Grasshopper Portfolio CHEN-AN SHEN University of Virginia, School of Architecture Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Project I-VII: From Field to Object (Cross-Scale Studies in Chinatown, NYC Project VIII-IX: Paper as A Material and Studio Practice (Re-imagine the ARCH2020 Project Project X-XII: 3D-Printing and Mesh Practice
Project I: Exploring Chinatown in New York (Part.1) The project extracts the location of basic living facilities in the Chinatown of downtown New York, ploting tourist route that weave through the area showing the proximity of the facilities and the user. Lines are showed to indicate the relative location of the facilities to the user; different sizes of circles are plotted on the facilities accroding to its proximity to the user, indicating the distance and level of convenience of diffferent facilities.
Project II: Exploring Chinatown in New York (Part.2) The project continues the previous exploration in Chinatown at New York City, with a deeper understanding of the programs of different facilities coded with different color. On top of that, the visualization of the convenience level of those facilities are also made clearer by have a third dimension, with closer facilities taller and distant facilitis shorter.
Project III: Generative Landscape: Pavement The project generates a landscape of pavement with three different logics. The first one use random pattern. The second one uses a curve to attract different size of the pavement. The third one uses a point as attractor to determine the size of the pavement based on distance: the farther away the bigger it is.
Project IV: Rotating Tower This project takes a empty lot in NYC, divide it into parks and comercials, then use the block geomery to generate a rotating tower that looks like a derivative of the landform.
Project V: Rotating Tower: Facade This project use Lunch box plug-in to create a facade on a rotating tower based on its angle with the sun direction, the more direct light it gets the openning is smaller.
Project VI: Water Shape Facade This project takes the photo of a water wave and anaylze its saturation data to create a facade that imitates and echos the shape of water wave.
Project VII: NYC Asylum, Platform and Housing This project takes the topography of a mountain range near NYC and hypothesize a future situation that as the sea level rise up the vally will be filled with water. The project analyze the height information and level of steepness on each point on the mountain and determine the feasible position for housing in regard to different level of water.
Project VIII-IX: Re-imagine ARCH2020 Project The porject I did in Studio 2020 is approprating the form of moutain to create housing typology, the waffle model and facet model provides another possibility to expeirment the form and the facade.
The way of assembly in the waffle model provides the oppotunity to create forms without loosing the modularity of the unit, each cell in the model is a unit of living in the 2020 project.
The facet model creates the opportunity to establish the facade system for the residential units, with gaps in between for ventilation and circulation.
Project VIII: Waffle Slab This project takes a topography and use contour to create a slab structure that represents the topo in a waffle way.
Project IX: Facet Surface This project takes a topography and use mesh triangulation to create a facet representation of it.
Project X, XI, XII: Kangaroo Physics Simulation Mesh These projects uses kangaroo plugin to simulate gravity to create different forms of mesh.
Project X, XI, XII: Kangaroo Physics Simulation Mesh
Project X, XI, XII: Kangaroo Physics Simulation Mesh