Prep for the Week - Spring Week 8

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Prep for the Week

Issue Number 1916 – 1 March 2019

That was the week that was...

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Prep for the Week

Issue Number 1916 – 1 March 2019

Cheltenham Prep has joined the world of Instagram! Make sure you are following us ( to keep up to date with all of the fun things going on...

Included in this week’s issue… • Kingfishers Update • Lower School News • Boarding House pictures • Year of Reading Update • Sports Update • Birthday Announcements • Scooby Awards • Updated Week 9 Calendar Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019

And finally... Don’t miss Mr O’Sullivan’s take on this week. His Week 8 blog can be found at the back of this week’s edition.


Kingfishers Update

Keep up to date

Pirate Week in the Nursery

Make sure you’re following Kingfishers on twitter (@CheltKingfisher) to keep up to date with all of the latest activities we’re getting up to!

It is Pirate week in Nursery and the children have enjoyed digging for treasure and searching for gems. They have followed clues on a treasure map and found a pirate’s treasure chest in the garden. They also created their own treasure islands using lots of resources and imagination. It has been a fun first week back at Kingfishers Nursery.

Reception’s fun in Forest School Reception had a lovely time trying out the new swing in Forest School. They looked for strong branches on our sturdy tree, tied the straps in the hanging kit and then we were ready to go! We also enjoyed ourselves getting our faces painted, making popcorn and creating clown masks! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Kingfishers Update Food tasting in Year 1 Year 1 enjoyed tasting different foods this week to inspire their poetry writing. We definitely stimulated our senses!

Year 1 Maths Year 1 have been very busy outside using chalk on the Kingfisher patio to create fraction patterns on the slabs. As well as enjoying the beautiful sunshine, the children are able to recognise a half and a quarter of a shape.

Year 2 Traffic Survey Year 2 had an exciting start to their Data Handling unit in Maths this week. They took to the streets to record the volume and type of traffic that went along Thirlestaine Road in a tally chart. They visited at different times of the day and compared the information they recorded. They enjoyed the opportunity to use real life experiences in their learning.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Easter Fun Time! Come and join in the Easter fun in the Kingfishers Nursery: Monday 1 - Friday 5 April 10am - 4pm each day


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There will be lots of fun activities to take part in and games to play with the Nursery staff To book your place email Mrs Davis via:

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Lower School News

Keep up to date

On Tuesday 26 February, Year 4 travelled to the picturesque Compton Verney to take part in a ‘Viking Villagers Day’. Sol, the Viking Goddess of the sun, was very kind and produced a beautiful, sunny day, perfect for working outdoors.

Make sure you’re following Lower School on twitter (@CheltPrepLower) to keep up to date with all of the latest activities we’re getting up to!

The group took part in a series of activities throughout the day and experienced what life was life in a Viking village. They had the chance to play a Viking game called ‘Kingy Bat’, grind oats and make bread, start fires, build a wattle and daub fence and build a Viking longhouse. It was a great day to bring the Viking topic to life.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019





Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Boarding House Update CHINESE NEW YEAR


Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


STEM Club Five Upper School teams headed to compete in the Flying Start Challenge on Friday 8 February, for which they have been preparing for weeks. Each team had to deliver a poster presentation to a panel of judges, compete at two team activities, fill in a quiz on the science of flight and launch their gliders at the Jet Age Museum. All pupils were immaculately behaved and did themselves proud in all areas of the competition. One of our teams won the team activities and another team was placed third overall and so make it through to the Grand Final later in the year. Congratulations to all and thank you to Mrs Wells and the Graduates from Safran who have helped immensely in the run up to the competition and on the day.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


2019 - Our Year of Reading Don’t forget about World Book Day! On Thursday 7 March, it is World Book Day and as ever, The Prep will be celebrating in style! Mr Clarke has already sent a Clarion with full details. On the day, pupils (and staff!) will be dressing up as their favourite book character.

Accelerated Reader Bronze Award Congratulations to Ryan N, our second AR Bronze Award winner with over 250 points on his book quizzes!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


2019 - Our Year of Reading Caught You Reading Here at The Prep, we love to catch our pupils reading. All pupils have regular access to the Library, with the majority of pupils also having weekly Library lessons. Such is their love of reading, many of our pupils also love to read at breaktimes, lunchtimes and during other opportunities across the school day. For this reason, we introduced our Caught You Reading initiative last year. All staff carry Caught You Reading slips which they fill in and give to pupils when they catch them reading. These slips then go in the Caught You Reading box in the Library, and a prize is given to one lucky winner, drawn out weekly by Mr O’Sullivan. You have to be in it, to win it!

This week’s Caught You Reading Winner is...

Daniel R

Readers of the Week Congratulations to this week’s Reader of the Week... Magdalen A

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019

Each week, staff in the English department, together with Miss Richardson, our Librarian, nominate one pupil who has made particular progress with, or shown genuine commitment to, their private reading.


D&T Update Karting Club Pupils from Years 6 and 7 have been busy building electric karts and this week have made big strides. ‘White Shadow’ has now had its electronics installed and is up and running! ‘Black Shadow’ is not far behind and soon they will both be being tested this term ahead of race days organised for next term. Watch this space!

D&T Twilight Fun On Thursday evening parents took part in the inaugural Parent’s D&T session with Mr Boyd. The parents burnt beautiful designs onto wood and built electronic games from scratch under careful supervision of course! Mrs Garbutt commented, “I simply didn’t want the session to end. It was sociable, relaxing and ultimately rewarding! I can’t wait for the next one.” Look out for more parents’ events coming up soon!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS Monday 4 March – Prep Assembly Hall 18:15 - 19:15


Please do join us for this cultural event Collect your free ticket at Reception which entitles you to a complimentary glass of wine (Alternative refreshments will be available)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Mrs Parsley has collected in over 40 photographs which is fabulous, please bring any late entries to the Art room by Monday. They must have your name, your age and the title of image.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Latin News To make the most of the glorious Spring sunshine, Year 5 Latin pupils spent some time looking for the Narcissus flower (daffodil) in the school grounds. The myth tells us that the flower nods as it tries to see its reflection, often near water, just like the Greek hero of the same name who was in love with his own reflection.

Year 8 enjoyed learning all about hieroglyphics this week and even had the chance to draw their own.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Sport Update Netball team of the week: U8s After half a term of intensive training with the U9s and the sports professionals, the mighty U8s finally had their first fixture. They took on a strong Wycliffe team and put a lot of their skills to good use during the match, coming away with a convincing 9-5 win. Awesome work! A big shout out to all the girls teams this week, who all had wins against their Wycliffe opponents.

Girls’ Netball Results U13A vs Wycliffe Won 18 - 14 U13B vs Wycliffe Won 21 - 6 U13C vs Wycliffe Won 24 - 11 U12A vs Wycliffe Won 17 - 8 U12B vs Wycliffe Won 17 - 3 U11A vs Wycliffe Won 28 - 5 U11B vs Wycliffe Won 20 - 2 U10B vs Wycliffe Won 12 - 6 U8s vs Wycliffe Won 9 - 5 U10A at the Severnside Tournament 4th U19A at the Severnside Tournament 6th

U11s at IAPS Congratulations to the U11 Netball team who this week headed to the IAPS Western Qualifier at Millfield. After a fantastic team effort, they have qualified for the IAPS National Netball Finals at Epsom College later this term. Well done girls! Look out for a full report of the tournament on the school website, and on social media, next week.

Equestrian Opportunity The first Prep Equestrian Club training session took place at a fantastic outdoor arena near to Colesbourne (GL53) in the glorious evening sunshine this Monday. The Equestrian Club is open to all children in Middle School and above who have their own pony and who are keen to begin competing in Dressage, Show Jumping and/or Eventing. Please don’t be put off if you haven’t had much experience of these competitions, we will have weekly training sessions and will compete at a grassroots level (unless of course you are more experienced and then of course we will be delighted to have you compete in more advanced classes). The competitions are organised by the NSEA: and SEG: If you would like any further information please contact Mrs Nicola Lucas ( or Mrs Jenny O’Bryan (

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Birthdays Happy birthday to the following pupils who have their birthdays this week:

• Isla-Rose E (12) • Charles M (11) • Henry B (10) • Sky J (13) • Ryan N (10) • Rocco G (5) • Maya C (11) • Charlie B (6)

Invites you to join our Private Marquee on CHAMPION’S DAY AT THE CHELTENHAM FESTIVAL Tuesday 12th March 2019 To Book

by 1st March

Card Payments: 01242 265694 Online Booking: for individual login details please email

Cheltenham Racecourse

Ticket Prices £140 for Non Members £65 for Racecourse Members or those with entrance tickets £12 Parking Ticket Included in the Marquee Cash Bar Private Tote Racing Coverage

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Scooby Awards Congratulations to the following pupils who have earned 25 pluses this term: • Will D

• Ben G

• Sofia S

And well done to the following pupils who have already reached 50 pluses this term! • Isla-Rose E • Jack E

• Lily E

• Diana M

• Flo W

Congratulations to Henry B who has now earned his 100th plus of the term! And finally, a massive well done to Jerome Y who has reached the incredible milestone of 125 pluses, a fantastic achievement!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


And finally... Dear Parents Over Half Term I spent some time at Gakushuin School in Tokyo. It is probably the leading independent school in Japan and has a very proud history of educating the Imperial Royal Family over the ages. It has always been a very private school staying out of the public gaze and quietly getting on with educating future generations of Japanese leaders across all sectors. I was extremely privileged to be asked to spend four days with them sharing ideas and good practice. In some ways they felt very traditional, with blackboards and classes approaching 40 children, but in others they were absolutely cutting edge. It was a very impressive blend of how traditional values, used correctly, can help prepare children for the 21st century world. I am delighted to say that in 2020 we will be hosting a party of 24 children from Gakushuin and they will spend two or three days in lessons with us, as well as engaging in a cultural itinerary over their stay. Their trip will provide fascinating cultural diversity and engagement for all of our children and will, hopefully, result in some long term relationships too.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019

On the home front, it has been back to work as normal, with Year 8 mock and Scholarship exams this week, whilst our Year 6 girls have just qualified for the IAPS National Netball Championships a really outstanding achievement. Very well done to all involved. Wizard of Oz rehearsals are continuing apace, this promises to be a spectacular climax to the term so please make sure you set the dates aside (Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 March). Tickets can be reserved via this link: WizardofOzTickets I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Week 9 Calendar Mon - 4/3/19 Week 9 (24) 4 - 10 March House Music Competition Preliminary Rounds (Lake House) Team Photos 18:15

A Celebration of The Arts (Art, Music and Drama): A showcase of 13+ Scholars' Work. (Assembly Hall)*

Tue - 5/3/19 House Music Competition Preliminary Rounds (Lake House) Upper School Enigma Project: Code Breaking Day 18:00

SkiBound Presentation: Prep Ski Trip to Les Menuires, March 2020.

Wed - 6/3/19 All things 100! Kingfishers Celebrate 100 Days of School House Music Preliminary Rounds (Lake House) 12:00

Departure for Cricklade Manor Hockey Festival (A): U11A VII. Start 13:00. Pick up 17:00


Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): U9A VII, U9B VII. Start 13:30. Pick up 16:00


Departure for Cricklade Manor Netball Tournament (A): U11A. Start 14:15. Pick up 17:45


Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): U10A VII, U10B VII, U10C VII. Start 14:15. Pick up 16:20


Departure for Netball v St Edward's (A): U11B, U11C, U11D. Start 14:45. Pick up 16:30


Hockey v Dean Close (H): 1st VII, 3rd VII, U11B VII, U11C VII. Pick up 16:20


Netball v Cricklade Manor and St Edward's (H): U10A. Pick up 16:20


Upper School House Netball. Pick up 16:20


Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): 6th VII, 7th VII. Start 15:15. Pick up 16:45

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Week 9 Calendar 14:45

Netball v St Edward's (H): U10B. Pick up 16:20


Hockey v Dean Close (H): 2nd VII, 4th VII, 5th VII. Pick up 16:20


Departure for Netball v St Edward's (A): U9A, U9B. Start 16:00. Pick up 17:45

Thu - 7/3/19 World Book Day (Character mufti in aid of the school charity: Winston's Wish) 08:30

Year 7 Overnight History Trip to Kent


Choral Evensong: Schola Cantorum Girls' Voices (Chapel)* Pick up 18:30


Rome and Corinth House Year 8 Social Event to Zizzi's. Pick up 20:15

Fri - 8/3/19 House Maths Challenge 4 Year 4 Speaking and Listening Assessments 09:00

Fun Friday Pre-3s Stay and Play (Nursery)




Exeat begins for pupils in Kingfishers


Exeat begins for pupils in Lower School


Exeat begins for pupils in Middle and Upper School


Year 7 return from overnight History Trip to Kent


Prep+ 'Glengarry Glen Ross' (Everyman Theatre)

Sun - 10/3/19 07:00

Departure for IAPS Skiing Championships in Passo Del Tonale, Italy


Boarders return, latest return 19:30

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


Mr O’Sullivan invites you to join in the fun at the...


SUNDAY 9 JUNE If you would like to enter the Doubles Tennis tournament, please contact Lucy Hill on Don’t worry, you don’t need to have a doubles partner - this is a friendly tournament where partners swap after each match! If you are a cricketer and wish to participate, please contact Andrew Hill on A delicious match tea will be served at 15.30. Thank you and we really hope you can come, the event will be a lot of fun!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1916 1 March 2019


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