LUBRICANTS FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS For over seventy years, Anderol has been a leading innovator in the development of lubricant solutions for a wide range of applications and industries. Driven by our commitment to customer satisfaction, we have designed our products to meet or exceed the increasing demands of the industries we serve. Our products consistently deliver on the promise of maximized equipment performance and reduced maintenance costs, as well as a variety of specific benefits tailored precisely for your critical application. We have earned the confidence of our customers, largely due to the combination of our extensive Research and Development, our Technical Services staff, and our unique ability to offer the most cost effective solution for your application. Advanced Technology for: • Greases • Compressors & Vacuum Pumps • Gears & Bearings • Hydraulics • Gas Turbine Lubricants • Refrigeration • Food Machinery • Chain Oils
CONTACT ANDEROL SPECIALTY LUBRICANTS TODAY Anderol Specialty Lubricants, a division of Chemtura Corporation, is your source for the highest quality specialty lubricants. Our customer relationship and technical professionals are ready to assist you with your specific application needs. For additional information on any of our products, call, e-mail, or visit our web site today. Customer Service: (203) 573-4595 E-mail: Web:
Product data and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for our specialty fluids are available upon request. Anderol Specialty Lubricants markets a wide variety of synthetic and specialty fluids under the ANDEROL® and ROYCO® registered trademarks. These products are used with confidence globally and are designed with leading technology for use in the aerospace & defense, commercial, and industrial markets. Warranty: All products purchased from Anderol Specialty Lubricants, a Division of Chemtura Corporation and its global subsidiaries are subject to the terms and conditions set out in the applicable sales contract, order acknowledgement, and/or bill of lading. Anderol Specialty Lubricants warrants only that its products will meet Anderol’s standard written specifications for the subject product in effect at the time of shipment or the written specifications for the subject product set out in the applicable sales contract, order acknowledgement, and/or bill of lading, as applicable. Anderol neither makes nor intends, nor does it authorize any buyer, agent or representative to make, any other warranties, express or implied and, to the extent permitted by law, it expressly excludes and disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All other information supplied by Anderol Specialty Lubricants is believed to be accurate but is furnished upon the express condition that the customer or user shall make its own assessment to determine the product’s use and/ or suitability for a particular purpose. No warranty, of any kind express or implied, is made by Anderol regarding such other information, the date upon which the same is based, or the results obtained from the use thereof, including, without limitation, any warranty that the product shall be merchantable or fit for any particular purpose, or that the use of such other information or product will not infringe any patent. Before using any chemical, read and abide by the terms of its label and Material Safety Data Sheet.
If you would like improved performance from your critical equipment, call us today. We are pleased to discuss our lubricants, provide additional technical data, and provide information on specialty lubrication matters. Authorized Distributor:
North America: ANDEROL SPECIALTY LUBRICANTS a Division of Chemtura Corporation 215 Merry Lane East Hanover, New Jersey 07936 Technical Service: +1.973.887.7410 Customer Service: +1.203.573.4595 Fax: +1.203.573.2324 email: Europe, Middle East and Africa: ANDEROL B.V. P.O. Box 1489 6201 BL Maastricht The Netherlands Tel: +31.43.352.41.90 Fax: +31.43.352.41.99 email: Mexico and Latin America North: ANDEROL SPECIALTY LUBRICANTS a Division of Chemtura Corporation Calzada de Guadalupe No. 410, Cuautitlan, Edo. de Mexico Tel: (52 55) 5010 6549 (52 55) 5010 6581 (52 55) 5010 6611 Fax: (52 55) 5010 6565 email: PerformanceProducts-Latinoamerica@ Latin America South: ANDEROL SPECIALTY LUBRICANTS a Division of Chemtura Corporation Av. Brasil, 5333 - Distrito Industrial, CEP 13505-600 Rio Claro - SP Tel: +55-19-3522-5000 Customer Care: 0800 970-6082 Fax: +55-19-3527-0955 email: PerformanceProducts-Latinoamerica@ Asia and the Pacific: ANDEROL SPECIALTY LUBRICANTS a Division of Chemtura Corporation Room 1703-1705, No. 1568 Century Avenue, Shanghai 200122 China Tel: +86-21-3866 6688 Fax: +86-21-6876 0772 email:
Anderol Specialty Lubricants is a division of Chemtura Corporation
ANDEROL - Industrial, October 2012 Printed in U.S.A.