Facing the river - poster

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Confronting environmental & social risks of the Reconquista River Basin by using the river arm as a backbone

Methodology & Topics TITLE MAP

This project is a contribution of the TU Delft course ‘Globalization’, which partly takes place in Buenos Aires in cooperation with the UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires). The main focus, as the title says, are the spatial challenges of globalization in two municipalities in Buenos Aires, but with a special attention to environmental risks and hazards in the Reconquista River Basin.

legend 1 legend 2 legend 3 legend 4 legend 5 legend 6

Throughout the whole process of this project we worked within different scales. From XXL, the world, to the smallest unit XS, the Morón creek and its surrounding blocks. With the constant reflection of scales, interrelations between causes and effects can be made visible in a complex way and this allowed us to define multi scalar approached strategies. N

N 0



10 km


source: blablabla, 2018






2 km



Fragmentation & Disconnectivity

Institutional fragmentation & Social segregation

Fragmented areas through landuse & Car orientated infrastructure

Flood risk & Contamination

Lack of water infrastructure & Environmental responsibility

Lack of green network Open waste disposals & polluting industries

Climate change effects & Environmental risks



Fragmentation in west-east riverfront & missing north-south connection

Lack of human scale infrastructure and sense of security

Serious flooding problem in north area and more pollution risks from the south

Poor sewage and rain water system

Our methodology bases on a multiscalar approach, but apart of that the structure of the course predefined our methodology: Starting with the literature review and extensive analysis at TU Delft, afterwards the site visit in Argentina, and the finalizing part back in TU Delft. The conception of scales changed during this whole process. In the first part we analyzed in a top-down way, and in the second and third part we proceeded from a more bottom up approach. The theoretical framework of our project is divided into two different stages. Firstly the framework of the analysis and literature review, which defines the main challenges of the metropolitan region and secondly the theoretical framework of our proposal. which structures vision, strategy and key projects.

Analysis & Diagnosis N





2 km

Water treatment plants (drinking water) Water pumping station Water purification plants (grey water) Sewer pumping station Areas without water system Areas with water system Areas without sewer system Areas with sewer system


N 0

In the metropolitan scale the city expansion provoked the industrial belt and 'finger structure' transportation system, which create through time spatial fragmentation and disconnectivity between the city center of Buenos Aires (CABA) and the peri urban area.



10 km

source: AySA S.A., 2016

Besides spatial fragmentation, also institutional fragmentation is visible in the scale of the River Basin. Nowadays four different companies are responsible for hydraulic works, like sewer and drinking water network, which makes it difficult to manage a common development strategy of one system.

In the municipality scale, the two main centers are situated around the train stations, but a new central axis is defined by the main bus route connecting the two stations. Areas around this main transport lines depend on ‘colectivos’ and are rather poorly connected, especially in the west of Hurlingham. Besides that, lots of gated areas exacerbate the fragmentation.

Gated sports club & Heavy industries and logistics Hurlingham, Moron, Buenos Aires

The main inundation zones with highest flooding risks are located along the rivers and their arms and they are not only vulnerable for flooding from surface water (the river), but also from rainwater. And the main industrial contamination points are located along the river and its arm, which makes the Morón creek responsible for a high percentage of contamination of the Reconquista river basin.

Not accessible streets because of flooding & Household waste and sewage discharge in the Reconquista River Hurlingham, Buenos Aires


CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS & ENVIRONMENTALRISKS areas vulnerable for flooding higher strata causing pressure

contaminated river

flood risks

informal settlements

informal settlements

open air dump sites landfill site

inundation area

water scarcity in periphery

sewage discharge Industries of 3rd category


N 5


10 km

10 km

source: Ministerio de Infrastructura, 2009 / Buenos Aires la Provincia, 2009 / COMIREC, 2015

do not share common interests in their development planning, especially regarding environmental issues. Also industries in the area do not show interest of transforming towards a more sustainable model, which would reduce the river pollution. The interjurisdiccional institution COMIREC is losing parts of their power due to the complexity of the coordination of 18 municipalities.

Integral planning process

Stakeholders Analysis Public




Public/Private Public/Private Private

Main interestMain interest



NATIONAL NATIONAL • official owner of • official watersowner of waters GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT • planning of national • planning roadsof national roads • economic growth • economic growth and big infrastructure and big infrastructure• social stability • social stability • policy making • policy making

resources resources • policy making • policy making

• economic growth • economic growth • social stability • social stability

Intermunicipal planning The project stimulates intermunicipal planning. In order to achieve the strategy goals, especially concerning enviProjected context In the projected context the civic ronmental hazards and resposibilities society shows highercooperation power, and of the Morón river aarm, awareness due to more betweenalso them is necessary. Thereby participation in the decision strengthening inter-jurisdiccional making. the Also industries, and communication especially and the instutional Municipalitypower of Morón plays will have an increased of COMIREC an important role, interest about environmental to be able to supervise the environissues. The operational managemental conditions of the river basin as ment capacity of COMIREC will be a whole.stronger in the projected context

• Organization of • Organization waste of waste Existing context In the existing context the Munictreatement AMBA in whole• AMBA CEAMSE treatement in whole spread out the•scope spreadofout the scope of ipality of Morón and Hurlingham • Definition of fee • Definition for waste of fee for waste their services their services do not share common interests in treatment services treatment per services per their development planning, municipality municipality

especially regarding environmental issues. Also industries in the area do not show interest of transforming towards a more sustainable which would CIVIC • fulfill basic needs • fulfillmodel, basic needs reduce the river pollution. The • protection from • protection flooding from flooding SOCIETY • Consumer power • Consumer power interjurisdiccional institution • more public spaces • more public spaces COMIREC is losing parts of their • User power • User power • security power• due security to the complexity of • connectivity • connectivity the coordination of 18 municipalities.

Integral planning process

of Reconquista River of Reconquista Basin River Basin Reconquista River Reconquista Basin River Basin • Coordination between • Coordination between • Creation of environmental • Creation of environmental government levels government levels policies together policies with other together with other • Strengthening•of Strengthening instituof institulegal institutionslegal institutions tional power tional power

ticket price

• Finding a solution • Finding for a solution for informal settlements informal located settlements located in ‘camino de la sirga’ in ‘camino de la sirga’ • Resolve waste •problem Resolve waste problem • definition of urban • definition code of urban code (’basurales clandestinos’) (’basurales clandestinos’) • Extension of drinking • Extension water of drinking water and sewage system and sewage system



ticket price

ronmental hazards and resposibilities of the Morón river arm, cooperation between them is necessary. Thereby strengthening the inter-jurisdiccional communication and instutional power NGO’S of COMIREC plays an important role, • support and inciate • support governand inciate governto supervise the environment-independet ment-independet projectsto be able projects • Help the community • Help the community mental conditions of the river basin as • trust within community • trust within community a whole. Integral planning in a municipal level In the municipal scale a more integral planning approach is proposed. Municipalities can for example appreciate the projected water infrastructure works by AySA S.A. to integrate other territorial planning elements, like waste infrastructure, public spaces and mobility, in order to resolve various urban problems at once. This will imply changes for municipalities and their internal organization of the department of territorial planning.

Public Public/Private Private

Vision Main interest



Discussion table ‘Morón river arm’ To facilitate the proposed integral planning approach we introduce a new discussion table, which is exclusively responsible for the Morón river arm and its affected surroundings. It is compounded of the territorial planning departments of both municipalities, representatives of non public stakeholders, and also the civic society. By stimulating the participation of the civic society also the responsibility and identification with their territory will increase. COMIREC has a role of supervision and coordination between the members, but also with the province and the national government.


• Management and preservation of hydraulic resources of Reconquista River Basin • Coordination between government levels • Strengthening of institutional power

characteristics characteristics characteristics built environment built environment built environment

++ +

waste waste waste

no social surveillance nosocial social surveillance no surveillance

discard river discard thethe river discard the river

Figure 1. Intermunicipal planning


In the municipal scale a more integral planning approach is proposed. Municipalities can for example appreciate the projected water infrastructure works by AySA S.A. to integrate other territorial planning elements, like waste infrastructure, public spaces and mobility, in order to resolve various urban problems at once. This will imply changes for municipalities and their internal organization of the Municipality of Municipality of department of territorial planning. Morón Hurlingham


Proposed Figure 2 Integral planning in municipal level


Figure 1. Intermunicipal planning

Discussion table ‘Morón river arm’ To facilitate the proposed integral planning approach we introduce a new discussion table, which is exclusively responsible for the Morón river arm and its affected surroundings. It is compounded of the territorial planciate the projected water infrastrucning departments of both municipaliture works by AySA S.A. to integrate ties, representatives of non public other territorial planning elements, like stakeholders, and also the civic sociwaste infrastructure, public spaces ety. By stimulating the participation of and mobility, in order to resolve varithe civic society also the responsibility ous urban problems at once. This will Power imply changes and of and identification with their territory Municipality of for municipalities Municipality will increase. COMIREC has a role of their Morón internal organization Hurlingham of the supervision andFigure coordination between department of territorial planning. 2 Integral planning in municipal level Figure 1. Intermunicipal planning the members, but also with the province and the national government. Discussion table ‘Morón river arm’ To facilitate the proposed integral planning approach we introduce a new discussion table, which is exclusively responsible for the Morón river arm and its affected surroundings. It is compounded of the territorial planning departments of both municipalities, representatives of non public stakeholders, and also the civic society. By stimulating the participation of the civic society also the responsibility and identification with their territory will increase. Figure COMIREC a role of 2 Integralhas planning in municipal level supervision and coordination between Figure 3. Discussion table ‘Morón river arm’ the members, but also with the province and the national government.

of public space lacklack ofpublic public space lack of space

no orientation noorientation orientation no

Intermunicipal planning

Integral planning in a municipal level


transformation of the anology into spatial strategy

Figure 3. Discussion table ‘Morón river arm’

Discussion table ‘Morón river arm’





Figure 3. Discussion table ‘Morón river arm’

avoid streets avoid thethe streets avoid the streets

Fancing the River Fancing Fancingthe theRiver River

river a backside • economic growth and river asaas abackside backside river as development • aiming to be new ‘Center of the West’ of AMBA • developments of airports

street nono street lifelife no street life



Potential Development

Schools & Hospitals

Commercial areas

Exisiting Green Area


Exisiting Underground Water Pipes

3 33

sports sports sports

bring river back to people bring river back tothe thethe people bring river back to people

bring people back to streets bring people back tothe thethe streets bring people back to streets


theater theater theater


• Finding a solution for informal settlements located in ‘camino de la sirga’ • Resolve waste problem (’basurales clandestinos’) • Extension of drinking water and sewage system

Municipality of Hurlingham


• economic growth • economic and growth and development development • spatial planning • spatial planning • aiming to be new • aiming ‘Center to be new ‘Center • definition of urban • definition code of urban code of the West’ of AMBA of the West’ of AMBA • developments •of developments airports of airports

no hierarchy in streets nohierarchy hierarchy instreets streets no in / monotony monotony //monotony

From the analogy, we can clearly see the structure of our project. The river arm is to the river basin what the leaf is to the branch. So as the whole branch, we shold also consider the river basin as a whole system, which means the integrated strategy is needed. Zoom in to the leaf itself, we can see that beside the main vein, there are several sub veins that work together. Thus in our project, Instead of only considering the river arm and its surrounding area, we should think about the whole urban structure. Zoom in more to the section of the leaf, we can see there are different layers beneath the leaf surface. Therefore, we should also consider different layers and the underground construction, which would be the foundation of the whole project.

Morón will have an increased interest about environmental issues. The operational management capacity of COMIREC will beIntegral planning in a municipal level Intermunicipal planning stronger in the projected contextIn the municipal scale a more integral BUS BUS The project stimulates intermunicipal in order to facilitate a desirableplanning approach is proposed. future for the riverMunicipalities can for example appreCOMPANIES COMPANIES planning. In order achieve theReconquista strat• Definition of bus • Definition routes and of bus routes and to basin. • Profit • Profit egy goals, especially concerning envi-


traditional industry traditional industry traditional industry

Municipality of Morón

Integral planning PROPOSED PLANNING PROCESS process

• Management and • Management preserand preser• Planning and supervision • Planning and supervision

vation of hydraulic vation resources of hydraulic resources COMIRECof managementof ofmanagement the of the

characteristics characteristics characteristics natural environment natural environment natural environment


in order to facilitate a desirable future for the Reconquista river Integralbasin. planning in a municipal level





Intermunicipal planning The project stimulates intermunicipal AYSA S.A. AYSA S.A. planning. In order to achieve the strat• spread out the•scope spreadofout the scope ofegy goals, especially concerning envi• Responsible for• Responsible constructionfor construction Power their services their services of hydraulic infrastructure of hydraulic infrastructure ronmental hazards and resposibilities of the Morón river arm, cooperation between them is necessary. Thereby Projected context strengthening the inter-jurisdiccional In the projected context the civiccommunication and instutional power society shows a higher power, and of COMIREC plays an important role, INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES also awareness due to more to be able to supervise the environparticipation in the decision • Responsible for• Responsible constructionfor construction • Profit • Profit making. Also industries, andmental conditions of the river basin as of hydraulic infrastructure of hydraulic infrastructure especially the Municipality ofa whole.

PROVINCE OF PROVINCE OF • official owner of • official naturalowner of natural BUENOS AIRES BUENOS AIRES

Source: Photo by author

Power Interest

Main interestMain interest





Stakeholders Stakeholders

al er


Power Interest In the river basin scale, a major issue is the contamination of the rivers and its arms. The higher- and middle part of the basin and the river arms are responsible for contamination, because of their discharge of all types of waste in the river. The inhabitants living in the inundation areas along the river and in the lower basin are most vulnerable for Existing context In the existing context the Municcontamination. ipality of Morón and Hurlingham

The lowest part of the metropolitan area, in the river basins, are most vulnerable for flooding and in the periphery of Buenos Aires a certain percentage of the households have insufficient water supply. Besides, the higher strata in Buenos Aires cause pressure on the lower strata. The higher strata produce more waste where the lower strata have to deal with and take precious land in the flooding areas which causes flooding in the inundation zones along the river.







overall interest overall interest overall interest


FACE FACE FACE THE THE THE RIVER RIVER RIVER river connects river connects andand river connects represents alland identities represents allidentities identities represents all

river as part a network river aspart part ofaaof network of of river as of network of corridors streets creates corridors andand streets creates corridors and streets creates hierarchy, orientation, public hierarchy, orientation, public hierarchy, orientation, public space social surveillance space andand social surveillance space and social surveillance


Figure 1 : From sitenational identity towards a vision Figure From thethe siteandand national identity towards vision Figure 11::From the siteand national identity towards aavision

The vision of corridors are based on different layers, which refers to vacant and industrial areas, commercial areas, schools and hospitals, existing green areas, current underground water network and the given topography. After taken into account these layers, the location of the green corridors can be defined and they can link as many mentioned elements as possible.

Group 1: Laura Lijdsman, Wanting Meng, Chang Liu, Anna Klimczak, Gabriela Waldherr Tutors: Diego Sepulveda, Luisa Calabrese, Maria Guglielmini, Santiago Luppi





Confronting environmental & social risks of the Reconquista River Basin by using the river arm as a backbone

Strategy STRATEGY MAP - 3rd phase

STRATEGY MAP - 1st phase

green continuity

STRATEGY MAP - 2nd phase

centralities international airport river R4 road recycling or eco industries innovation centre train station green corridor bridge metro bus green public places


1. Resettlment of the most vulnerable informal settlments into close neigbourhood.

1. Development of green corridors inside municipalities, coordinate with implemented sewer system, water lines and controled storm pipes.

2. Construction of river creek with park and spaces for flooding between road R4. R iver side with first main sewer line along the creek with possibility of informal connection to avoid any kind of uncontroled pollutions.

future densification sport centre waste water treatment plant culture centre key project

Key project 2


2. Activation of traditional industires, transformation into clean production with real emphasize on recycling and reuse industries. Creation of new working places.

3. First green corridors, as emergency flooding area.

Key project 1

3. Development of domestic airport into c ontinental one. Addition of pedestrian bridge connection makes the integration between municipalities possible.

4. Developing technology/innovation c e n t re i n p o s t i n d u s t r i a l a re a t o support surrounded industries in their transformation


4. Because of the income from the introduced airport project the opening of the covered river part in Moron is possible.

1. Development of municipal project of Metrobus along second airport, connecting north with south, stretching the green corridor of the river into south of Moron municipality. 2. Provincial project of green corridor on top of train tunnel crossing the river. Green triangle in between as innovative, technological spot.



3. Finishing structure of smaller green corridors on whole area.



4. Education, recycling centres rising countiniously, Building identity by creating community places, cultural spots and sport fields along green structure.


1. Contribute to a green network for the neighbourhood/municipalities/city/metropole

1. Prevent flooding

waste green

Purificationtoofawater 1.1. Contribute greenbefore network for the it ends up in the creek neighbourhood/municipalities/city/metropole

social / water economical green

1. Connect people totothe creeknetwork / turn the 1. Contribute 1. Prevent aflooding green for the river from a backside into a back bone / neighbourhood/municipalities/city/metropole create awareness / face the river

infrastructure waste water

1. The of corridors 1. Purification 1. network Prevent of water flooding beforein combination with lines it ends up ininfrastructural the creek create a solid pedestrian and public transport network

FUNCTIONS CORRIDORS FUNCTIONS CORRIDORS social /green economical waste green

1. Contribute to to a green network for the 1. Connect 1.1.Purification people of the water before /network turn the Contribute to a creek green for the neighbourhood/municipalities/city/metropole riverneighbourhood/municipalities/city/metropole from ita ends backside up ininto theacreek back bone / create awareness / face the river

At the end whole structure would create green network between industries, cultural, education centres, public green places and public facilities.

water social infrastructure / economical water

Prevent flooding 1. Connect 1.1.The people to the of creek corridors / turn inthe 1.network Prevent flooding river combination from a backside with into infrastructural a back bone lines / create createawareness a solid pedestrian / face the and river public transport network

waste infrastructure waste

1. Purification of water before The network corridors in 1.1.Purification ofof water before it ends up inwith thein creek combination infrastructural lines it ends up the creek create a solid pedestrian and public transport network

social / economical social / economical

infrastructure infrastructure

1. Connect people to thetocreek / turn/ the 1. Connect people the creek turn the river from a backside into ainto back bonebone / river from a backside a back / create awareness / face/ the create awareness faceriver the river

1. The1.network of corridors in The network of corridors in combination with infrastructural lines lines combination with infrastructural create a solid pedestrian and public create a solid pedestrian and public transport network transport network














Clean the river 2. Stimulate infiltration

2. Enhance biodiversity

2. Nodes network of corridors 2. of Enhance biodiversity and infrastructural lines function as waste collection points

2. Development of a clear 2. 2. Stimulate Enhanceinfiltration biodiversity green/blue network to create orientation in the streets

Connect both municipalities 2. Stimulate infiltration 2.2.Nodes of network of corridors by creating bridges and a metrobus and infrastructural lines function in north-south direction as waste collection points

Enhance biodiversity 2. Nodes 2.2.Development network of of a corridors clear 2.ofEnhance biodiversity and green/blue infrastructural network lines to create function orientation as waste collection in the streets points

Stimulate infiltration Development of a clear 2.2.2. Connect both municipalities by 2. Stimulate infiltration green/blue network create in creating bridges and to a metrobus orientation in thedirection streets north-south

2. Nodes of network ofmunicipalities corridors 2. Nodes Connect 2. of both network of corridorsby and infrastructural lines function creating bridges and a metrobus and infrastructural lines function in as waste collection points north-south direction as waste collection points

2. Development of a clear 2. Development of a clear green/blue network to create green/blue network to create orientation in theinstreets orientation the streets

2. Connect both municipalities by

2. Connect both municipalities by Resettel some ofathe villas creating bridges and aand metrobus in creating bridges metrobus in north-south direction north-south direction

Open up the underground creek & Triangle area


Park along Arroyo Morón

3. Function as water storage area in case of peak rain fall

3. Function as an ecosystem service for the neighboring people (in terms of clean air, purified water, recreation, (natural disease and pest control for agriculture/urban farming?))

Create an hierarchy inarea the 3. Function as water storage in case 3. 3. Function as an ecosystem service for streets (less monotonous) of peak rain fall (in terms of the neighboring people clean air, purified water, recreation, (natural disease and pest control for agriculture/urban farming?))

3. Function as an ecosystem service for the neighboring people (in terms of clean air, purified water, recreation, (natural disease and pest control for agriculture/urban farming?))

3.3.Connect municipalities withinthe larger Functionboth as water storage area case metropolitanofarea byrain connecting horizontal peak fall corridors - vertical corridor and vertical corridor – large scale public transport network

Underground construction 3. Function as an ecosystem service for for Create an hierarchy in theservice 3.3.Function as an ecosystem the neighboring (in terms of of streets (lesspeople monotonous) the neighboring people (in terms cleanclean air, purified water,water, recreation, air, purified recreation, (natural disease and pest for for (natural disease and control pest control agriculture/urban farming?)) agriculture/urban farming?))

3. Function as both water storage area in case 3. 3. Connect municipalities with the larger 3. Create hierarchy in the Function asan water storage area in case of peak rain metropolitan area byfall connecting horizontal streets (less monotonous) of peak rain fall corridors - vertical corridor and vertical corridor – large scale public transport network

3. Connect both both municipalities with the 3. Connect municipalities withlarger the larger metropolitan area by connecting horizontal metropolitan area by connecting horizontal corridors - vertical corridor and vertical corridors vertical corridor and vertical Construction of main pipe network along the river corridor – large scale public transport corridor – large scale public transport network

3. Create an hierarchy in thein the 3. Create an hierarchy streets (less monotonous) streets (less monotonous)

3. Connect both municipalities with the larger metropolitan area by connecting horizontal corridors - vertical corridor and vertical corridor – large scale public transport network


First green corridor

Public space construction


Provincial corridor ( Morón part)

Airport R4 highway 4. Attract ground water from surroundings to prevent wet areas in the surroundings

4. Create a safewater routefrom through the 4. Attract ground surroundings neighbourhood where people walk to the to prevent wet areas in thecan surroundings river / public transport / public facilities or waste collection points

4. Attract ground water from surroundings to prevent wet areas in the surroundings

4. Create a safe route through the neighbourhood where people can walk to the river / public transport / public facilities or waste collection points

4. Attract ground fromthrough surroundings Create a water safe route the 4.4. Attract ground water from surroundings to prevent wet areas inpeople theinsurroundings neighbourhood where can walk to the to prevent wet areas the surroundings river / public transport / public facilities or waste collection points

Reduction of private car using

Public transportation

4. Create a safea route through the the 4. Create safe route through neighbourhood wherewhere people can walk theto the neighbourhood people can to walk river /river public transport / public facilities or or / public transport / public facilities wastewaste collection points collection points


Upgrading the industry Water treatment plants INDUSTRY

Collective facilities

Local and global infrastructure

International airport Metrobus line Green corridor Transport nodes Main bus line

Sport center Education center Culture center

Places of communal activities

Recycling industries and research centers

Recycling industries Research/knowledge center

5. Develop public space in corridors for surrounding inhabitants

6. In the long term: contribute to a sustainable world by banning the car from the street

Commercial centers


Informal settlments

Dencification areas Areas along corridors

Future densification

Informal settlments

Proposed resetlment locations

The road map of our p ro j e c t i s a l s o b a s e d on different scales as mentioned before. First of all, we begin the pilot projects (river arm a n d co r r i d o r s) i n t wo focus municipalities. At the same time, supportive actions s u c h a s s t a ke h o l d e r s negotiaion and mass education & promotion from M scale, related policy making from XL scale and technology & f ina nce sup p o r t f ro m 5. Develop public space in corridors for surrounding inhabitants

6. In the long term: contribute to a sustainable world by banning the car from the street

XXL scale should also be unfolded. After 10 years when the pilot projects are almost done and work well, then the principle can be applied in other areas and activate the whole river basin and metropolitan area.


5. Develop publicpublic spacespace in corridors 5. Develop in corridors with stakeholders for surrounding inhabitants for surrounding inhabitants

5. Develop public space in corridors for surrounding inhabitants

Waste collection points

Education & Promotion

Intervention of other river arms

L 6. In the contribute to a to a 6. Inlong the term: long term: contribute sustainable worldworld by banning the car sustainable by banning the car from from the street the street

6. In the long term: contribute to a sustainable world by banning the car from the street


Policy making Tunnel & Provincial corridor Construction of green structure

Technology & Finance support XXL

Key Project 1

Metro bus station Current profile

Open air theater

Buffer park Proposed profile

Currently in this part of the intervention area is a strong accumulation of informal settlements, the so called ‘villas’, along the creek. They are located within 10 meters of direct distance from the water, which exposes them to natural flooding risk. In our proposal they are relocated towards a vacant site in their neighbourhood in order to prevent them enough space and safer living conditions. The river bank will be redesigned with a flooding square to prevent future floodings. Besides that, nowadays on the eastern edge of the river are waste lands owned by the ex-military airport ‘El Palomar’, which we transform into a culture and education complex connected to the new terminal of the airport. This site of the river will additionally be provided with integrated flooding squares to give more space to the river in rain peak seasons.

Cultural museum

Industrial park

Sports center Sightseeing platform

Key project 2

Waste collection point

Proposed profile

Current profile Bike rental

This key project locates at the green corridor, which is now strongly car-oriented and also don’t has a consistent sidewalk. Also, the existing green in the street is not ecological and coherent. Therefore, it doesn’t function as public space, nor as an ecological connection. The new street is carfree with a wide sidewalk for pedestrians. and the new profile allows the rain water to flow to the wadi. The wadi makes it able to store rainwater in case of peak rainfall (mostly in summer) or prolonged rainfall (mostly in winter) in the street. Greywater will be prepurified in the greywater tank in each block. The waste collection point is provided in one of the garages in the block. Inhabitants can collect their waste here where it can be picked up. This point can also function as a community place. Public space will be activated in the wadi. Platforms between the pedestrian bridges can be used for playgrounds and meeting places. The water can still flow underneath.

Wadi Coner cafe

Coner bar Bus stop

Reflection The principle we used in the Moron creek can also be applied to other river arms, the water will be cleaned up and more space will be provided for the river to avoide the flooding and upgrade the whole river basin. Besides that, it will also provides green and blue eco services in the lower river basin.


1. Strengthen the ring road connection for car and public transport.


4. Consider the rivers as new infrastructure existing in the city not as a backside.

Group 1: Laura Lijdsman, Wanting Meng, Chang Liu, Anna Klimczak, Gabriela Waldherr Tutors: Diego Sepulveda, Luisa Calabrese, Maria Guglielmini, Santiago Luppi

2. Integrate industrial areas and shared facilities

3. Upgrading the current industries.

5. Integrate the new structure with the current one by creating a green network of corridors.

6. Rivers as the backbone with its green network provide inclusive public spaces and facilities.




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