1 minute read

The Great Shift and the energy that follows.

Since the time of the last great shift and all that has resulted since that time, there has come about a layer of energy.

- the collective conciousness, the astral plane and lower vibrational energies - that have been trapped in her bodily fields now for a great period of time.


This negative energy and conciousness have been allowed to expand, and expand, and expand such that the time has come when Creator has decided that change is needed. This is the activity that we have been discussing.

This activity includes such things as previously Ascended Masters coming back at this time to offer assistance and leadership, new levels of Light , and higher vibrational energies, increased levels of Divine Feminine energies and Christ Conciousness, and also special dispensations brought forth from the Heart of the Creator. These activities offer opportunities for humanity to advance, opportunities that have never been present in this world before.

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One such example is that of Grace and a new lessened requirement for the balancing of Individual Karma such that humans now may only be required to balance fifty-one percent of their karma to move forward.

Through new levels of grace that are coming forth now, the company of Heaven may assist them in releasing the remainder of their karma. This was a special dispensation sent forth by Creator with the specific intentions of raising the collective conciousness of humanity and giving each of you an opportunity to achieve your ascension in the Light.

From the book “ Telos welcoming New Earth”. By Bryan Tilghman

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