3 minute read



I'll show you how to align to a higher vibration so you can be the change you want to see in the world but first, I want to remind you that you are not a race car driver so don't expect to go from zero to ninety in fie seconds. As you take inspiring steps to raise your vibration, it's important to be patient and kind to yourself. The following is not shared as a ′′ to-do ′′ list, but as a skilled guide on the personal path of evolution


Master your faiths: Because beliefs are conditional thoughts, every belief has a corresponding vibration. This means you can raise your vibration by releasing feelings, such as victimization and helplessness, and embracing empowering beliefs. The more you believe in your ability to consciously create and the more you believe the Universe supports you unconditionally, the more your vibration will rise. It's important to practice the believing will get you where you want to go.

Recognize your own value: As you reclaim your value and stop asking the outside world to show that you are worthy, your vibration will naturally increase and you will discover that your value is guaranteed and fundamental. Not only do you not have to do anything to prove your worthiness, trying to prove it, it protects you from it - because you cannot prove what you are. As the sun rises and the air is free to be breathed, your true value cannot be removed, no maer what you do or don't do.

Fulfill your own emotional needs: As you stop sacrificing or compromising yourself to meet your emotional needs, your vibration will naturally increase. Fulfill your own emotional needs: appreciate yourself, accept yourself, recognize yourself, listen to yourself. Give yourself complete approval to live your life as if you really want to live it!

Taking responsibility: To be a consciousness changer, you must take full responsibility for your life and every experience in it. This means it's not happening to you, but everything is a reflection of you or addition to you. As long as you blame the world for your troubles, you are powerless to create and keep your vibration low. Instead, as you take responsibility more and more consciously for your life, your vibration will naturally rise.

Stop reacting: Whenever you react negatively to reality, whether a person, place, or experience, you give your power away and lower your vibration to match the one you react to. The trick is to stop taking things personally - and drop your version of the story that led you to react. It's just a story and no story is true unless we make them true.

Don't catch the dirty rag: Just because someone throws you a dirty rag doesn't mean you have to catch it - the rag probably contains low vibration energy. You're not here to be a ′′ negative energy sponge ". If you're going to be responsible for your vibe, you can't afford to deal with other people's negative energy.

Teaching sweet: You are a beautiful being in progress and most of the time no-evolution is a process of death and rebirth - the death of who you are not and the rebirth of who you truly are. This means you need to surrender whatever no longer serves you or support your highest self. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain

Drop the drama: Many of us are addicted to drama and don't even know it. Yes, the drama is fun to participate in and gossip about but it's not worth the cost of your vibe. Drama requires low vibration thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that behave in the dramatization. Who cares who did what to who? It's just not worth it - forgive, forget, move on.

Namaste Artist: unknown


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