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Conversations about New Earth Communities

Yvonne Teoh Bource, a beautiful soul who is helping us learn about our vibrational creations of our next experiences.

A New Earth Reality Day 343 – Letting go of attachments to outcomes


One of the most powerful learnings right at the beginning of my journey from an unconscious reactionary ego driven individual was to be able to have a desire without attachment to whether or not that desire would become a reality. Yesterday I was offered two huge examples of what occurs when I truly let go of my personal desired outcome in certain situations. I have been a huge fan of the now Wimbledon Champion Ash Barty and always get nervous when she plays, always wanting her to win. Those of you who follow any kind of sport know what that is like. Last night I found myself become so invested in my desire for her to win that I was even asking for interference from my angels when things became tight.

There was a moment in the third set when I observed my emotions and what that was doing to my energetic vibration and asked what do I need to do here to enjoy this experience. I took a deep breath, gathered my energy and did what I have done many times before when my ego gets out of balance because of me wanting to manipulate thing to get what I want, a very old pattern I let go of in most areas of my life a long time ago. I let go of my attachment of the outcome by changing it to trusting in the highest possibility for both of the players soul plan and destiny. I disengaged from the outcome and the moment I did that I was able to enjoy the experience fully. This has been presented to me a few times of late. I had an attachment to being recognised for my soul work by my children and grandchildren, but they were so busy with their own lives and in my eyes only saw me in the role of mother and grandmother.

Recently I let go of that story and allowed my relationships to unfold with all people into a high state of consciousness of pure love. Yesterday having lunch with my loved ones, they all gave me signs that they were very much on my wavelength, telling me they loved my video with Souvereign.

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=4daAIyrU03I

When they never seemed to have time or were interested before and were sharing with me soul connected movies and documentaries they had seen that would be of interest. A complete turnaround. When I let go of attachment and investment in my desired outcomes, I give space for the highest possibility for all concerned to come forward. Big lesson.

Namaste <3 <3

Yvonne Teoh Bource

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