When I joined HCB in 1993, I knew next to nothing about the
So in many ways I am always happy when March comes
regulations that govern the transport of dangerous goods.
around, as this marks the beginning of the new year’s
It also quickly became apparent to me that I knew less than
conference season. This month alone, HCB will be
I thought I did about the businesses involved in the transport
represented at the IATA World Cargo Symposium in Istanbul,
of chemicals.
the big StocExpo Europe event in Rotterdam, the unmissable
I also had very few contacts in the industries I was covering.
LogiChem conference in Rotterdam, the cosy BADGP AGM
In those days, if I wanted information from someone, I had to
day in the UK and, right at the end of the month, AFPM’s
ring them up – email was in its infancy and was not widely
International Petrochemical Conference in New Orleans.
used. And gradually, speaking to the same people time and again, some sort of network was beginning to develop. What really made a difference, though, was getting out
April is also busy and I am looking forward to a visit to Denver for Ouray Environmental’s inaugural Transportation and Response Symposium, with the GPCA Supply Chain
of the office. It is one thing to build a relationship based on
Conference following swiftly in Dubai. The month finishes
talking on the phone (which is a lot better than exchanging
with another annual highlight, COSTHA’s forum and expo,
emails) but it is something else to have face-to-face contact
which this year takes place in Greenville, South Carolina. Not
with someone, ideally over a beer in the bar at the end of a
only has attending the COSTHA event kept me up to speed
long day’s conference or exhibition.
with regulatory developments (not just in North America) but
Indeed, my first big outing after joining HCB was to attend
it has also taken me around the US to see places I would
EPCA’s Logistics Meeting in October 1993, and I have at least
never have gone to otherwise – and I have fond memories of
one very important contact who I still talk to regularly who
being in San Diego, CA, Austin, TX, Savannah, GA and many
I first met at a reception in a hotel in Monte Carlo during
others. Indeed, I’m not sure I’d heard of Greenville until
that event.
COSTHA announced it would be going there.
Talking to people also helps inform what I write for HCB. It is
In these days of straitened budgets, the Coronavirus
easy, sat at my desk, to believe I understand what is going on
threat, flight-shaming and generally overworked managers,
out there in the real world but very often I am surprised by
it is easy to make an excuse to stay in the office. But the
the information that I pick up when I’m away from the desk.
value of getting out and networking with others in the
My understanding of events may have missed an important
industry is easy to underestimate. I hope to be expanding
point or may misinterpret the intentions of those involved.
my network further over the next few weeks – see
In fact, one good conference can keep me going in new
you there!
commentary on events for several months.
Peter Mackay