5 minute read
5 Minutes with Jane Dowden
5Minutes with Jane Dowden
The comedy genius behind @mum_and_a_mic. We guarantee that she will have you rolling about in hysterics after watching one of her Instagram reels. A comedy genius.
Your bedside reading at the moment is…
Confession. I’m absolutely awful at reading books. I waft around with one on holiday and have a pile by my bed… but they very rarely actually get read… Saying that, I am currently 20 pages deep in Dawn O Porters new book Cat Lady, and it’s fab!
Favourite podcast when you have fi ve minutes’ peace?
Second confession. I have never listened to a podcast! Is that weird? I just always opt for music. But if I was going to listen to one I’ve heard such brilliant things about Rosie and Chris Ramsey’s one.
Three things you always have in your glove compartment?
McDonalds straws, McDonald’s serviettes and a random ketchup or two. Never know when you might need them.
If you had to pick would you prefer performing on stage or screen?
Oof! That’s a tough one. That’s like asking me which kid is my favourite. There’s nothing that beats the magic of a live audience but at this stage in my life I’d probably say screen just pips theatre to the post. Saying that, I’m gagging for a theatre job right now.
Ultimate food weakness?
Sushi. I’m literally addicted to it. I’m fairly sure my bloodstream is half blood, half soy sauce. Also, I have a weakness for old school pie and mash. It reminds of my Nan and sitting on benches in Harrington’s in Tooting as a kid.
Coff ee or tea?
Both. Coff ee fi rst thing, followed by a tea mid-morning. An absolute rebel, me.
Favourite holiday memory?
This is a tough one. I love holidays. Mark (the husband) is always rolling his eyes at me because I’m constantly looking for the next one. Doesn’t have to be posh… in fact some of my absolute favourites have been family caravan holidays. The smell of a caravan, the sound of the kettle boiling in the morning just makes me feel so nostalgic. We rented a caravan literally on the beach last year, and it was such a special few days. Simple and perfect.
Which album will you have on loop and never be bored with?
George Ezra is my absolute go to. His songs just make me smile and I have so many great memories of belting them out at family BBQs and festivals. Also… Now and then I like to whip out New Kids on the Block’s Greatest Hits. Cover Girl… what a tune!
Twin mum, actress, Insta and Tik Tok queen… when do you fi nd time for yourself?
Haha. Well, since they’ve been at school it’s been a bit easier, but sometimes I do fi nd it hard to switch off and just take some time. Mainly because I get terrible FOMO so I always feel like I should be doing something.
A ‘wow’ moment in your, life so far?
Hands down fi nding out we were pregnant with twins. Absolutely nothing prepares you for that. I swore a lot. We’d longed for a child for quite a while and when they said our embryo had split and we were having identical twins, our jaws hit the fl oor. Telling the family was so magical though. We told my parents by telling them they would need to get a bigger car to ferry their grandchildren around, it took about fi ve mins for the penny to drop. I literally remember every single phone call to the people we love like it was yesterday. There were lots and lots of happy tears.
What gives you instant calmness?
The seaside. I always feel drawn to the sea, it just makes me feel happy and instantly at peace. One day, in a dream world I think we’ll live by the sea.
The next destination on your list is…
Ask me next week. I’m writing this from a sun-lounger in Tenerife and I know as soon as I’m back I’ll be on the scour for the next break, to Mark’s absolute dismay.
If you needed to hear a voice of comfort, who would you call?
It depends what the issue was. Life stuff is generally my sister, poor girl who has had to listen to my verbal diarrhoea on many occasions. For work related stuff , or when I’m doubting myself I generally call Kelly (@kids_and_the_commute) who is a fellow Insta w*nker and all round brilliant human! In fact, I have such an amazing group of women I’ve met through the app, it’s one of the best things to come out of starting out on this journey.
If you could choose one superpower…
Being able to fl y would be pretty cool. Also means I wouldn’t have to rely on Uber on a night out. Ha ha!
What language would you love to learn?
Ooh, maybe Spanish. I like the way it rolls off the tongue.
How would you describe yourself?
I would say loyal, sometimes chaotic, other times mega-organised, optimistic, usually late, forgiving. With a dash of anxiety thrown in for good measure.
The mantra you live by?
Be kind. It may be a cliché but it’s also really bloody important. It’s all too easy to judge, or jump to conclusions, and actually, we never know what people are going through, what their state of mind is. I’m not perfect, by any means, and obviously sometimes I know I could do better, but I do think I always try to be kind. It costs nothing.