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4.3 Limitation
4.3 Limitation:
Since this questionnaire survey is not a random sampling survey, and all the questionnaires collected are based on respondents' "voluntary filling in", there may be some differences between consumers who are willing to fill in the questionnaire and consumers who are not willing to fill in the questionnaire. For example, the respondents who fill in the questionnaire mainly come from two types of people, one is my friends, the other is people who surf the Internet and are willing to fill in my questionnaire. My friends are all in the 18-35 age group, and there is certain commonality, which cannot represent everyone. There may be some differences between those who surf the Internet and are willing to fill out my questionnaire and those who are not. Therefore, these two groups of people are not representative of all people, and the survey results are somewhat different from the thinking of all Chinese consumers. At the same time, I doubt the authenticity of some data. For example, nearly 30% of the respondents under the age of 18 have a monthly disposable personal income of 30,000 rmb, which is higher than that of other age groups, which is unreasonable. It may be that the respondents entered false information when filling in the questionnaire, or that the respondents "under 18 years old" who filled in the questionnaire were part of the richer group and could not represent all this age group. Meanwhile, respondents in this age group have no monthly disposable income of 5,000-10,000, so the data are limited andbiased. Meanwhile, some questions in the questionnaire may have certain directivity, and there is the possibility of guiding consumers to choose a certain option.