8 minute read

Performing Arts: Page 52

Cherwell Reconnects Arts! Well done to all the wonderful performers who put on a fabulous show


By Mr Madden and Mrs Goble

Year 7 have had a fantastic start on their educational journey here at the Cherwell School. They have transitioned into secondary school with great maturity and have settled in really well to the way we do things here. Since our last newsletter, the past two terms have gone from strength to strength with the increase in opportunities available and the school opening up a little more, with enrichment programmes running in both English and Science, more Sports Clubs on offer to students and more notable of all, the Venture Award where 55 Year 7 students went and camped overnight at Hill End. Despite the challenges this cohort have had to deal with over the past two years we could not be more proud of the Year 7s as they have been able to adapt to change straight from their arrival here. They have experienced more change than some students have seen in their whole time at Cherwell but have managed this transition smoothly! They have learnt to be kind, responsible and adaptable in different ways and all of these traits will set them up for the coming year and beyond. We have seen and been impressed by how proactive Year 7 are, with so many activities being organised amongst themselves at both break and lunch, and some even spilling over to after school. As we move towards the Summer holidays we would also like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing Year 7 tutors who have worked incredibly hard to support their form groups, ensuring they are set up for success each morning. We would also like to thank all the teachers and support staff who have worked closely with our students to support their progress in lessons throughout the year. Have an amazing Summer break everyone!


By Ms Hodkinson and Miss Evans

This term in Year 8 has been a very busy one! We are preparing for the move to Year 9, and have been working on stepping up to the next year at school. In Year 9, students will start their GCSEs (they start their Citizenship GCSE, which they take in Year 10) and much of their classwork will be geared towards GCSE style questions or topics. To help Year 8s think about next steps, our very own Careers Advisor Jason Davis organised a Year 8 Careers Human Library which took place in June. This was a fantastic event and Year 8s had a chance to ask some brilliant questions to the 30 or so professionals who came in to speak to them. Students really benefited from speaking to adults in the world of work, and conducted themselves with real maturity and gratitude. Excitingly, Year 8 were also part of a Trainee Psychologists' research project this term, and had a lesson delivered about Understanding Sensory Experiences. The students really enjoyed the project and we know the University of Oxford appreciated and valued working with the students.

A huge highlight for us this year has been The Venture Award, which 60 students are on their way to complete. We had a great (and very sunny) trip to Hill End where the students learned all kinds of new skills and made new friends. They are continuing to complete their booklets and many look forward to moving to the Duke of Edinburgh Award next year. We are really looking forward to even more fun and hard work in Year 9!


By Ms Bristow, Mrs Kidd and Ms Wiggins

In recent weeks, Year 9 have successfully made the transition to North Site and they have shown resilience, responsibility and opportunity in abundance. I am excited to see them start their chosen GCSE options in September this year. This term we have seen the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award take place and students have been building new skills in their after-school sessions. They have learned to read maps, understand contours, use a compass and work as a team. They have successfully completed a two-day expedition and overnight camp in Youlbury and as a year group they showed comradery, leadership and ambition. It was a real pleasure to see them achieve such a prestigious award. Individually in the year group, we have had a number of successes. Erin - 9SMj is competing in the Rowing Championships. Abby - 9ML continues to progress with her football career at Oxford United, Oxfordshire County, Oxfordshire Schools and has had trials for Southern England! James - 9SRv attended an Out of School Educational Day at RAF Benson. Here he learned about an experience flying in gliders which was offered by RAF pilots for those serving as Air Cadets. Leo raced in his first regatta and his quad won the U14s, since then Leo was selected to row in the National Schools Regatta in Windsor and achieved a Gold medal. In addition to this, Sharin - 9SRv has been chosen for publication in a book showcasing young adults’ work called “Empowered 2022- Electrifying words”. Sharin’s poem “Humanity’s Illusions” will be featured in the book and a copy of this will remain in the National Archives of the British Library forever! Meanwhile, Leo has been busy raising an astonishing £1,260.35 and £150 gift aid after completing a 4-mile charity wheelchair race. All donations went to The Sabre Trust and will make a difference to so many people who want to have a go at wheelchair fencing but also who want to progress further in the sport. Leo has become a passionate wheelchair fencer in recent months with the help of The Sabre Trust. He is now fencing with Wantage FC where he found a lovely group of fencers (mixed ability, all ages). He was welcomed warmly and is currently the only wheelchair fencer at the club. Congratulations to these individuals who continue to represent Cherwell and their excellence, both inside and outside of school. I am in awe of the talent the year group have and the opportunities that they take advantage of, developing their transferable skills for now and their lives beyond Cherwell. Well done on an incredible year! We wish you a lovely Summer and a well-earned break. As always - be good, be safe and be careful. We will see you in Year 10!


By Mr Hopkins and Ms Wells

The Summer term is a brilliant time of year to be in school with the warmer weather, lighter days and a noticeably quieter North Site. The eldest students on site have been brilliant role models throughout the exam period which was mirrored by Year 10 during the recent Citizenship exams. I have been extremely impressed with the growing maturity which Year 10 are showing in their organisation, time keeping and learning behaviours within the classroom. This can be seen through a significant increase in students being consistently on time for school, a reduction in C3's and growing attendance numbers. A recent Student Voice Meeting has led to the request for lockers and the graduation towards using the canteen space at lunchtime which should both be in action before the end of term. The Thorpe Park Rewards Trip is building excitement and momentum with each week that passes. I am looking forward to the students having a fun experience of school which has been missing during the COVID pandemic. In line with our school value of opportunity, Term 6 also presents experiences with the Mock Interview Day, Sports Day and graduating to the previous Year 11 zone. We look forward to seeing the youngsters go from strength to strength in this final push before the Summer break.

The Year 11s have had an intense and long GCSE exam period where they continuedto demonstrate the focus and resilience we've come to expect from them. At the same time, students arefinalising their post 16 options. Most are heading to Sixth Form, others to college and still more to an impressive array of apprenticeships. We came to the end of our five years together as a year group this week with our Leavers' Assembly where we awarded some prizes in categories such as 'most likely to win a Nobel Prize' and 'Best Smile,' handed out the 2022 year-book and premiered the Year 11 Leavers' video, link here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kAQ0OQAlKr41is9-Sxk3DphsxNyhufCM/view?usp=sharing and we had the Year 11 Celebration Evening where we partied at a local hotel. The prom committee raised £600 and spent the day decorating the hotel room, it looked fantastic. Students arrived in style, there was a lot of dancing and Amela and Poppy gave a great speech. The energy was truly celebratory. It was a great way to see out our five years together and to look forward to whatever iscoming next. Good luck Year 11.


By Ms Kelbrick and Mrs Knight

YEAR 11 PROM 2022

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