Prep for the Week Issue 1836

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1836 – 16 September 2016

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commendations Friends of The Prep Wine Tasting Competition Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School News Letter from the Library: Roald Dahl Day Girls' and Boys' Sports Calendar and Notices

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents It is reassuring that I hear of and see evidence of the school community settling to its tasks swiftly, efficiently and enthusiastically. This is so important as a strong start in the Autumn term lays the foundations for the rest of the year. A hesitant approach or an unwillingness to give of one’s best right from the off will only result in greater difficulties later in the year as one tries ‘to play catch up’. For the older children in Years 5-8, one of the most important skills is to be able to prioritise correctly. Recognising that there is a time for work and a time for play, establishing the right balance between academic responsibilities and co-curricular activity is critical. The use of ‘catch up’ on Wednesdays when there is no prep and no activities can be so valuable to those who are receiving more than one prep per night. There should be no reason for a child to fall behind with their academic responsibilities. At next week’s informal meetings (and they are just that, and not an opportunity for an in depth discussion about academic progress), I would encourage you to begin to create an on going working relationship with your child’s tutors and class teachers. Please do not wait until the next formal meeting, which is likely to be a parents’ evening, before meeting him or her again. Perhaps arrange to have a short catch up just before Half Term? In short, I hope that both parties can create a dialogue for the benefit of the child.

Wednesday Wonders As I have stated, on Wednesdays there is no prep and no activities and the time available between match commitments and home time is dedicated to ‘catch up’. It is also an opportunity for the children to experience a range of outside speakers. Therefore, please let me know if you would like to address the school on a subject of your choice. This can take the form of either a mini lecture or a question and answer session. Probably the most popular subject is what parents do at work. So, do let me or Sally-Ann know if you could offer 30 minutes of your time on a Wednesday late afternoon between 17.15 and 18.00. Thank you. Jon Whybrow

Gloucester Rugby first XV to train on College field this Thursday 22! Reflecting our strong ties with Gloucester Rugby, we are very excited to announce that Gloucester Rugby’s first XV will be meeting and training at College this Thursday. The team are due on the field between 11-11.30am and will train for an hour. Should any parents wish to watch the training and get autographs please head to College field.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


Headmaster's Commendations James French for outstanding perseverance and commitment to his Latin work

Well done to last year's Year 8 pupils who were presented with their Scholars' ties at Cheltenham College last week! Well done to Finn Cutts, Zara and Tula Leach who got together to bake and sell cakes to raise money for Parkinson's UK. Their bakes raised £20.10, earning them a place on the front cover of the Parkinson's UK monthly newsletter!

Star Bakers! Octavia and Seraphina D’Orazi spent a day during the holidays making and baking for a good cause. They sold their cakes to their neighbours and raised £6.95 for Sue Ryder. They then took their donation to the local Sue Ryder shop where it was gratefully received. Well done, girls, a great effort.

24 hour Prefect Charity Run - Save the Date! College prefects will be starting a 24 hour charity run on Saturday 1 October, culminating on Sunday 2 October with the opportunity for whole school participation, refreshments and stalls. Those Prep pupils wishing to join in can run for 10 minutes from 4pm on Sunday 2 October. Our prefects are raising money for Winston’s Wish, a Cheltenham-based UK charity for bereaved children. Please follow the link below for fundraising details: Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


WINE TASTING COMPETITION Can you distinguish a Rioja from a Merlot, a Chardonnay from a Chenin Blanc?

Wine Tasting with Curry Supper Cheltenham College Prep School Dining Hall from 8 pm

Friday 30th September 2016 £18 per head (on your end of term bill) For tickets please email your Year Rep or Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


Kingfishers In Kingfishers this week, we have been thinking about the Golden Rule of ‘Being Gentle’. Mr Whybrow was very pleased to be able to present so many golden certificates during his Kingfishers Assembly. Every playtime, the children have the opportunity to earn a certificate by showing the teachers they have remembered one of the six different Golden Rules.

In Reception, children have been thinking about their families. They have all been making their very own family apple tree. Everyone looked at the shape and colour of trees before painting their own and then drawing each member of their family. They are on our wall in Room 3: if you are passing, feel free to call in and take a look! We have also been working on our phonics. We are learning about the different letter shapes and the boys and girls have had lots of fun completing different activities to strengthen their fingers to hold their pencils.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


Lower School Anglo-Saxon Year 4s Year 4 started the year, by stepping back in time to the Anglo-Saxon period. All pupils attended a trip to ‘The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles’ to introduce the history topic for the term in a fun and exciting way. The day began by finding out about where the Anglo-Saxons came from and why they came to Britain. They also learnt about place name endings and how to find out where the Anglo-Saxons may have settled. The pupils then took part in several activities to help them understand about the way of life for these people in Britain. In learning about archaeology, groups of pupils had to unearth

some ancient pottery and piece it back together to find out more about the design and use. This was a very tricky task, but most managed to recreate an AngloSaxon cooking pot. Everyone also learnt about Anglo-Saxon runes and wrote their own messages with quill and ink. The Year 4s also made brooches out of clay and then learnt about clothing for men, women and children. We think you’ll agree that Mr Powell makes a wonderful Anglo-Saxon farmer. The trip has motivated everyone to find out more about the AngloSaxon way of life and we can’t wait to get stuck in to our history topic in school now.

Dear Parents, It has been wonderful to see you all at the start of term and delighted that the children are all so happy to be coming in. Just a polite reminder that children can make their way into the classrooms from 08:00 by themselves unless you need to speak to your child’s Class Tutor. Should you arrive earlier, please feel free to wait with your child in the Middle Room. Mrs Amanda Greives Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


Middle School Time seems to have flown by and already we are at the end of Week 2. It is hard to imagine that a fortnight ago we were still on our holidays! Now that the newest members of Years 5 and 6 are beginning to settle in, Head of Middle School, Miss Lindsay Gooch, decided to ask them what they had enjoyed the most about coming into Middle School. Here is a selection of their replies:

There is a good balance between work and play; I’m enjoying lessons but horse riding and swimming are great too. – Carys Bradford.

I like having Science in the new science blocks. We have even used Bunsen burners! – Paras Aggarwal

I’ve made some new friends!

We’ve enjoyed doing some new sports.

I get to decide when I want to finish lunch.

I just like everything about the school!

You get to be taught by different teachers

I love being able to do DT for the first time in the new DT room.

– Isla-Rose Elliman.

– Mia Evans.

– Heidi McCay-Martin.

– Jerome Yu and Kate Officer.

- Elizaveta Karagulakova.

– Ciaran Portch.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


A Letter from the Library This week we marked 100 years since the birth of Roald Dahl - the world's greatest story teller - with a whole host of activities in the Library! They ranged from some serious reading to some wild storytelling and thought-provoking quizzes. Year Two enjoyed listening to The Crocodile, The Scorpion and The Lion. Mr Dawson was hugely entertaining as he played all the roles in Boy during break time. We then listened to CDs of Revolting Rhymes during lunch break. The four Roald Dahl quizzes were admirably answered and the most important answer was always… “chocolate!". To celebrate the quiz answers, we ate loads of Haribo! A happy, reading-filled day all round.

Mrs Carson

Upper School - Letters to Bosnia Many of us, at some point in our adolescence, have had a ‘pen-pal’. The wonderful thing about having a pen pal is that not only do you gain an understanding and appreciation of the wider world, you can also make a friend for life. Following the news that the Geography department at the Prep had donated several dozen books and other resources to a school in Bosnia (see photos, right), 28 Upper School students are shortly to receive personalised letters of thanks from prospective pen pals, who attend the school in Gorazde. It is hoped that this will be the start of both regular correspondence between the students and many new friendships. We look forward to hearing from the Bosnian students soon, and learning all about life in Gorazde. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


and , fixtures s w e n itter! r Fo us on Tw w o ll o f , updates eltprepgirls @ch

Girls' Sports

GB Coaching Day On Monday, 10 of our Upper School girls were lucky enough to meet and be coached by four members of the Great Britain women’s hockey squad, which won the gold medal at the Rio 2016 Olympics. They spent the day at Millfield School moving around workshops led by Alex Danson, Hollie Webb, Shona McCallin and Ellie Hatton, as well as one of the England Men’s team and the ex Scotland Men’s goal keeper. The morning was more skill based while the afternoon had a more tactical focus. At the end of the day, the medallists stuck around to have pictures taken with our girls and sign hockey sticks etc.

attack, however, when the girls came together as a team and put in a few lovely passages of play, the ball was soundly put in the back of the goal. Our girls’ quick reflexes and reactions around the goal were very pleasing, especially from short corners, and in defence we responded really well to the challenges by Wycliffe, constantly clearing their lines with hard, direct hits up the field. A good day at the office!

It was a great day out. Our girls took a lot from the day and were inspired and motivated by the GB players. Hopefully what they learnt will shine through when our season gets fully underway. Team of the Week – U11 A This week the U11As took on Wycliffe at home. It was a scorcher of a day, but the girls put in an energetic and determined performance to come away with an 8-0 win. The Wycliffe goalie did well to stifle some of our TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE U8s Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Friendly Games U9 A Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Won 5 – 0 U9 B Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Won 4 – 3 U10 A Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Won 2 – 1 U10 B Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Won 2 – 0 U11 A Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Won 8 – 0 U11 B Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Won 4 – 1 1st VII Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Lost 0 – 1 2nd VII Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Drew 1 – 1 3rd VII Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Won 3 – 0 4th VII Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Won 3 – 1 5th VII Wycliffe Wed 14 Sept Won 1 – 0 Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


Cheltenham College Hockey Festival Sunday saw our U13 and U11 team playing in the Cheltenham College Girls hockey Festival, which take place at College. With weather to match that of Rio, 280 girls played hockey throughout the day from 14 different Prep Schools. The aim of the Festival is to give the players an opportunity to get a lot of pitch time in their legs as well as coaches a chance to be on the sideline to coach. Both the College and the Prep School provided umpires for both age groups. “After the success of Rio, it has been great to see my sport of hockey in the spotlight in all avenues at the moment - the festival continues to show what a fantastic sport hockey is and the lessons you can learn from playing competitive sport. Having around 280 enthused prep school children playing all day watched by their parents shows what a true family sport hockey can be." - Gwyn Williams, Head of Hockey at Cheltenham College

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Boys' Sports

TEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE U13A Bredon Hill U13A Won 15-10 U13A Sir Thomas Rich’s U13A Won 30-15 U13B Bredon Hill U13B Lost 0-45 U13B Sir Thomas Rich’s U13C Lost 0-50 U12A Bredon Hill U12A Drew 0-0 U12A Sir Thomas Rich’s U12A Drew 25-25 U12B Bredon Hill U12B Lost 10-30 U12B Sir Thomas Rich’s U12C Won 25-5 U11A RGS The Grange U11A Lost 10-40 U11B RGS The Grange U11B Lost 10-20 U11C RGS The Grange U11C Won 30-20 U10A RGS The Grange U10A Won 25-5 U10B RGS The Grange U10B Won 45-30 U10C RGS The Grange U10C Won 25-5 U10 A rugby vs RGS The Grange: Wednesday 14 September. Score 25-5 win. As we ‘warmed’ up in very hot conditions at The Grange, the boys showed just the right amount of nerves before kick off. They knew that they needed a positive start against a strong side. We fought well in the early rucks and kept possession in the early exchanges. Our first try settled the nerves and it wasn’t long before we were two up. The Grange then threw everything at our defence and we held firm with a last ditch tackle stopping a Grange try. We then counter attacked with super off-loading. Two more tries followed and The Grange finished with a well deserved consolation try. A great start to the season. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.


Sunday 18 September 2016 10:00 Boarders' Trip to Ninjatastic Waterpark (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only) Monday 19 September 2016, Week 3, 19 - 25 September 08:00 Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Years 1 and 2 (Library) Tuesday 20 September 2016 08:00 Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Reception and Cottage (Library) Wednesday 21 September 2016 08:00 Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Lower School (Library) 10:00 Annual Print@The Prep Workshop (for selected Year 5 pupils) 12:35 Departure for St Hugh’s Rugby Tournament (A): U13A XIII, U13B XIII. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30 12:35 Departure for Rugby v Wycliffe (A): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00 12:35 Departure for The Downs Wraxall Rugby Festival (A): U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30 12:35 Departure for Clifton Rugby Festival (A): U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C VIII. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30 13:00 Departure for Hockey v Beaudesert (A): U10/U11C. Start 14:30. Pick up 16:45 14:00 Cheltenham Prep Rugby Festival (H): U12A XII, U12B XII. Pick up 16:30 14:30 Hockey v Beaudesert (H): U10A, U10B. Pick up 16:15 14:30 Hockey v Moor Park (H): 2nd VII, 3rd VII. Pick up 16:15 15:15 Hockey v Beaudesert (H): 4th/5th Mix. Pick up 16:45 15:15 Hockey v Moor Park (H): 1st VII. Pick up 16:45 15:30 Hockey v Airthrie (H): U11 Mix 1, U11 Mix 2. Pick up 17:00 Thursday 22 September 2016 08:00 Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Middle School (Library) 18:00 Troy House Fun Games and BBQ, pupils and parents welcome (Headmaster's Lawn or Assembly Hall/Dining Room, weather dependent) Friday 23 September 2016 House Maths Challenge Year 3 Science Trip to Dundry Nurseries Butterfly Garden Project - moved to Friday 16 September 08:00 Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Upper School (Library) 14:15 Congregational Practice (Chapel) 15:15 Rugby v St Edward's and Richard Pate (H): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII. Pick up 17:00 15:30 Exeat begins for children in Kingfishers: no after school care, activities or tea 16:00 Exeat begins for children in Lower School: no after school care, activities or tea 16:15 Exeat begins for children in Middle and Upper School: no after school care, activities or tea 16:30 Information evening for parents of pupils attending the Holland Hockey Tour Sunday 25 September 2016

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


NOTICES Happy Birthday to the following pupils this week! Hattie Lait 8 Henry Watkinson 9 Amelia Hounam-Brooker


Flora Mudie 10

The Cheltonian Association Dates for the Diary Thursday 17 November

London Drinks at Davy’s Wine Bar Crown Passage, 20 King’s Street, St James’s, London SW1Y 6QY

Thursday 27 November Cheltenham College Christmas Shopping Fair

How did you celebrate Roald Dahl Day at home? Send your photos to us on Facebook at Cheltenham.Prep or to @CheltPrep on Twitter!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1836 16 September 2016


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