13 minute read
Power to Empower
Power to Empower GIRL POWER
When our Editor caught up with two empowered women, IIlana and Lorna, who empower other women to just feel better about, well, just LIFE, it was only right to share this and spread the empowerment with the rest of the world.
The fi rst time I met Illana was actually at one of her classes at DanceBox. I’d been messaging her over Instagram for ages saying “I want to come!” and she just kept replying with “COME!” So, one sunny Friday morning I woke up and just decided to take the day off from mum/work life and go dance my life away. Was it the best thing I’ve ever done? Hell to the YES!
How’s your 2020 been so far?
It’s actually been amazing. I left 2019 asking for 20-20 vision in 2020 and I have defi nitely had a lot more clarity already. Massive amount of fi re in my belly and I am seriously ready to rule the world!
What does a typical day involve?
Depending on what day it is, I usually start my day teaching a class. It’s the best best BEST way to start the day, I’m left feeling so high and empowered and I feel like I can literally attack anything the day has in store for me – then I usually have a list of private classes or events or get buried in
admin, fi guring out ways in which I can spread the joy of DanceBox around the world. Literally!
What made you start Dancebox?
Dance is my biggest passion in the world. I danced professionally from the age of 18 – dancing for artists in music videos, tours and tv programmes such as X Factor and BGT. To get some extra cash while working as a dancer I started teaching women in West London. These ladies were non-dancers and I saw how much they loved it – and I LOVED it right back. I started to see how free these women were becoming and it was incredible. At 27 I decided to open DanceBox in Essex, near where I
lived. It was so so important to me that I created a space of acceptance, an allinclusive, judgement-free zone where every day humans could come and literally unleash all of their life onto the dance fl oor. I wanted to bring the fun, amazing, therapeutic side of dance back into people’s lives. It’s a serious game changer.
I have been known to walk around the room when everyone is dancing their hearts out and whooping from the bottom of their lungs and just cry. It is
the most amazing feeling to see these incredible humans (most of whome have never ever danced before) just being so free and unapologetic. People that have many daily struggles and battles, just lose themselves. Most women walk into their first class so shy and timid and by the end of the class they are jumping for joy and screaming so loud or crying from the release. All of my clients are so incredibly welcoming that as soon as you enter you feel like you’re instantly a part of a sisterhood. I pinch myself daily.
What would your top tip be for someone who, deep down inside, wants to walk through your doors but is too self-conscious and feeling very low about themselves?
I have many tips but the main one to focus on is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Every single human being that enters my room soon realises that we are all in the same boat. Once that notion settles in, no matter where your confidence is placed inside, the walls fall down and we all swim together.
What’s next for Dancebox?
WORLD DOMINATION BABY! I am desperate to spread this joy. It is so important for people to remember who they are and the platform DanceBox provides does just that! I have literally watched people’s lives change right in front of my eyes. Their confidence, their outlook on life, their overall mental state – not to mention how incredibly uplifting it is for their souls. I want to take this world-wide!
DO IT! You only live once and you should do whatever makes your heart skip and gets you excited! Be prepared to be patient, it can take time to grow. Know that it will be hard work and a lot of hours need to go into making it work but if you’re passionate about what you’re doing then you will never feel like you’re truly working. I wake up every day so, so, so excited about what the day will hold and who I’ll get to meet and through doing something like this, I am always learning, too – which is a massive plus in life!

Lorna and I met randomly at my first ever PR event. I turned up on my own and felt totally lost standing in a room full of all these wonderful influencers. Then I spotted Reggie – Lorna’s little boy, staring at me with his gorgeous eyes and I was drawn in… I told her I was on my own and she uttered the simple words that eased me instantly: “Come and sit with us love!” After that, I was hooked on Mrs H and the friendship formed from there. I’m excited to attend my first PIZZUP in April and I would love nothing else, than for you all to experience it with me.
How’s your 2020 been so far?
Do you know what? It’s actually been pretty damn good.
What does a typical day involve?
Shouting! Lol.
The school run, oat lattes, freelancing whilst Reggie naps, washing... God, I sound a bit boring don’t I? But sometimes, the magic is in the mundane isn’t it? Since having my third baby, Reggie – I’ve allowed myself to indulge in ‘less is more’ I’m not a fan of watching TV in the day, don’t know why – it makes me feel funny and tired. When Reggie is sleeping I’ll be working or indulging in PIZZUP prep. Then, before you know it, school pick up has rolled around and the madness begins again!

You run a really successful blog and are known by so many, what made you want to divert and start something different like PIZZUP?
It’s a funny one you know. I honestly didn’t have any huge intentions with either. My blog, The Mumblings started as a way to really download all the stuff in my head and share my experiences of life, motherhood and beyond. I talk a lot, and when I was commuting four days a week up to Soho for work, I had the luxury of travelling solo, and so used that time to just start writing down my thoughts on my phone. I used to email myself and without sounding like a right weirdo – I actually found them quite funny, so thought I’d create a blog. It was the thing at the time, and although I never wanted to use it (and still don’t) as a platform
to monetise or promote anything – I did want others to seek solace in my writing. To know that they weren’t alone in experiencing some of what I had. PIZZUP followed the blog. I felt the need to still be out, still be me – and really allow myself to have a decent night, with equally decent women. Women who I was constantly trying to catch up with, in one way or another. Those women also happened to be mums. Time was short, and especially time for us all to agree on a date. So I agreed on a date, I gave the night a name and then I put the word out on my WhatsApp to see who fancied a night. It was a cross pollination of excellent females and on a Tuesday last April, 30 of us gathered together and had a brilliant night out. I still can’t quite get my head around that there are now 500 of us. Bonkers!
Your hubby is a DJ, right? How does it feel doing something this massive together?
He sure is. By night anyway. He has a ‘normal’ day job, but still loves to indulge in his ultimate passion – music. I always say, that in no other capacity could we work together, but with music, festivals and nights out – it works. Don’t get me wrong, tension levels are HIGH the week before PIZZUP. A huge amount rests on my shoulders, and I am very particular in what I like to be played on the night (Jamie’s not the biggest garage fan… but I know what I want!) so there are rows, crossed words and heightened emotions, but on the night we always have each other’s back. There’s something pretty magical about that. Have you thought about doing a PIZZUP for boys?

I have yes. In fact I’ve thought of various PIZZUP adaptations, and while I’ll cringe typing this – it’s the age-old saying – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The concept of PIZZUP is simple, and I believe it works and is successful because of this. It delivers good food, a lot of booze (or not if that’s your preference) and incredible music. All in amongst amazing, inclusive and likeminded women. I think that term ‘likeminded women’ is used quite freely these days and actually, in some of my experiences, it really isn’t true. But I can hand on heart say, that with PIZZUP there is something magical in the air, the room – the night – there really is.
Genuinely, the atmosphere takes my breath away each time. Even from the very first one, to the second, third, fourth and so on – I took a moment to look around the room at each woman that had turned up (most probably after a rushed exit, maybe an argument with her partner or a full-on day of feeling the strain of it all) but here they were. Some on their own, some in groups – and now, standing on a stage (bonkers) looking out at 500 women is something else. It feels mega, honestly mega.
What would your top tip be for someone who is desperate to come for a night out, doesn’t have anyone to come with and wouldn’t dare leave the house alone?
Just come. Just get a ticket and come! I promise you, that you will have a blast. And I would say that without really knowing if they will actually walk away thinking “Yeah, it was OK.” I’m not that self-assured (despite appearances) but if there’s one thing I’m confident about, it’s that they WILL have a blast! I have women who now come up to me and ask me if anyone is on their own, anyone needs taking under their wing. We can all bang out a hashtag for the likes, for the engagement but I stand by people – whether it’s booze, or a diet coke – you can drink with us. And I’m bloody proud of that.
What’s next for PIZZUP?
In all honesty? I don’t know. Like I said before, in its current state, it works. I don’t feel the need to change it up, or try to get something more out of it than I do already. The only thing I have always considered, is taking it up north. I have women from all over travelling down, for a night off (there’s always plenty of notice with PIZZUPs and so time to schedule childcare if needed and also book up a local Premier Inn – I love that I always bump into women when I’m staying there) but equally, it would be nice to offer the night to the northern masses. It’s nerve-wracking though. Hosting such a huge event on my own feels less daunting close to home and so taking it away from what I know fills me with terror a little. But the thought is there, and it’s something I’d like to try and do this year.
It’s funny when I’m asked that because I still don’t see myself as starting something – odd I know – but I guess I’d say “just do it!” My mum always says “JFDI darling” (just f**king do it) and I guess she’s right. What’s the worst that can happen? It doesn’t work. I put some of my own money into the first night, but it wasn’t a lot and it was worth it – so unless you’re investing huge amounts and taking massive risks that could be detrimental to yourself or your family, give it a shot. I had absolutely NO Idea PIZZUP would become what it has.
Blushing through spring With Elena @els_makeup_box
With summer feeling like it’s never going to arrive, blushers are the go to products that can turn a dull complexion into glowing healthy skin with one sweep of the brush. Skin tone plays a big role in choosing the perfect blusher. Texture and fi nish also play a role in choosing the correct blusher. Fear not, I have put together a simple guide for choosing the correct blusher for your skin tone.
Fair skin tones suit soft rose and peach hues. Sheer plum for a more statement look also looks great, but I stress the word sheer! Anything too warm will make the skin look muddy. Fair Skin Fair skin tones suit soft rose and peach hues. Sheer plum for a more statement look also looks great, but I stress the word sheer! Anything too
Don’t be fooled by this little tube of rosiness. The pigment certainly packs a few punches. Don’t be fooled by this little tube of rosiness. The pigment certainly packs a few punches.
Sheer Blush £18.00 Iconic London www.iconiclondoninc.com Sheer Blush £18.00 Iconic London www.iconiclondoninc.com
This product has just enough shimmer to give you a ‘just fi nished my yoga class’ look.
Cheek to Chic £30.00 Charlotte Tilbury www.charlottetilbury.com
Look for a blush with a warm undertone hue to enhance the skin’s glow. Dark Skin Look for a blush with a warm undertone hue to enhance the skin’s glow. Dark Skin
A classic staple product for all. This products comes in fi ve textures and nearly 30 diff erent shades! A classic staple product for all. This products comes in fi ve textures and nearly 30

Powder Blush £19.50 Mac www.maccosmetics.co.uk
This matte fi nish product is blendable and buildable. Excellent choice for dark Asian skin tone.

Laura Mercier Blush Colour Infusion Blusher £24.00 John Lewis www.johnlewis.com
If you fall into this category, many diff erent colours will suit your complexion. Use a warm shade for the winter months and a soft coral colour during the summer months. Medium Skin
The velvet fi nish powders makes for fl awless blending.

Blushing Palette £30.00 Bella Pierre www.bellapierre.com
A beautifully curated collection of classic blush colours, this palette consists of shimmers, matte and satin fi nishes. A beautifully curated collection of classic blush colours, this palette consists of shimmers,

Narsissist Wanted Cheek Palette II £45.00 Nars www.narscosmetics.co.uk Narsissist Wanted Cheek
For deep and ebony skin tones, blushers with a hint of red look beautiful. Browns and bronzes also suit deep skin tones. Deep Skin
This reddish neutral brown will suit most dark skin tones. Wear it as a natural everyday blush or build it up for a more intense fi nish.
Powder Blush £19.50 Mac www.maccosmetics.co.uk Colour intense and highly pigmented, this product will brighten and shape your face with one sweep.
Powder Blusher £18.40 Illamasqua www.illamasqua.com