Chemicals Management Software Guide, Sixth edition

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Sixth edition

Welcome to the sixth edition of the Chemical Watch Chemicals Management Software Guide.

The purpose of the Guide is to connect the Chemical Watch community of product safety and regulatory professionals to the latest software that is being used to help meet the objectives of product safety teams around the globe.

We also hope that the guide will help to shed light on the factors driving investment in software, the functionality currently available to product and compliance teams, the latest innovations on the market – and the platforms being used to deliver those solutions.

Supporting these insights are the responses to the Chemical Watch Software Survey which is distributed each year to organisations across key industry sectors, providing a unique snapshot of activity in the market.

Over the past five years, using data drawn from the survey, we have reported on the increasingly important role software plays in supporting the chemicals management and control function within businesses. The results this year show that role is set to grow even further as some 73% of organisations report that they have used software to support their chemicals management requirements in the past three years.

Digital solutions are now very much seen as strategic imperatives for organisations, rather than just a ‘nice-to-have’. As companies around the globe look to transform their product safety and

regulatory activities, the software they are deploying is helping to make this possible.

Thank you to all the companies participating this year. Do take a look at the range of software showcased in the Profiles section from page 36 onwards.

A special thank you is due to Veeva, the sponsor of this year’s Guide. You can find details of their chemicals management solution in their Profile on page 61. The Veeva team will be pleased to answer any questions you may have about their products.

As many of you know, at Chemical Watch we too have been working hard to address the needs of our customers. That is why you will see some of our products featured in the Guide, such as our Regulatory Database, powered by Enhesa, our News and Insight information service, Expert Diagnostic, live and online events and training programmes.

As always, if you have any questions relating to the Guide or the solutions presented, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Commissioning Editor: Kate Lowe

Contributors: Elaine Burridge, Kate Lowe, Peter Mackay, Vanessa Zainzinger

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Chemicals Management Software Guide 01
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Chemical Watch Expert Diagnostic – Chemical Watch 40

Chemical Watch News & Insight – Chemical Watch 41

Chemical Watch Professional Development – Chemical Watch 42 Chemical Watch Regulatory Database – Chemical Watch 43 Chemsoft – Explizit Environment AB 44

CHESS Chemical Safety System – Bureau Veritas HSE Denmark A/S 45 Compliance Map Enterprise – The Compliance Map Ltd. 46

Devex PLM for Chemical Industries – Selerant 47 element 1 – H2 Compliance 48 EPY – Telematic 49 ExESS – Lisam Systems 50 Hazex Cloud – Selerant 51

Intelligent compliance solutions for chemical and workplace safety – 3E 52

Intelligent compliance solutions for product safety & stewardship – 3E 53

Intelligent compliance solutions for SAP – 3E 54 iPoint Suite – iPoint-systems 55 PubliChem – Lisam Systems 56 SciveraLENS® – Scivera 57 – Toxnot 58

Software solutions for chemical safety and supply chain transparency – UL Solutions 59

Sphera Product Stewardship Solutions – Sphera Solutions 60 Veeva Chemical Solutions – Veeva Systems Inc 61 Yordas Hive – Yordas Group 62 Directory 63

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Built around an ecosystem of shared knowledge from every industry and every step of the supply chain, SciveraLens® delivers on-demand certified toxicological information through an intuitive user interface that lets you save time and money while taking a proactive approach to your chemical management.


Chemicals Management Software Guide 03
we know chemical management can feel like this
How are companies using software tools to help with their chemicals management tasks? 05 What software is available to help professionals comply with transport of dangerous goods regulation? 25 What tools are there to help professionals navigate the circular economy? 31 Glossary 34
Compliance Data eXchange – DXC Technology 36
CHEMDOX® – CHEMDOX® 37 Chemeter – SIAM 38 ChemGes – DR-Software 39

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How are companies using software tools to help with their chemicals management tasks?

As the number of organisations that use software to support their chemical management requirements continues to grow, regulatory compliance remains the number one priority for IT solutions, the 2022 Chemical Watch software survey reveals. Kate Lowe reports.

For six years Chemical Watch has tracked the use of software by the corporate teams responsible for compliance with chemicals regulations, chemical safety assessment, hazard communication and product stewardship. Every year the results have underlined the critical role software plays in chemicals management, while at the same time they offer an insight into how the requirements placed on product safety and compliance professionals are developing and highlight the factors that are influencing change.

In this, the sixth edition of the Chemical Watch software survey, our aim has once again been to track the use of software tools in the sector, and, by drilling down into the detail of the specific functions,

to understand better how corporate product teams are using IT to support their organisational goals. We hope the insights from this research will help the development and implementation of the best solutions for teams responsible for the safe management of chemicals.

This year, 214 companies took part in our survey, which was launched at a time of growing uncertainty for many businesses across the globe. Last month, the International Monetary Fund warned that global economic activity is experiencing a “broad-based and sharper-than-expected slowdown”. This, it says, will result in a drop in global growth from 6% in 2021 to 3.2% in 2022 and 2.7% in 2023. The circumstances facing businesses today are markedly different to when our last software survey was conducted 12 months ago. Back then businesses were busy investing as they looked forward to better times following the world’s emergence from the Covid 19 pandemic.

Most organisations taking part this year are drawn from the same parts of the

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...most participants were either chemicals producers or downstream chemicals users, but in both cases, there was a slight increase this year.

chemicals management industry as those in previous years, however, there have been some small shifts in the numbers falling into specific sectors. As before, most participants were either chemicals producers or downstream chemicals users, but in both cases, there was a slight increase this year – from 41% to 45% of all participants for downstream users and from 33% to 36% of all participants for chemicals producers. The remainder of this year’s respondents were largely either service providers, law firms or regulatory agencies [Figure 1]

The sample includes responses from enterprise scale organisations with more than 5,000 employees (31%), largescale operators with between 250 and 5,000 employees (28%), medium-sized with between 50 and 250 employees (21%), small-scale operators with 11 to 50 employees (11%) and microorganisations with under ten employees (9%) [Figure 2]

Highlights from this year’s survey findings include:

• the number of organisations that have used software to support their chemical management requirements in the past three years has continued to grow with 73% of this year’s survey respondents confirming their use of IT tools;

• the number of participants saying they are considering implementing software in the next 12 months has fallen from 45% in 2021 to 38% this year;

• software to help with regulatory compliance activities remains the top priority for IT solutions among respondents;

• within regulatory compliance, data management, regulatory management, product compliance and change management are the top priorities for IT solutions;

[Figure 1] What is the organisation’s main area of activity? 21%

[Figure 2] What is the size of the organisation? 11%

(50-250 employees) 9%

(11-50 employees)

(less than 10 employees)

This year’s study also saw 64% of microorganisations (up to ten employees) and the same percentage of small organisations (11 to 50 employees) say they had utilised software for chemicals management in the past three years, while 73% of medium sized firms (50 to 250 employees) confirmed they had done so.

Breaking the data down by the type of organisation that our survey participants represent reveals a steady growth in the number of downstream businesses reporting that they have used software in the past three years for chemicals management tasks – up from 66% in 2021 to 75% in 2022 [Figure 3]

Investment plans

Given the sharper than expected slowdown in global economic growth in 2022, it is not surprising to see a reduction in the number of organisations who plan to invest in new software to support chemicals management over the next 12 months – from 45% of all respondents in 2021 to 38% in 2022. Chemical producers are responsible for most of this decrease – from a high of

06 Chemicals Management Software Guide
25% 29% 16% 21% 9% Chemicals, oil & energy Downstream sectors Government & agencies Service providers including legal Other
Enterprise (over 5,000 employees) Large (250-5,000 employees) Medium
• integration with existing EHS/ERP systems is growing in importance as a driver for investment in software –41% described it as very important this year; and 31% 28%
• R&D, health and safety and quality assurance are the three functions most likely to use an IT solution.
Who is using software? The majority of organisations surveyed by Chemical Watch continue to report that they have used a software system
to support their chemicals management programme in the past three years. However, this year, the number confirming their use of software tools increased to 73% of all the organisations taking part in the survey – up from 61% in 2021. This figure includes software that has been developed in-house, solutions purchased from an external supplier as a bespoke or off-the shelf package, and/or outsourced managed IT services.
In common with our previous surveys, the most active users of software in the past three years include enterprisescale organisations with more than 5,000 staff. Some 78% of these reported using software tools for chemicals management in that time. Meanwhile, 79% of large organisations (with more than 250 staff) said they had used software in the same period – up from 63% in our last survey.


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46% last year to 32% this. By contrast, interest in investing in software tools from downstream companies has seen a modest increase – from 37% of respondents last year to 41% in this year’s survey. Interest among others, including service providers, has remained steady with 43% saying they are looking to invest in software solutions this year.

After several years of growth in the number of respondents who told us

that they currently use a single software system to meet their chemicals management needs, this year’s survey saw a slight fall – from 43% in 2021 to 36% in 2022. Downstream businesses reporting that they use one application fell sharply – from 46% to 34% – while chemical companies reporting they use just one fell almost as far – from 42% to 33%.

These changes could indicate that the move towards greater systems integration highlighted in last year’s survey has slowed. Indeed, when asked if all their software tools were integrated or connected up, only 22% of respondents replied in the affirmative –down from 43% of respondents in 2021. Separately, the number of respondents that told us that they do not integrate software rose from 18% in 2021 to 34% in this year’s survey.

Meanwhile the increase seen in last year’s survey in businesses turning to either external consultants or third-party implementation services – in place of their in-house teams – to integrate new with existing business software appears to have run its course for now. In 2021, 27% of respondents said they used consultants to help them do this work. In this year’s survey that number has fallen to 9%. Similarly, use of third-party implementation services is now running at 10%, down from 17% in 2021 [Figure 4]

Priority functions

In keeping with previous years, regulatory compliance activities continue to be the number one priority for IT solutions among respondents to the survey. However, this year’s respondents placed the category even more firmly in the top spot than in previous years with 99% of professionals saying they regard regulatory compliance as ‘most important’ or ‘important’ to their current chemicals management programme. Meanwhile 92% cited hazard communication as ‘most important’ or ‘important’. This was followed by chemical safety assessment at 86% and product stewardship at 81% [Figure 5]

Chemicals Management Software Guide 09
3] Have you used a software system (including third party) to support your chemicals management programme in the past three years? 76% 75% 75% 70% 69% 64% 66% 68% 70% 72% 74% 76% 78% Chemicals, oil & energy Downstream sectors Government & agencies Other Service providers including legal % of participants who answered 'yes' [Figure 4] How do you integrate new
business software? Consulting services In-house team Third party implementation Other Do not integrate 9% 10% 8% 10% 38% 43% 32% 40% 10% 5% 13% 15% 9% 14% 5% 5% 34% 29% 42% 30% 0% 20%40% 60%80% 100% All or ga ni sations Down st ream user s Ch em ical co mp an ies Ot hers in cluding serv ice prov id ers % of partic ipants
...interest in investing in software tools from downstream companies has seen a modest increase.


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Once again, the survey further broke down these categories (regulatory compliance, hazard communication, chemical safety assessment and product stewardship) in order to assess the relative importance of the detailed software functions to respondents’ current chemicals management programmes. In the case of regulatory compliance, out of 11 functions the following were ranked most important:

• data management;

• regulatory management;

• product compliance; and

• change management (chemicals).

By contrast last year’s survey saw change management ranked eighth with compliance assurance fourth.

This year 93% of respondents said data management was ‘very important’ or ‘important’, 95% cited regulatory

89% cited change management as being ‘very important’ or ‘important’ [Figure 6] [Figure 87% 56% 67% 49%

5] 12% 30% 25% 32% data sheet (SDS) management function was the leader in the hazard communication IT solution category –with 85% reporting it as either ‘very important’ or ‘important.’

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Product stewardship % of participants Very important Not important

12% 5% 16%

1% 2% 3% 3% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

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management as ‘very important’ or ‘important’, 92% said product compliance was ‘very important’ or ‘important’ and How important are the following IT solutions to your current chemicals management programme? Important Useful but not essential
12 Chemicals Management Software Guide [Figure 6] How important are the following software functions to your current chemicals management programme? Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Product stewardship 69% 66% 65% 59% 51% 46% 46% 45% 32% 32% 28% 58% 48% 44% 42% 40% 39% 61% 60% 59% 34% 31% 59% 54% 35% 34% 26% 18% 24% 29% 27% 30% 40% 32% 39% 36% 36% 39% 35% 27% 36% 40% 37% 32% 32% 24% 20% 27% 38% 27% 33% 40% 36% 36% 40% 44% 5% 4% 7% 6% 7% 14% 10% 18% 22% 20% 26% 10% 14% 14% 18% 23% 19% 8% 10% 6% 16% 29% 6% 6% 24% 24% 26% 30% 1% 1% 1% 5% 2% 7% 5% 1% 10% 9% 12% 5% 2% 2% 3% 5% 10% 7% 10% 8% 11% 14% 2% 5% 6% 8% 8% Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Regulatory management Product compliance Change management (chemicals) Compliance assurance Chemical inventory management Hazardous material management Reporting Substance volume tracking Chemical safety prediction Supply chain management Hazard assessment Environmental safety Risk assessment Worker safety Exposure assessment Consumer safety SDS management SDS authoring Labelling Supply chain communication Incident management Chemical database Regulatory database Supplier information Material declaration Product lifecycle management Corporate social responsibility 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % of participants Very important Important Useful but not essential Not important
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Looking at product stewardship activities, out of six functions listed, respondents once again identified regulatory and the chemical databases as the two most important functions, with 94% the regulatory database choosing the former and 92% the latter.

Once again, safety data sheet (SDS) management function was the leader in the hazard communication IT solution category – with 85% reporting it as either ‘very important’ or ‘important’. Meanwhile in the chemical safety assessment IT solution category, the following functions were identified as most important:

• hazard assessment – 85%;

• environmental safety – 84%; and

• risk assessment functions – 84%.

Key drivers

So, what drives investment in software solutions? Top of the list in this year’s survey is regulatory compliance, cited by 77% as a ‘very important’ factor. Next comes time saving – cited by 58% as ‘very important’. Hazard communication and chemical safety assessment follow with 55% and 48% respectively, being seen as ‘very important’.

Integration with existing EHS/ERP systems was reported by 41% as ‘very important’ while product stewardship initiatives were cited by 33% [Figure 7]

[Figure 7] How important are the following factors in driving investment in your software solution?

14 Chemicals Management Software Guide
77% 58% 55% 48% 41% 33% 22% 22% 21% 20% 20% 32% 31% 31% 31% 38% 43% 35% 36% 40% 3% 8% 11% 18% 16% 26% 21% 29% 32% 28% 2% 3% 3% 11% 4% 13% 14% 11% 12% Regulatory compliance Time saving Hazard communication Chemical safety assessment Integration with existing EHS/ERP systems Product stewardship initiatives Integration with third party data Stakeholder expectations Corporate social reponsibility Return on investment 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % of participants Very important Important Somewhat important Not important

This year’s survey saw a significant increase in the number of companies reporting gaps in their chemicals management data – as many as 81% of respondents identified this as an ongoing challenge. The data gaps are split evenly between physical and chemical data, regulatory chemical data, regulatory data, toxicological data and supply chain data.

When asked which functions (other than their own) use chemicals management data, as in previous surveys, respondents placed R&D (61%), health and safety (57%) and manufacturing/quality assurance (40%) in the top three positions [Figure 8]

[Figure 8] Which functions within your company use chemicals management data?

This year’s survey saw a significant increase in the number of companies reporting gaps in their chemicals management data – as many as 81% of respondents identified this as an ongoing challenge.”

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61% 57% 40% 38% 35% 31% 22% 17% 14% 14% 13% 10% 6% 5% 3% 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% R&D HSE Manufacturing/QA Toxicology Sustainability Product design Procurement CSR Governance Sales Legal counsel Marketing Advocacy Other None Board level

What are the latest trends in chemicals management software for professionals?

The need to connect data along the value chain and provide customers with a unified approach to compliance are among the top software demands of product safety and regulatory compliance professionals. Elaine Burridge reports.

Connectivity, complexity and sustainability are the biggest factors influencing chemical companies in their regulatory compliance operations as they continue to grapple with ever-changing and evolving regulatory frameworks around the world.

The ability to source and manage data from the multiple layers in supply chains is crucial in a never-ending quest to gain information on all the chemicals and materials contained in a product. And as companies expand their geographic footprints and portfolios, the task becomes even more onerous.

Andrew Douglass, head of strategy, consumer products and chemicals at cloud computing company Veeva Systems, says he is seeing two fundamental trends in customers’ demands for software systems. One is

the need to connect data along the value chain to support product transparency and innovation.

“Chemical companies are asking for tools that digitally connect them with both their customers and suppliers to improve collaboration, compliance and efficiency,” says Dr Douglass. Consequently, software suppliers are developing tools that “break internal and external silos” to effectively connect all parties end-to-end in business processes.

The other trend relates to rising demand for unifying compliance in the manufacturing process to ensure operational excellence, resilience and flexibility. Companies are looking for chemicals management software that harmonises quality, health, safety and environment (HSE) and – where it fits the

portfolio – food safety functions, housing the data in a unified, consolidated format.

While companies are ramping up their digitalisation efforts, a trend that gathered pace during the coronavirus pandemic, there is still more growth in the future for automating chemicals management, according to Malena Weurlander, senior sales and account manager at Saas/ cloud service for corporate sustainability, Ecobio Manager.

She says: “As companies more deeply embed sustainability in their business strategies, digitalisation supports the need for tools that are equipped with the latest knowledge, helping the user apply that knowledge to changing and evolving legislation.”

Functions that assist users in substituting hazardous chemicals with safer

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alternatives also offer future growth opportunities for software suppliers, including using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and blockchain. Ms Weurlander says the deployment of such technologies, which can offer faster and more accurate results, is a decision for each provider to take as to the best option for their customer.

“There are opportunities for AI and blockchain but the reality for the chemicals industry is that the foundations are not in place. They lack the systems that unify quality, regulatory, HSE and product stewardship data, documents and processes into modern, easy-to use systems of record,” Dr Douglass says.

Larry Yen, president of GreenSoft Technology, which provides environmental compliance data software and services, adds that AI does offer opportunities for automated data cleansing and collection features. “But we still find that a combination of automated and manual efforts is the best way to provide the highest quality data and highest project completion rates when it comes to collecting, validating and reporting on chemical data for green regulations,” he says.

Functionality needs

Customers want their software systems to perform several key functions that include regular and automatic updates on regulatory changes to chemicals and their risks, the creation of safety data sheets (SDSs), analysis of complex data and the generation of regulation-specific reports.

“We’ve seen demand for software to be able to manage full material declaration (FMD) data, provide in-depth article analysis, validate contextual content of chemical data and to be able to generate reports at multiple levels, such as product-level, bill of materials (BOM)-level or company-level,” says Mr Yen.

Toxnot associate product manager Lily Hogan says they are seeing stronger interest every year for FMDs as the

need for compliance stretches beyond minimal disclosure of restricted materials. The US supply chain software provider says instead of solely making customers and regulators aware of chemicals of concern within a product, full disclosure enables all parties to be completely aware of a product’s composition. This disclosure can be placed in written form on a product’s label, or it can be in a digital format, the latter having the benefit of universal accessibility, safe custody and timelessness.

“Customers are often looking for systems that can manage all aspects of that data, as well as strong ways to leverage it, such as more analytics, screenings and safety/ hazard data,” says Ms Hogan.

Increased data access and organisation, especially for raw materials, is a key software trend seen by Canada’s safety data sheet specialist DR-Software. DRSoftware executive Manuela Dukeshire says: “It is not always easy to get the information from suppliers, but at the same time, the need for downstream and upstream data management is growing exponentially.”

Ms Dukeshire adds that customers are currently also very concerned about poison centre notifications (PCNs) in the EU, along with the status of substance listings for the raw materials in their preparation. The next deadline for creating a unique formula identifier (UFI) that is required on the labels of products containing a hazardous mixture, along with generating and sending PCN dossers to Echa, is 1 January 2024. This only applies to products for industrial use – the deadline for consumer and professional uses was 1 January 2021.

Other regulations grabbing companies’ attention at the moment include Echa’s substances of concern in products database (Scip) reporting requirement under Europe’s waste framework Directive (WFD), and substances of very

high concern (SVHCs) under the EU’s REACH regulation.

The European Commission is currently proposing to add nine SVHCs to the candidate list, which would incur additional notification and information requirements. It also adopted on 25 April its restrictions roadmap, a rolling list of thousands of harmful chemicals to be prioritised for bans in the coming years under the EU chemicals strategy.

The move, said to be the biggest step the bloc has taken to detoxify its industry and products, would see roughly 5,000 to 7,000 chemicals restricted in the EU by 2030, according to estimates by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB). GreenSoft says some chemicals on the roadmap were already facing restrictions but most are new.

Digital passports

The Digital Product Passport (DPP) is a future growth opportunity for software suppliers. As part of its Green Deal, the EU will require products to have DPPs to better communicate data on material composition, circularity, recyclability and sustainability. Approved in 2020, the Green Deal is a set of initiatives established by the European Commission with the overarching aim of making the economic bloc climate neutral by 2050.

There are two components of a DPP, namely the content – or the digital data associated with a product – and its structure. The data can include information such as formulation, recycling instructions and product attributes, while the structure is the digital format that allows the information to be exchanged consistently between a wide variety of systems without any data loss.

Toxnot says that as DPPs grow in prominence, it will be necessary to standardise their content and structure to create consistency across the many product lines to which they will be applied.

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DPPs also offer a framework through which compliance data can be shared. They can be customised, based upon the needs of customers and suppliers’ willingness to share information, adds Toxnot, noting that while some suppliers may choose to share only the minimally viable amount of information needed for customers to gain compliance certification, others may see value in broader disclosure.


Demand for environmentally friendly processes and products continues to climb and suppliers of chemical management software are still seeing an uptrend for systems that support green initiatives.

The chemical industry regards itself as a major enabler of a more sustainable world, whether that is providing materials for renewable energy sources, such as solar cells or wind turbines, or creating bio-based alternatives to fossil fuel-based feedstocks and products.

Tamie Webber, senior vice president, product and customer experience at compliance solutions provider 3E, says the need to demonstrate sustainability has increased significantly and environmental, social and governance (ESG) has become a driving force for companies looking to lead in sustainability and environmental and social stewardship.

She comments: “NGO and consumer pressure along with growing regulatory oversight and enforcement are prompting companies to investigate their formulations, suppliers and operations to create transparency, which is required for all phases of the product lifecycle, from R&D to sourcing, production and sale and through to disposal and reuse.”

That consumer pressure is particularly being felt in the case of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), often referred to as “forever chemicals”. The current actions manufacturers are taking

to identify and report PFASs present in their products is being driven by supply chain demand to a larger extent than from specific government regulation. Mr Yen says that while some specific current and proposed regulations are directed at specific PFASs such as PFOA and PTFE, making their identification and removal from products relatively straightforward, there are others that call out generic restrictions applicable to all PFAS compounds. Because there is no single industry-accepted list of all PFAS chemicals that would be in scope for such a broad restriction, customers are generating their own PFAS lists that they want to collect and report on.

“With the industry and media focus on PFAS chemicals, the chemicals management industry has a challenge laid out for them,” Mr Yen says. “There are over 10,000 PFAS-type chemicals that developers must incorporate into their software and find ways to include these in their platforms for analysis and reporting in order to keep up with market demand.”

Software approaches

Many software providers report that cloud-based systems are the platform of choice by customers. “Multi-tenant cloud is the strategic goal of many companies,” says Dr Douglass. “The innovation, speed and flexibility, as well as the dramatically reduced reliance on customisation offered by multi-tenant cloud, is unmatched by other approaches.”

And 3E’s Ms Webber adds: “Cloud-based configurations can reduce the cost and complexity of information technology setup and maintenance, accelerate content updates, streamline compliance processes, facilitate informed decisionmaking and mitigate the risk of non-compliance.”

However, she notes that while adoption is growing, “some companies in the chemicals sector seem to be embracing the cloud cautiously due to concerns around protecting confidential business information such as product composition data and trade secrets”.

This is a concern echoed by others. Mr Yen says as concerns about data security expand, customers are increasingly requesting security certification from their software provider, while some customers are even moving away from cloud-based solutions to on-premise alternatives that can be installed behind their company’s own firewall.

According to software providers, chemical companies are looking for a single compliance solution that can meet a number of needs and integrate data, tools and services. Ms Hogan points out that the average company uses more than 12 software solutions, so consolidating the varying needs is valuable.

Many companies are happy to buy offthe-shelf packages, although there are others willing to pay for modifications to the software – such as custom lists and reporting filters – so that it fits more closely with their requirements and can integrate with existing systems. Overall, it depends on the specific industry, the company and the end users’ personal preference.

Another service that Ms Dukeshire says is becoming increasingly important to chemical companies is IT support. “Our customers are facing an increasingly global market, constantly changing legislation and an onslaught of information through which they have to sift. A strong support system from the software provider is essential,” she says.

The need to connect up and down supply chains will only get stronger as regulators, NGOs and consumers demand to be informed about the entire composition of any product placed anywhere in the world. That need will keep pushing the adoption of digital tools and software so that chemical companies can keep pace with – or even predict – legislative developments and achieve their compliance goals faster and with more accuracy.

22 Chemicals Management Software Guide

What software is available to help professionals comply with transport of dangerous goods regulation?

In a sector where many rules are yet to be made available online, HCB managing editor Peter Mackay looks at digital tools in the market that aim to provide a way for shippers to make the compliance process easier.

It might be thought that digitalising the compliance function in the transport and storage of dangerous goods should be relatively straightforward. There is a welldefined set of substances and articles covered by the various regulations, and many “rules” that might lend themselves to digitalisation. However, in practice, it has proved difficult to develop an end-to-end software solution for international transport involving different modes. While there is a significant degree of harmonisation, certainly in terms of the structure of the different sets of regulations, each has its own particular variations from the UN Model Regulations – or the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. Even within the different modes there are local differences, such as with the relief granted for the transport of goods

by ferry in the Baltic Sea, or for air consignment of otherwise “forbidden” dangerous goods by air to remote parts of Canada and Alaska.

Nor even are the regulations themselves generally available in a digital format. The UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) makes the UN Model Regulations, ADR (the road transport regulations in force across Europe and in some other countries) and ADN (which covers inland waterway transport in Europe) freely available on its website, but only in a searchable PDF format. The same is true for the US Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR), Canada’s Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations and the Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) Code. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

does make the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code available in an e-reader format, as well as in hard copy, but this has to be paid for.

However, even this far into the 21st century, the other “main” sets of regulations are not even available in a PDF format and must also be paid for. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) publishes its Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air every two years. Meanwhile, the Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), in effect in most of Europe, is only published in hard copy in English and French.

Air transport

Most duty-holders in the air transport sector use the Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) published by the airlines’ trade body, the International Air Transport Association (IATA). This book includes all the material from the ICAO Technical Instructions (which remains the “legal” document) but incorporates other information, notably the list of variations imposed by carriers and states. The DGR must be bought from IATA or one of its distributors; the 2023 edition is available in print or digital format.

The main advantage of using the digital version is that it is automatically updated – IATA is unusual in publishing an annual edition, which covers changes to the state and carrier variations as well as urgent safety-related amendments. The digital version also has embedded links so that users can go directly to pertinent information in other parts of the DGR.

IATA has taken this concept even further, with DG AutoCheck, launched in 2018.

DG AutoCheck is a digital solution that enables airlines, ground handlers and freight forwarders to automatically check the compliance of the Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods (DGD) against all relevant provisions of the DGR. Speaking at the launch of DG

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AutoCheck, Dave Brennan, assistant director of cargo safety and standards at IATA, explained: “The DGR lists over 3,000 entries for dangerous goods. Each one of which must comply with the DGR when shipped. The paper DGR is 1,100 pages long. Manually checking that each Shipper’s Declaration is compliant and the package(s) are correctly, marked, labelled and packaged is a complex and timeconsuming task. Automation with DG AutoCheck brings us a giant step forward. The cargo supply chain will benefit from greater efficiency, streamlined processes and enhanced safety.”

Compliance along the chain

This development highlights an important element of the digitalisation of the compliance function in the transport sector: not only does it have to be able to ensure compliance on the part of the shipper or consignor that puts the dangerous goods into the supply chain, but it has ideally to be able to demonstrate that compliance to other participants downstream as the goods are passed from hand to hand until they arrive at their ultimate destination.

To be able to do that, software has to be based on common standards, something that has been hard to develop in the complex world of transport regulations and the various national legislations to which they refer. Doing so has been the goal of, which after several years of development now offers an online software solution that is providing the basis for an increasing number of products to aid compliance.

For example, in September this year the Dutch technical publisher Verloop Uitgeverij combined with DGOffice. net to offer its regulatory and training publications in digital formats. Verloop has long worked to maintain a library of regulatory publications, with its customers being largely trainers and safety advisers; moving to a digital platform will, Verloop says, will make those publications readily available to those who work with them.

In October, the Cargo Community Network (CCN) launched a suite of dangerous goods-related solutions through its open data platform, CUBEforall, based on’s solutions, allowing users to work within one environment. Targeted primarily at the air transport sector, users can create compliant dangerous goods declarations and, through CUBEforall, share documents and data in real time with relevant parties in the supply chain, including forwarders, ground handlers and carriers. For those downstream of the shipper, it means they can have greater confidence in the data they receive and can also reuse it for their own purposes.

Initiatives such as this are important. In this year’s annual DG Confidence Survey, carried out by Labelmaster in collaboration with IATA and HCB, more than half of the dangerous goods professionals surveyed said they had problems in accessing complete and accurate data, and in harmonising processes across the supply chain; 44% reported problems in having shipments rejected by carriers or forwarders. One of the main recommendations arising from the survey was that companies should invest more in the kinds of software that can not only ensure compliance but also maintain that compliance all the way from the shipper to the final destination.

Cargo at sea

Digitalising the air transport chain has, largely through the efforts of IATA (which has, over decades, done the same for passenger ticketing) proved not only possible but fruitful. The maritime sector, on the other hand, has struggled. There is no overarching trade body comparable to IATA, so it has been left to other interests to pick up the baton and address the issues presented by the shipment of dangerous goods by sea, both in packaged and bulk form.

One major issue has been that most packaged dangerous goods form part of the containerised supply chain, where there are many players involved. Furthermore, while the IMDG Code

sets out the regulatory requirements for maritime carriage, there is a lot of grit in the system arising from carriers’ restrictions on the goods they are prepared to carry (and how to pack them, where to stow them onboard etc). These restrictions are based partly on experience but also on the restrictions imposed by the ports and terminals at which ships will call. While some carriers expend a great deal of effort to keep up with these restrictions (which change frequently), that information is not collated publicly and shippers regularly report that their consignments have been rejected, despite being in full compliance with the IMDG Code.

The primary provider of compliance software and IT systems is Exis Technologies, which was founded in the UK in 1987 and, since 2018, has been owned by National Cargo Bureau (NCB). Its core product is Hazcheck Systems, which has been consistently developed from early attempts to “computerise” the IMDG Code in order to allow operators to get rapid answers to questions of classification, packaging, segregation, stowage and documentation. Hazcheck Systems is now used by nine of the ten largest container lines.

Exis and NCB have continued to develop IT solutions in the areas of compliance and safety. Exis took part in the establishment of the Cargo Incident Notification System (CINS), which allows liner operators to share information with the aim of reducing the number of dangerous goods incidents at sea. In 2020, Exis/NCB launched Hazcheck Detect in response to the increasing number of shipboard incidents arising from undeclared or misdeclared dangerous goods; this builds on work done by some of the lines to automatically scan booking information for “suspicious” declarations; four of the largest container lines now use the system and each has brought its experience to add to the project. More recently, Exis/NCB launched Hazcheck Inspections, a web database and portal for planning, recording and analysing container inspections and

26 Chemicals Management Software Guide

promoting the development of common inspection standards.

For the shipment of dangerous goods in bulk, the leading software provider is Q88, whose Milbros cargo handling and cleaning information system is said to be used by more than 85% of the major chemical tanker operators. As with Exis’ Hazcheck systems, Milbros has developed the scope of its IT solutions over several decades, starting out with a focus on cargo handling and tank cleaning and expanding into areas such as prior cargo warnings, phosphoric acid compatibility, UV reference graphs for wash water test results, a library of safety data sheets (SDSs), personal protection equipment recommendations, and US Coast Guard compatibility checks. Q88 also responds to technical developments and, following some concern around self-polymerising cargoes, introduced in January this year a styrene monomer temperature log and inhibitor depletion tool to its portfolio.

Q88 itself was acquired in May this year by Veson Nautical, which describes itself as a “digital transformation” company.

Useful links

UN Model Regulations, ADR and ADN

US Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) subtitle-B/chapter-I/subchapter-A/part105

Canada’s Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations

Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) Code australian-dangerous-goods-code

Veson was established to build a standard platform for commercial vessel operations, not focusing on dangerous goods; it received a “significant” equity injection in March 2022 that has allowed it to pursue its growth strategy, which included the provision of more technical IT solutions such as the Milbros system.

Move into software

The software systems reviewed so far all have a dominant position in their sector but there are many other system providers in the market that all attempt to provide a way for shippers to make the compliance process easier. US-based Labelmaster, for example, offers the Dangerous Goods Information System (DGIS), which instantly validates shipment data against the latest regulations, prints the necessary documentation and provides an illustration of how the package must be labelled. DGIS handles US and Canadian domestic regulations, ADR, IATA, IMDG Code and Afman, the US military’s own dangerous goods rules.

DGIS also goes a step further, by being able to be integrated into other corporate systems (such as ERP, TMS or WMS) and

automation platforms. One effect of this is to allow the processing, documentation and validation of dangerous goods shipments to be performed in the same workflow as non-regulated shipments. DGIS can also be used to keep a record of training, store master data for dangerous goods, and act as a library of other compliance-related information.

Labelmaster is not alone in having moved into the software world from related activities, having started out supplying labels, placards, documentation and other products for compliant dangerous goods shipments. The Bureau of Dangerous Goods, also US-based, started as a training firm but branched out into software with its ShipHazmat system. It can electronically create compliant bills of lading and shipper’s declarations for air, ground and ocean dangerous goods shipments.

Among other US-based software providers are Hazmat Software, ShipERP’s ShipHAZ system, a compliance application for SAP, and HazMat Trucking Enforcer (HTE), which offers Cloud-based compliance checks for the North America road haulage sector.

Dangerous Goods Regulation, IATA

Verloop Uitgeverij Cargo Community Network

Hazcheck Systems hazcheck/

Cargo Incident Notification System

Milbros cargo handling and cleaning information system

Veson Nautical Dangerous Goods Information System

ShipHazmat Hazmat Software

ShipHAZ compliance application for SAP

HazMat Trucking Enforcer (HTE)

28 Chemicals Management Software Guide
SUPERCHARGE PRODUCTIVITY ✔ Improve accuracy and save time on SDS and label composition. ✔ API integration with a broad range of enterprise systems SAVE TIME AND MONEY ✔ Easy to start, simple to use with the modern, user-friendly interface of Hazex Cloud. ✔ Regular updates by our dedicated global team of regulatory experts Hazex Cloud The trusted choice in EHS compliance & SDS authoring 20 GHS. Stay current with worldwide GHS updates for all major markets. 47 languages available. Translate your SDS in just one click. Automated UFI and PCN generation & submission to the ECHA portal. Instant web access with no installation needed. Scale as you grow model. Hassle-free software management. We handle administration and upgrades for you. Regulatory support. Expert team to help you navigate through EHS compliance. EUROPE Via Leonardo da Vinci, 19 20060 Cassina de’ Pecchi (MI), Italy  +39 02 786203 NORTH AMERICA 401 Park Ave South, Floors 8-10, New York, NY 10016, United States  +1 212 792 8910 ASIA Room 7301, Building A7 No.501 Liyuan Road, 200023, Shanghai, China  +86 21 6136 0591 Make EHS compliance easy. Schedule a demo with us today.

What tools are there to help professionals navigate the circular economy?

As the trend towards adopting and incorporating sustainability criteria into chemicals management programmes grows, Vanessa Zainzinger asks how software can help product teams manage an increasingly complex set of obligations.

Chemicals management has long been a core element of corporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies. But as we move closer to a circular economy, both regulators and the public expect companies to proactively limit the environmental impacts of the chemicals they use, store, and dispose of.

“Environmental issues have really become a core issue for the public, worldwide. And as such, the chemicals management elements of the ESG strategy have been brought to the surface,” says Randy Flinders, compliance specialist at California-headquartered software provider, Greensoft Technologies. “Is chemicals management a more prominent part of the ESG strategy than it has been? I don’t think so. Is it more visible? Yes.”

To Mr Flinders, this comes down to two interconnected trends. First, the damage that poor chemicals management can inflict on the environment has become impossible to ignore. More than anything, this is down to global concerns over pollution from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The contamination of soil, water and food resulting from the production and use of many of these highly persistent substances has been widely covered in mainstream media and remains firmly in the public eye.

The second trend Mr Flinders notes is an expansion of chemical regulations worldwide. This includes new rules on PFAS, such as the expected ban on the entire group of substances that is currently being drawn up in the EU.

In parallel, the EU’s Green Deal acknowledges that chemicals are the building blocks of the goods we use, and that paying attention to them is essential for a circular and climate neutral economy. The related chemicals strategy for sustainability is upping the ante on legislation that affects how all industries must manage the substances they use.

“Chemical management has become an integral part of corporate sustainability reporting strategies because the chemicals used in manufactured products impact society and the health and safety of workers and consumers,” says Kyle Schiber, group product manager at Wolters Kluwer-owned software provider, Enablon.

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“So, naturally, companies must show that they’re responsible and that they’re using safe chemicals and manufacturing safe products for the environment and for people – both employees and the public.”

For a long time, chemical management was a compliance-driven initiative. But as ESG grows in importance and issues such as PFAS are putting the spotlight on chemicals, it’s not enough for companies to simply be compliant, Mr Schiber says.

“Companies must go beyond that. As a result, when it comes to corporate sustainability reporting, companies are under pressure to show they’re proactively phasing out hazardous chemicals and materials from the products they manufacture to limit environmental impacts,” he says.

Dealing with data

Professional EHS software now often serves as a central platform for collecting data on chemicals and reporting on sustainability metrics. Software providers say their customers use software tools to quantify greenhouse gas emissions from the use and release of, for instance, ozone depleting substances, and impacts of chemicals that are toxic to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Increasingly, companies are also relying on software to pre-screen chemicals during the regulatory approval process and flag potential candidates for substitution. And some combine chemical management data with waste data to gain insights on how substances are reused and disposed of, says Chris Michie, product marketing manager at Cority, a software provider based in Toronto, Canda.

“Tracking chemicals through their entire process is vital to achieving circularity goals and allows organisations to identify areas for improvement,” Mr Michie says. “Organisations are increasingly adopting procurement processes that consider factors such as reuse capability when making purchasing decisions for chemical products.”

As circularity initiatives become increasingly prevalent across global industries, companies are wanting data that provides a more holistic view of their processes, Mr Michie says. “This includes gaining insights on material flows starting from procurement, consumption, reuse, and eventual disposal. There is also an increasing desire for automated systems to help identify materials for potential substitution.”

Bringing it all together

As sustainability reporting becomes more complex, it is crucial that software is able to comply with the key performance indicator (KPI) reporting frameworks –such as the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Dow Jones Sustainability Index and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – says Markus Nörtemann, founder and managing partner at German software provider, Helasoft.

“The software should be able to communicate directly with other software platforms, especially to receive needed supplier data from them. Hence, it should include functionalities covering product carbon footprint needs, to get data at any point of the product lifecycle,” he says.

And increasingly, tools should be able to interact with platforms managed by regulatory authorities, such as Echa’s substances of concern in products (Scip) database, Mr Nörtemann says, to help companies comply with regulatory requirements.

Some companies may look for tools that go beyond chemical management and help them make sense of all their ESG obligations at once.

But Greensoft’s Mr Flinders cautions against trying to find an ESG tool that does everything, from greenhouse gas emissions to recyclability. “Those are all elements that go beyond just chemical content and no one software tool is going do all of these elements very well,” he says. “Companies are better served by identifying the core elements of their ESG processes or policies, and then deploying individual tools that meet those core elements best.

“In other words, the tool that’s best for analysing the chemical and compliance situation of their products may not be the same software that’s going to calculate greenhouse gas emissions.”

By using individual tools, companies can customise their reporting better, Mr Flinders says. And the specialised tools are more likely to stay on top of notoriously dynamic chemical legislation, such as the continuously changing exemptions under the EU’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, he adds.

Complexity increasing

The trend towards adopting and incorporating sustainability criteria into chemical management shows no signs of stopping, says Julian Moffatt, director of environmental solutions at Chicagoheadquartered software provider, VelocityEHS.

Mr Moffatt sees the investment community being the most important driver for comprehensive sustainability reporting over the next few years. “This directly impacts organisations’ prospects for future growth, regardless of their public visibility,” he says.

Software will ultimately be relied upon to manage these programmes by most medium-to-large organisations, he says, due to the inherent complexity of manual chemical management processes.

32 Chemicals Management Software Guide
The trend towards adopting and incorporating sustainability criteria into chemical management shows no signs of stopping.

“For example, companies that are serious about reducing their greenhouse gas emissions will need to assess and quantify Scope 3 GHGs, which are emitted not from their own operations, but indirectly from associated supply chain activities,” Mr Moffatt explains. This can include emissions from offsite treatment of wastes, electric power and fossil fuel consumption by suppliers and distributors, and any number of ancillary operations up and down the supply chain.

“Due to the sheer complexity and lack of standardisation of data across global supply chain elements, Scope 3 GHG emissions have historically been a major challenge for companies to accurately track, aggregate and report. Fortunately, modern software makes accurate Scope 3 GHG tracking much, much easier,” he says.

Mr Moffatt advises companies that struggle with the complexity of sustainability reporting to define a scope and timeline for their sustainability

programme that includes a progression from highest priority to lowest.

This means defining the target audience – such as investors, customers, shareholders, the executive team or employees – and the specific information needs and expectations of each group.

“It may not be possible to cover all needs in a comprehensive manner within a given programme year, but plan for annual expansion of your sustainability program to cover more priorities over time,” he says. “The software you rely on should accommodate this growth and automate many of the mundane and difficult information management tasks. Ask your software solution provider for detailed information on how they can help support your sustainability programmes and initiatives.

In the end, the biggest challenge companies face when they integrate chemical management into sustainability

programmes may not be collecting the data, says Mr Schiber from Wolters Kluwer Enablon.

“A chemical management software system generates a good amount of data on the usage, disposal, and storage of those chemicals – but ultimately, an organisation then has to build a story around that data, to translate it into tangible progress,” he says.

Mr Schiber’s advice to companies is to involve stakeholders with different perspectives – from corporate sustainability, chemical management and product development teams – in establishing realistic, measurable targets that will illustrate how chemical management relates to sustainability.

“Once you have those targets set, you can leverage data from the software to identify a path to achieve them,” he says.

Chemicals Management Software Guide 33


Use this glossary to look up key terms and how we define the different functions/capabilities presented in the profiles.

Service areas

Regulatory compliance

Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship

Software functions/capabilities

Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) manage chemical regulatory compliance during operational or regulatory change

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) source chemical and regulatory information

Reporting present data as reports for regulatory bodies, shareholders, government agencies etc

Substance volume tracking capture and track substance volumes to ensure compliance

Hazardous material management manage SVHCs throughout the supply chain

Chemical inventory management track inventory information required for regulatory reporting

Chemical safety prediction help fill data gaps on hazardous materials

Product compliance ensure products meet compliance requirements before going to market

Regulatory management track regulatory updates and changes

Compliance assurance conduct auditing in order to maintain compliance

Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment assess hazard endpoints, toxicology and screening

Exposure assessment assess and manage safe exposure levels for workers

Risk assessment assess risk of chemicals in materials/products

34 Chemicals Management Software Guide

Worker safety determine hazards in the workplace, comply with hazard communications and 'right-toknow' eg Sumi

Environmental safety assess the environmental impact of chemicals

Consumer safety assess the impact on consumers of chemicals in consumer products

Hazard communication

Supply chain communication communicate vital information, providing a unified access point for all users

SDS authoring support creation of SDSs

SDS management support distribution and maintenance of SDS records

Incident management improve EHS performance and mitigate risk by capturing data on incidents and identifying root causes

Labelling create labels for substances that meet regulatory compliance requirements Stewardship

Product lifecycle management minimise environmental impact of chemicals in products through management and scrutiny of design/manufacturing process

Full material declaration identify and track all substances in products to help minimise environmental impact

Supplier information find and track supplier information to ensure end-to-end compliance

Corporate social responsibility manage CSR metrics and data collection, assess and report on long-term CSR sustainability goals


SaaS – software as a service

ERP – enterprise resource planning

PLM – product lifecycle management

CSR – corporate social responsibility

EMIS – environmental management information systems

EHS – environmental health and safety

FMD – full material disclosure

BOM – bill of materials

LIMS – laboratory information management system

Software functions/capabilities are indicated using the following terms

Core – standard function/service of the product

Enabled (Enb) – function/service is enabled by a partner

Customisable (Cst) – customisable module before purchase

Chemicals Management Software Guide 35

CDX Compliance Data eXchange


The CDX helps you efficiently gather, store and report product content for use in compliance and material reporting to agencies and customers worldwide. By using our service, you can:

• capitalise on your supply chain’s knowledge by using established standards and procedures;

• communicate product content with your suppliers and customers in real time;

• stay ahead of new requirements by analysing existing product content and planning where changes are needed;

• benefit from our Chemical Service, which manages the growing regulations for you; and

• efficiently manage SCIP reporting, including bulk submissions and SCIP referencing.


• CDX is a cloud solution which can be used off the shelf, no implementation costs needed

• Chemical Service maintains growing regulations like RoHS, REACH Annex XIV and XVII, TSCA, California’s Prop65, POPs, and others

• Create customised regulations and chemical substance lists

• Supply chain management and onboarding support for suppliers

• EMD (Extended Material Manager) helps businesses manage the collection and roll up of 3TG plus mica and cobalt data from their supply chain complying with US and EU law

Product details

Software type

SaaS, Cloud-based with WebService and S2S for SCIP

User experience

Customisable, configurable, off-the-shelf with options for company specific features

Pricing structure

Subscription (different price models), free trial for 30 days

• Partial and full material declaration and certifications

• SCIP dossier management

Import of IMDS datasheets up to full synchronisation with IMDS data

• Manages product and process chemicals

• Import/export to IPC1752A, B, IPC1754 and IEC62474 format

Service areas

Regulatory compliance

Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship



Regulatory compliance





• EPR Consulting Consulting/Training

• imds professional Consulting/Training

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS, CDX Web Services, SCIP submission and SAP interface

Content type

Database, regulatory updates, SCIP pick lists and standard materials


Purchasing, planning & management, implementation, integration, SCIP and compliance processes

• SAP Systems integrator

• Anthesis Consultancy

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Cst

Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Enb Chemical safety prediction Enb

Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Enb Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Enb Exposure assessment Enb Risk assessment Core Worker safety Cst Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring SDS management Cst Incident management Labelling


Product lifecycle management Cst Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility Cst

Other support services

• Free webinars and events

Consulting and system integration services

Data import from IMDS, IPC1752A, B, IPC1754 and IEC62474

36 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled



The CHEMDOX® company provides an outstanding software solution for the chemical industry: Assure regulatory compliance; Classify chemicals according to numerous regulations; Generate high-quality safety-related documents in the most efficient way.

What do our clients like about us?

The CHEMDOX® software has been developed by experts for experts. It’s efficient, open, flexible and really supports compliance. It is easy to use, integrate and automate. All this, based on state-of-the-art technology and outstanding customer support.

The CHEMDOX® company is a subsidiary of UCS – unique computing solutions gmbh –developing high-quality software since 1999.


• Chemical management: Manage chemicals easily and efficiently with the CHEMDOX® software and its legal content, and substance database

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• Regulatory coverage: Cover global regulatory requirements on a best practice level and up-to-date for all major markets in e.g. Europe, Asia, Americas

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based, locally installed

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable

Pricing structure Licensed, subscription, free trial

• SDS authoring: Generate SDSs efficiently and ‘translate’ your SDSs into 50+ countries taking into account official languages, national legal terminology as well as national regulations

• Hazard labelling: Create multilingual hazard labels with our flexible label editor

• SDS distribution: Distribute SDSs automatically avoiding manual effort

• System integration & data exchange: The CHEMDOX® software provides easy and state-of-the-art integration with other IT systems. Electronic exchange of data furthermore improves productivity and quality +43 1 5321489 0 / +1 888 8369462

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Enb Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Enb Chemical safety prediction

Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Enb


• Several regional consulting and sales partners worldwide

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS, CRM, DMS, labelling software, website

Content type

Database, regulatory updates


Purchasing, planning and management, implementation, integration

• Several software partners (ERP, labelling, etc.)

Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Cst Labelling Core Stewardship

Product lifecycle management Core

Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility

Other support services

• Free Software Demo

• Extensive Customer Support


Chemicals Management Software Guide 37 Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
20% 30% 20% 30%



Do you want to issue SDS in just ten minutes? And prepare your PCN dossier automatically in just a few clicks?

Chemeter is a reliable SDS authoring software that provides you with more than 60 up-todate country specific legislations, continuous new features development and professional assistance. It is a friendly modular software that accommodates every company’s needs considering its country, sector and aims. It creates an extended range of documents, such as SDS, e-SDS, labels, dangerous goods documents and sector specific paperwork.

We offer a sound expertise on GHS and CLP, providing hot line support for legislative issues, questions on the software and technical matters.


• EU poison centre notification format: automatically creates all PCN dossiers for harmonised notifications, in just a few minutes, taking the data needed automatically from Chemeter

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• Automatic classification: introducing your final product formula, Chemeter will classify it, and calculate toxicological and ecotoxicological properties, workplace exposure limits, national inventories (TSCA, Proposition

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based, locally installed

User experience customisable, off-the-shelf, Configurable, modular structure, grows with the customer

Pricing structure Licensed, pay-per-use, subscription, free trial


• Imagine Software


65 in the US, etc) and everything needed to issue your SDS, with the possibility of modifying this information if desired

• Label editor: innovative tool for designing CLP and GHS labels.

• Integration with your ERP: automatic data import from external sources to avoid manual entry of products and formulas

• SDS efficient management and distribution: to be sure your customers are always up to date with their SDSs

• Updated software: new features are constantly being developed and legislative updates implemented

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS, customised integration possibility.

Content type database, regulatory updates, automatic classification

Expertise purchasing, planning and management, implementation, integration

emeter emeter (world) (USA) +34 941 286 749 (world) +1 (786) 485 1609 (USA)

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Core Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication

Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management

Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility

Other support services

SIAM Workshops, Newsletter

• 24/7 Knowledge Base with tutorials and guidance documents

• Hotline for legislative counselling, classification issues and technical matters

38 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable | Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled
13% 29% 29% 29% 0% 50% 100%



ChemGes is used by more than 1,800 customers in 70 countries, making DR-Software a leader in creating and managing safety data sheets (SDSs), labels, PCNs and IPIs. Solutions range from single workstations to worldwide corporate networks, meeting the requirements of global enterprises and SMEs equally.

ChemGes combines transport, environmental and safety data to calculate risks and hazards, and quickly and easily author documents in 39 languages according to international standards. In this way ChemGes brings significant cost and time savings, automatically generating documents that comply with legislation globally and which are always up-to-date.

A maintenance contract guarantees unlimited hotline support and access to all software and legislative updates. Legal and data changes are implemented quickly.


• Offices in Canada, the US, Austria, Germany, France and Italy

• Built-in UFI generator and fully automatic PCN notification and dossier generation

• Four screen languages (English, French, German, Italian)

• Raw material database of more than 25,000 substances

• Automatic country-specific classification according to the UN-GHS and its worldwide implementation (Osha HCS, CLP, WHMIS 2015, …)

• Transport classification

• Calculation of physical/chemical data

• Automatic creation of SDSs and labels in 39 languages

Product details

Software type

Cloud compatible, locally installed to ensure utmost security of your data

User experience

Off-the-shelf, configurable, many functions and highly customisable

Pricing structure

License, modules, maintenance contract subscription for updates and unlimited hotline support, custom programming

• IPIs

• TLVs, substance listings, toxicological data

• Formulation entry and SDS output, completed within minutes

• Extremely high scalability/flexibility, for all needs

• Experienced in-house software engineers quickly implement userspecific program adjustments and customised applications

• Rule-based form generator allows for fully-automatic SDS and label creation and updates

North America +1 902 832 3425; Europe +43 (0)2628 61900

Service areas

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS, can integrate with any software

Content type Database, regulatory updates, extensive database


Purchasing, planning and management, implementation, integration, far reaching assistance and support


Regulatory compliance



27% Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Cst Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Cst Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Core Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management

Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility

Other support services

• Unlimited hotline support, manual, topic guidance documents

• customised training, webinars, YouTube channel

Chemicals Management Software Guide 39 Cst –Customisable Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled

Chemical Watch Expert Diagnostic


Expert Diagnostic helps organisations that are seeking to develop their product compliance by identifying current chemicals management capabilities and creating an actionable plan.

Consisting of an in-depth self-assessment, analyst review and strategic action plan, our experienced analyst team guides you through the full diagnostic process, with a final presentation of the results and proposals to you and your stakeholders.

Use the results and analyst recommendations to benchmark, develop and maximise the value of your product compliance function across your business, regions and product lines.


• Self-assess your company’s approach to chemicals management to determine capabilities at corporate and operational level

• Unlock the full value of your compliance function – use the diagnostic results and analyst recommendations to create a roadmap for improving the capability and efficiency of chemicals compliance

• Form measurable KPIs of your organisation’s compliance function – benchmark performance, address discrepancies across your compliance function and drive quick wins

• Independent assessment to measure initiatives – get buy-in from your business team, showcase and enhance the brand, or use as an evaluation tool for merger and acquisitions

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship 44 (0)1743 818 101 50%


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals)

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data)



Substance volume tracking Hazardous material management Chemical inventory management Chemical safety prediction Product compliance Core Regulatory management Compliance assurance Supply chain management Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Exposure assessment Risk assessment Worker safety Environmental safety Consumer safety Hazard communication Supply chain communication SDS authoring SDS management Incident management Labelling


Product lifecycle management

Full material declaration Supplier information Corporate social responsibility Core

40 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
Software type SaaS, cloud based User experience Off-the-shelf Pricing structure Subscription Expertise Planning and management Product details

Chemical Watch News & Insight


Award-winning global news, insight and analysis to inform your product safety strategy.

Our News & Insight membership provides your team with timely, in-depth, impartial and easy-to-understand coverage – ensuring you don’t miss business-critical developments.

Expert insight on regulatory and non-regulatory drivers around the world impacting the safe use of chemicals in products, from science and risk assessment, to policy, legislation and voluntary initiatives.

A truly global coverage with enterprise-wide access through our class-leading platform.


• Well-informed, independent, accurate, unbiased news, available 24/7 on our website and delivered via our email alert and notifications

• Global coverage brought to you by our well-connected journalists based in key locations around the world

• A forward-looking view, keeping you ahead of the chemicals management agenda and allowing you to respond in a timely fashion

• Keeps compliance, product stewardship and regulatory teams informed of the latest business-critical developments

• All in one place and written in plain English to inform all stakeholders of developments and their impacts

• Comment, insight and analysis digging deeper into the issues, developments, challenges and influencers

Service areas 44 (0)1743 818 101 100%

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data)

Reporting Substance volume tracking Hazardous material management Chemical inventory management Chemical safety prediction Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Supply chain management Chemical safety assessment Hazard assessment Exposure assessment Risk assessment Worker safety Environmental safety Consumer safety Hazard communication Supply chain communication SDS authoring SDS management Incident management Labelling


Product lifecycle management Full material declaration Supplier information Corporate social responsibility

Chemicals Management Software Guide 41 Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
Other support services
Software type SaaS, cloud based User experience Off-the-shelf, configurable Pricing structure Subscription
type Regulatory updates, news, insight, comment, expert focus
Regulatory Database Professional Development Product details

Chemical Watch Professional Development


Year-round access to Chemical Watch’s world-leading online events and training programme – for your whole organisation.

Our Professional Development membership makes it easier and more affordable for you and your entire organisation to access our extensive programme of events and training, live and on demand.

With access to an average of 17 live conferences and 25 individual training and e-Learning courses per year, plus our growing library of high-quality recordings, this is the perfect professional development and networking solution for your business.


Enterprise-wide access to live Chemical Watch virtual conferences. Attend our virtual conferences to take part in interactive question and answer sessions, ‘ask the expert’ themed networking tables and informative presentations

• All available past and upcoming Chemical Watch conferences and webinars on demand. Hear the very latest thinking from expert speakers at our online conferences – past and present

Access to eLearning courses and Chemical Watch training. Learn at your own pace at a time and place that suits you

• Access to exclusive meetings and roundtable discussions

• Unlimited access to our new innovative virtual conference venue

Service areas professional-development/ 44 (0)1743 818 101 100%

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data)


Substance volume tracking Hazardous material management Chemical inventory management Chemical safety prediction

Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Supply chain management Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Exposure assessment Risk assessment Worker safety Environmental safety Consumer safety Hazard communication Supply chain communication SDS authoring SDS management Incident management Labelling


Product lifecycle management Full material declaration Supplier information Corporate social responsibility

• News

42 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
support services
Software type SaaS, cloud based User experience Off-the-shelf, configurable Pricing structure Subscription Content type Regulatory updates, professional development and networking
& Insight
Database Product details

Chemical Watch Regulatory Database


A comprehensive structured product compliance solution providing your team with unmatched and consistent regulatory coverage for more than 279 jurisdictions, all in one place and monitored by our team of 75 legal experts.

Get full visibility of your regulatory environment and understand what you need to do now and in the future, and keep abreast of what changes mean for your products.

Stay ahead of the ever-changing global product compliance agenda, ensure constant market access for your products worldwide, and reduce the risk of non-compliance with reliable, upto-date regulatory intelligence. Powered by Enhesa.


• Complete library of product regulations, combined with concise summaries and detailed analysis to help you understand any changes and their impacts

• Expansive scope covering a wide range of product compliance regulatory areas across a product’s life cycle

• Consistent standardised structure, easy to navigate, find and view applicable items

• Invaluable intelligence at your fingertips, providing easy access and links to source documents and linked regulations

• Powerful discovery and collaboration features including advanced search and filtering tools, personalised views and notifications, and valuable collaborative features

• Fully integrated with Chemical Watch membership products including News & Insight and Professional Development

Service areas regulatory-database/ 44 (0)1743 818 101 100%

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core


Substance volume tracking Hazardous material management Chemical inventory management Chemical safety prediction Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Supply chain management Chemical safety assessment Hazard assessment Exposure assessment Risk assessment Worker safety Environmental safety Consumer safety Hazard communication Supply chain communication SDS authoring SDS management Incident management Labelling


Product lifecycle management Full material declaration

Supplier information Corporate social responsibility


• Enhesa

Content provider

Other support services

• News & Insight Professional Development

Chemicals Management Software Guide 43 Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
cloud based User experience
configurable Pricing structure Subscription
type Database, regulatory updates Expertise Implementation



For more than 30 years, Chemsoft has supported industries in chemicals management. Today, more than 500,000 end users across the globe receive updated safety information from Chemsoft.

Chemsoft is the best choice for large organisations that have a high demand for flexible solutions, regulatory management and compliance. Chemsoft provides an extensive reporting function for easy control, and supports a harmonised work process throughout the organisation.

If you need more assistance, our EHS Chemical Advisors will help you reach or exceed your targets. Chemsoft also has excellent and certified customer support.

Your chemical partner!


• Easy to scale business model – no limits on end users and administrators

• Always updated SDS with data registered in system by Chemsoft staff

• Efficient on-boarding process, easy to get started

• Application and Review module for control over new chemicals

• Smartphone/Tablet access

• Regulatory management, track regulatory changes

Comprehensive risk assessment support, with built-in guidance

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable, scalable solution, easy onboarding

Pricing structure

Licensed, annual fee – based on number of SDS and languages

• Cloud based SaaS solution

• Intuitive and easy to use

• KPI, configurable reports, easy overview in dashboard

Customised restrictions lists, regulatory and market specific

• Assistance in systematic improvements

• Available in 32 languages

• Single sign on functionality

Integration capabilities


Content type

Database, regulatory updates, SDS monitoring, updating and data entry


Purchasing, planning and management, implementation, integration, regulatory consulting services +46 (0)107099000

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Core Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Chemical safety assessment Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Cst Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Hazard communication Supply chain communication Enb SDS authoring Enb SDS management Core Incident management Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management

Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility

Other support services

• Webinars

44 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
10% 30% 30% 30%

CHESS Chemical Safety System


CHESS® (Chemical Health Environment Safety System) makes it easy for you to get an overview of risks, products, documents, hazard labels and more – all in one system. You can retrieve relevant information regarding chemical issues, handling chemicals, occupational exposure limits, product storage and use recommendations. This gives you an advantageous overview and a structure that simplifies chemical handling. Elaboration of safety data sheets in 34 languages. +45 77311000

Service areas

Commercial, production, offshore company or a chemical producing company? With CHESS® you will have a system that creates value in your company. Try our free test at



Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core

A modular system ensuring that you only pay for the functionalities you need

• Creates overview and simplifies the management of chemicals

• Makes it easy to localise chemicals and products that may need substitution or relocation Helps you prevent damages and reduce risk and thereby costs

• Ensures chemical compliance (REACH Module)

CLP calculator and elaboration of exposure scenarios

• Elaboration of safety data sheets in 34 languages

• All documents for ADR, IMDG, RID, ADN and IATA transport

• Secures the highest degree of assurance – thereby quality assurance

• Saves internal resources as CHESS® creates overview, structure and effective work flows

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship Partners

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core

Substance volume tracking Cst Hazardous material management Cst Chemical inventory management Cst Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Compliance assurance Supply chain management Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Enb Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Labelling Core Stewardship

Product lifecycle management

Full material declaration Core Supplier information Corporate social responsibility


CHESS and DGDoc keeps track on your documents

• Take the test – is CHESS an asset for you?

• Whitepapers

Chemicals Management Software Guide 45 Cst
Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
10% 20% 35% 35%
support services
Software type SaaS, cloud based User experience Customisable
structure Licensed, subscription, free trial Integration capabilities ERP, EHS, formula management
Training Product details
Software provider
Proactima AS Content provider Advantages of using CHESS®

Compliance Map Enterprise


The Compliance Map platform is an all-in-one solution to automate and manage all your company’s environmental and supply chain compliance obligations. The system covers chemical regulations ranging from global RoHS, REACH, POPs, PFASs, TSCA, Prop65, custom lists, etc. The platform can automate the publication of SCIP notifications, supply chain data collection, and build reports. The solution is fully enterprise integrated, enabling transparent synchronisation of BOM and material data and supporting the major PLM/ERP systems on the market. The Compliance Map monitors all regulations to ensure the platform is always current to reflect today’s regulatory landscape and scales to meet tomorrow’s challenges.


• Bulk SCIP notification generation and publication via S2S integration

• Native support for risk assessments and test plan evaluations of chemical data

• Tracks exemption expirations, reporting due dates and draft regulations on a shared compliance calendar

• Automatic collection of chemical, compliance data and surveys from the supply chain using email workflows and supplier portals

• Real-time roll-up of compliance data through product BOMs mirrored from ERP/PLM systems

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based, locally installed

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable, each module is configured with business rules to meet customer requirements

Pricing structure

Licensed, subscription, free trial


• Source Intelligence Content provider

• Anthesis Content provider

• All chemical lists, regulation rules, and reporting formats are kept automatically up-to-date

• Report, label and form production is supported to meet the CE marking requirements for RoHS with native support for standards such as IPC1752A/IPC1752B, IEC 62474, IPC1756, IPC1753, IMDS, ChemSherpa and more… +44 1869 255 758

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Core Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Enb Chemical safety prediction Enb

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS

Content type

Database, regulatory updates


Planning and management, implementation, integration

Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Cst Risk assessment Core Worker safety Cst Environmental safety Cst Consumer safety Cst Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring SDS management Core Incident management Cst Labelling Cst


Product lifecycle management Enb

Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility Core

Other support services

• Fishbowl Systems integretor

• Free IPC1752 Material Declaration Tool

• Extended Producer Responsibility

• Responsible Sourcing: Origin Determination and Conflict Minerals

46 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable | Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled
30% 10% 5% 55%

Devex PLM for Chemical Industries


Selerant is the leading provider of process-based product lifecycle management (PLM), EHS compliance and SDS authoring software and consulting services for manufacturers in chemicals, cosmetics, food & beverages and life sciences industries. Selerant was acquired by Trace One in 2022, becoming the de facto end-to-end global PLM software leader, connecting the entire supply chain from raw material suppliers to CPG and private-label manufacturers to retailers and end consumers. Together we offer a single, collaborative platform for process manufacturers and retailers — from raw ingredient suppliers and boutique brands to global CPG giants and blue-chip retailers.

We are proud to count many of the world’s largest chemicals companies including Mapei, Petronas, Kraton, Sensient and Gazprom among our customers. Selerant has offices in the US, Italy, China, Germany, France, Switzerland, Australia, India, Serbia and Ukraine.

Selerant is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified.


Our Devex PLM for Chemicals Industries solution provides a smart integrated product lifecycle management solution (PLM). With out-of-the-box industry-specific PLM templates, Devex is the perfect tool to manage each phase of new product development and innovation for chemical manufacturers.

Core templates:

• Ingredient management

• Packaging management

• Formula management

• Finished product management

• Regulatory management

Each package includes:

• Pre-configured product data sets

• Material and specification templates

• Business process workflows

Documentation and reports

• Pre-configured security and defined user roles

Product details

Software type

Saas, Cloud-based or on-premise implementation, ready-to-use templates

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable

Pricing structure Licensed, subscription


• Sinfo-One Systems Integrator

• HCL Systems Integrator

• Test trial and approved formulas against compliance calculations

• Chemicals specific features to calculate density using AWD approximation, risk assessment and colour tests for the formulae

• Paint specific features to calculate total wet paint volume, total-, volume-, binder- and pigment solids, as well as the P/B ratio and PVC

• EHS compliance, SDS authoring and distribution +39 (0)278 6203 +1 212 792 8910

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance





Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS

Content type

Database, regulatory updates Expertise

Purchasing, planning and management, implementation, integration

• C+P Partners Systems Integrator

• Acewill Systems Integrator

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Cst

Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Cst Environmental safety Cst Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Core Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management Core Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility

Chemicals Management Software Guide 47 Cst –Customisable Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled


element1 supports the delivery of REACH & global REACH-like compliance services, global supply chain compliance, product stewardship & tracking substances of concern, classification & labelling obligations.

Launched at the outset of REACH for Only Representative services, dossier authoring, HazCom & project management, element1 has expanded to tonnage management, supplier compliance, dossier updates, PCN & SCIP notifications, and similar duties in other jurisdictions.

Going beyond compliance, element1 offers data gathering, management & regulatory analysis for products and packaging to underpin your product stewardship activities & optimize substance tracking on a user-friendly platform.

element1 features secure private cloud platform, direct submission to regulators, advanced user management and configurable workflows to suit your company’s structure & portfolio. Supported by the team of regulatory experts, element1 is your one-stop-shop for executing chemical and product compliance programs globally.


Compliance Planning & Execution

• Risk identification and tracking, prioritisation, project management and cost controls delivered via functional, visually appealing, and user-friendly interface

• Dashboard outlining your compliance situation across your portfolio and global supply chains

• Document management and archiving for substances, projects, suppliers. Searchable database and reporting

REACH and Global Compliance

• Tracking volumes, actual and forecasted, to ensure timely compliance actions

Risk management based on substance tonnages, regulatory status, and supply chain compliance, in a structured and efficient manner

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable

Content Type Database, regulatory updates, project management, customised workflows

• Dossier authoring and updates streamlined through specific templates and project management functions

• Reuse your REACH assets and investments in non-EU jurisdictions and tap into our network of international partners to meet your obligations

Product Stewardship

• Tracking substances of concern to underpin your product stewardship activities

• Automatic, periodic cross-referencing of your inventory against applicable regulatory lists

• Risk analysis & recommendations delivered via customised reports for your business & uses

Poison centre, C&L, SCIP notifications

• Preparation of submission files and system-to-system transfer

Integration capabilities

ERP, EHS, formula management, connectivity to SAP content

Pricing structure Licensed, subscription, free trial Expertise Planning and management, implementation, integration +353 21 4868120

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core Reporting Cst Substance volume tracking Core Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Environmental safety Consumer safety Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management Core Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility

48 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled
element 1
20% 20% 10% 50%



Since 1982, EPY software has allowed our clients to comply with the regulations that determine classification, labelling and transport of chemical substances and mixtures.

by Telematic Service areas +39 02 612 4236

Thanks to a deep knowledge of regulations and a constant study to design solutions for hundreds of companies, our state-of-the-art products allow our clients to go far beyond the mere compliance of documentation (safety data sheets, labels, etc.) and use them as effective business productivity tools.

The continuous improvement in quality of our solutions, together with the use of innovative technology, has made Telematic a reference in the global market of regulatory software.

Our team of regulatory experts enhances our products with a range of services such as customised training, workshops, webinars and hot line support.


• SDS authoring software (GHS and REACH compliant)

• SDS distribution

• Archiving of SDSs and related documents (art. 36 of REACH)

• Hazard labelling

• Multilingual and reduced-size labels solutions

• SDSs and labels available in 34 languages

• Fully automatic SDSs and labels creation and update

Product details

Software type

Cloud based, locally installed, client/server

User experience Customisable, off-the-shelf

Pricing structure

Licensed, subscription, free trial, concurrent user based license, scalable, modular


• Flashpoint Srl Consultancy

• ChemLeg Consultancy

• UFI generation and management

Fully automatic system to system poison centre notification

• Transport classification

• Transport documents (DDT ADR and multimodal)

• Exposure scenarios management

• Customisable report management

• Available in four interface languages (English, Italian, Spanish, Turkish)

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EHS, formula management, LIMS, integrability with customised software

Content type

Database, regulatory updates, 34 languages (accurate technical translations)

• Cirs Consultancy

• Proysoltec Consultancy


Regulatory compliance



30% Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Core Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Cst Chemical safety assessment Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Cst Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication Cst SDS authoring Core SDS management Cst Incident management Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management Cst

Full material declaration Enb Supplier information Corporate social responsibility

Other support services

• Webinars/workshops

• Unlimited hotline support

• Regulatory compliance consulting

Chemicals Management Software Guide 49
Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –



ExESS is a powerful, integrated software solution (.NET based) for global environmental health, safety (EHS) and transportation management.

ExESS will run calculators, analyse and interpret data in order to adhere to and maintain compliance with diverse local and international regulations. With more than 2,000 algorithms and supported by major product and regulatory databases worldwide, ExESS can generate accurate and consistent regulatory documents including SDSs, (e)SDSs, various transport documents, regulatory compliant labels, etc.

ExESS supports more than 50 languages that can be linked to any product or regulatory database and allows the creation of custom templates to ensure local regulatory compliance.


SDS, labels and other document management

• Provides multi-lingual document creation ((e)SDS, labels, Workplace Instruction Cards), validation and distribution

SDS authoring

• Makes possible the creation and maintenance of the customer product database. It allows the manual addition (or importation) of new products to the database

Classification and rules creation

• Apart from the classification functionalities provided as standard in the system such as: CLP, GHS US, GHS CN, ADR etc. ExESS also provides customers the flexibility to add their own rules, including:

• rules (blocks) and process automation through workflows;

• product families (parents – child relations);

• versioning;

• phrase libraries;

• content updates;

• change logs (history/traceability);

• data exchange; and

• administration and security profiles.

Product details

Software type

Cloud based, locally installed, client server

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable, Microsoft Office compliant

Pricing structure

Licensed, subscription, free trial, concurrent user based and modular pricing


WikiChemia Content provider

• EIGA Content provider

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS, ExESS supports multiple integration technologies

Content type

Database, regulatory updates, Annex VI, IFRA LM, NVZ etc


Purchasing, implementation, integration

JCDB Content provider

Emori Systems integrator +32 6749 0003

Service areas

Regulatory compliance

Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Core

Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core

Regulatory management Core

Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Cst Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Core Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management Cst Full material declaration Core

Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility Cst

Other support services

• Lisam Systems Events

• Lisam Systems News

• Lisam Systems Free Demo

50 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable | Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
20% 50% 5% 25%

Hazex Cloud


Selerant is the leading provider of process-based product lifecycle management (PLM), EHS compliance and SDS authoring software and consulting services for manufacturers in chemicals, cosmetics, food & beverages and life sciences industries. Selerant was acquired by Trace One in 2022, becoming the de facto end-to-end global PLM software leader, connecting the entire supply chain from raw material suppliers to CPG and private-label manufacturers to retailers and end consumers. Together we offer a single, collaborative platform for process manufacturers and retailers — from raw ingredient suppliers and boutique brands to global CPG giants and blue-chip retailers.

We are proud to count many of the world’s largest chemicals companies including Mapei, Petronas, Kraton, Sensient and Gazprom among our customers.Selerant has offices in the US, Italy, China, Germany, France, Switzerland, Australia, India, Serbia and Ukraine. Selerant is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified.


Hazex Cloud is the complete global EHS compliance and SDS authoring software solution. Hazex manages safety data sheets (SDSs) and labelling compliance for chemicals companies and helps businesses of all sizes navigate the complex and evolving local, regional and global GHS-based regulatory requirements. The software allows for real-time API integration with a broad range of enterprise systems.Scheduled actions and system triggers from external sources, including input from an integrated ERP, allow Hazex Cloud to handle operational tasks outside of working hours and without supervision.

• GHS-based regulations for all major markets

• SDS authoring and distribution

Automatic SDS translations

• Transport data management

• Exposure scenarios

• Label generation and printing

• Automatic European poison centres notifications (UFI and PCN format)

• Industry-specific compliance modules (flavor & fragrances, detergents, paints and coatings, construction materials)

• Batch operations

Hazex Cloud is backed by a team of in-house EHS regulatory experts with Selerant customers benefiting from regular regulatory bulletins to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest developments in regulatory compliance.

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud-based EHS compliance and SDS authoring software solution

User experience

Configurable software gives the flexibility to meet customer’s specific business needs

Pricing structure



Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, Formula management, LIMS, NAV

Content type

Database, regulatory updates, country and region driven data packages


Planning and management, implementation, integration, regulatory consultancy and training on demand

+39 (0)278 6203 +1 212 792 8910

Service areas

Regulatory compliance

Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals)

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Cst

Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core

Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Enb Worker safety Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility

Other support services

• Multilingual regulatory customer bulletins

• EHS webinars

• Selerant PLM and EHS events

Chemicals Management Software Guide 51 Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
Normachem Consultancy ESCom Group Other CEPE and EUPIA Other
20% 20%

Intelligent compliance solutions for chemical and workplace safety


3E™ delivers the award winning safety data sheet (SDS) and chemical compliance management solutions, expert regulatory services, live EHS support, integrated regulatory content, regulatory monitoring tools and consulting solutions you need to effectively manage chemical and workplace safety. 3E employs a full service approach to SDS management, assuming the burden of obtaining and maintaining the currency of all SDSs in your chemical inventory across all of your global locations.

By leveraging 3E solutions and services as part of your proactive chemical and workplace safety strategy you can improve safety, compliance and productivity while decreasing risk to your workforce, your brand and your bottom line.


• Take control of chemical inventory management and approval, managing which chemicals enter a given facility

• Enable every handler to access updated SDSs, labels and extended safety data sheets (eSDSs) in the language and jurisdiction required anytime, anywhere 24-7-365

• Eliminate time wasted chasing suppliers for SDSs and let 3E obtain and manage revisions to all SDSs across all of your locations

• Comply with local, national, regional and global EHS and right-to-know regulations including GHS, REACH, California Proposition 65, TSCA, poison centre notifications and others

• Research, identify, analyse, track, complete and submit required disclosures, permits and reports on your behalf for requirements related to

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based

User experience Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS



Content provider and software development partner

• Enablon Content provider

emergency planning, community rightto-know, hazardous materials storage and handling and waste generation

• Access live, global 24-7-365 emergency and incident response for spills, ingestions and exposures

• Quickly and expertly evaluate the relative hazards of your chemicals, mixtures and products to assess health and environmental risk and determine mitigation measures

• Stay abreast of continually changing regulatory obligations in multiple markets and jurisdictions and quickly determine their impact on operations Integrate current, comprehensive regulatory content and documents including SDSs, eSDSs, technical data sheets, compliance declarations and material declarations into your EHS, procurement, EMIS or ERP system

Pricing structure

Subscription, free trial

Content type

Database, regulatory updates, SDS and other documents


Planning and management, implementation, integration

• Intelex Content provider

• Cority Content provider +1 760 602 8700

Service areas




30% Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communications Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Enb

Hazardous material management Enb Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Enb

Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Enb Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core

SDS management Core Incident management Enb Labelling Core Stewardship

Product lifecycle management Enb Full material declaration Enb Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility

Other support services

• 3E Events and User Groups

• 3E EHS Webinar Series

• 3E Blog

52 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable | Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled

Intelligent compliance solutions for product safety & stewardship


3E™ provides intelligent product safety and stewardship solutions that leverage reliable, global regulatory content to accelerate the development and launch of safer products. Our core competence lies in researching, obtaining, aggregating, validating, and enriching compliance related data and making it actionable and available to our customers wherever and whenever they need it.

Through a unique combination of regulatory reference tools, services and integrated content solutions, 3E can empower you with comprehensive regulatory insights that can be directly embedded throughout your product safety and stewardship processes to drive informed, proactive decisions.

With 3E as your trusted source for global regulatory expertise and product stewardship solutions you will be able to proactively anticipate and manage regulatory changes, respond quickly to changing customer requirements, avoid supply chain disruption and accelerate time to market.


• Proactively manage the health, safety and environmental aspects of raw materials, intermediates and consumer products to reduce potential risks to people and the environment

• Ensure compliance of products and chemicals to secure the right to market, sell and ship products in intended markets

• Seamlessly exchange safety and product data across the organisation to increase accuracy, compliance and productivity

• Create, analyse and manage globally compliant, multilingual hazard communication documentation including safety data sheets (SDSs), exposure scenarios and labels via

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based, locally installed

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable

Pricing structure

Licensed, subscription, free trial

outsourced services or installed software

• Fulfil product notification requirements such EU poison centre notifications and substances of concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) (SCIP)

• Address requirements for voluntary compliance initiatives including sustainable product design and development, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and nongovernment organisation (NGO) obligations

• Streamline processes in order to reduce costs, mitigate risk, deliver to market on time and meet customer demands for customisation

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management

Content type Database, regulatory updates, full text of regulations

Expertise Planning and management, implementation, integration +1 760 602 8700

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Core Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Enb Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Labelling Core Stewardship

Product lifecycle management Enb Full material declaration Enb Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility Enb

Other support services

• 3E Events and User Groups

• 3E EHS Webinar Series

Chemicals Management Software Guide 53 Cst –Customisable | Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled
3E Blog 30% 30% 10% 30%

Intelligent compliance solutions for SAP


3E has a proven track record of providing the SAP® customer community the value added integrated regulatory content, intelligent compliance solutions and expertise you need to optimise your SAP EHS, S/4HANA® for product compliance and recipe development platform. SAP has chosen 3E as its strategic development partner and exclusive provider of embedded regulatory content for SAP S/4HANA for product compliance, enhancing its functionality and empowering your team to anticipate and manage regulatory changes, respond quickly to changing customer requirements, avoid supply chain disruption and speed time to market.

Leveraging our content solutions directly in your SAP platform enables your team to enforce compliance at each step of the product lifecycle. You can monitor and manage regulations, utilise up-to-date regulatory content for the creation and distribution of safety data sheets (SDSs), collect compliance information from customers and suppliers, automate EU poison centre notification requirements, assess compliance of your products’ parts and raw materials and track registrations and substance volumes.


• 3E ERC™ – EHS regulatory content: Global substance lists and reference data plus multilingual phrases, expert rules and SDS templates for SAP® EHS and S/4HANA® for product compliance

• 3E ERD™ – EHS regulatory documentation: Cloud-based SDS and label authoring services for managing component data and authoring SDSs for 140+ countries

• 3E Notify™ – cloud-based notification engine that plugs into your SAP platform for an automated, end-toend poison centre notification and substances of concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) (SCIP) solution

3E Optimize™ for SAP recipe development – value added food, personal care and home care compliance check content for SAP recipe development to ensure product

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based, locally installed

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable

Pricing structure

Licensed, pay-per-use, subscription, free trial

safety and marketability

• 3E Protect™– award winning safety data sheet (SDS) and chemical management system and integrated vendor SDS content

• 3E Insight™– intuitive online regulatory research and ad hoc regulatory check tool aggregating thousands of regulatory lists and inventories related to chemical substances, food, personal care and more

• 3E Monitor™– news and expert analysis on the new and emerging regulations impacting your business

• 3E Connect™– supply chain compliance tool providing visibility into your materials and suppliers, creating transparency from source to sale

• 3E EHS Call Center – live, 24-7365 expert emergency and incident response support for the global distribution of hazardous materials

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EHS, formula management, SAP EHS and S/4HANA

Content type

Database, regulatory updates, rules, phrases, templates, vendor SDSs


Planning and management, implementation, integration +1 760 602 8700

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship






Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Enb

Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Enb Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Core Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management Core Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility Enb

Other support services

• 3E Events and User Groups

• 3E EHS Webinar Series

• 3E Blog

54 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable | Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled

iPoint Suite


The iPoint Suite is a software offering with embedded expertise, designed to improve and simplify compliance, sustainability, and risk management in complex manufacturing value chains.

The iPoint Suite empowers manufacturers to launch “greener” products faster by eliminating high-risk and non-compliant materials as early as possible. It allows manufacturers to bring transparency in the supply chain and reduce risks. The iPoint Suite enables stakeholders to make faster decisions together, in sync, with full knowledge about the impacts across an organisation and value chain to become faster, more resilient, and more sustainable.


• Collect information:

• on BOM structure, product composition, compliance certifications;

• on suppliers, sourcing, and other SC-relevant areas; and

• to use for a digital image of your processes and to integrate with data.

• Analyse:

• products using compliance checks against regulatory changes;

• supply chains for risks like smelter, human trafficking, or slavery issues; and using LCAs and MFCA.

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based, locally installed

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable

Pricing structure

Licensed, subscription


• MSC Hexagon Other

• Report on:

• product compliance, reusability, recyclability, recoverability; conflict minerals and social risk analysis; and

• your carbon footprint. Generate product and material passports.

• Evolve by:

• designing compliant and sustainable products;

• mitigating supply chain risks; and

• identifying hidden costs and achieving transparency on all material and energy flows within production. software/ +49 (0)71 211 448 960

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship




Regulatory compliance



Integration capabilities


Content type

Database, regulatory updates


Purchasing, planning and management, implementation, integration

• JEMAI Other

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Core

Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core

Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Labelling Stewardship

Product lifecycle management Core Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility Core

Other support services

• Webinars, events

• Whitepapers, ebooks, videos, etc

• Software and consulting services for compliance and sustainability

Chemicals Management Software Guide 55 Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
IHS Content provider



The PubliChem application helps companies to comply with the REACH Standards for safety data sheets (SDSs) archiving and distribution.

Its document management functionalities allow suppliers to safely store any document used for chemical safety purposes. In addition, PubliChem proposes advanced tracking functionalities to ensure the safe receipt of the sent documents.

As it easily integrates with your existing systems, PubliChem enables you to bring SDS authoring and ERP information all together for a fully automated distribution job in multiple formats, languages and regions.


Supplier functionalities:

• Document management: storage of any kind of document related to a chemical (safety data sheets, labels, technical data sheets, specifications etc) and management of documents’ (and products’) meta data: region, language, version, archived status

• Active and passive distribution: Automatic distribution of safety data sheets based on orders information and documents updates. Distributed documents are also shared on the platform to downstream users via free restricted accounts

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable

Pricing structure

Licensed, pay-per-use, subscription, free trial

• Distribution tracking: possibility of tracking the receipt and the reading of distributed documents

• Interfaces with external systems

• Data import

• Formats: XLS, XLSX, TXT, CSV, XML

• User rights management

Downstream user functionalities:

• Document repository

• Document request

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS

Content type

Regulatory updates Expertise

Planning & management, implementation, integration publichem/ +32 6749 0003

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core


Substance volume tracking Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Regulatory management Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment Hazard assessment Exposure assessment Risk assessment Worker safety Environmental safety Consumer safety Hazard communication

Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring SDS management Core Incident management Labelling Stewardship

Product lifecycle management Full material declaration Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility

Other support services

• Lisam Systems Events

Lisam Systems News

• Lisam Systems Free Demo

56 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst
Customisable Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled



At Scivera, we envision a world where companies are able to take a proactive approach to product development by verifying that the chemicals used in their products are safe; where suppliers are able to share important safety data without sacrificing their proprietary information; and – most importantly – where everyone is safer because the products they are using are safer.

We’ve been turning this vision into a reality with our revolutionary software, SciveraLENS. This cloud-based program provides users with access to more than 4,500 chemical hazard assessments (CHAs) completed and peer-reviewed by our team of toxicologists – the largest library in existence – and an easy to understand 23-endpoint user interface to help brands and suppliers better understand what chemicals are in their products and identify safer alternatives when needed. With more than 85% of hazardous chemicals in existence being unrestricted, simple list-checking isn’t enough. By moving past a compliance mentality to this proactive approach, entire supply chains can save time, money, and their reputation by ensuring safe products from the start – Safer chemicals. Safer products. Safer Future.


Ensure your brand integrity

• Understand your company’s chemical footprint

• Screen formulations for sourcing, innovation, product development

• Use our 23 toxicological endpoint system to proactively identify potential issues and find safer alternatives

• Work faster and dive deeper

• Manage compliance and certification requirements automatically

• Simplify data gathering, listscreening, and chemical hazard assessments with an easy-tounderstand interface

Product details

• Save money

• Benefit from the world’s largest safer chemistry knowledge base with more than 4,500 Verified chemical hazard assessments from Scivera’s toxicologists

• Build a configurable plan to fit your needs and budget

• Unite your supply chain

• Whether you’re a supplier or a brand, feel confident submitting or receiving chemical reports with redacted information that protects intellectual property while providing necessary chemical safety information. +1 434 974 1301

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Cst

Substance volume tracking Enb Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Enb Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Cst Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication

Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Incident management Labelling


Product lifecycle management Core Full material declaration Core

Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility Core Software type

SaaS, cloud-based

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable

Pricing structure

Subscription, free trial

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS

Content type

Database, regulatory updates, chemical hazard assessments, exposure, and risk assessment


Toxicology, certification services

Other support services

Screened Chemistry Assessment and Certification

• EIM Chemistry Impact Scoring

• Nike Innovation Assessments

Chemicals Management Software Guide 57 Cst –Customisable | Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled
15% 10% 50% 25%


Toxnot streamlines supplier data collection, product compliance analysis & product reporting in a single, powerful cloud-based platform.

Toxnot’s end-to-end solution, industry partnerships, and customer service are best-in-class.

Innovative compliance & supply chain engagement tools make it easy for users to screen against 100+ regulatory lists, explore chemical hazards and alternatives, assure regulatory compliance – all while protecting supplier IP. Automated SDS indexing features save time. Integrated reporting to the leading standards allows for scalable & efficient reporting. Toxnot is a powerful solution for product manufacturers’ transparency and compliance needs.


• Easy-to-organise database of products, parts & sub-components

• Support for complex hierarchical BOMs, as well as relationships between products, parts, sub-components and suppliers

• Digitised workflows for collecting chemical- and regulatory-level data on products, parts and sub-components

• Automated compliance status change checks and notifications

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based, full featured API

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable, integrated hazard and regulatory database

Pricing structure

Licensed, subscription, free trial, enterprise and team available

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS, integrated supplier management


• International Living Future Insitute


• My Green Lab Other

• Data integration across product compliance and sustainability

• World-class chemical hazard & regulatory list database

• Supplier survey functionality that improves responses and scales to global supply chains

• Scalable automated SDS indexing and QA workflows

• Data analytics & reporting capabilities to meet a variety of business needs +1 (970) 658-0997

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship



Regulatory compliance




Content type

Database, regulatory updates, 100+ lists and custom list options


Purcashing, planning and management, implementation, integration, dedicated account support

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Core Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Cst Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Cst SDS management Core Incident management Labelling Cst


Product lifecycle management Core

Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility Core

Other support services

• Health Product Declaration (HPD) Collaborative Other

• Guide to getting started with Product Transparency

• LinkedIn Toxnot User Group

• Compliance Trends Report

58 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable | Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled

Software solutions for chemical safety and supply chain transparency


UL Solutions provides product compliance and supply chain transparency software and services to help companies create safer, more sustainable products and effectively manage chemicals throughout their lifecycle.

For more than 30 years, businesses have trusted UL Solutions to help them meet the chemical compliance requirements of government, non-government, retailers and consumer organisations. We monitor and analyse the regulatory landscape to interpret the implications for our clients.

With best-in-class software and the most robust regulatory data, backed by global experts, companies have the information and insights to proactively manage supply chain risks and make strategic business decisions with confidence.


• Proactively manage the environmental, health and safety aspects of materials and chemicals to reduce risks to people and the environment

• Ensure regulatory compliance of chemicals and products to secure global market access

• Seamlessly and securely exchange product information across the supply chain to ensure chemical safety, compliance and transparency, while protecting confidential business information

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based, locally installed

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable, self-service

Pricing structure

Licensed, pay-per-use, subscription, free trial


• UL Regulatory Assurance Team Consultancy

• SAP Systems integrator

• Create, analyse, manage and distribute globally compliant, multilingual hazard communication documentation including safety data sheets (SDSs), chemical hazard labels and exposure scenarios

• Provide the technical and compliance information required to develop products quicker, and with the regulatory insights to avoid costly delays regulatory-roundup-newsletter

Service areas

25% Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship





Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core

Substance volume tracking Core Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Core Exposure assessment Core Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication

Integration capabilities


Content type

Database, regulatory updates, regulatory insights


Purchasing, planning and management, implentation, integration

Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Core Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management Core

Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core

Corporate social responsibility Core

Other support services

• Chemical Data Management

• Supply Chain Compliance

• Advisory Services

• Chemical Compliance Training

• Industry News

Chemicals Management Software Guide 59 Cst –Customisable Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled

Sphera Product Stewardship Solutions


Sphera is the leading provider of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and risk management software, data and consulting services with a focus on Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHS&S), Operational Risk Management and Product Stewardship.

Product compliance

Our Chemical Compliance solutions help organisations create and automate the production of compliant SDSs and labels in nearly 50 languages with global integrated managed regulatory content. Our Articles Compliance solutions ensure compliance with recycling and substance regulations around the world.

Chemical management

Our consolidated platform manages SDS, chemical approvals and chemical inventory tracking as well as regulatory list data and environmental reporting.


Product compliance

• Proactively plan for and adapt to the impacts of evolving requirements for both articles and chemicals

• Empower your team to reach global markets in compliance with GHS, REACH, EU PCN, and Scip regulations

• Access and apply the latest and most accurate regulatory content from Sphera’s team of industry-leading experts

• Streamline and automate your Safety Data Sheet authoring and material management processes

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud-based, locally installed

User experience

Customisable, configurable, off-the-shelf, global localisation

Pricing structure

Licensed, subscription, SDS hosting and distribution, onsite inventory


• ERM Consultancy

• LinxAS Systems integrator

Chemical management

• Provide access to the most accurate, up-to-date SDS and chemical safety documentation available

• Control your inventory and mitigate risk with inventory & material approval solutions

• Report anything, anytime with configurable reporting that eliminates guesswork and keeps companies and regulatory agencies informed

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship

Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS

Content type

Database, regulatory updates, rules, templates, languages, regulatory content

Expertise purchasing, planning and management, implementation, integration, regulatory and authoring services

• Opesus Software provider




Regulatory compliance

34% +1 312 796 7160 33%

Change management (chemicals) Core Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Core

Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment

Hazard assessment Enb Exposure assessment Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Enb Consumer safety Enb Hazard communication

Supply chain communication Enb SDS authoring Core SDS management Core Incident management Enb Labelling Core


Product lifecycle management Core Full material declaration Core

Supplier information Enb Corporate social responsibility Enb

Other support services

• Check out Sphera’s resources

• Sphera’s product stewardship page

• Sphera’s award-winning Spark magazine

60 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable Core –Core service | Enb –Enabled

Veeva Chemical Solutions


Trusted by more than 1000 customers worldwide Veeva provides modern, easy-to-use, unified cloud solutions that maximise operational effectiveness, agility and resilience by connecting your people, processes and data internally and along your value chain.

Veeva solutions for regulatory, quality, HSE, studies and advertising claims management are purpose built for speciality chemicals, helping you achieve product transparency, speed to market, and accelerated growth.

• Modern cloud system with three upgrades per year

• Track KPI’s and drive continuous improvement through real-time reports and analytics

• Collaborate seamlessly across internal and external stakeholders


Veeva’s Chemical Suite of compliance applications are all delivered on the Vault platform. Veeva Vault provides a modern, consumer web-styled experience and out-of-the-box, workflow, collaboration, content and data management tools designed for the Chemical Industry.

• Regulatory compliance management

• Digital RMQs

• Regulatory requests

• Composition compliance

• Regulatory project management

• Registration and dossier management

• Authorisations and certifications

• New product introduction

• Regulatory events including M&A, global launches

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based, multi-tenant, cloudbased SaaS

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable, consumer-web UX like type-ahead and facetted search


• Accenture Systems integrator

• PWC Systems integrator

• Regulatory information management

• Regulatory documents

• Registration data

• End-point study management

• Quality

• Quality assurance

• Quality control

• Quality documents

• Food safety

• Training Management

• HSE Management

• Clinical Studies

Pricing structure


Integration capabilities

ERP, PLM, EMIS, EHS, formula management, LIMS, open REST API to integrate with external systems +1 866 243 2055

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance



• Deloitte Systems integrator

• NNIT Systems integrator

Change management (chemicals) Core

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Enb

Reporting Core Substance volume tracking Cst Hazardous material management Cst Chemical inventory management Cst Chemical safety prediction Enb Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Core Supply chain management Core Chemical safety assessment Hazard assessment Cst Exposure assessment Cst Risk assessment Core Worker safety Cst Environmental safety Cst Consumer safety Cst Hazard communication Supply chain communication Core SDS authoring SDS management Core Incident management Core Labelling


Product lifecycle management Cst

Full material declaration Core Supplier information Core Corporate social responsibility Cst

Other support services

• Video: How Veeva helps the Chemical Industry – 1:32

• Solutions for the Chemical Industry

• Video: Regulatory Request Management – 1:24

Chemicals Management Software Guide 61 Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled

Yordas Hive


Take control of your chemical compliance.

Chosen by the world’s biggest brands, Yordas Hive is a chemicals management solution that brings you the regulatory information you need to stay compliant, wherever you are globally.

With access to real time, accurate regulatory information on chemical substances and global regulatory lists, Yordas Hive works seamlessly with your organisation’s data to help centralise chemical regulatory workflow, manage risk and anticipate future changes in one place.

Get ahead of regulatory change with Yordas Hive.


• Hive Notifier – customised compliance alerts tailored to your organisation’s needs

• Products – create an in-house database of products to manage and maintain compliance

• Regulations – determine the global regulatory barriers for your products

• Substances – global regulatory data for >283,000 substances

• Updates – regulatory data updated in realtime to stay compliant

Product details

Software type

SaaS, cloud based

User experience

Customisable, off-the-shelf, configurable, implementation team

Pricing structure

Licensed, subscription, monthly/annual subscription with a free trial


• Yordas Group Consultancy

• Materials – evaluate and manage the risk of non-compliance for your complex articles

• Safety Data Sheets – protect staff by managing and distributing reliable safety information

• Hive Integrator – highly adaptable API solution for customised data access

• SDS Indexing – build and update substance inventories

• Regulatory Advice Service – access consultant lead support via Yordas Hive

Service areas

Regulatory compliance Chemical safety assessment Hazard communication Stewardship


Regulatory compliance

Change management (chemicals) Core

Data management (regulatory lists, substance data) Core

Reporting Cst Substance volume tracking Cst Hazardous material management Core Chemical inventory management Core Chemical safety prediction Core Product compliance Core Regulatory management Core Compliance assurance Cst Supply chain management Cst Chemical safety assessment

Integration capabilities

API available to integrate with ERP, PLM, EHS platforms

Content type

Database, regulatory updates


Consultant lead hazard communication, product stewardship, global monitoring and global chemical notifications services

Hazard assessment Cst Exposure assessment Cst Risk assessment Core Worker safety Core Environmental safety Core Consumer safety Core Hazard communication

Supply chain communication Cst SDS authoring Cst SDS management Cst Incident management Labelling Cst


Product lifecycle management Cst

Full material declaration Cst Supplier information Corporate social responsibility

Other support services

• SDS Authoring

• Poison Centre Notifications

• Global Chemical Notifications

• SCIP Datatbase

62 Chemicals Management Software Guide Cst –Customisable Core –Core service Enb –Enabled
10% 20% 20%

Software solutions currently used by the Chemical Watch audience

Software/service Vendor/Provider Website

Intelligent compliance solutions for chemical and workplace safety 3E p.52

Intelligent compliance solutions for SAP 3E p.53 Intelligent compliance solutions for product safety & stewardship 3E p.54

ACD/Name ACD/Labs

CleanChain ADEC Innovation ProductVision® Advanced Software Design

COSHH Management Software Alcumus Sypol Dynamic Case Management Appian

ART (Advance Reach Tool) ART Aspen PIMS™ AspenTech Assent Compliance Platform Assent Compliance www.assentcomplia Chemicals Manufacturing ERP Software BatchMaster ProductTraq Baytouch REACHSuite Baytouch Benchmark ESG™ SDS System Benchmark ESG™ | Gensuite® Chemius Bens Consulting BOMcheck Sphera Solutions CHESS Chemical Safety System Bureau Veritas p.45 NCI Global – A CAS solution CAS SciFinder® CAS AMBIT Cefic

TinyTERM Century Software ChemAxon ChemAxon CHEMDOX® CHEMDOX® p.37

MSDS Authoring ChemHaz Solutions

REACHLINKED Chemical Regulatory Services Ltd Chemical Safety Software Chemical Safety International Chemical

Chemical Watch p.43 Chemical

Chemical Watch p.40 News

Chemical p.41 Chemical

Chemical Watch p.42

ChemParser Chemparser chemSHERPA chemSHERPA ChemSoft EH&S ChemSoft Chemwatch Chemwatch

Chemicals Management Software Guide 63
Watch Regulatory
Watch Expert Diagnostic
& Insight
Watch Professional Development


Vendor/Provider Website

CloudSDS CloudSDS C2P Compliance & Risks

SMART Chemical Inventory Compliance Technology Group Coptis Lab Coptis Cority Chemical Management for EHSQ Cority EH&S Software (previously Enviance) Cority

CorityOne™ Cority

FOUNDATION SDS Management Cornerstone Stoffenmanager® Cosanta Dakota Dakota Software ENOVIA™ PLM Dassault Systèmes® Datacor ERP Datacor Regulatory Library Foodchain ID Insight DEKRA Insight

ChemManager DHI iScienceSearch Digital Science ChemGes DR-Software p.39 ChemLabel Pro DURA-ID

CDX Compliance Data eXchange DXC Technology p.36 Chemical Management Database (CMD) Dynasys Solutions Chesar ECHA IUCLID ECHA Ecobio Manager Ecobio Quentic Platform Quentic SDS Factory EcoMundo Chemical Manager EcoOnline EHS Software EMEX EHS & Risk Management Software Enablon

EHS Software Partner Platforms Enhesa

WASPS Software Environmental Science Ltd.

Epicor Epicor Software Corporation epos hazardous substances manager epos Software & Service AG Chemical EHS Management Software ERA Environmental Management Solutions egsidaX eska

SAP EHS consultancy, support, maitenance and training eSpheres

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Software EtQ Euphor Euphor

Targeted Risk Assessment (TRA) European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC)

S-CIRCABC European Commission extension/wai/navigation/container.jsp Chemsoft Explizit Environment AB p.44

64 Chemicals Management Software Guide

Software/service Vendor/Provider Website


Formulator Chem



Formulator Software

GeSi Software GmbH

Total SDS Global MSDS Solutions & Hazmix® GlobalMSDS

Regulatory Compliance

Granta MI

Green Arrow Labs


Granta Design

Green Arrow Labs


GreenData Manager GreenSoft Technology element1 H2 Compliance p.48 Helacloud


Heritage Environmental Information System Heritage

Label Enterprise Hibiscus-PLC

COSHH Essentials HSE

IBM software products IBM Q-Pulse Ideagen EHS Enterprise Software Suite ImageWave

ICTools InfoChem InfoDyne InfoDyne, Inc. Infor software Infor EHS & Quality Management Software (QMS) Intelex iPoint Suite iPoint-systems GmbH p.55 TDMS ISA

Compliance reporting Ithos Global Keller Online J. J. Keller & Associates easyTRA Jansen-Systems efam (Environmental Fate Automated Modelling) knoell iSafeRat® Online KREATiS

DATABASE MANAGER and CENTRALIZED DATABASE Laboratory of Mathematical Chemistry Derek Nexus Lhasa Limited


Lisam Systems


Lisam Systems p.56

Lisam Systems p.50 PubliChem

Supply Chain Guru Coupa

EPOCH Environmental Compliance and Task Management Software

Logical Data Solutions, Inc. hazMIN® Logical Technology, Inc.

Cloud-Based Compliance Software Lorax Compliance Chemical Management Navigator M3V Data Management

Macola ECI Solutions

Chemicals Management Software Guide 65

Software/service Vendor/Provider Website

Mendix Mendix

Access Microsoft Dynamics Software Microsoft EHS Software MIRS

Regulatory Change Management Mitratech Movex Movex SDSPro (GHSPro) MSDSpro

SEIRICH National Research and Safety Institute (INRS)

NCIS (National Chemicals Information System) for Korea NCIS

Compliance Software Nimonik QSAR Toolbox OECD Agile Oracle PI System™ OSIsoft Paradigm 3

Paradigm Software Active Steward Penman Consulting

EHS Management Software Perillon ChemDraw PerkinElmer

Pharos Project Pharos Fasim 2.1 Philips Innovation Services PHAworks 5 Primatech PRISYM Chemica PRISYM ID

EHS Software ProcessMAP ProcessMAP Enterprise ProcessMAP

PTC Windchill PTC windchill

EHS Compliance Software Quantum Compliance QUMAS DocCompliance Qumas (part of Biovia)

REACH Delivery REACH Delivery International ChemLinked REACH24H Consulting Group

Global Data Brokerage Platform ReachCentrum, an ERM Group company

Product Compliance Management

REACHECK Solutions GmbH

Regulatory Compliance Red-On-Line RegScan RegScan

ChemKnowledge® System RightAnswer®

ChemAlert Risk Management Technologies ChemSpider Royal Society of Chemistry

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Management HSI

Cintellate SAI Global

RoHS and REACH Compliance Software Salve Software Services


Legislation Alert Scitegrity

66 Chemicals Management Software Guide





Scivera p.57

Selerant p.47 Hazex Cloud Selerant p.51

Devex PLM for Chemical Industries

REACHGallery ServiREACH Safety365 Sevron Chemeter SIAM p.38

Teamcenter Siemens

SDS Factory Sigma-Aldrich BOM Manager Silcon Expert SMARTdoc Anrova Solutions Soutron Soutron Global

TrackWise QMS Software and Solutions Sparta Systems Sphera Product Stewardship Solutions Sphera Solutions p.60

EHS Insight StarTex Software SupplierSoft SupplierSoft Inc.

Chemical Inventory Software Sysflow EPY Telematic p.49 Chemical ERP Software TGI Compliance Map Enterprise The Compliance Map p.45 Toxnot p.58 ToxPlanet ToxPlanet

ToxFMD Screened Chemistry™ Library ToxServices LLC TraceGains® Network TraceGains DeDoks Trade Wind Sevaluate™ TT Consulting

ChemADVISOR™ Regulatory Database UL

PurView® UL Software

UL p.59

Materials Data Collection Management UL

Chemical Management Software UL


UMCO Hazard Communication Sytstem UMCO

QSARINS University of Insubria

Veeva Systems Inc p.61

Veeva RegulatoryOne Veeva Systems Inc

MSDSonline SDS/Chemical Management solution Velocity EHS

Vertére's Inventory Manager

Vertére Yordas Hive Yordas Group p.62

Chemicals Management Software Guide 67
solutions for chemical safety and supply chain transparency
Veeva Chemical Solutions

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