Prep News: Summer Term Review 2016

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PREP NEWS Summer Term Review 2016

Novelist Brings Stories to Life Kingfishers meet children’s author Tracey Corderoy

Outdoor Adventures Pupils explore Normandy, Bude, Bosworth and the wilderness!

Sports Galore Future athletes took to the track in a competitive term

Farewell Leavers

Good luck to our Year 8 pupils leaving The Prep for their next academic adventure 1

Summer Term Review 2016

The Headmaster’s Reflections Dear Parent I trust you have had a relaxing and enjoyable summer with your families. It is my pleasure to bring you the review of what was an incredibly busy summer term here at The Prep.

one of them has worked, and how much they have achieved during their time at Cheltenham Prep. My staff and I are so proud and honoured to have helped shape the foundation blocks of their education, and the friendships, values and confidence nurtured at The Prep will serve them well in their next school. Finally, we are lucky to enjoy fantastic facilities, but it is the staff who truly bring these places to life. The staff in The Prep

work exceptionally hard, seeking ways to enthuse children and find the key to learning and self-esteem for every individual. I said at the beginning of the year that this is the strongest staff room with whom I have had the privilege to work with and I close with exactly the same sentiment. Best wishes

Mr Jonathan Whybrow

With so many events, concerts and school trips we have many photographs to share with you, but I would like to focus in particular on the enthusiasm and enjoyment of all pupils participating in our numerous sporting events. Whether your child won their race on Sports Day, or participated in their first ever aquathlon or triathlon, every pupil should be proud of his or her contribution to The Prep’s outstanding sporting ethos. I trust you all enjoyed Parents Day - one of my favourite events of the year, and I was delighted to be joined by former pupil, the world renowned artist Benjamin Shine, an inspiration to all who attended. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Year 8s the very best in their future paths. The myriad of awards celebrated at Parents’ Day demonstrates how hard each

Art Exhibition This year, Cheltenham Prep was delighted to host the SATIPS National Prep Schools’ Art Exhibition. Ahead of the opening events, dedicated staff at Cheltenham Prep’s Art department spent weeks in the balcony, a space which became fondly known as ‘The Gallery’, sorting, displaying and hanging artwork sent in from around 60 prep schools nationally. There were over 400 pieces, from giant, colourful, collaborative textiles and mosaics, to delightfully delicate 3-dimensional pieces. The variety was mind-boggling! At the opening event, the Exhibition welcomed more than 60 VIPs including Art teachers from Northumberland to Kent, Plymouth and London, where it was officially


Summer Term Review 2016

opened by internationally recognised artist, Sophie Ryder. Sophie spoke beautifully about the importance of Art in schools and in life generally. The VIP viewing for children exhibiting and their families threw open the doors to visitors from across the country! The whole day was an absolute joy, with thrilled children showing their proud parents their work. Around 800 people visited the exhibition over the three days, and in the following two weeks The Prep played host to creative workshops and Art lessons with Art pupils from The Downs Malvern,

Christchurch Primary, Berkhampstead, St James’ Primary, Airthrie School and Salisbury Cathedral School.

Kingfishers Summer Performances SPACE ADVENTURE Children in the Cottage and Reception gave an out-of-this-world performance, when they sang and acted their hearts out in their play Space Adventure. Aliens from the Cottage went around the world in flying saucers, the audience heard all about the planets in our solar system, met Captain T, Captain I and Captain M in the International Space Station before catching a rocket home again!

Jonah – A Fishy Tail

Jonah – A Fishy Tail was a fantastic musical performance by Kingfishers in Years 1 and 2. The show began with a happy, slightly goofy town handyman, Jonah, who fixed the same old things for the same old endearing characters in town, and tended to his beloved town clock. When tragedy struck, small-town Jonah embarked on a cross-country journey trying to outrun his guilt and recurring nightmares. Finding himself in a storm, Jonah was thrown from his ship, and from inside the belly of a giant whale, rediscovered his relationship with God. All the children played such an important part in making the production a success, from the sea creatures and glamorous Spanish dancers to the bearded pirates.

Summer SummerTerm TermReview Review2016 2016


Parents’ Day The Summer Term concluded as staff, pupils and parents gathered at Parents’ Day to celebrate the achievements of the year past. In a thought-provoking service at the College Chapel, Revd Dr Adam Dunning addressed the congregation on the value of contentment, before going on to wish the very best to the staff and pupils who leave The Prep this term. Lower School sang the anthem When I Grow Up from the musical Matilda, and the Chapel Choir gave a moving rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. After gathering at The Prep for refreshments, everyone moved into the marquee for the annual prize-giving ceremony. In his address to the audience, Mr Whybrow talked of the values of an Old Cheltonian: seeing failure as feedback for learning, looking after your health and wellbeing and being


Summer Term Review 2016

open to all opportunities (the Headmaster’s full speech can be read again at www. It was evident that many of The Prep’s pupils had embraced these values, as they took to the stage to receive their awards, to rapturous applause. The Prep was delighted to welcome internationally acclaimed artist and former Prep pupil, Benjamin Shine, to the ceremony. The artist presented the award named in his honour, the ‘Benjamin Shine award for Innovation and Creativity in Art’, to Year 8 Art Scholar, Rebecca Cook. Benjamin is famous for his unique style, utilising constructional ideas and fabrics to create truly unique pieces all over the world, and his presence was an inspiration to all at Parents’ Day. After the ceremony, parents and pupils were treated to drinks, hosted by the Houses, and a hog roast lunch in the glorious sunshine – a perfect way to end a memorable year.

Friends of The Prep Fête The unseasonable weather relented briefly for the Friends of The Prep Summer Fête! The playing field was transformed into a seaside resort for the afternoon, with colourful windbreaks, splendid bunting and comfortable deckchairs. Mrs Clarke’s amazing treats sold like hot cakes and the Year 7s showed off their football skills at Beat the Goalie. There was also a tattoo parlour thanks to Dr Aggarwal,

flower crowns and face painting, a brilliant Strawberry & Pimm’s tent, fabulous House stalls and plenty of takers to sponge the Headmaster! There were titanic struggles at Tug-of-War thanks to Mr Dawson, and lucky raffle-winners took home some cool prizes. Many thanks to all the children, parents and staff who took part: we raised over £2,000 for The Prep’s Charity of the Year, Gloucestershire Bundles, and look forward to the next Fête in 2018.

Sheep Shearing Time for a baaaa-rilliant new haircut! To mark the weather slowly getting warmer, the sheep down on the Prep Farm lost their woolly coats. Kingfishers and Lower School pupils left their classrooms to watch the methodical process, hear more about sheep’s wool and were even able to feel its interesting texture.

Summer Term Review 2016



Tracey Corderoy visits Kingfishers!

Local children’s author, Tracey Corderoy, recently brought her famous stories to life when visiting Kingfishers. The author, who appeared at the Cheltenham Literature Festival in 2015, spent an afternoon introducing her stories to the children, who listened to lively readings and answered questions about Tracey’s quirky characters. Tracey’s work includes picture books for first readers, as well as young fiction stories, including the hugely successful Hubble Bubble and Grunt Grouch series. “I’ve had a thoroughly wonderful afternoon at Cheltenham Prep,” Tracey Corderoy said whilst she signed copies of her book, Shifty McGrifty and Slippery Sam, a picture adventure about two robber-dogs. “The children have been engaged and lots of fun, and really open to all the magic of the stories – that’s what makes my job totally worthwhile!” You can find out more about Tracy’s books at

‘Meeting the author was so cool I almost fell off my chair!’ - Theo, Year 1

Sports Day Practice

Chess Champs

Boys and girls enjoyed a short glimpse of sunshine by practising for Sports Day. They found out that it’s quite tricky to jump in a sack and balance an egg on a spoon, but they soon got the hang of it!

Year 2 pupil, Monty Campbell Black, is through to the Gigafinals of the Dalancy UK Schools Chess Challenge in Manchester following his 1st place championship win at the Gloucestershire Megafinals.

The Queen’s 90th Birthday As the cavalry polished their buckles ahead of the Trooping of the Colour and St Paul’s Cathedral prepared a national service of thanksgiving, pupils in Kingfishers celebrated the Queen’s historic 90th birthday. The boys and girls had a tea party on long tables in the school grounds, just like a street party!


Summer Term Review 2016

Monty and his classmate Michael Warr, who also proudly achieved 2nd place in this prestigious competition, qualified for the local Megafinal by competing against their classmates in Cheltenham Prep’s popular Chess Club. Of 43,000 children across the UK who entered the competition, only 6,500 qualified for the regional competitions, across 12 age categories. At the Gloucestershire event, held at St Edward’s School in Cheltenham, Monty won the title of Megafinal Supremo in the U7 category. We all wish the very best of luck to Monty, who goes on to compete in the Gigafinal at Wright Robinson College, Manchester this summer.

Art It’s been a very artistic term for Kingfishers! Year 2 impressed everyone with their superb art skills, taking on the cubist style of Pablo Picasso. After researching Picasso’s portraits and trying to decipher how the faces were constructed, the children created their own artwork. The fear of actually starting was the biggest hurdle, but after some encouragement, the children began by drawing their profiles before adding in the different features and a background.

St George’s Day stunning watercolour flowers. The children were very excited when Mr Rahman began to create their very own ‘jungle’, with vines and creepers overtaking the upstairs area!

Year 1 boys and girls also practised painting techniques inspired by artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Georges Seurat, Claude Monet and Joseph Turner. They produced their very own interpretation of The Lake and are very proud of their finished masterpieces.

Boys and girls in Reception went on the hunt for a dragon, in celebration of St George’s Day! After getting dressed up as knights and princesses, the children enjoyed lessons in ‘Knight School’ where they learned how to use their handmade and painted shields to protect themselves from the fiery breath of the mighty dragon! The knights and princesses then explored the school grounds, looking for the long, red, scaly tail of the dragon... and they found it! After chasing the (poor) dragon around the playing fields a few times, everyone enjoyed a scone with jam and cream on top.

Children in 1J enjoyed weekly visits from Mr Rahman, an Art specialist, to work on jungle themed art. There were beautiful animal drawings, oil pastel leaves and symmetrical butterflies with intricate pen detail as well as

Summer Concert Kingfishers impressed staff and parents at their Summer Concert, where everyone had their moment in the spotlight, performing a solo, singing as part of a choir or performing in an ensemble. The Performing Arts Choir gave an excellent rendition of two songs, the Year 1 Crotchet group gave a highly commended performance of Blueberry Pie; followed by Year 2 recorders: 2D performed Hot Cross Buns, 2G performed Two at Twilight and 2S performed Jazzamatazz. The show culminated in a performance by the Kingfishers Street Dance Group, shortly followed by everyone joining in with This Little Light of Mine. Well done Kingfishers!

Summer Term Review 2016



Summer Concert

To show off all the musical skills they have been practising, Lower School put on a wonderful Summer Concert for parents. The concert was a mixture of ensemble, solo and choral performances. Junior Choir started off the concert with two jazzy numbers followed by a number of soloists from Year 3 who began learning their instrument in September. Training Band took to the stage for their debut performance with two songs, Frére Jacques and Buddy’s

Boogie, followed by soloists from both Year 3 and Year 4 who performed on a wide range of instruments.

Afterwards, Lower School Strings took to the stage with three items to perform, which were shortly followed by a cello trio and the very talented soloists in Year 4. Street Dance Group then wowed the audience with their dance routine. The concert ended with Junior Choir performing the Spanish song, Guantanamera and When I Grow Up from the musical, Matilda: a fun piece that many of the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning!

SS Great Britain Year 4 visited the SS Great Britain in Bristol to gain valuable insight into life on board one of the most famous ships ever built. Whilst exploring the dry dock, pupils found out about why the hull was built from iron and not wood, and the advantages of this, whilst seeing the sheer size of the boat from bottom to top. The trip ended with a very informative tour of the inside of the ship, taking in sights and sounds (and smells!) to enable the girls and boys to empathise with passengers that travelled on the SS Great Britain.

Aquathlon As part of the whole school’s huge charity Triathlon, Lower School took part in a fantastic Aquathlon. After a challenging run through the school’s playing fields, the young athletes undertook a six length swim in the Cheltenham College swimming pool. It was a great warm up for the Year 4 pupils who will compete in the full Triathlon event next year.


Summer Term Review 2016

Roman Day Roman Day in Lower School was another historical triumph!

true or false facts, worked on simple Roman numerals and found out how to work out their date of birth. Overall they gave the day a ‘thumbs up’ and no one was sentenced to death in the amphitheatre!

Artists Create Beautiful Flowers In Lower School Art, pupils have been using the natural texture of paintbrushes to create flower petals with acrylic paints. The effect was beautifully colourful!

The children were arranged into five geographical teams - Italia, Britannia, Gaul, Hispania and Germanica. After baking traditional bread rolls, the pupils used handmade and painted shields to protect themselves from hordes of marauding Iceni warriors (or teachers, as they are also known!) They also played a fascinating board game of

Year 4 Bushcraft Residential During the penultimate week of the year, Year 4 pupils and staff ventured away from civilisation to the woods of the Cornbury Estate, near Oxford, to experience life in the wild.

One important survival skill the group learnt was to camouflage themselves, which aided them in their favourite game, Predator. This required the children to make their way from one tree to another without being spotted.

The children camped in the middle of the woods and made their own shelters to sleep under, formed dances, chants, flags and a base to sleep in. The food on offer was fantastic and all children needed to be able to start a fire and cook their own food to survive the trip. For many, the highlight of the week was the pizza making and using the outdoor pizza ovens to cook them.

Swimming in the fresh water lake proved to be an early morning wake-up call and when they had recovered, the explorers managed to catch some crayfish, took part in a wilderness walk and much more throughout the trip. Year 4 had the most amazing experience at Bushcraft and are now prepared to live in the wild – almost!

Summer Term Review 2016



Year 5 College Experience

Year 5 were delighted to be treated to a Cheltenham College Experience. The children were hosted by Head of Third Form, Mr Conner, and some helpful 3rd Formers, who acted as guides for the day. Divided into two teams for the morning, half went off to Design & Technology whilst the others enjoyed language lessons in Spanish and Italian. Lunch was an experience in itself: the scale of the dining room and the variety of food and drink on offer left some pupils speechless! In

the afternoon, the pupils were split into their three form groups and began a round robin of clay pigeon shooting, leadership tasks and an assault course.

The day was rounded off with a welldeserved drink and cookie. All pupils agreed that it had been a great experience and were already looking forward to their next visit to College! Miss Lindsay Gooch, Head of Middle School also commented “The day was just one in a programme of events which offers pupils, from both The Prep and from other local schools, a taste of what the College has to offer. It’s great to be able to inform and inspire our pupils about what steps might come next. Year 5 have returned to their classrooms with a renewed enthusiasm for their learning.”

Weston-super-Mare An excited Year 6 cohort travelled to Weston-super-Mare, with the exciting expectation of sun, surf and ice creams on the beach! The reality, however, was a bit chillier than hoped for. The children started full of enthusiasm, measuring wind speed and temperature along a strip of beach, experimenting with sheltered and open spaces. They completed some map work locating local features, and drew a field sketch of what they could see from our spot on the beach. Unfortunately, the plan to explore the sea defences and tourist attractions were thwarted by hailstones!


Summer Term Review 2016

House Tennis and Rounders Middle School girls competed for their Houses in a joint tennis and rounders competition. Each House had to provide a doubles tennis pair, and then they joined up with another House to form a rounders team. When everything was totalled up at the end of the day, the results were as follows: 1st – SPARTA

2nd – PERSIA

3rd – TROY


5th – ROME

6th – ATHENS

Young Scientists’ Day

fun was had on The Prep fields, firing the rockets high into the sky!

Cheltenham Prep was delighted to host the annual Young Scientists’ Day, in partnership with Cheltenham Science Festival. This year’s theme was Space, and pupils from local schools came to experience an exciting carousel of Science and Design Technology sessions, which explored the universe.

The exciting day finished with a fascinating talk by Professor Andrea Sella, a professor from University College London and frequent contributor to BBC Science documentaries and radio programmes. The children were enthralled by his batch of amazing dry ice (and a large slice of the delicious spacethemed cake!).

In the Biology activity, pupils investigated unknown soil samples in order to identify life. They looked for signs of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins as possible indicators of living creatures. The results from the investigations mirrored those from the Viking missions that first analysed the surface of Mars in the 1970s.

Maths Magician Middle School enjoyed a performance by the Maths Magician, Andrew Jeffrey, who delivered magic tricks and illusions inspired by Maths. Through a variety of activities, he demonstrated that Maths is about finding patterns, and then using these to predict outcomes. Not only is Andrew a clever mathematician with a skill for magic, he is also really funny, and created humour throughout the whole show. One of our Year 6 pupils left the show saying "My face hurts from smiling so much!"

In Chemistry, the pupils investigated the use of hydrogen. Balloons with hydrogen went off with a bang and they conducted an experiment to see if they could get that ‘squeaky pop’ to show that hydrogen was present. An explosive and memorable session! The Design Technology activity allowed the pupils to build and design their own rocket, culminating in the opportunity to fire their rockets using compressed air. The challenge focused on distance and direction travelled, while trying to hit an ‘alien’ target. Much

History Trips Year 6’s History lessons took them to Coughton Court, a Tudor house that played a part in the Gunpowder Plot during the reign of the first Stuart King, James I, and Bosworth Battlefield. There pupils had a fascinating morning looking round the House and learning about the famous Catholic Throckmorton family, hearing how the Catholics found practising their faith difficult after Henry VIII started the ‘Reformation’, and exploring the two different churches that were situated in the grounds.

They also discovered several ‘priest holes’ and heard all about the Gunpowder Plot and how more than half of the plotters were linked to the Throckmortons. They then travelled on to Bosworth Battlefield to look around the award-winning exhibition and enjoy a tour of the Battlefield, the famous site on which the Wars of the Roses ended, where Richard III was killed and the Tudor Period began. Year 5 also enjoyed exploring History, during their trip to the Imperial War Museum. Everyone on the trip was thrilled to see so many exciting artefacts from WWII, to touch objects such as Little Boy, an atomic bomb

(decommissioned, of course!), and walk beneath a Spitfire plane. The Secret War exhibitions were fascinating, with pupils decoding messages on a reproduction of the Enigma machine. They also saw spy equipment that the resistance used, such as pens that detected bugs and pipes that could be turned into guns. Year 5 had an amazing time at The Imperial War Museum. The group all left with much more than enriched knowledge - they all also learnt how devastating war was, and how heart-breaking it was to lose loved ones in WWI and WWII.

Summer Term Review 2016


Trip to Bude


Throughout the exam period, Year 8 pupils looked forward to their week in Bude – a perfect trip away to shake off any anxiety about Common Entrance results and simply enjoy the great outdoors! With a whole week of activities to enjoy, there were plenty of opportunities for team building

and making memories with friends, as well as getting very cold and wet! The beach at Bude was the scene of muddy, sandy exploring, whilst brave swimmers got completely submerged under the chilly waves of the British waters. There were plenty of shrieks and shouts to be heard over the sound of the surf. It was great to see pupils encouraging one another and conquering their fears on the assault course and the high ropes. From high

up, it’s easy to freeze with fear, but Year 8 amazed staff with their adventurous natures and sheer bravery. Some even managed to abseil whilst blindfolded: an impressive feat. After canoeing, testing their mountain biking skills, as well as a lot of socialising and exploring the coast, Year 8 returned home exhausted but happy, just in time to enjoy their Leavers’ Dinner. A well-deserved treat after an exciting week!

Translating Story-Time Over the course of six weeks, Year 8 Scholars were tasked with translating a well-known children’s book into French or Spanish. During a nostalgic trip to the Kingfishers Library, the pupils first selected a book (from popular titles like Old MacDonald, two childhood favourites Dear Zoo and Sleep Tight Little Bear), then carefully translated it into their chosen language and illustrated their own versions. The Scholars threw themselves into the challenge, realising along the way that translation isn’t as easy as it seems! They even read their books to the Kingfishers boys and girls, who loved hearing some of their favourite stories in a different language, getting involved in the story time with finger puppets, and playing a Simon Says game.


Summer Term Review 2016

Salters’ Festival of Chemistry

Arts Alive

The Science Department took a team of four pupils from Year 8 to The Salters’ Chemistry Festival held at Birmingham University.

Year 8 enjoyed various arts workshops during their Arts Alive day, as part of the post-Common Entrance programme. Culminating in an evening performance open to friends and parents, the day consisted of a samba percussion workshop, a session on drama sketches of some well known Roald Dahl poems, and street dance training with Tanya Tominey, the Dance tutor from College.

The team, made up of Charlie Anton-Smith, Louis Dessalles, Holly Ellis and Grace White, was set a Salters’ forensic challenge as well as a university challenge. The teams watched an amazing demonstration of ‘Chemical Magic’ where they saw liquid nitrogen at its scariest, exploding water, colour changing liquids and fluorescent chemicals. It was a great day and the pupils did the school proud by coming second in the challenges.

24 Hours The Year 7s joined 114 pupils from many other prep schools for the annual 24 Hours at College, an exciting and enriching opportunity to experience College facilities and boarding. The pupils arrived at their prospective Houses on Sunday afternoon and spent several hours getting a taste of boarding life - an important aspect of College life. After tea there was still time for Chapel and listening to Jig performing in the Sixth Form Social. Monday was an action packed day with activities such as shooting, survival, chemical t-shirts, DNA necklaces, swimming, rackets and singing amongst many others. The feedback was fantastic, with pupils enthusiastically saying it was a very positive introduction to College life.

Summer Term Review 2016


Year 7 Voyage en France The Modern Foreign Languages department had the pleasure of taking Year 7 to Château de la Baudonnière, in Normandy. It was a fantastic trip from the off, with a warm greeting by the staff and a chocolat chaud on arrival at the Château. Waking up to rain on the second day didn’t dampen any spirits, as everyone set off to the market in Villedieu. The pupils bought souvenirs of baseball caps, jewellery and saucisson sec (salami), allowing them to practise asking questions and negotiating prices in French. The sun came out in time for a picnic lunch in the meadows overlooking Mont St Michel, but the heavens opened just before the group’s ascent to the top of it. For the remainder of the trip, the weather was kinder, allowing everyone to enjoy many


Summer Term Review 2016

different activities at the Château. There was raft-building, bread-making, a (very muddy) assault course, aeroball and photography, as well as a mini-farm where pupils could feed the animals. All of the activities were carried out totally in French and it was so encouraging to see the Year 7s listening, understanding and speaking back in the language. On Wednesday evening, after writing their French journals, the group dressed up in French costumes for la soirée française, where they tried a French specialty of the region... snails! Everyone was sad to say au revoir on Friday, in particular to all of the excellent native animateurs (activity leaders) who work at the Château. The Department is looking forward to returning next year!


Skiers’ Slalom

In April, the Year 8 girls took to the water for a rowing taster session run by Cheltenham College, which took place at Gloucester Rowing Club. They enjoyed the experience and some have already decided to take this up when they go to College!

Oscar Mann, Ted Mann, Harry Richardson and Joey Richardson represented Cheltenham Prep as a team at the South West Schools Championship 2016 at Gloucester Ski Centre. They completed three timed slalom runs each, with their best two individual times counting. They had great success, gaining second place overall against over 100 racers from all age categories, and each gaining podium places for their individual times.

IAPS Swimming Jude Richardson and Anya James both qualified for the 2016 IAPS Swimming Championships, out of 4,200 swimmers from 400 schools nationally. Anya performed well in her Under 12s 50m Front Crawl heat, against stiff competition, but unfortunately did not progress to the final. Jude finished 10th of 16 in the Under 10s 25m Backstroke.

Guernsey Return Aquathlon Malvern College was the spectacular venue for the invitational Aquathlon attended by our team of four girls and four boys in an U11 and an U13 age group, all of whom had to swim 100m in the pool followed immediately by an 800m run. The Cheltenham Prep competitors all did the school proud in their endeavour, and although they did not have any individual placings, they were very excited to find out that the team came third overall.

Pupils from Elizabeth College Junior School, Guernsey, continued a 30 year tradition with The Prep on their return tour: their teams played on our home turf and were hosted by Prep families. The boys played cricket and the girls did athletics, tennis and swimming. It was an experience enjoyed by all!

Olympic Torch

Charity Tennis 48 Cheltenham Prep staff, parents and pupils celebrated the hottest day of the year by taking part in a charity tennis tournament and raised over £200 for Gloucestershire Bundles. The final, between pupils Ed Carter and David Noble, both playing with their fathers, was a nail-biting match, which saw the Noble family taking the title!

hotly contested event, with many races lost and won in the transition area - some being much faster than others at squeezing wet feet into trainers in a hurry! A team of staff also took part, swimming, running and cycling alongside the pupils from Middle and Upper School, demonstrating their endurance and determination in the face of competitive younger athletes.

Triathlon More than 250 staff and pupils at The Prep ran, swam and cycled to raise money for Gloucestershire Bundles, in an Aquathlon and Triathlon event at the school.

A selection of children from Years 3 to 6 entered the Olympic Torch Invitational Athletics Event, hosted by St Edward’s School, competing in a selection of track events for long and short distances. The Prep finished in third place, 2 points behind second place and not many more behind first. This was an excellent achievement! However, an equally positive achievement was the effort, support, determination and fantastic team spirit shown by the whole team.

Pupils in Years 3 and 4 took the Aquathlon challenge: a short run through the school’s grounds, followed by a six length swim in the pool. Older pupils competed in the gruelling Triathlon, swimming six lengths of the pool and cycling three laps of the playing fields before running to the finish line. It was a Summer Term Review 2016


SPORTS DAY Anticipation, preliminary events and, most importantly, sunshine preceded our Sports Days. All of the preliminary finals ran without a hitch and staff were extremely impressed at the commitment and determination on display, as well as the excellent enthusiasm and sportsmanship from the Kingfishers. Particularly impressive were the 1500m races, in which pupils turned up in their hordes to compete and gain valuable House points. In true British style, when Sports Day finally arrived, so did the rain! However the bright spirits of pupils and staff were not to be dampened: the competition heightened as each set of results came in. With the morning’s heats and all of the field events out of the way, everyone flocked to the track to see The Prep’s elite athletes in action in the track finals. This was the first year that


Summer Term Review 2016

Lower School had been integrated with the rest of the school; a successful change to proceedings. Lower School pupils were in awe of the older runners - what fantastic inspiration! A huge well done to all of the pupils who participated in Sports Day and Kingfishers Sports Day - from those who entered only a couple of events in order to score some House points, through to the athletes who fought for the trophies - you all did yourselves and your Houses proud!

Individual Championships YEAR 8 GIRLS – VICTRIX LUDORUM 1st – Freya Coull 2nd – Isabella England and Anabelle Wells YEAR 7 GIRLS’ CHAMPION 1st – Anya James 2nd – Laura Bingham 3rd – Jemimah Kayode YEAR 6 GIRLS’ CHAMPION 1st – Eva de Quincey Adams 2nd – Clova Logan 3rd – Claudie MacInnes YEAR 5 GIRLS’ CHAMPION 1st – Izzy Anton-Smith 2nd – Martha Llewellen Palmer and Evie Poulain YEAR 8 BOYS – VICTOR LUDORUM 1st – Deji Adetona 2nd – Charlie Anton-Smith, Louis Dessalles and Rory Southall YEAR 7 BOYS’ CHAMPION 1st – Finlay Hurst and Oliver Elliott 3rd – Eddie Buttress YEAR 6 BOYS’ CHAMPION 1st – Joseph Tagg 2nd – Rui Palmer 3rd – Ben Cunningham YEAR 5 BOYS’ CHAMPION 1st – Thomas Hill 2nd – Jude Richardson 3rd – Fred Barter

New Records EVENT





Lois Jeveons

LS Girls



Tom de Quincey Adams

LS Boys



Izzy Anton-Smith

Y5 Girls



Freya Coull

US Girls



Emily Morton

Y5 Girls



Jude Richardson

Y5 Boys



Joseph Tagg

Y6 Boys


Shot Putt

Autumn Conner

Y5 Girls


Shot Putt

Oliver Smith

Y5 Boys


Shot Putt

Beatriz Berrow

LS Girls


Long Jump

Izzy Anton-Smith

Y5 Girls



Duniya Banda

US Girls



Sienna Baggioli

LS Girls



Izzy Anton-Smith

Y5 Girls



Martha Llewellen Palmer

Y5 Girls



Rui Palmer

Y6 Boys



Anya James

US Girls



Matilda Barter

LS Girls



Magnus Hall

LS Boys



Thomas Hill

Y5 Boys



Izzy Anton-Smith

Y5 Girls



Eva de Quincey Adams

Y6 Girls



Freya Coull

US Girls



Tom de Quincey Adams

LS Boys


Summer Term Review 2016


The Final Chapter

A message from Mrs Reid, Head of Upper School


“I am sure you’ve enjoyed hearing about Year 8’s adventures, experiences and general good times in the last three weeks of term during their post-Common Entrance programme. We send them on their way ready to embrace the next step, and will look forward to hearing about their progress, successes and adventures in the future.”

Alfie Watkins

Anabelle Wells

Andre Zamora

Anna Forde

Annaliese Goff

Arabella Finch

Billy Mayes

Caitlin Brister

Charles Hellens

Charlie Anton-Smith

Deji Adetona

Dekhan Dodo

Denis Solovyev

Emer Hughes

Emerson Kauffman

Felix Tacey

Fionnuala Dowling-Membrado

Francesca Pinchard

Freya Coull

Genny Richardson

George Gardener

George Hardy

Grace White

Hermione Lloyd-Horton

Holly Ellis

Imogen Creed

Imogen Cutts

Isabella England

Isabella Reid

Jessica Hale

Joe Murphy

Jude Bridge

Katelyn Morton

Louis Dessalles

Magdalina Afanaseva

Max Pinkham

Monty Graveney

Oliver Schallamach

Pablo Benedit

Peter Marstrand

Phina Wilson

Piers Brown

Poppy Treasure

Rebecca Cook

Rory Southall

Seb Burden

Sivert Pedersen

Thomas Buxton

Tunku Omaan Khyra

Victoria Larsen

Vladimir Koveshnikov

William Bradley

Zeashan Choudhary

Summer Term Review 2016

We know there are no better ambassadors for the fantastic offerings here at The Prep than our parent community, so please spread the word and tell your friends and neighbours about our Autumn Term opportunities to visit The Prep: Open Morning – Saturday 1 October 10.30am Meet pupils and tour our beautiful grounds and facilities.

Fun Fridays! – 9 September, 8 October, 11 November, 2 December, all at 9am

Stay and play – join us for tea and cake with your pre‑schooler at Kingfishers Nursery at Cheltenham Prep.

Baby to Big School – Saturday 15 October 10am

Listen to experts in nutrition, sport, toddler music and scientific play for advice on those all important pre-school years – at Kingfishers Pre-Prep.

Kingfishers Experience – Thursday 10 November at 9.30am Join us for an open morning and tour of Kingfishers Nursery and Pre-Prep.

To register for any of these events, please email

01242 265639 Summer Term Review 2016


Invites you to a performance of

Invites you to

We endeavour to organise events that appeal to all sections of our audience and hope to welcome you at one of our events in the future! We have a social page on Facebook (facebook/cheltonianassociation) to receive our posts, please like the page. We also have a networking group on LinkedIn (Cheltonian Association & Society group), please do join us and if you are able to offer career advice or work experience we would be very grateful if you could get in touch.


Wednesday 29th June 2016


Friday 11th March 2016

Henley Cricket Club, 3DB Matson Drive, Henley on Thames, RG9

Big Classical, Cheltenham College


To Book

See reverse for details.

Invites you to join our Private Marquee at CHELTENHAM AT THE RACES ST PATRICK’S THURSDAY

17h March 2016


Card Payments: 01242 265694 Cheques Payable to: Cheltenham College Post to: Rebecca Creed Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7LD

Price - £10pp for Refreshments 6.45pm - Welcome Drink in Upper College Common Room 7.30pm - Curtain Up c 8.45pm Interval Drinks in Upper College Common Room 10.30pm - Curtain Down

The Pink & Black Anniversary Ball Celebrating 175 years of College,in support The Cheltenham College Charitable




Friday 1st July 2016 Catering - byWesley House,Winchcombe Magnum of Champagne, Canapés and

Personal Waiter for each table

Tickets - £110 before 31st March,

£120 from 1st April, £80 for under 30s

Cheltenham Racecourse

Kindly Sponsored By

Invites you to

DRINKS OVER THE THAMES Please see reverse for ticket information.

The Cheltonian Association and Society has an ever-growing network of over 8,000 members across 80 countries. All those with an association to College are automatically members and so includes Prep Parents, Staff and pupils.


Please see reverse for further details

Celebrating 175 years of Cheltenham College

The Walkway, Tower Bridge, Tower Bridge Road, SE1 2UP

Thursday 16th June 2016 To Book Card Payments: 01242 265694 Cheques Payable to: Cheltenham College Post to: Rebecca Creed Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL53 7LD

7.00pm - 10.00pm

Price £45pp Includes: Welcome Drink Canapés Bowl Food Cash Bar

Cheltonian Association & Society, Cheltenham College, Bath Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7LD Contact Details:Tel: 01242 265694 • Email: • Contact: Christiane Dickens, Development Director • Rebecca Creed, Association Manager • Malcolm Sloan, OC Administrator

Dates of Autumn Term 2016 Half term: Friday 21 October – Sunday 6 November

End of term: Friday 16 December Cheltenham College Preparatory School, Thirlestaine Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7AB @cheltprep 20

Summer Term Review 2016


I would like to thank all members of the Common Room and The Prep pupils who contributed to this publication, in particular Andy Banks and Rob Hall for much of the photography.

Lesley Southgate, Editor T: 01242 522697 E:

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