Cheltenham College Houses Brochure

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Our Houses

“ We ensure our door is never closed and that pupils feel part of the family; they are able to approach us at any time.� Mrs Anna Cutts, Senior Housemistress


Becoming part of the family

Houses are at the heart of life at College. They offer every pupil a true ‘home from home’ where they can study, relax and sleep in familiar surroundings under the watchful eye of their Housemaster or Housemistress. Run as extended families, they are small, close-knit communities within the larger overall community of the school; a place where every pupil is both cared for and cared about.

Contribution, commitment and kindness are valued equally alongside guiding principles of generosity, trust, and tolerance. Each boarding House is run by a resident Housemaster or Housemistress and their family, supported by a network of both resident and non-resident tutors and matrons. In addition to the 24/7 academic and pastoral support this gives pupils, it also ensures that evenings and weekends are filled with opportunities for them both to participate in activities and to have that important downtime with friends. Unlike many boarding schools, our day Houses are also run by resident staff and, in common with the boarding Houses, are open from early in the morning until late in the evening with an equally varied programme of House events and trips.

Through the House system, pupils are encouraged to develop responsibility for both themselves and others. They mix throughout the year groups with older pupils both looking out for and mentoring the younger ones. Many Houses operate vertical House ‘families’. As a result, strong friendships and bonds are created, together with a deep-seated sense of House honour and loyalty. Parents are an integral part of this community, actively encouraged to take part in House life, from socials and events to keeping up to date with their child’s progress, both academically and pastorally.


Which House to make home There are ten Houses at College, all located around the perimeter of the campus. Eight are boarding Houses; Boyne House, Christowe, Hazelwell, Leconfield and Newick House for boys and Ashmead, Chandos and Westal for girls. Two are Day Houses; Queen’s for girls and Southwood for boys. Each House runs a vertical structure with an average of 12 pupils in each year group.

The spirit of competition, community and equality runs through all our Houses. We work hard to ensure a broad mix of talents, interests, backgrounds and friendship groups within each one. As a result, each House can take pride in a wide set of achievements of its community and each member can feel that they firmly belong. Choosing the House that you think best suits your child is, of course, important and we will be happy to advise on this. Each House has its own unique character and history, but all are run by dedicated and committed staff who work tirelessly to ensure the best possible support and care for your child. No matter which House you choose, your child will thrive and be happy. When we arrange a visit for you, we will generally recommend two Houses for you to look around, but you are, of course, welcome to come back and look at more.

“ No matter what aspect you consider, there is always a sense of pride and belonging from every person in that House. I can say without doubt, that every member of every House, if asked, would happily fight for the title of being the best House.” Current pupil, Boyne House


At the time of Registration we ask you to make both a main and a second House preference. We endeavour to meet all House preferences, but may sometimes need to make an alternative allocation due to space restrictions or to maintain the balance of talents and interests across the Houses. House allocations are confirmed around 18 months prior to entry but preferences may be expressed at any time before this. For more information, please do look at the Admissions and Information booklet or contact the Admissions Office on 01242 265 662 or by email: Each House also has its own webpage so please do feel free to explore these at:

Ashmead Girls’ boarding

Ashmead is a modern, purpose-built boarding House built in 2000 within Boyne House’s former apple orchard. It is renowned for its vibrant and friendly environment, which allows girls to thrive and achieve their best. The community is incredibly close-knit and central to its ethos is that staff ensure it has a homely feel. This is exemplified in the ‘family’ structures within the House where new girls are assigned to a family (each named after a type of apple) and with Mr and Mrs Cutts treating the girls as part of their own family. Evenings and weekends are filled with activities to appeal to all girls, from afternoon teas to cinema trips. Many events include parents so that they too can feel part of the House.

The Housemistress Mrs Anna Cutts I first joined College 12 years ago as an English and Theatre Studies teacher; my husband Graham was already Head of Design Technology. I was appointed as Housemistress of Ashmead seven years ago and for our young children, Lily, Imogen and Finn, it has been ‘home’ for most of their lives. Being a Housemistress to 60+ girls is a lifestyle choice, but is one that I feel extremely privileged to have.

Some of my favourite moments as Housemistress include balmy September evenings barbecuing in our quad, the chaotic Easter egg hunt each Spring and the fiercely contested family tennis competition each summer. What makes Ashmead special for me however, is the warmth, the fun and the vibrancy that the girls bring to the House.

“There is a sense of inclusivity in all House events, be it House pots, socials or trips away. There is always something on at the weekends and we are very lucky to have a group of extremely supportive staff in House who are always there to help out if needs be.” Current pupil, Ashmead 5

Boyne HOUSE Boys’ boarding

Established in 1843, Boyne House is the oldest boarding House, not just of Cheltenham College, but of the Victorian era. The symbol of the House is a wise owl, thought to derive from the founder Sir Matthew Wood, a wise man who was twice, nearly thrice, Mayor of London. The House now balances this noble tradition with a thoroughly modern outlook and a keen sense of community spirit. For the boys, it is a second home but, more than that, it is a lively and exciting environment in which they thrive. Old boy reunions are always well attended by a fascinating cross-section of individuals, including notable politicians, scientists, businessmen and famous explorers.

The Housemaster Mr Richard Penny I joined College and became Head of Geography in 2010. I, as Housemaster, along with my wife Tamaryn, who teaches Latin and Classics at College, and my children Jemima and Jasper, consider ourselves incredibly privileged to be part of the Boyne House legacy. As Contingent Commander of the Combined Cadet Force at College I appreciate the vital role of establishing challenging yet enjoyable activities and supportive communities outside the classroom.

Popular House events include: climbing Pen y Fan, Clan Superstars, cross-country, building pizza ovens, barbecues and fishing. The system of Clans in the House encourages a very close-knit environment and provides lots of opportunity for the boys to show leadership and to demonstrate the values and standards of the House. This student leadership is supported by a very experienced team of House tutors and matrons, as well as my family who play a central role in making Boyne House a ‘home away from home’.

“The amazingly close-knit community in Boyne House means that everyone feels part of the House, no matter what their interest or expertise.” Current pupil, Boyne House 6

Chandos Girls’ boarding

Chandos is the oldest and largest girls’ boarding House and has expanded from eight Sixth Form girls in 1981 to 70 girls today. It is difficult to define a typical Chandos girl, with karting champions, fencers, eventers, rowers, polo players, pianists, dancers, singers, artists, scientists and linguists all having played their role in the House. Valuing every girl as an individual and encouraging the girls to work together as a community is important to Chandos; every girl is responsible for helping make the House a successful and happy place. The girls enjoy a variety of weekend activities, including visits to the cinema, canoeing, horse riding and cooking. The House also enjoys fundraising significant amounts for charity, with the annual Chandos charity cake sale a firm favourite at College breaktime.

The Housemistress Mrs Annette Poulain I joined College in 2014 and became Head of Sports Performance and Housemistress of Chandos. Before College, I spent two years at The Leys School, Cambridge as Head of Girls’ Games and Duty Tutor. I am passionate about sport, having been involved in national league athletics and I continue to play competitive netball, when time allows.

My husband Mark and I have three energetic children: Joshua and twins Lilly and Evie. Together with our spirited and supportive House tutors and matrons, I am committed to ensuring that there is a positive and purposeful atmosphere, as well as creating a ‘home’ for those in our care.

“Chandos is a really welcoming and friendly House where all the girls look out for each other and develop good friendships with pupils in other years, not just their own.” Current pupil, Chandos 7

Christowe Boys’ boarding

Christowe, with its piratical skull and cross bones emblem, is a House with a keen sense of history, blended with contemporary modifications. The boys socialise very well across all year groups and whilst the House’s reputation is founded upon high academic standards, fundamentally Christowe is a very rounded House, full of real individuals who all strive to excel in their own chosen fields. It provides an excellent level of pastoral care and support for the boys, with the matrons and tutors inevitably playing a key role. Christowe represents an eclectic community, united in their quest to enjoy, share, support and experience as much as possible together. Sport naturally plays an important role, with Christowe boys always competing with a keen sense of House spirit.

The Housemaster Mr Nick Nelson I joined College in 1995 as a teacher of Art and History of Art and was a Resident Tutor within Christowe for five years before becoming Housemaster. I am currently Head of History of Art and also coach boys’ hockey and tennis. Within College, I run an Ornithology and an Architecture Club and regularly organise cross-curricular evenings for the Sixth Form, as well as lecturing externally on a range of Art History topics.

As a former choir boy in Oxford, I enjoy choral music and also play the piano and guitar. I am married to Katie, an Interior Designer and Photographer and together we have three young children; Theodore, Raif and Clara,as well as a Spandoodle called Purdie. It is important to me that Christowe boys throw themselves fully into College life and I take great pride in helping each boy achieve his best in whatever field he chooses to pursue.

“ What I enjoy most is the spirit of unity and knowing that I have the opportunity to excel at what I do best without being worried about what other boys might say or think.” Current pupil, Christowe 8

Hazelwell Boys’ boarding

Hazelwell was built by its first Housemaster Mr Green in 1866 and bought by College in 1902. For over a century Greenites, a term coined by its founder, have enjoyed the spacious, high ceiling rooms and generous outside space. Today, the modern comforts of 21st century living sit comfortably alongside old photographs and memorabilia. Hazelwell is proud of its sense of community and the boys are encouraged to respect and support each other across the year groups, helped by the wide programme of activities and trips. Many Greenites return year on year to reunions or other functions, sporting old House colours. Traditional values such as good manners are encouraged and frequent dinners enable the boys to host friends, parents and members of staff.

The Housemaster Mr James Coull I joined College in 2008 and have been teaching Modern Languages since 1996. Prior to my appointment as Hazelwell Housemaster in 2014, I was a non-resident tutor at College. My wife Charlotte teaches French and has also been a Housemistress. We have two young children, Freya and Ruby. I love being involved in College sport, coaching the Yearlings’ A hockey team and being in charge of athletics. I also run the Third Form Challenge activity programme.

Hazelwell has a strong boarding ethos and together we thrive on the busy energy and vibrant lifestyle that a houseful of boys naturally creates. Along with an excellent team of matrons and marvellous tutors, we aim to provide stability, inspiration and encouragement that is needed for each boy to thrive.

“Hazelwell feels like a second home where we all work together, not just to achieve things, but to solve individual problems too.” Current pupil, Hazelwell 9

Leconfield Boys’ boarding

Leconfield is a warm, friendly and purposeful place to live. One of the major strengths of the House is that boys of all ages mix well, becoming part of the family very quickly and looking out for each other. Boys are expected to work hard, seize opportunities and take responsibility as they progress through College and the House. With the guidance of both the Housemaster and his House staff, boys are encouraged not only to reach their potential in all disciplines of life, but also to excel as individuals. They are also urged to have fun and make the most of their leisure time; whether it be karting and clay pigeon shooting or theatre and museum visits, to name but a few. Equally, parents are not forgotten – there are many opportunities for parents to meet each other and the House staff socially.

The Housemaster Mr Christopher Reid Before joining College I was Assistant Resident Housemaster at Brentwood School in Essex. At College, I was Head of Politics and then History and Politics for 10 years before becoming Housemaster. I was also Contingent Commander of the CCF and remain a commissioned officer. I enjoy being involved in College sport, umpiring hockey as well as coaching rugby and cricket. My wife, Sarah, is Head of Classics and Upper School at Cheltenham College Prep School,

having previously worked at The Cheltenham Ladies’ College and St Mary’s School in Worcester. Our children, Izzy and Jamie, both attend The Prep, and are enjoying growing up in the House, surrounded by lots of boys to play with! We strongly encourage every boy to play an active part in House life and our discussions and activities are every bit as lively as you would imagine.

“The best thing about Leconfield is the strong sense of community between all pupils. All years in House know that they can talk to anybody else and feel at ease doing so.” Current pupil, Leconfield 10

Newick HOUSE Boys’ boarding

The key behind all that is achieved at Newick House is family. The Housemaster promotes high standards, an inclusive atmosphere, open doors, a caring environment, firm boundaries, loyalty and fun. Nurtured through support, challenge and encouragement, as well as a host of activities and social events, Newick House boys not only thrive in College, but are also prepared as individuals to thrive in the world. They become committed and sociable young men who choose to do the right thing, not the easy thing. Above all, they become young men who make the most of their abilities and contribute to the community of which they are a part.

The Housemaster Mr Fergus Llewellyn I enjoyed a boarding education at Sherborne School in Dorset, before reading English Literature at London University. After flirting with a career in acting, I began teaching at Haslemere Prep School and then moved to senior school at King’s Bruton, where I was Head of Drama and coach of 1st XI Cricket. I joined College in 2005. A keen all-rounder, I coach rugby and cricket, direct plays, sing in the

Choir, and run the College Christian Union. I also enjoy a good round of golf, the North Cornwall coast, steak, and time with family. Alongside my wife, Tamsyn, who teaches French and Latin at Cheltenham College Prep School, and our two sons, Thomas and Joshua, we enjoy House life immensely and hopefully communicate that to the boys who we see very much as an extended family.

“ Newick House is a thriving House that always tries to do the best it can in all aspects of House life. Whether it is in the House itself, on the various sports fields, in House Singing or at the House General Knowledge competition, we all aim to create a honest, cheery and successful atmosphere.” Current pupil, Newick House 11

Queen’s Girls’ day

Queen’s, the girls’ day House, is located in a beautiful Georgian building overlooking the main field and Chapel. Whilst performing well on the extra-curricular front, Queen’s girls also achieve excellent academic results. The girls are polite, bright, friendly and committed and enjoy having what many of them term ‘the best of both worlds’ – a home at school and their own home to go to at night. Within the House there is a very strong sense of community, with girls bonding extremely well across year groups. A homely and caring base, Queen’s enables the girls to develop lifelong friendships. As a result, the ethos of the House is vibrant yet respectful, with each girl able to play her part in House life.

The Houseparents Mr Will Bates and Mme Wandrille Bates Will graduated from Exeter with a BA in Human Geography, while I graduated from Paris with an MA in English and Media Studies. We met at our first school, Sutton Valence in Kent, and both joined Cheltenham College in 2008, teaching Geography and French respectively. We were resident tutors in one of the boys’ boarding Houses for a few years before becoming joint Houseparents of Queen’s in 2011.

Together, we promote a strong family spirit and high level of care, ensuring that the girls feel valued and are able to maximise their potential. As we both teach, run extra-curricular clubs and coach games, we understand the busy but rewarding timetable that pupils at College have and we work hard to ensure that day girls get just as involved in College life as boarders do.

“ What I love about Queen’s is how friendly it is between the year groups. Mr and Mme Bates are the most fantastic Houseparents and the atmosphere is that of a household in which a family of 60 girls live together.” Current pupil, Queen’s 12

Southwood Boys’ day

Southwood, the boys’ day House at College offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere, with the boys feeling comfortable and, most importantly, happy. House spirit is strong and the boys excel in all areas of College life, from sport and outwards-bounds activities to academia and the arts. There is a great balance within the House and the boys are encouraged both to celebrate and appreciate the talents and interests of their peers. Southwood boys are very much part of the overall strength of College, enjoying the benefits of being part of all that a boarding school has to offer, whilst also being able to enjoy their own home comforts at the end of the day.

The Housemaster Mr Matt Coley Having graduated from Leeds University in Physiology and Sports Science, I played professional rugby for Leeds Tykes before going to Cambridge University to gain my PGCE. My first teaching position was at Rugby School where I spent four years as Head of Boys’ Games and Assistant Housemaster in one of their boarding houses. I joined College in 2002 as Head of Physical Education and Master in charge of Rugby before becoming

Housemaster of Southwood in 2012. As Housemaster, it is very important to me that day boys have just as many opportunities to play their part in College life as boarders do and I take great pride in supporting them in both their academic and extra-curricular commitments. My wife, Abi, teaches at Cheltenham College Prep School and we have two young children, Joseph and Tilly.

“There is always someone to talk to and ask help of, no matter how big or small the problem. Southwood is a place to relax and enjoy yourself, whether it be chatting to friends, playing football in the garden or rehearsing for the House play.” Current pupil, Southwood 13


Girls’ boarding Westal opened in September 2013 and represents a significant development in the history of co-educational boarding at Cheltenham College. The new custom-designed building, with many ensuite rooms, is located adjacent to the sports complex within the College campus. Westal now represents a complete modern girls’ boarding House, replacing the previous Sixth Form girls’ boarding House. The name however has been retained along with the penguin symbol, both treasured connections to former pupil and notable polar explorer Dr Edward Wilson who died with Captain Scott in 1912. Westal is already renowned for its close-knit community and warm, caring House spirit. It is a place where the girls feel part of the family and are supported in all that they do.

The Housemistress Mrs Jenny O’Bryan I joined College in 2010 as a teacher of Biology, after being Head of Year 7 at the King’s School Worcester. I became Head of Lower College in 2011, before being appointed Housemistress of Westal, a role that I am immensely proud of. As a former Army officer, I have served with the British Army in Germany, Northern Ireland and Kenya. I then moved into the business world but once I realised that it did not make me happy, I retrained as a teacher.

My husband Ian and I have two boys, Charlie and Tom, and a dog called Tessa. My main passion continues to be horse riding and I enjoy training young horses and eventing. It is my mission to make Westal a ‘home from home’ where the girls feel supported and empowered to venture into new territories, whether that be academically, socially or through the enormous range of extra curricular activities we offer.

“At first, it’s hard to imagine the amazing friendships you will form by the end of the year. Westal is a really warm and supportive House, where it is easy to settle in and where all the girls are very accepting and friendly.” Current pupil, Westal 14

“Being a Housemistress to over 60 girls is a lifestyle choice that I feel extremely privileged to have.� Mrs Anna Cutts, Senior Housemistress


Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7LD Tel: +44 (0) 1242 265 600 Fax: +44 (0) 1242 265 630 Email: Registered Charity No. 311720

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