2 minute read
The FameLab Masterclass
Science Communication training is a significant part of FameLab. Opportunities for training should be built in throughout from initial application to the national finals. Countries have autonomy over the plan for this until the national masterclass, at which point the following guidelines should be applied.
For a suggested training plan please Appendix 5: FameLab International Australia Training Plan
National Masterclass
An intensive two-day training must be held for the country finalists. This two-day training gives the finalists a chance to bond and network together, and helps create an atmosphere of trust that makes it easier to take risks. Breaking through personal boundaries is a vital part of becoming a more confident presenter. This shared experience encourages the finalists to form a network of mutual support, and encourages future collaborations. The FameLab International Masterclass Handbook is available in the FameLab International Dropbox which gives the background to the Masterclass and a possible timetable for the two days. This should be shared with any non FameLab UK masterclass trainers.
A FameLab Masterclass trainers directory can be found on FameLab International Dropbox
The National Masterclass will be a mixture of talks, exercises and activities (both group and individual) on communicating through different forms and media.
Included in the two-day training will be sessions on preparing and delivering a live talk, interviewing and being interviewed, having “stage presence” and experience on camera. Alongside this, frank advice about the reality of media work helps develop a realistic perspective among the finalists.
Although FameLab is not primarily about finding future TV and radio presenters, most participants see media work as one appealing possible outlet. Providing them with a short showreel of themselves presenting to camera and being interviewed on radio is one very useful way FameLab can help them pursue future opportunities.
In the past, FameLab UK commissioned a production team to attend the Masterclass, including two camera crews and radio expertise to help give each finalist experience in production. Showreels for the finalists are edited together from their live performances and recorded segments from the Masterclass including their ‘Walk and Talk’ to camera, radio interview and interview piece to camera. This gives the finalists a tangible asset from their training with FameLab.
Make it clear on the website and on any information given to the participants that if they become one of the finalists they are required to attend the Masterclass in its entirety in order to be allowed a place in the National Final. Therefore, the dates of the Masterclass have to be determined early enough to allow for contestant planning.
Masterclass Venue
The Masterclass is an active two days of training, therefore the appropriate space is required for the contestants to get maximum benefit. A venue needs to have at least two rooms and at least one of these should be large enough for the number of contestants, two trainers and FameLab staff to move around in. There should be no fixed seating in this venue as it is too restrictive for the activities. The typical timings of the day run from about 9am till 5pm on the first day, possibly shorter on the second day, and may be over a weekend, therefore the venue must have access at these times. Access to an auditorium would be beneficial but not essential.
It is not necessary to have the contestants stay at the venue but for FameLab UK we have found that the whole experience is enhanced by holding a residential weekend for the finalists with the whole Masterclass taking place at a hotel using their accommodation and conference centre.