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English Dept News: Page 29


By Ms Hathaway and the English Dept Team

Year 7 Gothic Tales - Redheart Theatre

It’s been quite an eventful week for Year 7 in English; following on from the storming success of their Shakespeare’s Living Library, students were launched back into the world of the Gothic! We were delighted to have Redheart Theatre company come in and visit us on Friday 8th July and perform their ‘Gothic Tales’ to end the week. Students were treated to dramatic performances of ‘The Red Room’ by H G Wells and ‘The Signalman’ by Charles Dickens. The afternoon was full of plenty of drama and thrills as the genre kept us all on the edge of our seats. Students are now going to end the year creating their own spooky pieces so do look out for these at home - maybe they can even make you jump too! Ms Hathaway


By Mr Burton - Design & Technology

A group of Year 10 Engineering students had a fantastic time this term, taking part in a new initiative from BMW. Students were put into teams of 4/5, then set the task of constructing a pedal go-kart together from basic parts. They followed instructions on an IPAD and had to find the right tools and parts in their pit station. (A BMW apprentice was on hand to help if needed). Upon completion, pupils took it in turns to pedal their go-kart around a track in the best time.

Grateful thanks to BMW for giving our students this exciting opportunity.

Mr Burton, Design & Technology

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