Limited edition (1)

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Limited Edition

individualisms and personalisation

trend report

consumers' increasing desire to be recognised as having personal needs rather than being part of the 'MASS MARKET' TRENDS, 2016

Background and evidence for the development of future trends gathered during the group work(PESTEL)

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Chose ‘zeitgeist’ theme

Development of Trend Cartogram

New lifestyle trend, demographic and customer profile.

Reference List and Illustration List

There are a lot of things happening right now that are unbelievably influential to the future. In phase one, we worked in groups and chose three mega trends and develop them into different macro and micro trends. The three themes are Sustainability and technology; Ageing population and increased scientific research surrounding health; political female power and social equality.



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We thought sustainability has been a huge issue around the world. Not only fashion industry but many, nearly all industries have been changing their production line, creating greener technology and trying to decrease the amount of waste we produce during production processes. Through looking at macro trends like ecological designs, greener manufacturing processes and futuristic trends, we further developed various micro trends, such as smart garments, growth in second hand, and popularize of 3D printing.


For ageing population and increased scientific research surrounding health, we looked into actual data and research in this area. Ageing population is another worrying and heated problem for not only the UK but many other countries.

As the proportion of older people increase, the research and spending into hospital and health care will increase as well. According to ONS, babies born in 1980 are expected to live 80 years whereas babies born in this generation are expected to live 90 years. Another research by NHS shows that this year, the UK has the largest investment in research into health care through a five-year funding in total of 816 million.


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As a result, people are more interested into healthy living and well-being and vegan style. Therefore, many fashion trends like ageless fashion, sportswear and athleisure may arise and become heated current trends.



To my mind, the last mega theme is the most interesting one as it is not as developed as the other two trends, therefore I can further investigate into it. Social femvale political power and social 10 equality are current topics especially happening at the same time with the US presidential election. The macro trend that extend 13 from this theme is self-expression. Since the society is more open to the differences between people and the way they define social norms. As it develops, many micro trends like gender neutral clothing, neutral colour palettes and 11 border size clothing.

All the mega trends from our group project are interesting and suitable for further develop. Among the trends, I chose the last theme, social equality as the start of my new lifestyle trend. I put focus particularly on the macro trend, self-expression that extended from it. Since the development of advance technology, the world become more connected. People from different background can exchange and share their thoughts on the media platform. As a result, people become more open to opinion and understand different point of views. In addition, according to Statista, in 2016 there are more than 1.79 billion Facebook users (statista, 2016) and over 500 million Instagram users (Murgia, 2016). Nowadays, many people own one or more personal accounts, proliferation of social media has led to a more rapidly change in style and trends. As a result, the general public are more desire to be different from others, they want to differentiate themselves from the crowd.

zeitgeist \ˈtsīt-ˌgīst, ˈzīt-\

noun [in singular] The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time: ‘the story captured the zeitgeist of the late 1960s’

After having done research into personalized products, I discover another similar trend and decided to combine them as a whole. Apart from personalized products, there is also an increase in the use of the technology, online personalized products recommendations. Nowadays, online shoppers not only get regular email and messages updates on brands and latest products but also automatic advertisements on websites on items that you appear to be interested in. The way that this technology can trace customers shopping pattern is quite impressive in terms of how they can automatic place advertisement of the products or website that you browse frequently or even if you browed only once. Many businesses are getting more information on each of their customers through the help of such technology and browser histories.

T ar re to nd gr am

NEWS PAGE 49 Innovators tend to be original and may not share


many visual or aesthetic characteristics. (Raymond 2010)

INNOVATORS The innovators would be brands that have created latest technology on online personalized products recommendation engines and personalized products. is one of the 10 Best Selling Online Personalized Product Recommendation Engines in 2016 (Sam, 2016). They define For customers, it produces a visual fashion items that will finish the look, for instance online product providing a t shirt for you to match with the recommendation engine as jeans you have in your basket. For “an artificial intelligence technology based ecommerce businesses, helps to eliminate the tool that enhances shopping duplicated products and gain more insights experience for customers and into store performance, improve the store (Sam, 2016). In addition, for personalized key metrics for online store owners.” has put a step products, brands like famous snacks producer Pepperidge Farm allowed their customer to forward from being purely design their brand’s iconic fish crackers. Also, giving online product Jawbone speakers’ producer give the role of recommendations. It is an choosing the colour for speakers to artificial intelligence ecommerce tool that provide customers, they get to mix and match colours to create their unique speaker. help on both consumer’s side and businesses side.

NEWS PAGE 49 include at least 5 key points and that best Drivers


articulate external sources (pestel), which have led to the new lifestyle trends creation. (Raymond 2010)

For my lifestyle trend, I have only identified four of the pestel analysis because two of them are not very applicable.

DRIVERS POLITICAL Â After the US presidential election, people are trying to look at the reason why Hilary Clinton lose and Donald Trump won. Many newspapers stated that this may due to the low voter rate this year, therefore the result may not be as representative as people expect and predict. As a result, many young adults who did not vote but dissatisfied with the result became more concern on individuality, since they realized the importance of each and every one of the voter.


"proliferation of social media and online publishing, styles and trends change more rapidly than ever before, forcing sellers to keep up with shifting preferences." (Spaulding and Perry, 1996) The growth in social media and proliferation has led to increase in individuality. People put more focus on being unique by decorating their own ECONOMICAL profile in order to stand out from the crowd. According to the guardian, "US growth is Nowadays, people get to know each other on expected to rise from 1.6% this year to 2.2% social media platform than in real persons. People in 2017." (Monaghan, 2016) Therefore the know each other based on the information on public are more willing to spend money on their profiles, therefore people put attention on items that they want but no what they need. enriching their accounts. Due to the improvements in the technology TECHNOLOGICAL for personalized products, the cost has decreased a lot, some are equal price as The 21st century is the period of technology. The mass production products. If you have an improvement in technology has bring various amount of money to spemd, why not spend advantages on producing personalised products. It on personalized unique products rather takes less than 20 mins and same cost or event less than spend on ordinary mass production to produce a personalized item comparing to mass products. products.

NEWS PAGE 49 Impacts are pertinent examples of how the trend


is already manifesting itself, we need to look across as many sectors and industries as possible. (Raymond 2010)

Moreover, the sportswear industries will be another industry that often provide personalized services. Two sportswear dominators, Nike and Adidas offer customization of their iconic trainers and clothing on both online and in store. Customer can firstly choose the type of trainer they like, and then choose the colour and fabric for it, afterwards they can add words like their name or lucky number on it to give some personal value. As a result, you will own a pair of limited edition trainers that only you have and attract people’s attention. Â

IMPACTS Personalized products are happening right now across a range of industries and sectors. For instance, a new company call Boomf, it is specialized in producing personalized marshmallows and gifts. They allow customers to upload photos and words, then they will print them on marshmallows or chocolates. It has becoming very popular worldwide due to its creativity and packaging. Apart from marshmallows, famous brand, Nutella also offered a service of personalizing their iconic chocolate spread jar. Customers can add their name on the the jar to replace the original Nutella logo. It was very successful and popular due to their marketing strategies and popularity of the brand itself. In Hong Kong, only one shopping mall offer this service in limited time, this has attracted a long queue every day and sold out every single day.Â

NEWS PAGE How 49 the trend, at this early stage is impacting


on the ‘Late Majority’ (it may not have done so) and the way they influence them in areas like shopping pattern, daily lives, etc. (Raymond 2010)

According to the ONS, 87.9% of adults in the UK (45.9 million) had recently (in the last 3 months) used the internet, compared with 86.2% in 2015. Almost all adults aged 16 to 24 years were recent internet users (99.2%), in contrast with 38.7% of adults aged 75 years and over. (Statistics, 2016). For this new lifestyle trend, the late majority will be the internet inactive minority and they are usually older people.

CONSEQUENCES The consequences are separated into 2 areas. Firstly, for those who are and who will continue be internet in active users, there will be not much of a different for them as they are not using the computer to consume personalized products, also if they do not shop online, the online shopping recommendations engine will not be applicable on them. Therefore, this trend will not be impacting them in anyway. However, on the other hand, research found many people are actually interested in trying personalized products, "A Bain survey of more than 1,000 online shoppers found that while less than 10% have tried customization options, 25% to 30% are interested in doing so." (Spaulding and Perry, 1996) Therefore, the trend may give the minorities a step forward to try personalizing items.

NEWS PAGE The 49 future refers back to comments from ‘experts’


to guide here. Form insights into how the date you have gathered may impact on society as a whole. (Raymond 2010)

There are four main impacts on the society as a whole. Firstly, this trend may bring the society a more sustainable future. Since people are more personalized in terms of the items they buy and their buying recommendations and they are getting what they desire, less items from the mass production will be wasted. Secondly, economic growth, the retail industry may grow as customers are more exposed to the products they like when they use the internet, as a result this will increase the chance of consumption and it will effective boost the economy.

FUTURE Thirdly, increase the choice of taste and fashion. Since the general public has a more rapid change in trends and tastes, businesses tend to create more products that suitable for them. Moreover, as more people get the chance to design their own products, many innovative designs may be launched. Lastly, as an extend from the previous impact, there will be an increase in innovative designs. Since personalized products are getting easier and cheaper to create. Many people may express their design skills in designing products. Along with the grow in technology, such as 3D printing allows people to design garments at their home.

New Lifestyle Trend The reason I combined both new lifestyle trends, growth in the popularity personalized products and online personalized products recommendations is because they are similar in a way that the general public are putting more focus on individuality. As the world develops, many societies and minor communities also develop into a more open minded, people are more willing to share their thoughts and share feelings. Personalised product is not a recent thing, they have always been around but haven’t been popular and seen as a trend. Many brands have launched various personalize products for customers. Personalised products satisfied the wants to be recognized and not to be part of the mass market. In this generation, technology has become an irreplaceable part of our lives.Â

Moreover, the technology of tracing consumer shopping pattern and predicting items that they like is not a new thing, however, to my mind, this technology will become a trend in foreseeable future. According to the internet retailing, the online shopping platform has contributed ÂŁ114bn into the Britain economy in the whole of 2015 (Rigby, 2016). This shows how influential the ecommences are towards the growth of the country. Since the increase in the profit gain and popularity of online shopping, businesses are craving to use such technology to increase customer loyalty and increase market share in such competitive market. To conclude, my new lifestyle trend is the growth in personalized products and online personalized products recommendations as a result of the increase in self-expression and individuality.

Customer Profile

age range from 15-60 low to high income group active internet users passionate in art desire to be unique and different any occupation

reference list Insights, B. (2013a) Having it their way: The big opportunity in personalized products. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2016). Insights, B. (2013b) Having it their way: The big opportunity in personalized products. Available at: (Accessed: 9 December 2016). Krieg, G. (2016) How did trump win? Here are 24 theories. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2016). Mine, P. of (2015) Personalization industry and trends. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2016). • Roderick, L. (2015) Personalisation: A short-term fad or long-term engagement strategy? Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2016). S, G.G. (2016) An installation for digital project Gucci 4 rooms by Mr. Featuring his manga-inspired art and Gucci symbols. Available at: (Accessed: 2 December 2016). Sam, A. (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 8 December 2016). Scott, P. (2016) US election 2016: Voter turnout fell to 58 per cent this year, estimates show. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2016). Statistics, O.F.N. (2016) Internet users in the UK: 2016. Available at: (Accessed: 9 December 2016). Subramanian, C. (2016) US election: Why does the US have such low voter turnout? Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2016). trend-monitor (2016) Megatrend #4 individualism. Available at: (Accessed: 8 December 2016). Watson, A. (2016) Amy Watson. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2016). Wurtzel, N. (2007) Personalized gift products can make a great new business by Nancy Wurtzel: The Sideroad. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2016). 2016, S. (2016) UK Facebook users 2014-2018 | statistic. Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2016). Murgia, M. (2016) Instagram reaches 500 million users. Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2016). oxforddictionaries (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2016). Rigby, C. (2016) UK online spending rises by 11% to £114bn in 2015, and by 12% to £24bn over Christmas: IMRG. Available at: (Accessed: 14 December 2016). Sam, A. (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 14 December 2016). Spaulding, E. and Perry, C. (1996) Making it personal: Rules for success in product customization - Bain brief. Available at: (Accessed: 14 December 2016). trend-monitor. (2016) Megatrend #4 individualism. Available at: (Accessed: 14 December 2016).

illustration list 1. Custommade. 2015. Shopping for Change: A New Generation of Shoppers Helps to Bring Social Responsibility Home. [Online]. [Accessed 22 October 2016]. Available from: 2. Vogue. 2016. 9 Things to Know About Chanel’s Spring 2017 Show. [Online]. [Accessed 21 October 2016]. Available from: 3. Sowray, B. and Cooper, L. (2016) Every look from Chanel SS17. Available at: (Accessed: 23 October 2016). 4. CNN (no date) How 3D printing will change your life forever. Available at: (Accessed: 23 October 2016). 5. Foundation, I.M. (2016) [ARCHIVED CONTENT] UK government web archive – the national archives. Available at: (Accessed: 23 October 2016). 6. Graf, R. 2015. Fun Loving Couples. [Online]. [Accessed 15 October 2016]. Available from: 7. *, N. (2012) Collection Nike sportswear pour femmes: Rebel spirit. Available at: (Accessed: 23 October 2016). 8. Carbon38 archives (2016) 28 April. Available at: (Accessed: 23 October 2016). 9. Back, S/ Barcroft Images. 2016. Prime Ministerial style: How Theresa May dresses for the biggest job in politics. [online]. [date accessed 22nd October 2016]. [Available from: -_OCTOBER_02_PM_Theresa_May_and_her_husband_Philip_John_May_arrixlarge_trans++eDExoFC7pq2Un4xEDlda9agrYi466jRMv0lW9sqFYJ4.jpg 10. Schiappa, F. (2016) A response to ‘I am not A feminist’. Available at: (Accessed: 14 December 2016). 11. LSN Global, 2016. Dr. Smood Juices. [Online]. [Accessed 13 October 2016]. Available from: 12. meappropriatestyle. 2015. Gender neutral shopping. [online]. [date accessed 22nd October 2016]. [available from:]. 13. Fratello, J. 2016. Here's why women around the globe are sharing their clothing sizes. [online]. [date accessed 22nd October 2016]. [Available from:]

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