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Multi-award winning Reading Eggs teaches children how to read with fun lessons and exciting features
Reading Eggs are off ering Cherubs readers a free 30day trial with access to the entire Reading Eggs suite including Reading Eggs, Reading Eggs Junior, Fast Phonics and Reading Eggspress. Simply visit the web address below to sign up!
One of the many things parents love about Reading Eggs is that it’s the online reading programme that really works! Yet, if you were to ask the over 20 million children who’ve used the programme what they love; it would be the fun online games, engaging activities, and the fantastic features like the Reading Journal.
This makes it a win-win for parents or guardians and their young learners. Reading Eggs keeps children motivated to keep building on the key literacy skills needed to become a successful reader. Reading is at the centre of all subjects at school, so students need a fi rm grasp of this skill to perform well in everything from maths, science and social studies.
So how does it work? Children aged from two to 13 are introduced to key reading skills as they work through the lessons. More advanced readers can then focus on grammar and punctuation as the programme progresses, meaning the programme grows with them at their own pace.
Aside from having loads of fun on the games and collecting golden eggs, Reading Eggs is bursting with exciting features that help children improve their reading and writing skills. One of the most exciting and brand new features is the Reading Journal. This customisable, interactive journal helps children build a stronger connection with the books they read and to encourages them to read for enjoyment.
Best of all, it helps them feel proud of their achievements when it comes to their reading eff orts. Whether they enjoy collecting books that they’ve read or sharing their wins with family and friends, they’re sure to love it! The Reading Journal allows children to track their reading progress and personalise their experience of reading. It makes them feel independent and motivated to read by giving them child free rein over the kinds of books they would like to read.
Kids are able to customise each and every page of their Reading Journal with a plethora of colourful stickers, tapes, and pins. Watch their excitement as they choose their very own unique Journal cover to refl ect their style. To keep things thrilling and new, they’re able to go with a new decorative theme each month, earn literacy-linked rewards and download a certifi cate.
There are multiple benefi ts to using the Reading Journal as it helps improve children’s grammar, problem solving skills, general knowledge and even their school engagement and motivation. Anything that boosts communication with family and friendship groups and can inspire better mental health is worth giving a go. Get your little learner to take this next step with their learning, by hopping into Reading Eggspress today!
Aside from the new features being added constantly, Reading Eggs remains the programme of choice to teach children how to read. Parents can feel confi dent that their kids are learning with a programme created by educational experts, which is backed by solid scientifi c research. They can always remain in the loop, being informed about their child’s progress.
The programme is based on the fi ve essential keys to reading success – phonics, phonemic awareness, fl uency, vocabulary and text comprehension. Reading Eggs is dedicated to building children’s confi dence and skills in literacy.
Reading Eggs gaggle of cute characters help kids explore the dynamic learning levels, guiding them through all the important literacy skills they need to attain. Children love the brilliant online reading activities, interactive educational games and animated videos. There’s alphabet and spelling games, phonics activities, word puzzles, nursery rhymes, comprehension quizzes and so much more! Not to mention the exciting rewards, golden eggs, songs and certifi cates that help keep them motivated and on task. Not to mention the Story Factory, where your child can create their very own book!
Plus, did you know that Reading Eggs has a phenomenal online children’s library with over 3,000 e-books! You can choose books based on a child’s age, interests and reading levels. All our online books are carefully levelled to cater to children of all abilities – starting from read aloud picture books for beginners, all the way through to longer chapter books, which build confi dence and reading stamina, while nurturing a lifelong love of reading!
We’re all about safe, positive screen time! It only takes 15 minutes of Reading Eggs a day for your child to learn how to read in a matter of weeks.
Available on desktop, IOS or Android which means children can learn in the comfort of their own homes, or on the go!

Tips For GCSE Revision

By Anna Coulson – Champion Tutor
Are you wondering how to help your child prepare for their GCSEs? We have some great tips, from creating a timetable, to help sleeping and getting the best results.
Early Preparation
The earlier you start the preparation for revision the better. The more time you can spend revisiting earlier topics, refreshing on mock exams and jogging your memory the better. The GCSE paper will cover topics from as far back as the start of the year, so gaining a head start on recapping and spending time revising will give you an advantage.
Discover your learning style
Make sure you mix up your revision style to discover what works for you and also to avoid repetition. Whether it’s auditory, visual or through reading and writing notes, discover what works best for you.
Create a revision timetable
Spending some time creating a timetable will help manage your workload and time. You can schedule more time spent on subjects you may struggle with, ensure that you are not cramming as much revision into the days leading up to your exam and make time for sports and clubs you enjoy.
Small daily goals
Setting a goal for the end of each revision day will help avoid you feeling overwhelmed. It will also give you a sense of accomplishment. For example: “Today i’d like to cover algebra.” Adding these goals to your timetable will also help you keep focused. Remember to be realistic.
Find a study group
Occasionally learning with others can help fill any gaps in your own revision. Working together you may come up with ideas of how to remember key facts. It would also be worth testing each other and teaching each other. Breaking down revision then sharing what you have learnt.
Practice papers
Try getting hold of previous exam papers. It will give you some good practice on the structure of the papers. Timing yourself will also give you the experience of learning to use your time wisely.
Plan breaks
Scheduling breaks and exercise when creating your timetable is so important. Make sure you get some fresh air, move around and eat well. The benefits of exercise on revision include increased focus, improved memory and a chance to revisit any difficult topics with a fresh mind.
These revision tips won’t be effective unless you get sufficient sleep. Prioritise seven to nine hours a night. Getting enough rest is productive, not only to help commit what you’ve learnt during the day to long-term memory but it also improves your cognitive ability to learn again the following day. You’ll be able to concentrate better and feel more motivated after a good night’s sleep. Download an app to assist sleep and relaxation or meditation. Remember, you need to be well rested to learn and function productively.