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Joma Sipe -
Soul of Light
The visionary art of Portuguese artist Joma Sipe is all about light-not the ordinary light of day but the light of spiritual illumination, which brilliantly radiates from the over one hundred, full- -color images in this stunning book.
The intricate and elaborate process of creating each work includes the purpose of transmitting a message, although sometimes that message cannot be understood immediately. Each work disperses and concentrates the light that emanates from each line in the painting. This light represents Being and our deeper essence, the deep heart of the energy from life that inhabits everything that exist. This energy six to break the barrier of the physical dimension to meld with the universal energy that condenses, materializes, and takes room and takes form in each canvas.
My principal goal is to transmit, through the lines and crystals, and inner spiritual image or sacred feeling that I have. The various mystical schools, rituals, religions, and ways of thought I have studied – Theosophy, Gnosticism, the Kabbalah, Hinduism, and so on – only to help me to process what I see inside and to transmit that vision to the paper or the canvas, using very simple material and processes.