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MFL News:- Page 19


By Mr J Mehrabian

Sobre La Deforestación - By Leyla Mignon Arabic talks about the benefits of reading By Aia Sadullah


Mrs S Williams

The food room has been very busy in terms 1 and 2 making up for not cooking. It would be impossible to include all the food photos that are worthy of sharing but here are a few examples.

Year 9 students have really enjoyed being in the kitchen making a range of meals but I managed to capture a few of the kebabs.

Year 10 students have been mastering a variety of sauce making techniques and cake making methods

Joe Crosskey made a flawless Roux sauce and used it to make a Macaroni cheese. I only just managed to get a snap before it disappeared! We turned our attention to different cake making methods next. I managed to get a few photos of the product of the rubbing in method before they were scone!!!

Year 10 scones Joe Crosskey made a flawless Roux sauce and used it to make a Macaroni cheese

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