Cheltenham Science Festival for Schools 2023: Primary Schools Pack

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6–11 June 2023

A warm welcome to Science for Schools 2023

Cheltenham Science Festival 2023 is set to be one of the best yet, with an amazing range of events and some new and improved activities for you to explore.

Explore our incredible universe with astronaut Tim Peake, get sporty with Forest Green Rovers and uncover the mysteries of sound with Science Made Simple. Enjoy spectacular shows, get hands-on in our class-sized workshops and step into our Interactive Zones including the exciting and newly designed Discover Zone, plus The Arcade and MakerShack. Trust us, this is an adventure you don’t want to miss.

Whether you are bringing a few pupils or a whole year group, there is something for everyone. Take the stress out of organising your visit by booking one of day packages. We can’t wait to welcome you in June.

Matthew Allen Schools and Family Programme Manager

Support us today and help create a world in which everyone can explore and create culture. Donate online at

How To Book Tickets

Go to scienceforschools and complete the booking form.

Booking opens at 8am on Tuesday 7 February 2023. For more information see our FAQs page.

Look out for our lightning badge to find out what curriculum topics your chosen events will cover or head to to find out more.

Science for Schools 2023 Programme Partner

Supported by
3 Planner 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm TUESDAY 6 JUNE Town Hall, Main Stage S013 Tim Peake: Our Incredible Universe Helix Theatre S052 Adventures in Cyberland S053 Adventures in Cyberland S054 Adventures in Cyberland S055 Adventures in Cyberland Parabola Arts Centre S008 Brilliant Blood Apollo S040 Healthy You, Healthy Planet S041 Healthy You, Healthy Planet S042 Healthy You, Healthy Planet S043 Healthy You, Healthy Planet Discover Zone DZ01 DZ02 DZ03 DZ04 DZ05 GE Pavilion GE01 GE02 GE03 GE04 GE05 MakerShack MS01 MS02 MS03 MS04 MS05 The Arcade AR01 AR02 AR03 AR04 AR05 WEDNESDAY 7 JUNE Town Hall, Pillar Room S050 Smash Your Goals S051 Smash Your Goals Helix Theatre S007 Spectacular Science S049 STEM Theatre Discover Zone DZ06 DZ07 DZ08 DZ09 DZ10 GE Pavilion GE06 GE07 GE08 GE09 GE10 MakerShack MS06 Mini Makers MS08 Mini Makers MS10 The Arcade AR06 AR07 AR08 AR09 AR10 THURSDAY
JUNE Town Hall, Main Stage S014 People, Pets and Other Animals S076 The Wonderful World of Plants and Animals Town Hall, Pillar Room S003 Amazing Air S001 Amazing Air S002 Amazing Air Helix Theatre S004 Music To Your Ears S005 Music To Your Ears Parabola Arts Centre S075 Sea Life Superheroes S036 Smash Your Goals Queens S015 Out of This World Art S016 Out of This World Art S017 Out of This World Art S018 Out of This World Art Apollo S019 STEM Theatre S020 STEM Theatre S021 STEM Theatre S022 STEM Theatre Discover Zone DZ11 DZ12 DZ13 DZ14 DZ15 GE Pavilion GE11 GE12 GE13 GE14 GE15 MakerShack MS11 Mini Makers MS13 Mini Makers MS15 The Arcade AR11 AR12 AR13 AR14 AR15 FRIDAY 9 JUNE Town Hall, Main Stage S006 Music To Your Ears S038 Fartology Town Hall, Pillar Room S057 Mystery Code Breakers S058 Mystery Code Breakers S059 Mystery Code Breakers S060 Mystery Code Breakers Queens S009 Supersonic Sounds S010 Supersonic Sounds S011 Supersonic Sounds S012 Supersonic Sounds Apollo S030 Building a Resilient Brain S031 Building a Resilient Brain S032 Building a Resilient Brain S033 Building a Resilient Brain Discover Zone DZ17 DZ19 DZ20 GE Pavilion GE16 GE17 GE18 GE19 GE20 MakerShack MS16 MS17 MS18 MS19 MS20 The Arcade AR16 AR17 AR18 AR19 AR20 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm KS1 Show KS1 Show (Package) KS2 Show KS2 Workshop SEND Show Free bookable activities

‘A really great opportunity to meet inspiring people involved in science. It is fantastic for children to talk directly to scientists who love what they are doing.’ Teacher

For each paid event you can book a session in one of our dedicated Interactive Zones. Please note: these are only available in conjunction with a paid event and are subject to availability.


One-hour slots available every day between, 10am–3pm. Get ready, get set, make! Bring your imagination and invent your own creations in the MakerShack. Code a robot, try out the latest technology, discover some curious squidgy stuff, and celebrate all things materials and making. Hone your crafting skills with expert makers, crafters, scientists and engineers.

The Arcade

One-hour slots available every day, between 10am–3pm. Welcome to The Arcade! Get your tokens ready to make, break and create. Test out your skills on our fun, creative and two-player challenges. Come along to The Arcade to play games of the past, present, and future. Plus, hang-out with our cyber crackerjacks and learn how you can be a change maker in cyber.

GE Pavilion

For groups of up to 35 pupils. One-hour slots available every day. Years 3-6. From aeroplanes and wind turbines to MRI machines –how is technology changing the world? Join GE experts for an exciting journey through engineering and science with interactive exhibits, activities and challenges. Complete every activity and help inspire the future of sustainability.

4 Free Bookable Activities

Discover Zone

One-hour slots available every day, between 10am–3pm. Immerse yourself in a world of fun and interactive science in the newly redesigned Discover Zone. Journey through and get hands on with science, quiz scientists on their cutting-edge research and discover the wonders of nature and sustainability in our new Compost Corner. Who knows what you might discover...

Free Drop-in Activities

Hartpury Science Hub

Drop into Hartpury Science Hub to find out more about the science of sport, exercise, equine performance, animal welfare and agriculture. Take part in exciting experiments and other intriguing activities as you explore pioneering research with the Hartpury team.

The Woodland Trust

Join the Nature Detectives for some tree-mendous fun and learn more about how the woods and trees around us benefit the environment.


Head to Waterstones’ special pop-up bookshop. Meet your favourite authors and get your books signed, browse the bookshelves for captivating stories and discover a wonderful range of books. From futuristic robots to dinosaurs, microbes to volcanoes, there is something for everyone.

Science Trail

Follow the Science Trail around Imperial Gardens to discover more about the world of STEM while exploring the Festival Village. What other spectacular science will you uncover along the way?

5 Free Bookable Activities




Spectacular Science

Helix Theatre

£7 per pupil

What is this thing we call science?

Hassun El-Zafar will show us how science affects our lives with breathtaking demos and spectacular science facts. You’ll have the chance to get involved in exciting experiments, ignite your curiosity and explore what it means to be a scientist.

KS1: Everyday Materials, Living Things, Understanding the World, Language and Communication

YEARS 1–2 S049 1–2pm

STEM Theatre: Engineering is Everywhere

Helix Theatre

£7 per pupil

Explore the art of engineering through storytelling, musical theatre and practical science experiments. After watching a live performance based on stories from real-life engineers, you’ll also have the chance to create your own story with the help of STEM Theatre in a Box

KS1: Understanding the World, Everyday Materials, Language and Communication.



Smash Your Goals

Town Hall, Pillar Room Only available as part of a Mini Package.

Smash your goals with Mark Langtry, aka Mark the Science Guy, in a highly interactive, energetic and hilarious investigation into the science behind football. Discover some simple tips to improve your performance on and off the pitch with exciting demos, challenges and experiments.

KS1: Animals, States of Matter, Forces, Electricity, Measurement, Physical Health and Wellbeing.

Mini Makers

Squish, squash and squeeze different materials to learn more about them. Enjoy our dedicated KS1 Mini Makers slots in the MakerShack to explore and experiment with all sorts of exciting stuff.

S050 – Package 1 10–11am Smash Your Goals 11am–12pm Mini Makers S051 – Package 2 12–1pm Smash Your Goals 1–2pm Mini Makers
Mini Packages £7 per pupil. YEARS 1–2 A KS1 Mini Package includes a fabulous show and the opportunity to get creative with hands-on activities in our Mini Makers’ space. All activities are suitable for 5–7 year olds.



Amazing Air

Town Hall, Pillar Room

£7 per pupil


How do we know that air is all around us? Join Sarah Bearchell for an interactive, multi-sensory exploration of air, where you are the scientist. You’ll be observing and experimenting together with Sarah to prove that air is there.

KS1: Working Scientifically, Everyday Materials, Forces and Sound, Geometry, Comprehension, Vocabulary.

KS1 Mini Packages

£7 per pupil. YEARS 1–2

A KS1 Mini Package includes a fabulous show and the opportunity to get creative with hands-on activities in our Mini Makers’ space. All activities are suitable for 5–7 year olds.

S004 – Package 1

10–11am Music To Your Ears

11am–12pm Mini Makers

S005 – Package 2

12–1pm Music To Your Ears

1–2pm Mini Makers

Mini Makers

Squish, squash and squeeze different materials to learn more about them. Enjoy our dedicated KS1 Mini Makers slots in the MakerShack to explore and experiment with all sorts of exciting stuff.

Music To Your Ears

Helix Theatre

Only available as part of a Mini Package.

Can you play music with a blowtorch?

How about playing an instrument hands-free?

Science Made Simple’s Ruth Perkins will uncover the mysteries of what sound is and how you turn it into music. Discover all sorts of unusual ways to make sound and music in this marvellous musical medley.

KS1: Sounds and Forces, Everyday Materials, Language and Communication, Problem Solving.




Brilliant Blood

Parabola Arts Centre £7 per pupil


What moves at 2mph, comes in eight different varieties and is red all over? Join James Piercy on an interactive journey inside our blood vessels to find out what blood is made of and where it comes from. Trust us, it’s a bleeding good show.

KS2: Living Things and Habitats, Circulatory System, Language and Communication.

YEARS 3–6 S013


Tim Peake: Our Incredible Universe

Town Hall, Main Stage £7 per pupil

This is a book and ticket event. One copy of The Cosmic Diary of Our Incredible Universe will be added per class booking (up to 35 pupils). A copy of the book is £12.99. Please note, school ticket numbers may be restricted for this event depending on demand.

Tim Peake – the first British astronaut to conduct a spacewalk at the International Space Station – will be joining us this year for an extra-special event about his first non-fiction book for children, The Cosmic Diary of Our Incredible Universe. You’ll discover everything from how stars are made, to which fruit can create antimatter. Chaired by CBeebies presenter Maddie Moate.

KS2: Earth and Space, Forces, States of Matter



S052 10–11am

S053 11.15am–12.15pm

S054 12.45–1.45pm

S055 2–3pm

Workshop: Adventures in Cyberland

Helix Theatre £8 per pupil

For groups of 30–35 pupils.

Dive into the world of cyber technology with the Lockheed Martin team. Discover how science, technology, engineering, arts and maths play their part in computer science. Solve fun challenges, decode hidden messages and computer signals, learn to write basic software and gather information through logical reasoning.

KS2: Coding, Computing, Spoken English, Electricity, Geometry (position and direction), Online Safety.


S040 10–11am

S041 11.15am–12.15pm

S042 12.45–1.45pm

S043 2–3pm

Workshop: Healthy You, Healthy Planet Apollo £8 per pupil

For groups of 30–35 pupils.

How green is football? Forest Green Rovers, the most sustainable football club in the world, present top tips to help you have a healthy body, mind and planet. With the help of the Ministry of Eco Education, there will be games, activities and even food tasting. There’s something for everyone, no matter if you’re a football fan or not.

KS2: Healthy Eating, Physical Health, Animals including Humans, Living Things and Habitats, Number and Place Value.

10 KS2 Events TUESDAY 6 JUNE

YEARS 3–6 S014 11am–12pm

People, Pets and Other Animals

Town Hall, Main Stage £7 per pupil

What makes our bond with pets and animals so special? Embark on a paw-some adventure with vet, author and presenter Jess French to discover how to understand animals and care for them.

KS2: Living Things and Habitats, Animals Including Humans

YEARS 3–6 S076 1–2pm

The Wonderful World of Plants and Animals

Town Hall, Main Stage £7 per pupil

From birds that plant forests to lizards that swim through desserts, vet and TV presenter Jess French has discovered all sorts of wonderfully weird animals across the globe. Join Jess as she reveals our planet’s extraordinary wildlife and how we can protect it.

KS2: Living Things and Habitats




Sea Life Superheroes

Parabola Arts Centre £7 per pupil


From the deep sea to the rocky coast, discover the superpowers of ocean sea creatures and help stop the threat of the ocean’s newest supervillain. Learn about ocean habitats and amazing animal adaptations with Elizabeth Mills in this interactive science show. What type of sea life superhero will you become?

KS2: Living Things and Habitats, Animals, Evolution, Sound.

This event will be interpreted in British Sign Language (BSL).

YEARS 3–6 S036 12–1pm

Smash Your Goals

Parabola Arts Centre £7 per pupil

Smash your goals with Mark Langtry, aka Mark the Science Guy in a highly interactive, energetic and hilarious investigation into the science behind football. Discover some simple tips to improve your performance on and off the pitch with exciting demos, challenges and experiments.

KS2: Animals, States of Matter, Forces, Electricity, Measurement, Physical Health and Wellbeing.



S015 10–11am

S016 11.15am–12.15pm

S017 12.45–1.45pm

S018 2–3pm

Workshop: Out of This World Art

Queens Hotel, Regency Suite £8 per pupil

For groups of 30–35 pupils.

Art and science collide in this expressive workshop from SunSpaceArt. Explore the solar system and space with Helen Mason and Emma Wride before using your newfound knowledge to create incredible 3D art pieces that are out of this world.

KS2: Earth and Space, Light, Art and Design Techniques and Materials


S019 10–11am

S020 11.15am–12.15pm

S021 12.45–1.45pm

S022 2–3pm

Workshop: STEM Theatre: Engineering is Everywhere

Apollo £8 per pupil

For groups of 30–35 pupils.

Explore the art of engineering through storytelling, musical theatre and practical science experiments. After watching a live performance based on stories from real-life engineers, you’ll also have the chance to create your own story with the help of STEM Theatre in a Box

KS2: States of Matter, Materials, Light, Sound, Forces and Magnets, Electricity





Town Hall, Main Stage £7 per pupil


BBC Gastronaut Stefan Gates takes you on an unforgettable, explosive scientific journey into the bizarre chemistry, biology and physics behind our farts. Explore biochemistry in this hilarious adventure using massive bottoms, vortex cannons, whoopee cushions, explosions and the world’s loudest fart machine.

KS2: Animals including Humans, States of Matter, Materials, Sound (Pitch and Vibration)

YEARS 3–6 S006 10–11am

Music To Your Ears

Town Hall, Main Stage £7 per pupil

Can you play music with a blowtorch? How about playing an instrument hands-free? Science Made Simple’s Ruth Perkins will uncover the mysteries of what sound is and how you turn it into music. Discover all sorts of unusual ways to make sound and music in this marvellous musical medley.

KS2: Sounds, Everyday Materials, Forces, Language and Communication, Problem Solving

14 KS2 Events FRIDAY 9 JUNE


S030 10–11am S031 11.15am–12.15pm S032 12.45–1.45pm S033 2–3pm


S009 10–11am S010 11.15am–12.15pm S011 12.45–1.45pm S012 2–3pm

Workshop: Supersonic Sounds

Queens Hotel, Regency Suite £8 per pupil

For groups of 30–35 pupils.

What does a backwards clap sound like? How do you change a rustling crisp packet into a raging forest fire? Create remarkable music from the world around you with pyka and experiment with different melodies, beats and soundscapes in a visually enticing experience.

KS2: Sounds, Pitch and Vibration, Earth and Space, Language and Communication.


Building a Resilient Brain

Apollo £8 per pupil

For groups of 30–35 pupils.

How can spaghetti help you understand mental health better? Explore your amazing brain with mental health self-care techniques from Braintastic! Science Learn all about the science of mental health and resilience, in this creative hands-on workshop.

KS2: Mental Wellbeing, Healthy Living, Emotions and Feelings.

15 KS2 Events FRIDAY 9 JUNE
3–6 S057 10–11am S058 11.15am–12.15pm S059 12.45–1.45pm S060 2–3pm Workshop: Mystery Code Breakers Town Hall, Pillar Room £8 per pupil For groups of 30–35 pupils. Want to solve a mystery and become an awesome engineer? Team up with L3Harris to uncover hidden clues, decode secret messages and use your new cyber skills to crack open their safe. Can you crack the code before time runs out? KS2: Materials, Sound: Pitch and Vibration, Electricity, Analysing Data, Algebra KS2 Events FRIDAY 9 JUNE

Town Hall, Pillar Room £4 per pupil

For groups of up to 30 pupils. This is a relaxed event for SEND schools. We will work with teachers to tailor the session to suit their particular group of children.

How do we know that air is all around us? Join Sarah Bearchell for an interactive, multi-sensory exploration of air, where you are the scientist. You’ll be observing and experimenting together with Sarah to prove that air is there.

Curriculum: Working Scientifically, Everyday Materials, Forces and Sound.

‘[The students] loved it. They found it really interesting and loved being able to be active in the show and join in.’

17 SEND Schools Event THURSDAY 8 JUNE
SEND Schools S001 12.30–1pm S002 1.30–2pm Amazing Air

How do I book tickets?

Go to and complete the booking form. Booking opens at 8am on Tuesday 7 February 2023

What happens next?

1. We will review your booking form and will be in touch to discuss alternative options if any of your choices are unavailable.

2. You will receive a formal booking confirmation via email.

3. Please notify us of changes to your numbers as a result of fluctuations in class size by Wednesday 26 April and we will do our best to accommodate these changes.

4. Your school finance office will receive an invoice by Friday 5 May. It is important that this is paid before you attend the Festival.

5. You will receive a ticket document, a site map and an information document with important details about your visit. Please ensure that every accompanying adult has a copy of these documents when attending.

Is there a bookable lunch space?

We can offer a 30-minute lunch slot in the covered picnic area in the Festival Village for a limited number of pupils. Please request a reservation on your booking form and we will accommodate as many groups as we can.

How do we get to the Festival?

The Festival is held on Imperial Gardens near Cheltenham Town Centre. For full details about arriving, parking, getting to venues and more, go to

Where can I find advice for preparing a risk assessment?

All venues and events are carefully risk assessed. For advice on preparing your own risk assessment for your visit, go to where you will also find our cancellation policy.

How do we get in touch?

If you would like to contact a member of the Education Team, please email us at

A £5 booking fee will be added to the total cost of your order. Tickets for teachers and other adults accompanying school groups are free

The following zones are free in conjunction with a show/workshop, subject to availability: Discover Zone, MakerShack, The Arcade and GE Pavilion.

‘Very well organised and plenty of smiling faces to guide us during the day.’ Teacher Discover our Family Programme announced on Tuesday 4 April 2023 Prices Show £7 per pupil Workshop £8 per pupil KS1 Mini Package £7 per pupil
Show £4 per pupil
SEND Schools
Charity No. 251765
Programme artwork
2023 Ruth Brown, 10:AM

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Cheltenham Science Festival for Schools 2023: Primary Schools Pack by Cheltenham Festivals - Issuu