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Message From Chair of Governors:- Page 4

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PE News:- Pages 70

PE News:- Pages 70

The Governing Body has remained constant this year. I’m really pleased to let you know that Martin Thornley will take up the role of Chair of Governors in September and I will continue to take on a safeguarding and student wellbeing brief for another year. We welcome Tony Brett as a co-opted governor with a specialism in IT to support improvements in the school’s IT infrastructure. We will look to elect a new parent governor in the autumn so do watch out for that next term.

I hope everyone has a relaxing summer and I wish all our leavers, staff and students, the very best in the next chapter of their lives.

Nicola Small Head of Administration & Finance


Where to even start! We were thrown with all the challenges and highs and lows we could possibly face, however we built some strong resilience, patience and understanding over the last 18 months. DofE has not quite been the same this year,

Bronze got hit the hardest, no camping, no big bags, no planning. We had a wonderful time though, activities on the field, putting tents up, cooking and some map skills. They also got to explore more of the Oxford countryside that we have right on our doorstep and navigate their way to Wytham woods and around Port Meadow.

Silver, what a joy to work with! We had a great time venturing off from Hill End for their practice, so many good laughs and memories created on that trip. They had an interesting start to their Qualifying Expedition, setting off from school in the pouring rain! Another fantastictrip. I am so proud of the skill and maturity they showed in completing their awards.

Gold has been amazing, we are so grateful we got a proper expedition with them, we set off for Wales for the practice expedition where the students and teachers learnt many new skills. Then just a week later they headed off to complete their award.

I am so proud of all the students who have completed their awards, especially in this very unique year we have had! Congratulations everyone.

Miss Overbeck - Duke of Edinburgh

Year 9 DofE Bronze Award (2020/21)

Year 10 DofE Bronze Award (2020/21)

Year 11 DofE Silver Award (2020/21)

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