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Maths News:- Page 42

Two sixth form teams competed in Ritangle this year, a competition designed for teams of 16-18 year olds who study A-Level maths anywhere in the world. Last year, Cherwell’s Year 13 team won the competition, so as defending champions the teams were keen to put in a good performance. October marked the start of the competition with one question released every week, but as the days shortened the pace quickened. By mid-November a question was released each day, every answer spitting out a code letter to be deciphered and used to unlock the final question. 32 questions and two months for an opportunity to answer the final big question, this competition is not for the fickle or unambitious. A testament to their determination, skill and ingenuity, both teams managed to get to the final question and submitted quality answers. A special mention should go to Mr. Dyer, Mr. Nollett and Mr. Majithia for their contribution in encouraging and guiding the students through their own love of maths.

And just for fun, here is one of the questions from this year’s competition.

New Look For Math’s staircase

The Maths block on North Site has recently been transformed, with a variety of mathematical images and information decorating the walls and stairs. Themes range from sequences of numbers and geometric shapes to real world application of maths.

By Mr Jamieson, Mr Nollett and Mr Majithia

Working with artist Dionne Freeman and the Bodleian library Cherwell students have been exploring and responding to the John Locke Unlocked Exhibit at the Bodleian. We have been experimenting with philosophical ideas through a range of creative activities from stencilling on wood, experimental drawing with bike lights to marbling and windmill making! The exhibit focuses on philosophy and students have used the activities to investigate and unpick key questions like can we identify objects just through vision or touch? What makes you, you? And, how do we know what we know? There are 6 key ideas in the exhibit and the workshops explore one idea per session. Students have been producing fantastic artwork which is being shared and celebrated at the Bodleian library alongside the exhibit. By Dione Freeman

Thank-you for your generous donations to support Ukraine! Students have been working hard to bag up donations ready to deliver to Carterton Leisure Centre. Cherwell students wore blue/yellow on Friday 18th our day of care for others! #DayforUkraine

By B Beard

Photo below: RAF collecting the parcels to take to Carterton

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