W E NE V E R S T OP DEL IVERING OU R M IS S ION Our mission is to improv e s ur v i v o r s hi p a n d le s s e n t he bur d e n of ca ncer th rough expert t r e a t me n t , co mpa s s i o n a t e ca r e , e a r ly de tection, re se a rc h a nd e d uca t i o n .
REAL IZING OU R V IS ION We sh a l l be the l e a ding c a n ce r ca r e o r g a n i z a t i o n i n L o ui s i a n a , r ec ognize d for th e excel l e n ce o f o ur t r e a t me n t t e a m, t he s t r e n g t h o f our pa rtnersh ips a nd our pa t i e n t - a n d co mmun i t y - f o cus e d pr o g r a ms .
LIVING OU R CORE VA LU ES Eve ry tea m member is ded i ca t e d t o o ur co r e v a lue s , g i v i n g us a f o cus for providing a n extra ord i n a r y e xpe r i e n ce f o r t ho s e we s e r v e . I N TEGRITY COLLA BORATION COM PA SSION RESP ECT I N N OVATION
OUR V I S I ON “With the help of many dedicated supporters, Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center is providing more local access to high-quality cancer care than ever before. Realizing its vision to be Louisiana’s leading cancer care organization, Mary Bird is leading the way as the passionate and expert voice of cancer care. Our work is making a difference one patient at a time and bringing a much-needed focus on cancer in a state with a disproportionately high cancer mortality rate. This all adds up to saving lives and contributing to the overall good health of the communities we serve.”
TOM J. MEEK, JR., M.D. | Chair, Board of Directors
2 0 1 3 – 2 014 MA RY BI RD P E RKINS CANCER CENTER BOAR D OF D IR ECTO RS Tom J. Meek, Jr., M.D. | Chair The Dermatology Clinic
Laurie Aronson Lipsey’s Inc.
Rose J. Hudson Louisiana Lottery Corporation
Brett P. Furr | Vice-Chair Taylor Porter, Attorneys at Law
Lee M. Berg Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry
Eric Lane Gerry Lane Enterprises
Thomas J. Adamek | Secretary/Treasurer Stonehenge Capital Company, LLC
Dudley W. Coates Legg Mason (retired)
Bill O’Quin Financial Services Online
Donna M. Saurage | Immediate Past Chair Community Volunteer Charles G. Wood, M.D. Medical Director Southeast Louisiana Radiation Oncology Group Todd D. Stevens President and CEO Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
Art E. Favre Performance Contractors, Inc. William T. Firesheets II Buquet & LeBlanc Alíce Greer Community Volunteer G. Lee Griffin Chase (retired) Janice Guitreau Community Volunteer
Gail O’Quin Self-employed John F. Smith Consultant Erich Sternberg Starmount Life Insurance Company David A. Winkler Faulk & Winkler, LLC
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center’s vision to be Louisiana’s leading cancer care organization sets a clear path for each of us. Whether connected as a volunteer, staff member, donor, physician, community partner or patient, this vision sharpens our collective focus on constantly advancing the fight against cancer. The board of directors understood the strength that would result from collaboration when they defined a clear vision and a purposeful mission several years ago. Their direction inspired us, together with our incredible hospital and physician partners in Baton Rouge, Covington and Houma, to transform Mary Bird Perkins’ legacy services by establishing comprehensive programs that impact every element of the cancer care continuum. It also sharpened our focus to fully leverage the important role of the cancer treatment facilities located in Gonzales and Hammond. These innovative cancer programs and treatment facilities have dramatically expanded the breadth, scope and quality of services available to cancer patients and the communities of Southeast Louisiana.
T OG E T H ER, W E A RE F I G HT ING C ANC E R ON E VE RY FRONT. This means relentlessly educating our friends and loved ones about the causes of cancer, ways to prevent it, and how to detect it early. If cancer is detected, it is vital to have the latest technology, cancer-focused physician teams, and best trained staff to establish and manage treatments that will provide each patient with the very best outcome possible. It is equally important that patients are supported by a team of compassionate and caring professionals whose expertise makes a huge difference in their journey through treatment. After treatment, programs that support each patient’s ability to thrive and reach his or her goals are as significant as all that went beforehand. Thank you for investing and collaborating with us. We must continue our efforts and remain focused now that we see the direct impact of collaboration. Your time, talent and financial support are making a difference in the fight against cancer. And for that we are grateful.
TODD D. STEVENS | President and CEO
Forty-plus years ago, our founders were visionaries who established Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center to be dedicated solely to cancer care. Today, this focus is the catalyst for Mary Bird Perkins’ leadership in providing high-quality cancer care close to home, and achieving this by managing care and collaboration. At Mary Bird Perkins, we consider it a privilege to collaborate with hospitals, health systems, academic institutions, physicians and teams of specialists across an 18-parish service area. We want to ensure that critical resources necessary for the fight against cancer are available to those who need them. In 2013, more than 4,200 new patients were treated, more than 7,000 people were screened through our outreach program, and research expanded with more than 60 open clinical trials and 25 medical physics research projects underway. Whether helping to advance prevention and early detection or offering the full spectrum of cancer services, together, with our partners, Mary Bird Perkins is focused on bringing the most innovative and comprehensive solutions to cancer care in the country to Louisiana.
BATON ROUGE: Mary Bird Perkins – Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center COVINGTON: Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at St. Tammany Parish Hospital GONZALES: Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at St. Elizabeth Hospital HAMMOND: Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center HOUMA: Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC
For more information about any of our Centers, visit marybird.org.
Top Left: Members of the Mary Bird Perkins – Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center Leadership Team Middle Left: Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and St. Tammany Parish Hospital Leadership Bottom Left: Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and Terrebonne General Medical Center Leadership Right: Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center’s 2013 -14 Board Members
After being diagnosed with rectal cancer in 2011, Shelia Sterling underwent 24 weeks of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiation and two separate surgeries at Mary Bird Perkins – Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center. In addition to these lifesaving treatments, Sterling attributes her survivorship to the emotional support doctors, nurses and other Cancer Center staff members provided during her fight with the disease.
“ E VERY O N E AT TH E CANC E R C E NT E R T RU LY G IVE S Y OU T HAT CO MP REH EN S I VE FE E L OF TAKING C ARE OF Y OU , ” S AI D S TERL I N G . “They were able to bring together a group of nurses and doctors and people to care for individuals like myself and make me feel like I was the only person receiving care.” Because of this comprehensive approach to care through Multidisciplinary Cancer Care (MDC) Teams, Cancer Center patients often say they feel a strong sense of relief and confidence in their treatment plan. They can rest assured knowing every aspect of their care is being addressed, and there are specialists from various disciplines involved in developing their treatment and ensuring their psychosocial needs are being met. Sterling credits each person at the Cancer Center for the part they played in her cancer journey, and now that she is a survivor, for the opportunity to experience all the important moments in her family’s life. “I am what a survivor looks like,” said Sterling. “There are no words to express my gratitude for being here today with my family and participating in all the important milestones in my children’s lives.”
SHELIA STERLING | Survivor, Baton Rouge
When Dale Bourgeois was diagnosed with prostate cancer, his family doctor referred him to Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC for treatment. He said knowing his doctor had confidence in the Cancer Center was comforting and reassuring during a stressful time.
“ANY F EA RS I MAY H AV E HAD W E RE TAKE N C ARE OF W HE N I F I R ST W EN T TO MA RY BIRD P E RKINS, ” SAID BOURGE OIS. Prostate exams began yearly for Bourgeois at the age of 50. Over time, his doctor noticed increased blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a protein produced by the prostate gland that can indicate cancer. A biopsy confirmed the presence of malignant cells, requiring further medical intervention. With the decision made to undergo radiation treatment for his prostate cancer, Bourgeois said having the convenience of quality care close to home helped him continue to live a normal life. Having a support system of family and friends nearby, an expert treatment team and even other local patients experiencing similar challenges helped minimize the fear of a worrisome situation. “Being able to receive treatment here in town, I could go there every day at a certain time, and then go about my business,” said Bourgeois. “I can’t imagine having to spend five weeks away from home to get this done.” After 37 radiation therapy treatments, Bourgeois is now cancer-free and enjoying his two hobbies: restoring old cars and playing golf with his friends.
DALE BOURGEOIS | Survivor, Houma
According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women ages 20 to 59. Robin Brookter was diagnosed with cancer in April 2012 at age 37, and Amy Even was age 41 when diagnosed. Laura Marr, a third Northshore mom, was diagnosed in 2012 at age 39. These young women are the new faces of breast cancer. All three received treatment at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at St. Tammany Parish Hospital. The trio formed an immediate bond that helped sustain them through double mastectomies and chemotherapy.
“ WE B ECA ME MEMB ERS OF A C LU B W E NE VE R W ANT E D T O B E IN , B U T TO H AV E T HAT BOND W AS A G IFT, ” SAID E VE N . Brookter, Even and Marr are young, active mothers who watched what they ate and had no family history of breast cancer, and yet they were diagnosed with the disease (at early stage) despite the odds. “You can be young and active and still get breast cancer,” said Marr. “Screenings are key.” The Cancer Center provides a specialized navigation team to help all patients understand every aspect of treatment and equip them with coping tools. “I can’t tell you how nice everybody was,” said Brookter. Added Marr, “The support and good humor I found was amazing. I can’t imagine going any other place.”
Photo credit: Johnny Gembitsky 12
Coy Gomez, 68-year-old reality TV star, chose to have his treatment for lung cancer featured in CMT’s Swamp Pawn. “I wanted people to see what it’s like,” he explained. Because surgery was not an option, treatment began with chemotherapy followed by an aggressive radiation plan due to the stage and type of cancer Gomez is battling – extensive small cell carcinoma of the lung. “This type of cancer is strongly associated with smoking, and Mr. Gomez has been a pack-a-day smoker for 53 years,” said his radiation oncologist, Maurice King, M.D. Though the radiation treatment proved to be quite physically challenging, Gomez is thankful nevertheless. “The Center in Gonzales isn’t that far from my house in Donaldsonville, and that saved this ole Cajun from having to go to Baton Rouge,” he laughed. Gomez was surprised that a radiation treatment only took 15 to 20 minutes. The staff made him feel comfortable and relaxed. “I would just close my eyes and listen to the country music they played for me and almost fall asleep,” he said. “The people there are wonderful. I’d tell anyone to go there. The nurses are real nice, and so is the doc. I liked that he told me things straight up.”
“ I T MA D E ME REA L I Z E NOT T O P UT T HING S OFF. DO W HAT YOU U S U A L LY D O – I N FAC T, DO A LIT T LE MORE . W ONDE RFUL T HI NG S CA N CO ME O U T OF IT, ” SAID GOME Z. Although Gomez encountered difficulties with his treatment, he remains positive and has this to say to anyone going through cancer treatment: “If you get a cancer diagnosis, don’t let it take over your mind. Don’t give up. Keep putting good thoughts out there.”
COY GOMEZ | Survivor, Gonzales
Enhancing the total patient experience was the ultimate goal of modernizing and renovating Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center in Hammond, which has served patients in Tangipahoa Parish for more than 25 years. The success of the renovation in 2013 is best measured by Wendy Joiner, a head and neck Cancer Center patient, who said,
“ I F E EL L I K E EV ERY TH ING W AS DONE T O MAKE P E OP LE L I KE ME F EEL CO MF O R TABLE AND RIGHT AT HOME . L I VIN G P RETTY CL O S E T O HE RE , T HIS IS MY HOME AND TH I S I S MY CA N C E R C E NT E R. ” First, the sophisticated Elekta Infinity radiation treatment system was installed, providing patients with state-of-the-art treatment technology. And the Center’s new design better accommodates the new Discovery PET/CT 610 Series imaging system, including the addition of an access hallway and special waiting room. “Having the PET/CT right here made it so easy to get the special scan I needed before starting radiation treatment,” said Joiner. “The separate PET/CT area helped to calm my nerves. I didn’t have to be afraid of seeing patients already being treated who might not be feeling well.” The nurses’ station is now more accessible, and vital patient support services, including a financial counselor, dietitian and social worker, are all conveniently located adjacent to the lobby for easier patient access. “The dietitian was always there, constantly monitoring my weight. She did everything to find nutritional supplements I could tolerate so I wouldn’t have to go back on a feeding tube,” said Joiner. “The staff really listened to me. I thank God every day that I was treated here.”
WENDY JOINER | Survivor, Hammond
1: The Bowman Family – The Bella Bowman Foundation
Individuals, schools and businesses across
4: Todd Stevens, Don Jennings, Sandra Watts and Mark Dearman –
Southeast Louisiana work in collaboration with the Cancer Center to organize successful community events and programs to support the fight against cancer.
2: The Billy Heroman Family – Helping Hands Program 3: David Rice and Brent Thomas – Regions Institutional Services Rubicon Golf Tournament and Employee Giving Program 5: Karnival Krewe de Louisiane Board of Directors – Key Supporters in the Fight Against Cancer 6: Donna Saurage, 2013 Hillar C. Moore, Jr. Outstanding Service Award Recipient, and Lance Lemoine, President of Karnival Krewe de Louisiane, 2013 Louis D. Curet Volunteer Fundraiser Award Recipient, with MBPCC Leadership and Community Leaders 7: St. Tammany Parish School Board Students, Teachers and Staff – Top Geaux Pink Supporter 8: Peoples Health Employee Team Supports Our Mission across Southeast Louisiana 9: Southeastern Louisiana University & Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers – Geaux Pink Football Game
YOU R S U P P O RT I N A CTION HE LP E D BY ST RE NGT HE NING : EAR LY DETECTION Offer ing free c a nc e r scr eenings yea r-round for the u n de r- a nd uninsure d EDUC ATION Fr ee t oba c co c e ssa tion progr a m and s upport for the M e dica l Phy si cs Re side nc y Progra m END OWM EN T Per m ane nt inve stme nts in the su staina bl e future of M a ry B i r d Per kins Ca ncer Cente r
P AT IE N T C AR E Impr o v i n g t he qua li t y o f ca r e d e li v e r e d t o pa t i e n t s t hr o ug h t e chn o lo g y, n a v i g a t i o n a n d mult i d i s ci pli n a r y ca r e P AT IE N T SU P P O R T Sur v i v o r s hi p pr o g r a ms i n clud i n g t r a n s po r t a t i o n f un d i n g a n d n ut r i t i o n a l s upple me n t a s s i s t a n c e f o r un d e r - r e s o ur ce d pa t i e n t s R E SE AR C H Supp or ting national clinic al tr ials an d Me dic al Physic s Progr am
THROUGH YOUR GIF TS Only 33, Bertina Dent discovered a lump in her breast while bathing. She told her mother, who became worried it was serious and insisted her daughter get it checked. There was one problem: Dent knew that she didn’t have the funds to pay for the necessary tests. With financial concerns, Dent researched free breast cancer screenings in the Baton Rouge area. After contacting the Cancer Center, she was scheduled immediately for a screening that would occur at Fest for Life, Mary Bird Perkins – Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center’s annual minority cancer health fair event, which happened to be the same week she called to make an appointment. “The Cancer Center initially got the ball rolling for me by providing a free breast cancer screening. I explained my financial situation – I was only working part-time, I had no insurance, and I couldn’t wait for another paycheck to come up with the money to get checked. None of that mattered to them. Their priority was for me to receive help quickly,” said Dent. After being examined at the event, Dent learned that she needed further assessment. The Cancer Center’s patient navigator made sure she underwent the necessary tests, which led to a stage III breast cancer diagnosis. From this point on, the patient navigator was there for her every step of the way and guided her to make sure she received all the required treatments and assistance. Even during her treatment, Dent worked closely with the Cancer Center’s early detection staff as co-chair of the 2014 Fest for Life to ensure the event continues for many years. Without it and the other free cancer screening events throughout the year, many people may go undiagnosed and lose the fight against cancer before it begins.
BERTINA DENT | Early Detection Spotlight
THROUGH YOUR GIF TS Supported in part by generous donor funding, the Mary Bird Perkins-LSU Medical Physics Program has set international research precedents for improved cancer treatment. The joint venture is the only one of its kind in Louisiana and among elite programs nationwide, attracting top students like Lydia Wilson from the University of California, Berkeley. “I believe the partnership, with its opportunity to combine academic study, patient treatment and clinical research, makes it one of the best in the country,” Wilson stated. Wayne Newhauser, Ph.D., who leads the partnership as chief of physics at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, and who holds the Dr. Charles M. Smith Chair of Medical Physics at LSU, further explained, “Our graduate program is internationally recognized and CAMPEP-accredited, and our graduates are very successful.” Wilson was selected in September 2013 for a highly coveted Fulbright Scholarship and began a nine-month research mission in Croatia, where she focuses on disparities in radiation treatment and identifying where improvements might be made in cancer care at the five clinics where she is studying. “Lydia personifies the excellence and altruism exhibited by many of our graduate students,” commented Dr. Newhauser. “And we were excited to learn that she plans to return to LSU to pursue her doctorate in medical physics. The fact that Lydia chose our program over larger programs makes me very proud of this innovative partnership and the high quality of education our faculty provides.”
Patrick F. Taylor Foundation Supports Medical Physics Residents The Patrick F. Taylor Foundation was founded by Mr. and Mrs. Taylor in 1985 as a gesture of thanks to the nation that had given them so much. Today the Patrick F. Taylor Foundation continues Mr. Taylor’s educational crusade in a number of ways, including currently matching funds from Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center to support two medical physicists enrolled in the two-year Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center’s medical physics residency program in order to meet eligibility for medical physics credentialing. The Cancer Center administers the largest medical physics residency program in the nation, and the Patrick F. Taylor Foundation is the only private funder supporting individual residents in the program.
LYDIA WILSON | Medical Physics Spotlight
Photo credit: Eddy Perez 21
THROUGH YOUR GIF TS “The Foundation has seen significant gains this year thanks to our generous donors and to the market environment. It’s even more exciting to watch the endowment grow because each dollar invested will return future income to the cancer centers, turning every gift to the Foundation into one that will continue to give both to our patients and community.”
GAIL O’QUIN | Chair, Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center Foundation
The mission of the Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center Foundation is to build an endowment to fight cancer. In 2013, the board of directors unanimously approved a $140,000 grant to Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center to benefit early detection, clinical research, medical physics, education and patient support. It was the second consecutive grant in support of Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center’s mission across Southeast Louisiana.
Gail O’Quin Chair
B. Michael Mauldin Jones Walker
Aza Bowlin Community Volunteer
James R. Mcllwain Lamar Advertising Company
Gerald T. Goss, CFP, ChFC Goss Wealth Management
Louis William “Bill” Peters Peters Wealth Advisors, LLC
J. Gerard Jolly KPMG LLP (Retired)
Blanchard Sanchez McArthur-Sanchez Associates
Richard A. Lipsey Lipsey’s Inc.
Ethan J. Bush Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and Foundation
Paul R. Nowaki Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and Foundation Todd D. Stevens Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and Foundation DIRECTORS EMERITI Louis D. Curet D’Amico and Curet (Retired) G. Lee Griffin LSU Foundation, Chase (Retired)
Former Mary Bird Perkins patient T.J. Moran, cancer survivor, with Dr. Robert Fields, first honoree of Heart of a Hero.
The Heart of a Hero inaugural endowment campaign, spearheaded by throat and lung cancer survivor Thomas J. “T.J.” Moran, was Through your generosity, recognition gifts to Heart of a Hero are helping cancer patients and their families in the Greater Baton Rouge community. While honoring a doctor, nurse, radiation therapist, treatment team member or personal hero, your generosity this past year helped improve survivorship, provided support programs and services and helped to lessen the burden of cancer for so many in need. MARYBIRD.ORG/HERO
inspired by the expert care he received as a patient. Mr. Moran’s immense gratitude and respect for his treatment team, led by Robert Fields, M.D., inspired him to make an extraordinary $1 million donation to the Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center Foundation. Through his vision and generosity, other inaugural donors joined him to raise more than $2 million through honor and memorial giving to be used for local cancer care. Mr. Moran’s desire to thank his caregivers for the excellent care he received brought the Heart of a Hero grateful patient program to life and continues today. His story has encouraged many others to contribute, ensuring the highest quality care is available in our community.
WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? V O L U N TEER & F UN DRAIS E S E R V E ON A F U ND R A I S I NG C OMMI T T E E : Play an active role in planning and executing fundraising events and campaigns like The Taste, Annual Golf Tournament and Annual Giving Program.
S U P P ORT C A US E MA RKE T I NG: Establish a partnership with Mary Bird Perkins – Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center to raise awareness and funds through your product, service or business.
HOST AN EV ENT: Help us make new friends by hosting an in-home reception or community event fundraiser. We will work with you to create an exciting event idea. Whether it’s a lemonade stand, bake sale or tennis tournament – every dollar makes a difference!
V OLU NTEER YOU R TIME AT OU R CENTER: Center volunteers assist in the reception areas, provide clerical and basic computer support, and offer that caring and compassionate “personal touch” for our patients.
Who are the heroes in your life? Giving to Heart of a Hero in honor or memory of someone who has made a difference in your life, or the life of a family member or friend, is a wonderful way to say “thanks.”
Corporate sponsorships, restaurant participation, ticket purchases and volunteer participation are just some of the ways you can be involved in our signature events like The Taste.
A N NUA L GI VI NG P ROGRA M: An annual gift helps make possible programs and services that support the entire continuum of cancer care, from prevention and early detection to diagnosis, treatment, recovery and survivorship. Join us today as we lead the fight!
For more information on how to get involved, visit us at marybird.org/getinvolved or contact the Office of Development at (225) 215-1224.
G IV E 12 FOR 12: For the small cost of a weekly lunch date or movie ticket, you can help us make a difference in the life of someone who needs it most by chipping in just $12 monthly for one year through this easy program.
COMM–121 (5/14) BRP
Five main sources of revenue helped support the mission and provided life-saving early detection, prevention and education, treatment, clinical research and social services for patients and caregivers across 18 parishes.
Community Contributions $1,879,189
T O TA L RE V E NUE Grant Revenue $2,320,313
$5 . 8 3 7 M
Tumor Registry $408,314
2% 19%
Clinical Research Revenue $126,504
Restricted Giving to the Endowment (Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center Foundation) $1,102,779
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center made a significant impact on the
healthcare of thousands of patients and their families in Southeast Louisiana. This chart illustrates how 2013 philanthropy supports the mission to improve survivorship and lessen the burden of cancer.
Funds defined by a donor for comprehensive care across the cancer continuum
Your philanthropic gift impacts the lives of cancer patients and their families in the communities we serve through these mission areas:
EDUCATION: Free tobacco cessation program and support for the Medical Physics Residency Program
Permanent investments in the sustainable future of Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
EARLY DETECTION: Offering free cancer screenings year round for the under- and uninsured
Funds the greatest need for comprehensive care across the cancer continuum
PATIENT CARE: Improving the quality of care delivered to patients through technology, navigation and multidisciplinary care PATIENT SUPPORT: Survivorship programs including transportation funding and nutritional supplement assistance for under-resourced patients RESEARCH: Supporting national clinical trials and Medical Physics Program
members of the rathbone society are mary bird perkins cancer center’s most supportive donors, with annual gifts of $5,000 and above. the generosity of these donors makes it possible to provide vital cancer resources across the full spectrum of care. ORGANIZATIONS, CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Benefactor ($20,000+) Albemarle Foundation City of Baton Rouge East Baton Rouge Parish Colbert Nation Gulf of America Fund Department of Health and Hospitals For the Future of the Gulf Fund The Gheens Foundation, Inc. Irene W. and C. B. Pennington Foundation Karnival Krewe de Louisiane Louisiana Hospital Association LSU Health Sciences Center Merrill Lynch Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center The Patrick F. Taylor Foundation Pfizer, Inc Rubicon LLC St. Tammany Parish School Board State of Louisiana, Division of Administration Susan G. Komen Baton Rouge Affiliate Susan G. Komen New Orleans Affiliate Tour de Lis
Philanthropist ($10,000 - $19,999) The 2 Seam Dream Foundation Associated Grocers, Inc. The Bella Bowman Foundation BI-LO Winn-Dixie Foundation CB&I Credit Bureau of Baton Rouge Foundation ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Fakiér Jewelers Franco’s Athletic Club, Inc. Gulf South USSSA HUB International Inner Wheel Club of Baton Rouge Integrated Oncology Solutions
Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation Law Office of Steven J. Moore, LLC Louisiana Lottery Corporation Mammograms In Action, Inc. Milton J. Womack, Inc. POOLCORP Regions Institutional Services Rich Mauti Cancer Fund Rouses Enterprises, LLC Southeast Louisiana Radiation Oncology Group Stirling Properties Susan G. Komen Bayou Region Tomarlee Foundation William Edwin Montan Charitable Trust
Patron ($5,000 - $9,999) Amedisys, Inc. BASF Corporation The John W. and Scott Duchein Barton Fund The John W. Barton Family Foundation Baton Rouge Coca-Cola BP Houma Operations Learning Center Celebrating Life in South Louisiana Cliffedge Marketing LLC Community Bank Cox Business The Drew Rodrigue Foundation Elekta, Inc. GMFS Grand Isle Community Development Team, Inc. Huie - Dellmon Trust Humana Huntsman Polyurethanes & Specialties Kirk Trussell and Associates Ameriprise Financial Level Construction and Development Magnolia Dental Manda Fine Meats Mockler Beverage Company
Patron ($5,000 - $9,999) cont. Oil States Skagit SMATCO LLC Olinde’s Furniture Oncology Solutions, LLC Parkview Baptist School Peoples Health Performance Contractors, Inc. Placid Refining Company LLC Postlethwaite & Netterville The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Regions Bank Republic Finance, LLC Salmen Family Foundation Slay Transportation Co., Inc. St. Michael the Archangel High School St. Tammany Cancer Fund T. Baker Smith LLC Taylor Porter Attorneys at Law Terrebonne General Medical Center Terrebonne General Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary United Healthcare Services, Inc. United Way of South Louisiana Wal-Mart / Sam’s Club Foundation The Williams Foundation
INDIVIDUALS Benefactor ($20,000+) Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee Griffin Richard and Susan Lipsey Mr. Thomas Moran Mr. and Mrs. John Noland Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Parks
Philanthropist ($10,000 - $19,999) Anonymous (1) Tom and Lisa Adamek Imo N. Brown Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Dudley W. Coates Mr. Art Favre
RATHBONE SOCIETY MEMBERS (cont.) Todd and Gwen Graves Mr. and Mrs. J. W. “Billy” and Janice Guitreau Brooke Haydel/Haydel Dermatology Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kurlas Mrs. Shirley LeBlanc The Mockler Family Laurée and Jim Bob Moffett Gail and Bill O’Quin Family of Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Rathbone, Jr. Stephen and Shawnee McCord Barbara Ratbone Jack and Randee Rathbone Richard and Michele Rathbone Mr. and Mrs. H. Norman Saurage III Roland and Kay Toups
Patron ($5,000 - $9,999) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barberito Mrs. Jeanelle Beskin Dr. and Mrs. Frederic Billings Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Campbell, Jr. Dr. Michele Cooper Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fields Mr. and Mrs. Kyle France Brett and Renee Furr Jerry and Devera Goss Mr. and Mrs. John Graves Alice and Bob Greer Mr. Davis Gueymard Jack and Becky Harris Dr. and Mrs. Greg Henkelmann Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Johnson J. Gerard and Donna Jolly Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lo Dr. and Mrs. Tom Meek Mr. Earl Nelson Ms. Josephine Nixon Mr. and Mrs. Craig Nuckolls Will and Yvette Owens Cherie and Bill Peters Mr. Jerry Purcell Jennifer Eplett and Sean Reilly Blanchard and Allison Sanchez Dr. Mary Ella Sanders Mr. Charles E. Schwing Mrs. Betty Simmons Mrs. Jo Ann Sims Todd and Kelli Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Newton B. Thomas Paul R. and Mary H. Thompson
member s of the paul d. perkins society are leadership donor s with annual gifts ranging from $1,000 to $4,999. ORGANIZATIONS, CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Guardian ($2,500 - $4,999) Abita Brewing Company, LLC Adams and Reese, LLP Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. The Ambrosia Bakery American Cancer Society American Gateway Bank Amerigroup Corporation Andreeff Foundation Antares Technology Solutions, Inc. Aquilex HydroChem Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services Assurant Employee Benefits Austin Fire Equipment Avita Drugs Pharmacy The Azby Fund B & G Crane Service, LLC Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C. Baton Rouge Apartment Association Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana Blue Runner Foods, Inc. BP Lubricants - USA Buquet & LeBlanc, Inc. Cancer Care Specialists Cannata’s Family Market Carter Chambers, LLC CenturyLink CETCO Energy Services CIGNA Foundation Crawfishman Triathlon Cross Road Centers, Inc. Daiquiris & Company DNA Workshop Dutchtown High School EATEL Fresh Express/Chiquita Brands G & K Services, Inc. Gastroenterology Associates Grady Crawford Construction Co., Inc. Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc. H2O Hair, Inc.
Home Bank HTV 10 Industrial Electric Motor Service, Inc. International Paper Jones-Hamilton Co. Kinder Morgan KLLM Transport Services, LLC Lake Eugenie Land and Development, Inc. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry Lewis-Goetz and Company, Inc Loranger Elementary School Louisiana 1st Choice Auto Auction LUBA Workers’ Comp Mauser USA, Inc. Methanex Momentive Specialty Chemicals Northwestern Mutual of Louisiana Occidental Chemical Corporation Olin Chlor Alkali Products PCS Administration (USA), Inc. Phelps Dunbar, LLP Pipeline Technology, LLC Post Architects PPC Mechanical Seals Praxair Corporation R & D Consulting RA Loving & Co., LLC Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers Reagent Chemical and Research Regions Bank Risk Placement Services, Inc. Rug Chic Home Decor Ruth’s Chris Steak House RxBenefits, Inc. Sanderson Farms Saurage Rotenberg Commercial Real Estate Service Transport Company SGS Petroleum Service Corporation St. Francis de Sales Cathedral School St. Joseph’s Academy St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School Sunshine Media Team Toyota & Team Honda Total Safety U.S., Inc. TraceSecurity, Inc.
PAUL D. PERKINS SOCIETY (cont.) ORGANIZATIONS, CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS (cont.) Transport Service Company Turner Industries Group, LLC Twin Peaks URS Corporation Vandebilt Catholic High School VOA Associates Incorporated Whitney Bank The Worley Companies
Sustainer ($1,000 - $2,499) A. L. Denham Wealth Mgmt. A. Wilbert’s Sons, LLC Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. All South Consulting Engineers Allied Shipyard, Inc. American Truck Group, LLC Ascension Catholic School Board B R & R Foundation Barker Auto Group, Inc. Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport Baton Rouge Orthopaedic Clinic, LLC Baton Rouge Water Company Bayou Cane Professional Firefighters Association Benchmark Investment Group LLC Billy Heroman’s Flowerland Biloxi Marsh Lands Corporation Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson Business First Bank Campers of Camp Bayou Pride Capital One Bank Centurion Auto Recovery and Collection Service Charter Business CHC of Louisiana Christian Life Academy Companion Life Insurance Company Compass Marine Inspection Service, Inc. Covington High School Crothall Healthcare, Inc. Deveney Communication Digital Insurance Don’s Seafood Hut of Covington, LLC Doughlicious Donuts Dunham High School DuraSteam, LLC
Dynamic Environmental Services, LLC E Federal Credit Union East Gate Barbeque Faith Academy Fidelity Homestead Savings Bank Florida Marine Transport Franklin | Data Empowered Direct Mail Franklinton Junior High School Franklinton Primary School G.E.O. Heat Exchangers, LLC Geophysical Pursuit, Inc. Gifted Nurses, LLC Grand Isle Fishing Rodeo Gray’s Creek Elementary Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC H L Haydel Memorial Hospice HM Insurance Group Holmes Building Materials Hyslop Shannon Foundation IBERIABANK Integris Rentals, LLC Jet Oilfield Services, LLC Jones Walker K & B Industries, LLC Kehoe France Northshore Kenneth Brown Design, Inc. Kent-Jacob Salon Knobloch, Poche, Burns Wealth Management Group Laitram, LLC Larry Doucet Memorial Fund L’Auberge Casino Hotel Baton Rouge Legacy Church Louisiana CAT Louisiana Department of Insurance Louisiana Fall Festival Horse Show MAPP Construction, LLC Master Vac Industrial Services, LLC The Milton J. Womack Foundation Mona LouElle Hair Studio Moody-Price LLC Mutual of Omaha Netchex Northshore Crossfit LLC P & W Industries, LLC Package Concepts & Materials, Inc. Parish Concrete, LLC Peace Enterprises, LLC Perino’s Garden Center, Inc. Petroleum Laboratories, Inc. Plantation Inn of Houma, Inc. Principal Financial Group Quality Rental Tools, Inc.
RAPCO Fabrication, Inc. Raymond James Resource Bank River Parishes Community College Safezone Safety Systems, LLC Salad Town, LLC Santa Fe Cattle Co. Shell Pipeline Company ShoppersChoice.com Silliman Institute SJB Group, Inc. Slaughter Logging, LLC Song Phi Nong Thai Restaurant South Lafourche High School South Louisiana Bank South Terrebonne High School Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center Spencer Feed & Seed & Lawn & Garden, Inc. Sports Productions of Louisiana, LLC Spring Creek Elementary School St. Peter Catholic School Stacie Grant MetLife State Farm Insurance Surbo Tubular Services, Inc. Synergy Bank Talley, Anthony, Hughes & Knight, LLC Terminix International Co. Terrebonne Homecare, Inc. Titan Athletic Booster Club United Community Bank UNUM The Vascular Lab Volute, Inc. Wal-Mart Supercenter #1266 – Baton Rouge Wal-Mart #3483 - Houma Wal-Mart Supercenter #401 – Plaquemine Wal-Mart Supercenter #458 – Donaldsonville Wal-Mart Supercenter #541 – Covington Weekend Cruisers, Inc. Wells Fargo Advisors Wink Eyelash Extensions, LLC Zaunbrecher Treadaway, LLC
PAUL D. PERKINS SOCIETY (cont.) INDIVIDUALS Guardian ($2,500 - $4,999) Anonymous (1) Dr. and Mrs. Jeb Andrews Laurie and Mark Aronson Ms. Kelly Barker Annette D. Barton Dr. R. Scott Bermudez and Dr. Alejandra Izaguirre B. J. and Carly Billeaudeau Mr. and Mrs. William Collins Mr. Charles Dettmann Mr. and Mrs. Len Fontaine, Jr. Mr. Mike Foster Dr. John F. and Donna D. Fraiche Cathie and Ed Galante Mr. and Mrs. Kent Guidry Dr. David Hanson and Dr. Jolene Johnson Dr. Kenneth R. and Rev. Janet D. Hogstrom Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones Mrs. Ann Schudmak Keogh Gordon and Teri LeBlanc Jim and Terri McIlwain Lee and Phyllis McLaurin Bill and Karen McNabb Mr. and Mrs. Rick Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nowacki Mr. and Mrs. Rickie Ragan Mr. Allen Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ross Al and Anne Rotenberg Sanford and Jan Roy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Todd Mr. John Turner and Mr. Jerry Fischer Ms. C. Alison Walker
Sustainer ($1,000 - $2,499) Anonymous (4) Dr. and Mrs. Charles Afeman Andrée Alexander Dr. Robert Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Charles Badeaux Dr. Larry “Chip” Bankston Tim and Nan Barfield Robert and Amy Benton Mr. Henry Billiot Brent and Donna Boe’ Mr. Richard Bosse
Claude Bouchard and Monique Chagnon Ms. Kim A. Boudreaux Dr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Bowlin Linda and Robert Bowsher Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruno Robert L. Burgess Ethan J. Bush Mr. Herbert Butt Mr. and Mrs. Donald Callais Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Chapman Vikki Leftwich Mr. and Mrs. William Conger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cradic Mr. Louis D. Curet Mr. and Mrs. Stephen David Ms. June Davis Mr. and Mrs. Eric Delatorre Richard and Gloria Dodson Dr. Raul Doria Mr. and Mrs. Roland Doucet Morise and Renea Duffin Ms. Rhonda Eckholdt Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Elliott Mr. James Elzey Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fetzer III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Foot Mike and Linda Ford Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Franco Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gardner Mr. and Mrs. John Gelpi, Jr. Dr. John P. Gibbons, Jr. Elise B. Allen & Keith R. Gibson, MD Loney Grabert and Family Mack and Ann Gregorie Drs. Kevin and Kathy Guidry Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hanks Dr. and Mrs. C. Chambliss Harrod Dr. and Mrs. Dickey Haydel Cordell and Ava Haymon Brian and Katie Hebert Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hill Mrs. Estelle Holliday Dr. and Mrs. Donald Imhoff Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jackson Mr. and Mrs. David James Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kearns Debbie and Kevin Knobloch Charles and Carole Lamar Mr. and Mrs. Hilaire Lanaux
Mr. and Mrs. Robin B. Liles Dr. Jeffrey and Jody Long Mr. Gerald Loring Dr. and Mrs. C. Bryan Luikart Mr. Clayton Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malkemus Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Marx Mr. and Mrs. George Matthews Mr. and Mrs. B. Michael Mauldin Frank and Kathy McArthur Mr. and Mrs. Kelly McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Armand Michaud Ms. Gail Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moser Mr. D. Denis Murrell Julie P. and Leonard R. Nachman Jake and Mary Nell Netterville Mr. and Mrs. Todd Newbill Mr. and Mrs. Rod Nunez Ann and Justin Ourso Mr. Hunter Parra The Q=Petersen Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pitts Ms. Sharon Pontiff Martha Haley Pope, MD Mr. Henry Robards Ms. Rhonda Robillard Jeff and Elise Routier Mr. and Mrs. H.N. Saurage IV Ms. Margaret Schaff Ellen C. Sessions Renee and David Smith Mr. John Smith Dr. and Mrs. William Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spiess Mr. and Mrs. Joey Stone Mr. and Mrs. Martin Svendson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Tarleton Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Thurston Mrs. Bert S. Turner Nancy and Charles Valluzzo Mr. and Mrs. R. Edwin Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. D. Randolph Waesche June and Harry Warner Jean and Will Wilcox Drs. Chris and Gay Winters Robert and Marsha Yarborough Alan and Sue Zaunbrecher
members of the samaritan circle are donors with annual gifts of $999 and below including individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations. Ambassador ($500 - $999.99) Anonymous (7) 15th Street Flyers 4 Front Engineering, LLC AC Plastiques USA, LLC Ace Enterprises AKM, LLC Alberty and Associates, LLC American Factory Direct Furniture Outlets Archbishop Hannan High School Arkel Food Services dba Papa Murphy’s Mr. Thomas Armstrong Ascension Logistics, Inc. Ms. Betty W. Aucoin Audubon Engineering Operations, LLC Baker Hughes Barker’s Antique Jewelry, Inc. BASF Corporation Bayer MaterialScience LLC Bayou Country Cyclists Beau J. Box, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Beck Bertinot’s Bakery, LLC Bistro Byronz Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Bogue Falaya Fitness BOH Bros. Construction Company Bowl South of Louisiana, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boyce Brand Energy & Infrastructure Services John and Beth Brantley Brock Services, LLC Broussard Paper, Inc. Business First Bank C. Breit Marine Services LLC Ms. Theresa Callais Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Cancienne Cangelosi Ward General Contractors, LLC Carmex, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cashio Catholic High of Pointe Coupee Dean and Stephanie Cazenave CDI Engineering Solutions Central Lafourche High School CF Industries Charles Schwab Chick-fil-A of Houma Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Clark CLECO Power LLC Mr. Calvin Clement
CMA Technology Solutions Mr. Richard L. Collier and Mrs. Mary Dobson Combined Federal Campaign Commercial Tire of LA Inc. Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc. Julie and Chris Crifasi Kim and Robert Crosby CSD, Chemical Specialists and Development, Inc. Pat and Margaret Culbertson Robert and Charlotte Daigrepont Daily Equipment Company Daiquiri Doctors, LLC DCW Casing LLC Deloitte Services LP Susan Dickerson Mr. Jonas P. Dominique Mr. and Mrs. Dustin S. Dowling Mrs. Jacklyn Ducote Dynamic Fuels, LLC Ellendale Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Wallace I. Ellender III Ellender Memorial High School Mr. Fred Elliff Mr. and Mrs. Rene C. Ellis Employees of Villa Feliciana Medical Complex Evergreen Junior High School Ms. Shannon Fay Mr. Sean Finan and Dr. Kelly Finan Fit4Life Clay and Katheryn Flournoy Nancy Fogleman Mr. Timothy H. Folks Campers of Camp Bayou Pride Mr. and Mrs. Shawn L. Frazer Mr. James Funderburk Mr. Chris Gallagher GE Power & Water Give with Liberty Glen Oaks Park Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Les J. Griffon, Jr. Dr. Robert T. Grissom Mr. and Mrs. Luke V. Guarisco Mr. and Mrs. Eric Guerin Gulf Stream Marine Surveying, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Haddad William and Vickie Hall Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haydel Haydel Dermatology, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott N. Hensgens Honey Baked Ham Houma Christian School Houma Junior High School Mrs. Rose J. Hudson IBM Employee Services Center Inside Northside ITT - Goulds Pumps JaniKing of Baton Rouge Dr. and Mrs. Barrett A. Johnston Jones Fussell, L.L.P. Mrs. Jamie Jusselin Kalle USA, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Kean III Kean Miller LLP Patience and James Keisler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirby Luke and Kathryn Kissam Mr. and Mrs. John Koch Koch Specialty Plant Services, Inc. Kolmar Americas, Inc. L & B Transport, L.L.C. Wayne and Debbie Landry Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Larpenter Dr. and Mrs. Joe Laughlin Laurier, LLC Susan P. and F. Barrow Leake III Mr. Arlen Ledet Mr. and Mrs. W. Conville Lemoine Mr. John A. Levert Lincoln Financial Group Phil and Ann Livingston Lofton Staffing & Lofton Security Services The Louisiana Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living Louisiana Department of State Civil Service Louisiana Scrap Metal Recycling Lowery Elementary School M. L. Smith, Jr., LLC Danielle and James Mack Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mackey Madisonville Gar Rodeo Maintenance Protection Systems, Inc. Mandeville High School Girls Volleyball Team Maria Immacolata School Anne and Paul Marks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Mashon Dr. Lee F. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Rick Massengale Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mayo
SAMARITAN CIRCLE (cont.) Dr. and Mrs. Chris McCanless Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McMyne Mechanical Equipment Company, Inc. Mestizo, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miranda Dr. Clyde H. Moore Mount Hermon School Murphy Appraisal Services Mr. and Mrs. Dyke Nelson Ron and Corinne Ness Drs. Wayne and Heike Newhauser NewPort Tank Containers, Inc. Newton Landscape Group, Inc. Dr. Bedford Nieves Mr. and Mrs. John B. Noland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Nunez Ohmstede, Ltd. PALA-Interstate, Inc. Paradigm Labs, Inc. Patrick L. Flanagan Insurance Agency, Inc. Peoples Bank Mr. and Mrs. Jon Petersen Conway and Robert Pettit Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Philips, Jr. Ponchatoula High School Prager Incorporated Precision Industries, Inc. Premier MRI 4 U / Fairway Imaging LLC Premier OBGYN Specialists Mr. and Mrs. Davis Prescott Prudential Financial Quality Bolt and Screw Corp. Quality Litigation Support, Inc. Quincannon Associates, Inc. Red Stick Armature Works, Inc. Mr. Gerald E. Reed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Reeves Reliable Plumbing, Inc. Renaissance Family Fitness RESCAR, Inc. Safe Harbor Access Systems Sam’s Club #4875 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Saurage Mrs. Karen O. Schilling Security Safety and Supply Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Selser Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Shaffer, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Roger Shaw Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Shean Shekoy Chemicals US, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brett Sides Mr. and Mrs. Charlie H. Sides Jr. Southdown Elementary School Southland Fire and Safety Southland Mall Merchants Association
Specialized Industrial Maintenance Springfield Elementary School St. Jude the Apostle School St. Tammany Parish Fire District 9 Volunteers Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Davis Stafford Star Service, Inc. Sunbelt Chemicals Corporation Sweetbink LLC Mr. and Mrs. Collis B. Temple III Thomas Elementary School Titan Terminal & Transport, Inc. TMI Enterprise, LLC Tricore, Inc. Union Tank Car Company Univar USA Mr. and Mrs. Brent C. Upton Mike and Pam Wall Mr. Andrew Walters Dr. and Mrs. Eric Wascome Mr. and Mrs. David Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. George Wellen Ann Wilkinson Willbros Engineering LLC Mr. and Mrs. Damon Wood Lisa Zeringue
Supporter ($250 - $499.99) Anonymous (8) 321 LLC Acme Refrigeration of Baton Rouge, Inc. AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana Paul K. and Clara S. Andersen Ms. Kathleen Apetrei Mr. Frank Apollo Mr. and Mrs. John C. Arcana, Jr. Audubon Home Health Bass Pro Shops Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beck Ms. Angela Belanger Ms. Charlene Belk Mr. and Mrs. Tajiri Benjamin Mr. Peter Benoit Jake and Amy Berret Besco Tubular Mr. and Mrs. Scott Blackburn Blazin Concepts L.L.C. Mr. Robert A. Bogan, Jr. Edward Bopp Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bordelon Tom Boudreaux and Mary Marchand Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boyce Ms. Kay Braud Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Breaud Chili’s
Brooke’s Sno-World Ms. Michele Bruno James and Donna Bryant Mr. and Mrs. James J. Buquet Mr. and Mrs. Shaun A. Burns Mr. and Mrs. James Burton Mr. and Mrs. Corey Callais Campus Federal Credit Union Carson & Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Carter Mr. Robert R. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Champagne Dr. Edward Chiasson Christian D. Lapeyre Insurance Services, Inc. Ms. Shannon Cormier Counter Culture Mr. and Mrs. David Cresson Dr. Robert Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Croxton Mr. Troy Cunningham Curry & Friend, PLC Cut Off Elementary School D.C. Reeves Elementary School Rob and Darlene Daigrepont Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Damberg Mr. and Mrs. Irv Daniel Mr. Dustin Denicola Ms. Brandie Dimattia Bill and Glenda Dobson Mr. James Dodds Mr. James P. Dore Doyle Electric, Inc. Emco Anesthetics and Consulting Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Faulk Favorites Promotional Products, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Feigley Mr. and Mrs. John J. Finan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Fischer III FMOL Health System Forte and Tablada, Inc. Mr. Bill Fox and Ms. Terri Kessel Lynnette Frazer Mrs. Earline D. Gaudet Gonzales Primary School Linda and Fred Grace Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Graner Ms. Joanne Grashot Great American Cookies Greenbrier Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Adam Grezaffi Mrs. Dianne Griffin Gulf Offshore Logistics, LLC H. L. Bourgeois High School H. R. Alexander, Jr., DDS Hannis T. Bourgeois, LLP
SAMARITAN CIRC LE (cont.) Dr. Mike and Cindy Harlan Fran and Leroy Harvey Haydel’s Drug Store Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Hebert, Sr. Mr. Matthew Hetzler and Dr. Laura Hetzler Don and Dee Hingle Houma Pretzel Co., LLC Houston Armature Works, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Hurst Ichiban J. B. Levert Foundation Mrs. Betsy C. Jahncke Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jemison Mr. and Mrs. H. Alston Johnson III Juban’s, Inc. Ms. Cyndi Knox Mr. and Mrs. Allen Krake La Casa del Sol Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lucius Lambert II Leslie and Chris Landry Sherrill Womack Lane Le Bijou Salon & Day Spa Mr. and Mrs. Beau Leitner Ms. Charlotte Levy Lipsey’s, Inc. Cassie and Joseph Luquet M & D Draft Report M. Bergeron & Company CPAs, LLC Corrie Mackey Dr. Richard A. Magill Ms. Sandy Marquette Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin Mr. and Mrs. Javier Martinez Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic School Ms. Shirley Masinter Master Maintenance & Construction, Inc. Stephen and Janis Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. McCrary Mr. and Mrs. Ty McMains Mr. Jeff McMullan Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. McNeil Mr. Thomas Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Milton Moore, Thompson & Lee, APLC Morris P. Hebert, Inc. Mugshots NRG Global Giving Oak Grove Primary School Mr. and Mrs. Brandon O’Deay Orthopaedic Sports Specialists of Louisiana Park Forest Elementary School Pelican Energy Consultants
Ms. Shelly Pennington Ms. Catherine Picou Ms. Mary Olive Pierson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Poche III Point of Vue Magazine LLC Ponchatoula Junior High School Mr. and Mrs. David Ponson Ms. Rebecca Porche Randy Purcell Jim and Blair Purgerson Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin Read Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Redman Remington College Richard C. Lambert Consultants, LLC Roland J. Robert Distributors, Inc. Ross Downing Chevrolet Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Rougeau Mr. and Mrs. James Rozycki Dr. and Mrs. James F. Ruiz Rushing Media Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Saadi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Savoie Mr. and Mrs. John Schiller SEACOR Marine Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sessions Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Siemann Mr. and Mrs. Edward Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Smith Springfield High School State Farm Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sterling Tangipahoa Home Builders Association Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Taravella The Southern University Student Nurses Assoc. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thompson Dr. and Mrs. O. M. Thompson, Jr. Thrash Law Firm Ms. Sharon Toups Uniforms By Bayou Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Vendetto Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Walsworth Walter Reed Campaign Fund Mr. Wei Wang Ms. Shanna R. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Welsh Mrs. Verna B. Will Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wise Ms. Candace Wright Zoe’s Kitchen
Care Giver ($100 - $249.99) Anonymous (17) 1st Louisiana Realty LLC 531 Liberty Ms. Nancy Abbiatti Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell A. Abide, Jr. Acosta Law Firm, LLC Acquistapace’s Covington Supermarket Ms. Heather Adams Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Agnew Albertson’s LLC - Community Partners Program Ms. Suzanne Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Shane A. Alfred Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Alleman Ms. Dorothy Jean Allen Alvarez Construction Co., Inc. The Honorable Dawn Amacker American Legion Auxiliary #17 American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 82 Amite Livestock Sales, Inc. Antioch Full Gospel Baptist Church Apricot Lane Boutique Ms. Jodi Archer Mr. and Mrs. Gary West Asmus Ms. Kandyse Aube Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Aubert Mr. and Mrs. Timmy Aucoin Audubon Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Bertram F. Babers III Bagal & Solatz, LLC dba Del Porto Mr. Curtis M. Baham Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Balhoff Mr. Russell Bankston Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Barbe Jr. Mr. William Barbera Ms. Dawn Barberito Drs. Louis and Lauren Barfield Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnard Ms. Lauren Barrett Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bateman Mr. and Mrs. Baughman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Bearden III Mr. Mark Belanger Ms. Debi Benoit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bergeron Mrs. Yvette M. Bergeron Mr. and Mrs. Adrian A. Berrnard Berry Town Produce Mr. Alan J. Berteau Ms. Stacey Besselman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Best Bevolo Gas & Electric Lights, Inc.
SAMARITAN CIRCLE (cont.) Bishop & Associates Mr. Brandon Black Ms. Lonnie Black Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. Barry O. Blumberg Ms. Adrienne Boasso Ms. Pamela Bollinger Ms. Alice Bonfiglio Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Boone Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company Mr. David Bourgeois Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Bourgeois Mr. Roger Bourgeois Mr. Shawn Bourgeois Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Bourgoyne Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bourque Jr. Ms. Melba L. Boxx Ms. Lynn Boyce Ms. Elizabeth Bradford Bradley-Blewster & Associates Mr. Harold Branch Miss Catherine Brannan Mr. David Breaux Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bremer Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Brewer The Brighton School Ms. Patricia Brister Mr. and Mrs. George B. Britten Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brodbeck Ms. Corin Brouillette Mr. Patrick Browne Mr. Robert Brulet Ms. Eugenia Buckel Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Buckner Mr. and Mrs. Blair Buhler Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Buquet Mr. and Mrs. Brad J. Burkett Ms. Premila Burns Busy Bee Clinic LLC Ms. Judy Byers Mr. Peter Byron and Ms. Betty Cash C & C Drugs Vital Care Mr. Edward Cabos Mark and Leah Calandro Mr. and Mrs. Steven Caldarera Mr. and Mrs. Terry Calongne Ms. Raynette Cameron Tammy Cameron Ms. Cathy Cammarosano Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Cammarosano Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Campbell Canova’s City Drug Store and Gift Shop Cardio-Thoracic Vascular Pediatric Surgery
Robert H. Carpenter, Jr. Ms. Jan Carrio Ms. Belinda Cason Mr. and Mrs. David R. Cassidy Cedarwood School Inc. Mr. Kiley Cedotal Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chatelain Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Cheredaryk Citizens Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Rogee L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cloos Coastal Fire Protection, LLC Ms. Charlotte Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Jim Collins Mr. Sean Collins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Corizzo Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cosnahan Crain Consulting Services, Inc. Crawford Foundation Ms. Ellen Creel Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cribbs Crifasi Law Crown Enterprises, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Culicchia Jr. Ms. Rose Cuneo The Curtain Exchange Mr. and Mrs. Ryan M. Curtis Cypress Title, LLC Ms. Janabeth Daigle Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Daigle Mr. and Mrs. Danny A. Daniel, Sr. Ms. Alison Danos Mr. Scott D’Aunoy Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davis, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Omer C. Davis Ms. Lenda Dean Dr. Odell Dean The Deitchman Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. Gary Delatte Mr. Albert Denoux DeRosette Family Mr. and Mrs. Joshua J. Descant Mr. and Mrs. Luther Despino Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Deumite Divas de la Nuit Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Domangue Donaldsonville High School Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Donovan III Ms. Mary Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Calvin C. Douglas, Jr. Ms. Candace Downer Ms. Brenda Duchmann Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Duet
Ms. Magen Dufrene Steven and Lisa Dugal Mr. and Mrs. Chad Dunn Ms. Elizabeth Dunn Mr. Emmett Dupas Ms. Teresa Duplantis Duplantis Design Group, PC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Duplechain Ms. Catherine Dupre Mr. and Mrs. Elward Dupre Dupre’s Professional Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. William Dutel Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Duval Sr. Ms. Pamela Dykes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Easley East Houma Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Eaton Mr. Daryl R. Ellis Employees of The Advocate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Engler Ms. Donna Ennis Mr. and Mrs. James F. Epperson Mr. and Mrs. William Ertel Etiquette Center of the South Mr. and Mrs. Randy Eustis Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Eversberg Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Falcon Ms. Jennifer Fanguy Ms. Charlene Favre Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fayard FedEX - Postnet Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Feehan Mr. and Mrs. Ira R. Feld Bill and Rene’ Firesheets First Clearing, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Fisher Fleet Feet Sports Baton Rouge Follow the Leader Productions LLC Ms. Joyce Fontenette Mr. James Fox Franklinton High School Mrs. Ann Freeman Jane Freudenberger, LCSW Ms. Corie Gagliano Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Gamble Dr. James W. Gardner Mr. Ronald Garrity Mrs. Evelyn Gautreau Charity Gay Ms. Ashley Geoghegan Mr. Tim George Ms. Ghenet Ghebretatios Mr. and Mrs. Nolan W. Gill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gintner
SAMARITAN CIRC LE (cont.) Ms. Joyce Gomez Ms. Nicole Goodwin Mr. Alfred Gordon Ms. Mary Jo Gordon Mrs. Ana Graci Dr. and Mrs. Frank Graffagnino Grand Cailou Volunteer Firemen’s Home Auxillary Greater Israel Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Greene Jr. Ms. Jessica M. Greer Mr. Richard Gremillion Ms. Patricia Grenat Griffith, Herron, Middlebrook, Ross Co., Inc. Ms. Giselle Grisoli Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Gros Ms. Leslie Guercio Ms. Kaitlyn Guerin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gustin Dr. Andrew Gutter H & R Block Mandeville H. W. Rosenblum Ms. Sue Hagius Hair Divinity and Accessories, LLC Ms. Lesleigh Hall William and Mary Helen Hamilton Ms. Aurora Harkins Mr. Raymond Harley Ronald and Gloria Harlow Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harrison Dr. and Mrs. Paul Hatrel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawkins, Jr. Mr. Darren Haydel and Dr. Sarah Haydel Mr. and Mr. Robert Haydel Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Haydel Mr. and Mrs. Kermit J. Hebert Mr. Graham Hemelt Mr. and Mrs. Brett A. Hentze Ms. Pamela Hershey Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Heymsfield Ms. Stacey Hicks High 5 Studio LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hill Ms. Suzanne Hilser-Wiles Mr. Richard Hines Mr. James L Hingle III Mr. Ricky Hinton Ms. Beverly Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hollinger Holy Savior Elementary Houma Ham Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Howell Huey Ice Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hughes Amy Huynh
Independence Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. James C. Inzer Ms. Amy Irwin Mr. Sundareswaran Iyer Mr. Ronnie Jackson Jen n Ella’s Boutique Ms. Mary Johnson Ms. Bertha Jones B. J. (Brenda) Jones Mr. Edsel Jones JP Morgan Chase Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Juban Juliette’s Gardens LLC Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jumonville Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kaiser, Sr. Keller Williams Realty Services Mr. Richard Kelley Mr. C. Barrett Kennedy and Ms. Peggy Reily Mr. and Mrs. Gary Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Willie Kilpatrick Randy and Yvonne Kinchen Ms. Susan Knight Kurz and Hebert Commercial Real Estate, Inc. La Casa del Sol Mr. Aaron Labourdette Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ladner Dr. Celeste Lagarde Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lambert Ms. Kristen Landry Dr. Ronald Landry Mr. and Mrs. Windom T. Landry Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Keith Langheinz Mr. and Mrs. Lance LaPlace Mr. and Mrs. Shelton E. E. Launey Alexander Lauve The Leader Family Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. LeBlanc Mr. and Mrs. Stanford E. LeBlanc LeBlanc’s Drive Inn No. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. LeBoeuf Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. LeCompte, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ledet Mr. and Mrs. Layne Lee Ms. Linda Lee Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lee Mr. Tim Lee Mr. Chris LeMoine Mr. and Mrs. Antonio LeMon Ms. Suzanne Lentz Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Lester Mr. Ronald Letourneau Ms. Aimee Levy
Lin-Bar Marine, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Lindner Ms. Ashley Lindsay Mr. Linwood Liner Neva Lipscomb Mr. and Mrs. Druis P. Lirette Mr. Houston Lirette Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Livingston Lofton Staffing & Security Services Lowe Company Mr. and Mrs. William Lozes Ms. Tara Madison Mr. and Mrs. Robbie L. Magee Mr. Mark Manda Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Manikin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maniscalco Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mansfield Sam J. Marino, Sr. Mr. David Marmillion Mr. Thomas Marsh Adam and Donnita Mason Mr. William Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. McCall III Mr. and Mrs. C. Stokes McConnell Jr. Mary and Charles McCowan Ms. Laura McGinnis Sheila’s Volunteers of America Team Mr. W. Douglas McMillin Dr. and Mrs. John P. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. McQuaid Med Data Service Bureau, LLC Medic Shop Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Melancon Mrs. Josie Messenger Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodney Messina Ms. Lauren Michaud Dr. Jaime Michel Donald T. and Anna W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. John C. Miller Ms. JoJan Miller Mr. and Mrs. William Miller III Miss Black Louisiana USA Ms. MiMi Montagnet Mr. and Mrs. Henson Moore Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Moore Mr. Michael Moore Morgan Stanley Ms. Jane Morris The Most Holy Trinity Church Mens Club Mt. Zion Freewill Baptist Church The Mules Hitch, LLC Murphy, Rogers, Sloss & Gambel Mr. Kevin Myers
SAMARITAN CIRCLE (cont.) Mr. Doug Naden Mr. and Mrs. Craig Netterville New York Life Insurance Hanh Phuong Nguyen Nicholls State University Baseball Ms. Judy Nickens Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso L. Nigro Mr. Pat Norris Norris & Boudreaux, LLC Northlake Christian School Ms. Julie Nunez Ms. Judy Obear Ms. Debra Odom Mr. and Mrs. Charlton B. Ogden III Once Upon a Child Mr. Anthony Oramous Mr. and Mrs. Calvin J. Ortego Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Ourso Jr. Ourso Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palasek Mr. Guy Palermo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parham Park Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Parker Mr. Lester Parker Mr. Lester Patin Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood J. Patin Mr. Dickie Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Patterson Paula C. Luke Insurance Agency, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mark Pavlik Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Payne IV Ms. Jacquelyn Peden Mr. and Mrs. David C. Pellegrin Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Pellegrini Mr. Robert Peltier Mr. J. Barton Pepperman Mr. Alexander Peragine Mr. and Mrs. Sal Perino Mrs. Geraldine Perkins Jay and Pamela Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perrault David and Lara Perrin Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Charles Pettiss Physicians Home Care Organization, LLC Mr. Destin Poche Mrs. Linda Polozola Mr. and Mrs. David Porche Linda and Mark Posner Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Pourciau Mrs. Gretchen P. Pressburg Mr. and Mrs. Junior J. Price Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Pujol R. A. Brunson, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ranatza Mr. Glen Randow RareFine Interiors Mr. John W. Ratcliff Mr. Richard Reed Reed Enterprises Steven Reints REJ Properties, Inc. Ms. Mary Resnik Ms. deShea Richardson Mrs. Gail Richardson Mrs. Yvonne Ricks Robert W. Tillery, PLC Trish Ponville Robin Ms. Roxanne Rogers Mrs. Tina Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Emile C. Rolfs III Sarah and C. D. Romero Mr. and Mrs. John A. Roques Mr. Alvin L. Ross, Jr. Mr. Milton Rougon Mr. Sidney Roy Ms. Dawn Ruiz S & H Trailer Court Sandot, Inc. dba Martinique Mr. Angel Santiago Mr. Randy Saucier Mr. David Savoie Savoye & Wheeler LLC Mr. and Mrs. Kevin James Scanlan Mr. and Mrs. John Scarle Mr. F. Darrah Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Lester Schmidt Ms. Janet Schmieder Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schneller Ms. Ellie Schroder Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schuber III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Scully Scurlock Electric, LLC Mr. and Mrs. James Seglund Mr. and Mrs. Ray Serpas Mr. and Mrs. Gray Sexton Mr. Thomas F. Shepherd, Jr. Ms. Vadel Shivers Ms. Brigitte Shows Mr. Fred Sibley Simply Southern Mr. Wyn Singer Ms. Renee’ Skinner Mr. Jeremy A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith Software Solutions, Inc. Craig and Bridget Soileau
Ms. Joan Southern Spectra Energy Group Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Spencer St. Gregory Knights of Columbus Star Printing, Inc. State Farm Insurance Mr. Eric Stathes Dr. and Mrs. John L. Steigner Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sterling Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strange Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strickland Major General and Mrs. A. M. Stroud, Jr. Style Encore Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Sullivan Ms. Lucetta Sweet Mr. Warren Swindell Mr. Jeffry Szush Ms. Carol Tademy Taggart Morton, LLC Mr. Cullen Talley Ms. Anne M. Tallon Donna, Haley, and Connor Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Collis B. Temple Jr. Ms. Melissa Terito Terracina’s Cooling & Heating LLC Mrs. Susan Thibodeaux Anne and Andy Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Thomas Mrs. Kourtney R. Thomas Mr. James Thompson Mrs. Patricia Thompson Ms. Carolyn Thornhill Tiger Athletic Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tingle Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Tinsley TJM Restaurant Management Ms. Diana Tonagel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tope Ms. Edith Touchet Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tracy Travel Experts Trinity Tree Consultants, LLC Ms. Wanda Tullier Turnberry Place at Bluebonnet Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Glen Uffman United Way of Southeast Louisiana Urban Loft Mrs. Susan Valenti Ms. Starla Van Steenis Mr. Gerard Vautrot Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Vice Dan Vincent
SAMARITAN CIRC LE (cont.) Ms. Debby Vollmer Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Voyles The W. L. Gaiennie Company W.W. Grainger, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Waguespack Mr. and Mrs. Barry Walgamotte Ms. Clara D. Walker Ms. Vicki Walker Mr. and Mrs. David M. Walz William and Geneva Waters Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wefel Mr. J. Weilbacher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weimer Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Welch Mr. William Wells Mrs. Carolyn West West Side Middle School Ms. Emilie Weyl Mr. Bill White Whitetail Rental LLC Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whitfield Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Whitley Mr. and Mrs. George Wideman Ms. Mary Wight Ms. Naya J. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. James F. Williams Kirk and Cindy Williamson Ms. Courtney Wilson Ms. Jamie Wilson Mr. Joseph Wilson Winbourne Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wisdom Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick O. Wood, Jr. Mr. Richard Wood Ms. Cassandra Woods Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wooley Mr. Robert Woosley Mr. and Mrs. Carter Wright Ms. Ruth Wright Wright Floor Covering, Inc. Ms. Susan Young Zen Japanese Grill & Sushi Bar
Associate ($50 - $99.99) Anonymous (18) A Professional Dental Corporation Mr. Walter Abadie Mr. Clarence Acclise Ms. Doreen Adams Ms. Melinda Albin Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Ancona III Ashleigh Anderson
Ms. Karen Andre Ms. Michelle Andre Annie Claire Designs Yolanda Augustus Mr. Wayne Avren B1 Companies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Babin Mr. Dannie Ball Mr. Raymond Banker Ms. Roberta Barbieri Mr. and Mrs. D. Keith Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Barrett, Jr. Basics Underneath, LLC Karl Becnel Family Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellina Ms. Rosa Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Bidwell Ms. Lauren Bilskey Ms. Cynthia A. Blades Ms. June Bolch Ms. Darlene Bonvillain Ms. Rebecca Bordelon Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bouchereau Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bourgeois Kyle and Gerri Bove Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Boyd Mr. Julius Braud Ms. G. Connie Breaux Mr. and Mrs. David Broadbridge Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Broaden Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Broussard, Sr. Ms. Tabatha Broussard Ms. Trudy Brown Mr. Matt Bryant Mrs. Glenny Lee Buquet Ms. Jodi V. Buras Mr. and Mrs. John E. Buterbaugh Jr. Ms. Sharon Calcote Ms. Bonnie Caldwell Mr. Robert Caldwell Ms. Karen Calkins Mr. Ronald L. Calkins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell Ms. Kathleen Cangelosi Ms. Lois Cantrelle Mr. Rick Capdevielle Mrs. Melissa Caro Mrs. Renee Carrasco Mr. Paul Carreras Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Carrio Ms. Charlotte T. Causey Central Community School System Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig Chamberlin Ms. Jane Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Charlet Chick-fil-A Ms. Edna Chism Ms. Dana Chustz Mr. Michel Claudet Clean Rite Septic Tank Service, LLC Ms. Shauntel Cole Dr. and Mrs. James M. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Avery Cook Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Corbino Ms. Angela Corvers Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Todd Courtney Kathy Craft Mr. and Mrs. Jake Credo Mr. Gregory Cross and Ms. Yvette Plaia Dr. and Mrs. Mortimer F. Currier Ms. Carol Davis Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Davis Dr. and Mrs. James R. Davis Mr. William DeJean Mr. Kenneth Denoux Mr. Frankie W. Devall Ms. Kelly Dubroc Ms. Natalie Ducote Mr. Brad Duet Ms. Betty Duffie Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dunn Jr. Mr. Donnie Dunnigan DWCC Employee Fund E. A. deFrances Building Specialties Ms. Kelly M. Eason Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Edrington, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Ellender Elysian Fields Middle School Ms. Ida Eschete Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Esquerre Mr. Femi Euba Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Fabacher Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fakier Fe-Luxe LLC Ms. Lauren Ferrand Mr. John Finn David and Andrea Floyd Mr. Willie Foster Ms. Brandi Freeman Mr. and Mrs. John Kenneth Freeman Mr. and Mrs. James Frisina Jr. Ms. Sharon Furrate Ms. Karen Fuselier Ms. Kristin Garvey Mr. Guy Gauthier Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Gautreaux Jeanne Gernon, RN
SAMARITAN CIRCLE (cont.) Ms. Olivia Gilcrease Ms. Jodie Gill Ms. Anya Glusman Ms. Laura Goldman Ms. Candace Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Jay Graham Rev. William Greene Ms. Brenda Gremillion Mr. Ausie B. Grigg, Jr. Mrs. Frances Groves Ms. Janet Guercio Ms. Bonnie Guidry Ms. Patsy Guitreau Mr. Chad Guzzardo Mrs. Ann Hair Mr. and Mrs. Cecil G. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Scott Halphen Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Hancock Ms. Rhonda Hardison Ms. Emily Harper Amanda Honeycutt Harris Ms. Patti Hart Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harvill Sherri Hayden Mr. David Heltz Ms. Brenda Hernandez Herron Consulting Enterprises, LLC Mr. George Hess Ms. Brooke Hidalgo Ms. Cynthia Hidalgo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holland Mrs. Dolores Holloway Ms. Deborah Holman Ms. Donna Holmes Ms. Henrietta Holmes Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hughes Ms. Stephanie Hughson Merlie and Clay Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Hurtado Mr. Jerry Ingraham Ms. Geraldine Inman Ms. Jane John Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone N. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Joly Mr. and Mrs. L. Larry Jones Mrs. Marilyn Jones Ms. Marrita Jones Mr. Richard Julian Ms. Lisa Kaichen Mr. and Mrs. James L. Kangas Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelley Mr. and Mrs. David Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly Mr. and Mrs. W. Joe Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Kelpsch Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kerr Ms. Teresa King Myles and Dana Kirkland Mr. Charlie Knighton Ms. Margaret Kohmann Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Koonce Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kraemer Ms. Dorotha Kubricht Mr. Dave Lach Ms. Candice Laizer Ms. Mandi Lamana Dr. and Mrs. Edward N. Lambremont Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lamothe Ms. Lucille Landreneau Mr. and Mrs. Burnelle P. Landry Mr. and Mrs. Jay Landry Ms. Valerie Landry Mr. and Mrs. Randy Lanoix Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Larsen LaTrouve’, Inc. Mr. Michael LeBlanc Ms. Violet LeBlanc Mr. Dariel LeBoeuf Mr. and Mrs. Wilton J. LeBoeuf Ms. Susan Lee Mr. and Mrs. A. Roy LeJeune Mr. Jorge M. LeRoy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lindsay Ms. Natalie Lindsay Mrs. Naomi Little The Little Village #3 Mr. Rolando Llamas Ms. Marla Lofton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lottinger Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Max Luna Mr. and Mrs. Larry Luster Ms. Julia Maddox Ms. Gwen Maldonado Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mancuso Mrs. Barbara Marcade Mr. and Mrs. John Bert Marceaux Mr. Ray Marcello Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Marchand III Ms. Charlotte Maronge Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Martin, Jr. Ms. Lenora Martin Ms. Lisa Martinez Mr. Marion Mascarella Mr. David Mason Mr. and Mrs. Billy Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Mayeux Mr. and Mrs. Bryan S. McClendon Mr. Patrick McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McCoy Ms. Janet H. McEwen Mr. and Mrs. William C. McGehee Mr. and Mrs. Russell McKenzie Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. James McWhorter Ms. Donna Melancon Mr. and Mrs. Norris Melancon Natalie Mentel Mr. and Mrs. William J. Metcalf Ms. Carol Metternich Ms. Crissy Michel Ms. Rae Milano Mr. and Mrs. Drew Miller Scott J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Terry H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Milton Ms. Stella Mobley Mr. and Mrs. Dorel Moldovan Mr. John A. Montalbano Jr. Ms. Maria Montalvo Mr. and Mrs. John T. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. James V. Montz Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moore Mrs. Lucille Moore Mrs. Wallace Moore Tony and Mary Moreau Ms. Linda Morgan Ms. Mary Morgan Molly Sigler Morgan Ms. Cora Morris Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morse Mr. Percy Mosely Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Moyse III Mrs. Venita Muczynski Mrs. Beverly Mulligan Mr. Daniel Mulligan Ms. Sarah Munson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murphy Mr. Jessie Muse Ms. Sharon Myshrall Ms. Helen Neal Mr. Daniel Neck and Mrs. Angela Stam Mr. Robert Neese Ms. Victoria Newland Mr. and Mrs. Larry J Nicholas Mr. Jesse Noble Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Norman Ms. Alice Normand Mr. and Ms. Gladden Norris Mr. and Mrs. James Nosacka Ms. Courtney Nuckolls
The Oasis Day Spa Ms. Leslie Odinet Mr. and Mrs. Will O’Halloran Mr. and Mrs. Philip O’Quin Mrs. Judy Owens Mr. and Mrs. Mark Paille Ms. Katherine Paine Ms. Jenna Parenton Mr. J. Charles Parker Mr. Marion Parker Pascal’s Manale Restaurant Ms. Lucille Patrick John and Juanita Pearson Penzato Insurance Agency LLC Percy, Lanoux, Mumphrey & Martin Dr. and Mrs. Jay M. Perniciaro Ms. Rebecca Perniciaro Ms. Diana Perry Mr. and Mrs. John W. Perry Jr. Mrs. Roberta Phillabaum Ms. Mary Phung Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Pinsonat Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pizzolato Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 61 Ponds-N-More Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt E. Porche Ms. Donna Porter Mr. and Mrs. William R. Powers Ms. Kristen Prestenbach Pro-Fit Solutions, LLC Ms. Susan Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Rabalais Mr. Kyle Rainey Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Raybon Record Agency, Inc. Ms. Carolyn A. Reeves Regency Lighting Pam, Jason, and Natalie Reibert Renaissance Gallery Resource Bank Ms. Denise Rhodes Ms. Kathryn Rice Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Richardson Mr. Walter Ricks Ms. Nancy Ringswald Mr. James Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J. Robert Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Robichaux Mrs. Elizabeth Romero Ms. Jill Roshto Ms. Amanda Rothrock Mrs. Mona Henry Rousseau Ms. Gina Roussel
Dr. Joseph Roussel Mr. James Roy Mr. and Mrs. Ted G. Saba Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sammonds Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Sampey Ms. Gabriella Santizo Ms. Nathalie Savoy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Schexnayder Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Schliewe Mr. John Schwab Ms. Krista Scurria Mr. and Mrs. Saintclair Seiber Mr. Paul Senac Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Serigne Ms. Margaret B. Sheffield Ms. Margaret Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shiroda Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shows Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sims Mr. and Mrs. Dalton F. Sims, Jr. Mr. James R. Sims III Mr. and Mrs. Erdal Sipahi Ms. Adrienne Smith Mrs. Ashley Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Smith, Jr. Ms. Barbara Solar Mrs. Sue Spaht Ms. Kelly Spell Ms. Carolyn B. Sprehe Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Stanga Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stark Mrs. Sharleane Stewart Chrishelle Harris Stipe Ms. Rebecca Stockstill Mrs. Kay Stone Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stuart Mr. and Mrs. John B. Stuckey Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Szpak Mrs. Gloria Taillon-Thibodeaux Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Templet Terrebonne Ford Company Mr. and Mrs. Ray Theriot Dr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Thistlethwaite Ms. Laura Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thomas Ms. Tonya Thomas Tiptoe Nails & Spa Mr. and Mrs. James P. Toups Ms. Rita Toups Ms. Tammy Trosclair Ms. Janell Troxler Mrs. Carolyn Trupiano Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Tujague
Ms. Karla Tullier Ms. Paula Vaughn Ms. Season Vining Mr. and Mrs. Flint Virgets Mr. and Mrs. Warren N. Virgets, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Vutera W. T. Kentzel, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Walker Walking by Faith Ministries Ms. Amy Wall Walters, Meyer, Trosclair & Associates Mr. Richard Ward Mr. Malcolm Warner Ms. Olivia Sue Warnock Ann and Benjamin Wax Mr. and Mrs. David W. Weber Lynn and Felix Weill Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Whalen Mr. and Mrs. David T. White Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Whitney Mr. John Whitson Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Williams Ms. Lisa Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Wilson, Jr. Ms. Lakerisha Winn Winn Dixie Ms. Martha Wood Mr. and Mrs. John King Woolf III Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Worrell Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Wroten Ms. Julie Yasgar Ms. Shelley Zeringue
Friend ($25 - $49.99) Anonymous (15) A Professional Dental Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Steven N. Abramson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ackerson Mr. Ellsworth Alexander Mr. and Mrs. A. Steve Allison Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Amato Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ardoin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aube Dr. and Mrs. Garland P. Aycock Jr. Mr. Kenneth Babin Ms. Tracy Banks Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Barbin Mr. Michael Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barrios Ms. Carolyn Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Ray O. Bass
Mrs. Marilyn Beasley Mrs. Carol Becnel Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Bender Mr. Herbert Bergeron Mr. John Bernard Mr. Johnny Berry Mr. and Mrs. T. Walter Berry Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Berthelot Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berthelot Mr. and Mrs. John R. Beyl George L. and Ruth R. Bilbe Mrs. Ethel Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Jason Blanchard Ms. Myrtha Blanchard Carol Anne and Sidney M. Blitzer Ms. Marie R. Bloemer Jeffery and Layne Bordelon Carl and Cynthia Boucher Ms. Charlene Boudoin Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Boudreaux Vickie Boudreaux Mr. and Mrs. Emile Bourg Mrs. Hilda Bourg Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Bourgeois Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd Shayla Boyd Mr. Timothy Bradbury Ms. Rose Brady Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bray Edna Breaux Mr. and Mrs. Mark Breaux Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brechtel, Jr. Mrs. Anita Britt Mr. Steven Broome Mr. Edsel Brown Ms. Mildred Brown Mrs. Linda Brulet Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buller Mr. Eric Bullion Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Buras, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Byrd II Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Callow Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Cannon Ms. Lisa M. Carbo Ms. Florina Carvalho Mr. and Mrs. John J. Casey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Castagnos Catholic Daughters of the Americas #2064 Ms. Ashley Cavalier Pat and Linda Chaney Melanie and Russ Chapman Charity Gift Certificates
Mr. and Mrs. Junius L. Chauvin Ms. Lisa Cheramie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cheramie Mr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Chiasson Mr. Eric Clement Mrs. Michelle Clement Ms. Wendy A. Cody Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Cole Mr. and Mrs. James Collier Ms. Stephanie Coln Ms. Peggy Colona Ms. Mable Combouzou Mr. and Mrs. John Comeaux Ms. Mary Ann Comeaux Ms. Cynthia Cook Ms. Ethelise Cooper Mrs. Merle Cooper Mr. Ronney C. Cordell Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Cortez Andre and Kelly Coudrain Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Cowen Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Cox III Mr. and Mrs. John Cramer Ms. Beatrice Crowson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Csintyan Ms. Ida Cumber Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Euclide H. Danos Jr. Mrs. Amy Darbonne Mr. and Mrs. David Darce’ Mr. and Mrs. Miller Darensbourg Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Dartez Mr. and Mrs. Peeler Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Daze Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth De Coursey Ms. Patricia Delaney Ms. Channing Deroche Ms. Nikole Devalcourt Mrs. Alice Devillier Mr. Craig Dhuet Mrs. Janet Dietrich Ms. Michelle Digiovanni Ms. Rebecca Donnelly Ms. Beth Drown Mr. and Mrs. Britt Drummond Ms. Beverly S. Ducote Mr. and Mrs. Rudy A. Dufrene Ms. Dawn C. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Alton A. Duplantier Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Duplantis Ms. Margot Dupre Mr. Richard M. Durapau, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Durocher
Mr. Carl Eberts Educational Electronics Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Eilts eLearningk13 Ms. Kelly B. Elliott Mr. Alva Joseph Eschete Mr. Blake E. Ewen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Faulk Ms. Rita Faust Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Fazekas Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Finklea Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Finley First and Last Chance Cafe Ms. Julie B. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Fleming Ms. Patricia Flowers Mr. Gary Focht Mr. and Mrs. John D. Foreman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Brett Frey Ms. Allison Gaffney Ms. Peggy Galliano Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Gary Mr. and Mrs. Claude J. Gatlin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Gautreau Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gautreaux Ms. Marian Gautreaux Mr. Richard Gelatt Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Gernhauser Mr. John Gilcrease Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill Mr. Joseph Ginn Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. William B. Grand Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Grant Ms. Celeste Gravois Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gravois Ms. Dorothy Gremillion Mrs. Diane Griffin Ms. Kimberly Griffin Mr. Alfred Grillot Ms. Carroll Gromer Lynn and Bill Guggolz Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Guidry, Sr. Ms. Edna Guillory Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Guillot Mr. and Mrs. Troy Hales Ms. Gladys Hanks Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Hansen Mr. James Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Rixby Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Bennel Harp Mr. and Mrs. James O. Harp, Jr.
SAMARITAN CIRC LE (cont.) Mr. Jim Harper Ms. Rhonda Harper Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Harrop Mr. and Mrs. Clemeal Harry Mr. and Mrs. Clovis Hayes Don and Barbara Hebert Mrs. Ginger Hebert Mrs. Melissa Hebert Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendry Hernandez Sales Co., Inc. Mr. John Hildenbrand Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffpauir Mr. Shawn Holden Mr. and Mrs. William Holden Mr. and Mrs. Garney B. Hood Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Houde In Designs by Sandy Isis the Salon Mr. and Mrs. Aubry S. Jackson, Sr. Mr. John Jackson Ms. Juli Jelenko Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bobby F. Johnson Mrs. Karen Johnson Mr. Larry Johnson Ms. Linda Jones Ms. Reberdia Jones Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Paul Joseph, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Van Junot Jr. Mr. Nicolas Kariouk Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Karraker Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kastner Ms. Claire Katz Mr. and Mrs. Max King Diane and Warren Kirsch Ms. Edith Kitchens Dr. and Mrs. Harry Kleinman Mr. and Mrs. William Kline Ms. Patti Kling Mr. and Mrs. Clinton T. Knaak Ms. Bridgette G. Kocke Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Kodrin Ms. Kim Kolesar Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Kramer Ms. Audra Kraus Ms. Adriane Kyle La Casa del Sol Colleen and Darren Labat Ms. Stephanie LaBove Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. LaCoste Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Lakota Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Lambert Ms. Marjorie Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Lambremont III Mr. and Mrs. David Landry Mr. and Mrs. James P. Landry Mr. and Mrs. James P. Landry Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester P. Landry Ms. Rachel Landry Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Landry Susan Landry Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Landry Mr. and Mrs. Tony Landry Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Langridge Ms. Debra Lapeyrouse Mrs. Mary Lapeyrouse Ms. Michelle Lato Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Edward Layrisson Mr. and Mrs. Etienne LeBlanc Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John LeBlanc Mr. and Mrs. Lance LeBlanc Mr. Louis LeBlanc Ms. Melody LeBlanc Mrs. Rita LeBlanc Ms. May LeBouef Ms. Susan Ledet Ms. Anita Leggett Mr. and Mrs. Arvis B. Leininger Mr. Jorge R. Lema Mr. and Mrs. Juan B. Letelier Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lewis Mr. Joseph Lewis Mrs. Rebecca Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lilley Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Lirette Mr. and Mrs. Terry Lirette Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lockhart, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Long Ms. Lisa Longfellow Dr. and Mrs. William L. Lord Mr. and Mrs. Wilton L. Lott Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Loup Mr. and Mrs. Bret Louque Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Louque Ms. Jessica Louque Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lowrie Jr. Ms. Paige Lucas Mrs. Alycia Mabile Ms. Madeline Maestri Rebekah Maher Ms. Annette Mansur Mr. and Mrs. John M. Manuel Marc Harris Insurance, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Marcello Ms. Barbara S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Philip Matassa
Mr. Lynd Matt Ms. Verlee Mayeux Mr. and Mrs. Ross McBryde Ms. Madeline McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McNichols Dr. S. Anjella McTyson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Meagher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Medine Jr. Merck Partnership for Giving Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. James W. Miley Mr. Joel Miller and Dr. Laurie Miller Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miller Judge and Mrs. Pegram J. Mire, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Montero Don and Carol Moore Mr. Andrew Morel Ms. Alisa Morris Ms. Ruth M. Morris Mr. Wayne Morris Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Mury Mr. Patrick Muscarello Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Myers, Sr. Ms. Joycelyn Nash Mr. and Mrs. Grady Nelson Ms. Lula M. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher New Mr. and Mrs. Keith Newman Mr. and Mrs. Blair Nicholson Mr. Thomas O’Connell Odyssea Marine, Inc. Ms. Marne Olson Ms. Angel Omoike Ms. Brandi O’Neal Ms. Cletta O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Timmy Ordoyne Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Parfait Mr. and Mrs. Ronn K. Parfait Ms. Janet Parker Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Parker Ms. Monica Pellegrin Mrs. Kayla Peltier Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen Penniman Jr. Ms. Rebecca Pennison Ms. Clara Perkins Ms. Harriet Petty Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Piatt, Sr. Mr. Michael Pierce Ms. Tammy Pinsonat Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Pitts Mr. Kevin Pohle Ms. Maxine Poindexter Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Poirrier, Jr.
SAMARITAN CIRCLE (cont.) Mrs. Jacqueline Polito Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Polizzi Ms. Tiffany Pope Mrs. E. J. Porche Ms. Sharon Posey Mr. and Mrs. William J. Powell Mr. Ashbert Preddie Ms. Heather Price Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Pusey Mr. and Mrs. Ben P. Ragusa, Jr. Ms. Heather Rahm Mr. and Mrs. James Regira Ms. Maria Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reynard Ms. Mellie Rich Ms. Ashley Richard Mr. and Mrs. Jude Richard Mrs. Lori A. Richard Mr. P. Leonce Richard Mr. Ronald J. Richaud Ms. Judy Rivere Mrs. Brenda Rohli Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe Ms. Shirley Rowe Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ruhlin Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. James Lasseigne Russo, Sr. Ms. Lynda Ryan The Salon Rubicon Ms. Krystal Salvant Ms. Toni Sansone Ms. Bonnie C. Savoie Mrs. Margaret Scales Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schittone Jr. Mr. Ross Schooler Mr. Lon Seal Ms. Stephanie Seal Roland and Eloise Selig Shaggy to Chic’ Mr. and Mrs. Jaired J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Sicard Mr. Louis Sigur, Jr. Ms. Dollene W. Sims Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Sloup Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith St. Jude The Apostle Stab’s 123 LLC Michael Stewart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stirrat Mr. Josh Strahan Mr. and Mrs. Eric Suhre Superior Stain & Scoring, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Troye Svendson Dr. Melody Swang
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Swords, Sr. Mrs. Dianne Talbot Ms. Hailey Tanner Mrs. Betty Taylor Ms. Rachel Templeman Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne P. Templet Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Templet Mr. Johnny Terral Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H. Texada Ms. Alma Theriot Mrs. Jennie Thibodeaux Mr. and Mrs. Randy Thibodeaux Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Thompson Mr. William Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomson Mrs. Tura Thurman Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Torgler Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Lee Trahan Mr. Joshua Truxillo Ms. Elizabeth C. Verrette Gary Verzwyvelt Temple Villar Mr. and Mrs. Donald Villere Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Waguespack Ms. Cheryl Walker Ms. Paula Warnicke Arnette Warren and Family Mr. Leonard Washington Mr. Charles Watson Mr. Evan Weibel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Westerkamp Mrs. Leigh White Ms. Tina Wiker Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Wilford Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Williams Mr. Eddie Williams Mr. and Mrs. John B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. N. Guy Williams Mr. and Mrs. R. Woodrow Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Melissa Wyman Ms. Cynthia Youse Mr. and Mrs. Danny Zeringue
employees at all five mary bird perkins cancer center locations generously pledged more than $46,000 to partners of hope with 86% employee participation. money raised supported the center’s mission and helped remove barriers such as transportation and nutritional assistance for patients in need.
Anonymous (53) Heather Adams Melinda Albin Peggy Amato Ashleigh Anderson Shelletha Anderson Frank Apollo Tammy Asmus Yolanda Augustus Paige Barcia Adrian Beckwith Johnnay Benjamin Amy Benton B. J. Billeaudeau Lonnie Black Sherri Blackwell Vickie Boudreaux Barbara Boyce Shayla Boyd Harold Branch Edna Breaux Donna Bryant Matt Bryant Yolanda Burris Ethan J. Bush Ashley Byrd Bonnie Caldwell Tammy Cameron Rick Capdevielle Rhonda Chandler, LPN Michelle Chauvin Catrina Chmurka Shauntel Cole Peggy Colona Brittany Cote Kathy Craft Ashley Davis Dustin Denicola
Albert Denoux Raymond DeRosette Susan Dickerson Brandie Dimattia Candace Downer Brad Duet Renea Duffin Chad Dunn Pamela Dykes Sara El Moustapha Jennifer Fanguy Beverly Fields Sabrina L. Franklin Jane Freudenberger, LCSW Allison Gaffney Corie Gagliano Charity Gay Jeanne Gernon, RN Dr. John P. Gibbons, Jr. Candace Goodman Dianne Griffin Giselle Grisoli Janet Guercio Bonnie Guidry Teresa Guidry Patsy Guitreau Randy Haddad Vickie Hall Susan Hammond Amanda Honeycutt Harris Sherri Hayden Katherine Hilliard Dr. Kenneth R. Hogstrom Donna Holmes Lashandra Hubbard Amy Huynh Hope Jeff Sylvia Johns
B. J. (Brenda) Jones Linda Jones Jovonda Julian Jeff Kemp Debbie Knobloch Cyndi Knox Adriane Kyle Debbie Landry Kristen Landry Leslie Landry Susan Landry Michelle Lato Alexander Lauve Jimmy Lebo Marla Lofton Dr. Jeffrey Long Danielle Mack Corrie Mackey Madeline Maestri Nicole Magee Rebekah Maher Annette Martijn Leigh Ann Martinez Lisa Martinez Adam Mason David Mason Janis Mayfield Natalie Mentel Katy Michaud Crissy Michel Scott J. Miller Michael Miranda Monica Moldovan Alisa Morris Sharon Myshrall Doug Naden Daniel Neck Lacey Neil
Dr. Wayne Newhauser Victoria Newland Hanh Phuong Nguyen Judy Nickens Victoria Nocilla James Nosacka Paul Nowacki Courtney Nuckolls Julie Nunez Lisa O’Deay Angel Omoike Emily Ourso Katina Patterson David Perrin Destin Poche Jacqueline Polito Amy Ponson Rebecca Porche Heather Price Randy Purcell Susan Quinn Brandon Reeves Maria Reyes Ashley Richard Danielle Ritchie Christy Robertson Trish Ponville Robin Gina Roussel Krystal Salvant Vadel Shivers Brigitte Shows Haley Shows Kristi Siemann Eddie Singleton Adrienne Smith Renee Smith Angela Stam Kristen Starkey
Jason Stephens Todd Stevens Michael Stewart, Jr. Chrishelle Harris Stipe Carter Stone Josh Strahan Carol Tademy Hailey Tanner Tammy Trosclair Karla Tullier Susan Valenti Alana Vaughn Temple Villar Dan Vincent Debby Vollmer Vicki Walker Amy Wall Pam Wall Marian Walsworth Richard Ward Arnette Warren Carolyn West Jomel Whittington Lisa Williams Jamie Wilson Lakerisha Winn Carrie Wood Gloria Worrell Julie Yasgar Lisa Zeringue
named endowed gifts generously support the future of cancer care with minimum gifts of $100,000 to the mary bird perkins cancer center foundation.
anna b. lipsey legacy builders is comprised of individuals who have made or have notified mary bird perkins cancer center foundation (mbpccf) of their intent to make planned gifts through their estate plans. donors who have made outright gifts of $10,000 or more to the endowment or created endowed gifts for specific programs are also recognized.
Regional Oncology Library Fund Richard A. Lipsey and Susan Haspel Lipsey Family Fund The D. Jensen Holliday Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Kurlas Family Fund Virginia and John Noland Charitable Lead Unitrust Mary Ann and Upton Lea Memorial Fund T.J. Moran Fund Dr. Robert Fields Patient Care Fund Heart of a Hero Fund Robins-O’Quin Endowed Family Fund Renee Bryant Memorial Fund The Shirley C. and J. Barker Kilgore Research Fund Raymond Herman Gettier Fund
Anonymous – (13) Robelynn H. Abadie Tom and Lisa Adamek Mr. and Mrs. Jeb Andrews Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barton, Jr. Mr. John W. Barton, Sr. * Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bernhard, Jr. Evelyn Campbell Beven * Dr. and Mrs. Bryan Bienvenu Dr. and Mrs. Frederic Billings III Mrs. Jane Thibaut Boyce * John and Beth Brantley Jack and Carolyn Breaux Renee Hebert Bryant * Herbert H. Butt in Memory of Joan J. Butt Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Campbell, Jr. The Ella Chance Family Pat Cheramie Beverly and Dudley Coates Jess Willard Cockerham * Charles Newsam Conner * Violet T. Crum * Jean H. Curet * Mr. Louis D. Curet Mr. D. Cecil Delaune * Ms. Elaine T. Delaune * Leonard Boyd Delaune * Hazel Ewing * Isiah J. Ewing * Art E. Favre Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Fields William A. Ferguson * Leon Ford IV and Helen Ford Dufreche Dr. John and Donna Fraiche The Raymond and Mary Gettier Fund * Charlie V. Giambelluca * Jerry and Devera Goss
John and Cynthia Graves Todd and Gwen Graves Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Greer, Jr. Isaac and Florence* Gregorie Mr. and Mrs. Lee Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Lane Grigsby David S. Hanson, MD and Jolene K. Johnson, MD Mrs. Cecile B. Harrell * Jack and Becky Harris Dr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Henkelmann The D. Jensen Holliday Family Fund Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon A. Johnson Jerry and Donna Jolly Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jones Esther Kent * John Barker Killgore * Shirley Coppenex Killgore * Dr. and Mrs. Maurice L. King, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Kurlas Family Mary Alicia* and Bettye* Lauret Marianne and R. Upton Lea, Jr. * Renee A. Levine, MD Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lipsey Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Lo Alton W. Luedtke * Don and Pat Lyle Mrs. Paula Garvey Manship * Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. McArthur II Mrs. Sancy H. McCool * Chuck* and Ruth McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph* J. McKernan Lady Katharine McLaurin * Dr. and Mrs. Tom J. Meek, Jr. Marguerite H. Mills * The Mockler Family * Deceased
ANNA B. LIPSEY LEGACY BUILDERS (cont.) Mr. Hillar C. Moore, Jr. * Mr. Thomas J. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Moyse III Rosalie Moyse * Stephen R. Musso * Earl E. Nelson Ron and Corinne Helm Ness Mrs. Eleanor P. Newman * John and Virginia Noland Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Nowacki Craig and Cindy Nuckolls Bill and Gail O’Quin Dr. and Mrs. Judd Patten Bill and Cherie Peters Miss Emogene Pliner * David C.* and Jeannie Price Dr. Barbara V. Rathbone Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Rathbone, Jr. * Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rathbone Blanchard and Allison Sanchez Marjorie H. Sanders * Mary Ella Sanders, MD The Saurage Family Donna M. Saurage Charles Newton Schlatre, Sr.* Elaine Kessler Schudmak * Jerry* and Chuck Schwing Ms. Ruth C. Sessions Beverly Carson Smiley Dr. Charles M. Smith Derrick Spell, MD Edward and Bernice Spiess Todd and Kelli Stevens Peter and Paige Stewart Emily C. Stich Dr. and Mrs. O. M. Thompson, Jr. Paul R. and Mary H. Thompson Felix and Lynn Weill Ann Wilkinson Charles G. Wood, MD * Deceased
we honor our patient volunteers for the enormous difference you make in the lives of patients, and our clerical and computer volunteers for the tremendous support you provide to our staff. in whatever capacity, you are contributing to the total patient experience and we are so very grateful. Evelyn Traylor Gautreau Lori Gentile Mary Greathouse Rachel Gregory Juanita Grissom Davis Gueymard Carolyn Hardy Barbara Haydel Claudia Hebert Josie Hebert Guy Jenkins Bev Jones Bob Jones Terri Lamb Jerry Lambert Deidra Langridge Pat Lavin Trudy LeBoeuf Jill Masters Sandy McMurty Lynn McRae Gayatri Menon Pat Merriman Bobbie Ann Miller Alexandra Moffett Tiffany Mohre Mary Morton Joyce Netherland Juanita Pearson Karen Planchard Christine Pollock Michael Posseno, Sr. Donna Price J. Punch Herman Raby Julia Rambin Ginger Rester Beth Roland
Fay Babin Mary M. Babin Helen Badeaux Barbara Barriner Shelly Berry Tom Boone Mignon Bosse Grant Breeland Sandra Bryant Ed Calamari Carol Canale Judy Cancienne Marilyn Cannon Cindy Carroll Ann Carter Sybil Casso Vernell Chaney Taylor Chrisman Diane Chronis Nicholas Chronis Fred Collins Robin Collins Evelyn Contois Iliana Cubas Chelsea Curry Tamra Dale Elsie Davis Summer Davis Kay Deumite Cecelia Dickerson Neila Eckler Bob Emerson Cherie Erkel Robert Evans Melba Ferina Amy Forrest Kendra France Sue Gambrell
Francesca Rosato Rosemary Rownd John Scholl Yvonne Seal Evelyn Short Erica Sjunnesen Ann Smith J.R. Stampley Chuck Stanton Jack Stokeld Sally Stutzman Judy Theriot Annette Their Janell Troxler Matthew Vinet Haleigh Whittington Jean Wilcox Julia Woods Bill Yasmine
we challenged mary bird perkins’ 18-parish service area to geaux pink during october, national breast cancer awareness month, to help raise awareness and funds for the fight against cancer. funds raised support cancer awareness, education, early detection, clinical trials, research and screening programs in local participating communities. thank you to the 2013 participants! 531 Liberty St. Café Abita Brewery Abita Springs Elementary School Abita Springs Middle School Abney Early Childhood Center Abney Elementary School Acquistapace’s Covington Supermarket Alton Elementary School American Factory Direct American Gateway Bank Amite High School Anna Jusselin Apricot Lane Boutique Archbishop Hannan High School Ascension Catholic Diocesan Regional School Ascension Christian Elementary & Middle School Ascension Christian High School Ascension Tennis Association Audubon Elementary School Auntie Anne’s Baker Donelson Basics Underneath Baton Rouge American Poolplayers Association Baton Rouge Apartment Association Bayou Cane Fire Department Bayou Lacombe Middle School Bayou Woods Elementary School Berry Town Produce Best Bakery Best Boilers Seafood Bistro Byronz Blue Cliff College Bonne Ecole Elementary School Bowl South of Louisiana, Inc. Boyet Junior High School Brock Elementary School Buffalo Wild Wings Busy Bee Clinic Cannata’s Family Markets Capitol Elementary School Carolyn Park Middle School Catholic High School of Pointe Coupee
CB&I Cedarwood School Central Lafourche Chahta-Ima Elementary School Chick-Fil-A – Covington Chick-Fil-A – Houma Christian Life Academy Clearwood Junior High School Coley’s Community Bank Counter Culture Frozen Yogurt Courtney Parish Photography Courtyard Marriot Covington Elementary School Covington High School Creative U Creekside Junior High School Crossfit Mandeville Crowne Plaza Baton Rouge Cut Off Elementary Cypress Cove Elementary School D.C. Reeves Elementary School Daiquiris and Company Del Porto Don’s Seafood Hut Donaldsonville Chamber of Commerce Donaldsonville High Cheerleaders Doughlicious Donuts Durasteam Carpet Restoration Dutchtown High School E Federal Credit Union East Gates BBQ East Houma Elementary eLearning Home School Ellender Memorial High School Evergreen Junior High Fairway Medical Fifth Ward Junior High School Fit4Life Florida Avenue Elementary School Folsom Elementary School Folsom Junior High School Fontainebleau High School Fontainebleau Junior High School Forte and Tablada
Franklinton High School Franklinton Junior High School Franklinton Primary School Gainier’s Southdown Gardens Gateway Preschool and Technology Center Geaux Pink Pokeno Night Glen Oaks Park Elementary School GMFS Gonzales Primary School Gray’s Creek Elementary School Great American Cookie Company – Covington Greater Israel Baptist Church Greenbrier Elementary School H.L. Bourgeois High School Haydel Drug Stores Health Care Options Holmes Building Materials Holy Savior Elementary Honey Baked Ham Honey Island Elementary School Houma Christian School Houma Junior High Independence Elementary School International Paper- Bogalusa Mill Jewel Sumner High Cheer and Dance Team Judy O’Bear Kehoe-France Northshore Koko FitClub of Houma and Thibodaux Koko FitClub of Mandeville La Casa Del Sol – East Houma La Casa Del Sol – Thibodaux La Casa Del Sol – West Houma Lake Harbor Middle School Lakeshore High School Lancaster Elementary School Laurier Le Bijou Salon and Day Spa Le Creole Lee Road Junior High School Little Oak Middle School Little Pearl Elementary School Loranger Elementary School Louisiana Department of Insurance Louisiana Department of State Civil Service Louisiana Fall Festival Horse Show
GEAUX PINK (cont.) Louisiana’s 1st Choice Auto Auction Lowery Elementary School Lowery Middle School Lyon Elementary School Madisonville Elementary School Madisonville Junior High School Magnolia Trace Elementary School Mandeville Elementary School Mandeville High School Mandeville Junior High School Mandeville Middle School Maria Immacolata School Marigny Elementary School Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at St. Tammany Parish Hospital Employees Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC Employees Mary Bird Perkins – Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center Employees Mary Queen of Peace Material Girl Mayfield Elementary School Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt – Covington Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt – Mall of Louisiana Merrill Lynch Mestizo Mona LouElle Hair Studio Monteleone Junior High School Morris Hebert, Inc. Mount Hermon School Mrs. Sharon Pontiff Mugshots Bar and Grill – Covington Northlake Christian School Northshore High School Oak Forest Academy Oak Grove Primary School Olinde’s Furniture Ourso Funeral Home Papa Murphy’s Pizza Park Elementary School Parkview Baptist School – Basketball Team Parkview Baptist School – Volleyball Team Pearl River High School Phelps Dunbar Piggly Wiggly – Madisonville Pine View Middle School Pink Pilates at Franco’s Athletic Club Pitcher Junior High School
PJ’s Coffee – St. Tammany Parish Plantation Inn Polk Elementary School Ponchatoula High School Ponchatoula Junior High School Pontchartrain Elementary School POV Magazine Pugh’s Florist Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers Ralph’s Market Randomly Yours Regions Bank Remington College Renaissance Family Fitness Resource Bank – Covington River Parishes Community College Riverside Elementary School Rushing Media Ryan Elementary School Salmen High School Salon Rubicon Sams Club Santa Fe Cattle Co. SEACOR Marine Silliman Institute Simply Southern Sixth Ward Elementary School Slidell High School Slidell Junior High School South Lafourche High School South Terrebonne High School Southdown Elementary Southeastern Louisiana University Southern University Nurses Association Southland Mall Spanky’s Daiquiris Spencer’s Feed and Seed Spring Creek Elementary School Springfield Elementary School St. Amant High School St. Joseph’s Academy – Basketball Team St. Joseph’s Academy – Volleyball Team St. Jude the Apostle School St. Michael the Archangel High School – Basketball Team St. Michael the Archangel High School – Volleyball Team St. Peter’s Catholic School
St. Tammany Fire District 13 St. Tammany Fire District 9 St. Tammany Junior High School St. Tammany Parish School System St. Thomas Aquinas High School Stab’s Steak and Seafood Stadium Cuts State Farm Insurance Style Encore – Mandeville Super Chevy Dealers of Baton Rouge Tangipahoa Home Builders Association Taylor Porter Tchefuncte Middle School Texas Roadhouse – Covington The Brighton School The Dunham School The Little Village The Oasis Day Spa The Salad Station – Covington The Salad Station – Mandeville The Salad Station – Cate St., Hammond The Salad Station – CM Fagan Dr., Hammond The Villa Thomas Elementary School Turnberry Place Apartments at Bluebonnet Twin Peaks U Club Cottages United Community Bank University Laboratory High School Urban Loft URS Corporation U-Wink Eyelash Extensions Valenti Cake’s Vandebilt High School Villa Feliciana Medical Complex Walter Reed District Attorney’s Office Walters, Meyer, Trosclair and Associates – Ameriprise Financial Washington Parish School System Weekend Cruisers Club West Side Middle School Which Craft? Whispering Forest Elementary School Winbourne Elementary School Woodlake Elementary School Woodland Park Elementary Magnet School Zen Japanese Grill and Sushi Bar Zoës Kitchen – Towne Center
IS YOUR NAME MISSING? Despite our best efforts, errors and omissions sometimes occur. We sincerely apologize in advance if your name is missing. Please contact us at development@marybird.com or (225) 215-1202 to submit updates. To access the full list of donors, please view this report and all other 2013 community reports at MARYBIRD.ORG.