorative details. Every project starts with observational drawing, a skill which underpins all the art produced at The Prep. We include and react to social and world events, devising interesting crosscurricular projects and working hand in glove with the other creative arts, and have a set of iPads on hand to enable pupils to record, analyse and support their learning in the visual arts.

A wide and varied co-curricular programme supports the creativity in the classroom with activities such as Jewellery Making, Advanced Art, and Ink and Pen Club.


Nothing is as constant as change, and through the subject of ‘Thrive’ (which encompasses both PSHE and Relationships and Sex Education) we aim to acknowledge and address the changes and challenges young people experience in society today.

At The Prep, our goal is to equip our pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to live physically and mentally healthy lives. Our curriculum is designed to promote the personal development of our children, highlighting key features of life in modern Britain, celebrating what we have in common, whilst promoting respect of differences.

Furthermore, we want all our pupils to develop confidence and to be aware of how to handle the increases in pressure from peers and influences in media.

Thrive is taught through the core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Living in the Wider World and Sex and Relationships Education. By teaching relationships and sex education more explicitly we want to teach our children how to cultivate positive healthy relationships, manage risks, appreciate that actions have consequences, have confidence and self-esteem to value themselves, and to avoid being exploited in person or online. We aim to nurture all our pupils into becoming

responsible and respectful active citizens who contribute positively to society and who can understand the value in being themselves.

Thrive is delivered in an ageappropriate way using specialist resources throughout The Prep. In our younger age groups, it is taught by class teachers. Further up the school it is delivered by specialist pastoral staff, all experienced in covering these important areas of a child’s life, and the programme is supplemented by a series of assemblies and talks by visiting speakers on a wide range of topics (from mental health to on-line safety, through to equality, diversity,

A caring, sparky school with a sense of fun running through its veins, and a real breadth of opportunity. Academically robust without undue pressure.

Good Schools Guide, 2023


How will I know what my child is learning?

Curriculum outline documents are prepared for each year group at the start of the academic year. This will document the topics and skills being covered in each subject in each term, although they might evolve slightly depending on the needs of the cohort. The documents are shared with parents. Subject staff work extremely closely to ensure schemes of work are cohesive, progressive and continually build on previous learning and experiences effectively to move pupils forward.


other skills will my child develop?

As well as the subject knowledge and skills, our approach to teaching and learning helps ensure pupils develop broader skills for life. Creativity, Challenge, Empathy, Resilience and Participation, our Key Skills and Attributes, provide the foundation for our Building Learning Power ethos. Within each of these five areas, pupils will develop increasing knowledge from Nursery School to Year 8 of what skills such as Collaboration, Planning, Making Links, Reasoning, Resourcefulness (plus many more) look like in the classroom, and what they need to do to be highly effective, independent learners.

How will I know how well my child is progressing?

The partnership between home and school is essential in helping optimise pupil progress. As such, we have a regular cycle of parent meetings which will help you understand how well your child is engaging with their learning, and the progress they are making. We really value the opportunity to meet and discuss each child with their parents to ensure it is very much a two-way conversation, a true partnership, which written reports don’t enable. Therefore you will see more parent meetings in the calendar, as well as receiving regular, shorter report cards, and a full written report at the end of the year. Staff are always happy to update parents on individual progress and will happily meet outside of these scheduled slots as required.

My child has been at another school and might not have studied the same content. How will they be supported?

Staff at The Prep are specialists in their subject or, for younger pupils, age phase. They are well experienced at adjusting their teaching to ensure it is accessible for the pupils in their classes, irrespective of their previous experiences. We regularly welcome pupils from all over the country, continent, and world, with adjustments being made as required. Where necessary, some short-term boosters or other interventions might be appropriate and can be easily accommodated, or some children might benefit from engaging with our Learning Hub for more specialist support.

What if my child finds some aspects of learning challenging?

Our fabulous Learning Hub has been purposely developed at the heart of our school site as a destination to support pupils in their learning. The specialist staff here are able to assess, plan and support pupils who might find aspects of learning more challenging , including those for whom English is an additional language. They work closely with subject and class-based staff to help pupils integrate strategies taught in individual or small group lessons into the classroom setting, as well as help support boosting the confidence and self-worth of our learners. The goal in the department is to empower all pupils to be confident, competent, independent learners. There are charges for some of the services in the Learning Hub. Please contact us for more details of these.

Are the children in sets or groups?

We use ability groupings to optimise the environment within which pupils are learning, complementing them with mixed form groups. The way in which these are used depend very much on the age of the pupils and subject being delivered. For instance, in Pre-Prep, pupils will be grouped for their phonics lessons, but not for other subjects. As the children move through the school, staff might decide to group by ability in other curriculum areas. These groups are always fluid

and often utilise a non-conventional model such as a number of mixed ability groups and then a more able group who will be able to be extended. We ask parents to trust us to make informed, carefully considered decisions about the groupings based on expert observation and, where possible, data. Groups are always fluid, and staff regularly review them to ensure they are effective. In many subjects, pupils are taught in mixed groups. Our goal, whatever the group, is ensuring individualised learning and challenge for all.

What if I would like my child to go to a different senior school?

Whilst College will undoubtedly be the perfect senior school for many of our children, we pride ourselves in the support we

provide families as they go through the process of choosing a senior school for their child; we want to match every child with their perfect school. In addition to meetings with senior members of staff who can provide guidance on the best fit of senior school for each child, pupils sitting entrance processes for external senior schools will have individualised preparation pathways created to help ensure they know what to expect and can present their best. This might involve additional lessons with subject specialists, coaching on the assessments, and interview practice. The key is for parents to communicate openly with the school over their intentions at every step of the process so we can fully assist. If a senior school requires Common Entrance, we will liaise with them to outline the subjects within which our pupils sit these exams, and how we

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