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The New Earth is Here to connect with the Divine

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June ISSUE 2021

June ISSUE 2021




Forgiveness 101


“’Forgiveness’ is an act that is only available, meaning vibrationally available, in a realm where it is deemed ‘necessary’.

You see, when you speak about the ‘need for forgiveness’ from the third dimensional realm, you are speaking from the perspective that calls on one to ‘admit wrong-doing’ to another, in some form, in order to ‘release’ the ‘bad’ feeling ‘one is left with’ because of the actions, words or deeds of another. This is the perspective of,



and falls into the ‘category’ of, fear based beliefs and beliefs that are conjured in the realm of contrast, for no one outside of yourself can interject a vibrational experience into another. The interaction is always a co-creation.

It serves this realm because the contrast itself is out of alignment with the Soul’s perspective which ‘contains’ no fear based beliefs, but is made up of only Loving awareness.

From the Soul’s perspective, the perspective of the New Earth vibration, there is no need...no lack, no ‘wrongdoing’ on a vibrational ‘level’. It is only awareness of Who You Really Are. There is no forgiveness necessary when there is no label given of ‘wrong doing’ because there is no judgment, you see.

There is only knowing. We can liken this to asking a toddler for forgiveness when it has an emotional response that is not to your adult liking. The third dimensional awareness of the toddler is not the third dimensional awareness of the adult. The adult ‘understands’ the level of the toddler’s awareness, accepts it and (hopefully) will guide the toddler in its expansion, by consistent example. There are unlimited levels of awareness in your human collective. Your ‘job’ is to expand your own awareness and teach by the exampling of it.

You see, from our perspective, the perspective of your Soul, awareness is key. When someone ‘hurts’ you, whether physically or emotionally, it is an indication of many things, not the least of which is the level of awareness of both people.

Someone who is aware of who they really are, or as we would say ‘in alignment with their Soul’, would not be a vibrational match to the vibration of ‘pain’ or capable of ‘hurting another’ and would take this ‘experiential information’ and make adjustments to their own vibrational attraction.

So this interaction is indication of not only the ‘victim’ of the pain, but also the alleged perpetrator as well, for you cannot attract a vibrational experience that you are not in vibrational agreement with. This calls for vibrational awareness of who you really are, and self responsibility.

As you begin to consciously expand your own awareness into the vibration of the New You, the new human aspect who will live on the New Earth, you will experience a shift in your own physical reality which reveals to you the shift in your own non-physical vibrational attraction.

All physical manifestations are nonphysical first. You conjure it and then you experience it. The vibrational realm you are conjuring from is revealed in your physical manifestations, your physical experiences.

As you move forward and adopt this new perspective, a perspective that contains no fearful beliefs, the beliefs that you will conjure for yourself will be based on the Universal Laws, Universal Truths where there is no judgment, no wrong and no misunderstandings. There is only knowing, choosing, and manifestation through vibrational agreement.

To sum it up, forgiveness is not necessary for expansion, from our perspective. With understanding comes expansion. It is simultaneous manifestation. The New Earth vibrational realm is about Universal Self responsibility and that responsibility is vibrational awareness.”

We are Josef. CINDY EDISON https://theteachingsofjosef.com

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