Issue 1867

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1867 – 15 September 2017

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School News The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Sports Update Next week's calendar Birthday announcements

all e v a h u o y e p o We h to t r a t s he t d e y o enj e w s a h uc m s a term have!

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents Week Two and Clubs and Activities have started. When one decides to enrol a child in a school such as Cheltenham Prep, one clearly signs up to the ethos that important lessons are learned not only in the classroom, but also in co-curricular activities. I certainly believe this and my own children have enjoyed a full school life. What I needed to learn as a parent was the balance between business and exhaustion. One daughter thrives on playing catch as a form of relaxation and I delight in listening to both of them trying to tap out a tune on the old upright piano we have. This is not because it is musically outstanding, but instead I know that they are relaxing, physically and mentally. Undoubtedly you know your children the best and it is for parents to find that essential balance between involvement and exhaustion and between focussed achievement and relaxation. Seeing your child slumped in front of the TV is not all bad! You may have read in the press that the ‘heat’ on independent schools to partner with local State schools has been turned down. As someone who has been involved in the leadership of a private school for over twenty years, this is an issue which is not going to go away, whatever the present ‘mood music’ sounds like. Consequently, The Prep will seek to establish a mutually beneficial arrangement with St. John’s Primary School, whilst building on its existsing relationship with Gloucester Road Primary.

In Lower School, where Saturday morning school is not compulsory, please help us to manage teams successfully by giving your child’s form teacher plenty of notice (eg. Wednesday for the Saturday) as it could affect fixtures. And a notice from The Cheltonian Association & Society. Having worked together for a number of years, these organisations will now go forward as one group under the name of The Cheltonian Society. All that has changed is the name, everything else is business as usual. Membership is automatic for all current and past parents, current and past pupils, current and past staff and friends of the Prep and College.

The routine for Saturdays is now well established and provides, in my opinion, the necessary balance between work and play, school and family. It does require careful management. If a child in Years 5 - 8 needs to miss a Saturday, please can I ask that you check with me first. Normally, permission would not be granted except for a ‘significant family event’.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1867 15 September 2017


Kingfishers Grandparents' Day Grandparents and children had a wonderful time in Kingfishers on Saturday. The children were delighted to show their Grandparents all the classrooms while hunting for answers to a quiz. Classrooms had different activities that everyone could try including making pizzas, completing tasks on the iPads, playing with play dough and completing portraits of each other. It was lovely to see so many families enjoying themselves.

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The Mud Kitchen

The children in Reception have been throughly enjoying using the new m ud kitchen in their outside learning area. If an yone is throwing away any old pots and pa ns, we would love to have them to add to our co llection.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1867 15 September 2017

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Lower School celebrate Roald Dahl Day

To celebrate Roald Dahl Day, Lower School were treated to a visit from Mr and Mrs Twit! As expected, they behaved appallingly to each other and told us all about the nasty tricks that they had been getting up to. These included feeding Mr Twit worms instead of spaghetti and dropping her glass eye in his mug of beer! Mr Dawson and Mr Clarke seemed rather comfortable and home in their alter egos as Mr and Mrs Twit and were admirably kept under control by the narration of Miss Sheehan. Lower School thoroughly enjoyed the performance and would like to thank the English Department for making such a fun and entertaining experience. Year 3 have also been enjoying reading George’s Marvellous Medicine and making up our own marvellous medicines. Our ingredients include… • • • • • • •

Fish food as old as Granny Gooey, putrid slug slime Rancid, brown yogurt Dry, rotten gum Foamy soap and rotten cheese Slimy, bitter worms Poisonous, stinging ivy

Beware - our dangerous creations may be boiling and bubbling soon in Lower School and may have some rather nasty side effects!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1867 15 September 2017


MIDDLE SCHOOL Maddie Archer and Oliver Watkins – "We like going to different classrooms for our lessons, it makes me feel more grown up." Freddie Hall - "I’m excited about all the new challenges" Maya Forde and Riley Jackson - "We thought Art enthusiasts club was great!"

This week, Middle School pupils have been getting used to new routines, new academic subjects and even some different clubs and activities. I caught up with some of the new pupils and Year 5s to find out how they were settling in...

Noah Holder - "I’m really looking forward to joining Scouts this Friday." Zhangir Aldongar and Charlie Maynell - "We get to make wooden pencil boxes in DT which is a lot of fun" Verity Cooke - "I enjoy having lots of new teachers for my different subjects." Sebastian Freissner-Day - "Everyone has been so welcoming and I love the school food!" Felix Duggan - "I’m enjoying Middle School because I can use the Library at break times and in Games I’ve enjoyed working really hard." Bertie Bennett - "Latin is so fun and enjoyable." Thomas Smith - "I didn’t have DT or History at my old school and they have been really interesting so far." William Donaldson - "DT, Art and lunch are my highlights so far. I have got a bit lost, but other pupils have helped me to find my way."

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1867 15 September 2017


Thank you to the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra who visited the school this week and ran workshops with the Kingfishers and Lower School. From singing to percussion instruments, the children had a great time and leart some new musical skills.

The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1867 15 September 2017


"The Boarding House is friendly and welcoming after a day at school and I like my friends there" "The sport is really exciting and everyone r wants to do thei best"

Upper School We’ve had a busy full week back at school, and Upper School are settling in well to the routines and schedules of the day. Activities have started this week, and the boys and girls are enjoying trying something new as well as the familiarity of lessons, games and preps. The new boys and girls are throwing themselves into life here and we asked them for some snapshots and highlights of their first ten days (see surrounding quotes). We look forward to the rest of term working with Upper School.

"I have really enjoyed all my new subjects and learning new facts"

"I have loved trying my new activities and making different friends"

"My bud dies been kin have d and looked a fter me "

od "I love the fo at lunchtimes and there’s y always yumm puddings"

"Life her e crazy, fu is n an awesom d e!"

New Appointments Sport Captains Announced My name is Aidan Portch and I am looking forward to being Captain of Boys' Swimming because I like to get people involved on enthusiastic about sport and I have always wanted to lead "Three Cheers” after a Gala. Hello my name is Ollie McGrath and I am Captain of Boys’ Rugby. I am looking forward to encourage, assist and also embrace rugby more as a team sport I'm Lily Brown and I'm looking forward to being the new Captain of Girls' Swimming. It will be fun to swim with everyonel I encourage everyone to try their hardest, even if you don't like swimming! I'm Sophie Essenhigh, and I'm Head Chorister. I'm really looking forward to helping lead the choir and encouraging those who want to do more music. I am Jamie Reid, and I’m Leader of the Orchestra. My instruments are trumpet, piano and voice. I’m really looking forward to helping with the Orchestra and different music groups during the year. I am Izzie Hillman-Cooper and as Head of Girls’ Hockey I’m looking forward to being able to encourage everyone to work their hardest and to have confidence on the pitch. Always remember to have fun and be enthusiastic! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1867 15 September 2017


GIRLS' SPORT THIS WEEK'S HOCKEY RESULTS 1st VII vs Wycliffe 2–2 2nd VII vs Wycliffe 3–2 3rd VII vs Wycliffe 3–2 4th VII vs Wycliffe 8–0 5th VII at the Prior Park Festival W 2, L 2, D 2 U11 A vs Wycliffe 4–1 U11 B vs Wycliffe 3–1 U10 A vs Wycliffe 4–0 U10 B vs Wycliffe 2–3

Team of the week... The 4th team! An excellent first outing for the fourth team today with a convincing win and superb all round team performance. Despite the wet conditions, the team remained positive and battled hard throughout: our defenders provided and excellent safety blanket - nothing was going to get past this brick wall! Our speedy midfield worked tirelessly up and down the pitch to set up our attacks, providing many opportunities for our nifty strikers who demonstrated great skill and control! Although faced with a tough goal keeper, our midfield and strikers managed to connect well with the ball, smashing it into the back of the net! Well done ladies!

U9 A vs Wycliffe 3–0

U9 B vs Wycliffe 1–0 U8 MIX 1 vs Wycliffe 1–1 U8 MIX 2 vs Wycliffe Prep for The Week Issue Number 1867 15 September 2017


BOYS' SPORT THIS WEEK'S RUGBY RESULTS U11A vs RGS The Grange U11A Won 20-10 U11B vs RGS The Grange U11B Lost 10-20 U11C vs RGS The Grange U11C Drew 30-30 U10A vs RGS The Grange U10A Lost 15-40 U10B vs RGS The Grange U10B Drew 40-40

The Under 11A team has worked hard in training since the start of the season, placing a particular focus on keeping the ball alive and attacking from depth. Our first outing against a talented RGS The Grange side saw us struggle to put these plans into operation. Our visitors showed quick minds and feet in the first half and moved the ball into space, stretching our defensive pattern. Although they made few incursions into our half early on in the game, their excellent ball retention began to pay off and they went into the break two tries up. It is much to the credit of our boys that they showed the key skills and attributes of resilience and a willingness to rise to a challenge in the second half. As a result, we came back to score four unanswered tries by creating more depth in our back line and this opened up gaps in their defence. The team showed that it could dig deep to construct the win but we will need to work hard on improving our individual and collective decision-making: a faster and more expansive style of play will come from this and opponents will find this even harder to deal with.

U9A vs Hatherop Castle U9A Drew 60-60 U9B vs Hatherop Castle U9B Won 90-85 U9C Hatherop Castle U9C Won 50-40 Prep for The Week Issue Number 1867 15 September 2017



Sunday, September 17, 2017 - Sunday, September 24, 2017 Sunday, 17 September 2017 10:00

Boarders’ Trip to Waterpark (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only)

Monday, 18 September 2017 Week 3 (3) 18 - 24 September 08:00

Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Years 1 and 2 (Library)

Tuesday, 19 September 2017 08:00

Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Reception and Nursery (Library)

Wednesday, 20 September 2017 08:00

Informal Parents’ Meetings for parents of children in Lower School (Library)


Departure for St Hugh’s Rugby Festival (A): U13A XIII. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30


Departure for Wycliffe Rugby Festival (A): U12A XII, U12B XII, Start 14:00. Pick up 17:15


Departure for The Downs Wraxall Rugby Festival (A): U11A IX, U11B IX. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30


Departure for Clifton Festival (A): U10A IX, U10B IX. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30


Departure for Rugby v St Hugh’s (A): U13B XIII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00


Departure for St Edward's Hockey Tournament (A): U11A. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:00


Year 1 Geography Field Trip to Bath Road


Hockey v Moor Park (H): 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII. Pick up 16:15


Hockey v Airthrie (H): U11B. Pick up 16:15


Hockey v St Hugh’s (H): 4th VII, 5th VII. Pick up 16:30


Internal Hockey Matches: U9A v U10A, U9B v U10B. Pick up 16:30

Thursday, 21 September 2017 08:00

Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Middle School (Library)


Choral Evensong: Schola Cantorum Girls’ Voices (Chapel). Pick up 18:30

Friday, 22 September 2017 00:00

House Maths Challenge


Informal Parents' Meetings for parents of children in Upper School (Library)


Chapel *


Exeat begins for pupils in Kingfishers (no after school school care or activities)


Rugby v Richard Pate and St Edward's (H): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII. Pick up 17:00


Exeat begins for pupils in Lower School (no after school school care or activities)


Exeat begins for pupils in Middle and Upper School (no after school school care or activities)


Vienna Tour Information Meeting (Assembly Hall)

Sunday, 24 September 2017 19:00

Boarders return, latest return 19:30

Followare ushighlighted on Twitter:in yellow. Like us on Facebook: All changes and additions to the School Calendar

Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Prep for The Week Issue NumberEmail 1867 15-September 2017 Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website -

Duty Mobiles: @CheltPrep MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 10 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school

Notices BIRTHDAYS Happy Birhtday to the following pupils who have had their birthdays so far this September: Mariia Guzhvina 13 Elizabeth Hickson 5 Timofei Fuksov 14 Georgina Boyce 11 Archie Boyd 6 Gennaro Bifulco 10 Izzy Anton-Smith 13 Mirabel Evans 13 Shannon Elliman 10 Rory Simpson 8 Toby Ellis 12 Ben Mace 12 Verity Cook 11 Jack Boyd 8 James Katz 12 Isabelle Marriott 11 Ava Blackhurst 9 Tom Shaw 12 Edward Davies 8 Matthew Smith 8

ing w o l l o f u're o y e r u Make s ter t i w T us on ook b e c a F nd a ) p e r p ll a r (@chelt o f ) rep p . m a h en (@chelt ss the o r c a from n o i t c the a ay. d y r e v school e

We wish the following pupils a very happy birthday this weel:



We wish the following pupils a very happy birthday this weel: Francesca La Spada 4 Henry Watkinson 10 Hattie Lait 9

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OPEN MORNING Saturday 30 September at 10.00am

ead r p s o t us p l e h e s Plea ur o t u o b rd a o w e h t ing n r o M en p O g n i upcom bout a l l a hem t g n i l l by te your s g n i h tt a e r g e th o! t p u t ge n e r d l i h c

• Give your child the strongest academic start • Small class sizes • Excellent facilities • Outstanding opportunities in music, drama and sport

Register now 01242 522697

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1867 15 September 2017


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