2 minute read
Year 11 Mock Virtual Interviews:- Page 8


By Mrs L Dale, KS4 Administrator
Grateful thanks to our interviewers:
Mark Massingham, Prof John Parrington, Steve Hartley, Andy Pillidge, Caroline Angelow, Squadron Leader Julie Fell, Raquel Au, Laura Jones, Matt Bryant, Carmen Bohne, Matt Collett, Mark Wells, Sam Danquah, Andy Batt, Shivani Gupta, Aliysa from Lifts and Sprints, Daniela Petrovic, Tony Skowronski, Sally Andreou, Deepika Tatineni, Mark Vingoe, Heidi Black, Sarah Watson, Kingsley Ugwu, Sue Morris, Sev Gunes-Lasnet, Sarah Marlow, Sally Green, Stephanie Stansbie, Dr Carmel Kent, Alessia Gargiulo, Helen Johnson, Dan Gibbons, Poly Smart, Karen McDonald, Nicola Dunstan, Annette Gautrey, Evie Bennett, Elaine Johnstone, Stuart Murray, Tehmeena Ajmal, Kasey Watson, Dr Nick Starkey, Juliet Mumby-Croft, Prof Dani Prieto Alhambra, Simon Clarke, Alexandra Bailey, Dr Blanca Rodriguez, Eileen Modral, Alison Woodhead, Claire Hutchings, Saranga Ranasinghe, Atreya Chaganty, Emma Baxter, Mohammed Hamid, Aoife O'Neil and Cherwell staff Mr Price, Mr Davis and Mr Hilton. And thank you to
Jamie in IT support!

UP’: ’Cherwell geographers were very privileged to host Professor Danny Dorling for a lecture on 'Levelling Up' in the North Site Hall on Tuesday 9th November 2021. Prof Dorling has now delivered a lecture to our students two years running, but to have him here in person rather than on Zoom was brilliant! We also hosted students from around the city and county as part of the Oxford Geographical Association series of lectures, and students and staff alike were taken on a journey through both global and UK inequality, with key evidence highlighted and some suggestions proposed for how to tackle these issues, which is both topical and relevant to the A Level specification. Thanks go to Prof Dorling for giving up his time to support our students, and we look forward to hosting him again when he is able to.
By Mr Littlewood Head of Geography

Year 12 and Year 13 geographers have made the short trip to St Edwards twice this term for Oxford Geographical Association Lectures. We heard from the President of the GA, Alan Parkinson on Space and Place, and then most recently from the acclaimed author and commentator Tim Marshall, who spoke to us about his latest book ‘The Power of Geography’, all about global geopolitics. Fascinating speakers which took us well beyond the curriculum, and more lined up for next term! Thanks to Mr Huck and Miss Pearson for accompanying myself and the students.
By Mr Littlewood Head of Geography